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The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa • Page 19

Des Moines, Iowa
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THE REGISTER AND LEADER: SUNDAY MORNING, nKCKMHKH So. ii Fashions and Beauty in The Tribune later, "keep your heart, brain and hands busy my daughter, this is my recipe for women in thralldom." -f- -r JCMOR COUNCIL "GET ACQUAINTED SOCIAL." -The Council of Jewish Juniors Gift Suggestions in Condensed Form Just Four Days More-Don't Worry-But Hurry will hold their first annual "Get Acquainted Social" this evening at the Temple, Eighth and Pleasant streets. A reception committee composed of the Misses Ada Jacobs, Irene Fisher, Sylvia Perowsky, Rose LIpshitz and Sarah Miloslowsky and the Messrs. Harry Marks, Abe Davidson, Harry Frankel, Bennie Ginsberg, Harry Sllberman and Ralph and Eugene Mannheimer will receive the mem-; here. The Misses Inez Rubinson, Mary Ginsberg, Sarah Chapman, Fannie Lapper, Rose Rothchild and Anna A TRIP through this store even a hurried trip such as you must make most beautiful of these women on dress and care of the body and face.

It is an invaluable addition to the information on the subject. Contributions on these subjects have been published by The Tribune from such stars as Louise Dresser, Fannie Ward. Anna Held, Dorothy Webb, Mabelle MacDouald, Elsie Ferguson, Christine McDonald, Edna Goodrich, Gaby Deslys, Julia Dean, Josephine Victor, Leouore Ulrlch, Madge Kennedy and many others. The fashions in The Tribune are the last word in style. The information from Paris is first hand.

Whenever it appears in The Tribune it can be set down as the latest. Every feature of interest to housewives, mothers, growing girls, young ladles In society, school girls, is covered in The Tribune. Household affairs, menus, decorations tor the home and table, etiquette everything of concern in the home Is given a place. The Tribune makes a special effort to supply for the women of Iowa the best features relating to fashions and personal beauty that can be secured. Almost every day two features of this kind are published.

There is a practical dressmaking feature which gives an outline pattern and picture of a garment such as any woman can make with her needle in her home, if she will apply the information practically. Mme. Lodewick also writes practical dressmaking instructions for Tribune readers, always helpfully illustrated and of the latest styles. By arrangement with several of the great fashion magazines of the country The Tribune is able alBO to reproduce pictures and descriptions from them. Everyone knows that actresses in cities like New York are authority on dress and personal adornment and beauty.

The Tribune is able to print frequent personal interviews with the Lwich and the Messrs. Robert Redstone, Alfred Riegelman, Louis Adel-man, Leon Brody, Fred Blotcky and Btllle Blum will act as hosts and hostesses for the evening. A very in when only four more days remain to do your shopping will provide a wealth of new inspiration in things to give. You'll find that you can shop more quickly at Wilkins' and that is a consideration of importance in these busy, bustling days. Convenience of store arrangement and speedy service make chopping here a pleasure.

Come early in the morning if you can you'll find it less crowded then but if you can't come early in the morning, we'll serve you well whenever you come. teresting programme has been ar ranged so that every member win gei acquainted with his fellow member, -H -r -r-MISS litlCY BOUNDS HOSTESS TO FRISB1B CLl'B. The Frisble club will be enter tained Monday evening by Miss Lucy illness of Governor Larrabec'B brother. RRVIKW (LIB CHRISTMAM FAKTY. The Review club Christmas party will be held Monday, Dec.

28, instead of Dec. 23, with Mrs. Robert Coskery of 1407 Center street. ANKED TO CALL FOR FfBNITI RE. The chairmen of the various churches and others having furniture contim xr TiiTriyK street.

The guests will Include Mr. and Mrs. Smedes and family and Mr. and Mrs. W.


Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bolton will entertain the family at an all day party Christmas day at their home on Thirty-ninth street. The guests will arrive in time for breakfast and the Christinas tree. HOSPITAL AIXII.IAKY TO MEET.

The Woman's Auxiliary of the Store Open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings. Closed Thursday Evening at 7 O'clock. caiidepend on Jmzffif jrVS-O this store's last mm- Women's Bathrobes 3.75 to 5.98 Something every woman will gladly welcome. A great variety of blanket robes in beautiful designs and colors, prettily trimmed, at and 6.98 and dainty eiderdown robes in solid colors at 3.75. Iowa Congregational Hospital association will meet Tuesday at 2 o'clock with Dr.

Alice Hatch, 522 Good block. Attorney General and Mrs. George Cosson are the parents of a son born i Saturday morning, at their i Jewelry Season End Sale of HAIR GOODS Women's Pretty Waists There aro dozens of them here charming enough for a queen. Among them are beautiful models in flowered chiffon. Georgette crepes, pussy willow silks and crepe do chines.

All the fashionable colors such as flesh maize, pink, white and dark colors are shown at 3.08 to 8.50. Gold top lavalllcres, 50c to ,2.50. French pearl necklaces, 25c to 2.50. Three-pin collar sets, 25c and 50c. Men's 3-piece cuff sets, 50c to $1.

Men's scarf pins from 23c to 1.50. Dainty Bracelets from 50c to 2.08. Beautiful Lockets from 50c to 1.08. Bar pins priced from 25c to 1.08. Bead bags from 25c up to 915.

Some especially interesting prices for Holiday Week. Switches 22 inch length, wavy, with 3 separate stems. Snitches 3.9826 inch length, wavy, with 3 separate stems, Swlthes 4.08 All 28 inch, wavy switches. 1589 East Ninth street. The newcomer will be named George Cob-son, Jr.

4- -fr The Mere Maids club will hold the annual Christmas party Monday evening with Miss Bernice Bragg at her home on Mondamln avenue. FAMILY DIN NEK. Mr. and Mrs. B.

F. Carroll will entertain at a family dinner Christmas at their home on East Ninth street. CANTATA AT K1KKUOOD SCHOOL. Friday evening the Klrkwood school was the scene of a pretty Christmas cantata in which the pupils of all grades took part. The cantata was repeated to an overflow audience and at the close of the programme a Santa Claus appeared and distributed pop corn balls and candy.

-S- -f- -r- Mrs. William Larrabee has written her Des Moines friends that she has returned to her home at Clermont, following a visit in Connecticutt where she was called by the serious Doll Wigs, Pompadours and Curls. Hair Dressing, Children's. Hair Cutting, Bleaching and Dyeing. KENNEDY'S HAIR SHOP THIRD FLOOR Women's $3 and 5.98 Sweaters 3.98 One is an angora sweater of high quality in smart styles with little touches of color in the collar, cuffs and belt.

They are shown in Royal blue, green, magenta and bright shades of red. The others are in heavy rope stitch weave, with high rolling collars and either belted or straight models. They are very warm and confortable. Women's Silk Kimonos We are showing every, desirable style, many cut on long straight lines, others in pleated effects. They are made of lovely delicately colored crepe de chines in plain colors and also in charming floral patterns, daintily trimmed with ribbons and shirrings, at 2.08 to 8.05.

Dainty Neckwear Dainty dress sets made of organdy. Some are plain hemstitched styles while others are beautifully embroidered. 23c to 3.1)8. Very pretty new mallne stock collars with high backs with black velvet collar bands. 80c and 08c.

Many styles in stand up collars in organdies and dainty lace effects. 25c to 1.08. New epaulettes and fancy bows in all the new colors. 23c and 50c. Ostrich neck ruffs In all the new colors.

2.08 to 12.08. Many pretty dainty styles in boundoir caps. 50c to 2.50. Rounds at her home on Slxteentn and Pleasant street. A grab bag will be a feature of the evening and each member is requested to bring a 10 cent gift.

4- MR. AND MRS. GERARD NOM.EN HOSTS AT FAMILY DINNER. and Mrs. Gerard Nollen will entertain at a family dinner Christmas.

The guests will include the members of the W. W. Witmer Mr. and Mrs. Jay E.

Tone and family and the members of the Nollen family. PROGRAMME FOR ANNUAL EISTEDDFOD. The second annual Eisteddfod will held in Des Moines Feb. 12 at the Auditorium and already inquiries have been coming In to the secretary, Mr. R.

W. Hughes, regarding the contest and the awards. The programme follows: The chief choral competition shall consist of two pieces designated and will a choral competition: will be a flee. The two pieces shall be combined as one. "See What Love Hath the Father." From 8t.

Paul Mendelssohn. "Sleighing Glee." by Gwllyn Owent. First prise 400.00. Second prise 1M.00. A gold and silver medal will be given the respective successful conductors.

Male chorus, "Castilla," by Protheroe. 20 Ii5 voices. Prize $75 00. Female chorus. "The Bells of Aherdovy," irranged by T.

J. Davles. 20 to 3S voices. Prise $75.00. Mixed chorus of IB voices.

"Moonlight and Music." by Pinsutl. Prize $30.00. Children's chorus, soprano and alto voices. "If I Were a Star." by Dr. Parry.

The number of voices shall be not less tnan twenty-five nor more than forty. Prize $50.00 and gold medal to successful conductor. Quartette mixed voices, "He Slumbers Not," from Cantata, "The Story of Bethlehem," by Protheroe. Prize $10.00. Quartette male voices.

"Annie Laurie." arranged by Dudley Buck. Prlie $10.00. Quartette female voices, "My Lady Chlo," by H. Clough Lelghter. Prize $10.00.

Double Welsh Quartette mixed voices, Delyn Aur." Prlis $20.00. Duet, soprano and alto, "Autumn," by Mendelssohn. Prire $5.00. Duet, tenor and baas, "The Two Bards," by Parson Price. Prize Soprano Solo, "Mountain Brooklet," by Wm.

Davles. Prize, gold medal. Mezzo soprano solo, "Moonlight," by Robe J. Jones. Prize gold medal.

Alto solo. "The Widow's Lullahy," by Pughe-Evans. Prize, gold medal. Tenor solo, "The Children's Isle," by E. Davis.

Prize gold medal. Basa solo, "The Tempest," by R. Hughes. Prize, gold medal. Baritone solo, "Cambria, My Land," by Protheroe.

Prize, gold medal. Solo for all children under 14 vears of age, "Jesus. Friend of Little Children," by Dr. Rhys Herbert. First prize, $2.50.

Second prize, $1 BO Third prize, $1.00. Solo for all children under 10 years of age "The Moon." by Protheroe, from "Cotton Dolly' and Other Hongs." First prize, $2.50. Second, $1.60. Third, $1.00, Piano solo for adults, "Prelude," by 8 Rachmaninoff, Op. 8, No.

2. Prize, gold medal. Piano solo for children under 14 years of age, "Elfentanza," by Edw. Crleg, Op. 12 No.

4. $100' Prllie' 2'B9' Scona- "S0- Third, Declamation for adults, "The Blind Preacher." Prize, gold medal. reclamation for children, "The Flower of Liberty." $1 00St 25' 1'50- Third, Welsh declamation, "Araeth Budduz." bv Hevtn Prize, $5 00. Attorney General and Mrs. George Cosson are the parents of a son born yesterday morning at Iheir home, 1699 East Ninth street.

The new baby will be named George Cosson. Jr. Miss Mlldren Bennett entertained fifteen friends at a Christmas party Friday evening. The home was decorated in red and green and a large Christmas tree with gifts for each guest was a pleasant feature of the evening. Games formed the pleasant diversion.

Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bower will be hosts at a family dinner Christmas day at their home, 1641 Seventeenth Men's Bathrobes $3 and $5 Made of heavy, warm bathrobe blankets in beautiful soft solors extra good values at 83 and 95.

Lunch Cloths A very appropriate gift. These are of extra fine quality and beautifully hemstitched. 36 x36 In. at 70c, 08c and 1.88. 45 x45in.

at 1.48 and 1.08. Bed Spreads A great variety of hemmed, saclloped and fringed styles art special prices. $7 to $8 values, 4.08. $5 to $6 values at 8.48. Dresser Scarfs 1-3 Off A special lot of handmade Cluny lace and Madeira Scarfs and centers now on sale at 1-8 off.

Pillow Cases 25c Beautiful hemstitched pillow cass, size 36x46 and daintily embroidered, oh sale, each at 25c. $2 Pattern Cloths 1.39 Yard Irish linen pattern cloths In round patterns only. Sizes 2 2, 2x24 and 2x3. S2 yd. value, sale priced 81.39 yd.

$3 Pattern Cloths 2.39 Yard Very desirable linen pattern cloths in round and square pat-ems, size 2x2, 2x21, 2x3, 4x2, S3 values, sale price, 2.80. 1.50 Pattern Cloths 1.19 Yard Beautiful Irish linen pattern cloths In sizes 2x2, 2x2J, 2x3. Our best 1.60 value, yard for 1.10. 3.98 Napkins 3.29 A special offering of 22 inch Irish linen napkins, regular 3.93 values, for 3.20. Luncheon Napkins 6 for 1.39 A collection of pretty scalloped edge Madeira lunchon napkins with hand embroidered corners on sale at 6 for 1.80.

fl? Of Unusual Interest --This Holiday Week Sale of Children's Coats Parisian Ivory Toilet Articles Powder boxes from 50c to 3.50 Hair receivers from 50c to 3.50 Mirrors, each, 2.50 up to 0.08 Clothes brushes at 1.50 to 2.50 Hair brushes from 1.50 to 8.08 Trays priced from 25c to 3.50 Nail files, each, from 23c to 50c Cuticle knives from 25c to 50c Button hooks from 25c to 50c Cold Cream jars at 35c to 1.50 Jewel boxes at 1.08 up to 6.08 Clocks, each, from 1.50 to 2.50 Leather Novelties Sewing sets in cases, $1. Drinking cups in leather caBes, 25c to 2.08. Manicure sets in leather cases, 50c to 3.08. Clothes hangers in suede cases, 50c to 2.50. Coat and trouser hangers from 80c to 1.50.

Pullman slippers in leather cases, $1 to 1.50. Silk boundoir slippers in silk cases pink, blue and black, at 1.75. Shaving pads at 25c. Portfolios, 1.50 to 3.08. Playing cards in leather cases, 50c to 1.50.

Music rolls from 75c up to 3.50. Ebony military brushes in cases, 1.50 to $5. Leather collar bags at from 50c to 3.50. Leather collar boxes at from to 1.08. Brass Goods Smoking stands in brushed brushed brass, 73c, 08c, 1.50, 1.08, 2.50, 2.00, 3.50 and 3.08.

Glass Lined Cigar Jars, 80c, $1,1.23, 1.00 ami 1.08. Ash Trays, 25c, 30c, 50c, 75c and 08c. Smoking Sets on Trays, 85c, to 5.08. Dinner Gongs, 1.25, 2.50, 3.50. Jardinieres, 75c, 08c, 1.50 up to 3.50.

Vases, 50c, 00c, 1.30, 2.50. Serving Trays, 75c and 1.50. Desk Sets, 1.08 to 10.08. Hair Ornaments At 50c to 9.98 Beautiful crescent pins set with white and colored stones. At 26c to 1.50 Tango pins a popular novelty.

At 60c to 7.50 San Gene combs. At 60c to $5 A wonderful assortment of dainty new bar-rettes with white and colored settings. Every Child's Coat in Our Entire Stock Goes on Sale Because the selling season for children's coats is almost over, and because we want to quickly clear out the remainder of our stocks, we've decided to drop the prices in time to encourage folks who want to buy practical gifts for Christmas. Just read this list of savings. Sterling Silver Gift Articles Sterling silver files, button books and cuticle knives, each at 25c and 50c.

Sterling silver manicure sets of many kinds at from 98c to 5.08. Sterling silver military brushes in leather cases at from 85 to 8.08. Sterling silver toilet sets, three pieces, at prices ranging from 7.50 to 10.08. Christmas Tags and Novelties Hundreds of quaint little remembrances for those folkB you want to give something pretty 'for friendship's sake. And everything you need to make the gift package look pretty and "Christmassy." You'll be delighted with the many pretty things shown and pleased with the very moderate prices.

Books Nothing will be more appreciated by folks who like books than our line of popular fiction. Hundreds of titles in stock including many "best sellers" that were 1.20 or 1.50 a short time ago. They are printed on good paper, well bound and many have Illustrations by famous artists. Men's Neckties 35c to $1 Four very carefully chosen lots of new designs that are at once stylish and becoming always welcome gifts. Prices 35c, 50c, 75c and $1, Men's Silk Hose 50c The famous Phoenix guaranteed silk hose beautiful in appearance and the most serviceable on the market.

One pair In a holiday box, 50c. Men's Handkerchiefs 69c Box Men's fine linen handkerchiefs with white or colored initials, packed three in a holt-day box at, per box, (10c, Men's Combination Sets 50c to 1.50 Many attractive combinations of matched hose, tie, handkerchiefs, suspenders, put up in holiday boxes especially for gift purposes at from 50c to 1.50. Men's Silk Front Shirts 1.25 A very beautiful shirt for winter wear; silk fronts and pongee bodies, desirable stripe patterns, ideal for gift purposes and very inexpensive. Toys at Vk to Off i off on Toy Trunks worth Girl's 5.98 to 7.50 Coats at 1-8 off on Skin Rocking llorees, regularly 4.60 to 7.60. 1.50 Doll Carts, rubber tired, at 98c.

69c Kitchen Cabinets, special at 40c. 69c Toy Bungalows priced at 80c each. 60c Building Blocks, regularly, no 85c. off on Friction Street Cars, regularly $1. off on White Toy Furniture worth from 1.25 to $5.

Handkerchiefs A most complete showing of women's handkerchiefs including plain white ones embroidered in white and colors, also colors, borders, colored and white lace edges on. linen centers a great assortment of Initials, specially priced for Monday at 15c. A'omen's crepe de chine handkerchiefs in all colors, 23c. Women's colored border handkerchiefs with or without Initials at 15c, 25c, 85c. Linen handkerchiefs with dainty hand embroidered designs at 13r, 25c, 35c, 50c, 08c.

Men's colored border and colored Initial handkerchiefs at 15c. Men's plain linen handkerchiefs, full sizes with narrow and wide hems at 121c, 15c, 25c, 85c and 50c Men's inltlrl handkerchiefs beautifully embroidered initials. 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. Boy's plain and initial handkerchiefs at 10c, 15c and 25c. Scarfs Dainty Scarfs $1 to 5.98 They're made of plain crepe de chine in white, pink, lavender and malse.

Scarfs 98c to 10.98 We're showing also beautiful crepe de chine scarfs in floral designs at these prices. Lace Scarfs 2.50 to 9.98 Spanish lace scarfs in white, cream and black. Colored Lace Scarfs 2.50 A special price on scarfs in pink, blue, lavender, malse, cream and black. Chiffon Scarfs 98c to 5.98 Chiffon scarfs in all shades and colors. Heavy, all wool, warm garments in chinchillas, cheviots, plaids and novelties, good coats that have high convertible collar and deep pockets.

Mysterious Box If you have not seen the mysterious box In the show window of The Hufl-dorff Music House, nth and Walnut you have missed something. Tou hav until Wednesday evening to Bee It and at that time the mystery will be revealed. The question Is, WHAT IS IT? A figure appears, walks up and down like a human being-, but is It? Some human being, are made to look like Soils, and some dolls made to look like human beings. Some two months ago, no doubt you read In the papers about the Invention of a wooden man that actually walked, breathed, and talked, and had the ap. Girls' 8.50 to 9.50 Coats Now QQ Smart styles sO in chinchillas and plain coats belted models with convertible collars, double breasted especially becoming models that are cozy and warm on winter days.

Tots' 3.98 to 5.98 Coats 2.75 One lot of tots' coats in chinchillas, plaids, corduroys, mixtures and plain cloths, warm, all wool coats for both boys and girls, neat and Girls' $5 and 5.98 Coats Now qq A special lot I of girls' coats In M. chinchillas and novelties well made garments, warm and heavy and all full lined with high collars and deep pockets. Girls' 4.50 to 5.98 Coats 2.98 These are good, comfortable, warm, double breasted coats with high collars, deep pockets, made of fancy cheviots, mixtures and plain cloths in desirable colors. Housefurnishings Gifts 25c fancy china now 15c a piece. Fancy china regularly 39c, now at 25c.

Chafing dishes and coffa machines worth from $6 to $15, for 2.08. Gas and electric reading lamps at off. Values from $4 to $12. $4 Electric iron, 6 guaranteed 10 years, now at 2.50. Aluminum combination cooker 7 items in one $3 value at 1.08.

$3 Aluminum Percolator, 6 cup, 1.40. Ribbon Novelties i In the ribbon section, the seeker after Christmas gifts will find many very pretty and useful novelties made of beautiful ribbons in every color and design. Not one but will makn a gift that will be gladly welcomed and much used. Prices range from 15c to $3. Juniors' 7.50 to $10 Coats Trefousse Gloves These gloves worln the world over, and everywhere worn by the most particular women are for sale In Des Moines only at Wllklus.

They are excellent Christmas gifts, practical appropriate and Give Hosiery It's a gift every woman can always use. We have many splendid values in all colors, qualities and sizes, ranging from beautiful silk lisle at 50c up to the finest all silk stocking of the famous Kayser and Wayneknit brands at 2.50. fl Warm, new winter coats in cheviots with belted backs very comfortable garments, double breasted and with deep jockets, etc 4.89 pearance of a real man. Possibly the figure appearing In this window at 11:45 a. m.

to 12:80 p. .1:45 to p. m. and 7:80 to 8:15 p. Is a wooden man; possibly It Is a mechanical doll; possibly It Is a real man; possibly there Is more than one the changing of the costumes will puzzle you.

Thie is for you to solve. However, the mya tery will be revealed Wednesday even-In at I. SO. Adv. 'er 1.

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