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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 1

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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BLYTHEVILLE COURIER NEWS DOMINANT NEWSPAPER OF NORTHEAST ARKANSAS AND SOUTHEAST MISSOURI VOL. 23 Truman Wants Nation To Diet And Save Lives USDA Drafts Orders For Smaller Loaves So Others May Eat WASHINGTON, April 17. Presictcnl Truman again today asked Americans to save lives by less nnd the Agriculture Dejiavt- inent drafted orders to cut ihc weight of bread loaves and curtail domestic (lour consumption. The President at his news conference said it would be a idea if Americans would go on a diet two rinys week similar to the low- caloric diet of Ihe average European He said It would be good thing if this two-day-a-week program were continued as long as starvation continues to threaten disaster abroad. Agriculture Department officials, meanwhile, worked on an order which would require bakers Io cu'.

the weight of loaves by 10 per cent in order to conserve food for shipment to starving peoples overseas. It also is drafting regulation to limit domestic deliveries by flour mills to 15 cent o( deliveries in the corresponding period of 1945. The loaf order would make it possible for bakers to comply legal.y with recommendations of the President's famine emergency committee which first suggested the 10 per cent cut some weeks ago. At that time, however, it wns discovered that many states had laws which regulated the size of bread loaves, making it impossible for bakers in those states to follow the recommendation. Smaller Loaves Officials here believed a order would supersede state law.

Under the original proposal, bakers would put only 90 per cent as much dough as usual in their baking pans, thus producing slightly smaller bread loaf. That would make it unnecessary for them to buy new pans. President Truman's remarks about diet restriction were in io news conference questions. He salt! with emphatic conviction that it would be good for the American people Io know how Europe is eating. He added that enough food wasted every day in this country to satisfy the needs of the starving people of the world.

The President took Issue with tor- mcr Director Herbert Lehmaii bE the" Xinlie'd Nations He- lief and Rehabilitation Administration, who said last night that government has not done everything i it could to help solve the food gcncy. The President said hc was glad io see that Lehman Had his heart in the matter, but that if he had made such a. statement, hc was mistaken. Meanwhile, suggestions for l' ling more (ood to famine countries ranged from a demand by Lehman for resumption of sonic kind of foot! rationing to an appeal by Chester Davis for more voluntary cooperation. Both Davis, head of the President's famine emergency committee, and Secretary of Agriculture Clinton P.

Anderson disagreed sharply with Lehman. Anderson said a bread rationing program now would be "the most severe blow" thai could be dealt world relief efforts. Hc hinted strongly that he still was giving favorable consideration to a proposed Hour restriction order, however, when hc promised that, the government would take whatever action it thought necessary to meet it.s food commitments overseas. "We are determined Dial there shall be a reduction in the domesclc consumption of wheat," hc snid. "We arc determined that it should done by whatever method is found necessary." It was reported that the proposed order merely was awaiting Anderson's signature but that hc was rc- luclnnt to sign until it was certain that smaller bakers would be protected.

It would limit (lour deliveries to 75 per cent of the corresponding period of 1945. Clacking back nt Lehman and other administration critics, said the mere announcement of wheat rationing program might result in hoarding at a time when tlie main problem is to keep wheat flowing freely from farms to loading ixn-Us. "II ought to be remembered," said. "that wheat was never a rationed commodity. Not a single barrel of wheat wns lost by the termination of the rationing program." Blythevllle Daily Newt Courto BlythevllU Hmld ARKANSAS, WKONKSDAY, APRIL 17, 1046 SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS Railroad Strike Is Postponed; Ford Plants To Lay Off 45,000 The President moved to avert a threatened ruilrond strike today, but the Kord Motor Co.

announced it would ay off 45,000 automobile workers because of steel and A strike, set for 6 p. in. on the M-state Hock Island system, was postponed for at least days when Mr. Truman named an emergency board to study the dispute. Tho Brolhernood of Railroad Trainmen had' protested the dismissal of three employes "without a fair hearing." At Detroit, Ford announced a shutdown of indefinite duration because of steel shortages.

Company officials said tin- shutdown, third since Feb. 1, hud been aggravated Ijy the nationwide coal strike. A Ford spokesman Ealci the Lincoln plant would close tonight be- caus of a shortage of steel anct from 36 strike-bound supplier 'Inns. The huge River Rouge plant icar Detroit was scheduled to close tomorrow. Meanwhile, negotiations were re- iiimed In the Butte.

copper dispute, and Westiiighouse Electric Corp. disclosed that $100,000.000 worth of production had been lost Poland Prepares To Brand Spain Threat To Peace UN Security Council Meeting Today Will Hear Formal Charges Gen. MacArthur Firm On Policy Sovief Requests For More Power In Japan Are Turned Down By KAKNKST HOBKRECIIT United I'ress Staff Correspondent TOKYO. April 17. Douglas MncArthur bluntly refused three Russian requests for a greater shnre In shaping Japanese occupation policies today.

At Ihe same time. Soviet charges hat "undemocratic" elements were lolding responsible positions in the Japanese government were bitterly lenounced by Brig. Gen. Courlnnj Whitney, speaking for MncArthm jefore the four-power Allied Con- Council. MacArthiir reminded the counci that its work Is "exclusively advisory and consultative" nnd docs not involve review of actions tnken by the supreme command.

"No arbitrariness of procedure must be allowed to interfere with the prompt and orderly process r.l government administration." the memorandum stated. Denial of the Russian requests came in a crisp personal memorandum from MacArthur to the second meeting of the council. Lt. Gen. Kuzma Derevyanko.

Russian council member, submitted the requests to the supreme command at the first meeting of the council April 5. They were: the supreme command submit to the council all directives seven days prior to issuance. the supreme command order the Japanese government to give council drafts of rescripts and other offlcUl acts 10 days prior to Issuance. headquarters supply cop- NEW VOKK, April I'olaim rhuriiril toiUy that proxlinalrl.v 100,000 German Vichy 1'rciicli militia are locatrri in Spain ami that their principal stations are liarrelona, San Sebastian, Mailrld and Samiwsa. by a strike of 75,000 electrical workers, now in its 93rd day.

Mob violence which swept Duttc apparently had subsided pending Ihe outcome wage talks between Anaconda Copper Co. officials ami representatives of 3.500 striking CIO mine, mill and smelter workers. Th coal walkout, which accounts for more thnn one-half of the nation's 656.000 strike-idled workers, went Into its 17th day. Mediator Paul Fuller was having little success in his efforts to get API. United Mine Workers President John L.

Lewis and the coal operators together in a joint bargaining session. Other labor developments: 1. Nearly 14,000 workers were on strike in the farm equipment industry. More than 1,000 CIO Farm Equipment and Metal workers were idle at Allis Chalmers plants in four cities, and G.500 CIO United Auto Workers have struck against three midwcstem plants ol the J. I Case Co.

2. Fifteen hundred Independent white collar workers at Westinghouse Electric Co. plants throughout the nation accept a cent lourly wage increase. 3. Hollywood's mnjor motion pic- ure studios offered their employes wage increases of cents an lour or 10 per cent, whichever is ilgher.

4. President Truman signed Into Inw a bill aimed at curbing James C. Petrillo and his American Federation of Musicians (AFLO in tJieir dealings with the nation's radi 5. Tlie Youngstown Sheet arii Tube tin mill at East Chicago Miss Carolyn Peterson Picked For 'Lady' In Cotton Carnival It. II.

SII.U KFOKD United Stuff NEW YORK. April 11. (U.P.)- Polnnd will ask the United Nation Security Council today to bram Franco Spain a breeding K''ouni for a new Fascist war nnd i threat to world peace, hill th United stales and Great lirilali will block the punitive action un less new 'evidence agalns Spain Is produced. Having shelved the tangled and prolonged Iranian erase for two days of technical, legal study, the Council nl 3 p. in.

EST will hear Polish Ambassador Oscar Lunge ircscnl his charges ngainst CK'ii- ralissiino Francisco Franco HIU! Mend for joint world action to tquidnte the lO-yctu'-oM Spanish k'tatorship. Poland will seek diplomatic 'quarantine" of The Big Three are split on this ssiie, ns on virtually every other najor political postwar problem. But the Spanish question will iroduce new Council alignment ics of all directives issued since start of the occupation, together with papers received from the Japanese and orders issued by the Japanese government 'in compliance with Allied directives. MacArthur agreed to give the council copies of all supreme command directives 48 hours before issuance, instead of seven days as requested by the Russian delegation Derevyanko immediately entered a protest.

He said the tenor of the refusals "caused apprehension a to the value of the council's work. Derevyanko also had requester complete information on the progress of Japanese demobilization nnt the destruction of military equipment, but it was not Immediate!) known whether MacArthur had complied. The Soviet representative charged Carolyn Peterson, 19-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jlm- nle Peterson, will represent Hlylhe- ns (or Ihe Royal Court or Ihc Memphis Colon Carnival May 14 through May 19.

Announcement of Miss Peterson's selection was made today noon by Jimmy Banders, president of the loenl Junior chamber of Commerce which cooperates with the Cotlon Carnival because of ll.s connection with the Nntlottnl Coltun Picking Contest sponsored here by tho group. Selection of Miss Peterson was iiiiide by secret committee from the local Jnycces nfter many names hud been sUKKeMed by Interested IKTsons following announcement yesterday that Hlythuvllle representative would be chosen this morning. Miss Peterson has served number ol times before In Royal Courts and once wns queen. When a senior In Ulythevltlo High School, she was' eicclod Senior Queen of the 1944 gnuluntliiK class. She served ns a maid of the Kn- plnerrliiK School Queen at University of Ml.ssourl.

Columbia, when freshman (here last year, and served as maid io the Bnrn- wurmlug Queen of the School of Agriculture there. Returning home upon completion of her ficshmnn year o( college, Miss Peterson wns nmong the fl- unllsts In Ihe beauty nnd personality contest Summer Io select "Miss ni.vthcvlllc" for the Arkansas competition. Beginning a business career, following her return from college, she is a clerk in the office of Loy IJ. Eich Chevrolet Company. A brownette with blue eyes.

Stabf'ff'zatfon Plan Approved In House Vote Communists Holding Most Of Changchun; Conference To Open By WALTER LOO AN UnltHl Staff Correcporident CHUNGKING, April 17. (U.P.)—Communist troops to- ilny jionclnilud (loop into Chmiffiilum, dispatches from Poip- iiiK reported, and compressed Nationalist defenders into a corner of the city. The report came us Gen. George Marshall arrived in I'plpinir and prepared for immcdmte confcrenses with- Com-- nninist mid Nationalist leaders in an effort to halt the I spreading Mancnuriun warfare. I Communications with Changchun were virtually severed Init latest reports said small Nationalist forces, numerically inferior to (he Communists and equipped only with light fighting a losing battle.

Nationalist reinforcements hurry- Ing north from Sceplngkal were reported 4D miles frqm Changchun and it was believed' It might laic them three clays to reach the fighting area. The report from national headquarters (n Changchun called the situation "very critical." A government move to requisition all available transport planes and with the Soviet bloc stronger tlwu is five leet, six Indies was shut down when 900 crnnc operators refused to work in ft dispute over rest periods. 6. At Flint, about 160.0M persons were left without transpor tation when 179 CIO transpor workers struck to protest the firing of a worker. A five-day Irnns- It strike at Lansing.

ended when striking AFfj workers reached 1 a compromise wage agreement with Inter-City Lines, Inc. Osceola Man Is Candidate For Coroner Interest. In Mississippi County before the first meeting of the conn- politics Is expected to Increase cil that "reactionaries" hart an nd- during trie coming two weeks, prior vanlagc over "progressive" forces" to the deadline for filing noon, in the elections. He criticized the May I. supreme command for allegedly al- Newest candidate for an office lowing "undemocratic" officials to is Austin Moore of Osceola, who remain in the Japanese government.

Whitney said the Russian delegation as "cabling aspersions on the occupation" by placing the charges on the council's agenda. He said Derevyanko had made no attempt to get "accurate information" concerning the degree of compliance with MacArthur's "purge" directive. Whitney said the charges thai Japanese, barred by the directive Irom holding public office, still were occupying "prominent" places in the government, "reflected the attitude of the whole Russian press," He said proiessional Japanese politicians xvere "ignored" in the recent election "in favor of men and women from all walks of life with little or no political and that the election demonstrated democracy "in form and substance. Chicago Rye May 24T1 Julv 148 1 H8'i 242-7, 244'i 148'i 148li N. Y.

Stocks A 193 Amer Tobacco 94 1-2 Anaconda Copper 46 1-2 Belli Steel 107 Chrysler 133 7-a Gen Electric 47 1-8 Gen Motors 75 7-B Montgomery Ward 94 central 28 1-2 Int Harvester 951-4 North Am Aviation 14 Republic Steel 345-8 Radio 16 3-1 Socony Vacuum 173-8 Studebaker 313-4 Standard of 75 Texas Corp 64 Packard 10 1-8 IF Rtcd 1-8 Godley Backed For Appointment To Loan Board The state's entire congrcssionn delegation has indorsed Lloyd Godley of Osceola for appointment proposed policy making board to handle tarm credit loans, Lancy has revealed. The Governor, who several weel: ago wrote President Truman rccom mending Mr. Godley for a posiltoj on the proposed board, said he had received letters from the state's seven representatives and two senators, all of whom said they had written the President about the matter. The bonrd would he created under the Flannigan Farm Credit Bill now pending in Congress. filed for the position of cor- This office now is held by V.

H. Stovall, who will not seek e-election. he said today. Mr. Moore was coroner for two 'ears until Mr.

Stovall's election wo years ago. An undertaker at Swift Funeral lome In Osceola (or the past 18 he also is an accoiinlonl specializing in income tax reports. His other activities include chair- nanshlp or the First Ard Division o( the Red cross in South Mississippi County. A resident of Osceola since he went there in 1909 at the aRc of four, and Mrs. Moore reside at 311 East Bard.

House On South Lake Is Damaged By Fire Fire from a hot water heater in the bathroom caused slight damage to that room of Mrs. Ada Houchins' home, 324 South bake, and smoke also damaged other rooms of the house. The fire occurred yesterday noon. previous Council issues. Poland, slrongly supiwrted by the Soviet Union, seems certain ilso of having France and Mexico on her side, and possibly Australia and China which huve never maintained relations with Franco Spnln.

Details of LanssD's case arc closely guarded secrets. The. Polish lelccnllon was working on the final draft a few hours before meeting lime. Major interest centered on -what Langc will say about Nazi scientists In there is evidence that they are working on atomic energy research. Poland already hns formally accused them 'of devising new, war weapons and plotting a new war, and has indicated existence of evldwite which connect them vriSU the controversial question of atomic research.

ColncidenUy with the opening of debute on Spain the first nonmember of the United Nations to be hailed before the Council celebrated its three-month birthday. On Jan. 17 the Council wns born In London, since then It has been through crisis after another and appears heodcd for a new one on Spain. In accordance with its rules of procedure, the Council also got new president today. The post rotates each month, on the 17th.

the English alphabetical order of the nations' names. Today Egyptian Hafez Aflfl Pasha lakes over the chair from Dr. Quo Tal- Chl of China who has served during three weeks of crisis over Iran. Meanwhile the. hulk of UN discussion was focused on Secretary General Trygve Lie's surprising nnd unsolicited "opinion" on tho right of the Council to retain the Iranian case on Us agenda niter Bussin.

with approval, requested its reiTiovnl. Lie held that 'It may well be that there is way" the Council can avoid removing Iran from its program. Tills challenge of the legality of the Anglo-American position further taim.lcd a case that hns been before the Council since its birth Lie's unexpected injection of his IcgaitsUc argument on the Ru.s sian side of the dispute dclayec certain defeat of the Russian de maud and may yet allow tim for creation of some face-saving device. But 24 hours after Lie's move none of the members opposed Russia any sign of weak cuing. They did not question Lie', right, ns "head" of the UN.

tr express his opinion; they did not question his motives; but. some wondered about Lie's wisdom in picking this case to make his firs' venture Into a Council political de- and weighs less than 120 pounds. Escort for Miss Peterson will selected Inter. Mr. Snudsrs snld.

As a Miss Peterson will accompany the lloyul Court on all occasions from arrival of Ihe Royal liarge on Ihu Mississippi niver Memphis. Tuesday night, May until the lust party of the Carnival the night of May 18. Her costumes will be fashioned by the modiste nt the Cotlon Cur- nlvnl Costume Committee with the kowns to be similar to those of Ijidies-In-Wnillng in coitrU of en tlnys with to be worn to the numerous public events planned. Her flrsl. public appearance In this role wUlibe In.her home town Mondriy nflernoon when'she Will participate in the welcome of the Cotton carnival's representatives to arrive here at 4:20 o'clock.

(iwanians Hear Former FBI Man James Roy Discusses Work In S. America During War Days Flames Damage Car Last Night WASHINGTON. April 17. (U.P.) House loilay voted tentatively terminate the Price Control Act March 31. 1947, and to coat-pHis-reasoiinblc profit nil Hems (o producers pro- -cssors, retailers uml distributors.

Despite assertions by Chairman Siicnce. Kentucky, of thu Bunking Committee that they were touching off an explosion of Domoci'ftUt Joined Re- Diibllcans to adopt the cost-plus profit amendment by cller vote of 200 Io 112. It wns offerc'd by Uep. o. Wolcolt.

Michigan. He maintained that there could be no ex- of production of any ilcm unless producers nnd processors could be assured of a profit. He originally hud limited Ills amendment to those two groups, bu' it wns cnlttrged to Include retailers nnd distributors on motion of Itcp. August H. Andresen.

Minnesota. Earlier by Idler vito of 171-144. Uio HOMSC hart tentatively agreed Io extend the Price Control Act only until March 31,. 1947, instead of June SO, 1947, asked by the administration and recommended by'(he Banking, CpmmlUec. Later, by voice vole, the House also agreed to end the Btablllwi- tton companion to tho Price Control on March 31.

In fruitless appen) to tlie House to turn down Wolcott's profit amendment Spence argued Hint It would give profits which Ihc beneficiaries never had In normal limes. Hep. A. Moinoney, Oklahoma, nrgucc! that it was the worst wrecking amendment" which could be offered, Is It fair to ask producers Steele Man Suffers Slight Burns When Assisting Motorist Firo heavily ilnmaued a sedan driven by Doyle Burnett of Holland. fly reinforcements Into Manchuria was reported, ami Communist press dispatches la let many Nationalist Pjl.oU.

had been'. transferred from Kungmlng io shanghai for this purpose. A Nationalist military' spokesman, last night about o'clock on however, confirmed that til air- Hljtliwny 01 one-half mile south of the ArknnsM-Mlssonrl state line. First knowledge thnl his car burning wns revealed to the driver when tlie horn would not blowing. Driving to tlie side of the highway Io release tlie horn, discovered the lire.

Jnmcs L. Hester of Btecle, a passing motorist, was slightly burned on the back of the neck when he looked under Ihc hood of the nar, nftcr stopping to Rive, I'sslslance The smoldering flre flared up when he ralMd the hood and a flame reached Ills neck before he couM replace the hood. Hcmovcd at a hospital here, he was dismissed utter first aid treatment. Deputy Sheriff Ralph Rose, who Investigated, natd the car was owned by Mrs. Barnetl of 81.

Louis, mother of the driver. i fields In the Changchun area were In Communist hands. At midnight, ernment high cease proprotion of green reported still holding out In the centcr of Changchun against attacking Communist forced which government sources 'estimated at 30,000. The defenders' position ad- milted to be utter the Communists, moving behind an artillery barrage which inflicted Tiea- vy casualties, brokn -through the city's outer defenses. in Chungking, Chiang Kal-vhek's efforts to end the civil war by swift establishment of a coalition government including Communist leaders struck new yesterday.

The Democratic league, China's major James Roy. Ulcal attorney and 'ormerly connected with the Federal Bureau of Inve-stlgntlon. spoke Klwnninns nnd their guests today at the retjulnr luncheon mect- nt Hotel Noble. Mr. Roy discussed work of the FBI.

stressing counter-intelligence service in tlie Weslcrn Hemtsphere. He spoke of his experiences In Soitlh Amcricn during the war. especially in Argentina. A pro-Gcr- nnn country nt one lime, invnlu- able sources of information was attained there for the United States, he minted out. Mr.

Roy sale! that the United States should keep covmter-lntcl- llgcncr in cf(ect In ordc: Hint this country might be wel Informed on events in other countries. Hc added that FBI men be plnecci in foreign counlires who would make career of their ition as foreign agent. As nil he said, an i in lown no larger than vllle could supply much Inform a tion to his country. Guests were Paul Byruni Gene E. Bradley.

Irate. N. O. Cotton Weather warmer Thursday and in north portion today and tonight. Now Arkansas Can Boost About Big Egg Here is a new item for the booklet boosting Arkansas "With This we Challenge." An egg.

measuring six and three-fourths Inches around was laid by a black Minorca hen belonging to Mrs. George shepard. Mrs. Shepard found Ihe cg3 jln her poullry house this morn- iing in the Clear Lake commun- jlty. Whether she will allow the folks of her family to enjoy the egg for breakfast has not been decided but they are fallowing their friends to view unusual egg at the present NEW ORLEANS.

April 17. Collon closed Mar. 2765 27C6 2742 2752 2743 2743 2736 2737 2762 2153 2746 2752 2757 2758 7.735 2746 2761 27G2 213G 2751 May July Oct. Dec. iicrntc nt hnrlcs A.

Hnlleck, Indiana the Administration hart little more courage nnd fortitude. It vould not be In Ihls' predicament low. There Is nil overwhelming iced for production." The present Price Control Act mnkcs no provision for profit. However executive orders govcrn- ng OPA provide that profit o( business ns whole shall lie the equivalent of Its return during the 1036-I93D period. The Stabilization Act.

which Is n. twin to tlie Price Control Act. provides for control or salaries Gathings Has No Opposition For Congress LITTLE UOCK, April 17. of Arkansas's seven congressmen were assured today to of another, term In the U. S.

House loss?" asked Representatives when the federal ticket closed at noon and they werq sllll unopiioscd. Three cravens of the 4th District, Brooks Hays of Ihc Mb District and Oren Harris of the 7th drawn op- Cravens of Fort Smith Is oppos- and wnges, prices. nnd support of farm by a former sergeant nlr corps. Lee Fort Smith. Two former tho Whlttaker also of nrmy officers.

Lt. Officials Reluctant To Enforce Dry Laws LITTLE ROCK, April 17. Revenue Commissioner Olho A. Cook said Tuesday that public officials In several dry counties of Arkansas are reluctant to prosecute violators of prohibition laws. Inspectors from Ills department, I 6th District.

Col, Parker Parker of Dflrdanclle, nnd ivraj. Homer F. Berry of Mayflower, have announced as opponents to Hays of Little Rock. Harris, of El Dorndo. ulso Is opposed by Iwo former army officers, Hrucc Bennett and Paul Gcren, both of F.I Borndo.

Bennclt was an Army Air Forces captain, nnd Oercn a lieutenant serving In the Chliiu-Dunna-Indla Theater. The four who escaped opposition nro E. C. (Took) of West Memphis, 1st District; Wilbur Mills of Kensett, 2nd District; J. W.

Trimble of Berryvlllc, 3rd District; and w. F. Norrcll of Monticello, party, refused to'Join the new government the civil wir first Mid Chiang's er'dliferences with the obrhmuhlsts settled. Isolation of Changchun WHS co i)i pie ted yesterday when the Central News Correspondent.there went off the air after reporting that Communist troops were within half a mile of Nationalist headquarters In the Manchuria coal building. It was feared the radio station he had been using had been put out of commission or overrun.

Earlier dispatches said Changchun's defenders had fallen back in hitter house-to-house fighting while artillery pounded' the city and machine gun and sipall arms fire swept its streets. Five American correspondents, including one woman, were believed Io be still In Changchun. Tlie general government military position in Manchuria wns somewhat, Improved today with the scheduled, reopening of through train service on the Pclplng-Mukden railway, main Nationalist supply artery. Tho line had been damaged by Communist attacks during tho last N. Y.

Cotton NEW YORK. April 11. Cotlon closed steady. 2763 21S6 2739 27SS 27S8 2758 2735 2144 2770 2712 2748 2757 27GG 2768 2738 2755 2762 27fi3 2735 2752 closed nominal a I Mar. May July Oct.

nee. Spots down 8. Cook. snld. have assisted local of- flclals in arresting bootleggers, but has been almost impossible to obtain "As long as the liquor has the state revenue stamp on the Ixit- I lie." Cook said, "the state has no interest In bootlegging other than a co-operative step with the coun- ly.

"However, if the liquor Is moon- shino or does not have the revenue stamp. Hip can prosecute, he said. The preferential, or first, fede- al primary election Is scheduled or July ICtli. A rim-off iccessary only In the 5th and 1th Districts if one of the three cand- dalcs docs not receive a clear ma- ority of the votes cast, will be leld August 6. 28.03 Chicaao Wheat July 1831; I83'i 183'i 183V; Sept I83ti Jail Fugitive Eludes Flees In Plane JEFFERSON CITY.

A pill 17 ill surrounding states were warned today to be on (hc lookout for an ex-Army pilot who escaped police under fire find ued In a stolen airplane. A state police broadcast described the man as Vcrnon Simpson. 25, whs previously hnd escaped from the Wichita Falls. jail where he wns being held pending removal to the Texas penitentiary on a burglary conviction. Simpson last night dodged police bullets here after he and a companion, Billy Gene Cauble, 19.

also ol Wichita Falls, had been arrested on suspicion of robbery. Cauble, who was apprehended, told officers his companion had Intended to steal a plane al Jefferson City. Instead. Simpson showed up at Columbia. 35 miles north of here, in a stolen car.

and asked airport at- tcndftiils for ncrmlsslon to look a plane belonging Io R. K. owner of a Columbia, bookstore. A field maintenance man became suspicious as Simpson npproacnod the plane and called police.

While he was on the Simpson hopped into the craft tuned up the engine. The malnt nancc man, Morris McKinzic, rushed back to the field, Jumped onto tho wing of the plane and grabbed ihe youth by the hair. Simpson gunned the motor and knocked McKlnzle to the ground. Airport officials described the plane as a BT 13 (Vulteel NC 57577 single engine, silver-colored will blue stripes. They said Simpson liar enough fuel for four hours (lying which would give him approximately COO miles.

That would mean that the plane probably had been forced down or crashed by 10:27 a.m. CST, since Simpson took oft at 6:27. The state police broadcast described tho youth as weighing pounds, with blue eyes, and a dar: stubble. When last seen he wa. wearing a black suit.

Livestock ST. LOUIS NATIONAL STOCKYARDS. April 17. Livestock: Hogs: salable 5,500: market active: mostly steady. Good nnd choice slaughter barrows and gilts.

$14.80: feeder pigs under HO 5.15 to sows and sings, mostly Gallic: 5,100: salable 2,000: calves, 1,200, all salable; about 15 loads cl steers on sale, these and light supply of heifers and mixed yearlings finding moderately active Inquiry and early sales fully steady. Severn lots good aucl choice steers, J16.25 to good heifers and mixcc yearlings $14.15 to $16; medium largely $13 to $14; some early deals steady, mil trading less active than earlier this week. Bulls, steady; a few good heavy beef bulls. $14 to sausage bulls downward fron $13; choice vealers, medium to good, largely, $13 to J16.50 slaughter steers, $11 to $17.15 slaughter heifers, $lO'to $1150; feeder steers, $10.50 to Curfew Sought ForTexarkana Night Spots Are Urged To Close Voluntarily Following Murders TEXARKANA, April 17. (U.P.)—Nightspots in Texai-kana faced a voluntary midnight curfew today suggested by the City Council as a possible means of forestalling additional murder.

This action was taken last night as. Texas Rangers and Arkansas officers continued their investigation of two double slayings here within the past three weeks. of the 0ty council decided to "suggest" that night clubs close voluntarily at midnight but reserved the right to enforce the suggestion if the crime wave continues. Meanwhile the reward money for the slayer of teen-agers Betty Jo Booker arid Eaul Martin rpso to $2200. i I 1 The bodies of the young couple were found early Sunday morning about a mile apart on a country lane near here.

Miss Booker. 15, had been shot twice, and 17-year- old Martin wss shot four times. The couple was last seen alive when they left a- dance together early Sunday morning. Captain Gonzaullus described tho case as one of the most puzzling in his 30 years of experience In criminal investigation. He said that murderer Is "a shrewd criminal who has left no stone unturned to coa- ceallng his Identity." Sheriff W.

H. Presley of Texarkana said there are many similarities between this crime and Ute unsolved shooting of Poll; Ann Uoora and Richard Griffin here March M..

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