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The Republic from Columbus, Indiana • Page 3

The Republici
Columbus, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i THE EVENING REPUBLICAN. COLUMBUS, INDIANA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 19261 PAGE THREE. WE LOAN MOHifl tentions paid the- girl by the rich oujjgjSheikru'l, lre the youth to tortuf 'oh 'night 'when he goes to keep a tryst rescued his own henchmen, tiife believ-es the dancer has tricked him, and he burns for fiery, love-mad opus of the desert, with Baijky, Love, Karl tieorge Bull Montana, Agtaes Ayres and other noted players supporting Valentino. Love, life and adventure are net sugar-coated in this screen version of sthe E. M.

Hull romance; instead the makers; of the picture naive given thf niio-inal tw-entipJH r-pntiirv i- revenge.N The disappointed lover first step is to kidnap the girL month -kerc Villi her daughter. A. U. Brandenberger,) pp Franklin street, has I returned to her She was accompanied by lier daughter and jMrs. Henry Harman, who spent the day there.

I Miss Hester Cole, of Indianapolis, is here visiting IVirs. Alberft Sohn and family. Mrs. J. K. and daughters, Margaret Jean, Betty, Ann iud Janet, and Miss Jessie Clark, who have been visiting friends in Louisville and attend liig the sKen-tucly state fair, returned to their home here yesterday evening. For buying, building, repairing or remodeling To be repaid in monthly installments like rent. Citizens, Building Loan Ass'n. From then on the story to fhe sensational denouement. sheik a vehicle permeated with realism iantl replete with daring sit acted as bst Zaring of this city.

Presbyterian Aid Enjoya Outlna at Newsom IHome. Thirty-seven "embers- of for the The young couple left Room Keller 413 Washington St. Thompson will spend Sunday in Kushville, the guests of; Mi and; Mrs. E. C.

Davison. -Justice andMrs. JohnW-. Cook, of Hope, srfent'teday in this city. Mr.

and Mrs. E- E. Morelllon, of Indianapoiis, came this "evening to be- the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L.

B. Moreillon. All will go to Madison and Vevay tomorrow for the day. Robert Burns, of Bloomiiigton, will spend tomorrow here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Burns. Mr. arid Mrs. s.Clifford Spurgiu will spend tomorrow in Shelbyville with parents, Mr. and Mrs.

W. A. Casada. Mrs. Lillie Sharp and son, Fred, have gone to Detroit, where t'aey will visit the former's son, Dave Sharp; Mr.

and Mrs. C. N. Clapp. of this City, and Mr.

and Mrs. W. E. Carson, of Crammer, will motor to Shelbyville tomorrow to spend the day. They will be 'accompanied by Mrs.

Margaret Hamilton, who has been here visiting. C. M. Keller, President. A.

W. Phillips, Secretary. MEET AUNT SAMMY. tBy Associated Press. Washington, Sept.

IS. Tune in October 4 on the station that registers best, and meet Aunt Sammy. Uncle Sam's bureau of home economics is going to have auuty tell through 30 stations all about the artistic points of housekeeping. To Advertise Makes People Wise Presbyterian "Aid Society were three, months, wedding trip to Eu-present yesterday at the all-day rope and will England, meeting held at the home of Mrs. France.

Belgium. Germany, Switz-Albtrt Newsom, southeast of the er-land and Italy. t'pon their re-city, turn they will makej their home in At the noon hour an elegant ak Park. W. dinner was served at several small Delta Theta Tau Sororrty tables and the remainder of the wi" Mee "With Mtss Walker, afternoon was spent- in quilting.

The rKiIar meetiag of the Delta tacking a comfort and with nee- Theta Tau sorority will hi? held dlework. A short fcusiaesH session Tuesday night at thf home of Miss was held, presided over by Mrs. Gladys Walker, on Eighth street. John Davison, thte president, and Important Meeting of -it waa decided to serve lunch one Sorority Thursday, i uations and thrills. Valentinoj does many things other than make love and ride Arabian steeds in "The (Son of yie Sheik." He resciuesj pretty girls from the backs of -ilunawaV horses, leaps from balconies onto swinging chandeliers, battles desert brigands with sword, pistol and fists in short, the sheik, pr rather; 'fThe Son of the Slieik," is mixing athletics W.Jth hui amours Portraying the impulsive son of "The Sheik," a powerful desert ruler, Rudolph falls in love with a dancer Vilma Banky).

daughter of a renegade Frtnclinmn. She is the chief 'attraction of a traveling band of mountebanks -who resent the at American Monday-liiesday. I A distinct novelty will occupy the feature place the program at the American theatfe Monday; and Tuesday- i In "N'll which stars Dorothy GiSh, we have TED' day during the fall! festival in1 one An Important meeting of the lJa of the down town stores. Iota Xi sorority will the held day afternoon at the! home 6f Mrs. The-: hostesses were Mrs.

New an international prwructiou of one ot the world most ceienrateu irue-j life love talesL The pictures was; produced in Iondon by Herbert) Bom. Mrs. H. C. Clay, Mrs.

arl "eves, on Franklin street. Green, Mrs. George! Schmitt 'and ls urKpd that aljl members be Misses Sallie and Njora Kailor. present promptly at o'clock. The next meeting will be held p- B- w- to Give TEST ANSWERS mi a.sid I Wilcox, a young English directorial with Airs.

Will Keller on Washine-. Spread, Thursday. ton street in twoteeks. Club Invited to a Watermelon sFeast. The Business an(l Professional Women's Club will give a spread at 6:30 o'clock Thursday evening At the in thf- community i room of the Mrp.

Matt Khaw was hostess yes- terday afternoon tq the, members! Vr'nn Trust Company building The committee in charge is of th G. W. I. Circle at her home genius. The supporting cast includes three of the best-known artists on the Lctndou stafee; Randle Ayrton, Juliettt- Comptou and Sidney Fairbiother.

The role of '-N'ell Gwyn," know in theatrical lore as a test part for act osses, jist as "Hamlet" is for lias been played by many of the greatest women liespians. 1 1 was last essayed in this country by Mary Pickfordj who appeared in ''Mistress Nellj," which was- produced by Famous Players in 1914. "Pretty, witty Nelly," who started life in direst poverty and rose miss I'lunnett win come from Indianapolis this evening to spend Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Plunkett on- north Pearl street. Mrs.

Kathryn of Indianapolis; who. has been spending a week with her sister. Mrs. George, and her aunt. Miss Blanche Hamilton, will return home tomorrow Beiore returning to Indianapolis she will be accompanied to Shelbyville by Mrs.

Rudidl and Miss Hamilton, Where the three will spend the day with George W. Rapp, uncle of Mrs. Rudelt and Mrs. Dailey. Mr.

and Mrs. Dewey Robertson, of Edinburg, and Mrs. Cora A. Robertson, of this city, will spend tomorrow in Indianapolis with Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Norman. Misses May Marr and Mildred Robertson left tonight for Chicago where they will spend Sunday. Miss Mary Adams went to Cortland yesterday to visit Miss Leah Steed for a week. Before returning tV her home she will visit in Muncie and Indianapolis. Mrs.

Charles Richardson, who Misses Hazel Fitzpatrick. May Marr and Thtjlrna toberston. Miss Weigman Hostess To Filia Matris. Miss Freida Welgpian will be hostess to the men hers of Hie Fllia Matris club Tuesday evening These: are the correct answers to the questions appearing on the classified page: 1 Helen Wills. 2 Norway.

3 William Howard Taft. Charles Herbert Levermore. 6 Edna 6 A manner of auieide. former ly practiced by" -disgraced. Japan ese nobles.

i 7 New Yorlv. 9 Thet newspaper, profession is popularly referred to as the Fourth Rstate. 10 Catacombs are underground entrenchments found in Knrone. on WVrner avenue, The responses to' rod call weive miscellaneous quotations and an original poem on a deceased member was read Jri memorium. A pusdness period was held, followed by the social hour during Columbus Packing Co, GOOli WAGES Time and One Half After 6 O'clock P.

M. which; time a' contest" was held andlat her hnmp in Eas Colunibus Mrs. Chandler Entertains to be a king's favoritej and the. won by Mrs. John i Allison.

The members were invited by Herron to her home in Azalia next Wednesday night to. participate in a watermelou feast; Many ta Attend Meeting Of R. in Greensburg. 11 With Dinner for Guest. Mis.

Robert F. Chandler entertained Thursday evening at her home on Seventh street with, a o'clock dinner, in honor, of Mrs. Katheryn Dailey, ot Indianapolis, and of her son's, Bitbby Chandler, greatest actress of her time, is a( character so- full of life as to be a whose show iii-herself. Miss Gish's rendition of the role hfis been acclaimed by critics as one of the finest interpretiations ever A largely attended meeting of. Son of the Siheik.

the Daughters of the American: mr' wmuay. produced Sta-iiing in a layishlw has here visiting her daugh-i sequel to tlie screen stbry which ter, Mrs. .1. Fox, returned to her home in Seymour yesterday. Jisrymoud Phillips is spending the' Revolution was held last night atj Covers were lai1 for eight rer-the home of Mrs.

S. Carter, on sons at one table which was pretty Lafayette avenue. The' members with center piece fall roses, responded to roll call by telling of Otakuye Club Will Meet thetr summer experiences and the With Miss Bray. program consisted of the review of The Otaiajve phrib -viI1 meet the summer copies jbf the D. A.

R. Thursday night, with Miss Thelma magazine, given by Mrs. Laura D. Bray, on State streeit. East Colum- MONEY TALKS Sales "nan.

Salesladies and Retail I'chaut. My items fit all of you. Salesman averages $1 profit for every dealer --called on. dialer $2.00, lie sells for $3.50, makes $1.50 on $2.00 investment. Salesman makes $1.

If you are a salesman or wish 'o becoiiv? one. If you never sold atnilwng in your life I will tell you hew -A'Y mak- better than $100 a week. George L. 1-ane, Mahsfieid. O.

brought him his greatest lame, Ku-dolph. Valentino cornels to the Crump theatre; for three days next week, the picture which nietrooolitan critics. week-end in Indianapolis with his brother, Harold Phillips, who is a student at Butler university. Mrs. L.

E. Hamilton, "of Indianapolis, who has been spending a have hailed as his greatest Fix. i It is "The Son of tht business session was held Mrs. Hamilton Honor and tiianv tonics illsrusficd. Sev- Guest Dinner.

Mr. and-Mrs. Wfll Connell, of Crammer, entertained a number of relatives last evening at' their eral persons from the local chapter signified their intention of attending the meeting 'held at Greensburg September, at which 'home with a 6 o'clock dinner, eom- plimentary to Mrs. Margaret Ham ilton, of Shelbyvillef who is here a i i. "imi.i.

iim visiting her sister. time they will meeywith members from other chapters of this district, the state regent and state director of this district. It van in rnntrlhiite a Those present wefe Mrs. Hamil ton, Mr. and Mrs.

C.f N. Clapp, 11. chair for the new addition of the and Mrs- Will Carson. Miss Mar i mi.titnriiim that Is he I met erected Inlgaret Speers and (Mr. and Mrs.

lironhlnDtnn tho AT Tn- ri 1. 1 Pnn.l Stanley ClaPP. tlnental hall. Some, of the mem-1 Nautilus Club Meets (IS "bers indicated, that they would attend the state- conference of D. A.

R. ta Be held in Anderson on October 12, 13 and 14, the delegates to chosen later. jfThe next meeting will be held in October with Mrs. John A. -Davison on Franklin street, Delta Theta Tau Gives Charity Party.

iThe rooms of' the chamber of commerce In the, Bassett building were pretty last night with many vases and containers of brilliant colored fall flowers, when the mem With Mrs. Taylor, Following the surtimer vacation the members of the Nautilus Club held their first meeting of the club year yesterday at the home of Mrs. Jessie Taylor on Cottage avenue with Miss Birdella Beam as The hom was beautifully decorated with fall flowers. The devotional exercises were led by the hostess by tli club song. Sujnimer happenings were' given asi responses to the roll call.

A short talk was given by Mrs. Ella Sims, the out Dancing he Eft emai reminine bers of the Delta Theta Tau soror going president, and Airs. Mary ity entertained with a charity card vjK)Up ttie newr president. An excel pany; uie money to useu ent report was givfn by the see retary and treasurer, Miss Josie Burnett. After a (short business arising in me schools.

Sixteen tables of bridge and five-hundred were In play throughout the evening and following the games," favors wereh awarded in bridge to Mrs. C. Jj Kimsey, Miss session a round tajble discussion was given on the subject, "The Crime Wave of America." After the program refreshments wtfre TNSTINCTIVELY a hostess i- a worthy daughter of the bouse even if mother did make those delicious Biscuit Tortoni for the guests at the bridge party! It is only natural liwt every member of the household should take pride in showing the wonderful new delicacies and frozen dainties that may be easily end quickly pre. partd by the new SERVEL "Electric Cold Cuisine." And with it all. SERVEL Ideal Electric 'Refrigeration provides a constant, dry cold that prevents menacing bacterial develop ment, and resulting food decay.

Complete refrigerators with built in SERVEL may be obtained in! several sues, or SERVEL may be inuiled in your present refrigerator. The STRAND, Slielbyville's Domiri-aht Theatre, and really one of the leading places of entertainment in Indiana, announces to the people of Columbus- -1 the opening of its beautiful new BALI served and a social fhSur followed. Alta Redmond. Miss Elizabeth Alia upomona, Miss Bond. Miss Sara Green.

Lynn Bar- 1 he next meeting will be With Mrs. Blanche Hardin Friday, Sep naby and Henry Harman; and in five-hundred to Mrs.) Alfred Schae-fer. Miss Euzetta Foster, Mrs. A. F.

Flanigan and ROOM. Overmon, Frank L. Alfred Schaefer, A French doll was won by Bohn The nc cost is sur prisinglr small and the operating expense saves you money. SERVEL is sold on the part payment plan. For further information, telephone, write ctil.

Just as Good and Costs Less. $35.50 Set Up in Your jHome. The new i RADIO PARLOR FURNACE is different and better than any other parlor furnace. Not only in construction and finish does it3 offer you special, tried and proven features as a new standard Of value. You will find it uses le'ss fuel than 'any other device of.

this soft. The great saving you make now will continue through years "of operation. You can't equal its Stoves Taken in as Part Payment! Bennett Furniture tember 24. Texas Guests Entertained At Dinner by MacDonalds. Mr.

and Mrs. D. C. MacDonald of 1706 Union tree)t had -as dinner guests last evening Mr. and Mrs.

F. A. Bruner of Crystal City, Texas, who are href visiting. They will' leave Sunday fbr their home. Monday Literary Club to Meet Monday.

The Monday Literary Club will meet Monday with Mrs: C. A. Reeves on Seventh street. Miss Cole, Formerly! ot This City, Married Interstate Public Service Co. Bassett Building.

Phone 93. "Burnett, given by the sorority. Following the games a delicious luncheon was served. Twentieth Century Club To Meet Tuesday. The "fwentleth Century Club will meet Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.

A. B.j Spurgin, on Eleventh and Pearl 'streets. Important Business Meeting Of Domestic Science Club. The designed in Spar-ish is spacious and beau tiful, and is one of the finest. dance places in the middle west.

The BALL- i ROOM is run in conjunction with the STRAND THEATRE and daneing is Miss Mildred Cpifr. of indiana- An important business meeting of the Domestic Science Club will rolls daughter of Mr. and be. held Tuesday afternoon at 2:45 Charles E. Cole, fo merly of this free to all STRAND patrons.

IDEAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION o'clock in -the community room of Han. U.S. PmOI xioica. Store city, was married Ito Merle. German, of that city, May 29, 1925.

The couple were married in Anderson and have kept kheir marriage a secret until recently. Miss Cole attended 4he local high school, graduating in Indianapolis. Mr. German is connected with the "Interstatet office in that city and they will. -reside in the Spink apartments on north Ala East of Jail.

Phone 765- bama Mrs. German is. a sister to Miss RES ES-TIRES -TI the Union Trust company building. It is urged that all members be present. I rs.

West Hostess jto Amaeitia Club. Mrs. Paul Wjest was hostess to the Club last evening at her home on Seventh and Pearl streets. The time was spent socially and with two contests, which were won by Mrs. FJarl Hanlon ajid Mrs.

Harry Hanger.i Mrs. West served a lovely luncheon. The next meeting place will be announced later; Miss Gladys Robin, of North Vernon, was a special guest. Local Persons Attend Indianapolis Wedding. Mr.

and; Mrs. Frank D. Fee and daughter, Miss Berniece. of khis city, returned, yesterday evening from Indianapolis where they attended the wedding of Miss Irene TIR I Anna Cole, a teacher in the local schols. You can now see the very finest motion pictures and dance free for thje remainder of the evening for the reg-uar theatre admission, thirty-five i cents.

i Orchestras of the very highest reputation will furnish the rmusic through the season. Paul Kleinke's "RHYTlj-MATS," Columbia Recording Orchej-tra from Dayton, Ohio, are playing ah indefinite engagement now. JQancing eveiy evening in the week except Sunday. Columbus people are PERSONALS Attothi i er Record Sale Rev. H.

E. Turney has re turned to his' homej iere afjer a week's visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Thomas M. Turney, at Oakland, Md. Beginning September 18th wnitnam, aaugnter ot Mr.

andiMrs Mr nnt Mrs S3 Riipknpr of David H. Whitham; tO Allin Kibben'Vnamnker tiirf sftenf ihn dav 8 iuok here with their son, Burhl Buckner place vyeuneMiay meniug ai RliU wif Thw rptnnwH tn lhcir FIRESTONE o'clock at the Tabernacle Presbyte-; home this evening" Accompanied by ra i ruwaru Mr and Mrs. Burhl Buckner, who Haines Kistler performing the cere- $7.95 will spend Sunday here. OLDFIELD 29x4.40 Balloon 30x3 '2 CORD 29x4.40 BALLOON -i -ii -4 raonl. I I $10.95 Mr.

and Mrs. John Butler are $13.95 Miss "Avanelle Thorp -was the Miss a me Crotiiers- coraiaiiy invirea to come ana aance. is only 29 miles to SHELBYVILL spending the week-end in bride's only attendant, and Howard! i in i PRINCESS 30x3 2 CORDS i in-law of the Rev, and Mrs. E. Robb tniv tQ be thp of Miss Mi.

and the roads are fine. Just a delight tired Sears over Sunday. Rfllty Kitchen went to Greenwood today to attend the (Greenwood-Columbus football gamje. YOU ARE SAVING GOOD MONEY BY BUYING YOUR i FALL AND WINTER TIRES OF US NOW. 1 I A THOTLTGHT ful evening's ride, i -1 f.

jut. ana airs, jonn D. Dresser Th. riiMMiit hl flourish like are takinc a tln-ee i wpota' mninr the palm tree: they ishall still bring trip through thfrtiasi and expeet to Come to SHELBYVILLE tonight 'and the STRAND THEATRE will i I visit Washingtdnr the Sesaui-cen- forth fruit in old age; they shall REEVES AUTO COMPANY be fat and flourishing. Psalms 92: tennial at Philadelphia.

New York City and Niagara Falls. Mrs. Dresser was formerly Miss Sarah surely give you a big evening of en- 12-14 'Ri. i i' 1 i i I Ford Dealer tertainment Heaven itself hai ordained the Kotrers, of near Hope. Mr.

and Mrs. John A. Davison. Frank L. Clark and iMrs.

Ofenn 'VV. rignt. Washington. 'i A 1 j- 1 7..

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