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The Republic from Columbus, Indiana • Page 4

The Republici
Columbus, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4 PROF. CARNAGEY'S VISIT. SOCIETY PEOBEE BASTER SUNDAY A Sapreoae Court Tectslon' i The supreme court yestesday handed down the following decision: McQormack vs, Sweeney. Har PAPER Everywhere use Stahlhuth's i April 14. The Clmmbiu Teachers Oomlajt.

rison C.C. Beversed. Monks, i 1- It is pwper for to ROOM MOULDINGS. PICTURE FRAMES TO ORDER. Mi? 'if Toilet Lotion because it cures chapped hands, face and i tips without destroying the cutU cle.

It i keeps the skin clear, prove by competent eviaejpee tnat De-fore the worda, complamd of, were HEADQUARTERS A3? The following teachers ol the district You will i want" new SUIT.1 Leave your measure now. Suits to spoker he claimed that-ithe plaintiff smooth and; elastic. Avpid schoolii Colambns township, outside of thecity, adjourned their schools E1LLIS imitation. order from tbis afternoon to Monday next in bad wrotJged bina oat oi amcuni oi money' in a partnership bjisiness, and that the parties who heard the words spoken knew or understood that he eo WASHINGTON NORTH B. R.

order to accompany aTl the teachers of Sits, $16, $17, $18, $20. the pnhlic schools of that city asaa MK DRUGGIST, tOK. STH AND WA8IT. need the words in referense to son, wbere they will arrive this evening: 1 TTjiTVT Delia Day, Zora Burnett, Mary Wich Others at taiff reduced 'prices, v- J. nership busiliess and did not intend to charge the plaintiff with a'crime.

An answer to a complaint on slandenshould ater that the transaction man, Maude Clark, George M. Wheeler, A. B.i Phillips, Mrs. Grace Meyers, Lvnne Thompson, Mary There H.M. Ho Br.

will bekhirty to forty in the party of NEGLIGEE teachers. coming to Madison. a hey will diiie before going, and will be en Everything up to date. Complete stock; therein were known to all who heaid ths word? Bpokenjjlnd that they understood them to be-spoken in reference tbereot, and that he words were linerstoccin the sense in wbioh tbey were alleged to have bee spoken. tertained with an informal reception to-nigh i at the Madison hotel.

Tomorrow tbey will visit the public IMOpRE'S ROOM MOULDING. TriiEArJlNO TA1IX5B8 SHIRTS ri Or. Price's asking Powder nnT.wrtfP.,ii fnn.PTPwPPAniTTmit; schools of Madison, the guests of Profs. Geeting and McDaniel, the principal and ngw state superintendent of public LEADING FUBNI8HER8 World's Mr Hlght Medal ami Dtymam. Summary of March Weather.

inatruslion. The party will return to 831 STir'if. TELEPHONE 17 PERSONAL AND SOCIETY. Monthly summary of meteorological North Vernon Ion the attenSoou tram With Collars j'; and Cuffs to-morrow and attend the annual meet ing oEihe Southern Indiana Teachers' Association record for the month ofj March by J. A.

Perry; Mean temperature, 3ft 7. Mean mak. temperatufe," 49 5. Mean min. temperature.

29 8, Maximum temperature (March 29) ,82. attached, assorted colors, to be sold to1 day only at WALL PAPER The Ti me la Now Here When It Is Necessary to Bay The city teachers wi call on the Co'umbus corps at the Madison hotel B. W. Taylor spent; the day bere. pruce Rawlipga is at Elisabethtown, Mrs.

Floyd Knight is on the sick list. Miss' Jessie Hill is vis'ting Ediaburg friends. -Il- Isaac Beatty left for Anderson this morninc 3' io-nigli. It would be a graceful com We have greater variety than ever; Minimum temperatuirf (March nliment to the visitors far others, out and desire the pcaure ol 8 owing you ana kit Total precipitat'on, inches. tog BEST TRICKS, over 80,000 rolls ARE YOrT OF THE sow i stock I Bide the profession, to take advantage of.

I tbe of ptunity to welcome in this in i OrfiAtMt nreciDitantiAi in any 24 CENT F. Kobbe, of Jonesville, was in the on March 20. formal way oar guests from our sister CLARENCB ADAMS Number of cleir days, 13; partly city. It takes but a moment, to speaK elnndv. 8: clondv.

10: uhi which .01 or i I a word of greeting, but mat moment more precipitation felf prevailing DRUGS AND WALL and that word convey a world of mean- ft i i Si 1 wind direction, southwest; depth of snow on ground on 15tb inch; depth RACKET city today. Miss Sidie Jones has returned to f. Herman Haiker, spent today at iMis. Yoder spent the day with Edin-burg friends. I Mrs.

J. M. Lindley tday at Klicka. was awarded the pied- The Teachers' Asaociation of South al at the! World's Fair: fori era Indiana includes in its member of snow on ground at ni of month, qone; total snow fall during ship n.ear!y every teacher in the south Mouldin We keep efai. inches era 'half of the state.

The annual Next to First National Bank. MORRIS BAB it NETj Prop. meeting, which, coxivenes at North Ver The beet place to bor-rofa money Citizens' Building and Loin Aasociation, Indianapolis. non Thursday evening of tbis week and continues through; Friday. and Satar- HEADQUARTERS IN NEW TORSI.

Mrs. Rigsdile and eon French, are at dayii expected tp ba one the largest lpdianapOlis. went to Indianapolis ever held. The Madison teacnera wiU Levi Roell Stobo, secretary. i i.

Ji A world of pleasure ii in etira in the announcemet that Walker Whiteside jwill at Crumpf Thea'ra next Monday supported by. undoubtedly the go out oa.H.he Friday morning train. this morning. Ma iiton Courier. Miss Marie Hilderman his returned 1 i i from Bedford.

A Trip Threnen Europe. For a Special Drive in Shoes at Ixmiaville best of ia his To following is a short narrative Mias May Stader went tJ mist" roiece. Mr. Whiteside this morning. given by fWm.

Lowe of his trip to Ger has 8.udiedjwith pitiftice and intelli- many. He left New York on January Morris Oohee, of HaTtiville, was in LINDSAt'Sli SHOE gence tae tines ol liamitt, ana meir the cit today. I -rt, meaning. He acts wifl every line, al-, Mr. WaflbrJ, of Tbjrd street, is THE I JEWBLEja Offers the greatest bargains in Watches, Clicks, i Jewelry, Silverwire, Bronzes, Novelties, Big bargains in Watches.

Second hand! Watches very cheap. Spectacles of all kinds correctly fitted to the eyes. Best Watch, Clock and Jew- I elry repairing in tne city. We will warrant your watch from i. oo to $1.50.

I i 1 513 WASHINGTON ST. imo3t every word and gaeture, and he is serlou-ly sick. i-iU- fai'hf il enough to Uts task to avoid 12-Ijfiind reached Bremen on the 26th Theame evening he and John B.own show. They then traveled through eas'ern Gerrcany and the weJem art to- the border of Rmsi, continuing through Aurtria, Hungary, to bordar kt Turkey, and every placa tbey visited found, something of James F. Tophey is a very sick man.

slurrine anvspeech or depriving it of 3hd: Stufdaf t- rnaau He has the grip. pj, cea'uro or facial accompaniment. He Miss Sallie Stsnsifer went to Frank ftn either ants nor whines as eoaoe 11am- It? lin tbis morning. 1 Rsts have bsen known do. His ap- with pearanca here will b3 1 09 star event.

interest and wera royally treated. Mn. John Gysie spent to-day Tbey were- invited by Mr. Hannival, Eliaborg friends Dr. Price's Cream Baking- Powder ARYand chiif off-huntera, to visit Brazil and returned Awarded Gold Medal Uldwiatar Vir.

Sm FttadcM. Miss Nannie Stader hgs i from Indianapolis. Central America next December. They Aid SoCiSty. i i als have afnother invitation to join a est of Nannie Wallace is the.

Ths members of thai Ladies' Aid So hunting expedi ion from Iowa to Man- JOHii friends. ciety of the M. E. church met with Mrs. I itoM.

Mm POWDER IS. IM1 this Dr. Prall at hsr elegmt home on Me Dan Crow went to Peorli Aussig, Austria, we had a big re chanic street yesLrdj a'tjrnoon. Aftsr morn'nz on Duiinesj. 3P Ma me Jnst one little pifemise erft the wed ding day cornea 'round, i i ception and a fide supper and many costly drink, Mr.

Brown' played on very sick the usual routine of blainees had been Mrs Jennie Romme is ettl: And no bitter wife than I'll be In tfc'e country i can be round. 1 i Tohn, der, when we go shopping famish transacted Mrs. Prall worked a dehgM- AND SURE. lb, 10c; 1 ll 20C at her; home in Orinoco. PURE lb, 5c; theKuitir and sang some, and after a the litf they wera all in such good humo- i irnuip opauga, ol.

iiope, spent thlf they all sung in the Engli-h day the city on bueinesi ful surprise on the laiies by serving a dainty luncheon, which was in every respect delicious. Sh wa? assisted by Mrs. Orrill and MisaeiHattie Orrilland tick at' tonde. i Wei wanted to leave thatj: Mias Emma Miller is quite upoatnome. Every thing- shall be aa oj wish, as trom store to store we roun.

i Should I let: you do the "hoosing, joa mast i i never think itstra jge, v-'i Inhere one thing' I insist on; I mfest choose i the kitchen range. It's the range that's called Vajestic, ahd Indeed 'twas truly named; i Cause in greatness it's majestic its simplicity is famed. i J- night but it was lrnpossible. Next her on Second stree-J. Theda Penning.

I nROQRESSlVE RACTICAL there was such a big crowd at George of Iilinoii, is the guest thg train that we wfre riot through of hia5 motheiv Mrs. Wm. Veaver, Two straggling musicians visited the city yesterday. One of them played an accordian his3 and a tri- shaking hands with the new friends; Mrs. Flora Jones and Miss Rilla Cri- when th train started, so mi-rsed the Thirteen years' continmus practice in this city is a should commend my work to all der lejft for Edinburg tlji morning.

fcj square dealing and moderate charges is my square dealing and moderi a Koaa anA iinnnr rlmm and a I those who are not acquainted with it. Fine work, ang a basp arum ana a mQ.ito garftI1(tee satfsfactiDh in ail kinds of fine dental work morning tram. i BEAR II HIND, Mr. John, daughter Belle, and iWe visited moet of the large cities of lamoonne Dy means 01 a snap attacueu 1 son Johnny are all oa the sick list. Germany and Austria, like Osnabrick, Mrs.

James Brisbon, has been ill Ooeninc snd Clwine Market. I TJP STAI5t9, Corner jof Fourth and Washington streets, Columbus, Ind A 'special inducement is I now being- offered by Mjinster, Hanover, Cassel, Magdebeirg, 1 1 j- Jf i Hifctle. Leipsic, Dresden, Girlitz, Aussig, the past two weeks, is slowly Ui Tha following market report shows how May and July grain and provisions some thet; factory salesmen, and we sincerely hope Pgue Jenna5 Bada and rtiiWhncWrnpre will aflvntnrrf nf it! I parts of Switzerland and Italy. Mary had a little hen, was feminine and queer Miss Pearl Sprague, of Indianapolis, sold at Chicago ito-day. The opaning, It laid like smoke when eggs were cheap will fisit friends here and in the vi- highest, lowest and losing prices are i Serious Accident.

cant not Continue "this! price after ihe salesmen i Mil And quit when eggs Fere dear. 'j i Wanted good house cini'-. given: Word? reached the city this morning i f. fiigh-: est. I NOTICE TO CONTKACTOBS.

NOTICE is hereby given that the common council of the city of Columbus, at a regular meeting of said council to be held at the council chamber in said city on the 18th day of April, 1895, at o'clock p. will receive sealed bids for the CJty Hall, Plans and specifications for said building will be on file at my office oa and after rhe 4th day of April, 1895. A bond must accompany each bid- The common council reserves the right to reject any and aU bids, i By order of the common council. i J. W.

8UVEBKRUP, Clerk of the City of Columbus, Ind. Open- High- Low- Clos Mr. Wna. Taylor and'daughter, Mi leave. est.

ing. I Halderman, Jlhe Tailor. that Mrs, Hamann. a. highly respected ing.

are the guests pf Indianapolis citizen qt'Waymansvillej bad suffered a Actinz through the blood, Hood's friends. rBecond stroke of paralysis while visiting Misses Myrtle Whitla'cb and Stella Pareaparilla not only cure scrofula, salt rheum, etc.but givea health and vigor to th9 whole body. The lidstic Kitchen a'spn at Tampio. Sie had never fully. TTM1 the guests of Bediington 28 12,10 12.20 6.92 i 7.07 6.20 635 55 46? 47 99i A 12.2J 12.35 6 97 7.12 C.33 6.4 a rtfeovered from the former stroke, and are WHsat Mi July 66 Cobn-t May 46 Oats May 4 28jJ Poua-May 12.12 July 12.30 Lard 6.92 July 7 10 Ribs May 6.

22 July 6 37 la. i I i ihlfallirig this time broke the arm that mentis. m- Ji.25 12 37 A 6.97 1 7.12 i 6.30 I 6.42 HUMPHREYS i Though woman may eclipse the man In ways of iadustry and fame; She'll never, nerer learn jast when To holler at a baseball game. sWt was affected before, and which she had' Cahnty Clerk Fulwider, who has "W.11 for itispectioij all day. De- never been able to use.

Mrs. jRector, beeiw ill for some days, was able to be VETERINARY SPECIFICS licfbUS iQQfTee and. biSCUit served IftO all. I daughter who resides at Indjanapolia, out day will come down to-morrow morning. I Prof.

George Abgerman was not able Awarded Highest Honors -Wtkid's Fair, will be joined here by Henry Ha- to'acxompany the teachers on their trip MATT PFE1FER, Sjle Agent for R. H. PARKER'S NELSON (COjpNTVl WHISKY, Recognized the World over as Ken SCH AET2K0PP S. SOlfc rhann, a who clerks at Leh- to Madison. man ana go on to tne Deaeiae oi tneir jf tes Minnie Underwood passed rnbther; who it ia thought can no re- through from Madison to Jefiersonville tucky's finest production.

What jfsterve5 Berries hav.e 4one-othera For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Logs, Sogs, A2TD FOUX.TB7. fiOO Page Book Trratm rnt of Animals and Chart best Free, cross A.A. I Spinal Alenineitia, Milk Fever. II. B.

Strains, Lameaesa, KheamatiaOW C.CIistemper, Nasal Ulacharcea. n.D-Bota or Grsba, Worms. E. K-Cocha, Heaves, Pneassoalau F. F.

C'lio or Orlpeo, Bellvaehe. G. G.Miaca.rrlaft-e, Hemorrhaaes. H. H.

L'rinary and Kldaev Diseases. Jl.Ernpiive Diseases, Manse. J.K. Diseases of Dicestioa, Paralysis. Btagle Botfle (oyer 50 doses), a Stable Casei with BpeclfloL Manual, Veterinary Cure Oil and Uedloator, 8T.0O Jar Veterlaary Care Oil, 1.0O WmWi ar mm slH ,1 aq; pnaUty mm ml caraara cot, 111 us wnaasi au, iTt.

I last fvenmg. tnewUicio The finest lake iJever furnished the citizens of Columbui is now being received hy Cat and see it, and be tO-daI Jf if Mjsj S. J. Stevens, of Greensburg, is Ja. representative of a Chicago pack- Yiaitjng her brother, Mr.

John Stevens, you. lijg house with co3d storage department Jjaple Grove. srent yesterday in the city and closed CE1EATJ Mis Jessie Mayfield and Libbie En- I term fore making your contract for the season. See us at 413 Waihington St. for prices.

CotiUMBTTS FUEL i X7i iA oiol rrangemema ty wnsn com storage g'ebach will, spend the night with ill I into which Chicago killed meat friends at Wirt. VIGOR jv liiie ofi Easter Novel- be shipped by carlpad lots. The 1 Dan Crow, Mgr. 1 Have Your "Watch Insured. HUlirnEEYS' Mrs.

John Dixon, who has been visit nouse win ne so consiractea mat a car- OF loTH -Y' MENte fakir H0ME0PATHI0 i elties ing jthe family of Roger' Dixon, has returned to Madison. '5 Wad may be transferred to the build- in For $2 1 put your, watch -in good or der and conditidn and insure it against 2B CAT. tad Permanently Rattonedi? log without a I change of temperature. SPECIFIC Ilo.i Mif Lulu Heath, ot Madison, is in Thm onrr inn isssssflll TrnisxT titf all accidents for one year. You may la aw SD.Tars.

It is sad that some of the local dealers ti meat recard this move a little "JTichr the city and will become a member of Nervoni flebilitv. Vital Weakness. MILLINERY drop it on a brick; sidewalk out ol a fourth story window and we put it in the Business University. MOST PERFECTl MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder.

Fre ffom Ammonia, Alurh or any Other adulterant dO YEARS THE STANDARD. oonish" and are preparing to quit busi positive cure fori all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, arl all their train of evils resulting from atly errors and later excesses; tlqie resist of -over-work, sickness, worry and gives tone and strength to the sex-laloreans. Stops twniatuftil losses or and PnMtraUon, from oMwik or other eatuea. SI MC vial, or tviala and Ursa vtal sowdav. or Sold by or Mat postpM mm Noalpt of prom.

Snmraarrr bid. oa, nl a us wubm au. inhk Mrs. Fortnef, who has been the guest ness. 1 good order without further expense, tol of her sister, Mrs.

Lay returned In- you. My facilities for giving custonjers satisfaction are unequalled. All work txOOQS; a lot Ol CHlia- -tto naa ni diabanolis thia morning, A.Xio wrow lino 'j hi i Mrs. Vincent Browning and children Qne Dy BU1CU IS" reE new ocnOOl UapS for some time between the children in Kangaroo Shoes $3,60. STAC? ASAKS'SEST.

1 -J 1 I (amilin Ti.Ho ot4 Tntin Men's light Weight Vigbily emissions caused Ijy youthful STorsor excessive usj of md liquor, which lead to Consumption ind insanity. TheinUse'shorvsimmeAii- and Babv i Bonnets, p. th twd to blows and Mra OHv Clark at Alert aWash.streat. Robber Boots, Finest Quality American Brand ,2 Come and see txiem. were At bat e.

a Hotwager and wife, of Madisoa, Good people, logy fart paa; Ji At lUil ir Belvedere Block, Third Bt ate improvement, insist tpon having BloodandLiver I The veryfbest remedy forTBlood Trou-i bles and Liver Complaints Harper's Sarsaparilla Struck one of the Tirtle children ia the passed throuirh vesterday on a trip ing away. Our prftession is aavancing the eenuineKEBYE CEKKIKrno other. back pf the head, knocking it down, through ttie sooth on their honeymoon, as the wheels ol time wiU 'permit. Convenient to carpv iniyeSt pocket jln. Tirtle came after Marshal School Manv benenciarv advanueee are now Miss Nona Anderson, little step- er, who went to the scene of thef con within the reach of humanity; that but JltlW.IUIJHWf IlllUilllim IU Price, $1.00 per box; six boxes, one full treatment, $5.00.

Guaracteed to cure jiv case. If not ept bv; vbur drug V. gol daughterof Mr: Kinney, who has been iict and quieted the disturbance. a short time jago were not thought poa- so senouBiy ill, is gradually improving. iSFEcaLATonsRrjnnil imVESTOHS! tileUUii far no arreats have been made.

1IE17 WHITE I HOUSE gist we will send them by-3nail, upon sible. I am saving more bad teeth than I am extracting; Do not ask your den Circuit Court. I Airs- Elmore luanguij ana alub -uiz- receipt of price, -in piaws. wrapper. Pamphlet free.

Address njil orders The ex-Mayor of Madison, Ind says: "From personal evperlence lean say that Harper's Com- ThsMMAl acainst CM- lf y' i uys qwnsmp, are viii ThaiuaittiflW tist to extract yotur tooth, but to aave it Dr. Operative Dentist! wbolwvoatedapoaitssBggstioashaySBiado Jj t7 town.hipior$150 oa Order, pouna Kxrract ot sarsaparuia tne Desi remear for derangements of the Blood and Liver that I have ever triad. HtLQER, irop. 42 ERIC AN KEDICAUCO CIXCIIINATI, U. FCr Sa tiT MHOLHiS BBJ SPUtsDIDI FROM by Daniel McClintic, late defaulting! Mrs.

Florence titader, who has held a Frank Sbjepardson, an engineer On "JUM W. lLHtja, I 'Attorney at Law a irustee, is on trial before a jury. The position at the Logaisport asylum for I the Southern Pacific who resides 3 rmUaaud Cotton boBM3 siand saldlar osaasroasawasCSto-apsr eastJ plaintiff purchased the order of a man I the past six months, haa returned at Los Angeles, Cab, was troubled with rheumatism He was treated by several physician, also visited the Hot named Keineraon, to whom it was I .1 THE REPUBIGA? LEADS roar Sally MarS Vrntbar eantataa fall Oor-' Full size 100-dose bottle for 75 cents. S. Don't forget tO at-Jissaed.

Lianminiiu msness an Bennett and his singers will ar- Springs, bu received no permanent until he used Chamberlain's Pain tend best medicine onr' Special Sales Dayli Go nd, see taoie exquUite, Easter riye' on the the train this evening to be Hesaysilistbe i i.i i i teouvenira fox sale by the BL Paul's ready for meetings tomorrow at hn the world for rheums relief rheumatism. For tale AT ROADWAY. NCW YORK. 4 al as ai a a Va-ati ia a ta iM Pot Sale by Theo. E.

Otto. 10 CE SfTS SPERaSTEEK Friday, April 5. Jauild. ll 1 130 and 730 p. mat the court house, by H.

M.Holmes A Bro druggists..

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