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The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa • Page 3

Des Moines, Iowa
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a Till: I.I.C.lSTi.l. AND MCADMIt: ntlDAV UK t-erv, tshleh occurred e-r a mnnih ago aiaats artMIe In artiltig ai.d r-etuniii. .1. hat after averrlhins els Is rnt44 for th jiiI anil rialuia I tue mount of hKh can M-t be pa4 lluir mmM relad mooting and tola alias lha uf the city (IOViN SAYS FARM AMUSEMENTS 7fc'33wfipou THE HATTttRY CLERK Ihia aar eartainUaa from ft ditie from fie Ui.t'ir axia-XUm railed at the 'H end sard fIH the man. He had gone, hut IVttll auccesOad la local him liialr T-Ntay's llllla PLANS BUILDING TAXES TOO HIGH Th county treasurer nnllArd Mr tie reeie'day afietowei reMXto eetimat of tha maont nf whh-ti th uy wtll rx-eif from ih mill levy aill he reedy prewnt l.i the rlty at th aaeto tn held thia murniita.

tiy Auditur Hon is UI OHI'IIKI and I a Vs'ide-Ilia. and IUi ra waa arresled lth Kreng I Ids -a. aha "I papsr la Cdr Ravkl a also ejantad fer aJsM In Ihe leiy robbrry, and J. M-Olira outlined programme fur The Trtb. euae thla ar.

Th' TSasa three man were auxx I'd by t'Jilrf Senator From Leon Makes oely It Kreotil ail Utii uliant at lb "ii im er Iietn-Utes Jarsaoa uf planning to t'trm. a safe btowtng gang en head.ciar. th tlir that I be nnu levy will frtna am as Mimi4 Iroiu Ih l-Um of the tax auuks. hlAUt KEAKKESTED mail 'at tuH Kumley Concern Will Erect New Office and Warehouse Thin Year. Irs In lies Molnea.

He arrrated ineni this ak hate an tnirui-g act n-iry. In addltWa to iiuin-w4s a-itH-aaulla, feel of posturing, ale, tha Iml. la m' craw Impassioned Spmh Ik fore Tax Commission. on ausi-Mon and ajieaaured and "musgrd each f-r future refrrrnce. MiHltnu I.

thlni.m Rulotlrf, t-al a lis oill I- ffkraeamia rem. ll4 fnuai Itoll and Ins I hr raiurr in tha ur- rhtum. Among oihrr aettineiit rrliMtnl hl mm on 'TU Mr In Thal-r Hamlin iiatlen.1 sa In II, Holt Tf iht(irl n-atiasa-r of io-iy i onl a laoilor noi on Ih altllttd n. loii.n. ehuh a iliy high t.n-nrr I hla ibllc, H-m.

Ill piuiu. g--e'l. I. ii Biii-o-it ai goi.uioe a nil II. th, tnoil ie iiirs, al-Mm ear In tnir ni.

and ho at to.nrd by tnii- 11.1:11 Ilk-. al.l rtl.Hk I not ei.n to iaa, lrti to 11. rltr and ll ibllner, l-i ioui loiiim. Ih a I an. li.a.,.-r have pie'" a land a iliior.i 'I lu mnSi P'sy to II.

I man and H' are t- I. S. I he bundled i.t Ihrr ar. ''a'l'a'la'a i th i.i I a-linil i'al that I nil I la of thi.

Vhieter r-n Ih Chicago Theater th aileDrla' of all ao-ralled ro- turned loose at th same lint Hlalr AS BANK SUSPECT anrlng by one of Ihe nil-tsMa if tn h.a. to head, la an tinju.g of strength and kill. Una on this eerk' progiainnw. la beiiis formera. Train for (lllsratliju.

A nlaaa In whlo fnretgn rraldenla or LOCATION NOT CHOSEN ralily m-lv4 In hrr p.tulr MEETINGS ADJOURNED Mr. obaonatlua foil lrs may r-etva In.iru, tluit tn Hasrr Mlilsley and comiwny ar un preparation for aood rltlsMiahlo will upon aara that mny Uuslis In tlM lr Hill sk I at It Morning llrflecllons con an no emra peat Hun-tay after Accused of Complicity in Derby Robbery. K. J. Flair, arrested about.

eeek noon at 4 o'clo. a In Hi Jwin rVtiie- beard, but rao- Will Be in Shipping Dis- Probably Will Be Continued mant houaa at Ym Mfth street All persons who rare to join eurh a rtass II. A IXnlf's 'The Courtiers." hlcn Uc4 pot. Attar vre Imlted to prrsrnt at th opening roil bar barn rhaalni aaalcnntanta age by dataetlves and held for lin ligation, waa rearreated br Detective Ivttlt eon. trict, Near Business Section.

When Board Convenes Next Month. all availing, editing a lot of dry copy, The tnamhera who enroll 1I meet M-h rVinday afternoon for Inatruttlon In at Valley Junction. yesterday afternoon. or abusing tha Aaaorlat4 I'reaa for cuma to the orphsuin nxt aiwk a. th hea-lllnrr, la aald to ecvl any effort of famous Mr.

Rolf haa prrhapa donr mote toasrd elevating tha standard of atag mu-lc In vaudeville than any othrr man In that f-eld of work. Ills acta are Hlalr as wanted by detectlvea reptiwnt- national, elate and niunldi-al sorern- aot aendlni mora llv atuff. tha din nent The hour of mectiitg be 4 Ing the Iowa Htat Hankers eauriatlon In connection with ths Jwrhy bank rub- aar tabla la do plara for argumant orincx. A large modem offlc aal jrhoue li t)' hmild e.ll' It la a plara for action.

Tha "night building will rrt4 In Pea Uolnea thla year by the M. Kumaly company aldaV tabla la. onfUaioa tbara nianufaeaurera of thrashing mar Mm and la Iota of bark action. Tha calasthea other har farm machinery, according Ira Indulged In dapanda on tha "bat- to th anaauaoafuent mad yesterday by tort for tod ay a game," aafwara. locai omriais or ma company.

Tba alt for tha new structure ha not been Tba Haahary Clark warped tala ailerons abarvly. leaving na selected but th bulldln- wtll be looalrd In th hipping ana artboua district and within easy reach of th buslnaaa section of tha city. M.aiers of te teat imtil iwiiililr who were pUv la securing th ptwn of the kill providing for I ha ipololani of a t.mporary (as eemailaeloa, P--rea baft- th eommlaaloa la session th Stat houe yesterday to aieeues th revenue laws of lit slat and pro-poee remedies for conditions that bav ba exmplaln4 of. Thoaa was eddreed th eommleeton war Kent tor John It. Wabbar of Oltum-as.

Senator 11. W. Bpauldlng of Orln-ball, senator John IX lirown of l.on. Senator A. C.

8avaT of Adair, Hepre-erntatlve K. Crlat of Oat'eola, Itrpre. ertalle Hubert Od-ndehl of Carroll, a. KspreeentaUv r. (Mori of lvstrriaya hearing was Ih lut of th Vim of public meetings that hava own ground Ilk a (last bird, ba aoared upward rapidly, tha purr or wa Th necessity for th nam bulldln.

la powerful Gnome motor aiming Ilka eighteen thouaand glowworma. du to th fact that th M. Rumely com-pany has recently eons' red tha control Tba laat lap of bla record-breaking OF7' flight waa on. "If th' rare makea any pragma, of th Advance Th racier company and th Oarr-liartt company, two other lars machinery manufactories of tha country. Th transaction haa resulted In th consolidation In Moines of th Stat headquarters for th thre large eonorrna under th Rumely manaaemenL Tn aomabody'a gotta think a generation ahead o' bla time.

Moa' people la vore before tit lu 'commission turlng th4at two wek. Th roniml- heavy on th' hindsight. aver- present office and warehouses of th omieiy and Advsnc companies ar adjourned laat olaM. and win not nt countenance forealght meet In Dee aloln.a again until next month, in tha mruiim. tha member In a thinker.

There never waa ra- olU work over th many suggestions rl- form that had wlnnln back In' from overarowded and th nsw building will an ahaolut necessity within a yew. Accord Hut to tha plana announced, th new building wtll be modern In vry respect. It will a flrennr structure auv 10 imn reiirm inai nave wrn th' w-nf nn Ra. fered by thoaa appearing at th hear- tn tn un- (ail Inge, and will revise I he bills which nav form leaaora generally plant aeen at Irsurt six stories In height. It will oover a ground space not leas than BSxJxi been prepared for aubmlaalon tfors the tDat Dearg rut for nc9 If -IS 1 feet.

aVgaj. I. 1 nsf general asaemniy, to incorpjrase we I beat of th suggestions. yo ant tn country degenrate, Th Rumely company I now capital HHnn h. niri.

i'' th' gag on all advanced ised at 3.W,000 and la on of hha larg xr -hrmmn com. We- Bmotber anything new 'at la est concerns of Its kind In th country. Th state agenoy in Des Moines and th other subagoictns throughout the state filiation, aaid believed th publlo hrar- proposed an' you'd have a happy lot Intra had been of areat aaalatanc to the cmteaa la another hundred year will comprise the largest farm macnln- ery business In Iowa. The concern now vviliutmuu, a awil av turu iu oafr- a peand had idea about the machinery of Look at Alexander Churchill, or lu law and tax method that will bj0bn Wesley, or Oliver Cromwell, or si has forty representatives traveling out of le Molnea. Although tha Rumely oom- pany ha abaarbnd the Advance and Garr-arott factories, the three lines of vi uqnnui ua 10 in oommiaaion in u.niam Tjovrt Garrison land on any prapartng thlr final racommanda.Uon In w0'a va th way of leslalatlon.

Mr. Cohen ald page O' history, an' you'll find th' tha hoarlna-a hav been well attended. ref0nn movement's aproutln' after farm machinery will be marketed as be fore but under the Rumely management. Under the new arrangement, practi ana proaucuv ot ao mum gooo, i poaalbl another of hearlnsa wiu th' theory had been kept alive for be arranged. I years by th' superhuman endurance GREAT 12 DAY SALE $75,000 Worth of High Class Clothing and Furnishings to be Disposed of.

PosiflvclyThe Greatest Sale ol Them All! Senator Brown made the moil Impaa- a bandful cally all the head offlclala of tho Advene and Gfurr-rtcott companies ar retained. W. L. Trueblood, general manager for the Rumely company, will continue a general manager of the state branch of the combined faotortaa. J.

H-Itedlund. formerly assistant to Mr. True- th commiaston durimr lu aittinir. Sen. "Come down today and pipe orr ator Brown got the mtMaken lmpresalon I Sun Tat Sen.

Twenty JTra ago peo- iw eenaior wooner, wno rrad tn noor i --hj -n hiu.d Wore him. anruol in favor of an in- P'8 him crazy. Mali, he hiked rreaa in th taxes on farm property, along. Hammerln at th' aame ol blood, will be manager of the Rumely line of machinery. C.

C. Grose, formerly with th Oarr-Soott company, will man Senator Brown has conalderable farm nalI finally he got It Into th' property himself. aald ha waa pay-1 inii on it ha could afford and that flesh. Today he'a president o' th' age th Gaar-Scott line. Leo Ismen- schloss will manage the Advance nne, if the stata did not find a way to cut I (rreat Chinese republic, th' causa o' O.

F. Brewer, formerly manager or tne Advance line, will go to Decatur, 111., a down th levy the people would tn. mog. remarkable hlstorlo event branch manager. The headquarters, ot- away iran ww in sreawr num.

A. br than they have in th. oast. He th century. An then you Id floes and factory of the M- Kumeiy oom.

aald he mlKht he driven to move to wanta do thla soft pedal business, pany are In La Porte, Ind here at home. Look over your Senator Brown Is aeainst th offlc of shoulder a minute, an' Bee If th' FINANCE DEPARTMENT IS STANDING PAT county assessor and township assessor as moon ain't shining. Th' world haa appointive orriors. in empnatio terms he warned th commission to leave the absorbed lotsa reforms, an turned 9J72. power of chooslns: these officers In the I bunches o' them down, but they8 hands of tho people.

tome streets In every town 'at still Bases Spring Claims on "'Estimates. nviuu iscn-m iroiwiy in, needs lmprovln "ft' Compare The Quality Compare The Price "THEN DECIDE" 'A. revision that will work to Increase t.j am going to Omaha tomorrow i tax on property and decrease the il I Senator On a bUSlneBS trip. YOU Can PUt Vnr's idea of on of the lara-est Items In that In to fill up with, If yotl wanta.

On receipts from all sources for tax reform movement. Benator general fund of the city for th past pauldlntr believes the enoourairement year which amounted to 1374.000. the es The finest styles, best made REGULAR? timate made last spring on anticipated REGULAR $15 and $18 Suits and Over-coats from best makers in America, of building; by low taxation la one Mme. Schumann-Helnk didn't move toward keeplns; Iowa money at I i Wunln' Vnr Vnn $10 and $12.50 suits and overcoats Gar revenue, by City Auditor Jonn ttaws, home and encouraging building-. varied only 1807.

There was tiff! mora last nigDL. one iwui iu mo a buh In the opinion of ncnator Webber, a "collected than estimated. law taxing terminal properties of rail- On this showing of aecuraoy In th for divorce. roads locally will never become a fact past, the department of accounts and -Gar- 1 In Iowa. Ho says the rural members of finances will stand pat on tne scneauie ments that outclass anything you've ever seen at any time anywhere at these prices.

All new styles. your choice of the lot during this 12-Day Sale at the remarkable reduction grouped in a great big big lot. new models, all the new your choiqe of these suits and overcoats during this sweeping 12-Day Sale at the legislature never can bo Inducnd to Family troubles are not confined of estimates of funds available for the city's use during the coming year. It Is Blve up the pro rata tax Idea that bene- clasand. f.

h. im.Mi. ihmn.h hih th. ri the laDonng classes. declared that not only Is It not possible I runs, to aid tho dtles.

to build a market house this year, but 'I haven't played any hllliarda for Mr. Webber's solution of the railroad taxation question Is to turn the revenue months, but I'll take you on for one derived from the railroads Into a gen eral tax, a state tax, to be used In de SO BLOATED CAN HAREL7 string." fraying- tne expenses or state govern ment. In such, a wav decreasing the waltermhaiTlson. "overhead tax of each Individual." Mr. Webber's susrgestlon regarding the gen eral tax Is the same as that advanced by BREATHE MY CLOTHES FEEL TOO TIGHT.

SAYS PLAN IS PERMANENT Mayor Says Pes Molnea Government Finest hand-tailored clothing in the world. Sophomore and the very finest from seven other makers. don't confine you to ONE MAKER'S CLOTHES, here are the finest from nine different makers Suits and Overcoats, highest class models very latest styles, richest materials, OUR REGULAR $20, $22.50 and $25 grades. like it in all Take your choice of any suit or overcoat in this lot Ilenry Wallace recently, which Is employed In several states In the country. 'ft '3F Is Not Trial.

The Ties Molnea plan of government LEE ASSISTS IN CASE Many people say, and all from Gas In Is permanent, and not a six year trial government," said Mayor Hanna yesterday. "There seems to be a popular Im a 1 In- Returns from AVlnfleld After my stomach and bowels. Have you ever tried BAALMANN'S GAS TABLETS'! (made especially for Gas In your stom vcstJKating Matter There. Net. 1.

Lee. assistant attornev general pression that tho present plan was adopted only for a term of six years, but ach and bowels). If not, do it You can eve. returned vcaterdav from Wlnfleld. nrh la not the sago.

In order to abolish not Imagine how permanently (remember, where he has been asslMlng local au-1 the Des Moines plan, the same form of for good) they will do away with every! $16.75 thorltles In the case of Dr. Mattle Bow- procedure would be necessary as tnat slim of Gas. man. 1 which the city went to in adopting in The state Is assisting the county offl- the first place. cers 1n attempting to fix the Identity of "The law provides that any city, after Because your case as well as thousands of others.

Is not genuine Dyspepsia, only a nervous Irritability of your stomach. And this special condition only yields to BAALMANN'a OAS TABLETS. It's the only remedy In America made especially Our finest Overcoats regular $27.50 models finest hand made suits, our regular $27.50 models including some worth up to $30.00. sale in Des Moines shows any such values as these. Your unrestricted choice at ADLER-ROCHESTER very highest grade of hand-tailored suits and overcoats surpassing anything in the country.

that you have always paid up to $35.00 for. smashing reduction that sets a new record for bargain giving in Des Moines. your choice of either suits or overcoats for three men who are anRired to have as- six years' trial, may, at a special eiec-saulted and handled brutally Dr. Mattle tlon, vote to return to the old form of Bowman, a practicing physician of Win- city government No election will be field. I required to continue as at present, and for Gas In your stomacn ana ooweis.

i .75 $23 TRY IT. Several weeks ago, whlla the woman no expression of the people will be neces- These peculiar tablets are sold for Bool was returning from making a call at the sarv as to whether the syBtem is satis- home of a patient, her story Is that she factory. If the people are pleased, they waa act imon bv three men. taken from I may show It by not demanding an elec- a bottle by nearly every druggist it not I In stock tell him to get them for you from his wholesaler, or send 60c In silver, the bugiry and severely Injured. I tlon.

If they are not satisfied, a call for stamps or money order to O. BAAL- Gov. B. F. Carroll has posted a reward election could be made.

In other words. MANN AM Sutter 8t, San Francis-1 of 60 for the apprehension of any of I the plan will remain In operation Just co. the men. I as at present. 1 mm Shoes Rave Been the Standard in Iowa For More Than Forty Years REDUCTION ON MEN'S FURNISHINGS Elgin, and Winner $1 shirts 76c Finest $1.50 Star shirts now J95o Star shirts, $2.50 and $2.00, now choice $1.35 Fleece lined 50c underwear cut to Derby ribbed 60c underwear cut to 33o $1 Rlteslze and Vassar iinloii suits cut to 75o $1.50 Madewell, Monarch and Lewis union suits $1.15 $2.50 two piece worsteds, union suits 75c finest lisle and pure silk hosiery 35c Fancy embroidered lisle hosiery Finest $1 neckwear cut to 59c New patterned 60c neckwear, 29c New 25o and 35c four-ln-hand ties 17a BOYS', YOUTHS AND CHILDREN'S BARGAINS.

(3 and 3.50 Knlcker suits, ag-es 7 to 17.. $1.85 Pine 14 Knlcker suits, ages 7 to 17 $2.63 15 Knlcker suits, ages 7 to 17, now $3.45 Finest 7 Knlcker suits, ages 7 to 17, now $4.45 Hand tailored boys Knlcker $10 suits $5.95 14 Russian Blouse suits, ages 3 to 6 years $2.65 $5 Russian Blouse suits, ages 3 to 8 years $3.45 $7.60 boys' long pants suits, ages 13 to 18 $3.45 J8.50 and $10 novelty suits, now $5.95 Boys' Military overcoats, $4 grades $2.65 Finest 18.69 boys' overcoats cut to $5.63 Finest $13.50 boys' overcoats cut to $7.65 Good shoes means more than some leather and buttons Good shoes at low-prices better than inferior, cheaper 1 4519 Walnut Street MORE 12 DAY SALE BARGAINS IK4 ur 1 i Z. Hllk neckwear, all our $1.50 and $2.00 grades 89c Phoenix mufflers, the regular 60c grades 33c Boys' 25c gloves In this 12 Day Pale, pair 17e President suspenders, 50c grades, now pair 33o 14.50 and $5 men's new patterned trousers $2.95 $2.50 and our $3 men's trousers, your choice at $1.95 12 and $2.50 men's splendid fitting trousers $1.13 A great line of our regular $1 sweater coats 69e fi OWING TO A CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT Offer their ENTIRE STOCK FINE SHOES, SLIPPERS and HOSIERY For Men, Women and Children At Big Reductions From Regular Prices FOURTH DAY OF THE BIG SALE This is Your Chance to Supply the Entire Family With FOOTWEAR AT A BIG SAVING 1 Jre-nVnfTTTTTTl.

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