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Rolla Herald from Rolla, Missouri • Page 4

Rolla Heraldi
Rolla, Missouri
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 -r i rT Decisive Ctj Holla flcriilt. El AHMnllKl I ltlrf-4 at Pial Mr tl Kail, IttUedevory Thur.ia?at li.QUprryeei OMAWlfft (IT. WHIM. Sale Tiohdat. J.i'Aiir 7, 1915.

A Povverfu OF LADIES' Suits and Cloaks. I verything involved in this sale, the best values you've HON. CARTER M. DUFORD, ever seen, uur entire stock ot Ladies' Suits and Cloaks at Prices Truly KemapKarjIrx Extraordinary opportunities tof '3 buy Ladies Ready to Wear State Sonator 24th Probable President Pro Tem of the Senate garments at prices. County tupertnttndent of Schools.

z. of tyring Creek JOHN SCOTT, cf Roll. JOHN 'YKLTOX. of Liberty Towntbip. lOITORIAL.

According to tue of tbe nttrologert. the tlar indicate tlit tbe jeer 1 1 1 will I a year of great pkDty for the L'nitftl Matet, We take jiletture in alten tico to tbe tlatemrol )u1titbel In fill ietLe, tbnwing the lecetptt io tbe Secretary of State' illce during tbe incumbency of lion. Corneliut Roach. It will be DolcJ from tbit ttatc mtnt that Mr. Iloaeh bat collected tod turned iota Ibe State trettury nearly double tbe amount io feet collide thee did Lie predecettor.

Tbit ii oot an idle euowlog. for io- createt io I bene collection ore due to tbe attention gieeo to tbe butineit of bit office, tod for wbicb Mr. Boacb deeerree tbe Ligbett praise, lie baa made a tplendid official. Tbe year 1915 ia opening wide ita doort before us. Tbe proepect it bright and eocbantiog to tbe man who bat confidence in bimtell, aod io bie hutinete ability to do and perform.

Butinett it butiuttt. There it no greater detpoiler tban tbe man wbo titt around od criet, no burnsee. Auy msu "bo tits out to do aonie tbiorf will be surprUod to Cod out bow uinny otbrri will I ready to follow. Kvery uiftti ebould feel it bit duty to do oiuethifij, and when all get Iium, butinet wii! lie booming. Io Kdla encouraging During tbe eomple'iug i there in nothing tmt au proepect to look iipor).

year jutt cloned we are flue Government I'ott- offlce building, and a gym-naaium at tbe School of Mtuet. The City of Holla ban iitaued in bo ml for ibe purpose of repairing tbe ligbl jiUnt and water eytteuj, aod tbe Hull School llietric-l baa itnued $27,500 in tandit lor tbe purpose of buying a ite anil tuiidiug a bigb Tbe unseal l.egnlaluie eipvt't- ed in make a her a I appreciation for making toiproeemebtt at tbe tH'bool of Mines, ho all ilial it left for our people to do something for (jutM'Vn, aod lmui iMnineen at Xoiuc. LVu't be holding back, hut jjei busy and help thingt along Mr. aod Mr. Join Caddy Eatertaint.

Mr. ttuu Mre. Jobu Gaddy Fern-iald farm fear Arliojtton, EnurUloed Mr. an'f Mr. KUer.

Uanclof was be feature of tb eer-nirig, Kleaot rfcfrehruenU weru itcrvud at a Into wwwwwV-ferybodjr went home happy baviug (M-ut a most dl.ifhLful oven- 1ng.i I Cfet Sale Continoed. 1 On account of the bad' weather bicb )iat preralled foe tbe at two wueke, ibe Goeiard Curtot Kale, which I have )ieen conducllog, wilt bu uoatioued until Saturday evening of this wtok. Mit. W. H.

Adam. STRAYED. One roaU S-jeaf old itetT labiilud Io rlht ear. One roan 2-year-oid eteer, marked with underbit io right ear and. iover bit lu left ear.

Liberal reward' Tor Inforiinllou about them. for Senatorial District, and 'Saturday Visitor. Sa'uhU) tin qiI Uat of I yr fuutjd a uoJlt of people In our city. Audio? Ito ouiiiber we were ieanl to note Jade W. A.

Su-dmao. WiU.n,. tieore Sai'h, Will ailii. Carl Luplmrger, Henry Wood, aivoiapaoiid by bit nephew Itco Wood of St loult, lienry llentd, Dora. Arthur.

Henry Kraox. Ym. Holey aod wife, W. A. Hollow, petor, Vat Wbllet, Deardon John, Al Kvaot.

Joe Tale, John liarri aod wife, Chat. Gerbarl. Lou Merrcll, Frank Miuhull and C. K. Hamil ton, wife aod ton, Let It LUat, Aroold Uaat and wifs, Herman Kran.

Joe Wall, Wa'w Shlnnvtnan. John Mc- Cracken. Jack Beupi Vut Ki'l'tr. I'hillp Kink. AiU'ut llJcli, A.

J. Hurgher, T. Kennedy and daughter Mny Kennedy and many other. All were for a hupp andproi-Hrou nr Rolla Boyi aod CirU ReUroed to School Ilrri nii Ki Srb.inian ami II i. onacli h- I'turniilj unit to ri an in" 1 1 1 iiiiJ ie tl 1 ii.

ei i Miinn I Kleanur M. Il.v i in lrur t'uMege Kpriinjf.elil, Mh Mim Malti McGit 'ii' leL'e i llarrironC'urnnall, io Cnlvir-ity: Loren KlUott, to si. l.oui I'nlvcrtity: lxniie Trarfitt. to UUhop Hfiberlfoo Hall in nt I Mint Otiv Scott, to lllir(i; ciiruh'ij College nt and Mi llai I)ao. to the L'rileriiy of lillooit at t'rbaqa, EbjT Jail, Bat- SherirT A.

H. Johncos tUirtt out Ukj Nuw. Yar, )t'K, wilt an empty county That it, the jail it devoid of prlaoncrt, but he tllll bat oo band at to betwn flfteeo- wnd twenty cate of beer, which tbe Court ordered to be returned to tbe mombert of tbe German American Alliance of Kolla. Thut far tbe Sheriff bat been unfcbje to find the owoer or ownorwol the beer. Tout far no oue bat laid claim for the beer.

We are not going to call tor nanibt. but we know a big crowd of poopto that would, bo $lfpt the opptttooify to lay claim Uy the beer We further know that it thlt beer it oot called for pretty toon, that there are totou partiet who wyi cialm'tatne'. Whether 8bertff John-'toft cfcn "convinced of their rltrhlful owntrthlp remain to be tceo ItotTcET' Dldt will be received by tbu Kxeutivo Committee of the Mittouri School of Minet aod Metalluigy, from tbe, Baokt of Rolla at depotitory for the fundt of tbe Softool pf Mine lor a 'term of two yeart from February ,1, ltfLV Bidt tbOnld be In ttm biddt of tbe Secretary of the Committee by January 20, Mfi. The Commlttae reterrea the right to reject any or all bldt, i KDW. KAHLHAUM," SeCretlO-y tfleeUtlre 'COmrblUOe; il) 2w'.

v'x i.v: Rolla. Mittouri. Mi l. Agne Collier died In tbit city Wedoetday, JaabaW 6th. 1913.

In the year of her age. She wat born mar Yanuy Millt, tbit county. She wlU be buried at Edgar Springe, Friday, Allison's Place Is well stocked for the Jewelry Trade. You are invited to call-and look around. J.

A. ALLISON, The Jeweler A. Dauiheriy Dead. A. L.

IHutfberty dlit at hl l.niu Io St. Jaine. Kattirday nitflit. Utiu.iry od, axe year. Mrs Daunhcrty a burn and iaied in l'lieli county and hud ir 'jt.

Jamri mot of hU life, except a few yeart be llcd la Marli- iouni He it tureieed by bi' wif nod two Will and Clifford. He It alo rurt fe ed by one tltU'r, Mrt. Flixtbeth Shep herd, mother of Judre W. Shepherd of tbttco ioty. Funoral were ln-ld Monday at tbe ('hrirtiun Chun-li whicb bit rem re taken in clmitri- by the Modern Woodmen au.l hurled at the Jamea Maiunio cemetery.

I lull ilu hU rulallvm at St. Jainet, tbe funeral wa aituoded by Juil). W. Shepherd of thin county aol II. Shepherd and lie, of Sprinjfflulii, Mo.

Many friend nympatble with the relatiec In their hcrcavi-im nl Mrt. Anderson Roach Dead. Mr. Anil.imon Itimeh ili. i I t-r home in Newbui'ir eu im, January k'fil Vi years.

She da lieen in wry i huallli fur xmie lime Mr-. Ilonch wa foi Mit f.auia Aiexnnin r. thin county. Sli. i ti) her hiivbaiid anil four cbildri-n.

She ia alo eurvlved by m-vitkI brulhert and nUtcr-i. Many friend ympa- thlze with theTamlly In their hcrvavti- ment. Ep'ucopal Scrvket Suniiay. January 10, mT Hiliowt; a. Sunday Khool: 10.

V) Moroiotr t'rayer and Sernmn: Kvenlnjj Prayer and "ieniiotl. SuHta free'. All wbIcohio. J. Good miMie.

Good iiinirtnit ''eetd Choir. S. The Friday evening nerviee i ft omitted. M. S.

M. Notet. i l'rof. Copeland bat beuii elected Director but a yet ho ban (ailed to appear. 1 O.

V. Metx '14, who I. m.vr employ of tbe Atla-Portlaod Cement Co. at Mo tpent Sunday in Holla. S.

B. Hatc-b J4, wlioliaLii-n ongineerlng' w'orlt at GcorKe, Iowa, arrived In Holla tbit week aod will ru-main ome time. Thore are Hevernl diamond rlnif floating around in Holla tiooe CbritU mat. Th It lookt pretty 4 A new yeart evo party wat held at the Kappa Sigma Tbe l'i Kappa Alhpae gave a looit eo'joyablodanoQ Saturday ntirht. C.

0. Smith '14, i-pcut ilje Clirlatoiat bolldayt wliih tlblla frleodH. Metbaditt Obnrdi. Sunday School, 9:45 a. iu Bpwortb Leaeue, JiflO iu preaching, a) in.

apd 7:9) p. h. The morning tor vice will be devoted to H9 aditilnittratlon of the l-ord' Supper. will be the duly of the member of the obureb to be preioot, greatly reduced FOOD FOR REFLECTION. Since until cetted to Ui a nomad, ntt incn he cared fur a 'rmnenl homt land and houne.

have lot I a real alua No lifer luve.tmeiit th" aorl4 than ii-hI proi'i'iti I Iihvi- it nice ai-ri--. onc-balf uiilo iiiirtheit-t n( liiillrt. a'l I Ion, iiniU nVi Willi liiti 4niii gtiod well, lre lence l'ritt' Krlltoa iihle W. T. DENISON.

3, Jewelry RepdiiinS A Notka. Tbu regular quarteHy meeting of the F. K. O. of A.

will be held, at the Court houto In Rolla Saturday January 1ft, 1915, at 10. a. in. A fall dellgation It detlred. 1' 0.

D. Paul tell Co. Pret. Ceoi-ue W. Ciollaboo Co.

See. 5U NOTICE! I am temporarily located with Col I if lower, The and well equipped to do all kinds of Watch, Clock and Your patronage will be appreciated. j( S. B. BE1MTLEY- FARM AT A BARGAIN.

X-) acre 1 mile north of Holla Fort Office, ail fenced, new haute with concrete porcbet and tldewalke. Duild-Iniit worth 11200; 2 well cott iZUi i In cultivation, fruit and water. I'rluo fim. Il.rW. at per cent.

Fart bottom laod, tome timber, J. S. ROI1SON, Rolla, Mo. Rl yV'lliiiii), Kolla.Mo. land bo pr.rSakri4ib,l.

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