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The Republic from Columbus, Indiana • Page 2

The Republici
Columbus, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I A Basinesa like Offer. For tunny years the manufacturers of Dr. run separately or together. Aa the consumption of water by the city does 1 2heu matiG hi comuBiranmEOTonT. bages gatarrh Keroedy have offered, in CHXTKCHXS.

not now exceed 600000 gallons every twentyfour hours, one engixie ol A ixrcur v. a. good laith, fooo reward for a case of nasal catarraU whkh they cannot cure. The remedy is sold bv drueeista at onlr SO I XX. vtoes at a.

av and 7.00 This wohdeefol remedy has fairly 000 gallon capacity would ceilainly perform the function satisfactorily. In wwriu-wiue reputation. II yoa nave dull heavy: headache, obstruction of the TAPTIBT.BeT. Koah Harper, pastor serrtas JL every Sunday at 11U0 a. asTand m.

WT SStefeaJ aa. J. Walter the face of these plain statements of nasal passages, discharges falling from the facts rhe council deliberately' ratified a head into the throes, sometimes It is am utabtUkid fat that XIoods txf aaparCXa has proven aa Invaluable rematf In many severe eases of rheumatism, Heeling remarkable cures by tts powerful action In correcting the acidity of the blood. Which Is the eaoM of Vm disease, and purirrmg and enriching the vital fluid. It eertainly fair to mum that what Heed's Barscpartlla haa doe for other wffl do for you.

Therefore, It yoa suffer the pains and aches of rheumatism, give this potent remedy a fair trial. APoaltivw Cote. contractjor the purchase pmiami.N,EMert T.weay,Tiejw -vtoes ereri Sunday at IOlK Buaad 7C p. watery, ana acrid, at others, thick, tena-etomv arsa'Tpnt-l uuu gallon engine costing lLOOO when rid it the eyes are weak, watery and if there is a rine4na in thn Mm two engines that would htm done the Superintendent. 1 mass every Sunday at 10 a.

aa. i deafness, hacking or coughing to clear the work required as well, if better, could have been purchased for $9,000 inroat, expectoration oi onensive together with scabs from tiicers; the voice tax AX LUTHXSAW, Tt. a A. Traataaaau MltAr! MrriM Mph finn.i.l in I peing changed and has a nasal twang; the breath offensive smell and taste impaired for both, or a saving of tSfiOO to the city. In his report last fright Hr.

I was troubled very much with rheumatism ia my ankles, and wrists. I eouM hardly want, and was eoclLned to any TtTaTHODIST KPISOOP. 8COPAL, mv. V. W.

Trrfci aa every Bsaday at lOcSS a Sunday-school at tkau, ana v. sensation oi dizziness, Wltk mental depression, a hacking cough and general debility, yoa are suffering from nasal catarrh. The more complicated your disease, the greater and diversity of svmntoms. Thousands of w. 8.

Swengel, Buperintendan Beeves' further stated that the trustees' were not correct In saying; that the present engine was each da? pumping bed a good deal of the tune. Being ree-ommended to try Bood's 8arapamia, I took four bottles and am perfectly well. I cheerfully recommend Bood's Sarsapartlla PRX8BYTERIAW, Rev. B. K.

Fraxier, pea tor; fierricea every Sunday at lkw a. P. eunday-wJioot at a. W. Fridgen, Superintendent.

i 2,000,000 gallons of water. He showed cases annually, without manifesting half of I the above symptoms, result in consump-1 tion, and end in the grave. No 'disease is I as one of the bestblood purifiers in the woria." w. r. wood, Dioonungxon, m.

SltepKD BAPTTHT (oolored), rrery Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:00 n. so more deceptive and dangerous, by figures that at the largest estimate not more than 600,000 gallon's were iised by all the manufacturers, railroads and For Twenty Yean or less i understood, or more unceaef ully I paster. Bandar school at ISO p.

m. CJT, PAUL'S (Episcopal). iBahth Pt Rjrr Tr treaiea py pnysicians. i i i I have been afflicted withrhenmatigm. Before 18831 found no relief, but grew worse.

I then began taking Bood's Sarsaparflla, and It did LJ i Brown. Sector. Service Sundays, mors ormwer mrtn wrmnn iivan i rt private consumers taken together each day. As the capacity of the; present engine is $1,600,000 gallons it ban not be nrarov ami Brooklyn Times The Labor Day parade not a free trade procession. Let Brother Gover make a note of the me more good than all the other medicine I 2 Sf Uteimrj and instractioa.

7 iv aa. seats tree. i ever had." B. T. Balcok, Shirley, Haas.

on a strain and is plenty adequate to tact j. Buffered from1 what the doctors called I rnATXBxmxs. muscular rheumatism. I took Bood's Bar- I the demands of the city. The proper OLUMBtTS COVV1VHPT firrt Tnea- Clarke's Flax Salve.

Cures piles, salt rheumJ tetter. bnmas sapariUa and am entirely cured." J. V. A. Phottovoot, letter carrier.

Chicago, IH. vday evenina Jn each month: aTp. CL. Chaa. Hege, Kecorder.

,11 JTOHK B. QROYI COUNCIL, second Tuesday ty holders may see by thi8 that their representatives in the council are very carelessjof the expenses the large We shall be glad to send, free ol charge scalds, sores, wounds, infant's sores and chaffing, sore nipples and eruptions 6f the skin. Sufferers with catarrah will find this an invaluable remedy and certain cure; Washing Compound Invented by fames Pyle, New, York 1876, by. Tames Pyle, New 1876, to an who may desire, a book containing many iu emeu montn; w. jr.

Kendall, i debt the city is accumulating. additional statements of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla Pleasant to use and nerfect aatisfartinn lu vaArTIH KO. 10, X. A. third Tueadav evenln in guaranteedj Price, 35 cents per box.

Free trade opens up the markets of the Bold by an druggists, tl six tor i Mads Tk.i, I world to the faryner, and insfyad of mak only by I. HOOD At fXX, Lowell, Mass- j. ucro mo tuiriv-eeveu revolutionary pensioners still on the lists. One at the age of 16 married a veteran of 78. i IOO Doses One Dollar.

ing his products low, enables Mm to command the highest possible pvicef" Geo. W. Coopei I j. COLUMBUS LODGE KO. S8.

d. ft Mondav evenln T.n vTT. II Throatail seldom gets well of itself, but deepens until it undermines the constitu Frank Btateler, Bec y. 1 HOVJ'S YOUR tion, wastes away health, strength and flesh and finally fastens itself uoon the luncsl I I Introduced to the Public, 1877. An article to take the place of soapi One which makes Jaint, woodwork, in fact anything perfectly clean, with less rubbing, and ia less time than anything yet and which is withal absolutely Above is a diagram of the comparative growth, of sales during the last ten years mark the yearly increase and especially that of 888, 'which represents only the first six months of the year, To-day PEARLINE is used in over one million families, from Maine te) California, This wonderful growth in the face of many which- are damaging to clothing and paint, 'and make people regard an honest article with suspicion, is marvelous and can be due alone merit 1 A fair trial, which will eost but a few pennies, will make convert of the most See that you get the genuine article, which alone will give satisfaction.

Every package bears the name of JAMES PYLE, New York, i RI1XJELT JKNCAKPMINT K0.28; meetaseo I ond and fourth Tuwiday evening la each i BitayVscrib'f00' KitcEeU. dPT. Answer to Other States with constitutions similar to that of Indiana hav held local option to be constitutional See reports heretofore cited where jwill be completing the wreck and ruin of the whole man. Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure is the only safe; sure and speedy remedy for cousrhs.

colds and all throat and Ycm Ai. meets each LIUER?" Fridav eveninv? nln 5avi a.and&. X. POST KO. 13: meets tim 11 evenlna- at 7 n'rivV.

eases, Bold by H. M. Holmes at fifty cents and one dollar. Pleasant to take and safe for children. i Wardsworth.

the dauchter-inl Geo. H. Clutch. 8. M.

GlTck, Adl'tTi found the decisions and the clauses of the constitutions with which they are said to conflict I We repeat thai the decision in 4 Those who have seen that popular comedy, "The Private Secretary," will never forget the wealthy uncle from OF VETIRAK3 Every Thursday even. J. H. Arnold, Capt.j C. a Smith, law of the poet, is dead.

She was the last" survivor of the occupants of Bydal Mountl i -i i was made by the strkl construe- TN-' 5: a a a NIGHTS OF GOLDEN fcULX, HO. US pdia, who has suffered, thousand eathsfrom a torpid liver; indeed, his misery has been so terrible and so pro- i 1 J. H. ARNOLD, We Have Long Been Thindlng That If people troubled with the catarrh knew longeathat it has become the night Congressman Matson. Honor after honor has been given him, Democrats have pulled their coats and gone into the fight In his interest, supposing him to be a worthy representative ai an honorable gentleman.

1 How greatly they have been deceived, the vigorous language ol TT-KIOHTS OF HONOR meets on day nifht of each week. Ward lion juemocracy. A like decision under like Jcircumstances was made in Pennsylvania (6 Pa. St, 507). The decision in Pennsylvania hasilbeen overruled (72 Pa.

St, 491). Tlte Indiana Dictator. i. n.Mtnti, KeDorter. i mare of his Every one he meets, whether it be maid or man, is abruptly asked, "How's your liver?" Although meets second and in many instances and circumstances bow offensive it becomes to their friends as well as annoying and disagreeable as it must be to them, they womld at once procure a bottle of Papillon (Clarke's extract of flax;) Catarrh; Cure, which is i undoubtedly the best known remedy.

4 It is recommended in every case. 'Get a bottle of any reliable druggist at $1, or it will be sent nrenaid on re Democrats here discloses. He returns next week to the bosom of his constituency, covered all over with the slime of dishonor. How can he look an honest Democratic the eye. with knowledge that his record of double dealing is known, is more than we can un- wMm, mi.

mrnnini. ooo. court by the conclusion reached in the 1 the question may seem out of plaoe. in TKDIAHA 00tJN( No. 78 TJ.

8. B. meets view of the startling amount of miserr. JL nrst ana third Tuesday in each month. Wfley Eomlnger Dan Saw.

SecTi I i aerstana. i i disease and death that springs directly from a sluggish liver and an enfeebled These might 'bo multiplied: Indefinitely. It meets each Wednesday evening J- McCommon, Piesv. F. McNaaLaeT ceipt of price, by addressing the i PapiiXok Company, I1L I may here also be stated that Matson publicly and digestion, this question- should be brought face to face before every one, TBON hall.

Local Branch No. 770. meets ev- Baxter law casertook a step jin the same direction. The stockfilaw now in force in Indiana is a local jjption law and its constitutionality is Ko apparent that it hasneveri been in the courts. I see nothing wrong in oting for a judge because he is a Eepulblican and privately has expressed his opinion of Finney quite at vigorously, so the public will see what a loving pair they will now be when they go The with a healthy, active, vijrorous liver.

I oi u. nail, a. ship, i UUUUtOilVU rf WUvU IVM almost everv diseAsa can hk thrown off' Aort. Antieum; lying deep in the mud at League Island, will be sold Saturday Office hunting together. With a diseased liver, and the baleful BAUjBOAJD time cakds.

al results tnat iouow in its wake, vu in Graduate for not less than 1500. Optician. ltm Effect Hay 13, 1888 i A Gentle Reminder. Johnponp, who is here to-day from Colum digestion, malnutrition, headache, heartburn, constipation, disease readily North Bound. I is known to hold Republican ideas on Credit is due the German women and physicians for first using Bed Clover blossoms aa a medicine.

Best results are ob Ha Madison and Ind. Mall, daDv 99aaa bus, grinds Congressman Matson np intomlnce- Jv. Lcon8tltutlnal law, for such ideas are gains a foothold, and rapidly brings aeoi meat finer than sawdust. John says that they mwfin.thn.fln.t jn that thpv i i in i i Kxpreas 4. Niarht Ez-dtmb MllV about fatal results, in harmony with! the opinions of the greatest jurists in the United States.

It South Bound tained combined with other medicinal roots and herbs, as in Dr. Jones' Bed Clover Tonic, which is the best known remedy for all blood diseases, stomach and liver 1 DR." R. O. FLOWER'S and feather a delegate from Bartholomew county who would vote for the re-nomlna-tlon of Matson. John haa his war paint on, sure enough.

Shelbyville Democrat, June 29, 1885. Ho. Mall and Express (dally)j-, refract: All errors of .4 44 on-1 prop 2aia i Mall and Xxpreas ill becomes a third party to raise the question of demagogisrji. F. I i i great gciranno Louisville A Ind.

i erly; corrected and i-v-fl'ltl'litllHlIt aoc'm, daily, 1 KAnnoH saahch: trouDies, pimples, costiveness, bad breath, piles, ague and malaria diseases, indigestion, loss of appetite, low spirits, headache and all diseases of the kidneys, i Price 50 cents. Of H.M. Holmes i i REPUBLICAN TICKET. Forth Bound. MM Bioiacu SaialiTB South Band.

We of the Democratic pArty are in favor of a tariff for revenue! Our Republican friends are for a tariff for pio- m-lndpls and amb. City aa. Ind pi and Mad. Ac a. xa.

aa Local Freight a. m. m-lnd 6: IS p. 8:80 p. Quickly regulates the liver, invigorates the stomach, and i vitalizes the general CAXBamei crrt aaavcH.

I i tedw." Geo. VV4 Cooper, "Don't ask a lady at i dinner if she will have the St. Louis Manual of feticjaette. mm MBE 10 JOBBER, National For President, BENJAMIN HARRISON, I lot Indiana. For Vice-President, i LEVI P.

MORTON, i i of New York. form aouna. mtk Tirr 2S a. m-Camb. City and Mad.

Mail. 6.M n. m. :30 m-Camb. Citv and Ml.

An. o-k. "But I boldly assert and caf. demonstrate thai protection i unnecmaiifc' Geo. W.

12:46 p. local Freight 12 SO v. m. system. It is the one great, absolute specific for liver and stomach disorders that the nineteenth century has Nora Trains LIU and wn iv.i.

che, ilepen aad parlor oars between Loiola-' CJooper. A Distressing Caa and Happy Cure. "For, over a year I have had a breaking out on my: leg between the knee and ankle, Trbich troubled me so bad I could not walk, my legibeing badly swelled, and of a purple color, with the eruption so bad that the TJC iT-r i Price, $1.00 a bottle. For sale by all r. The onlv direct rant wmth Pimples, boils and other bamors sre lia Oculist's prescriptions accurately druggists.

i jj ble to appear when the blood gets heated. To cure them, take Hood's Sa-saparilla. Ho change of cars from Louisville to Naahrllla Montgomery and Kew Orleans. aw THROUGH TICKETS at lowest rates to an polnte north, aon th, east and west, can. be pro- filled.

ill E. C. FLOWER MEDICAL BOSTON. MASS I For Governor, i HOVEY, Of Posey. I For Lieutenant-Governor, i I IRA J.

CHASE, of Hendricks, i For Judges Of Supreme Court, Excursions to Columbus to the G. A. R. Natioial Encampment viftlth? Penn- i- uenenu rasaenRer Agent, Pitta. Pa.

blood would ooze out if I bore my weight upon it. I was recommended to try Papil-' on (Clarke's extract of flax) Skin Cure, which I have done. My leg is now healed and I can walk two miles on it without any trouble." Signed, A. D. Hay ward.

Only $1 per bottle. Reliable druggists sell at, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. burg, COMPLICATED EYES A SPEC ALTY. sylvaalav Linear V.t!..l -C-nAAM W. i.1 ft 1 tlo Universal Remedy i Iames mccseaI General Manajter.

Pltteborgh, fa. 1st Dtetriet-SILAS T. COFFEY, of Clay. 2d District J. G.

BERKSHIRE, of Jennincs. lias yet been discovered but, as at least R. will be held in Columbils, Ohio, from 8eptember 11th to 15th. Extfensive preps-rations have been rfiade by the citizens of 4th! District WALTER OLDS; of Whitley. The EvpiNd! Republican.

four-fifths of human drseaxes have tliuir I Mix PasKlx Pas 7 8TATTONS. I Columbus for the entertainment of the vet l-apiuon 'Company, Chicago, 111. 1 i Miss Minnie Lippincott, of Philadel 89 source in Impure Blood, a uiedk-ino as A 'which Restores; that -fluid from a erans and their Inends. The prominent surviving leaders of the armies of the North LvGrocasbtUrf ipraveU to a Lealtliy ioikhIiou cuiues as A kit I'M 7 1S7 23 7 0E7 00 (5tf6S2 7 Slj7 2J 7 F47 3 8 0917 47 ISSUKS EviKT ArTKBKOOH, SUHDaT KjCKPTKD ISAAC T. BROWN, PBOPRnrroB, 1 ull tm Burner's phia, is ah expert pool player.

She is the "boss iof the game" thatsobei old city. I uear being a universal cure us any that will be present, and Mrs. Via. Grant and Mrs. John! A.

Logan have accepted invitations. il 1 i 8 24 7 6Rl i. i Hsrtsvtlle Croaslnc. SH6 8i 89 8 07 At BxrUBUcaN Building, northeast corner Wash- so ao Excursion tickets will be 'sold 'from Co i For Secretary of State, CHARLES F. GRIIFIli, of Lake.

I For Auditor of State, I I I BCUCE CARR, of Orange. i I I' For Treasurer of State, 1 I J.j'A. LEMCKE, of Vanderbnrg. i i i i i For Attorney-General, L. T.

MICH EN ER, of Shelby. For Superintendent of Public Instruction, HARVEY M. LA FOLLETTE, of Boone, i For Reporter oi 8upreme Court, JOHN L. GRIFFITHS, of Marion. 69 8 221 abert'a- streets.

i i ington and IS 14 5 66 6 CQ.5 4 20 8 SMAr. lumbus at rate of $3.80 to Ccjumbus, from -Lv can be produced. Ayer's Sarsaparilla affects the blood; in each stage of its formation, and is, therefore, adapted. to. la greater variety of complaints tlian any other known medicine.

fMered Matter at the Postofflc at Ooiumbut, Ind.) i A Hint to Pony People. From their arrival on this-planet to their usually early departure from it, people of weak constitutions and angular physiques pass a sort of half-existence. Like dornice they burrow in thir home retreats, afraid of heati afraid of cold, constantly afraid that the shadow dread reaper will materal-ize and' exact the forfeit which he demands TEBJS OF SUBSCRIPTION Sep. sth to llth, inclusive, gtfod returning until Sepj 19thi By' special! arrangements excursionists may, upon aplilication, have the limit of their tickets extended np to and including October 20th. Persons going to Columbus can obtain definite and further information by application tfi agent at station named above.

Pet week. deUvred by carrier 1U Cw Boils and Carbuncles, which defy ordinary'treatment, yield to ST MAIL, BTBiCTLT IK ADVANCS. i One 1 Three months-. Six months 2 (0 One month .1180 46 from sooner or later. No finer medic i i i Congressional.

For Congress Fifth Congressional District, I HENRYiC: DUNCAN, of Monroe. Sates of adverting made known on application. Toledo Blade vour wheat for "j- Corrected July 5, 1888. Trains leave Columbus, ria inal assurance of comparative vigor for the feeble exists than that afforded by Hostet-ter's Stomach Bitters. Used with persistence not with spurts and spasms this genial and' professionallv commended tonic FBIWAY, SEPT.

7, 1888. the dollar mark," is the feeling among the farmers just now. Ho. ss, Oreensbnrg and Cincinnati Ace.1 ass S3, Oreensbnrg Ace Legislative. For S.

EDGAR NICHOLSON. fcaPpaa Peart Paragraphs from the Postoffice Trains leave Oreensbnrg, Don't hawk, and spit, and blow, but use MAIN xurx -'O I I Pocketer. i Sage's Catarrh Remedy. j. i j' Ho.

5, Indianapolis aw LCnlcagoEzi .10:26 1 will do much toward infusing strength into a puny system, and rounding off scrawny angles in the human figure. i Appetite, nerve tranquillity and nightly repose are encouraged by it, and a malarial, rheumatic, bilious tendency overcome. 1 It re-establishes digestion and pre ven is kidney troubles. I i i Algernon win burne ii 'oore. a col 7, Indianapolis S.321 As the Herald will net be likely to do bo, we will reproduce 4 tew of the scores of attacks made by that paper on Matson, so that people may compare them yith the slobber tfiat he will re Chicago and Bu Lonis zpress.

cm ored gentleman of literaryj proclivities, No. 3, Cincinnati Express Ayer's Sarsaparila after a comparatively brief trial. i MrJC. K. Murray, of Charlottesville, writes that years he was afflicted with boils which caused him much suffering.

These were succeeded by carbuncles, of which he had several at one time. He then began the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and after taking three: bottles, the carbuncles disappeared, and for six years be has not had even a pimple. That insidious disease, Scrofula, is the fruitful cause, of innumerable complaints. Consumption being only one of many equally Eruptions, sore eyes, glandular swellings, weak and wasted muscles, a capricious, appetite, and the likej are pretty sure indications of a scrbfulous taint In the system. Many otherwise beautiful faces 7:27 aa resBw.

uincinnau acc 4, Cincinnati Exp: naa oeen sentencea to tnijrty days on Blackwell's Island for stealing a diction-arv. i unannta acc 12:84 pm An economist exclaims that three I ceive from same source hereafter, and that they may see versatility and impunity poll-tidans with indjla-rubber consciences and a total lack of principle may shift about I to suit their i. Ll JJ: 10, Cincinnati Aoc 8:12 pm I 1 i ji County. I.I i For Treasurer, i. FRANCIS T.

CRUMP. i f. For W. C. LARUE.

i i For (5oroner, CHARLES H.fBUTLER. Pot Surveyor, M. G. QUICK. Fori Commissioner, 1st District-JAMES "OWENS.

2d District MAHAFFY. BRAXCMES. cigans day will supply a family with meat economist has evidently Ho. 80. Forth Vernon A LouisvfUi b-is naa Vigor and Vitality Are quickly given to enry part of the body by Hood's Sarsaparilll.

That tired personal needs. 5 When it was first'i learned MrCooperhad jtteen 'appointed postmaster the got hts facts mixed. He means cab- Aor. 9:20 am 9:16 am nana vernon ixtnismie 81, Rush villa A Ft. Waymt 83, Bush villa Aw Herald saldr 1 Mm 7: 46 pa It is the InfluSnc that oriidnated and accomn- SPECIAL BUKDAT Iio.

81. Cincinnati A Indiananolia A in-ill A novelty in a timepiece is! a silver dog. The clock is set in his side, and 80, Indianapolis A CincinnaU Acc pa Trains 1 8, 14 JO run (Special Bundav lished the enforced payment from Democrats of 500 far the benefit of Mr. HcConnack's newspaperas the pCice of its loyalty to the party In the general campaign last fall. Jt is the same influence that lias sold out the Democratic mrtv iceiing is entirely overcome, Diooa is purified, enriched, and vitalised, and carries health instead of disease to every organ.

The stomach is toned: and the appetite restored. I The: kidneys and liver are roused and invigorated. The brain is refreshed the mind made 'clear and ready for worlcj Try it. a i i I i a rea tongue wagging in hia open mouthj and his tail ticks off the seconds. nmww au huw trauis run gjuit ceptSondaf.

I The 'Water-Works' Plant Contraci SnUre trains ma through with oat chant be tween Cincinnati and Qitowro. Pullman fiiear. by the banesttryachery, and that this time lorth Will operate for and with the Republican pari. The auoointment ia a Republican vic are di figured i by pimples, eruptions, and unsightly blotches, which arise from impure blood, showing the need of The accepting of the bids for the new and elegant Becllnlag Chair Cars on sixht na. Parlor ears cm dav trains.

I tory? and Republicans hare a right to rejoice over tratna. Sales of structural steels in Chicago water wotksjplant was the most infa Trains Koa. 2 A 8 fcave i 1 "wa 3 i A few days later It said n. i. in aw wagheb SLEWING CASS amount to not less than $,000,000 per year.

Many building schfmes are delayed because it is impossible to get the The intense Indignation of Democrats here REWARD. and coaches thrtfnrh without chance between mous piece of business, On the part of the city council, on record. The tax payers will do well to remember the supporters of the expensive scheme arifl uocuinso ana ox. XjcxUm via Sla moot and Seat can't well be As the enormity of the outrage against them grows upon the mind, the Line. i Through tickets and bargage checked to all Impression of "the Insult and the Injury burns 10DSA1 DOLLARS, material.

"Beneath theirose there gr(jJws a thorn, That breeds disastrous woe." poiwa can ODtamed at any ticket office of the deeper ana ueeper. a. i. aiso via una line at sue son ticket office, taronchoot the country. I Ayer's Sarsaparilla to remedy the evil.

All sufferers I from blood disorders Should give Ayer's Sarsaparilla a fair trial, avoiding all powders, ointments, and washes, and especially cheap and worthless compounds, which not only fail to effect a cure, but more frequently aggravate and confirm the diseases they are fraudulently advertised to remedy. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, raKPABBO by Dr. Ayer Lowell, Mass. Bold brail six undersigned, ofler one thou-1 see agents oi tais company for rates, usisia A pointer for; postsfflce appointment: Petitions of Democrats are no good elections are worse than useless. Be a candidate for Congress and then you $an pocket a postoffice as the And so dost thou remorseless corn, On Angelina's toe; i i Our Angelina smiles to tell, That now from corns she's free.

Or, J. H. MARTIN, Dist Pass. AjfU "Squibuiem wr getting out of the way. 8.

B. Cor. Washlsgtoa and Meridian 81a.i Ia- She cured them -all and cured them well, sand dollars, cash, if we can not send yoa the picture of the next President of the United States, If you desire to enter into this contest buy a box of 'the genuine Da. C. McLank's Celebbatkd LrvEBj Pills from your druggist (price From a long article under the head of "Mat- cuanapous, ind.

JOHN KGAN. Q. P. A T. Clndnnstt.

son's Dishonorable Record" the following ex iin ootue oi kj. j. v. i "Certain Corn Cure" warranted. By Hau- ser Parker.

i tracts are faaen; Now the. inevitable deduction is that whatever not give them their votes Councilman lieeves was the only member of the body who had the courage to enter a vigorous objection against the' ratification of the By the acceptance of the contract of the Holly Manufacturing Company an entire needless expense of money is made, as was plainly shown by 'the written statement presented by Mr. Beeves at last night's Other companies, whose reputations are just as good, agree to furnish two 1,500,000 gallon capacity engines for $9,000. These engines can'be Hay Fever. of faction in tn party, or leeunfr, was en- LADIESrPyi Tsar Ows Xrjretsur.

at Bona. endered in thrt contest, is directly ctiy traceaDie to traceable FREE TO JAJT. 1, 1883. zoc ana man us uie outside wrapper and 4 cents in stamps with your address plainly written, we will, then mail you the picture and an elegant package of Rush as well aa the duplicity Matson. I Hr.

2M DO! AH persons subscribing now for 1889 will receivt the words ol the same man. ourselt, reUed They will if Tiwy are sold averyb but they led us in different paths, and no won where. Price lOe. a paeaaS. Tnav aavs noequal mm Aurth words were different.

He is the man carus. Aaaress t- I have been a great suftereij from hay fever for 15 years. I read of tl many won-'drous cures of Ely's Cream Ifelm and tho't I would try it In fifteen mhiutes after one application I was wonderfully helped. Two weeks ago I commenced usinu it and now I feel entirely It is the greatest medical discovery ever known it heard of. ia Packs or Strength.

Snchtaasa, Amoant atnaaa, Am the Indian had in view when the son of the for- Fleming Pittsburg, Pa. 9 foe Paatseu of Color, or non-fadi tor, or non-faduw QaalrtMa. est remarked, 'white man has loricea FREE from date ol subscription to Jan. 1, 1SS9 Only tl-2ft per year. Send lour names and $5 Tby do not crock amiit; 40 colore.

Tor saia by ana receive as a premium a oeauixui psoio Olaxenoe Adams and Brcwn Tii asa facts show in vv rtlear lieht the utter etching of "unrlit uetora mate." wortb wu 1 A selfishness and the contemptible duplicity of uuhamel Ulark, Lynn, tn Drtiargist, Oolumboe, Ind. i maredawlv i I'." 1 ii uKUanapoila, Ina.

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