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The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa • Page 5

Des Moines, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TILS BBS MOINES LEADER: SUNDAY MORNING, JULY Ji 1891 Frenchies will never know which way the whits streak went. Eck will leave France with mow money than Bis FACING DIREST RUIN KIRK'S marck did in ltiTO. And the "Paries Votia" will know who skinned TVXV HURRY UP them. Half of their crack professionals train's Finances as Incompetent as will come to America with Eck. They won't be any mon-y left in Francs v7 ft rf Her Soldiers.

rs mm the pleasure and beargu dvrfvrA from St taking I if ''U for them when Johnnie and Tom LATEST DISCOVERY -tt' my get throush. Track proprietors riders, concelonalr, the puhllu, everybody, will owe money to Tom Eck, Tho STAR Milvvaukoo Uoer A NATION WITHOUT FUNDS Mr. Paul Murphy with Interest. lie ts LI JUNG AM BISIURCK. 1 i U'A mvL Meets With a Magnificent Reception in Des Koines.

Even When th Cubes fttbeli Are DImU4 hv nrdrrini It figM now. Von cin't b0 aay to quick In grttlat (be lt tor your Anna. ftpeclntnt ef the Cmvertattee the Oeratsn ant the Chinese Statesmen. FrtrtalahiiM PHim Wnn'oeafiflflator is, I HI WUIW III Hit Mlllbwni IlllWIUtfVIU MMUIbl I rlrasonoa SIV Tork. June 17.

A World cable Ne tfT ta tas Oat 7 ftfclrmtihr. Ne Fellow lp Advantage Is Mads. New Tork World: Mr. Charles Ak'ers, 'one of the youngest, as well as one of the best riders In the city. The wheelmen of the city will! meit at T.

E. Brown's place on Oratid avenue Monday evening, July to further arrange (or the parade Beml-centsnlal day. Many of the young people of the city spent a part of the day yesterday on their wheels, some going to Hlghbrldge, while others visited the several parks of the city. Mr, Lowell Watklns, who has been attending school at Highland Tsrk. de- gives detail Oi the Interview between LI Hung Chang and Bismarck, of which Owing to the Enormous the following- ars representative pas the able and fair-minded correspondent Demand and Popularity of James 5.

Kirk sages: 'The greatest and most' VeJaVt-ted I whose letters In the London Times have Bis- been of high value, as showing the ex statesman of your country," ald Moershell Duffy marck. "Eos," Washing Pow der, The Leader has Se art condition of affairs In Csba, writes from Havana, under date of May 50, as was gaslng at Bismarck's shrugged follows: face and eagle eyrs. "Now that I havs parted for his home in Independence Friday. He expects to make the trip on hie whe) in two days. Next week the Tacemaker Cycling cured a L-arge Number 621 West Walnut Street.

The relative positions of the Spanish seen your serenity's piercing eyes, I for troops and the rebels show little altera the first time understand your sue of Samples to Give Away company will put in another useful ar- tlon during the past week. The rebel cesses." tlcle for the cyclers. It will be a larg Free to Any Person Call Bismarck replied: "Your Loftiness, Antonio Maceo, has moved his reservoir pump to used for pump too. has had areat men a few miles to the south, leaving ing the tubes. ing at Their Office From "Not nearly so great as yours," said the mountains for the plains.

A sharp A large number of wheelmen met at Q. E. Brown's place Friday evening to make arrangement fur the parade semi-centennial day. Those present started the ball at lively pace. Air.

W. P. Chase acted as chairman. It was decided that the Del Moines Wheel club, being a uniformed organization, should lead the parade. The Columbia wheelmen will form a squadron of tbelr own.

A plan was also evolved that the unorganized cyclists should, be formed In divisions of sixteen The Meteor team which were to have thi Ohinaman. skirmish took place on Monday last be stopped here on their way to the coas "Well." responded Bismarck, ''we all tween the troops commanded py uen- but took the wrong road will surely sto 9 a. m. flonday to 5 p. m.

Tuesday-Come and try to do our duty." eral Buarez Valdes and a 'body of Ma- as they return. They will probably Li is crippled badly. He tood as ceo's men. the Spanish commander, two here In about three weeks. officers and twenty-four men being oin Qet a SampleNo Dif long as he could snd when he was about to sink with fatigue Bismarck Invited him to sit.

The two old men then fell daily reported as wounded, while the The World Cycling company Will opn training quarters at 217 Chestnut street In the nar future. The quarters rebel is returned as thirty-nine ference Whether You to discussing their ailments. killed. The Spaniards claim the ad GOOD BYE SUMMER GOODS GOOD BYE PROFITS. 1 Clearing Out Prices on all Wash Goods and Hot Weather Goods.

"I sleep badly," said the Prussian In vantage, but, as usual, retired from the will have all the necessary equipments and will be In charge of Mr. George Are a Subscriber to The each, with a leader, It being the care of each leader to enroll his own platoon. response to the other inquiries. too. suffer great Daln," said LI, Merey, a trainer from Chicago.

scene of the fight, and made no attempt to push home any advantages they may Leader or Not Free to A Des Moines man Is said to have The following gentlemen volunteered as "But I have no ualn," retorted Bis have gained. struck a new Idea In the shape of mark. leaders: Al Hammer, W. L. Brown, E.

All. Skirmishes are reported from all parts break. A Spring Is attached to the "It ts In my face." continued LI. "It of the country, but no serious engage O. Pratt, C.

E. Rawson, O. J. Miller, Dr. wheel and when going down hill th Yesterday at p.

tn. the free dlutrl- ment of any kind. Maximo Gomez, the hurts me," and he Invited Bismarck's attention to his homely face, which, ia Field, Z. F. Hurley, Leland Hudson, soring Is loosened and allowed to wind rebel commander-in-chief, is still In the butlon of the amps B.

Kirk Eos Craig T. Wright. Russ Dockstader, C. up, after tho foot of the hill Is reached, still further twisted by neuralgia, province of Santa Clara, and has made Washing Powder closed at the Register R. Chase.

Charles Denman, W. J. Bid At luncheon the. two talked politics. In the spring is reversed ana aia me mn no further attempt to advance west den.

mblng the next mil. netner tn the presence of several German report ward. It Is stated that the rebels will Others will be entered later. Each Idea will be a success ts not known as office. The scenes of Friday were again repeated.

A solid stream of humanity filed In and out of their office from ers. LI talked recklessly for a man who make no move in force In the direction of Havana until the wet season has yet. platoon will meet at a time and place appointed by the leader. The cyclers has a yellow Jacket to lose. "The purpose of my visit," he remarked, "It to A bicycle picnic was enjoyed at th o'clock in the morning until the very further advanced and the evil effects of it are fully felt by the Spanish soldiers.

will be furnished with fireworks to be Rcoville home on Kingman avenue last At 25c, White Dotted 6wlsses, Colored exploded along the route. Saturday evening. The hostess, Mis In the provinces of Puerto Principe ask your serenity's advice. "What advice?" asked Bismarck. "How can we best reform China?" "I cannot Judge from here." Dotted Swisses, Figured Organdies, It was anonunced that In order to In Ella Scovllle.

proved a charming en Swiss Dimities, sold up as high as 50o. crease the Interest of wheelmen several tertainer. and It was With regret that and Santiago the troops are confined to the principal towns, while the country districts are In the hands of the rebels. prizes would be offered. The Lathrop- "How can I act successfully against At 12e, Grass Linens, Figured Dimi the young people repaired to their homes late in the evening.

Those of the party the court In Pekln?" Khodes company has, already announced that It will give $5 In cash to No Information of any Importance has been received lately from these sections ties, Figured Batistes and French Lawns, sold up as high as 22c. "One cannot act against a court. No were Misses Yetg, Cora Pease, Fanny Wilkins. Helen Waldron and Messrs the cycler with the most artistically of the island, beyond the fact that the minister can resist th will of the ruler, He only executes It or gives advice." decorated Wheel. A prize will also be last minute of the time allottwi for the giving away of camples, and we extend to Messrs.

James S. Kirk A Co. our hearty congratulations for the appreciation shown by the people of Des Moines and vicinity for their pew and great discovery. We felt at the start that the high character and well-known standing of James 8. Kirk Co.

was a sufficient guarantee to take the advance position we have Informally Introducing Eos Washing rowdcr to our readers. Will Sanders, Ellis Englebeck, Robert number of armed rebels appears to be At 44c, Be, te and 9c, Pretty Figured offered for the best uniformed and best "But how can the ruler's will be car Increasing, and that many white Cu Turner, Don Kaiser ana Ueorge uea, Lawns, Stripe Dimities, Crepons and Fast Blacks and Tans for Ladies and Children, 25c; value. iOo. Cool, washable and the latest styles and the prices are always down 33c, 49c, 69c, 79c, 88c, $1.25, $1.49 and up. Dress Skirts, good ones, for a low price.

See our $1.98, and $3.49 best value in Iowa. Summer Corsets, good ones, 39c. ried rranged platoon. The lady riders will have a place In bans have lately Joined the Insurgent Batistes. The snatch race between Homer "Only on the basis of an army.

It ranks. Falrmon and John Lawson, "the ter the parade, and It Is desired that every Plain 'Persian Lawns, India Linens, may be quite small; not more than 50,000 The rains have begun, and wet weath rlble Swede." for 13.000 being held a lady leave her name with W. P. Chase, Stripe Dimities, Organdies and Mulls, men. perhaps, but It must ne good Minneapolis.

Is one of the most exclt at Chase West's store. There will be 'We have the men." replied the for all pure white, at Sc, 10c, 12c and up, er is resorted from all districts. The Spanish army cannot now, however willing the commander-in-chief may be. lng races ever held In the United States, allowed to form divisions of their own. mer viceroy, "but training is wanted Falrmon des a World ana or may ride with gentlemen.

If desired. Serges, all wool, blacks and navy take strong aggressive action against Nothing has been done In this direction. For thirty years I have striven in vain blues, 52 Inches wide, for 49c, for skirts Fowler. The race Is the best heats of IS miles each. The first heat was run the rebels.

Moreover, the suffering or dresses. Tuesday's Racs. ThefS were two races given at the T. acainst this lethargy. I have now seen among the troops will necessarily be of the most severe kind.

The majority of June 30th and Lawson beat Fairmon by 3 feet in 36:02. The second heat was run the finest army in tne worio, mat or Figured Waterproof Silks, dark col the men are very young and not accli Germany. Though I shall no longer ce July 2. and Fairmon won in 31:52, break ors, for cool summer dresses, 27 inches mated, and yellow fever will play havoo able to expend means of my own, wjiicn lng the world's record for that distance M. C.

A. race track Tuesday evening by the employes of the Harris-Emery company. There were a number of valuable prizes offered by the company. wide, 59c; value, Jl-00, In their ranks. Hospital arrangements were at my disposal as viceroy, 1 snan The final heat will be run today, and KIRK'S EOS (WASHING POWDER) The Hany Purposes for Which It Was Designed.

Eos Was designed to be a perfect washing compound, a preparation that would do the family washing better than It had been done "before, with less labor and without the use of a particle of soan. To accomplish such, wonder have been made on a large scale, but do what I can to act up to your seren the publid opinion Is that Fairmon will he best of all medical appliances and ity's advice. We must reorganize, and defeat the "Terrible, The first race, one mile handicap, re- skill are of little avail In yellow fever we must do it th tne neip or t-russian The following tabif; published by the ulted as follows: Orrln Deltiler, 50 officers and on the Prussian mode." Record, gives the distance a sarety ni yards, first: Hub Deitzler, 150 yards. Skirt Patterns or Remnants of Black Goods for Skirts in Mohairs, Serges, Crepons, plain and figured, and the prices are low. i Gauntlet Bicycle Gloves, 9Rc.

Mocha 2-clasp Shopping Gloves, 98c. Silk Mitts and Evening Gloves, all cycle will roll In feet with each revolu Ladles' Muslin Night Gowns, 73c; value, $1.00. Ladies' Muslin Skirts, 39c, 49c, 75c ana up. Ladles' Muslin Drawers, 25c, 35c, 50o Ladles Musllh Corset Covers, 13c, 'Zac, 35c, 49o and tip. Ladles' Duck bargain.

Ladies' ft bargain. Ladies'. Lawn Suits, $1.98 a bargain. Ladies' Ribbed. Vests at 4c, 5c, 10c bargains.

Ladifts Swiss Ribbed Vsjsts, 15c, 19e. 25c are bargains. "The army," remarked the prince, need not be distributed all over the epidemics. The wet weather seems to have no terrors for the Insurgents. One of these told me that four new generals had now arrived to aid them, and said they were June, July, August and Sep second; Frank Fagrol, 76 yards, third.

Time. 2.40. tion of the cranKs. xne nrsi coiumn ronntrv. It Is only necessary to nave gives the gear and the second the dis tance covered wit! revolution.

It at one's disposal at any moment and tember. I fear my rebel rrlend was to create means of communication 111 nrdtr to throw the force quickly and right, and that the losses of the Spanish troops during the next few months will be very heavy. easily from one point to another." Second race, one-half mile handicap Orrin Deltsler. 25 yards, first: Clyde Burrett, scratch, second; Hub Deitzler, 40 yards, third. The officers of the meet were: Judges, Messrs.

Thomas and Bend; timers, Sawyer and Beldenkopf starter, H. Belmont; referee, E. S. Chandler. A case of most undoubted naroaruy 60 15.70 75 19.63 62 16.23 76 19.89 63 16.44 78 20.42 64 16.75 80 20.94 66 17.27 82 21.43 68 17.80 84 21.9!) 70 18.32 86 22.M 72 18.84 8S 23.03 19.37 90 23.56 on the part of the Spanish troops has WhelerettM.

Cycle Insurance is the fad of the mom come to my notice. On the plantation tints. Val Lacew and Inserting, cream and white, pretty ones for very little money. Parasols and Umbrellas look at ours. Prices were never as low.

Baby Bonnets and Hats, 48c; value up to $1.25. New ones at 19c; at 25c, beauties. ent In Massachusetts. of a Frenchman by the name of Beth- arte the usual work was proceeding In Taffeta Underskirts, black. The towpaths of all the New York Ladies' $1.19.

canals are now open to cyclists. the sugar factory. Early in the morning a small detachment of rebels passed through the plantation; later on a body From several parts of the country Will Valentine came Very near having his bles'de smashed Up one day last week bv an expressman, it seems as You are always welcome to come and look around. comes reports of washerwomen who use ful results the bent equipped labratory In the United States has been tending every effort for years pant. We believe that the public Is fully aware that when a.

piece of goods passes the crucial test of a chemist In charge of this extensive laboratory and the preparation emerges from the factory bearing the name and trade mark of James fl. Kirk Co. that It must be as near perfect as modern science can make It. Among other advantages Eos tins over any washing powder the world's market today are: That a little Eos In the water makes it soft and velvety. Anyone putting tfciir "hands in water prepared with Eos will almost immediately exclaim, "My, this Water feels like satin." In washing printed goods a prepra-tlon should be used that will prevent colors from running.

We guarantee Eos, If used according to directions, will accomplish this. We also guarantee that Eos will pie-vent flannels and woolens from shrinking a particle, and that if you wash our flannels In water In which Eos the wheels in delivering ciofnes to weir of troops arrived. Not finding the rebels, these soldiers entered the factory rthouarh the expressman had it in for customers. where the laborers were at work, and Bicycle Notes. ilr.

John Tones is r.dlng a Dayton. Mr. Will Kessler Is riding a World, Mr. Roy Campbell Is riding a Pattee. Roy Campbell la riding a new Pattee.

Mr. GoJdbeck has purchased the Es-sex. Mr. Charles Dockwood has ordered a World. Mr.

Billy Wind rode to Colfax last Saturday. Mr. Clint Sayre Is now riding a new The man rides a wneei wnne then'deliberately shot down fourteen of Mr. Valentine and endeavored to smash his wheel three times, and each time by crowding him into the curbing, the heeding a dog has need of patience, re these perfectly Innocent people, nine source and a little court plaster, whom were Chinamen. The overseer, a A Chicago man leads his caw to pas Garfield One Price -Clothing Store Frenchman, by name Duarte, rushed to ture on a wheel the man on a wneei, not the cow but another perches a par the dwelling house, locked the door, and third time was the charm, however, Mr.

Valentine sprang from his wheel and caught the horses by their heads and faced them In another direction, the expressman sprang from his wagon and seized a French flag to show his na rot on his handle bars. tionality. The door was burst open and When a maiden lady offers to give up a collection of Angora cats for a the overseer killed. The plantation wa then set on fire by the soldiers. Nin hand bicycle, you may know, Ahat tnis Dashaway.

Will Kessler has purchased himself a $125 World Racer. George tTttecson and George Rucker eye witnesses have testified to these is really the cycle cycle. facts before the French consul general, and the matter has been laid before the Will rile to Perry today. government In both Cuba and Madrid To Broil Fish. When It Is not convenient to broil The hite Flyer and Dayton tandems Spain has another and serious danger to face In addition to the actual rebel left for Cedai Rapids yesterday.

Walter St. John left Thursday for trip to Clear Lke on his wheel. 1 lion. The towns are crowded with fish over an open fire It may be nicely broiled in a very hot oven. Prepare as for the usual kind of broiling and lay used that they will corns out of the iash soft, fleecy and white.

For all bourlng and cleaning purposes Eos occupies a pre-eminently first position. I Use Eos in doing your family wash-ig. Use Eos to prevent the colors In your printed cotton goods from running! Use Eos to wash your dishes and for refugees, a very large portion of these It i estimated that there Is 5,000 bi ith the skin down over a tisn racK or being women and children. The local food supplies are nearly exhausted, and cycle riders In the city of Dcs Moines. on a piece of oiled paper in a roasting Properly Dressed Are always the most satisfied customers.

They appreciate the stylish outfits we turn out for them, and the low prices which we sell them at. will be entirely so In a few montns nan. Cook on tne upper grate 01 tne Master Dwlght French left his wheel for Winterset last Monday morn oven until browned, seasoning It with salt, pepper, melted butter and dusting ing. eneral kitchen work! fee Eos to scour your m'lk pans! tto v.nn to clean vour naint! time. Little or nothing is being grown to supply local needs, and the rebels do not allow any country produce to be taken to the towns for sale.

The people went for Mr. Valentine with the express purpose of "doing him up," but much to his own surprise and to the glee of the bystanders he failed. Mr. Valentine laid the husky fellow out in less than a minute's time. He elunk back to his wagon and Valentine mounted his wheel and rode away wearing a broad grin.

Foxy Tom Eck and his docile protege, John S. Johnson, are playing a neat game in France, says an exchange. JohnHon is in no kind of condition, and is taking life easy. Consequently Mo-t-ln and other Frenchmen with most unpronouncable names daily defeat him with ease. Meanwhile the wily Thomas walks to luncheon with delighted track owners and tells them how much better they do things in "la belle France." They allow betting on the bicycle races over there.

About the middle of July the blguitake event, so to speak, will be on. About that time Johnnie will get into condition. Eck will send his betting- commissioner "down the line." Morin and the other frog eaters will be backed heavily to beat Johnson. Johnnie will trail along until the last third and then the Mr. Werressmuth represented the ith flour.

To be palatable broiled nsn Uh Kos when vou scrub your floor. should always be garnished with pars- World wheel at the Adel races yester day. In the towns will, therefore, be depend it n.l we reneat that vour work will be ey and lettuce and sliced lemon or a ent on what can be purchased abroad inn hottoi- than it has ever been done Measrs. Will Klaer, H. McMIHen, Ed piquant sauce.

Mon for the maintenance of life. The exports from now until the end of this year will Cox, were visitors from Colfax day. Economy Baking Powder guaranteed be. including sugar, cigars, leaf tobac pure. Tone manuiaciureia.

The Pattee tandem which Was order co, fruit and iron ores, as nearly as can be estimated, $13,000,000. This presents ed a few weeks ago will be here tnis week. tt would be hard to convince a man the entire purchasing power of the com Men's Black Clay Worsted Dress Suits In sack $ia values, at suffering from bilious cone mat nis Oscar Mdline one of Des Moines best gony Is due to a micrope witn an un heretofore at half the labor and ex-Dense. Kirk's Eo Is lor Sale BY ALL GROCERS! A large package for 5 cents'. Try a package and you will never be with-out It.

$9.50 munity up to the end or tne present vear. and is clearly Insufficient to pay riders, has been quite sick the past two weeks. Messrs Frank Martin and Allle Bis lor the foreign supply of food necessary pronouncable name. But on dose or DeWitt's Colic Cholera Cure will con-vlnc h'm of Its power to afford instant Men's Blac Clay Worsted Frock Dress Suits Elegantly made up and up and to support the population of the various handsomely trimmed are not sold anywhere for less lan $16 6 on their towns, now certainly exceeding 1,000,000 relief. It kills pain.

All druggists. $12.00 hop rode to Cedar Rapids Wheels. souls, we offer them The Cubans are an Improvident race, and have no savings with which to tide over the present time of scarcity. It is Mr. C.

D. Duke was thrown from his wheel last week and sustained serious Injuries. A CIUJRCH BUILT OUT OF A SINGLE BOULDER. About 300 pair of Men's all wool Casslmere Pants New goods not oddi not too much to say there is no money in Frantz's Ice. Cream A crowd of about six boys will leave the country.

Unless relief in some form and ends Regular $3.00 values to be closed out per at rrnm rPM Whnl. me mai ui uio weev is provided, absolute starvation will jale and retail. s.iip to all In on wheels. Iowa, from one quart, either in t-lk or Many of the Des Moines wheelmen are dock, to as many as you wani. ni rontemnlating out of Town trips in ine for prices delivered to you.

We ak for a ,7 trial order. Any color desired Teiepnons 9fi F. FKAN1 its, ueo. anu tmn overtake a large portion of the population before many more montns are passed. The acute distress now practically In sight will tend to make people desperate, and probably lead to disturbances In Havana and other large cities.

The Inhabitants in these towns cannot, for the most part, obtain work, for the industries of Cuba are ruined. Without work and without the means to HANSEN T1ARKUSSEN, 206 West Fifth street, Des M.nes. lows. 1 Third Door North r.itoffioek made a trip to Altoona on their wneeis last Sunady. Miss Rose Hahnen and Mr.

Mel Davis visited friends in Grimes yesterday on 827 EL. LOGUST- their wheels. Paul Murnhv. Mr. Hanen and John purchase food, these people will be driven to desperation.

Larson took part In the bicycle races at In the face of the pitiable economic BLAIR thT FLORIST Can Supply Fresh Home Grown FLOWERS Of any variety In season. Special at. tcntlon to Mall Orders, arrival Adel yesterday. Among the many bicycle clubs of Paris is one composed of the leading physicians of Paris. Mr.

H. M. Penrose, traveling agent for 0 8 ix til Avenue. Tat- guaranteed. SDhone 4W.

condition of the people, it is only natural to suppose that the Spanish government would deem it expedient and advisable to lighten the burden of taxation by reducing the duties on imported articles, especially on breadstuffs and other necessaries of life. Such, however, is apparently not the intention of the wiseacres who manage Cuban affairs. The estimates for 1896-7 show: Gold dollars. Expenditure 92,000,000 Our Pleasant Department Extends over our whole store, of course, but our extra pleasant department is the part devoted to PERFUMKS The next time you call on us, ask for Our special odor. "Wisteria." All the' adjectives superfine, fragrant, delicate, i permanent, etc.

apply to this xdor. Tou ought to test its fragrance. us put a drop or two on your hand- -kerchief. 4 McBride Little, Time Ended the Feud. Washington Star: John S.

Crosby of Kansas City, the -great eingle-taxer and th choiae of the populists of Missouri for governor, was at the capital Wed Revenue 30,000,000 the Hartford Tire company, was a visitor in the city last week. About a doeen new beginners on the "bike" commenced taking lessons in the art of wheeling last week. Mr Ed Hahner, who was thrown from his wheel at the Y. M. C.

A. track is able to be around again. Messrs Howard Ball and Oliver Plfan rode up from Colfax last Sunday. They report the roads In good condition. The World Cycling company have ordered two tandems here for kee4 riders.

They will be here this week. Among those who took "sprints" on 1 Corner Sixth and Locust Street. -V- 1 1 I tvsz hplr wheels Sunday was Bert Springer and Al Beck who were Colfax visitors. I It is estimated that there will be upwards of two thousand cvclists In line during the wheel parade Seml-centenial day. CYCLES The First Presbyterian church of "Wa We carry the largest assort ment of high grades, medium grades and second-hand Bicycles In the city, and we ara always low a.

the lowest. It will be to your Interest to see us before buying a wheeV Messrs Huliszer and Gilbert returned fr-nm Omaha on their wheels Wednes Deficit 62,000,000 Now, in 1894, when there was no war, the revenue only amounted to $20,000,000. I asked how, with the country in its present state, and the government unable to enforce taxation In the country districts, a revenue of was to be obtained. I was told by increasing the custom house duties. This idea is simply midsummer madness.

With the industries of the country ruined and the inhabitants starving, to make any such proposition is absolutely cruel. If Spain continues to remain In Cuba under present conditions, her expenditures will doubtless be not less than $92 000,000, and her revenues cannot exceed $10,000,000. The deficit for the coming twelve months of $82,000,000, or say 16.000,000, will have to corns out of the Spanish treasury. The Spanish people will probably begin to understand the affairs and condition of Cuba when they are called upon to pay taxes this amount. The municipality of Havana have also similar ideas of how to mak both ends meet, and during the pt week a decree has been issued raising the tax on all Industrial business by 5 Ir cent.

To add further to the financial chaos day, making the trip In a day and a half. a lanr number of cvclists from this nesday. Mr. Crosby is on his way to 1 Delaware, where he will be an active factor In the single tax campaign 4hls summer, as he is one of the most eloquent orators In the west, and the author of a weighty volume on government. Crosby Is a Maine man, and when a schoolboy at Lewlston was a classmate of Representative Dingley.

Here Is a story he related yesterday of an episode dating back to those days: "I have now a very distinct recollection of being severely snowballed at FChool one day by an elder boy. I was then about 12 years old, but I vowed I would whip that boy for snowballing nve if I ever met him face to face again. Thirty years elapsed, when on one occasion I sent my card to Congressman Dingley. He remembered me and our meeting was quite cordial. said I.

Hhirty years ago you snowballed me at school, and I promised to whip you if we ever met again. You were older and bigger than I was then, but I am now much bigger than you are, and I think I can whip "Dingley laughed as he grasped my hand. 'Oh. Crosby. said he, 'the statute of limitations haa run against that lone "And that ended our feud." Mr.

Croebv has been invited to carry the single tax propaganda Into Main, snd may deliver a series of speech that state before returning to Mis- 1 iourl. city departed for Cedar Rapids Friday night to be present at the race meet at that place. Miss Gertie Huntington of Indlanola tin nn her wheel last Thursday DAWSON'S HARDWARE, FIFTH STREET. I raise funds for a new building, amd the members thought It was a good deal of a case of asking for bread snd getting a stone. But the donor explained his gift to the satisfaction of all.

Ha proposed to have the rock drilled Into and blasted to pieces, and used for building material. This was done and 300 cords of splendid building stone was the result. From this the church was built, at a very small cost. The bottom of the stona was found to be almost perfectly fiat. It had the scratches that proved It had beon carried a long distance by the glacier.

Work was begun on the church June 12. 10. fcnd on September 12, the corner stone was laid. The church was dedicated September 13. ISM.

The tower is terloo, Iowa is one of the prettiest little edifices of Its kind In the state, and it Is notable from the fact that It was built from a single immense boulder that was blown to pieces and used for building stone. The northeast part of Iowa Is strewn with immense boulder3 that were deposited by the glaciers which during the glacial epoch covered that part of Iowa. One of the very largest of these was on the Brant farm near Waterloo. It was 30 feet long, 20 feet wMde and 28 feet deep; 19 feet of the latter demension be and Is now visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Marks. Last Sunday morning at the fair ground the White Flyer track team did some excellent work and making some very speedy time. RETAIL. WHOLESALE. Roy Campbell and Will alentine MAG YICAE, of Cuba, the Bank of Spain ff Cuha ing under the ground as the stone orig- The audience room it 42 1...

Tk. nf a final I IE and ladv friends lert tnis morning iyi St. Charles on their wheels. They will return this evening. The World's quintette, ridden by five has been authorized to emit J12.wi.iiiu in Thoso are to be guaranteed by a reserve of coin provided by the treasury, but what portiin of to nots quality of gray granit-.

and being of no I by ft and the re room 22 36 to the owner of tbe farm, was The pastor who was one of he bought by art enterprising member of lder. in the idea of huiMins; the the church and presented to the society. 1 church from the boulder, ts Kev. C. H.

The society as at that time trying to I rurmoru PAPERS-New Goods issued is not stated. It is. of course, the of the fastest riders in the country will make im first appearance in Dcs stepping stone to a forced currency or incontrovertible paper money. in fair week. The cyclists of the city are witching 1.

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