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The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa • Page 4

Des Moines, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DALLY IOWA STATE RBG18TKK 1 TUESDAY MOBNING. MAY 10. 1874. Equitable Insurance Co 50 per cent I Carpets and Blankets scoured on short ClTI C0UHCIL. Whbs yon want dry wood, call on Sau- Nkw Goods 1 Nbw Goods 1 received per Ticxets for either night of the Pepper ASIUSEMEXTS.

PAYESPOHT. Scale Co 40 per cent. notice, at the woolen factory of cerman, at George's grocery store, Clapp's United States Express yesterday. Ghostly entertainment are now on sale at rui ri.n""-r maylSdlw. Khepabd PbbeIob, maylSdlw; W.

K. i5IKD. the Opera House Music Store. iiiiuuun yvi UBIll, m. sioaa Si Bob Kxbp Coou We would respectfully an TUESDAY MAY, 19, 1874.

i 1 oi jras 35 per cent. Th Cot Hospital. The Trustees met Buildkbs and parties intending to build Money to Loan. For long time and favorable terms. Apply to the Iowa JJobbcra of" MOORE'S OPERA HOUSE.

ONK NIGHT OIVIVY I Wednesday, May 20. A petition bavins been presented from nounce that we are now ready to deliver floor in 15tf B. W. Morrison sella the best ha market for $1.40 per sack. can find out all about Asbestine Stone in another column on this page.

Ankeney Bros, asking permission for the Ice to any part of the city at the rate of 1 Important Action or the Committee oat ItnlliaUn. At the adjourned meeting last night there was a full attendance of the Aldermen. The ordinance regulating the construction of sidewalks was read a third time and adopted by a vote of 12 ayes and 1 yesterday afternoon at the Adjutant General's office and adopted by-laws. The President was directed to prepare proper subscription papers to aid in the objects of this association. Mr.

and Mrs. Young 60 cents per week or S3 .00 per month Fancy Dry Goods. B. I. P.

R. K. Co. to grade and lay side track on East Vine street from Sec Loan fc Trust Company, Des Moines Iowa. Parasols in great variety at Paterson's msyl7bld2t The Exkcutivb Committkb of the State leaving from 10 to 12 lbs per day.

Leave Grange are in session: also the State ond to Sixth permission was granted on the condition that no Tested right shall be orders at Grefe Weaver's store, 312 Walnut street, between 3d and 4th streets. Convention of County Superintendents, Haverly's Minstrels IK A 8coKyonr seats for Hayerly's Minstrels. Box office open at 10 o'clock, Tueeday morning. Reserved Beats 75 eta. Fiv hundred fine all wool cassimere Vesta at $1.00 each at 219, Court Avenue.

mayl7-2t. Biases Bros. with headquarters at the Jones House. interfered with. All orders promptly attended to.

offered their house, 711 Front street, East Side, for the reception of needy sick until a proper hospital could be hired or constructed, and the offer was unanimously' Ladies Gents FurniBliing Gooiis i Motions, 12G E. Second Street nsy. The ordinance increasing the compen Fob Sale. A good span of mules wagon and harness. Enquire at Des On motion of Alderman King the bill maylObldtf Grefe Soss.

Rsv. J. E. Gastok received a telegram SELECT AND REFINED PROGRAMME, sation of the Clerk of the Police Court of Assessor Matthews, for $96. was al Moines House stables.

bldtf. yesterday from Van Buren county, stating Hollo wat's Pills and Ointment. A accepted, Dr. Fields addressed the Trus lowed. Davenport, was laid on the table.

The report of the Committee on Equal that his sister, a married lady residing tees and gave some most excellent ana On motion of Alderman McTighe ad marl8deodtoJaly31 Housb for Sale. I will sell one of the most elegantly finished and handsomely there, was very ill, and that no hopes were Dractical views of the question. The word to our fair readers Health the basis oj beauty Pimples, blotches, and all skin A clear complexion is not only essential to female loveliness but it ization was read, and on motion of Al Th Grand Jury of the United SUtea Circuit Court meets this morning. Moat of the jurora were in the city last eve Introducing the following ArUts FAYBTTK WKM-H, UEOH.UK WILSON, ttJ BEKNAKUO, IU, H. MORTON, and D.

L. MOEBI8, In Dutch Specialties. The Great Bong and Dance ArtlaU, ioorned to meet Tuesday evening at 7J o'clock. meeting then adjourned to meet on call of I entertained of her recovery. Mr.

Gaston arranged houses in Des Moines, contain derman King the names and amounts J. M. CHRISTY left for Van Buren last evening. the President. is equally an external evidence of health ning.

were ordered published, as follows Alderman McGlew moved that Mr. Concert. Do not fail to go to the ing ten rooms, oesiaes balls, bath room closets, pantry, china closets, and water -wniie sallowness, pimples and all cuta Swallows' House. Sunday evenin? Few tsr Court. Notwithstanding the Manufacturer oi Harmonia Concert to-night at Harmonia "Whoop 'Ea Up." The Board of Equal meKrs.

oanUeid fc Bookw. Superior Vocal Corp and Brilliant Orchestra. works, also good barn, for one thousand James Callanan's assessment be increased solemn cast of United States courts, an neous eruptions are indicative of a disturbed condition of the stomach and liver. Upon these organs the famous Hall, Gilchrest's building. The Harmo Plain and Fancy ization continued their labors yesterday, dollars less than it can be built for.

occasional streak of fun can be found Locust street, in front of the First Baptist church, was fairly alive with swallowr. Their number was so great that the spec nia Orchestra and Society, assisted by twenty thousand dollars. Carried. Alderman Merrill moved to assess B. and adjourned to to-day.

They incre -ed HTsEOlS: aperient and tonic known as Holloway's USUAL, PRICE LUST. Everything new and in perfect order. Or, ers, Prof. Otto Schmidt, will give our citizens the total assessment of the city $300,425.00. Keservl scats on sale at Box Office three DAY E.NPUHT STEAM BAKtttY there.

When the case of the McGregor mill burning was being tried, the absence of spark arrester on wm exenange it for a good unincum musical treat. Admission 60 cents- Allen at Bixty thousand dollars. Carried. Alderman Stansbury moved to increase tacle attracted many spectators. After circling around the church in immense rills, act with a directness, precision and rapidity unparalleled in medical science, while the Ointment purges the vesicles of the skin and imparts a bril D.

B. HODGES. mayl7-19A23 General Agent Thi annaratus of Prof. Pepper and the bered farm, if sufficient inducement is offered. Address lock box 303.

Des Concert commences at 8 o'clock. The flocks they commenced to divo into the Professor himself arrived in the city yes Moines. maj6 bldlm. the transfer boat being urged, one of the attorneys spoke slightingly of one of the witnesses, claiming that his red face indi chimney and continued the downward Alex. McDonald, Pres.

T. E. Strong, T. Fret terday. The apparatus weighs several Cor.

4th lewa Davenport, loa. Branch in Moline, 111. Hie Best In tlio Market ASK YOUR GROCER FOH THEM, piano at the concert is the celebrated Mathuscheck piano, from Mr. Edwards' music store. G.

W. Clark's assessment to thirty thousand dollars. Carried. assessment of personal property ai EQUALIZED by thb city council commit liancy and roseate tint to that delicate envelope. All who value health and beauty should beware of tampering with cosmetics as they are not only pernicious motion until all were concealed.

Some oto., oicaireas r.E.Merihew, Kec.Bup't tons and trie lecturer several tons more Great Bargains in bleached and brown cated bad habits. The opposing counsel mathematicians present estimated the number at two hundred thousand. muslins at Paterson's. but highly dangerous to nealtn.

replied that a red face didn't always tell There will be a sociable 'at the Fifth intellectually. An investigating committee has discoV' TEE. Fond du Lac Threshing Machine Co. may7axwim loo of too much, whisky. "Why," said he, Street M.

E. Church this evening. Our ORIGINAL. INCBBASB Fob Rent. Office rooms on second floor ered that Hanna puts a few of his straw Adam Aulman.

increased-! 500 $1,000 Educational Cojsvestiox. A conven painting to another attorney in the case, Catarrh Cured Cancer Cared socials are pleasant, and we cordially invite all pleasure seekers to tarry awhile 1,200 of east half of Exchange Block. A pply to 1.500 hats outtide of his store, to mike room for "the counsel here has a red lace and, tion of the School Superintendents of Worts Bsslsts Offlre Temporarily at Biclsc, Wis. mayI7bltf A. oh J.

J. Wiixiamb. the largest stock of hats and caps inside By a New Treatment, In from 10 to 30 days; Cancer cured, without pain or loss of blood. In with us this evening. more than that, has a red head." There 12,000 1.0C0 10,000 AHer Jans 1st, st Fobs' da Lsc Adair, Madison, Warren, Marion, Mahaska, Poweshiek, Jasper.

Polk, Dallas, to be found in Central Iowa. KememDor was no disputing the fact, for the lawver's MARRIAGES, BIRTHS A5D DEATHS. from 1 to IS hoars Fits In 1 to ft) days; Rha-matlsm and Neuralgia In 1 hoar to 10 davs; Xauulacturer of PAPER BOXES, Third bet. Main Harrison, davkjipobx, iowA msrSTdeoddm the place, 402 Walnut street, Sign of the 3,000 head was as florid as a cold nose in Janu Manufacture the following Separators Died Saturday. May 16.

1874. at her I offer for sale nw sec 29, 35. 82, and 40 acres in sec 30, 35, 82. Terms very Fever and Ague In 48 hoars, by Dr. PHELPS Black Bear.

ary. When the gentleman referred to 3 11 Aldridge, Alvord Brooks, Wilson Bush WK. Bird Mrs A Bird Wm Baker. Bush Geo 11 Bucbee Bird Brunson i) Mrs 15,000 2,500 Impr-ved Eollnse residence in Rising Sun, Mrs. Abioal En- Guthrie, Boone, Greene, Story, Hamilton, Webser, and Humboldt counties is to be held in the County Court House in this city to-day.

The convention is called by Magnetic Healers and Eclectic Physicians, Office 275 East Madison ear. Market, reasonable. I will sell any fortv. The Being the CASE CT smingeb, aged 53 years and 8 months, of ECtlPSE. with Wooden made his speech he admitted that his capillary substance was fiery but denied 6,000 2,250 ynuaer aoialoer Kpiral Better, and chain CoRRKcno.

Mr. F. II. Whitney, of the Atlantic Town Company, writes to correct land is Carroll county. consumption.

Chicago, (Central Block), -where they are dallr 700 100 00 2,500 1,000 2,000 4,000 1,500 250 00 00 00 10,000 500 2,000 250 500 viv.a., uueu. ii.e-e auditions are our own and can only be usl by us. They effectually Married. Des Moines. Iowa.

May 18. that it had ever kindled a conflagration D. T. YOUNG, febl7Mtf X. B.

Baebb. earing the ft bore diseases. Also, Asthma. Dropsy, Ueamess, Piles, Tumors, Diseases of the the State Superintendent, who will preside over Its deliberations. 10.WO w.

enauie it 1S74, at the residence of the bride's a statement republished by os from the Telegraph to the effect that the company and Btited that whenever it should do so wartime uj rsauiiy turesn long aud weLslr-w 10,000 Eyes, Ears, Throat, Nerves. carriage Guide. Interesting Work he would wear a spark arrester. 1,000 mother, Rev. W.

J. Gill officiating, Mr. L. A. Benham and Miss Emma Thompson, all of Des Moines.

Diseases of women, and other lingering chronic tnrrniuwd the nrue of their lots in Via 1 Bare. Brown. Enlarged Edition, New Engravings, Two 20.000 Peffek's Ghost. Professor J. H.

Pep diseases that are not thoroughly understood, or conseQuence of the demand. Mr. Whit- Iowa Foetby. We have recently re hundred and sixty Fiico 50 cents properly treated, by family physicians and oth nev savs this is entirely a mistake and per, of London, England, arrived yesterday morning and is registered at the ers. Descriptive cli cnlar sent free.

Will give ceived a new volume of poems from the Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary, 12 N. 800 3,000 500 5,000 ur uax. THE PRIDE OF THE WEST Having all of above Improvements, and a'no the open Iron and Spiked fit.r. KixiiofcH ake Loutl wtre tidies aud nd febake tiievu.

Alio ET AitATOJL IS I UK WOJiL.1). The mechanical theory of these machii 3 is very simple, earn bn-ving but five pulleys, aud eaen ruDntog with bat ore btlt. 1 ne mtctian-iftin la workmanlike and strictly first-class. AS.N01.NCELSTS. Capital Lodge.

No. 110 A. F. A that nothing of the kind has been done. to the worthy po-jr prescriptions free between 7 pen of Mrs.

B. S. Nay lor, of Oakaloosa, Eighth street, St, Louis, Mo. See adver- Aborn. He is here in good time, as it is and 8 a.

each Wednesday and Batorday. entitled "Affection's Tribute." The vol Fob Kist On Scott street, near Ninth OlBce hours from 8 a. p. m. Sundays, 9 an immense job to set in working order Jno Carl t'oskerv A Webb Mrs Clark Carter, Hussey Comparet Stark fate Graham Goldstone Ci re ti Sons Hirech Bros Harrison Land.

Harbach 4,000 1,360 6,000 will meet in special communication on this Tuesday evening, May 19, 1874, for work in the first degree. All sojourning breth ume contains eighty-eight poems of va a one and a half story dwelling with base isemont. blinarch29.d&wly. 500 new style parasols just opened at 19diwtf Isaac Kchs's. his extensive apparatus, and requires the to 10 a.

and to 4 p. m. Consultations at fllce free. All letters ioraivlse 3,500 3,000 180 3,000 00 1,500 700 10,800 ment. Location desirable.

Good well assistance of two men to put it in shape. rious length and mostly of a domestic character, singing of home life and home ren are cordially invited to attend. By Address Phelps 276. Madison Chicago, and cistern on the premises. Apply to He comes here from Minneapolis where order of the W.

M. E.sos B- Host, Xlilnols. aplbb)d4wiy Ilorc Power. RelUnce f8 and 10 horse) Wondt.urv eaten t. 500 4,000 1,000 13,000 happiness and family.

The verses, though A. DlCKET, SPBIXG his entertainments proved, as they have in ail the cities he has improved, and mounted on loar wneeia. A mavl71d3tl 605 Walnut St. I La. von to power wun ttir-6hers.

of simple poetic construction, have many of them a sweet flowing rythm that is 1,000 t700 Heywood Huttenlocher Younger- Manufacturer of Carriages Spring Waggons, 2184th Opposite Bnrtis Hotel, BAIXSPOBT, OWi, Motions, Fancy Hosiery, Gloves, Ac, tbe largest and most complete stock ever offer iworrestonaeane solicited, may i tfc eod at Secretary. Thb Woman's Temperance League will meet this afternoon at 3 o'clock, in the the Pastor's study of the Baptist church. All interested in temperance are invited to attend. Sec. W.

T. L. Thb Des Moines Turners, at their meet visited, a grand success. We feel sure our people will turn out well to hear him both pleasurable and melodious, while al: ing last night, decided to hold a picnic for of them in nature are pure and elevating 1,000 500 500 ed in this market Mill be sold at This effort of the Stars to place At 406, Aborn Block, P. Lues.

bit! ouu llarkness 350 Harritt Bros 400 A Holmes 1,080 Hubbell 1,000 and earnest. In the lines, "To My Hub a small advance on Manufac STATS OF IOWA. ACDITOK'8 OFFICE. the benefit of their good health and that of their friends, on Monday next, May 25. Further notice and full programme amusements of a higher, more instructive order before our people is deserving the band," "I Thank Thee Savior for 2,100 3,000 turers' prices.

Orders solicited Meeting of the Woman's Temperance PaintlnR and Repair Leg neatly executed. marlidffOdton ov I i PUTT Ti 8. CCi To the Tax-Payers of Lee Township, Polk "Morning Meditations," "To my Infant Hawkeye Insurance 12,600 and satisfaction irnaranteed League at the Baptist Church, Tuesday, highest praise, and those who do not at County. Iowa. will be given in due time.

Son," and "We Which Have Believed 4,000 May 19th, at 3 p. m. Jennie McCowik, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Chicago prices duplicated I 1 IV, VjVJ. Notice is hereby given that the Des.

I Assistant bee y. do enter into rest," perhaps, are to be Jacobs Mandelbaum Joseph A Johnson Jones Salesroom, i.S Court Avenne. antxd. 100 laborers and track-layers Moines and Minnesota Railroad Company tend theatres but are constantly asking for something of a higher standard, should see to it that this effort to give them such meets with good encouragement. found the finest touches of sentiment and A Tew choice brands or Cigars.

to relay and surface the track of the Keo ASXUAL CERTIFICATE. LOCAL NOTICES. has complied with the provisions of the truest glimpses of the author's ideal Iaac Kuhn 600 225 00 3,000 61K) 1,400 1,555 50 Chapter 102 of the acts of the ISth Gen FOB PCBLICATIOS. So goods at retail. apr5dtf.

K. M. FOUU. of domestic love and religious happiness. Chas Kahler Tickets are now on sale for single cvoa- kuk Des Moines Bail way.

Enquire of G. H. Griggs, Superintendent Keokuk 5t Des Moines R. or John Shea, Boad IS EST PKIXTS Herri marks eral Assembly of Iowa, so as to entitle But all sill be found of chaste and pretty Kurtz Bro Kennedy Messenger iug or entire course, at Opera House Mu and otber good brands, 12 yards taid Company to draw the taxes voted by 17,500 6,000 3O0 6,000 1,000 2,00 2,790 300 4,000 5,000 4,000 1,000 150 1,000 3,000 500 sentiment, and give enjoyment to the sic Store. open Kmgsley Master, Eddy vUle.

mayl713tblt. for gl.OO, at PATERSOX'8. Lee Township on the 23d day of Septem reader. CPLuse 1,200 Kannfecturtrs and Jobbers of BOOTS SHOES! Sos. A I dj DaTenport, Kwi r.

of our Celebrated DAVLrOET MADE BOOTS, I Constantly on Hand. CHAS. KAE2THER COj I8bl7tf The little volume comes from the press Lederer St Strauss 3.o00 Ekxkfit Ball. The Emmett Associa Legal Sell. Not long since a gentle of the Central Book Concern, Oakalocea, ber, 1S71, to aid in building its said road, that said taxes are now due, and I wiil proceed to collect the same in obedience to the law and the orders of Court.

in Dry Goods, at Isaac Babgaiks tion never forget the needy, and acting At 408, Aborn Block. C. 1. JLuse. aplMtf.

man of Des Moines, somewhat noted as a IjES MOISES, Atny iSlh, 1S74. IXSURAXCE COMPANY, LOCATED AT LeaYeDwortbf in th State of Kansas, Has filed in thin otlic a vworn statement of its eontlJtKMa on Me thirty-tirt day of Marcii, 1K74, in accordance witb. the provisions oi Chapter 4.Title w. of the Code of low, A. I.

and is a worthy home product throughout Kuhn'a. may 19bld.iwtf upon their customary charitable inten sportsman, heard of a joke upon two oiher citizens and immediately reported Its typography is neat and tasteful, and Its 12 yards muslin for 1.00 at Isaac Rnhn'g. tions, this week Friday nieht they pro general appearance attractive. Habxosia Stbikq Band. This splendid 19diwlf.

pose to give a ball for the benefit of a widow woman in needy circumstances- band are now prepared and solicit orders Wm. Lowrt. Treasurer of Polk County, Iowa. Aprl2blG0t- Tes Aborn House at Des Moines has Police Covet. Elvira Ware neglected for balls, parties, pic nics and other fes TO BCIXIEItS.

400 2,000 750 It will be given at Turners Hall and tick it to a newspaper scribe, by whom it was published. Straightway the twain victims began to plan to get even. They prepared a citation returnable at the District Court, accusing the joker of a violation of the Game Law. To" this document to adhere to temperance principles, Sat tivities where good music is desired. I Lederer, Strauss A Co A Luther 00 McAtee 00 Munsell 125 Ankeny Bros.

2,000 Blazier A Bringolf. 00 A. U. Botkins 00 Samuel Bringolf. 00 R.

W. Clark 600 A.Coquilard 300 Geo. 1. 'ar'on 125 John B. Duff.

50 M. Durand. 750 Jno. M. Day 1.500 Jno.

M. Davis 00 Ira E. Draper. 00 J. W.

Eastman 750 S. M. Elliott 900 eta can be had at the door. The boys nrnmiM nleasant evening, and the urday night, and for fear that she would 400 Notice is hereby given that on and after May 21st, 1S74, a plan and specifications Ordeiscan be left at the Harmonia Hall baths, hot and cold water, also running take cold the police locked her up. Yes Court Avenue, No.

208, between 2d and Sd I water in all of the closets. The Aborn 450 500 1,000 promise will be kept. 1K73, relaUn to Insurance Companies; and whereas, said statement shows that raid Insurance Ootupany is pfFefised cf the requisite amount of capital, invested as rt qui red by satd law. Thehefobk, Tn pniruance of law, JOHN KUSSfcLLs Auditor of State, do hereby certity that said Insurance Company is authorised to transact the business of Kire Insurance in the State, by Amenta. aiiuointed and au street, or at Schaub A Peterson's Photo (Successor to Kaet'r if ASCFAcrcarjiS or POKTAI1LI I AND Crac-Tiil Mill Machiner was affiled the signatures of J.

H. Max terday morning she came before Judge Crane. "Elvira." quoth the judiciary, "is House, in fact and in truth, bas all the Whits Pioxis and ictona Lawns re 3,024 graph Gallery, No. 85 and 87 Walnut Bt. for a new Court House in the town of Harlan, Shelby county, Iowa, ill be on file in the office of the Auditor of said county.

Sealed proposals for building same will be received until 12 o'clock conveniences and comforts of a first-class ceived vesterdav. Bum. well as judge. The hunter read the document and his knees smote together with fear. He grew white and weak.

Just as it true that you outraged the peace and dignity of the last day in the week by K. A. Meyer, Leader, C. E. Schmitz, Manager.

thorized to acknowledge service of process for and on behalf of said Company, requirod, by hotel in every department. We recommend it to all visiting the Capital of the State of Iowa. may 9.1m. 500 450 1,500 1,000 1,000 Elsswhebx will be found the formal sum law, uuui me aist aay oi January. A.

i. he was becoming fully possessed with noon, of the Erst day of June, 1S74. Par announcement of the death of Mrs. Abigal Nay, your honor," replied the maiden, Dei Moinet, Jfay 4, 1874. May6d3m 500 all wool Summer coats at 1.50 at Isaac KrnM'a.

ticulars may be had by railing at said of terror, a confederate of the jokers ap ALSO MTl.l.MorRfr-GRINr.rj MM'iltisr: Hlewry, Mait-Haus. and Lr. tllle-v MicliiDHTV i Ca-t Iron Mil's lur "I did but annoint my palate with a Ensminser, mother of Mrs. W. B.

Bay. peared on the ground, and learning of the 500 3,000 1.500 Bsistu'i Coesslsc. The inventorsof Cocoaine, knowing that urn; of bock beer to cure my cornr The funeral services took place yesterday, Vpicear.d Pannuse: fchfclitre, feu-air, Eacle Iron Works 2.t0 J. O. Fyock 250 Gotstein A Sigle Wm.

F. Gruss 1,200 J. K. and W. H.

Giichrest 750 Wm. Uendricas 150 HarterA Burnett 300 fice, or by the Auditor of said county. The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to reject any or all bids difficulty, suggested, consolingly, that the hunter's chances for the penitentiary "How many yells did the mug contain Bev. J. E.

Gaston of this city officiating. are now offering our stock of car Mrs. Ensminser was the mother of nice queried His Honor. "Ninety-five to the guies, iorse-rowers. bu.

59 S. Casal and 55 57 W. Water fend for circular. animal oils, bear's grease, pomadef, etc, induce beat rather than alleviate it, turned their attention and pharmaceu 3,750 300 500 4 R) if they deem it proper. pets at greatly reduced prices.

Call and see. 'Jacobs Mandelbaum. 17-3t children that survive her and six others were most excellent. This was the straw that broke the camel's back, and straight spoonful, not counting the froth, re I further certify that said Statement hows 1st The actual amount of paid tip capital of said Company, Mar. 3i, 174, to be 2d Tbe aggregate amount of Assets of said Company, March 81, to be 3d The ajgrerte amount of ltablli- ties of said Company, inciutin the amount reguirvd.

to maSKy re-injure a. I ourtandiagtre' March 3lst, is74. to be 4th The arert-frate incoma-of- said Company for the v3T to March 31st, months, to be 4,105.41 Tbe expenditures of said Com pan y. for tae year 1S74. that died before her, and was the daugh sponded the gentle damsel as she paid a way the Nimrod posted off to an attorney.

By order of the Boar of supervisors of Shelby county, Iowa. Jons II. Locis, 40 1000 yarks fine black Alpacca at five dollar fine. cents per yard, just opened at tical science towards vegetable oils as the basis of a medicament to promote the growth and preserve the beauty of the hair. Robert Graves, George Taylor and Zich ter of the noted pioneer preacher Bev.

Michael Combs. She had been a devoted member of the church thirty He greased the palm of the Blackstone with an X. and stated his troubles. Then he learned that he had been eregriously 19diwtf Isaac Kchn's. County Auditor, Harlan, Iowa.

May9bldiw2w. Turner are a festive trio of gamboliers 300 300 100 1,300 1,500 750 1.000 1.230 300 The summer's sun tanned some of their years. Wasted A set of books to keep. Hav Many persons abuse this delicate and soli and the jokers were even. SKIN DISEASES.

A cue Pi pies RIackiieadf- Symrmras: Kir. small pimples, wiLh black m-t huil oas on the cheeks, forehead sad ne Prurigo, lntnse Hcldii- when the clothing is removed iTKTA-ciby of the bed. No eruption txcepl produced by scraihinj. The above and all fcfem permftDfrt cured. Kntire cost of tn-aimeiit Si.ou per ntf or $5.00 per month- Addrebs IR.

J. VANPYKB. 113A Walnut Philadelphia, Ed. Higeinf 100 Hoberger A 150 Iowa bchool Furniture 0,000 S. P.

Ives 175 A.Idatte 50 G.J. Johnson 300 A.O. James 1.250 Keeny A Foller 500 Jacob Knadler 00 Marcus Kavanaugh 820 VYm. A. Young 00 P.

Ladecker. 200 M. C. Lewis 25 Henry Minoe 1,000 Mar 31t, 3 menths, to 24.3ft9.42 Ijc Testimony whekkof, I have hereunto $ub- ing some spare time, I wiil open, close, 13 yards good prints Kuhn's. for 1.00 at Isaac Neck-wear at ancestors about the time Solomon and the Queen of Sheba were passing the compli Linen Suiting and new scrited my name ami affixed the seal of uiy Bird's.

Tossosial Palace. Charley Gamp and and balance books, attend to collecting, copying, etu, J. B. Smith, ments of the season with each other omcc, tne oay saa oace aoove written. JUiiN RVSSELL, Auditor of State.

beautiful ornament by burning it with alcoholic washes and plastering it with grease, which has no affinity to the skin and is not absorbed. Jlurncti't Cocoaine. a compound of cocoa-nut oil, etc is unri They were tanned so thoroughly that all Mr. C. Beck have formed a copartnership in the barber business, and have fit with White Mecracken.

maylOJlw. Piscatorial. To-day Des Moines goes 8AM A. ATERS, Deputy maTlSilt their sprouts inherited the color. It's all they did inherit except a disposition A Splendid stock of Dress Goods, at I fishing.

One party, consisting of Major Hoyt Sherman, Messrs. Thomas Hatton, ted up in the basement of Clapp's block, probably the most elaborately fur nit bed 450 300 400 1,500 tiOO 1,000 500 2,000 McDonald A Meara less than they have been sold in this mar to play seven-up contrary to the ordi Ira Cook, Judge Mitchell, At Des Moines, Saturday May 30 Bhop in Iowa. Everything about it is ket, at Isaac Kuhn's. W. Dennis.

W. Keyes, and their nance against gambling. When their cases were called, yesterday, Zach and valled as a dressing for the hair, is readily absorbed; and is peculiarly adapted to its various conditions, preventing its falling off, and promoting its healthy growth. Sold by all druggists, may 14bld6mos, tnes, 2. respective families, go by special car to Pake Grounds.

All persons having A sugar 0 lbs. Watts' cash store. mayl4df Waxtkd Immediately Fifty teams and twenty-five shovelers, to do grading on the Des Moines A Minnesota Railroad, Apply to the undersigned, on the line or at the Company's office, in Toungerman block, corner Mulberry and Fifth streets. Frank Plto, Chief Engineer; Best Flour $1.40, Watt's Cash Store, mayl4dtf 400 TOT7K. George having won all the money, were horses to train can secure tickets at the low price of $6 for the season.

Apply to able to give bail for their appearance for OF THE trial to-day. Robert, having failed to 150 3,000 750 1,000 50 Col. S. F. Spofford or Capt.

F. West, iTHCT eTFDEYnnic rvnmiTinv first class, There are five chairs, all of the latest pattern and handsomely upholstered, and manned by experienced workmen. Eight large and costly mirrors are on the walls, with numerous handsome picrures. In the centre of the room is a marble top wash stand with four ewers, each supplied by its own pipe, all the fixtures being silver finished. The fountain is octagon in shape, composed Any others wishing to drive on the Van Meter.

Bev. 8. H. Webb accompanies them. Gen.

Baker, Gen. Ankeny, Capt, Atkinson, CoL Ankeny and Major Bugbee go to Skunk river, to remain three days. Twenty couples go to Beaver Creek, and a smaller party will vex the placid waters of Des Moines near New-corn er's Point. turn the requisite cumber of jacks from the bottom, was broke and went to jail. Wise said he was glad to see him the llIUUl ttlLIIillUUlt) ILUIlillllUJ 2,000 grounds for pleasure can secure season tickets for $2.

may2 bldtf. 1,875 150 3IODERX TIMES, OF jail looked lonesome without Robert. BsAtmrcx Cassimere Suite, for $10 and Fite hundred yards fronting Linen at 50 cents per yard, formerly worth 75 upwards, at Isaac Kuhn's. mayl9bldiwtf -I I -EU VV 1,250 750 1500 500 3WO The Audubon Club At the meeting yesterday p. m.

at the Adjutant General's of inlaid wood and is supplied from csnts, at Isaac Kuhn's. maylObld-twtf from the Water Works. The floor of the 'Ateatle Stone. All parties interested in the new build office, the following named persons were admitted as members of the Club Gov- The undersigned, having refitted the Washburn House, No. 625 Fourth street, apartment is composed of alternate strips of walnut and pice.

The room is fitted ing material. Asbestine Artificial Stone, Carpenter, J. S. Clarkson, Gen. R.

V. An is prepared to take boarders by the day, ould do well to go and see for them rith handsome sofas and chairs and is keney, Peter D. Ankeney, W. W. Atchi week or meal.

Meals, 25 cents. Day son, Col. S. F. SpoSbrd, T.

E. Brown, Dr. extremely elegant throughout. All the modern appliances are made use of to board.four dollars per week. Rooms and selves, and make such inquiries from the patentee, Mr.

Thomis Chrimes, who is now working the same for Mr. Conrad 1,250 3 5. Hi 5,000 855 2,000 2,000 800 5.000 E. M. Morrison, John Bird, D.

M. Bringol board, five dollars per week. Rooms for Jd to the attraction of the room. Fif J. W.

Mills, H. M. Bush, E. J. IngersolL.

The Public Esdsm It. The efforts of the managers of the St. Ionis, Kansas City and Northern Short lane to meet the requirements of the traveling public, has resulted in a large increase in through passenger business, which has kept op admirably, notwith standing the dull times, mainly attributable to the extensive improvements made in the last two years, costing over two million dollars besides earnings. The Company is now running five of those magnificent day coaches, fitted with Buck's reclining and adjustable chairs, and dressing rooms with every desirable toilet convenience, viUumt any extra charge. Ten more of these superb coaches, to supplant ordinary cars, are in process of construction, each of which will be finer than the preceding ones.

Great attention it given to safety, the coaches being pro vided with Blackstone's platforms and couplers, to prevent telescoping sod oscillation. Watchmen patrol the line day and night, before and after the passage of each train, see that everything is in good order. This system of watchmen gives this road extraordinary exemption from accidents, and especially from the teen gas jets, light it at night. The new Youngermau, in Dennis Keyes building. Third street.

The stone in claimed 9. S. Bonbright, P. Fox, David Utter- families with or without board- Wm. Wilsos, Proprietor.

Mayl3bl2w son, John Rogers, Samuel George, Thos- to be a perfect limajtonj, equl to the firm have also added the features of a boot black, so that tbe customer can get both ends beautified at the same time. organ, Asa Redman, C. H. Atkins, R. Atkinson, M.

A. Atkinson, O'Neif Fiftt pieces Cottonades at 13 to 25 cents, Mr. Beck is a skillful workman, al at Isaac Kubn's. mayl3bld.twtf Smith, Frank Goodwin, L. F.

Andrews, limestone quarried, and at the same time free from climactic changes which act upon natural sand or limestone from the different atmospheric gases. The extreme summer heat, and cold of winter, have no W. W. Witmer, F. M.

Mills, E. M. Day, 12,700 250 1,100 30 000 3330 30ti0 2.000 3,750 50 250 31)0 A large line of linen, alpacca and every though several years out of practice. The firm of Gamp A Beck will prove a formidable, rival to their competitors. kind of summer coats just opened at G.

Orwig, J. J. Williams, J. A. Elliott, Alonso Abernethy, Demas J.

Jack, Cyrus Kirk, Wm. Mathews, H.F. aOJiwtf Isaac Kms's. disintegrating effect, at the same tlmethe John A. Michael Newlan A Carlson J.

M. Otis T. Painter J. C. Page A Mayer Geo.

Richter. Shepard A Smith ACoddington A. G. Taylor Tuttle A I go I. N.

Thomas A. S. Vorse James Watts Waldron A Bros A Smith harles II. Ward Williams A Miles- Mahana Morrison- PC Carpenter Chase A Co Geo Clark Carpenter Adam Dickey Dart Dennis A Keys A DulT. Dart Des Moines Gas Co- Ensign ForJ Chas Good A Oilcrest 11 Given Wm Greenland Kamuel Green- Henry Grefe A Wm Grime Girton A Bro Goldmn A Hyroan Great Western Tel Co II Getchell A Son- Grimmell Mrs Maria Grimmell George A Wwlb.

Russell Stowe State Grange of Iowa Geo Schram. Schaub A Peterson Seeberger Geo Savery Geo Sneer Tone Trostel A Geo Thompson United States Express Co-Valley Savings A Voodry White, agent White A Twis Wells Harry Peck Weaver A Jno Thos stone is a known fire proof material and Royce, H. Coykendall, H. L. Angevtne, fjQOD tBAfCi FOR INVESTMENT IS A from its being impervious to water, the Peter Neil, E.

S.D.Smith and J. H. Kenedy Home. The Jenkins property at Cottage sudden changes of winter ive no effect Score Onb fob Avoca. By reference to the marriage announcements in this paper it will be seen AL.

Benham is AL no longer, but Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Benham.

In short, our lively Des Momes-Avoca business man has taken the wise step of mating with a worthy girl that will make the best of wives, and is a bachelor no longer. The marriage took place yesterday at the residence of the bride's mother. Mrs. Thomson, and the wedded pair left immediately for Cascade, Dubuque county, to attend another wedding, that of Mr. Benham's sister.

At the completion of the bridal.tonr they return to Des Moines temporarily, with the ultimate intention of settling in Avoca. Soldibbs'Geavbs Some time since mention was made in these columns of the receipt of a letter by Gen. Baker from an ex-rebel in South Carolina stating that he had been caring for the grave of a Union soldier buried on his place. The writer added that he had lost a sou in the Southern army and hoped that his grave was also kindly eared for, but he knew not where it was. Gen.

Baker immediately notified the proper authorities of the cir enmstance, and yesterday received a letter from J. G. C. Lse, Captain and Army, of Charleston, S. stating that he had removed tbe body to the United States Military Cemetery, at Florence, 8.

where it had beenreinterred. Flo web Thief. Probably Des Moines can present a full share of crimes and criminals, but for all that it will doubt le-s 250 1,000 530 Grove has been divided into lots- The following resolutions were upon It. The Fond do Thrkshikg Machine Compasy. This firm are now in full working order, and making the celebrated Eclipse Separator." which is the Case A Co.

Eclipse," with the addition of a wooden cylinder, adopted: ten in all varying from" f-100 of an acre Lost. In the cemetery, Sunday, May Retolved, That the President be directed 600 3,000 to two acres and 39-100. They will be to correspond with the officials of differ sold to the first applicant who lias ready 500 17, a lady's cloak. Finder please return to this office. ent States, with the Hon.

8. F. Baird, 17,500 cash, or the whole will be sold on good Lni'ed blares Commissioner of fisheries detainer, and chain elevator. Tbe wooden cylinder entirely obviates the difficulty of Caix and see the new style of Eastern terms. N.

B. Baker. Pes Moines, May rUhylSTL bldtf 10 000 5,000 250 1,600 800 made Phietons at Ainsworth A Bon-bright's. 19Jlwbl Great New York and New Orleans ZOOLOGICAL AND EQUESTRIAN EXPOSITION: the clogging of the straw, so much experienced in the working of all other machines, as by it the straw receives such a The ScTada Hotel, 143 and 150 Wabash Avenue, between Madison and Monroe momentum as to leave no possibility of it streets, Chicago, is in the centre of busi tact that the impaired iron has been replaced this season by the best quality of new steel "and iron rails, laid on broad, new ties. This road continues to run six fast express trains, two more than any other road between the Missouri and Mississippi rivers.

Any ticket agent selling through tickets to the East, North or South, sells tickets oyer this excellent road. For map, circulars and time tables, address either Lyman McCarty, Kansas City, or P. B. Groat, St Louis, Mo. apr4bldt 1,000 100 200 PRICE LIST OF B.

W. MORRISON, In all rredeeT ness, near places of amusement and railroad depots, and is the best $2 a day house Vsstly superior In rolnt of Mstrniflrence 1,000 of Uoired States, Ac, at Washington, and Hon. I. Mitchell, Minister of Marine and Fisheries of Canadian Dominion, and procure all documents, reports and publications relating to birds, fishes, geology, or any subject of Natural History. Rewired, That these reports and publications be open for the inspection of any member of the Club at any time during the office hours of the Adjutant General he having furnished a desk and case for same, but they shall not be taken from the office, except on permission of the President.

Adjourned to meet next Monday evening, at Adjutant General's office. winding on to the cylinder. By this improvement the separator is able to thresh flax. The "spiral Morlt. Sirensth, splendor ao.l I '') Magtmooe, uriginjuiiy- WifHOrT AN KQ.UAL! in the city, majGbldtonovl, Wholesale Retail Grocer, Hos 6 and 8 Yonngerman's Block, Fifth ONE MILLIOIST DOLLAES mnl.urt.nrrartolties! A Lcpon or Animal, numbers 01 DparaljUrt Kenreaenten bT amnltlttlleorniTioines! j.

w'nl 400 400 800 3)0 75 2,500 500 500 25 00 00 00 300 350 1,000 250 2,000 40 900 400 1.500 700 1,500 00 00 400 4,000 8,000 100 00 20 000 1 810 2 000 00 900 250 100 150 75 750 95 150 2,000 a5o 14,000 00 00 100 000 400 600 25 110 000 2,425 000 100 150 100 460 2,800 1,000 250 500 2,894 840 00 00 3,000 100 1.50 2,390 800 400 0,000 100 2,000 500 50 800 1,250 750 150 5,000 00 750 500 1,750 200 1500 2,000 2000 3,500 00 00 00 1,400 1,500 600 00 5,000 2,000 0,000 4,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 beater" is also intended to accelerate the passage of the straw, and Tub largest variety of clothing, gents' elites. Itends ofmnal a Otj of Tent, a Herdof nrom and Mulberry Streets, DES HOMES, IOWA. separae any grain trial may re leit al 5.000 3,000 200 500 400 700 12,800 3,000 750 1,500 furnishing goods, trunks, and satchels. Can be purchased at 30 per dues, Nature's Freaks ana xorii 01 An. Vj Viuiii u.

i' i-. T.rHiHaj Tprmw arm i of Men and droes of ilurfcts. ter passing through the cylinder. The UOABS. cent, less than former prices, at Isaac A sugar, 9 lbs Kuhn's.

OF Extra 10 lbs for New Orleans, 101 lbs for A competext girl can find steady em be news to most people to know that we have probably originated a felony. This 1 00 100 100 100 100 100 IN ITS MENAGEEIE Are Qnns. Handles. Blase Boks. Elands.

Olani 2f er exhibited. Kanrooa, foar lars, arrrJmed "aleanu WmalS; Moist8r Living Alaska Sea nVi OVE3 TAYI'SO OFMPE TIIE PACIFIC ToeiSlo la mammoth Forty 3,600 1.140 (iolden 10i lbs ployment by applying at 916,, Cherry GROCERIES In Memoriam Decoration Dat, May 30th, 1874, will be observed at Des Moines by the usual decorating ceremonies, under the management of the Olmsted Zou appears to be the case in the flower thief Brown, 11 lbs for. 1,000 next improvement is a double "Raddle," made of flat wooden cross-slats attached to the ordinary leather belt and revolving endlessly. One of these radJles rushes the straw down ten inches on to the other so that there is no possibility of any grain remaining in it. An endless chain elevator is an improvement on the old style straps and cups which so often clog street, near Second Ward school house.

bl3t Dark Brown, 12 lbs AT" 1,000 6XK) 600 oorrEE. that is now making his nightly visits in Des Moines. A b. West is the last victim reported, his garden having been plun aves, Crocker Guards, Grant Rifles, Baker Battery and Des Moines Cavalry. C.

tSKKGMAHS, an experienced carpe Java choice, 2 lbs for 00 Rio, choicest green, Si lbs 1 00 Rio. Prime green 3 lbs for. 1 00 OIRCU weaver, has located permanently in Des The various organizations and societies Moines at 913 Seventh street, and is now Cbampioos of Every Land, Male and Femalt 300 3,400 1,000 1,700 50,000 Wells Western Union Tel. Co. II Young up and cause great annoyance.

This ma HAS IOO Employees. GEORGE iBRO'S ivo. cos Walnut Flock. of tbe city and citizens generally are cordially invited to join in the ceremonies prepared to fill orderj for all kinds of car ..100 Rio, good, 4 lbs for Rio, ground, 2 lbs chine has been so simplified as to reduce the number of pullies from tan down to Contributions of flowers are solicited 300 dried raoiT. 3,000 to be left at General Baker's department.

Raisins, per lb $.15 Blackberries, new, 5 lbs for 1 00 ve. "Pride of the West" is another machine 750 at any time between 3 P. M. of the 29tb, and 10 a. m.

of the 30th. dered Saturday night of all its wealth of posies. The thief takes up the flowers, carrying off the pots where the flowers are potted, and removing the plants from their beds where they are only bedded-Several other parties in East Des Moines and a number on the West Side have suffered from these depredations. PERSONAL. J.

S. Fraziih, of Nevada, Is in the city, called here by business in U. 8. Courts. 150 1,000 pet weaving, mj itlu-stratcctbookCXpaKeslon frlANll01 i WoMAXHKJll MaRRIACC 1- Impediments to Marriage ihe caute, and curs.

Sent secure ly f-errl, pot paid for TO cents, bvlR. WniTTir.R,'" C17 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, M-i, tlie great specialist. Read his works.

manufactured by the same company and Peaches, befct hals, 6 lbs 1 00 Peaches, Halt Lake, 4 i lbs for 1 00 cotfsa. rJo. ruASttd. lt Oa lorT! Peaches, pared Salt Lake, 3 lbs for 1 00 MUO, ground, -fes 1,500 1,250 1.250 possessing greater merits than the "Improved Eclipse," even. This Separator has an.

open iron and ipiked floor, over which the straw passes on its way out, being carried by an endless rake coming officers of the day. Chief Marshal, General J. Given. -Assist'nt Capt. I.

W. Griffith. T. Rnssell. Chaplain Rev.

P. T. BusselL ORDE3 OF THE DAY. The procession will form at 1:30 p. m.

at 03 I 00 1 10 1 1 03 1 1 I ro 7,500 1,500 1,000 1,000 5,000 300 down from above and taking the straw Apple, Michigan, 10 lbs for 1 00 Apples, best New York, 6 lbs for 100 English currants, 9 lbs 1 00 FLOUR. "Gold Dust," made of white winter wheat, per sack $3 10 Van Meters' XXX per sack 1 40 Atlantic double extra i 40 Carlton Mills per sack 1 40 Best Dee Moines flour per sack 1 25 Best Dee Moines Winter Wheat flour -per sack 1 75 SOAP. W. A. Paterson is home from his goods Des Moines.

Water Works Wm MuUowny II Monroe Miss A Maguire Wm Mitchell Merrill, Keeney A Morgan Mel A Mattes Mills A Co Wm McClelland- Thos Naylor. O' Berne, McDaniel A Co- Ojborn Piatt A Speeath Wm A Patterson Plumb hroa.f Parmelee, increased Perkins A Gray Pratt 8 Polk II Reynolds A Reed A Co Rohrback A John A RolliDS Webb A Son II Winds jt Co I Yost Collins A Guernier the Adjutant-General's department, as directed by the Chief Marshal and move from the wooden cylinder referred to in the other machine. The spikes on this open floor are about six inches Ion; and 2,000 At 40G, Aborn Block. C. P.

Luss." ajiUilf. 1,800 2,500 under his orders to Greenwood Cemetery. 1 00 I IK I ou 0 inclining back at an angle of 45 degrees. 4,000 Ilia, grtvn, sri. ftt t.v Java.

beL U. U-S'- ts fur sni. TItrHC.1 Bw Vdllow'vvit 1 4c, Yc UeJ.i I'M Michigan t.iv, lihHi.S.ltLal". i. urranui Br Black bar He.

5 to" Kaislus, Bi CUT "Whits Emyire Mills. test Hcst fees Moines, winter wheat CBACKBkS plunlo, 4 fhs for Batter, 4 Bod 4 As for buying trip with the immense pile of new goods promised upon his return. F. M. Mills, started for Chicago yesterday on a business trip.

Hon. William Hale, of Glenwood, is attending the United States Court in this city. the result of which is that the straw has an OScilarin? or vibratory motion constantly, thoroughly separating the ORDER OF EXERCISES. Music by the Band. Singing by the Choir.

Prayer by the Chaplain. Sinsing by the Choir. Funeral salute of small arms by the Fu 1 00 1 00 I 00 260 Kirk's Stearlina Boap, 85 bars Prussian bath soap, 2fi bars German mottled soap, 25 bars SALT. By the barrel, New, fine or coarse. suns Kiss.

Hominy, 35 lbs Col. J. M. Elwood returned from his neral Escort. 1 uu 1 40 1 40 1 00 1 -5 cents.

..23 oenta Strewing the BTavesof deceased soldiers Florida trip Sunday morning, and will CeQeets Spices, Cream Tartar and Hailing Powtlyr Manufacture! for tbs WholesaleTrade BY TONE II Wain at Street, Des Moines, low. aasbU 0111 Billiard PAltLOK! grain from it. At the upper end -of- this iron floor the straw is thrown down eighteen inches on to a second which is made of quarter Inch wire. This precludes any possibility of grain remaining in the straw after 1,000 2,000 2.000 3,000 3,000 1,000 2,000 6,000 3,000 1,200 6.000 2,018 1,082 1,050 610 in Greenwood and Catholic Cemeteries spend the satnmer In Des Moines. Salaratus, 3 packages for.

Correspondent Bowbn, of the Dubuque 100 25 1 10 2 00 by 38 little girls, escorted by the military, during which minute guns will be fired by Baker Battery, and dirges played by Cove oysters, 1 lb cans per doi. TIIE IAK VrE Id WITHOUT A. Monster andhe.r C.ptnrer for miles. oirvx- AT 1.10 X. M.

Tb.e Woadarful Ascension prirTtn mA air- FrtOSj. do do 2 lb cans per doi. Butter crackers, 12 lbs leaving tbe second raddle. The seive has IUO UU1UB, Polk A Hubbell, tax title Tuna, is stopping at the Aborn. Mb.

George Bebee, of Polk City, re turned last week from a visit to his daugh ters in Utah. 40 Per bb). Onondaga, new, 100 Hoda crackers, 12 ids xor, After decorating the graves the people II Arnold do MJWellslaeer do Picnic crackers, 12 lbs 1 00 will reassemble at the stand, where the ceremonies will conclude with "Land The Walk lor by raiu 1" The WSIK lor yw BOAT-. German Mottled, IS bars for. Sterling, bars for.

1 CO I U) Hon. F. M. Davis is among the visitors inmeuT naVe been made wiu This monster establtshmi nit of Its exblblUuc only al me larger It of Its exhlblUog.only at where oar fathers died," by the Cboi at the Capital City. cttiTT visitors to the "Urat bow" itt vlMtorsiomo Drennrnw n.H.r Xine.

ZDO. t. 355 344 322 695 68 Jas Callanan do Reinking do Stewart do Young do Iowa L. A Trust Co do Thos Cavanaugb STOCKS and Benediction by the Aclrrlsiior-aU the Tenu one hour later. P.M.

Orcu. commence uAmo deUy. A mono the numerous visitors in the an end shake instead or a side shake, giving it more capacity for cleaning the grain, and can be worked under the lightest blast of wind. Taking it all and all, "The Pride of the West" separates grain from the straw most perfectly, feeds excellently, -and takes Care of the grain and cleans it most thoroughly, runs very easily and gently.has but five pullies and may really be said to be the best separator in the world. A detail from the military will superin A 4 TUrt MWIDODCIUVUI.

city from abroad are W. H. Bbaineed and tfW Don pay fancy prices for your goods, but go where the crowds go, and get yotur goods at basomabl tbicsb. Go to Kuhn's for good fine Shirts and Furnishing Goods. AnmwoBTB A Bohbriobt have just -received their third invoice of Remington breech-loading guns.

Call and see them. Price 145. bllBdlw PosiUvely exUibl on the d.y advertised, rain or shine. tend the decorations in East Des Moines M.VM-,o.

May Meu CHOICE TEAS or the various grades at greatly reduced prices. We will sell groceries las low rates as any bouse In tbe city, and as much lower as we can tor 7000 goads. We are now selling for Cos. "Short proMt sndgwWA jqii." Try us, apl3deodw3m Will lo exhibit at Iowa City. Monday, May S5.

1 Wilson, or the Iowa City Republican. D. Howabi. of Jefferson, was in Cemetery In the forenoon. The military (irlD o.

Indlanolfc Thursoay, "dy. June Thence -to a will appear with draped colors and funeral uiday. May SO. rOCK C1B0X T1BUS THE LATBiT. 8TTLK.

The Only First Class Billiard Parlor In the City with Pnetan Collender Cushions Fourth tander AJMra Sense 65 per cent. State Printing Co. 25 per cent. State Savings 60 per cent. State Insurance percent.

Uawkeye Insurance Co 70 per cent. cllJ yesterday on a short business badges, wearing aide arms only, except MarsValltown, Eldora, Mason City Haaw. Vinton, Waterloo, Webster City, ort Dodge. the escort, which will be folly armed..

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