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The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah • 13

Salt Lake City, Utah
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A 13 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY MORNING DECEMBER 20 1936 Sunday Services in Churches Group to Fight Medical Bill All Brandi- liver the Christmas sermon' navlans are invited (Continued from Preceding Pegt) Christmas pro The public tnvlted Chi Yale I ft ward rhapet 1447 Gilmer drive Cnrietmaa program ftunday at 6 40 Come All Ye Faithful Yale ward choir llnd gram rehear! 30 choir rshsarsal Thursday (Christ-mai eve) 11 JO Christmas scrvlcss Wsdiissday ft In Jnvocatlox Work Started On Plant for Egg Storage Draper Poultry Group Also Completes Feed Mill Costing $30000 Tabor Lotbcraa charch Tint avenue and Th Jensen pastor Sunday Christ 11 a school 10 a mas day servlet at 10 a with a talk oo the Christ maa harp Services will be im in Danish and English on Met sacs Prom the Manger Christmas festival seat Sunday atrpno Methodist Cesrteaary Method! ehttreh 1740 Fifth Fast Kev Ethridge Gordon min later Church school 10 a Worship 11 Sermon "Jesus the Great Bpworth league 7 ro Christmas program Tus day at I to Ovaee Methodtet ftmreh Btshth West and Fourth South Albert Dennis 6 30 sacrament meeting (Seventeenth 1 I) fl ward rhspel 141 Wist Fourth North street Christinas services ftunday at 6 15 ml Organ prelude A Christmas Paetoral" Matthews Come AU Ye Faithful" Choir and congregation Sacramental "Melodie Religieuse Rickman 'Reverie In flat" Weiha Holy Night" (Adam) Mra Barbara Evans Apgood and Choir "Ths Lord Is My Ught (Alllaton) Melvin Petsrsen "1 Know My Redeemer Llveth" (Handel) Mibs Florence ftummerhays Worthy Is tha (Handel) Choir Address Bishop David A Smith from Rossini fttabat Mater Mrs Barbara Evans Apgood and choir Organ poatlude Grand Processional March" 7 Vivian! Professor George Minns will present an organ recital playing pffertonum In fiat" by ftOas and 'Marche Rellgleuse7 by Ouhmaot Thirty-third ft ward chapel 453 Eleventh aat street Christmas services Sunday at 630 mL relurfe' Judith Wirthliu Christmas Carol" Congregation Charlotte ftaokstt chorister Invocation gylvester Broadbent- Silent Night Choir decrement musio Mrs Adeline er ths Silent Eastern Hills' Mrs Nora Richardson Mrs Erlcson and choir "Tha ftorig la Rinsing Btiit" Mrs Edith Jack "Follow the Guiding Star" Marvin Sorenson and male chorua Tenor solo Shepherd King" John ftummerhays Christmas reading Mrs Lama Romnev Carol of ths Russian Children" Choir "The Heavens Choir "Tha Holy City" Mrs Flossie Elggren Donald Poulton and choir fl ward fhapel 3053 Emerson avenue Chriatmas program Sum dav at 6 30 Ths Christmas cantata Immanuel" oy Adam Oeibel will be presented by the ward choir under the direction of Chrlstophereon li will in olude aolos by (Annie Milner eoprano Bessie Merit contralto Leon North tenor and William Wallace basso Quar tets ladies' and mala choruses and full accompanied by Loren so Flans to oppose the proposed bill to be brought before the next state legislature by members of ths medical profession were discussed at a convention of the Utah Chiropractic association Saturday in the Hotel Utah show that in the few states that have a baslo science law that it is dominated by the medical profession and lhas been made an instrument to eliminate the drugless said Dr Carl Larson secretary-treasurer Dr Elgin Roberts Woods Cross association president said that in the opinion of national a well as state drugless associations such a bill would tako away the right of the sick to call the physician of their choice Officer of the association met at 2 30 and presented reports A banquet was held in the evening school 10 1 Won tbject "Ood'ft Gift to Man Bpworth league JO Worth Ip 7 30 Theme "The Other Wls Man" a reading by Miss Helen Den la Sunday school program Wednesday evening Liberty Park Methodise Fplseopal rharrh Eighth East and Ninth South -Edward Linn minister Sunday school io a Worship llam sermon Wise Ten Find Jesus Christmas program and entertainment Wedneaday 745 Mem Clark at ths organ console and Rlalna Am ton and Elsie Higgine at the piano Creek Orthodox OrthOdds church Second West A Christmas program epon-hi -nelrg club will be presented Sunday at 7 pm A Christmas play de- bers of the Sunday school Will take part in tha program Epworth league carol singing JThyireriey evening meeting at the churci and the fir Tl at 10 30 plctlnr In pntomln th Itnry fit tb birth of Chrlat and a trmatcal program ara OF ALL HUE GIFTS FOR THE HOI IE Congregational Phillips CMmnMoasI chsreh Eaat and Fifth South Roy Damron minister Church school 9 45 4 Sthles class 10 ft Public worship lltm tha choir wilt giva a Christmas cantata directed by Professor Hugh jDouprall Senior 7 Sunday school Christmas program Wednesday Tba art classts will ba die continued until after tha holidays First Congrr rati onal rhsrehe 402 East First South pr Elmer 1 Goshen mlnistar Sermon at 11 a by Dr Goshen 'The Birthday of Love" Sunday school at ft 45 a Nazar ene fhorfh of tha Nasaraae Fifth South and fMxth East The Rev Margaret E-Oils pastor Sunday school 9 45 a Worship 11 a Evening services 730 o'clock- Prayer masting Wedueiday 7:30 xn Christmas program Sunday mom Inf during tba regular worship hour 'Th (Fuvl 3lrd ward ftunday school orcheatra Sacrament music organ solo (a and b) 4 Judith Wirthlin Christmas sentiment Hubert Nuttall (a priest) Cansona Amoroaa (Nevln) Erma Pehrson vloljn Gena Hubbard cello Zoran Jepson piano Address Hugh Brows Far Far Away on Judea's Plain" Conftrtgatlon Benediction Rhweon Poatlude Judith Wirthlin Plitaentti ward rhapet 131 North Fifth West street Christmas services Sunday at 630 PatrlarcB John Whitaker will speak and special music will be furiUahad by tha choir Twenty-eevaatl ft ward chapel 185 street Christmas program Sunday at ft 30 A pageant depicting the Story of Christmas will be presented under the direction of Mra Aline Burrell Nineteenth ft ward chapel 172 West Fourth North street Christmas pro-gram Sunday at 10 a The Christmas cantata "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear by the Sunday school under the direction of Mary Carr and Mrs Georgs Bunker Forty peoplft will participate In tha pro gram which consists of carols and Christmas tableaux Thirty first ft ward chapel 1140 Ninth East street Sunday Christmas pro-grnm at 6 30 will consist of special Christmas selections by the Thirty-first ward choir and Christmas tmmbsrs by ths 8 mala chorus with Evelyn Gray Neff as soprano soloist and the Roosevelt Instrumental ensemble George Durham conduotor Werner Rossberc organist Orson Pi Beesley accompanist Second I ft ward chapel Fifth Fast and Seventh South qt rests Special Christmas music by the Gustaf Adolphus male chorus will featura ths annual Swedish Julotta" to conducted ChrtstmM morning at 6 30 Elder Cart Sanders will de- With a $30000 fsed mill completed work la under way on a $30000 egg-candllng and atorage plant by tba Draper Foul-trymen Jnc and tha Draper Egg FroducersJ cooperative and farm arganlaatlona here Tha addition! hra being financed from the or ganlzation'a own reaourcea and will be freeof debt when completed When the addltlona are com- pleted the atructure which loueei tha combined planta of the two groupe will have a atoraga capacity 1 of 60000 bushela of bulk grain and 260000 bushela of sacked grain will ba capable of handling 3000 bushela of grain per hour and grinding 3000 pounds of feed per hour and will have a capacity of producing 1200 cases of candled egg a per day Capacity Increased The feed mill's production capacity- will be 20 carloads dally -with an actual output at present Of 30 carloads per week In the new addition to tha feed mill are the latest type Installations of weighing cleaning and receiving apparatus and machinery which will enable the production of 2000 sacks of mash a day The floor apace will total more than 70190 square feet Begun In 1926 by a small group of Draper men the Draper Poul trymen has grown to on Which services more than 3000 farmers and feed men In all parts of the state and does an annual volume of business estimated at almost $2-000000 More than 60 men are in Its employ Started in 1932 The Draper Egg Producers was organized in 1932 and started with receipts of 15 cases of eggs per day Twenty-four candlera will be employed In ite new plant Besides the plant employes three linen in New York City and two in Los Angeles art connected with the organization Directors of tfi Draper Poultry-men riday announced an 8 per cent annual divided upon all outstanding shares Moose Children Plan To Fete Santa Claus Presbyterian RADIO First Presbyterian church South Temple and streets The Rev Theodore DtUey minister Church school ft 45 a Worship 11 a sermon by the minister Busy special Christmas musto by ho chorus choir Young Christian Endeavor meetings 6 30 Christmas eve program Thursday 7 30 Third Presbyterian chnreh Eleventh Bast and SevsnUenth South ftunday school ft 45 a Church service at li a the Rev Stephen Tomay will preach a special Christmas sermon the Westminster college double quartet Will sing Sunday school Christinas pageant combined with "White Gifts" service 745 Westminster Presbyterian rharrh First West and Fifth South Comtu minlater Bible school 9 45 a Worship aim: eermon "Ths Grip That Wins" Midweek meeting Wednesday 7 30 ChrUtmas program by the young people of the Bible school Christmas WILL BE THE HOST APPRECIATED! ''i' Vtf lat lft Oils yxf Mnwthlnf sv-ry w-nib-r Ifc family WIN an anly-a CA Vlrta ratfla Cama la taSayl hmartaa aaw aiael Tha thriHIns a4 aaw law yHcaa will Specials! Buy Your Table Novelties Cut Flowers Holly and Pine Wreath end ell other Poinsettia A Mickelsen president and manager A Sihith vice president Mickelsen secretary and treasurer and Washburn assistant manager of the Draper Poultrymen and (front row) 0 A- Mickelsen manager Gordon secretary Ballard assistant manager and Dr Jones veterinary of the Draper Egg Producers The Draper Poultrymen Inc farmers feed organization at Draper has just completed the $30000 plant addition shown above Also shown are the officers of the organization and the officer! of the Draper Egg Producers poultry cooperative Reading from left to right they are (back row) -Reorganised Keorraalted Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Salute 336 Fourth Fast street Sunday school 10 a Preaching 11 a sermon by A Bailey Young study 7 at Preaching 8pm Christmas program at the church Monday at ft Midweek prayer meeting Wedneaday 8pm The women's department will meet at the home of Fleda Atkin 637 Lake street Tuesday at 1 for Christmas entertainment IO Do So YTarvard I) 8 ward rhspet Harvard avenue and Denver street Charles A Califs of the council of twelve apostles of tha 1 ft church will speak at the 6 30 services Twenty-first First avenut and Sret- Harold Reynolds bishop ward Roller society Conference puilt around a Chrietmae theme will be held at the fiunda Plants The world's finest most modem radio Superb If tube Superheterodyne console has' Magic Eye Magic Brain Metal Tubes and newest miracle MAGIC VOICE Thrill to the rich mellow tones of this aR wave complete world tiveler MMISKf Flower 50 when they failed to appear In police court Saturday on gambling charges They were arrested Friday at 129 South Main street Bail Forfeited Ball of $25 each was forfeited by Bert SmiUv 40 and Morgan OPEN "9 PEL UNTIL OMSTMAS dicky dare GIFT GKHETS Christmas value! EIOUSE MIEGSES re An exceptional set-convenient size for home or office Polished mahogany cabinet in a graceful modem design Superheterodyne domestic broadcasts and police band Bourbons to Aid Salt LaUeNeedy i i clothing and food costing receipt from a charity ball sponsored by the Junior Democratic league Saturday night at Memorial house Memory will be distributed to 62 needy children' names of whom were provided by Tha Salt Lake Tribune and Telegram for department This announcement was made Hyman Guss chairman of arrangement for the charity hall and Blaine Larson league president Saturday night More than 450 tickets were sold for the ball A number of state city county and Democratic party leaders and their wives attended the ball which climaxed more than a intensive drive following selection of the slogan for Santa adopted at a recent meeting of the league mem-bera Tax Deadline Causes Rush Santa Claus will rest from his Christmas labors on December 26 when ha will special guest of Moose children at a reception In the Balt Lake City Moose club He will arrive at 9:45 a 15 minutes after the arrival of the children who are to be his hosts After a morning matinee the group Will return to the club for a luncheon served by the Women of the Moose Governor Henry Blood and Mayor Erwin will be guests of honor at the annual Christmas floor show scheduled at 1 lodge officials said Thursday Harold Lewis will be master of ceremonies After Santa Claus presents stockings to the children at 2:30 the party will be over The annual Christmas ball iS sched-Uled at 9 Mr Lewis vice dictator of the Salt Lake City lodge Is general chairman of the Christmas party "Students From Coast Arrive for Holidays Five students of Pomona college lnClaremonLCalhsvareturned $2550 $5 Down 1 8 Months to Pay '1 Sizes 6 to 14 Salt Lake's Radio Headquarters Radios Opposite Tiffin Room See these wonderful values In shirts All new plaids checks and dark tonea that the young men of tomorrow will really enjoy- Duke of Kent and plain collars JSC I BASEMENT A The Spirit "of Christmas and WE'RE PLAYING Santa! an lies f- YOU give her this sura ta appraciatad GRAYBAR ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE to their homes In Bait Lake City to spend the They are i Miss Virginia Lambourns Miss 'Marguerite Marr Mlsa Marguerite Smith John and Miss Katherine Waldo to their departurrfrom college the five were participants in the annual Christmas festivities which inoluded a Yule tide party teas muslcales concerts and the presentation of the college play "Double Door" The group will leave Balt Lake City for the campus to be there for the opening of claeses on January 4 i Program Planned Children -of Kearns St orphanage sang a special program of Christmas hymns and carols Saturday from 11:18 to 11:30 a over station KSL The program said Sister Coronata sister superior was dedicated to the many friends and benefactors of the orphanage Although taxpayers thronged the county offlcs Saturday to pay 19'8 taxes eome $2000000 remains to be paid by Monday noon when current property taxes become delinquent About $300000 was paid into the office Saturday Jarvis treasurer reported Up to that time $4565555 of the total tax bill of $7199017 had been paid Taxes not paid by Monday noon will carry a 2 per cint penalty Reckless Driving Case Results in $100 Fine Pcire Dye silk UNDIES WE 9'v lr thi beau tiful and handsome electric TELECHRON BEDROOM CLOCK FREEI 1409 FuU Rotary S7860 QUALITY rcg to $129 SERVICE i Guaranteed STOVE- NEW I937GRAYBAR ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE will give her- Full freedom from treadle fatiguel Years of dependable uninterrupted service! The combination of a beautiful piece of usable furniture an electric sewing machine A 9ra' variety of models end each model supplied complete with everything necessary to do perfect job of sewing TemTfor Your Convenience Scott 41 of 647 Park street was fined $100 by Police Judge Reva Beck Bosone Saturday when he pleaded guilty to a reckless driving charge Scott was arrested Friday after he allegedly drove into the rear of a machine which had stopped for a traffic signal at Second West end First South streets Appearing for sentence on a reckless driving charge Dorothy Burt 18 of 1391 Ninth East street was finsd $50 Leo Layton 45 and Crawford 24 forfeited $5 each on speeding charges 1 -i Sentenced to Prison 1 Harold Breger was sentenced to serve three years In the federal reformatory at Ell Reno Okla for violation of ths Dyer motor ve hide theft act when he appeared Saturday before Federal Judge Tillman Johnson Danoe sets panties teddies and slips In lace trim and tailored satins and crepes Sizes for everyone Surprise her with one of each on Christmas morning Full fashioned with beautiful ALLSILK HEEL Smoke black steel saun- ter and jaunty the colors for winter nnd the coming spring A Christmas special of these exquisite hose! Nut $575 $525 SPECIAL OFFER trial 260 lbs any site $1 $5 DOWN AND 18 MONTHS TO PAYl IZ Deseret Goal Agency Wasatch 7158.

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