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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 10

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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JANUARY II, lS2ii "TEDNESDAY, EVENING OaklanD Cttbnne IGNORING THE PAINFUL LESSON OF EXAMPLE. DAILY economies somewhat gradually, to avoid tie danger of collapse and confusion of a more distressing quality, than the disease it was proposed to cure. This ailment of unsound financial management, in Cuba has been long Pome observers have believed it to be Aronie, and this thought has worried the friends and well-wishers of Cuba. If, with the aid of General Crowder, Cutafs get- It II ftlm I I "al' I I I ting back to normalityOier leaders and eople ought to make determined effort to avoid the need of drastic treatment in the future. i i uf i i AtJ JJ nf Ij, .1 i I THE SOLDIER BONUS PLAN.

Senator- McCumWr. author of the' soldier i bonus, or adjusted 'compensation, bW in the Pen-j ate. and who is to succeed the late Senator Pen-i ros' as chairman of the finance committee of the Suprtmm mm Continnnlal SitU cf Sam Trmcitem Btf I BrtaMHihea Froary 11. 1174. fOL'NDEO BT WM.

E. DARGIB. lXmr American Newspaper Publisher' AMoelatlo Charter Member Audit Bureau of Circulation. Excluslv Complete Aaaoclated Praia Sarvtc lor Oreat Eaathar-Full foiled Press Ferric International iNewi Service Universal Kiwi -Service Consolidated Aaartrlatlon Excluaiv for Creat Eartbay Th AaawRtatea Press ta exclusively entitled to tti for repttbUcatloB of all new desvatchra credited not otherwise credited In this paper and local news published herein. All rigM of tlon of special despatches herein are also reserea TIUBCNW PUBLISHING COMPAVY.

roBLrSHEnS- JOS. R. KN'OWLAXD President and 'hll'r A. FOltSTEREK. Secretary and General Manager Published every evening and Sunday mornlnsr.

copies: Dally Edition. 6c; Sunday Edition 10c Back numbers: Dally Edition. 5c and up; Sunday Edition. lc and op. Prm.lCATTOV OFFICE Tribune hulldin.

Thirteenth and Franklin street Phono Lakeside ooi Entered as aecoml-elass matter February 21. 19P. the I'ostoff Ice' of Oakland. Cal. under act or Congress March gubarrlpilon Re By arrier On.

month 5 fix months Three months tt BS One year (in advance) (inbun-lptloa Ralra By Mali Postpaid United State. Mexico and Canada One month I ISfx months vllcli Three months J2 55 One year (In advance) 9 SO atmt bt mml Ona month SHc months J- Three months $1.50 Twelve months. 50 to Subscriber falling- to receive their paper by P- m. dally or a. m.

Sunday will ploare report the nm to The TRIBUNE! Office by (Lakeside B000) and a special messensrer win be despatched at once with a copy of The TRIBUNE. WEDNESDAY, JANCAKY 11. 1921. I tv fln. ei.

II upper chamber, is authority for the statement that this bill will lie called up for consideration at an early date and that he expects Hs enact inent inift law by 1he end of March. Senator Mc-Cuinlier's announcement followed cose upon a conference of Republican leaders of both houses of Congress with the President, with the added information that the" President is rordially in favor of the bill. In the form in which it was recommitted to the finance committee at the last session of Congress, this bill, proposes to make available to persons II 1 V. i'X. Jk.

Ifc i i i ViST l.l. --'V ATS I I I mmn. i who served with Hie war with the the military or naval forces in Central Powers between April MR. ROOT IX Till: the wide. of statement, the grace and dignity, Hie skill in leading and directing, of Secretary of Slate Iluglies in con nection with the disarmament conference have WL What Really Is And Ways It May Develop.

By ROYAL S. COFFXAXD, H. Commissioner of Health New York City. AH sorts of efforts have been made to find the germ of the common cold. In spite of claims which have been advanced, it Is probable" that cold are not due to a germ unless that germ Is so small as to be Invisible through any microscope yet In vented.

Cold can be passed on from one person to another. Very likely the' is some sort of Infective materia. I This may be carried through the nasal or other secretions from, on who is 111 to one 'who is well. If the well person is really well if is properly fed, free from -undue fatigue and functioning normally, he I will be There must be lowered vitality, as well as the presence of th Infective substance, in order to "catch cold." The scientists have taken the secretions from the tissues of a per- I son affected with a cold, passed 1 them through a stone and caught the clear fluid which results. I Under the microscope this fluid ap- I pears perfectly, free from visible substance.

When a filtered- liquid I like Is capable of producing dis ease, it is said to contain a "filter. able virus." That is. It possesses In Its solution some sort of poison capable of producing definite symp- Itoms of disease, although germ can, he1 detected. Several German and -American sdteSiitsts claim that common colds. I are paused by a filterable virus.

They contend that colds may be produced by the filterate, prepared as I hav described. There is much to support the theory that colds are "catching." that they may be passed from one person to another. In sneezing and coughing, In talking loudly, and In spitting. the spray containing tho Infective 1 material. may be thrown out and In haled by another.

Soiled hands may' carry the secretions. Eating utensils and toilet articles may do the same thing. The cold may not start in the nose. 1 although it generally does. Ordi narily the fiirst symptoms are run- nlng of the iiose and sneezing.

But the trouble may begin as a sor throat, or take the form of bron- chltis. No matter where it begins, It will not be long before the whole head and upper part of the chest are involved. The lining membranes of the nose. throat, mouth and breathing appa ratus are continuous. As soon aa in flammation begins In one place It gradually extends until all the tlur sues are Involved.

At first there is redness and swelling of the mucous membrane. Then there is increased secretion, first of- the watery element, and later of the'thlcker or. mucus ele ment. The trouble creeps along. searching out every part of the nose.

It dips down Into the' nasal accessory cavities, extending to the throat It goes up the Eustachian tubes to the ear. And it travels Into the oice box, and thus reaches the bronchial tubes and lungs. Tou now know what a cold really is, and how it develops. Tou know that it is infectious or "catching," and that you must- be careful of others-or they 'will suffer. Tomorrow I will tell you why we ought to take great precautions and what to do to guard ourselves and others.

HEAL wJ THE xA- W-" THIWK AWYTH1NG NOTES" COMMENT been of conspicuously high and agreeable quality, something to cause deep gratification to every citizen proud of his country, Hie influence of Mr, Elihu another member of the delegation, cannot be properly overlooked. I in the early weeks of the conference Mr. Root appeared to be obscured by the glitter and panoply of those most in the public view, he has emerged in the latter sessions as an impressive and masterful figure. When the Root resolutions concerning China were accepted in principle by Japan and the other powern represented that was the first evidence, of the important role which' had been assigned this abfe statesmen. The resolutions brought about the pledges of the foreign powers to abandon exercise of extraterritorial jurisdiction in China, to -withdraw the foreign post offices, to recognize generally the right to China to be free of any foreign infringement upon her territorial, political and administrative integrity.

They were important, and are destined to have vastly important effects. But the influence of Mr. Root began to show its real dimensions when he presented his proposing the regulations of the submarine in wartime, pledging the conference, to recognize the i mpractical impossibility of using submarines as commerce destroyers without violating the requirements universally accepted by civilized nations for the protection of the lives of neutrals and noncombatants. This contribution of Mr. 0.

1017. and November 11, nenelits under any one of five different headings, as follows adjusted service up endowment insurance policy, vocational training aid, farm or home aid, or land settlement ayrr-s. Soldiers would have the prjpilegeo elect the kind of benefit they. would receive. Should they prefer the cash bonus they woujd receive fl.25 for each day of overseas service and for each day of home service in excess of sixty days, with a maximum of fi'J3 for overseas men and for those not serving overseas.

Under the paid-up insurance" plan, the veteran would receive a certificate equal to the face value of the adjusted service pay, increased by forty percent, plus interest thereon for twenty years compouned annually at 4 percent. Certificates would become payable within twenty years after Jly 1, '1922, or in the of death before the end of that period to the beneficiary named in the policy. Under the vocational aid plan, the veteran may avail himself of the benefits he would receive from the Federal Board for Vocational Education, in monthly installments in an amount equal to 1.75 for each day of binf! tendance on. a' course previously approved by the board, total payments not to exceed 140 percent of the adjusted service pay A vefera selecting farm or home aid would receive in one payment or in installments a sum equal to his adjusted pay plus forty percent, for the sole purpose of permitting him to purchase a home or farm or to make improvement upon a home or farm' which he already may own. Under the land settlement plan the veteran would given a sixty -day -preference right of entry on opening of public or Indian lands and on all reclamation projects now in existence 6r hereafter established, and would receive in one payment or in installments an amount equal to 140 percent of his adjusted service pay to be used for payments on the land or for improvements.

It will be seen that it is impossible to calculate ALM4NAC WVdncwtay, January 11. Alexander Hamilton was-born In Cave Johnson, portmaster- general under Polk, wm born In It was in 1S07 that Ezra Cor nell, founder of Cornell university, was born. labaJua seceded In 1861 and in 1863 the A1hsanRo sank the S. siramer Fir Hans) Slo.m died in "1753. One of our patent medicine almanacs says it will he old today and th otneri says warm.

We predict middling. The- Moon iJ To IUamr. (Scientists have announced that the North Pole has shifted aixty feet. At Yale University an astronomer says the earth 1s slowing up and that the moon Is the cause.) Lt-urneJ nien.have now assured us I The North Pole is out of whack; It is slowly southward And it may not wobble baeK. i 'Nother wise man says the earth ls Slowing up and that the tana May be laid up to the actions Of the moon, who's all to blame.

Con It he the solar system Has abjured the milky way? Can it be there's too much moonshine I in the space where planets play? If a man sets a trap far a Nubian lion he in apt to lid caught in the springs of his Own machinations. For the Nubian lionNTas -teen ktiown to hide near the trap that he might spring upon the man who baited the contraption. Those who grow weary of speaking- of the gentleman who was hoist by his own petard may refer to him as the one who was eaten by a Nubian lion. Somebody might understand. A writer says that nice-tenths of the people know how to drive a car, Maybe he took their word for it.

It may be. that we are pursued by a perverse but every once in awhile we find a man who takes pride in his -work. It being the fashion nowadays to bemoan the passing of the old days when such a thing was common we record our experiencies for what they are worth. VVTiat becomes of the liquor that ia poured into the bay- Hy prohibition aks R. Spinkeyvintz, that he might answefc quickly arid with relish: "It becomes bay run." It cost 17200 to send Columbus over to discover America, A man would do it now for the motion picture rigTUs.

Sir: Of late we have been busy inventing an automatic high-frequency pretzel twister. This marvelous scientific paragon may be used also for curling hair, hypnotizing bootleggers or for amusing the paper. Watch for an-nouncement. The Goldfish. Tb btato Muse.

(Luju Jteinolds in Pa-ntaiCrus I Sentii.elV. Sentiiiel) It Is all a part of a picture. Far, far more beautiful and grand. Than those that hang in marble halls, In tho far distant foreign lands. No artist could give the glowing tints, To that wondrous rose-laden state.

Its vast fields -of grain, its fruit and flowers, And its beautiful Golden Gata. The concert of nations ia humming And clearing its several throats; The music will straightway be coming A tune in American notes NISTKK TO FIDDLE? (From MarysviUe Appeal). -Miss Elizabeth De Dee is attending school in Sacramento. When Governor Sproul named deorge W. Pepper senator from Pennsylvania, no in It.

Spinkeyvintz and said, "There, Spink, is a name you may sneeze at." Can't Fool, Ye Ed. (From Costra'Costa Courier). "Dame Rumor" states that 6ne of Walnut Greek's popular youths en-. Joyed a New Tear's dinner "with friends at Taft'a, San Who is this man Wilson whose name appears in tho Tumulty story Just often enough to pique our curiosity? The riiHly Imu Burd? (From Turlock Journal). I.ou Burd from Philadelphia visiting nere with relatives.

A president of one of the women's colleges says' the girls should be clothed with more responsibil ity, itesponsibillty or something. "Michigan Senator Charges Plant," sy headline. And, of course, it is a Newberry plant. Sir: The, telephone book 'lists, in tnis order: Chief of Fire Chief of Police: Chief Cleaner. Haying made the discovery J.

will auuw you to make the Sinn Fein. Ask the man who ate a check for U7, implores R. Bplnkeyrinta, if be win enoorse 11 as T0yq- Sir: What do you do in that embarrassing moment when, Central having trilled "Number, ni you realize you have forgotten your can? Pirates may bury treasures, according to? the authorities, which remain hidden for 'hundreds of years. Just let a couple of me4l bury the hatchet, however, and nee how" quick one of them digs it us. Sometimes a million dollar rain is no more than a drop in the bucket.

And, again. It waters our stock. Ad. fccnuCTEB. I Private Hoppe.

who was not con-f sidered smart enough to belong to the navy and who has figured as the salesman of the Asiatic squadron to. Chinese rebels for $10,000, has farther distinguished himself. A despatch from San Diego tells of his selling the cruiser Huron and six destroyers to Chinese revolutionists, and several thousand army shirts to the Soviet, government. A mistake have been made in failing td recognize--euch talent as '7 The United States District Court has decided that a poor film artist 'cannot be "docked" for absence from the "studio." Mary Miles Mlnter wan getting $2250 a week, and was docked $4252 50 for absences. She sought redress in the courts for the outrage, with the result as stated.

Showing that people cannot be imposed upon Just -because they are! girls. Marketable ingenuity continues to be manifest in the matter of getting booze past. Story comes from Minneapolis that a genius there has hit upon the' expedient of filling cocoa-nuts with the contraband stuff and thus sending it along all innocent and fine. TWe original bent that devised this plan might do legitimate wonders if it were directed that war. The automobile has been invari ably worsted in its contests with lo-J comotives, but possibly it is pot a doughty fighter anyhow.

Anllncl-dent reported from Portervlllo suggests as The driver of the High School bus seemed to be Imbued with, the idea that an auto is invincible, and refused to turn out for a stray mule. The result waa that he was taken to a local hospital while the mule went on hee-hawing. Senator Newberry has broken silence after more than three years. The burden of his explanation is that he was absent In attendance upon duties as lieutenant-commander In the navy during the primaries In 1918, and was greatly astonished when he learned that had teen epent. There will Root came after the defeat, due to the opposition of the French delegates, of the British proposal for the practical abolishment of the submarine.

In the midst of the Anglo-French controversy Mr. Root won acceptance for a proposal that means the achievement of the substance of British aspirationsprohibition of submarine assaults upon Unarmed merchant vessels. Then only a few days ago, the Root resolution cmtfawlng poison gas: as an instrument of war iroo orlnnprt Thnr -trns nn nrrnmnlishmpnt of exactly what financial burdens the enactment of the bonus law would impose upon the govern JUST FOLKS I By EDGAR A. GUEST SONG OF COVTENTMENT. I envy no man's store of gold, And no wreath of fame; Let him who will now boast his skill, I'll not resent his claim; Though rich men turn tp mansions fine, Their homes no happier are than mine, The roof above me shelters jne When outside blows the storm; The fire I make for comfort's sake Glows red and keeps me warm; Though rich men's fires are's flaming high, N- They" cannot warmer be than I.

I sit me down to simple fare And find its flavor sweet. And when I dine, this thought Is mine I've all that I can eat; Like me the rich man ao stops -Who's had his fill of mutton chops. Untroubled Is my rest at night And all my dreams are fair; When night comes down I qlt the town And drop my weight of care; -And when upon my couch I He No man more soundly sleeps than I. And so I envy no man's fame And no man's of gold, For while I live, life cannot give More Joys than those I hold; P.lch men, with all their power te buyt Can do but little more than CftpyrHht 1919. I'T Kllf A.

dunt. THE JESTER. When an elbow, vigorously used In debate, hits the edge of a plate of soup, the soup spatters. Also, the tablecloth suffers. It happened at a cheap Boho restaurant.

The proprietor was angry. He strode te the offender's able. "Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Haven't you got any manners? Suppose you did such a thing at the Carlton, what would they say to you?" "What would they say to me?" repeated the owner ot the elbow. "They would eayr If you- want to do such a thing, go to a cheap Soho restaurant. "London Opinion.

Normal Condition. "Do you think there Is an invisible government at work?" "If Ahere Is any govermeiit at work It is invisible-" Life. More Than He Asked For. George I asked Maudle for her hand. Well, 4 she married you, didn't she? "Tes, but didn't get her hand.

under her thumb now." A newer. London. Expensive). Joyce Gossip doesnt pay. Barbara I'm beginning to agree With you, my dear.

The last secret I heard cost me a small fortune in telephone calls. Answers, London. Dread of the Kit. Singleton Do you agree with the doctors who consider kissing dangerous? Benedick Oh, yes. Singleton What dread effect do you think la likely to arise from It? Benedick Marriage Edinburgh Scotsman.

So It Was. The new guard was -not familiar. with a certain railway run In Wales. Came a station which rejoiced In the name of Llanfatrfeehpwllgogerych. For a few minutes he stood look Ling at the signboard Jn mute help lessness.

Then pointing to the beard and waving his other arm toward the train, he called: "If there's anybody there for this, this is it!" Pittsburgh Chronlcla-Telegraph, WHAT IS DOING TONIGHf Civic League of Women Voter holds Alameda. -1 Chester Rowell addresses Writers' Club, y. W. C. A.

Paramount Lodge, K. of meet. Busy Bee, Alameda Review, W. B. meet 1547 Benton street.

Improvement Clubs hold community meeting. City. Hall, Alameda. Benefit by colored people ot Oakland and bay cities, Arcadia. Oakland Technical High school organizes business course.

Veterans of the World War meet Elks' Club, Berkeley. Orpheqm Vaudeville. Fulton Three Live Pantages Vaudeville. 1 Columbia Douglas Fairbanks. American The Mysterious Rider, Century Molly-O.

State Morals. T. St. 'D. Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court.

Franklin Theodora. Broadway The Millionaire. Arcadia Dancing. Lake Merrltt Boating. EVENTS FORTOMORROW Duck feeding at Lake Merrltt, 10 a.

m. and 3:30 p. m. Concordia Rebekah Lodge, whist party, evening. Frultvale W.

O. W. hold lusrtalla-tlon, evening. Business and Progressive Women's Club, luncheon. Hotel Harrison.

Jefferson Community Center holds meeting, evening. 3. C. Shaver addresses Castro Val-ley Parent-Teachers' Association, Hayward, evening. University Extension Division, millinery class, Ebell club, afternoon.

Cypress Camp, W. O. and Old Orchard Camp, San Lorenso, hold Installation, Hayward, evening. Argonaut Tent No. 83, Maocab, holds initiation, Athens halL evening.

1. HUl'I'VVW greater importance than the regulation of submarine warfare. No doubt we shall observe, when the next plenary sessions of. the conference is open, Mr. Hoot forcefully expounding and eloquently epoch-marking principles of the law and the decency of nations, of which he is the author.

Without depreciating in the least the influence of Mr. Hughes, it is appropriate. to call attention to the benefit which Mr. Root's profound knowledge, aburjlilfit; experience and the skillful handling of delicate matters have brought to the conference and to all ttr causes it represents. at least be a conclusion that he has some strong friends if they lay out such a sum on their own account, keeping It a secret from him.

De Valera was not re-elected by Dall Elreann, but the vote was eo close 60 to 58 as to warrant the conclusion that it Is not all settled. It may be a good deal to expect from such action a settlement of matters that' have embroiled an empire for- more than -a century, but some were hoping, and they may not have entirely given up hope'yet, Brooklyn. Eagle on Homer laven port's monument: "SHverton, Is erecting a monument to Homer 'Davenport, horse-lover and cartoonist. We trust It will be an artistic one, otherwise Davenport would turn over In his grave. He was about the best drauehtsnvan of all modern far better tnan the inimitable Thomas Nast." Advices from "East are that lookouts of both political parties have their ears to the trying to catch and interpret sounds that will indicate the trend of the woman vote next fall.

So far the indications are reported to be that the women of neither party will favor, any mitigation of the Volstead Act. Unusual interest is manifest over the next House of Representatives. George Wharton who has been appointed to succeed the late Boise Penrose, is a Philadelphia lawyer, and tradition has im mem -orially attributed to Philadelphia lawyers unusual smartness. But he will need to be acute-to even measurably fill th vacancy. His name is in his favor.

"Pep" goes long way in any situation. 7- The fact Is noted that of the five members of the State Railroad Commission, four are newspaper hien. The cult is being accorded a worthy recognition. It had not happened before that so many of this profession had been assembled to serve together oa one of the most Import ant State bodies! mistlo, refuses to buy liberally, cuts his advertising in two, his trade is quick to sense the change. Wat-sonvllle Register.

The scientists now say they are going to displace the good old cow with rice fields and produce milk Just as good as bossy used to give. It may be so, but we will wait and see. Merced Star. Twenty-nln "nuisance" taxA have been repealedybut-tpo many yet remain. It is not necessary to explain what a nuisance tax Is we all became familiar with it when we pur'-' chased an ice cream soda or a railroad ticket Vacarille Reporter.

The Fowler Chamber of Commerce has, fixed on Saturday, February 4, as Tree Planting' Day, and will ask everyone in the town to plant at least one tree on the set apart for that purpose. Fpwler Ensign. The amount of business transacted by Santa Barbara county during the past calendar year was doublethat of 1920, according to thiTreTjprj. of Albert T. Eaves, county auditor, and W.

B. Metcalf, county Review. 1 Happy new year to the horses and mules. The automobile and the tractor are gradually freeing them from work. Redding Searchlight, SPIRIT OF STATE PRESS ment.

It all depends upon the selections pf the beneficiaries. Should they all select the cash payment plan, the demand would be for about two billion dollars, in quarterly payments. But some estimates place the number expected to demand the cash at only twenty percent of the number entitled to it. So it is possible that the first year of the bonus law would not require much more than Senator MeCnmber contemplates the application of interest received from the foreign debts to the. payments required under' the bonus law.

Thus it is necessary that Congress first dispose of the legislation sought by the President to govern the refunding of the foreign war loans and the collection of interest and payments oh account in order thft the bonus bill may have clear sailing. There are sonie of the foreign debtors who may notbe able to begin payment on their debts at once, but Great Britain and France are capable of interest payments at least and inasmuch as they are the biggest debtors, their remittances would go a long ways toward financing the bonus plans. Within two or three years all the foreign countries should be in a position to begin payment of interest and then the receipts on the foreign debts will be about twice the amount required to carryvon the scheme of adjusted compensation for the war veterans. 4 CUBA RECOVERING. Return of General Crowder from Cuba, where he hap been for the last year the Cuban government in the vital matter of readjusting it fiscal administration encourages the TODAY 20 YEARS AGO ThA fniiv.matF hATfeetltlfia Wl1rk Head was launched from the shipyard at th foot of Adeline street today.

jv A local fuel dealer says that as a result of the strike there are at least 309 families In need of fuel. The men in the fuel and material yards were called out on Wednesday as a result of the failure of the Builders' Exchange of Vallejo to retain- the 1921 wage schedule. Vallejo News. That the crime problem Is largely a boy problem; and that the solution of the boy problem will go far toward the "solution of the crime problem, was the message 'that James A. Johnston, warden of San Quentln, told a Social Center audience last night Oroville Register.

Word has leaked Qut that Los Alleles has been shivering from a com apeii. AUKicii ua wiuum see to it tht no word of this gets back to Iowa. There are still a few natives there who have not sold out and made preparations to move to the capital of Summerland. Wat-sonvllle Register. Erection ol Hotel Admiral is now assured with the complete subscription, of $250,000.

Actual work on tbe building will be begun as soon as a suitable tenant can be secured. Vallejo Chronicle. Every business man is a barometer and his store and habits are carefully studied by his customers. If. he In down la ths mouth, pessl- hope that substantial improvement has been made in the affairs of thb-Jsland republic General Crowder took a prominent part in preparing the new budget of the.

Cuban government and saw to It that a sharp reduction was ordered in the expenditures. It is reported that financial, and economic conditions have so far improved that General Crowder is prepared to approve the proposed loan of $5,000,000. to Cuba by American bankers and that it will be possible to give serious consideration to Cuba's request for a additional loan as soon the budget bill is finally passed. For the first lime in several years there no prospect of a deficit in Cuban government ex-lenses. It is estimated that the tax bill prepared will bring jn about $70,000,000 in revenue and that tie expenditures will be considerably below 1 his figure." effect of the American "adviser" therefore lias been to compel Cuba to recognize tho -necessity to live within her income.

It has born necessary to enforce some of the proposed The situation in Congress with regard to the bonus-question never has looked so bright to the former service man as at present, Within the next two months he should have definite knowledge of just what benefits the government is disposed to extend to him. If obstructionists will get out of the way of the foreign debt bill fSe enactment of the tonus law will not be, long delayed. Edward J. Hoiden died fast night at the Eastbay sanitarium. Professor J.

P. Smith, prominent orchardist of this county, who has been in recently, Is reported on the way to recovery. Oakland Hive No, 14, K. O. T.

will give a dance tonight. A Sure Remedy. A certain young doctor wiU have io Improve his method or be will never have enough patients to main tain himself. A woman oame In to see him a few days ago. She looked haggard and pale.

MnnM 1 I At Ttsii, uiauaiu, aw hiu, wnax IS "I'm troubled with sh sighed. "What shall I do for It?" "Sleep It off, madam; sleep It off." he advised. Pittsburgh Chronlele- A counterpart of the proverbial crocodile tears is the weeping of irreconcilables" over the farewell message of Washington. 7'.

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