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The Emporia Gazette from Emporia, Kansas • Page 2

Emporia, Kansas
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Four THE EMPORIA DAILY GAZETTE Emporia, Kansas, Thursday, December 1, 1932 EMPORIA GAZETTE Representa tire Serial AdrettiMng 58 Nfw 307 N. Michigati Avr C-h'capr Kansas C- B-dg. San Francisco oandlfT Annex Atlanta. Gcntr- ot-rs Biiip Detroit: RppubJtc Bank Atlantic Philadelphia ai Postofficf In Emporia, for transmission through the mills sp-ron -class matter 48 and 49 nt Subscription bv carrier to any par; 15 cents a week, SO cents -50 month. BV one month By tbiw Sy Mail, six Br Mall, OHP yrar Guette.

one year- Ir. the Bddrfss of your paper witrthcr It Is Daily or iinri C.U TOUR PORMER ADDRESS, well as the charier. AdvcrtisrniMitfl rf-wrrrs the rifrht to reject ar.v mattfr that may deem r.tti according to contract responsible for ad- 1 crdrrpd or dlycontlnued by TWENTY YEARS AGO FILES OF THE EMPORIA CiAZETTR 1. hn.i the display of i.iylnr.d surpassrd show- i cor Every brings more 1 Twenty years nco cr.iiur:'!: owned dolls tlirtt opened Ten yrnrs npo thc was owned eyela'-iic. 1 but tills year the c- rfn; rvchrows a5 wrll n.i ant! hisryiT.

more bt-nutlfnl and Ti:" lAtoM step In the chr.r.icier known RS thc TV.c Tctldy bour Is Kthfi Wichita, visited chief claim rlerlc V- 1 frfish; has liern v- nf rar clrrk. llir dirt rr the new l.VfKi ft MliT Hamilton BcnMrr now lS I.nnd. "rx; Sunday on 'ii" Howard Branch's Sun- GOOD FELLOWS. Thc Emporia Elks are dissolved and disbanded. No mere do they shake their proud antlers and paw the ground, and the annual dance has passed into golden memories.

But what of the Good Fellows who provided Christmas cheer for the Emporia poor? Of course we have welfare and relief associations. No one will starve this Christmas. The poor will have their regular allotment of beans and potatoes. But the taxpayers' budget allows no place for Christmas cheer. Thc twenty-fifth of December is Just another day for them.

If the children of the unfortunate families are to have toys and candy, If the heart-ache of poverty and Joblessness Is to be banished from these homes for at least one day In the year, they must have other help. Can the men who have done the job for the Good Fellows sit by idly and see the work lapse this year? Will Fred Scott, John Hilton, Fred Corbett, Harry Norton, Steve Hln- shaw and the rest of the good old gang, let the Job go undone in 1932? Has the spirit of the Elks passed with the passing of the pinochle games? WHAT THEY WANT. Under the caption "Expert Voting," Harold Chase writes as follows in the Topeka Capital: Ofliclal returns show a remarkable voto of Kansas on three amendments of the constitution, showing the widespread interest of the voters of the state on fundamental matters of their government. More votes were cast, 686,525. on the income tax amendment than on any of the others.

But 681,293 were cast on the tax limitation and 679,687 on the tenure of office of sheriffs and county treasurers. The majority apainst the latter amendment was 293,625, a record majority on any question in this state. On the limitation amendment the adverse majority was 92,121 and for the income tax the majority was 114,997. In every case, the decisions were by no uncertain voice. Expert it certainly was.

Oppo- nonls of the primary cannot- deny Vi that the people, given a little time. almos: what they want of our election laws as they The real quarrel thc have with cur election May, some cnn'; understand why it tolerated all the time. This ragamuffin game is by no means confined to New York, but probably it is elaborated here more than elsewhere In this country. Boys and girls, from the toddling stage on up to the 'teens, dress in the cast-off garments of their adults, or in some clownish array, and roam the city in bands. They "touch" pedestrians for pennies, swing onto automobiles and refuse to drop off until bribed by the drivers, ring doorbells and demand hand-outs.

A bit of the Halloween spirit of vandalism 'carries over into Thanksgiving here. When gamins are ganged together, some instances of michievous destruction are inevitable. It is curious how this ragamuffin carnival came to be associated with Thanksgiving. I asked Colonel Ernest K. Coulter, general ger of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelly to Children, about it, and he said the custom, probably was brought over from Germany 40 or 50 years ago.

In Germany, during certain festival periods, the children dress in like manner and are privileged to go from house to hoase, asking for cookies. It wouldn't be so bad if the children over here would be content with cookies, says the colonel. from thai A Tlrnrn hecan his F- 1 yesterday. rrr.TiT cnvr an Informal r.lght for hrr of Kansas' urtl- were: M115CS Annn iv. Ulilh laws is that they are too efficient.

The can get what they want ico qtuckly. By the time the popular will is filtered through a caucus nnd two conventions, its force is blunted or it; direction modified. The old quarrel between Calvin Lnmbrrt nnd ton and Jefferson is as live an if.snc today a.s it. was in the Eighteenth :r.r -i fity used only RO ni power at the pump- to pay the minimum boirrt offered to years Onrfleld hullfllnr. In the dome of Fir.pnrin nnd Lyon tor per copy.

Pv.t it or. Clirislnw TO family. For sale nt century. FROM THE SIDELINES Alter watching football games from the telescopic distance of the huge stadia stands, it is a relief to get to see an occasional game at antiquated Baker field, where the Columbia Lions are hosts. There we find the old-fashioned wooden tiers of seats, close to the gridiron.

The spectator can follow the ball without resort to field glasses, and if he is disposed to vent his feelings vocally, he feel that his cheering reaches the team Instead of going to waste in the wide, open spaces of a colossal arena. The general effect nt Baker field is not so hippodromish ns nt Yankee stadium or ono of the modern college bowls. But a fan who thinks more of the play itself than of the "color" of the scene. It's a lot more fun to be close to the ball. TRW1N DISARMS Will It-win, whose pen xvas RICKSHAW BOY What's What in Washington By Herbert Plummer lance for Hoover in the political I warfare, probably breathed a i In the cold gray of relief when his arduous cam- dawn, now a fortnight or so after LAUGH AT THEMSELVES Cartconisl Finds Famous Men Arc Fend of Own Caricatures.

HOLLYWOOD NOTEBOOK Robblo Cooni paign efforts were over. He told me" the other nieht that he had stsncd up foe some magazine articles of a non-political nature. Irwin. with a rich store of first hand information about the Republicans' trying term, rculd turn out a most interesting study or the administration. RHYMES OF THE TIMES By Mison the elections that brought such a smashing Democratic victory, what iiiutl he the feelings and reflection of the key men in the Republican chuckle themselves.

Washington, Dec. 1 More Hollywood. Japanese characters i than 40 years of cartooning in the in the new film version of "Madam nation's capita! have taught Clif- Butterfly" will speck two languages ford K. Ber'ryman, of the Washing- in in a novel effort ton Evening Star, that men like to to convey the difference between an Oriental's speaking English and his Hard I.uclt Story. What must thc President himself think? His only public ccmment was made in the brief speech at Glendale, enrotite to when he sounded the call for a "miiitr.nt" the Republican ranks up and down the line.

The President's intimate who have seen him informally since his return to the PHILATELY. Dr. Brinkicy wt.s forth his total campaign expanses its control line to station $216." What about pas nnd oil for Ammunition train What, for up by ample tnv.sure. and so care Ihnn he has been for manv instance, nbnul. th? of thc I he dcwn his while clay, yet him- My Rood old neighbor.

Jasper I white House, profess to have Jcnes, knew well that fortune's fie- I covered in him a new Herbert Hoo- fcle; and so each week he tool; some vcr or a t. casl a Hoover net known bones and put them down in Or many, many months. He is He hoped to have a old cheerful man. thev say. freer from F.r.'.v>onu flrug advance nrUMo.

the boys tpcncithrifU followed He self with the continuing problems ol stor- nnd liy I-aura M. French. drove Un- the man who never fooled away a dime, for he the presidency. M'-n's boots S3.50 nnd up. Bam- the ccwbov frnrs.

and as anc anci thriity; and then, i pcnro of records for i to have easy time, retired at five "Antl now. he said, "my I "Hes The Man induciinc clcc- rnom Jin." rom- 'r iiriracii can ami licor SUTTQN FUNERAL HOME to Ur.dcrUfclnj Co. Phone 30 and 170S Emporia A TONIC. The fact that his wi and I may live in peace and so ioon pnd has had a tcnh quiet, and fill with custard cifnc(j on h)m ev add an( rc pic. and other wholesome diet.

Now rlwl tnc Honv nse of humor ran rest in m-lc-nooks. the home kncwn 0 jnti (ires rayly burniii-r. and read about malef vrt rlv vn million bosks for which we've (h )ublic vlcv ol tl nt of S-'lfi. Doc i lonu bocn yearning. If wolves eome On one part 5tri i tolr' had what the pasie-and-paper mag-' yowling round the door they'll meet ronso 1032 and nates term "complete coverage of i with prompt resistance, I have 1 fonvard triumphant vindlca- ihe ran him about $5,000 ample jack to bc5p them at tlcn and ruction in hc turner 1 All in all, it was the most distance.

V. hen I was stalwart. a comically scowling glance and and bold, my savings were ra are as good j' And you yom trically ira'iscrilx-cl to mention a few Items. As lor the total cost of the thousand mile line from Milford to Mexico. FTOs.ilp places It at $90,000 in- campal'rn ever put on In i cainparrn ever put.

on in Kansas. J3 Doc takes oath that he 1 ds th or to be expended not j.i, one cent more than SJ16. bonds' blew up, thc vfct: Ti ho worn n.n nrnmnrv mj nrc the ourht nf uic iric inoupriis 01 ri. and u-hni is h- hat hin vfctlms of dc- If he were ordinary sinful prcssicn: he had to mortgacc house mcrtnl. msMnrt of a prophet of thc nnd Hupp and chattels in succes- ra I orri would he was kiddln, lon had to pawn thc the when he made this affi- hat his lather wore before him; the so et on? davit.

of slumps had come to tat. Hc araues thnt the rest of Un- nnri hnodoos hovered 'over him. The wliat dons he think the no-money was and dreams he's harbored of repose and did not romc out 01 his pockets. If! comfort In autumn, succumbed between now nnd 1935 'in assemble a Republican boom for him at that time? With Mills and each of hi.s SOO.ono odd supporters harsh had bought one of the 25 cent hit bi "er blows the bottom. Brinkley stamps, nnd we presume: to doubt thai they did, this would i have rai-seri only 50 or 60 thousand dollars.

Where did thc rest of the money conn- from? Well, in dealing- with a superna inspired candidate, the r.sent on earth of the Lord, il I only reasonable to n.v.umc thai made no bitter wail, no moan 1 James Wadsworth now wan-inn; for U.ll.) he was Roberts-Blue Funeral Service K. C. GHmn A. Blue Mrs. Glenn A.

Blue Mnrbuil J. Bail Post, No. 5 AMERICAN LEGION Meets 2d and 4th help from on high by i deeper. the leadership of thc party in New to hit thc trail and try to earn ork. Republican polities in that living.

I have two hands, as many state is booming at what some con- feet, a tongue that's ood at wag- dered Rre ater speed than gmg. and I can earn enough to cat, if I'm not idly braRginir." He eocs frcm clnor to door and sells a patent carpel, sweeper, and no sad narrative lie tells of troubles growing Far from taking umbrage at the own language. exaggerated physiognomies that I lt ma Eecm Uke quibbling over come from the cartoonists pen. nothing at all. but they thought the presidents, vice presidents, speakers at ter important enough to devote and senators vie with each other in considerable time to its solution.

their own caricatures, the Sylvia Sidney, in the title role. cteran cartoonist said I obviously could not be heard in -r-i- r-i, English dialect when addressing Take C.irtis and Cactus other Japanese- nor ta rtect Jack Oarnor for instance. wh addresstog tn 7 American Curtis has 38 cf Berryman's car- ne ro. Pinkerton. tocns of him in a framed frieze in The compromise has her talking his vice presidential office.

During 1 "pidging English" when speaking to the re-rent campaign. Berryman Americans, and a formal, almost turned the full barrase of his wit stilted English which signifies that upon vice presidential candidate she is talking in Japanese. 'Garner, principally poking fun at i so that the audience will catch his lack of verbosity, on. nnd not simply suspect that Miss As fast as the "sphinx series" Sidney has slipped up on hr dialect, Garner rartoons were published, there's to be an explanatory forc- Spsakcr Garner sent to Berryman word regarding the matter. for the originals.

"I'm BClnt; to make Charles Cur- A NICE VILLAIN. Us look a piker," said G.vner, This picture, incidentally, points now he has more ihan 40 Her- up the degree of influence Holly- rymar. to make a new wood casting may have on story frieze for that vice presidential of- changes which so frequently occur when well-known novels or plays "I've never mrt but one man who are fUmed. didn't to be cartooned. The new "Madam Butterfly" chuckied wai the paints the American.

Pinkerton. as ilate Senator Payno, of a not- altogether despirJablc fellow drich tariff bill But while he In novel, play and opera Pinkcr- iwns sayint; he riidn't to bo my ten's character had few white spots his in with an this film was Intended arm load of to ma nally as a Gary Coo-jsr vehicle, and and ho helped me pick best!" let its accepted Trac. a few heroes play despicable characters men, incliidin- President Hoover, without doing a bit of vrhltc-wash- had picked The Presl- who derives rival mjovment It knows the public won't accept from an collection of portrni- its established heroes as utter vil- tures of Ivmnelf. told Cartosnkt Iain's, and will find likable qualities Berryman his psncil had not paid In them. When Gary Grpnt re- prcper attention to the results of placed Cooper in the cast, the same medicine ball.

consideration dictated a "You ir.akint? me too fat," tic handling of the character. Not pointed cut the President, at the only is Grant being built up as a same time the fishing ones hero, but his personality Is thought to han? st Camp Rnpldan. i to contain so many likable traits Appreciative inriocd wn.i Calvin that any other treatment would be cartooned in cowboy out- regarded as affected villainy. fit. Indian garb, and mores of other! before the election.

laiiyh-producinq pulses. "At the close ol the administration, the es were selling book HERE'S NOVELTY. The novelty of the year Is "If I Had a Million," a feature composed And nmonf: other ('ols who assisted in jwuring- ten a' Doc's party Henry L. Doherty might be listed. And while we arc classifying him as a political angel, let us not deny him other honors His reported activities in the Brlnkley iCopyniitit, Ocorjc Matlicw Adams) MORE PRIZES TO KANSANS.

Livestock Exhibits at Chicafo Collect Many Illuc Ribbons. Chicago, Dec. 1 livestock exhibitors collected several if he really bought as many Brink- yards of blue ribbons in Wednos- ley stickers at 25 cents each as it seems he did. would make him America's lending stamp collector, a prince amone philatelists. A BROADWAY NOTEBOOK By William Oilnei day's contests at the International Livestock exposition.

Blue ribbons for the best summer shorthorn yearling heifer and the best senior heifer culvcd in the last four months of 1931 went to the Tomuon brothers of Wftkarusa. Kobcrt Hazlett. El Dorado, exhibited the prize winning summer year- plates for of Mrs. Coolidies of clgnt des depicting what chanties, and I sent a check happens to as manv cnaract rs sud narralccl Berryman. "The White dcn prcsented mlll)on House called me over, and I went cneck an ecccntri in to sec the President.

'Here, take back your 10 said. Ming lng comcdy tr 'You've given me so much pleasure horrori the episo each reprp- while Ivc been in Washington, the sent thc worfc of a ff book plates are tor and varlo technlques can Greatest stimulator and anpre- cbscr ed ft SU) an of all the presidents, Berry- la BUILDING IS CONDEMNED K. U. Dyche Museum, Containing Bit Fossil Collection, Is Closed Lawrence, Dec. 1 The state's largest collection of fossils, mounted antmals and birds was closed to the public today in accordance with an order condemning the Dyche museum at the university of Kansas as unsafe because of defeats in the floors.

The order was the result of an investigation conducted by 1. W. Ra- dotlnsky, state architect, who has been inspecting all buildings under control of the state board of administration. He said the reinforced concrete floors, laid down when that material first came into use for that purpose, appeared weak. State officials said repairs must await action by the state legislature.

The anatomy department, where budding medical students receive preliminary instruction in their profession, is being moved to the commons, a frame building formerly occupied by the university cafeteria. Laboratories of the zoology and entomology departments also will be moved. The first floor is devoted to mounted specimens of North American animals, while the second contains one of the most complete bird collections in the world. The third floor is given over to fossils of prehistoric monsters. Most of them represent more than 30 years of paleon- tological research on the part of the late H.

T. Martin, curator of the department. He collected most of the material from western Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming and made one trip to Patagonia in South America. YOUR HEALTH Bj Dr Ooldston SOCIAL SEASON AT HAND Ozark Mountain People Ready for literary Society Gatherings, Springfield: Dec. 1 Harvest's end is ushering in the hot- stove social season of the Ozarks.

Earlier than usual this farmers are "hogging down" the corn rather than shuck it at present "literary society" notices are appearing in county seat papers. They invite the people of Sinners' Union nelchbov- hocd or Happy Hollow or Creek bottoms to meet thf schoolhousc to consider forming a "literary society." And one may be sure the decision will be favorable. To Osirk mountain folk, cocktails, decollete frowns. supper clubs and o-c-as are just tho strained efforts of jader! urbanlies to pay at amusement. inquirirte-, thorouehly sold on the that shoulders and swapnin? idcss is the of social intercourse, these Ozark oeo- rte fine in the "Hterarv" a debat- in- sccititv.

a reading circle, a talk- fest. a little theater movement, a club, a reception and an Indoor picnic. The "literary" Is hiirhlv organized, with presldem anrf full com- of officers, includimr a parliamentarian and n. cony of Roberts Rules of Order. Its meetings arc advertised.

bul of mental fare alwavs includes a 'debate. There may be a match. There'll elocution and ic. incUfllns the ballad? the hills like "Bar- barn But the mock t-lal Is the acm: of rti'nrlty, Its"mnly indictinr. tryini? nr.d convicting Tome well kniwn for Meal- inir a hounci-io-r.

cr crimes: or stealing a kiss, or shooting a horse. Pneumonia Sera have been developed for the treatment of pneumonia caused by type one and type two pneumonia germs, which cause more than hall of all the pneumonias. The serum developed for pneu- monias caused by germs of type one has been demonstrated clinically to be definitely effective. Thus, patients treated with serum for pneumonias of type one "f-rm show an appreciably lower mortal- ity rate than those who go untieat- ed. Authorities are agreed that every patient with type one pneumonia should have serum treatment.

The serum developed for pneumonia type two is not as yet as potent nor as clinically effective as that developed for type one. Recent reports, however, show that if the serum for type two pneumonia Is administered within 72 hours after the onset of the disease, the patient has a much better chance to recover than if he receives no serum at all. or if the serum is administered later in the disease. Type two pneumonia, while less common than type one, is dangerous, the mortality rate being from 30 to 50 per cent, depending upon the age and physical condition of the patients. The type of pneumonia from which the patient is suffering is determined by taking some of his rusty, Wood-tinged sputum and isolating by one of oral different me'ans 1 the germs found therein.

The sera employed in the treatment, of pneumonias type one and type two are derived from the blood of horses treated with these germs. The serum is abstracted from the blood and is concentrated and purified so that small quantities of it prove effective. In the laboratory it is now possible to inject mice with a fatal dose of type two pneumonia germs and to save them from death through the simultaneous injection of a sufficient amount of type two serum. Asthma. Visit New York Now! A 1.1.

RATES (NCI. HOE UEMCIorS CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST ft Wreklj I I 4 r'tnin roan I I I I bulb I I Daily double room S5.00— S23.00 Mczianine Concerts and Refreshments Every Evening. In the social center overlooking Central Park, BARBIZON-PIAZA HOTEL 101 West 58th New York IVrltc for bcoklct WHAT ABOUT HURLEY? And what does Pat Hurley, who made such furious aerial campaign for the President, think? Hurley, young, ambitious and alert, will be at loose ends after March 4th with new connections to make either in public or commercial life. He has shown no indication of quitting Washington, where'man said, was Theodore Roosevelt, ICEMEN ARE EDUCATED. Hartford.

Conn. Patrick E. O'Sullivan hp.i new respect for icemen. He told by Rilph G. Hadlcy, general of a Hartford ice company, tba'.

pros- ective ice pecldlers must take a cou-jv. Amnn" 1 1 i- taught are theories cf rcfrtpcr.Ttion: of foods and cir- cuir Uon of air. "Docs an Icemin have to know all that." O'Sullivan n-skod In Amazcmcni. "It's very simple," Hadlcy assured him. Read the want Ads irluri ttuurancr valun rrotcrllon Minimum Colt A.

C. ROBINSON I'hnnr B. M. A. Co.

411 Clliirni Bulk Dldc Charles Ryan Phone 22 Mutual Building INSURANCE NORTON CLEANS CLOTHES 12 West Sixth Phone he has spent most of his adult life. REJECTS ART COLLECTION. Paris Louvre Finds Some Legacies a Sonrcc of Embarrassment. surprise has been aroused, says a correspondent in the Dally Telegraph of Lonrlon. by who had a "for every cartoon The briefest and mcst easily Identified, naturally Is of Ernst Lubltsch, ng hat "clicked." and whose good-bye middle-aged bookkeeper, Charles nminWaE Lau -BU, 1 is Trine how you are going to miss me as a sanctum to dellvcr a Bronx cheecr copy-maker! And the episodc te told Garner.

Senator Borah, nnd Sen- sin lc of dlalo ator Norris are pronounced by Bcr- ryman his best subjects I'm poinsj to have more fun than a an announcement that, the author- box of mnnkcvs after March hc Ities at the Paris Lou ime re- added. "Roosevelt's roing to be. a llnq heifer, the senior yearling bull cc pl collecnnn re- anri nrlrtr-ri t-- rlhhnns with CCntl.V eft t3 the gallery b.V Will. and added two blue ribbons with a New teachers nnd 3-year-old cow and 2-year-old heif- social workers frown on the Thanksgiving "ragamuffin." They nre trying Vo discourage the youngsters' practice dressing in fantastic garb and begging in the streets on Turkey day. Admitting this quaint custom may lend to the Thanksgiving observance touch of color, the scri- ous-minried ir.slit it works a bad influence children are humored in tlinr panhandling for one MUTUAL BUiLDifvG LOAM ASSOCIATION er in the Hereford division.

Thc Chinquapin Springs farm, of Overland Park, placed in several contests with its spotted Poland China and Duroc Jersey swine. in the former, included senior junior sow championships; second. Junior yearling boar; second, senior boar pig: third, junior boar pig: first, junior yearling first and third, senior sow pig; third, junior sow pig: third, aged herd; third, four swine offspring of An official explains that leirarics of this description often a great deal of embarrassment. Accommodation is limited, whllo the Louvre standard is, on the whole, high. Collections whirh may seem to be of Inestimable value to the man who made them frequently contain many objects of little interest to the general history of nrf.

and others which experts at once recognize as forgeries. It often happens, therefore, that after consulting a committee of ex- peris thc heads of the Louvre refuse ureat he'll bring a lot of others In." DISEASE SPREADS RAPIDLY. same sow. and four swine get of to accent a legacy. It is admit tert same boar.

The farm placed second in thc senior sow pig contest of the Duroc Jersey division, and was runner-up In the contest for young herds bred by the exhibitor. that the national museums contain many articles of doubtful authenticity. As a rule a donor Insists upon his or her collectlorf' being accepted as a whole or not at all. Known forgeries are, therefore, occasionally taken in order to obtain possession of something of real value. Glvi furniture this Christmas, living room suite, bedroom suite or rug will be enjoyed by all the family.

were never lower. Terms Hey Boys! Now Is the time to Ret Jf you wish. The J. C. Dumm Fur- into some high lace boots.

Get nlturc Co. I them from $2.25 up at Bang Bang. disease starts to travel it rccopnizes no speed llm- its. accorrtinn to thc Philadelphia Record. SeicnlHs have found, for example, that diseases can travel through the air at what is considered an unusual feet in five minutes, according to Popular Mechanics.

It has been known for I a long time that micro-organlzlsms arc carried about on droplets of mcisturc, but Dr. Mcrl G. Colvin of Yale Medical Schrral has found that at least one group of contagious diseases ran travel independently. Contrary to the general belief, these diseases move fast, that is, fast for micro-organisms so small that the eommon micrrscoix; does not show them. In addition lo measuring the speed.

Dr. found that the in the dust of his room for eighteen days. Change your volume, Advertise. NEW DIVORCE NO FLUKE. Oklahoma City Flukes- first divorce a month ago, when D.

D. Fluke acted as his own attorney, was a fluke but the Flukes have a new divorce now that Is no fluke. District Judge Torn Chambers set aside thc first decree because thc suit hadn't been on file 30 days; then granted it again. Leave your magazrne junscrin- tlons at Isobel 'Lowther's Clrc. Library or phone rates and clubs.

Try Gazette Want and profitable results. End Serious Coughs With Creomufsion Don't let them a strangle hold. Fight germs quickly. Creorauluon the 7 helps known to modern Kience. Powerful but Pleasant to take.

No Your drngtirt-will refund your money if any coogh or cold no nutter how Ion; is nat re- tiered by Creomuliioo, 1933 Christmas Club MEMBERSHIP OPEN TO EVERYBODY We invite you to take advantage of this practical, systematic plan to create ready cash for year-end needs. A small weekly will assure a stated amount of extra money in December 1933. There is no delay or formality in joining our club. You are enrolled as soon as you make your first deposit in the class of membership you select. The Commercial National Bank Trust Company EMPORIA.

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