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The Daily Chronicle from De Kalb, Illinois • Page 2

De Kalb, Illinois
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THE DE KALB DAILY CHRONICLE PAGE TWO FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1923 MAPLE PARK jwek of her sister, Mrs. C. ChrU'lNO" UNPt-CAANTNEXT-DAY' Mrs. Caroline Kroll and mm Fred rhaniberlaln'B rableta are amni. Business Was Helped by the it of course, hut fcood da te our conavnerclal attune in It "ry eons uoua kt' tt result t.t ihe work jf our i.

TVil'f violin-is known all over thl ec-tlon or the state, furnished several I nutnbera whit pl.eaned the lare audience In aMentianee. I of Kuburn visited Tiwaday with iiv i rt 'n. iniy prompt and fori Department nr son here, nenry Men aiHl lam Sunday kint'nK tlo ao lve, nvbijnst "y- The Ki-ade nuidu valen-'alck heiwlachw. WlltfXis ay SYCAMORE NOT Sycamore aubacrlbtra rt requested to note that the circulation of The Chronic! will be handled by a representative from the cfflce until proper eervlc can be established and a responsible represents tlve secured. Subscribers will confer a favor by dropping a card to The Chronicle, at DeKalb, advising of failure to receive the puper.

ifv I I HhI l'lcw! Jl til nnm limn lain uitii'd COin anhlnaion, 1. Feb, 13. -A i'H1hi. Introduced by th iiit ivifiif volutin or tr4 md Uum lrcwi, are now I the oo TltUl'f'iluy CKp, nnu pam.ui rn Frank mi soy ana Mm VMmhnh Irinmn of Malta, sundy Kids Playing Marbles Upon with her ulnier, Mih rffeet. NO KilpiPaT Clnii'iiif liti-dx wuh py AmMloin u.imlrrwiP j-nt tlHy" h-Kitlh United innuwa.

1 Ui ililtlm. IL. Cnnipbell nnd family em. Streets Here I ilium I IHMt Mr, si Mrs. and children of Sur.d.iy with Mr, KHIy.

mid Mm. Alllmufch lh wntil.l haw to ilt'-. whlln lilhuW id tii work HKjp bet-uMimiHliy in W'w Try Thronlcre Want Ads. ELVA Stimnji thone who attended th SycHmore Talr were Mr. and Mm.

D. oiirien and Mm. Kva Illce. fliitfr-m in i i thflu win ill. Hni of Mr.

and (ilitin Tliinon and hrtdren t'harter wi-i-n Sunday Ktift or Mr. ttul Mri. Kim oiiHon. Mr. and Mr.

Irvln Williamaoiv and Drake of Aurora visited ymr r'-uii -tioti or I ni'-nl pi ''ouinii rce, accord lis' I' JuiliiH Kl ii. diiect'n- the Rimini d' Korelwt i and Imoitk Kioiii estiniai hlM'bn'-pau hi "a 1 pii'-i" In. securlm? i'iO oi i i btiblne u.r American firms. On the of POST TEAMS Mil BOTH Emery Hanson was In DeKalb on.1 BPQW.wyyiumwiji i npiwi.n iwy WWW' i ii Vi ii 'frit'-n business Tuesday, lUlciliiivullV thulv nti mtorney wan paid iiK'nirw-r i I ihf bar nsHoclatlrn It wa one of i In- ni'il funeral cfn-monl. i-vr-r held in Sycamore, and very lari-ly at-t-nded.

Interment was iri oenitei-y. Hhe kids ity al the ustiAi. npiin ciunf oi milm today. Sonc of lh' little fillowH lial thi ir caps iulld hwn over their i earn an v. I r-n tbey t' not "lag-i klnir" mr1 in their Mrs.

Ella Mosher visited. In De-1 Janus flooro. and famllv Kalb Friday. 'tjj1 Mr. and Mrs.

r.oyd Acox and chil- rTI fft '-t tl aren of IeKaio were guests Sun pa but this i he contends that the llncktt.s to k-t th warm, Mf 1 'Vi i i a IB day of Mlse Mildred Robertson I Mrs. Mabel Snyder of Chicago Chapter Masons Mr. and Mrs. Roy Concidine rpent Sunday at the Mosher home. Koy Mcintosh of South Bend! spent the week end at the Inxham home.

and Mrs. Harold McCartney nevertheless were enthusiastic ov I ec the peine ihnt 'w as in progress. Marengo Community Cliib Basketball Players Drop Havn Meeting Double Header. spent the week here on ecemint of tho Illness and death of her -mother, Mrs. C.

C. Stowe. Miss Myrtle Coddington of Sugar Grove was a guest the' first of the Hprp T.nst Nitrhr People Watch trtayj.y pro-nten. t.y taxes, to the c.ven of approviinaleiy are constantly advise.l.:' Kkin. "of inslances where our eorinerclal attaches throughout woi'd have bpn if direct help in Efcurng new business toi Anuri- firms." I iff oral A of DeKaiD spent Sunday at thei Emery Hanson home.

Master Sam Walker spent th week at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Kelser, In DeKalb. wtih irispeotion work b'inR Kiv-! Steps Today On BAT A VI A IS NEXT; Friday the 13th decree work exemplified by the Not many people in Sycamore are igtiway a 394 Lincoln offers. Klein said Ameiioar hri- Walter Hammitt returned Satur- newly elected officers of Sycamore superstitious, but there were some wa reported who were watch- i.t,ww day trom nia western trip. Chapter, last night's meeting was rnii irig their steps carefully today on in Dublin in -I, niise While not a very large crowd at- Sycamore's American LeRion basketball teams won both games hrv last night against the Marengo "Community fives, much tooted as iUJ run cne of greet interest.

The conferring of the decree was very interesting and highly 12C HILADELPHIA cheese pkg. the champions of the northeastern account of its being a double hoo- lvas no irA-1' tended the Farmers' Institute at El- doo day, Friday the L'Uh. there. va Thursday, a most interesting As far as could be "learned at "il ai he said, Yi meeting was. held, noon, there had been no serious ac- rbiy would hav inio a uteri-' Mrs.

Albert Johnson pave a fre- cidents relative to the superstition, can hands had there been ar. well party for Mr. and Mrs. Allen of the state. The heavies of n-e ihsiiw a the Legion were victorious by the th; visitors.

Kmr as it. while the lieht i At th conclusion of the woik a and it was not believed there would hi lunch was served, and the was served, and the mem Children Gough A i. connfrclal atlaehe Johnson who expect to soon leave there. for California. Hill.

I irr i 1 Ginger snaps B. 'lb. 12c lCAIi V. Li r- The first team ot the legion hers spent an hour or more in so- be any mir-hap during the day iability. The mooting was one of t.

American tries whicu SAHARA BUS FAILS Taris. France The plan of M. the- most successful in the annals of the Sycamore chapter. with Wt no A Citroen, the Henry Ford of France. fti was itr soini- in.Dnii.

FOLEY'S rent a-it lub'ic wo ks. Mid the wt i ror a motor bus line across the QLlVc OIL Many Checks Are Received 1-2 PlflT CAN krev or it is wnen rreat anara aesert, with the bus-il that th--! mounted on caterpillar tractors, ciee. It is the business m- nas been abandoned mainly be- S4 CLARE L. H. Taiman went to Humbolt, Thursday, to attend the funeral of an aunt.

He returned home the following Monday evening. Donald and Ralph Masterson and Maurice Anderson spent the week end with relatives in Sycamore. A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Allen.

Ma- -showed more real basketball stuff In last nisht's game than it has in any previous game. Marengo players were at a' loss to know where to look for the ball when once the ex-serAice boys got hold of it. -They were able to get it down the floor, and seemed to know right where to look for a man to drop it into a basket. The teamwork of the heavies Was the best last night -it hag been so far this season. The Legion boys no to Data via Monday nicht ot next week for a game and will play Data via on the by Treasurer head of? ihiir attaches sort.

cause of the hostile desert tribesmen. Another reason was that the few rivers of the desert havp been SiaALL PKG. 3 FOR fUopUtea inZrdlMt printed lb wrappar. 1 "Recently I -ux 1 fi County Treasurer Henry Decker Is receiving more than hisBhare of mail these days on account of letter a i la -go const ru company sf "MoKl stage," making passage of oik- Athens, e.r:;f in impossible because of the in. what couli VMtUcin in tb werM.

ruud. many people senuing remittance to ther and babe are doing nicely, pay taxes. Ovllz ci Scas-oro was call 'd One of the assistants in the office to the home nf Mr and Mrs I. A. Try Clironlcle Want Ada.

SOLD EVERYWHERE 15C A lO.O'iO.dOO fo- pub.ic v. water -v tern hnd Athens, lineus, and tiMt wlalt section, 'ct to an Aiu-jii i tompany, that company mm niiibiiiunii EAS TELEPHONE. HO. 2 CAI1 bycamore floor a week from morning had the top of a large Tatman last week because of the Monday night. Batavta has a crack-1 des.k covered with checks of all illness of their son.

Jack, ine good basketball team this, year colors a'nd sizes, and stated they, Misses Marie and Lucile Thomp- and the boys here plan to workrv, rp rrom niaTy l)aDhs in many 80n spent the week end at the Mrs. D. Ronln -s od to thai a goc 1 hard to get on the big end of the statt s. but as long as they were home of their aunt ecore. cashable, it did not make much dlf- at Sycamore, attei thai o.

credr 'or thatmji ai'. ef nding the Mld- TIPS itrence wnere tney came from. I Winter Fair Saturday nieht. There seems to bt many people Many from around Clare attend- The following are the details of last night's game: Sycamore Heavies 34 DEL MOKTE UAn NIpHT COUGH QUICKLY RELIEVED A Few Good Specials ho prefer coming to Sycamore to ed the Mid Winter Fair last week. pay their taxes, rather than taking Many rnim around Clare attend-j of the matter at the bank in ed the sale of Ernil Jiueff which their home community.

was one of the larges! of the sea-! I I 11 E. Cudden, rf. 6 1 Small If. 3 3 PET B0RD0II5O TALL OQn LK 0 CARNATION CANS LOb 0 1 uii. TVTonv AiinnA Miss Hazel returned home IT J.

IVIIU I.i.. 1. I itu .1 n111.11 1 Vlfell 19 A. 1 I A. IVUCllUl lclsl 1 -Vlr- rwrl'- APoerson ami 1.

This is the substance of a letter received from H. V. Webb, Quincy. "I coughed a great deal, especially at night. Tried almost every 'thing and have found nothing to KOf.nVS HOXLY AND TAR COMPOUND.

One dose relieved my w.ugh and 1 rested well all 'night." Oiie of the largest selling cough iSiedVtLQeyn the World. Con tains no opiates. Safe for children. It.sist upon Foley's. Refuse substi-J Sold everywhere.

I i Evening Here Morris Sunday. The Methodist Annex was well' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ranger. Yellow Split, per lb.

9c Green Split, per lb. 13c Whole Green, lb. lie Whole Yellow, lb. 12c nRIED PEAS filled with interested people last are ih" proud parents of a baby night upon the appearance hen- of Kirl that was born at tlielr home Leslie Voiahtman. dramatic tenor.

'rst week. Mother and babe are v. ho was ably usslsted bv Howard i doing nicely. tiipson, c. Patterson, rg 3 Hoover, lg.

Fredericks, lg 1 Marengo Heavies 17 Lear. tt. 6 roth man. If Otis. 1 Peterson, c.

1 rg 0 Burk, rg 0 Kelly, lg. 0 Sycamore Lights 24 Piggott, rf. 3 Rose, If. .0 -H. Cudden.

If 2 Hansen, c. 1 (iustatson, rg. 4 Stroberg. re. c.

3 1 0 0 It 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 M. Payne, violinist from DeKalb. PLAY vor want LIKE THE TSn gland If DRESS Hastings, Mr. yoightmnn iossesses a wonderful voice and demonstrated to 30c IE HZ LARGE BOTTLE GATviSSj 2 his hearers he was greatly inter-J to go to a amateur ested in singing, and capable of do- here, you must dress like the acting such work in a most excellent ors do on the stage. "The Knight? 4 large cans Pears .31.00 1 can Blue Berries 29c 3 cans Pork and Beans 2 packages Raisins 25c 1 bottle Chili Sauce 30c Gold Bond Cocoa 15c 2 pounds Bulk Dates 2 packages Shredded Wheat 25c 10 bars Sunny Monday Soap 42c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 0 0 1 manner.

ot 1P Pestle" a play or Dr. Payne, whose ability on the thp King James 1 Period was re- eently presented and the entire SHREDDED WHEAT 2 21c audience appeared in ancient 2 bricks, lg 0 FEELS GOOD TO 4 2 25c 30-40 SIZE 0RE69H PRUNES FINGER TIPS "Z' Marengo, eights 16 Otis, rf. 4 Stock, If. 0 Godar, c. 0 Kitchen, rg.

1 Burke, lg. 0 Trotarg, lg. 3 1 3 5 1 0 0 0 0 1 Corn b. tt'WlDc That's How C. H.

Mason of Rockford Describes Relief He Got from Karnak. Carlson Bros. Scores of statements regarding DeKalb Woman Asks Divorce from Husband Mrs. Gladys Bodda of DeKalb, through her attorney, Perry McCul- the remarkable results being accomplished by the sensational new treatment, Karnak, throughout Illi TELEPHONE 749 TELEPHONE 236 nois continue to- reach the Karnak lougu, iouaj nieu an aciiou ia ofliees daily xsi gggg no economy in LaiTricts tOiifuadK assultmce BUT! ERcREMRY LB- 4C Among the large have more recently "mil i 1 vireuu. cuuu, usiving inai me number who tiage vows now existing between the of the medicine nerana Koueri iuaa oe aissuiveu.

Mr Mason well known In er cdroplaint, Mrs. Bodda living at 503 N. Church state she was married to the de-. gtrePt Rockfordi describing his fendant in. April of 1920, and con- COIMiition and failure to heretofore tinned to live with him until his relief Mr Mason gayg.

drunkenness compelled her to "Before I got Karnak my kidney leave. She further states he giving me no end of trouble, ed to have a habit of becoming in- were in 8Uch a disordered con- YU HELPS uiAiueu anu gumg on sprt-es thfcf across the small of my frequent intervals, and for that rea A 8 EVAPORATED son asks the court to- dissolve the marriage vow. 3 TALL GAMS Shinncr efficiency plus Shinncr service makes sav The large varied assortment makes saving dependable quality of a 1 1 merchandise a saving filAGAROril OR SPAGHETTI PKG. 9s back seemed as sore as a boil, and every move I made caused me intense pain. Why.

I fHf so weak and miserable I could hardly pull through a day's work. "When i heard so mucu about Karnak I thought It might strength en nie up a bit, and begun using It, Well sir, I haven't an ache or pain now, and feel fine from head to fool. I eat good. Imi, sleep good, and feel the good Karnak Jto my finger tips. I wouldn't be without a bottle of thin remarkable new medicine in my house from now on." Try Karnak yourself: And.

re member. Karnak Pills are an essential and vitally Important part of the Karnak treatment, especially if constipated. Karnak is sold in DeKalb exclu I ing- Last Service for Attorney This Afternoon Impressive were the last service held this afternoon for Attorney John Fatssler whoe sudden death in Chicago earlier In the week has cast a pallor of gloom over the vl-clnlty. The DeKalb county Rar association met at the courthouse at two o'clock and marched to the home in a toody, and- the services were very largely attended by hundreds of other friends of the well known Jurist. GOOD QUALITY BROOMS EACH 40g mm I0NA BRAND NO.

3 CANS BEETS EACH 18b an slvely by Kirchner's Drug Store and Itev. IL S. Robh-e of Ihe Congre- rational church had charge of the by leading druggists everywhere. SATURDAY SPECIALS I': 100 PURE LiA BEANS low no. -2 14c TOILET PAPER 2 for 15c CODFISH 1 -B.

BOX MOTHER AflH 34c SYRUP RARO. 10 LB. BLUE LABEL 63c BEANS 4 8 OVEH BAKED llillU CATSUP IDHA BRAI1D LARGE BOTTLE 1 8c BREAD LARGE LOAF 9c 8c i 6j)c and Nailve Slccr Pot Roast fi Ml 4 10 lbs. for 2 Pounds for 35c 10 POUNDS TO CUSTOMERS Saturday Specials Crackers, 3-lb. package Xarge bottle Catsup 25c "Large package Soap Chips Quick Naptha Soap, 12 bars Hardwater Castile Soap, 3 bars for 25c 'Macaroni and Spaghetti, bulk, lb.

10c I Head Lettuce, New Carrots, Parsnips, Celery and All Kinds of Fruits. FREE DELIVERY PHONE 153-702 i 308 Lincoln Highway DeKalb, Ilia. 320 STATE Street Sycamore, Ilia. E. (G.

SHIMMER ANB 257 EAST 1INCOLN- WWW mm vi ui to irTAVdAriKb liP.lij!ii.r.i ifai. 'fnin iips WiiaTi'! MiMBl' 'iliifs I.

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