The Daily Chronicle from De Kalb, Illinois • Page 3
- Publication:
- The Daily Chroniclei
- Location:
- De Kalb, Illinois
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 3
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
SATURDAY, I 1922 THE DEKALB DAILY 'CnttONlCLE 1PAGE TimtS a TT 7 It, Horteymooncrs Abroad gym a most kttractive and appro- priate setting-for the occasion. I One ot the mirth-provoking tea- lures Of the eveninz was stiakliiK EDNA 'MADDENED BV lfARIS LIFE (hands with av ghost. Miss Dorothy: ancient CTOOSjea sircem. ice si ie.i- dor ot the Rue de a Palx. She scarcely saw Jack.
She went everywhere with the Stanleys. On the 'third day Jack said: "Ixmdon. Eddre goi po and finish this Edna's breath came quickly, but fhe unjjrefi-d sleailil) eiioiu lr. i A Jack. I'm ing to Where is the man who does not cherish the fond hope of some day owning a finer time-piece No time like the present smith and Sara Gamer also enter- By lot BtkUS.
tained with a short roin-j posed of eutheHc dancing. Mutc( "Do 'ou hear?" Edna shook him and no present like the lime. for the evening was furnished by Johnson's orhintia. gently, annoyed that Tie did not Give him an Flv in W'a'ch that he will sdi i as long assure ikt aoout tne gooa time, me Freezing and starving Kunsta is bushitMs-lcKB time, th-y to receive a shipload of relief in a have In Paris. Of all places, 1'arls.
few weeks, owing to the eflorts of "Promise me. Jack, you 11 the Hnptlsla in the northern part Cousins Jut few days?" In ro. Tile Slar.b-ys cxcliiiiKi a iui-k. sl of Iruiwl 4 Ni as he i.M We iniie you to conn in bile the assortment Is ai II Iw-St. C.
B. Gonterman Jeweler and (lift Merchant Miss l-'va Benson is home from Rw ktnrd IO lid tl'e Weekend I wih le larents. Mr. Mi. llelj-in.
ot the Hiate. All through, that lor-, Put Jack's eagerness -to N- up tion of Illinois, the different church and after Cousins, his Socletlc are contributing food and nerves and his unxi.y to make clothing toward the Anm. good with his company kepi him the last or the month, a ship, wild iroin making the reply Edna walii-the slogan of "Russia's Ship to vd. Russia," will leave under th fUi niy Eddy, but you crvision of the general hoard Know promotion of the Northern right. Jack" her voice wns convention, loaded with things fo.
nVL Km tine 'f are 'vorklng diligently for tin lr nle will be held in the (Irs olhc in-ieml of Still's drup stor as ttiey at first planned. Tin1 reason for the change is that the roni is Imi-it and will nrconuiiolate the rn; hi'tter. Tlie articles will in the window ol Mc AUistrr's store lor two da; prel ii to the hale. A most delightful Hallowe'en was yesterday ni'ter-nooit for the pupils of the Love yc'nool. by their teacher, Fran cs liurke.
Theiv wen- 3H chil dun present to enjoy a happy time -ith Hallowe'en sanies and pranks. 1 YOU ARE WELL BREp You do not stamp yoursi ir a social fcllmtxr by con-Rtantly fafcrrjhg to cvMrl-tloB and prominent people in your conversations. To do no indicates that you na si have ttiade something oi a struggle to know sur'i p'-o pie br you would not so eager to mention your achievements. To those of assnrcd social position such obvious th-oda xt flaunting one's position are ridiculous as well as transparent. 1.
wnicn tne people are suuerii. j.r iQ unreawmably insistei Tneie are very few tan: the aml di8n.Kald,.d signal. Miss M.rgaiet Mitilrr Is ing a few days with fi tends Ro kfo. il WATERPROOF HATS A Fient imirr i sending liltlL' hat- (f WHtCr- pro.f,tl lor i iSIKiiis, molorini: r.nd 1 1 e'i'n-. They me in smart color and tan b' cr'uvhed into so small a that t'rey have no ditliculty Indng accomrr.oda-el in the ocket of tlu-golt Jtcket or motor coat.
nave; Bujiit kudu umvaiuru "all rinht but 1 don't think you ac Are Yon An Optimist? clothing, which is doing no one any good, who would be happy to have some Russian child use it. Warm things are needed, for Russia is a cold country, and food io make warmth for the body is essential. There is much suffering A :30 refreshments were tivating me fairly." think 1 am; I'm doing p.ll for you." It was in this mood that they met cn the Fails express the Stanleys, a handsome, youngish counl 'American in ieu and daring, con- in mis country or ours, out it is not to be compared with that oi i nt' sopnisucauon, rem a rtliRsin nnd the hi s-htn rtwl twmnln iM I JltiOUSllesS. Tt is human nature fo feel that 'mir neijrhl tor's house may be Immed or but that ours will not Fire, theft, and accident, however, are impartial visitors. The less you can afford to loj-e, the jrreater is your need of absolute protection for your valuables.
Secure that in a Safe Deposit fiox here. of the northern Baptist distiic! served, tluests wre Raymond and Harold Anderson, oi the training and little Ma re'" a McGlashen and lonald abin. A JauK'iter, Phyllis born to Mrs. John Wendell, of a weeks ai o. Mr.
Wendell i an ex-service man, and a form er resident of IeKall. Mrs. Wen dell has been seriously ill, and for a time her life was despaired of. Although it has been inferred li their jiumerous friends that they would be married at Thankspivin-; time, Miss Hazel Smith and H. VI.
Stevens, today motored to were united in marriaee ly Rev. James O'May at the Metho- iivahy with thk t.ll liF KKltillTI.I'SS ti.MKTY. he-boulevards, tiie the ef-tx. ll-Hs gaiety, the Palis of dress aaJ exquisite, cookery, the charm of 'I he had no visible occupation in like except an international pood Vime money no object. They struck up an easy acquaintance witn the Dutyeas In the dining car and in ii iurye.i.' bar-rassed mood were rather welcomed than otherwise.
Mark Stanley; handsome, with prematurely gray ha'r and rosy hare understood, and will their bit to lessen the sorrow of the ones7 so much in need of the necessaries of life. Last year ihis of people sent a ship carrying the slogan "Fill a Ship With Fellowship" to the different countries of Europe that were suffering-great ly. aisi parsonage ana are now pily speeding to parts unknown on lut 15 ht ls improving nicely, though slowly, now a honeymoon. Friends had clared time and again that vfZ5th particular time came, Mis S.Sihtth would be "wailing at ih; -face, devoted himself at once to Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Hayes Rid Edna, and knew how. Nella Stan dell, of 'Washington, I). an- le, raven haired and spectacular- The meeting of the Harmony cir cle will be held Monday evening at the; Blackman-Davison apartments, 210 North First s'treet. 4 Hostess to the Emera club las. uuuutt; ine t-ngagenieiu oi iner iy am.uun', ui.we juik uaut i ehurch" because they would never How Henry Stevens to get thete 'V'Oti Thus the decision they would be married as quietly as Iossible and as early in the morn aaugnter, Miss Janet A.
Ridden, to tendance. The Finft Truft Savings Bank The First National Bank DeKalb. Illinois ing as "possible. Mr. Stevens, who has been resident of DeKalb for many roaklng her home with her' Hir8.
W. W. Hyde, is among Benjamin Franklin Perry, Lieu- Edna was at first frightened, tenant. United States Navy. Lieu ante zed, for itsi ad of finding mere tenant Perry is ihe son of Mrs.
amusement in Nella i'tai)le's Perry and the late F. E. Perry, oi blandi: hnn-nts. Jai seemed to Jefferson, Ohio, and was graduat- her seriously. She ended by feeing ed from the United States Naval real ancer and, to ht i sni pris-.
Academy in 1915. lie is now ai-ja desire to pu-h him. Her weap-tached to the Executive l)eiar--j cn a han ment of the Naval Academy, at Af- ThP hv clerical quality or Edna's napolls where the young coupie ahlniat wn8 a noiictl by eilh evening was Mrs. Percy Webster at her country home. The trip was made by motor, and an evening of visiting and sociability en joyed.
Refreshments were served by the hostess. A theatre party has been planned for the next meeting, which will be In two weeks. Meting with Mrs. Andoi- (Lrt I Kalb's popular young women. was left alone in the world early In life, buf that proved no han.l: cap.
and as she has worked dili win maae ineir nome tn- ot th(. wt-uuinK in mwmner. aiiss janer, ii fr gently, ha accomplished a marO Riddel is a niece of Chief of'PollcM tliH) a pretty woman llstenijd up- F. W. Riddell, of thlB city.
son yesterday afternoon, the Sliver Tea club was delightfully entertained. Sewing and visiting wen-indulged In and a delicious lunch served before the guts left, pre itlvi h. smiled, anl looUetl ultl;'l l-kl int' iih itllfl Ills i A splendid time Was enjoyed by WPh enoiiah for Jack that hts I I tie ruuixe WOO niien'MM, III eaint.te flit lit tuilh WVdlesday being. the fifth wee! Of popularity for herself that is omondablo. For many years sin' was an efficient employee of Marvin it riHgK.
later taking up other work. During her residence In DeKalb she him been ailing and Jt Is only through pefseveram and the Joyful help of many frlenCn she claims, that sb has alinoHt completely recovered from an of a long time standing. 1 utrapfei. her provocation snd dim anniversary of M. and Mi.
Karl Yeager, they were silt prised ifebrll ul her i-lliti extaplru Mm P.y Hie lime two cupleM I. ul1 rearhed PaMs tiny w-re callt'ig one i t. rfnS QUALITY of rltrUWd paving brick mtwmy I certain, tangibte. dfrmlnabU befoe tbm brick arm Uld- on th rxMwL Tbrir durmbHity rn nrawrfd tviih octn before tb tax payer moory bs been pot. Tbla on of tbm reaaotae foe pobftc coolldesca la Married People's dunce mi nlutit at the Viking1 hall.
Old and new duncea were ihe and every one appealed to have most happy evening. A delicious hin was aervnd at midnight lartc-Ing again enjoyed litlcr. Ii hoped by all who were present, that a "repetition of last night's affair will occurr in tho near future. lr.
M. 1). Urnwn Tvov. Chicago today, lenvln" Dr. milliner nj ineir nrri ii.iiiuf.
had di'fliled to slop Ht the snte ho- tel. Vyheh the train pulled In. E.lii.i': I pulses were high. Paris her lifelong dream' And here It was. hh Inexpressibly chirm by six rouples at their home or Houth Fifth ntreet.
Cards wen played, and a delicious lunch brought by ha gmtUs, enjoyed. Mr, and Mrs Roy win went to Chicago thre weeks ago are still H' the home of Mrs. Hrnr Nichols, an of Mis. Mr. n.nger is under the cure of doctor In Chicago, and Mrs.
Zanget is assisting In tho care of tier aunt, who ha been s4lously 111. Mrs. August Gustafsnn was hos: ess to a patty of friends at her home on John street last evening. and visiting were ih-- pas times of the evening a delicious hor residence with her aunt, Mrs. W.
Hyde, she hai; endeared herself to hundreds of younger people of the city. Todny she stood before Rev. James O'May and becumc the wife or Henry Hipvetis, a romance thnt started many years atrn, came to t. irost hapPy wHntr. Shu very appropriately gnwnerl In her traveling outfi! being brown 'ith all accessotles to match.
Mrs: Stevens Is member of several Brown In the Washington Park ness, as frank, as dar.zllngly allui if -i'" i i bV'V'-i, Inr; as Me eethu.s:a I i of it'ever dra.n. hospital for treatment. Though a critical condition yesterday, the doctor's condition wiib such today lhat his wife felt a3 though she might leave him. She crew bendy with the llfr of clubs about town, and many or CHICHESTER PILtS4v. mc; masteupikck PAVEMENTS Weakoeeaea of aubatitata and leaa durable her closest friends knew of her ap- preaching marriago but were siir- a.
3 tor kUrk.lrriltUHMl BlMA I la Kcd -d Wald m.llW PRINCESS THEATRE ALL NEXT WEEK Receives Word Of Brothers Death in Cal. J. A. McDowell received word prised today to learn "It was aii over. lunch being served later.
4 Mrs. John Wendell and son, Er UUUONtJ IlKANi, this morning of the death of his MWkV vnwwv- liUUW brother. Dr. John McIowell of Angeles Cal. No details of th -death were received and on that account it is not probable hat the Henry' Stevens, the bridegroom Is well known to DeKalb people, being the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ei Stevens of South, Fourth street. For 11 years he habeen employed in one DeKalb store now operateG by ihe Vaile O'Malley company For two years or more he was in the employment of Edward Powers. Thirteen months of his lire he spent in the wo: Id war. He is among DeKalb's popular face can not be discovered until alter tbe pave-ment is down and tbe taxpayers money baa bees spent.
This ia betanae aoch wearing attrfacee or not and can not be tested In advance in the same manner and with the aame definlje aaevrance of foretelling behavior under traffic aa can brick sor-facea. Advance testing is only ooe of many reaaooa why brick pavement lust to long and cost so ttctfa for aniwif1 piniiw and repair NATIONAL PAVING BRICK MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION Detain man wm aUend t-ie services. I The entire community will sym-' pathize with Mr. Dowell in ihe I nest, have returned from Chicago where they visited the new gram They report the baiy as a fine girl, and the mother, who hns be; seriously ill, as improving. Misses Gladys Parkins, Louist Hammerlch, and Myrtle Metcalf, were hostesses last evening to par of friends at the Mi teal; home.
Some hideous and others-well dressed, the guests arrived masked for the occasion which was in celebration of Hallowe'en. Lincoln and Charles us were awarded the prizes for hr loss of his brother who was well Now In Progress Our Serai-Aetiual it mil favorably known in Los A' e'es. Cleveland, Ohio always known to have a friendly greeting, a pleasant personality, and a man with few enemies. After a honeyirnon. Mr.
nut Mrs Stevens will return to DeKalb and dCi EUR GIRDLES A "ea irg the best dressed girl and bo take up their residence in en ment on West Lincoln Highway while the prizes for being the mo? ji gnu many of the new frocks. On the models plain lur br.nds are ten. but on evening and dinner frocks the fur Is frequently lied with long ends, or arranged in sort a corsage that affords the only rimming besides the drapery. comically dressed were awarded tt SALE which now awaits their return. mm Miss Gladys Parkins and Ashley Ames.
Dancing and games in keen Ing with the Hallowe'en spirit Semi-annually we hold this great suit selling event Each year we aim to outdo the preceding one, offering better and irreuter values. Hundreds of friends in I)eKali extend to the newly weds best of wishes for a long ami happy Hie and Judidm: from their disposition, w'ishen will be substantiated. Mrs. E. A.
Oilmore has returned from Minnesota, where she was called'by the serlotty illness of her mother, who suflen.d Htroke of paralysis a few weeitn nvn. Though till reinainiiiR In a s- iIouh the Hgvd voinan holdiiiK IN BLUE SERGE A wide band of sktmk trims the (luring skirt of a blue sge nn elaborate neel it 1ips -se fitting sli'i'vi'H and a high choker, IMCUI i 'A i i were indulged in by the merty makers, and a Hallowe'en lunci Berved. Dancing held sway last In the gym of the Hiate -teacher, college, the Northmen of the col legj. spoiHorlng a party for th udents nnd faculty members. This was the I i-h party ever give! byl the hoy's oiu-niilzatlon, and I-was pioiioiineed a great suctest hv evetyotie I IuIIkv.
e'en decora tlons of orange ami black made im The Colore Navy. II' own. llrintlecr ami Tntne many u.v The Materials Toitvt Twill, Tricotinc, Yalartm, Vclour and Soifrf, all for -Stale Senator Vofcior CSiias. W. fate Suit originally pncid 1o now $28.00 Suits originally priced to now $33.00 her owti.
nnd Mrs Clinton (hough1 bost to return In imttie duthm. Music and gnnies enieriMitied the tnemtHTa of the Hei i iilf. meftlng lltst evening at which Miss Lillian Wonde'l va-. hosiess. A fountain pen was tne, en ted i(, Anna Ilamoutx, inetuiei- ()r th" ClOb, WilO Ii lelivlll; hikiii All-tortt.
Where she will im, Gregg business meeting of the club will two weeks, the place of tie to be r.nnouiic'd later. Noxt Thursday n-Mn Dor can class will ngtiM, u. i the homo of Mrs. (leot: ii- and "Krlday another nl! day tn. etinK will hr held at the-church.
women TVT ARRIAOE A LA MODE After a Creel; tnnrrlitge when Ihe tithe his bride in the ihw home, he hiis prepan for her lie nv-er falls to ncttter ji few coins Inside t-ie duor. This indicates prosperity, nnd Is supposed he a gmid omen for it continuation. Afterward, tie thrifty bride may recover tin- nionev. $39.00 Suits originally priml to now 1. Who Is Against the Extravasrance of the Lun- din-Small-Thompson IMacliine, and is in favor of getting taxes back to normalcy SPICK and SPAN Spick and Spun, tha 's what yWu men will say when you see the work we do.
We take special pride In catering to the wants of particular Collars nird shirts will have that new Appearance. Whether it is a silk shirt or a work shirt wu will take just the same luir-licular care. TRY US Suits oritfinaHy pi iced to AH $GO, now Suits originally priced to Aft $75.00, now $U9JU Suit orfgina'ly priced to CCQ Aft $79, now vil.UU WHITE CAKE By BERTHA E. SHArLElGH Cooking Authority for NEA Service and Columbia University (This receipt has been tested and proved right In the laboratories of Columbia University.) Suits originally priced to $63.00 'X of $90, now The Legislative Voters' League A strictly impartial organization whose only object is to sec the Ix'st qualified cxindidates elected, issues the following rciwit on the candidates for senator from this district, under date of October 28: Fallz preferred for senate. Harry C.
Wright, of physician; served part of one term, having been elected to fill vacancy record disappointing, he tJiowcd he was wanting in independence; voted for administration measures that were decidedly objectionable. Charles "pal editor; formeriy mem-t licr cf state "penitentiary commission under; forceful, independent and well qualified. cup butter 2 cups ugar it cup milk WHITE ROSE LAUNDRY 127 South Fifth SL Phone 467 WE ADVISE EARLY SELECTION ternately. beating thoroughly. Beat whites of eggs until stiff and lightly stir into the mixture.
Add flavoring and bake in one an 40 minutes or in layers 3e minutes. In baking a white cake it is best to have a slow oven at first, increasing heat gradually as cake rises and browns slightly then decreasing th" to finish 2A cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder or teaspoon cream tartar teaspoon soda Whites 6 egRS 1 teaspoon vanilla or yx teaspoon almond extract Cream Jimter.nd sugar Add milk. and sflonr sifted with baking powder al- EHMMIE EM Send it J1VWJ --O DEILLB, ILLs FAMOU6 FOh ue aott-toVe AU (Cut this out and paste it In your cook book).
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