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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 8

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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PAGE EIGHT BLYTHEVILLE (ARK.) COURIER NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 31,1949 THE BLYTHEVILLE COURIER NEWS THE COURIER NEWS CO. H. HAINE8, Publisher JAMES JL VERHOEPP, PAUL D. HUMAN, Advertising Bolt NttkuuU Advertising Wltmer New York, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, atemphU. Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday Entwed second class matter at the post- tt BlytheviUe, Arlunsu, under act oj Con- treu.

October 9, it 17. Member of Associated SUBSCRIPTION BATES: By curler to the city ot BlytiievlUt or any luburban town where carrier service it maintained, 20c per week, or 85c pel month By mall, within a radius of 50 miles. (4.00 per year, (2.00 tor six months. $1.00 for three months; by mall outside 50 mile cone $10.00 per payable In advance. Meditations Therefore I hated life; because the work that wronf under (he sun Is grievous unto me; (or ill is vanity and ycxalion of spirit.

Ecclexfasles I can complain rose bushes have thorni or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses. It's all how you look at Morley. Barbs One trouble with a past is that It's often an ever-present difficulty. A student WM let out ol Jail fo examination. Then returned, we suppose, for cross- examination.

Even flies and mosquitoes soon will be taking tests. A Chlcaro hotel has added staff of baby lout a cryint need. The main difference between noon eat and run and run and eat. morning and lies in the near future to match 30 or first-class which Russia probably has ready. Secretary of State Aclieson has made some realistic remarks about "moral" and "legal" obligations.

He said that there is no sheriff sitting up in the clouds to see that a government fulfills the terms of itg legal agreements with other governments. Thus, he pointed out, every legal commitment by our government is a moral commitment. The angry exaggeration of the Russian reaction to the treaty text is a pretty good indication that the Kremlin considers the treaty to be more than bravo words, and that Die alliance has the Russian leaders worried. There are all practical matters. Perhaps they will prompt the Senate to examine the treaty in the light of events as they are today, rather than from the viewpoint of what we have or have not done in the past.

Muddled Mato Hari Anna Louise Strong has told a Boston audience that she infers from Premier Stalin's speeches that Russia is developing the atomic bomb "for industrial purposes." If that is a sample of the alleged espionage for which the Soviet government expelled the American writer, we certainly hope that she wasn't spying for us. VIEWS OF OTHERS The Valiant 187 Pact Ratification Likely; Some Opposition Expected A preliminary noil of senators indicates that the North Atlantic Treaty has a good chance of Senate approval. Of the 93 members questioned, 55 said that they favored the principle of the pact, 37 were undecided, and one was opposed. The less than the two-thirds majority needed for 16 Republicans and 11 senators from the Deep South. So it seems that the bipartisan foreign policy ia still operating, at least in this particular matter.

The Republican- Southern Democratic coalition apparently confine itself once to domestic Approval of principle, however, does not mean that the Senate's OK of the pact will be a prefunctory formality. Nor does it mean that partisan differences will not arise during the treaty debate, even though there is a likelihood that the debate will not be used as an instrument of partisan maneuvering. There are senators who probably will balk at carrying out the real meaning of Article 3, even though they vote approval of the whole treaty. That is the section in which tlw parties to the treaty agree that, "by means of continuous and effective self-help and mutual aid (they) will maintain and develop their individ- ual and collective capacity to resist armed attack." The self-help that the European signatories can provide will consist mainly of manpower for their armed forces. The mutual aid of those signatories will be confined largely to manpower and, in some cases, air bases.

The bulk armaments for Europe will have to come from the United States. This will mean more expense for the American government, and perhaps higher taxes for its citizens. It will mean doing in peace what we have twice done while Europe was at war. An alliance with European countries will be a bold and untraditional step for the United States to take. A peacetime lend-lease program will be even bolder.

When the proposed defense treaty was first discussed in the Senate last month, it was evident that some members were hesitant about these steps, ments" to war, of lack of responsi- ments" to war, of our lack of responsii bility for "disagreements that might grow up in the countries of Europe," and of "obligations that we do not intend to fulfill." Two or three tilings have happened since that first discussion which might make those members less reluctant to i follow decisive words with decisive action The Administration has made it clear that economic aid tor Europe will continue to have priority over military aid. This means that th2re is not intention of trying to build up the armies of our al- We nominate for a mythical but honorable Order of David the 134 Democrats and 53 Eepub- licnns who not onlyo'otcd lo send the rtankin pension bill back to the House Veterans' Affairs Committee but had the courage also to stand up and be name. For they stood up to quite a Goliath of the organized veterans' vote on the hunt for federal benefits. None of tlie veterans' organizations "deliver" their members' votes to one party or the certainly not on a national scale. Nor do veterans vote as a bloc on many issues.

But let the larger associations level iheir amis at the United States Treasury and present specific demands, and they can count on a core of veteran votes to back them up big enough to make the mine-run of congressmen waver. That is why it took more than run-of-the- mine fortitude for those 187 members of Ihe Houst of Representatives to so on record against even sa monstrous a Treasury raid as the RanJtln bllj proposed. That is why the majority, which first voted by a teller count Ino roll call) to kill the bill, willed into a minority when each representative had to answer by name. These Davids didn't slay this Goliath. But they already have done Uie first thing essential to trimming htm down to solid evidence that there were enough against the bill as It stood to uphold a -veto.

Because of this advance notice, because the Senate is unlikely to pass anything so sweeping, and because the President- lias warned he will veto uich a measure, ihe House itself is already trying to cut out some of the come-one-come-all aspects of the nankin bill It Is conceivable that its final measure nmy -ji-l limit pensions to World War I veterans only. It seems sure to lower the amount and lo require some evidence of need ori the part, of the pensioner. Even that sort of bUl would still run counter to the olci-age Insurance program already under way. And it might still leave the question ot World War II pensions for GDme later Congress, after sitting another precedent. Nevertheless, the precedent would be less calamitous.

And there is always hope that, given time, enough congressmen may see beyond the shadow of the pressure groups. For whatever of this may conic to pass, we salute the valiant 187. SCIENCE MONITOR. America's Dr. Jekyll and Mr.

Hyde SO THEY SAY long Bitter Battle Over Rent Control Extension Expected to Bring Decontrol in Some Sections By Fcter Ftlsnn N'KA Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON (NEA) Trying weigh the effects of Senate and House rent increase bills Is now a popular Washington indoor sport. The Lwo measures differ widely What Is parsed and sent to President Truman for signature will have to bn a compromise. But alj signs point, toward considerable decontrol, rob ably through a return Lo state and local control boards. The big question is whether President Truman will sign sweh legislation, or veto it as in keeping with his anti-inflation program. The situation Is a good bit like that of June.

1946, when the wartime price-control law was expiring. Congress passed what Senate Democratic leader Alben W. Bark- lev called "the best bill he could Kct." It wasn't good enough for President Truman, however, so vetoed It. The result was that all price controls expired on June 30, and stayed off till Congress passed EL new bill which the President, signed on July 25. The present rent control law expires March 31.

Unless action i completed by Congre-sa and the i President before them, all rent controls will go off and the sky will be the limit. Senate Asks Voluntary Agreements The original bill reported out the Senate Banking and Currency Committee provided gradual decontrol through voluntary agreements between landlords and tenants, increasing rcnUs by a maximum of five per cent after Sept. 31, another five per cent after March 31, 1950, and a three months' orator in to bar evic ions a te that. This would not apply to ten- auLs whose rents had already been raised IS per cent under the 1947 law. There are now an estimated 17,700,000 houses, apartments and for rent in the whole U.

15,300,000 of these in city areas. Now under control are 14,300,000 unito, about 1.4CO.OOO having ben decontrolled since 1946. These figures do not include new housing units built for rent and specificaJly exempted from rent control after July 1. 1947. If you stick to legal lent increase agreements filed with local rent control boards, It is estimated that about 15 per cent of the rental units under control have had increases.

If you consider the Illegal or black market rent increases imposed by landlords, this figure would probably have to be raised to 30 or 36 per cent. In other words, an estimated 65 to 70 per cent of the tenants have not had their rents raised. This figure will of course vary from city to city. New York and Washington, D. which have strong local rent control acts, would show fewer rent On the other hand, if rents were row decontrolled by something iike ihe proposed Senate formula, -such cities would feel the effects all the harder.

A conservative it Ls nothing more than a that if some gradual rent decontrol plan like the Senate bill were put into effect, rents would advance another 10 per cent, It might be move. Affects Cost of Living- Figures The Bureau of Labor Statistics Msines that rent represents about 12,5 per cent of the so-called cost of living for and medium income families, This percentage va- ries inversely according to income Families with income of less tha S2QOQ a year spend an average Soviet Participation in 'Peace' Conference Holds No Mystery 21 per cent of their income for ren Families with A2100 to $4900 annua income spend 13 per cent for ren Families with annual income over S5000 average nine per cent for rent. Translating this into a 15 per cent rent increase would cost a $20CO-a-year family $5 a month, in round numbers. It would cost a $40QO-a-ycar family $6 a month, a S60CO family $9 a month. The effect of such rent increases on the cost of living index is interesting.

Hent on the national average being 12.5 per cent of the cost of living, a 10 per cent rise in the rent index would raise the cost ot living index by 1.25 points- One of the main arguments of people who favor decontrolling rents is that a 1.25 point on the cost of living index wouldn't hurt. It argited that landlords have had no increases comparable to other segments of the economy and they need this rise to met increased costs. While this argument makes a big impression on congressmen, It is argued by those who favor continuation of rent controls that, psychologically, rent increases of $5 to a month would be bad, It would give unkm labor a new argument for demanding fourth round wage increases. And it might have serious political consequences. In the case of the sliding scale General Motors' wage increase-cost of living formula, an increase "I 1.14 per cent hi the of living requires G.

M. to raise wages by one cent an hour. Such an increase would cast General Motors $6.800,000 a year. The DOCTOR SAYS By Edwin p. Jordan, M.

D. Written for NEA Service For many years the customary irocedurc in hospitals after a child born has been to place the In one part of the hospital the new-born Infant In a nur- lery or special ward somewhere Recently a few hospitals have trying out a new plan of plac- ng the mother and her brand-new nfant together In the same room. Tills method Is called "roomlng-in." Starting a new-born infant In close and intimate association with he mother has much appeal. The early beginning of natural feeding lablts Ls also regarded as impor- and as cultivated by this sys- Those who favor it claim that 'rooming-in" losters both of these. The question of arranging the Hospital and supplying nursing care "roointng-in" is still being tried out.

In an ideal situation each mother would be in her own room with the infant's small bed nearby The next neat, if this is impossible. Is a small ward with not more than six mothers with their children close beside them. From the nursing standpoint, it is reported to have been found desirable to assign nurses for the combined care of small groups of mothers and Infants rather than to have some nurses for the mothers and others for the infants. Has Drawbacks There are problems connected with this experiment. Visitors are usually restricted in number principally because of the danger of carrying infections.

There is some question, too, as to how the feeding habits of the infants should be developed. It has been claimed that the "rooming-in" method increases the number of infants who are breast fed and almost all authorities agree that breast feeding is desirable. It is also asserted that the close association with the infant helps the mother physically and satislies her natural desire to be near her infant and to care for it. Note: Dr. Jordan is unable to answer individual questions from readers.

However, each day he will answer one of the mast frequently a-skecj questions in his column. QUESTION: I live in a double room and my roommate who is GO years old has a bad case of asthma. Am I in danger of getting it? ANSWER: Asthma is not contagious but is usually caused by an allergy or sensitiveness to something with which the sufferer comes in contact. There is no danger ot catching asthma from someone else. 4 New Measles Cases Are Reported in State LITTLE ROCK.

March The State Health Department has been notified of 1.114 new cases of measles in Arkansas last week. The figure is a record for the current measles epidemic in the state There were 832 cases the previous week. The 1949 total now stands a 5.896. compared to 5,136 at thi same time last year. By DeWUt MwKenile Af Foreign Affairs Analyst I There seems to be a widesprea; deposition to make a mystery cj why Mcocow participated in tli; mucil publicized "Cultural ani Scientific Conlercnce for Wovl Peace." held in New York Cily' Madison Square Garden last 1 I'm sorry nol to IK able to port this notion of mystery, becausjl I like mysteries, but there really no inexplicable element hivolvet However, there are some highly liv'l triguing 00:111.1 ivortli oxamining ii'l connection with this big meetlnj which was sponsored by our home grown "National Council of tli Arls; Sciences and Professions," To Ije sure was a clash views in high quarters as lo Jus what the purpose of the meeting' wius.

The sponsors said it was aim I ed at fostering peace and ship. A skeptical U.S. Stale Department bluntly described it as i sounding board Jor Communis I propaganda, a claim holly deniec by the In any event, wai'm invitations bj the sponsors brought delegation: from Moscow and from the Com-1 munist salellitc coumrics. The Rus-1 sians were headed by Alexanuu Padeyev, the novelist, and includerl Dmitri Shostakovich Russian com-J poser, who was the stellar tion of the group. Why did Russia accept? The aiu-'J wer 10 lhat is clear enough, and there are thre reasons: (U Moscow is irrevocably com- milled to communizing the TJ Stale.i, which is the niong the "capitalist" democra-1 cs; (2) Ttie Russians wish to cllieve this without engaging war for which they are not pre- I ared.

and (3) Ihe visit ol the Com-1 lunist delegations did provide ne opportunity for propaganda. Whether the Communists willl enard that propaganda as profit- ble remains lo be seen. However. I he meetings in New York, with the ttcndnnt picketing by anti-Corn-1 uunislE, certainly received wide I jublicity in the press of the coun- Some observors were surprised vhen the final meeting last Sunday night brought an estimated I 8,700 people into huge Madison iquate Garden. Maybe some of I iiese folk were there merely from Curiosity but this is a figure to be by any who have discount- 1 the penetration of Communist, nlluence into the United States.

Of course, New York City is the biggest center of that influence in lit country, but you find it surprisingly wide-spread, both In cities and country districts. A significant aspect of the Terence was that the Red dele; the charge of warmon- 1 Bering against the United States, despite the fact that they uesU in the house of capitalism. fadeyev and Shostakovich their pieces bluntly, -so bluntly Indeed that, at Unies Ihey brought re- proof from the friendly audience. One think it must have Sff MACKENZIE nn Page 10 IN HOLLYWOOD By F.rskine Johnson NKA Staff Correspondent HOLLYWOOD, hap- 1 Astalre will do We're not ready to Into any horse iincl rabbit trade where we swap a good strong horse for a mangy lilllc Richard Ruisell (D) of Georgia, commenting on Southerners' reluctance to compromise on filibuster Issue. Facts are the radar that warns when disaster is hidden in Ihe fog of b.

Collycr, president, the B. F. Goodrich Co. It (the North Atlantic Pact) commits us to joint military action. II there Is an attack upon any ol the western nations we go lo war.

That is the long and short ol Donald Jackion of California. Nothing we are proposing to do in Europe should alarm the Rxissians as tnurh as what we are already doing at home stocking atom bombs and extending Ihc range of our Carl Spaatz. A fellow cannot back out a fight while under fire and still keep his James Boyd, dircclor ol U. S. Bureini Mines.

A doctor says cosls a oillion and a half a year in the U. S. But it gives lots of people something they like to talk about. There ire two kinds of qnlrk- on-the-triggcr and Ihr dead. The American dollar, backed the moral and spiritual strength o( the nation, commands the confidence of Ihe President Burkley, py to report today that for once Hollywood and history will sec eye to eye and nuts to the censors.

"Nuts" Is a word barred from the screen by the film production code. But the famous one word A. C. McAullffe to German surrender demands nt Bastognc be Immor- talizcd on celluloid In M-G-M's i story of Ihc battle of the "iinUIeground." The studio said "Nuts" lo the production code. The guardians of th code agreed i that obviously no suitable synonym could be found for McAullffc's classic reply.

"Depression" in trade paper: for sale. Price $30,000. Now ONLY S80.000. other picture at paramount. The Mayor of Paris, Pierre De- Gaulle (brother of the general) will play himself in Ed Gardner's "Pigs- feet in Paris." Ed will star and produce the film in France this summer Laralne Day has her big Santa Monica home for sale When you see "Jigsaw." watch closely for a scene in which Marlene Diclrich, unbilled.

a walk-on in a night club. Her escort is Fletcher Marklc, who directed the film. Eddie Green, who plays Eddie the waiter on Duffy's Tavern, has changed his telephone number from Rochester lo Republic. Any resemblance now to a certain olvirac- tcr on Jack Benny's radio show fs purely coincidental. In (he Offing Looks like Hollywood is finding itself.

Some of the bc-t films produced In a long time arc ready for release. Here's a list of pictures t've I carefully checked lor you readers to watch for: "Champion." which will sky rocket Kirk Douglas to stardom: Meivyn LeRoy's "Little Women;" "Take Me out (o the Ball Game:" Arthur Frccd's smash musical. "Berkleys of Broadway." which reunites Fred Astnire Ginger Ro- gevs; Joan Crawford's "Flamingo Road:" in Morocco," which put George Raft back up on the top; Jimmy Stewart in "The Slrniton Story." and Blng Crosby's "A Connecticut Yankee." Alan Marshall's wire. Mary, makes lier film debut in ''Prejudice." the Protestant Film Commission picture attacking antl- Semltwm. McKENNEY ON BRIDGE By William E.

IHcKenney America's Card Authority Written for NEA Service Reply To Two-Bid Works How to respond when your partner makes a two-bid is a point on which you should have definite knowledge. In (he etist most players use Uie so-called "ace-showing" re- spouses to the two-bid. Fred Kaplin, prominent New York attorney, first brought these responses to my attention years ago, anrt I have written them up often since because they were immediately taken up by a great many of the experts. ol the above responses. In today's hand for example when South opens the bidding with two spades.

North's correct res ponse is three hearts to show tli ace of that suit. It does not fndfcat that he has a heart suit, but simpl says, "Partner, I have the ace hearts." South then, bids three of spade North holds the king of spades, an he knows it is a full trick, so I jumps to live spades. Knowing th; North would not dare to make th Jump without the king of spade South safely bids six spades. Tb is easily made, as declarer has lose only the ace of trumps 75 Years Ago In Blytbeville From Ihe Files of the Blytheville courier of 25 years ago; "Miss Pearl Bower and Orris Hudson were quietly married the evening ol March 25 at the home of the brides mother Mrs, Minnie E. Bowers.

Also: "Max B. Reid, now serving his first term as city attorney in making formal announcement for re-election says" not only do I desire the endorsement for-re-election but I need the salary the office carries. It re-elected I promise a continuation of my efforts for law enforcement and a better Blytheville." Back to 15 years ago: James Terry and Harold Stcrnberg arc sponsoring a series ot dances for the young people of Blylhcvillc at the Woman's Club. The first will be held tomorrow night. The proceeds of one dollar will be used to help fray Ihe debt, which now is on hie Chib House.

Bird of Prey Eric Johnston has arranged deal to convert some of the $50,000.000 In movie earnings frozen overseas Into commodities which will be sent to the U. S. and converted into Yankee dollars for Hollywood In film. Tliis must have made a great impression on me because I dreamed about It the other night. I dreamed about Ul's "The Western Story" grossing carloads of wood pulp in Finland and M-G-M oanhvg Frank Sinatra to Paramount 8000 cases of Norwegian ardtnes.

I dreamed about Yvonne de Carlo gelling a shipload of olive oil for a personal appcaraive In Rome and Jill Goctz buying a story from a author for a conple ot oil I dreamed about a Hollywood agent suing Yvonne for 10 per cent of the olive oil and Sam Gold. paying David Nivcn's salary with eight carloads of Finnish door sashes. When she visits England this No wonder I vvokr up screaming, spring. Katliryn Gray on will re- I.llllc I.ixa cord with the London Symphonic Judy Oarlnnd's 3-year-old daueb- orchestra, something that lias her tor, may el wind up on the more excited than her VA108 49643 1085 A3 VKJ74 3 872 9643 i 4 Lesson I- Soulh 2 A Pa .3 Pa Pa Dealer A A72 VQ965 105 kQJ10986 2 AKQ tAKQ Neither X'ul. North Eut ss 3V Pass ss 5 Pass ss Pass Pass 31 M-G-M payroll.

She'll play Judy's sister in "Annie Get Your Gun." She mailc her film debut a Judy's film comeback "in Columbia's "Bar daughter In "Good Old Summer- bary Corsair." at Hie Palladium ihcrc Con- grats lo Trudy Marshall cm her The response to the two-bid arc: Holding two aces, bid four no trump; holding one nee. regardless ot the number of kings, bid the suit contains the ace. Holding a trick nnd half In kings and queens, that Is, a king-queen ot one suit and king of another suit, or three kiiiRs. bid three no trump. You will nolc that this does not Include any ace holding.

In other words, when yon bid three no trump, you deny holding any nee. What are the remiumcniA for making a two-bid? You should have a positive game-going hand and and one which will be helped by the information gained from HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted bird 7 Misplaccrs 13 Guides 14 Prayer 15 Drunkard 16 Asiatic kingdom 18 Greek letter 13 Rough lava 20 Ridicules 22 Spain (ab.) 23 Symbol for cobalt 24 Father 26 Challenge 28 Shout 31 YVinglike part 32 Fish eggi 33 Rot by exposurt 34 Anger 35 Retain 37 Cushions 38 Egyptian sun god 39 Indian mulberry 40 vnship (al. 42 It fish as its food 48 Pound (ab 50 Cereal grain 52 Drive off 53 Narrow inlet 54 Parts of stoves 56 Allotted portion 58 Take into custody 69 Strong vegetables VERTICAL Bonei 2 Greek 3 Fondle 4 Musical note eagle 6 Belgian river 7 Burden 8 Shield bearing 9 Yes (Sp.) 10 Compass point Decays 12 Fillip 17 Jumbled type 29 Master 20 Female deer JO Dregs 21 Foreign agent 35 Moccasin 23 Volcanic hole 37 Dance step 25 Antenna 26 It is of a brown color above, white below 27 To Ihe sheltered side 0 A 0 1 A A A a i A 1 1 A 0 i 1 1 A t. ni A A I TT 1 A A A A A 1 I 1 ft? A 1 5 A i 40 Roman garment 41 Young salmon 43 Greek war god 44 Trial 45 Candlepower (ab.) Demigod 47 Enthusiastic ardor King of beas 49 Prohibits 51 Paving substance S3 River (Sp.) 55 Symbol for tellurium 57 Palm lily.

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