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The Daily Chronicle from De Kalb, Illinois • Page 4

De Kalb, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1HJ3 IfXlLE OIBONICLE -MAY 31 loot 'Eaat Lynne" at n.n A KtVb-Iation. ill "suo. a tig nonse sure. If you will -make Inquiry it will be a revelation to you how many succumb L06t Clack DOCkethfwilr Iui.i Note the sleepy tired look jn 1 eyes. The fire of youth n0 1 sTake.

Rocky Monntain Brings back forgotten joye. ay -aarleaW Garner. ent'- on outside. Please leave at Chrota icle office. Alt amney or bladder tronblea in one form or another.

If the patient is not Sufferings of Jrancis RidJcll LnJcd Thursday Xight Foley'a Honey and Tar beyond medical aid Foley 'a Kdney Cure will cure. never disappointaSl Wiatea. 8old by Charlea W. Sold by Charles W. Garner.

of the Forest" In jubilee will I given by south side pupils at nor-mal auditorium Saturday night. June miMren will represent birds by AID ill III FOR MONTHS THE BEST Ik la i that every bride has You never 'honi-A nf nni natnoi friends, but In a fw I- i down to one. Thr xoieys uoneyend Tar und not being satisfied. Sold -by W. Garner.

uu reciiationa Colored slides of birds represented will be thrown on canvas. Proceeds for musical depart- Hunt In Ks a Devoted Christian FreM hoo4. (. Two months of sufTerinir en.1rt tva crp nerwelL cents C. W.

Garner. A lighter and rounder feelirjir iner- raiien and Jones' robnjs. Admission, children 10 i FOR SALE. "U1- dlt death of one of DeKalb'a Ideal mothers when at 7a0 o'clock Thnrsday nlaht vades your body. A spirit of happiness creeps into yourdife after taking Roc ky Mountain Tea.

cents. Qbarles Garner. A Colts Arms, eucine May 23th. Mrs Francis RiddellbrathMl l' Wanted Barb wire machine oper ators, galvanizers. and reel men.

Oil- good repair.andpracticallv I IX ill i her lat A family of a horse power. A barcain. ou-uruwoia wire Sterling, III. dtf. Address'thftfHinv au children are left In sorrow and a numberless lot of friends ein, d3t Orchestra.

An'orchestra of three pieces may be engaged for banauets. rcentions. i Lift ffJlOlSii'i; sympathy to those lefj in the "cheerless' ANTED A big haul. by hichwa 1 sinjrnueitl. salary or commksion paid weekly to auijii tatesand others who nt.i entertainments.

etc. Fnr UU4JUO. The funeral was held at the Congre- ntime and fame Of RockMountain 7, ffnquireof Mies Jessie Bod man, De I tr wwns, village and rnral districts. Pennanent. Outfits lutio iinnois- iiKini mav 0.

maae lainous byJMadison Medicine (v 85c. C. W. Garner. "to.

UrOWn Krntham nn i Buou cnurcn jinn Re? Geo Wilson preaching the sermon. The interment was in the family lot In Oakwood cemetery. A wealth of wu. jvuvueiuer, dlt GUS Wilson is now tn ooll wv a letsa or an ainds. and do irrindimr of 1 1.25 from DcKalb to ths; Modern Woodmen PkiUc, at Rockford Very Low Excursion Uates to dCI ver, Via the Northwestern Line nowers covered the casket of the loved one, the flowers that in Ufa hud kinds of feed.

South First street near track. DeKalb. 111. avc source of so much enjoyment to her, making her final resting place a fitting one for the flower admiring woman. sion tickets will be sold Jane 22, 23 25, with final return limit until October' 81, inclusive, account InternafJ.

lo ana Keturm- Via the North-Western Line. Excursion tickets will be sold on June 4 limited to retarn the same day. Apply to agents Chicago North-Western For Decoration Day. The Nickel Plate Road will ueorgina, aaugnter of David and Barbara Tbompson. was bom Convention AddIv to ets at one fare for the ronnd trln within L.

tv ft aradins of 159 miles from th tfarHna nuriuwesiern nan way. Grafton. Ontario. October iin hicano ne'A Ko'CREMO'eANxen: I 'horseshoe: SPUMM-STANQAROKAVr: point, on May 29th and 3 ith. with r.

i(ji She was nnited In marriage to Francis Eiddell, January 20. 1863. the A Paris dispatch says. Roeeyhas mm iimu or aiay 31. When going east 4o u.Bujve.ea ine secret of perpetual t.

Ui being performed by Rev Smith of Grafton, by whom she had been baptiz- Chicago GnAr Western Ril I'Biroaize me JNlcfcel Plate Road. Vest-ibuled sleeping cars on all trains and excellent A la Carte dining-car service. For detailed information address John "7 we've had it for Madison Medicine Co's Rocky Mountain Tea. Garner. eu in inrancr.

After ajcouple of years sjient'in the County of Bruce, Ontario, the family in ion Trains loare DeKalb as foLows tniatian. General Agent. Ill Adams St. 'Phone Central 2057. Treasury Department, Officbof CONTROLLER OF THE CTRREXCY poremovea ioteis.alb County, lilj.

nois, where she has since n. DeeMolDes and Kaosu U5 TAm.UTON, O. Q. Very Low Rates to San Francisco over eigo teen years of the time In this city. Those years have been filled with usefulness.

She was a devofxl wif era OOIHO SAIT. Chicago Chicaa-o Hutiurbaa -2 Oiloiqfo Exprese Jr DeEALB-flTCAMOHB til Whereas, By satisfactory evidence and Return, SDN Via the Northwestern Line. Tickets moiner, seldom leaving her borne; but devoting ber time and her thoughts to the ones in whom ber all was centered. ww be sold Mav 27 to Jnn a UUVB DE KALB 7:06 Illinni. limited to return within nixr nn AKR1TI SVCAMOKI 0a m.

Wllq ai. tnepro- When ber child ren were irrnvti t. on account Imperial Council, Nobles of B.v.i U) 4iCl mother love took in the on e. Memory, an wasting dis- jCTP eases, all effect! of uirh. airsuc nnnne.

Thronirh dratrin A IViTO grandchild. Janet Riddell, who will LEATS STCAMOHS and observation. Drivate fn. corPrat existence and Purposes," approved July A nerv tonic and blood builder. BrinC the picS glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth.

By aaaiTa dikalb 1PB 3pni 7:16 d) 60 I PILLS so CTS. Sao miss the kind face as much as though he was a mother in name as well as acts. With two exception fh MtA. thprefnro Won n. 1 u.

3 t0 lor with our bank-I' jvw' able ruimnfM nm II i ij rwn i money naia. circular and copy of oar baokabjeguaraoiee load. sleeping care, and tourist sleeping cars, daily. Personally conducted twice a week. Apply to agents Chicago North western Railway.

270dd-swMaj31. Do not forget to read our Jy. Comptroller, of the Currency, do hereby certify that 'The DeKalb National Bank In h. Dally Except Sunda. All others ally H.

B. HOLBSBT. Aieat. DeKalb. III.

ren live at home. Walter, mail vivi aa vit the North-Western, Minnie, who teach- i ui iJeivato. in the Conntv nf n.v.ii; -j tr. esat wneaton, Frank and Wallace a luium aas. ImnK here, Mrs Chas Sagle of West Tn.rirtia I A state or Illinois, is authorized to have succession for the period specified in its amended articles of association, namelv.

nnUl. close of business on May 13, Barb City Business. iiOansmana lika.1 v.uicsgo ana uavid Kldde 1 of 0.0, She was the mother of wirht riiit. nfflVIJA TABLETS HmsmHaam '(teuov useu Immediate Results finV.elypP,ar",?:dcUre!orLos rwer' Varicocele. Undeveloped or hruntea NERVITA MEDICAL COMPANY Ctrnton Jackson Street.

CH.CAco. ILUN013 Beginning May 15th thelundersigned will sell Ice for cash. All ice coupon and iw the two youngest daughtera preceding iuruiBDbu. inter est allowed on time deposits. i owss wui oe casb in advance.

In i testimony whereof witnefe rair Tff office this Seal thirteenth day of May. 1903 lu eer land. Of her father'a F. L. Carter.

uaish, iTesldent, lamuy or ten two brothers and (i XV Rnnn rruwu, Atunois. Comptroller of the Currency No. 2702 iwu sisters survive ber. Throngbontallof ber life from girl Headaches, dizzy spells, ba blood, rheumatism, indigestion, constipation', absolutely cured If faoia by C. W.

Garner, druggist, DeKalb. Ill oooovaira Riddell led a consecrated tsasav uwir a vnnsuan lire. Sbe early tbited with the Presbyterian chnrch and on coming -iuumam leamade by Madison Medi 12702. Treascrv Department, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Washington, D.

Mav 13 lorrt K.C.S. cine co. JWcenta. Charles Garner. iuiBois, iransiened her membership III.

I Kansas City Southern Railway Traveling Dangerous vu8lcKBuonai cnurch at and then to the church in on her removal to this city. Whereas. i' MISS FAY LEE, President of the 3hheaperlan Club, Kanaaa City Constant motion Iars th nresented tn ma i Straight as the Crow an last sickness was of long duration which are kept in place in the body by ibbi unier tha authority of the Act of Congresa annroved i ia covering two months of serious ueucaie aitacnmenta Th tk. -j ABAC' to enable national banking associations "unog me night of March 23th. Vh nivu avviU 1 a.MV CV" eon that travelers.ltrainmen.

street car men, teamsters and all who drive very I had a alight attack of T.ien4 -u1 Kansas City to tie Golf ana io cnantre tneir namM i.t.. v. ivnimj snare- grew worse during the two follow! uincu gnner from kidne i vu.uK iwu-iuirasortne stock eome form. FolevV lTUna. r- vs anu on uster Sunday It had association heretofore known aa "lhe DeKalh i veioned intrt cucuKiaens me Kldneri'anI our poouei came to mr home like a message of health whea I had: suffered with hrsdache, backache and bear tofrdown pain.

1 was weak, nenrous and bysterkal and lvad not consult cd any doctor, thinking It would pass away la time, but instead I found that the pains increased and were mora frequent. I dc-died to try Wine of Cardul and In iw nenrous tension. The nerret oon begin to gire way ander the strain. Yonperhaps jump at any unusual disturbance, or laugh or weep, hysterically, at no apparent cause. That is what Hiss Fay Lee.

MSX North Seventhitreet, Kansas City, Kansas, was comi a to when she rescued herself by taking Wine of Cardui. The Wine made aMnkl I a. Through the cheapest land now open for settlement in the United States, futuiuuun, one was at I once ri1rrt in ti. A forms of kidney and bladder disease. tt w-t tv 10atM the City of rtnnST in the State ueu.

a. rjausan. Irxninntia 6 iramen nurse and for a week, althongh seriously fff was supposed to be retting vuiuecr, Lima, writes: "Constant HS well, but when the cni nf a.1 A msgnificent of the engine caused me a great deal of 4. 11 UUTKt I was reached nn K. 4nli I ---f" the cultivation of small Main uiuTiaiuua or ine "uuui- wim my Sidneys, and I got no "v'ki ucmujT wuiaan iU0 nauonai bank ID IT asSOClatinna cotton, rice, sna-ar cana.

armi. improved. It seemed to act like a charm. I Wf 4 4 UUiiUIV her heart failed for some time to per- iruei uuui used holer's indn. b7'.

1 a MOW. fharafnT it i. uHimaii ana ins result Was mrst u(nfi-n. WJ. I.

Ki iuncxiOES and rnr rr berries, commercial truck farming and of horses, mnlea ih. Bate ny unaries w. Garner. "Wuimii lOfl ceriinea 'Elation is ie-eemeato borer between life and I a4 women strong and healthy. By inducing regular menstruation the entire mtem is reliered of the terrible wasting drains.

The ligaments which hold the womb in nlas ueain. one rradna rIH i. and sheep, at prices ranging from It you want to know what i. irnu. now saved me.

I am la fine health. Phyifcally and mentally. I can only say of DeKalb." and that such change of nam (a nmnj v- I uwnercr, ndwaaalowly regaining her strength vuiuanuacouttown read The Dailv ViT ccerdance With the nrovialnna Homesteads wen muca more in my hart lor you," vuiuuicie. im at. aiore- healthy flow and that organ is returned to its normal tvwitmn IEARIXG-DOWN paini arc the he.had a severe chilly Since that time despite the assiduous emrt a to fa and more per acre.

Through Pullman sleeping car service) Io i testimony whereof witness nan1 an A ...1 Foley's Honey and Tar is peculiarly wurst uu women Know, ji health is the result. This is what Wine of Cardui has done for thousands a I and nnrsee she eradnallv t.iuA yon are tuSn-iua from this i tot bin TIMvl lt nnrorfaix asinma, bronchitis and fIJ 13th dav of May. A D.1903. TTTlsr Tl TtVfne Ton Tint ehe entered into M.f ot wt oesi women in America, uoarseness. for sale bv to a30d Comptroller.

uarner. "East Lynne" is AdTisory Pepartment, The Chatta- Hot Springs, Ark. Cash paid at this office ous boom this eear.n. tv. headed by Miss! about it.

the-paias in the abdomen and back that feel as if heary weight were pulling down on the nores of the stoinath are "Laringown They mar not be iarticolarly serere at rrewnt fut they are growing worse. That headache which nearly dmes you distracted now is caused hy the terrfble C- vwnwuuu describing all mnr im. conon rags, Via Little Rock. freelyrand a letter of advice will be I vjjiia is, eplendidly equipped, and will be seen at All papets taken from a it Joplin, Ft Smith. cw.

vu.uicie uau tonight. dlt entyou. Secure a 1 1.00 bottle of Wbe of Cardui from your druggist to-day. each, when they can be spared, dtf. Prt- Charles, Beanmont.

rrow evening. Rev George Honstou and Galvwton. Haroer's Pure commence a series of bunday eveninir Esj.Ip! A million suffering women WINEofCAHDVI juuini fvm.i jn on the historical method of study. The me of Cardui. Write for a coDvof "rniTetii run.

IfflllblSfBiRrEGsrasBfs MS V4AIB7, I published by the KENTUCKY WHISKEY i if i'j I 1 Tu "texture. While the lectures wilt Kans Cilj Southern Railwar iTBEATHEHTipii-'l; 'nJored none. lnc wui fin wiwoe complete in itself. Tomorrow mornina- at th T. McDEflMOTT, aG.WARNER,O.P.&T.A., F.D.DUTTON.T,p.A., E.ROESLER.T.P.&LA, ADDRCSt, WILLOW lARK rAuiiuv uyuai cnurcn lev Hen n.V mm I.

it merature. OANVIRt.iu. Kanaaa City, Mo. mi Kuuiarsnip and service. A Agent.

Z)c you ever try sermon suggested in view of proaching commenrment i. iu iue i scuoois or secondary and higher leirn- zzr; teal I James Lott of Western )WHtS cuwnamea vesterdav at v. a i a ar a -o -r av' 7 lioii John Bereland of the A niTnui -jvm axicai tl cad tbt niisfortnn.1 71 liuger inursday. JEWELRY, CfrXlZlaVZ SPuxxro'caa: xizsuqzcnr odaes the above rtMtUta la so dayartt acta rowartHllaodqukAly, cures ThtoallothanUll lonBf mnwUlroia tbeir loat maubood.lokelf CCF3 in cv MrsWGEarle and n. WATCHES: 8 6MAMUULHKM rrrZ Helen wtnt to Chicago 'yesterday to ITVTi Tr thMr ronUitm near br atins ana ia iii.m.

irrT 8 MuniNE cuhes etc aw oars wun Mr Earla. SILVEHWARP Al I Fiank Westerbere bad hi. h. i litacTKiijiypjuiyr It au affacte of Mil abone or axrwaaod IndtorreUoia A fl or al imm or bi un xa. il tot Genera! HwsehcjJ Purposes? at the nakh shop, VonsuwifTOlMI Cures InllatiM-deywa; Th largest stock, The finest store, The loweat prices.

i. 1,7 trtln thal ofdlMM.but and blood taUdmv.bTft)e Ptak ow to Ml ehMkisodr fJ lh flr lYwn! clt IrtMnlU ian'pUon- lam" 0I baring ITEVIVOBt -ura Harmless Economical I Card of Thanka. Hli6n eye pwii 'JreajrranitidUujv HBneraf.iiMi Kcpairing a Spedalty. Mrs Btlle Lane ttnliPi (n mr a i SWIFT Sc CHICAGO iy iuu uu arrreciation tn i i oa ctmaa in rt pocket.

nau PtaM.cali 1 Wr" naranf to rare or raioad rt Ollddcn Honso Block, ft la. 6 contributed tbe beautiful r.w.j. oa IVcoration Day, in remembrance of oa tea La, -5! lor Pnlo' w.Wtn in pawh.

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