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The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia • Page 10

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

10 THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1937. BIRTHS. SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. doing now In anticipation of the worst nee Josephine Taggart, formerly of uteri own, horrors of war must be our task and THE ELECTIONS.

NOTES AND COMMENT. ninunt hospital, to Mi. and Mr. ata'plev Edwards -a son. ANTI-JAPANESE BOYCOTT.

manifest duty. HOLLAOTNAW. DEFENCE OF EAST INDIES. DOMAIN BATHS. 25,000 for New Structure rhis then is the outstanding fact in modern war.

Britain, America, and the rest of the nations free from dictatorship ought now to be able to THE EMPLOYERS' FEDERATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES. 16 BARRACK STREET, SYDNEY. get together In speedy and hearty WHAT IT MEANS. Queries and Sidelights. agreement to control warfare, but IF GOVERNMENT WILL GIVE I SITE.

HUNT September al. at Fairllght. Manly. Kathleen, wile o( Walter Hum a Vm. 1.1ND8AY tnee October Bnilewood.

Burwood, lo lolene. telle ol w. O. Untiaay. ol Hon a eon.

MCDONNELL inee Roslyn Smylhe i. October Nurse Fllord's private hospital. Cempsie, to Mr. end Mrs. Toiu McUonnell a daughter.

OWEN. October 1. HUT. at Aidee private hos. pital.

Belmore. 10 Mr. and Mil. S. Owen -a daugh-ter i Wendy i.

RA1NE. September 11. to Mr. and Mre. loin R.

Ralne- a daughter. S'raELK -Oclober 5. at Voolha prlveia hospital. North Slrathfleld. to Mr.

and Mrs. O. A. tHaela a daughter lEJIsabeth Mergarctt. iBelty.i.

WEvroN. Oclober s. to Mr. end Mrs. L.

R. welion, Oordon, New South Walesa daughter. primarily to safeguard the helpless non-combatant. In the Pacific we (by i m. i Alderman Neville Harding staled yes-' "It's nice to get up in the morning," runs the old music-hall ditty, "but it's nicer to stay In bed." Mr.

Ctirtin. Mr. Beasley. and tneir respective cohorts have evidently taken Ihe song lo heart, for they undertake, in the evtnl of labour's success at the polls on October 23. to fo art-anise matters llm oerybody may stay nicely tucked In bed on two mornings a wock instead of one.

There has been some impulsive unbosoming by the leader of the Opposition on ihe subject of the 40-hour week, and on what he regards cannot sit still with the probable cer i i rtu rvtttnnll iirna ni'P Destroyers, Bombers, and Submarines. EMPHASIS ON MOBILITY. (BY OUR SPECIAL OORRESPONDENT.t tainty of a victorious Japan. Even the What will be the probable effects of h. lor tne con contingency is movinir Orini; Hrii.nin i.n I oared to expend 35.000 INDUSTRIAL ARBITRATION AMENDMENT ACT, 1937.

ho t.h If the tier poucy or mining one naval from latest sources of Infor- rh; Kasa ot sinoannr. frr ih. staLp Qovernment would give tne the MaM. nnrl Aiif.raila oi kuuu ffrmmd for that purpose 111 un na mav ir it ji nimwer nesp nner ps News of Holland's plans for giving the cloying Inactivity of the Government me iuuiiiiiik, ana our own run uarwin a.niniiii i.a STATE BASIC WAGE INCREASE, Herjoits had been received from the Metro- ill minium tu greater power to her navy in the East ENGAGEMENTS. Thr KtiBaeFnifiit is Minoiinctd or Joyce.

nlder dmiRhier of mi. and Mr. R. H. Powers, of Moamtii.

to Mown i d. youngest sun of Mi end Mrs. 8. Pi. of Bleak House, Rowena.

The Enaaacmrni in nnonnced ot Dorothy Qer- rutlv'. yoiiiiRer daughter ol Mr. and Mr. T. vj.

J. Splnks, nf Enatwood, to Joseph Crtnvmje, only snn of Mr. and Mrs, 8. C. Bingham, ot Christ church, New Zealiind.

II may be that a really expert politician uoiitan Medical Officer of Health and the Indies directs attention to the unusual is Biuwiiig mure vaiuaoie as ine monvns slbility. pass and the possibility of war exten- xiie flrm polt.t. of outline, whether the sions becomes more likely. But this report of Japanese aerial ntrocttlrA are true. nt Miall.h ataUnir should have an answer lo every question and shut his eyes to consequences, bul, when he th.i ihe water in the Domain Baths was character of the forces she has built up for tne aeience 01 tins vast mum-pelago, which extends more than 3000 A considerable doubt may exist iegardtng the InnraasM lo the rat-ea payablt under Ihe above-mentioned Act, members are advised to communicate with the Federation.

promising tne moon, the st.a'-s. and the earth to his di-lighied supporters, he should remember lhat some promises are worse than threats. An Old Question. MARRIAGES. is Dy the way, for our argument began nroadly, we may tuke the IndlcUnent of present polluted and that there was no and must end with the meaning of war 'n kHllnii of civllluns from the air as proved, i means of preventing the contamination, said as it is being waged to-day.

It is truly the Powers i including i Alderman Haiding. was desirable that 5 Italy and aetinanyi, with observers on the rtifTr.iit awlmmlnt clubs of the ty war to the death, and non-combalunts huul. would lie based on fact. Papers dlrnwnii and helDless women and nhllrlren will1 Shanghai confirm the raids with details, should support the City Cm.n In the ana neipiess women and children will T1 c( na baths tnl wuuld be clean and ARMTTAOE. Secretary.

'Phone BW1948. DRAFFIN nuri'ON October 4, 1937, Christ Chiircli. Souih Yarn, by RtRht Reverend Or pen and Reverend W. Orectl, Oeorne Francis, son of the la i Mr. W.

8. DraflOn and Mrs. DrafTlii, of ChuUiwoori, to Elizabeth Mary, only daufihter of Mr. and Mrs. S.

DnHoij Oreen. of South Yaita. Melboui ne. never oe as safe until the nations Join been orltlciu of Nanking policy, condemns ihe uitanle for all carnivals, vuhai r.h citv Council had in mind, added nancis to deal with Japan Then the an- rjoniDinga unequivocally, unen- 1 ft I Affairs" states: "'Vhti amount of human possioiuues 01 a long continued peace mlserv lesuUlmr from the local hostilities DEATHS. will be clear and within the region of fruition.

If we can get back to this point assured peace will function, and ADAMS' (TATTEKSALLS) HOTEL. 259 PITT STREET AND 484 OEOROE STREET. SYDNEY. the rest should be easy. President Roose miles from east to west.

To Australia, the Dutch East Indies navy must always have a special interest, because she and Holland share the same seas, and. If attack is to be feared, It must almost certainly come to each from the same direction. Each, however, has designed Its navy according to a very different model. The Australian Navy developed from the British Navy, and has always had more or less the character of an outlying squadron of that navy a cruiser force with a minimum of attendant vessels. Holland, on the other hand, wllh no powerful metropolitan fleet to look to for support and for a variety of specialist services, and with a limited purse, has built up a mosquito fleet Into which she has tried lo put the greatest possible sulking power and mobility at the least possible cost.

THREE CRUISERS. Cruisers there are In the Dulh East Indies squadron. There are three of them, the De We are all aware, or should he, lhat the question of the adoption of ihe 40-hour week as a standard has bcn before the International Labour Conference since I93'i. From being a new and startling proposition, it la almost decrepitly old. At.

the International Conference nf 1935 when a general convention wits approved the Australian delegate, sir Frederick Stewarl was Instructed to vote for It, and to intimate that if the leading competing nations con-denied to ratification, the Commonwealth would follow suit. The Lyons Government reported the situation to the stale Governments, but these failed to odiee ill their views, and still disagree Meanwhile. Ihe experiment of the 40-hour week has been tried In Italy and France, with results lhat quickly forced both countries to modify It. New Zealand, taking advantage of Ihe present boom in export trade, is also testing out the Innovation, but, even there with socialisation in the air, tile attempt la a tentative one, with strict qualifications. When labour Refused.

Alderman Harding, was the construction of but lis nearer to the centre of the city. The water for the filling and replenishing of the baths would be pumped from a section of Farm Cove, where there was little danger of pollution. The water would be filtered before being allowed Into the baths. would be renewed at regular Intervals. Mi this way the municipal baths would be a credit to liie City Council and free from all possible danger to swimmers.

PRIVATE ELECTRICITY COMPANY. simply bailies description. Day after day main streets and by-atreeift have been contested with homeless, workless, and, In many instances, destitute refugees, wandering about aimlessly and hopelessly from dawn to dark." Furthermore, the well-known authority, H. Vers Redman, writing from Tokyo, glvei reasons for Japan's aerial tactics, apart from the one of terrorism given by a Japanese spokesman. "As far as one can gather, from sources which, for obvious reasons, cannot be revealed, the Idea Is.

by sustained aerial tttutcks on Nanking, Hankow, and other YangUe cities, lo destroy the power of ihe Cheklang financiers who are the backbone of the pre-senl Soong-Chtang Kai-shek reunite. Having done this, it conceivable Rooms 6 and 8 per day. Breakfast, Table d'Hote, or a la carte, from 16. Single and Double Rooms, with Bathrooms, or Suites available. FIVE PUBLIC DINING ROOMS.

TARIFF: A LA CARTE PROM l. Luncheon from 13 noon (Sundays 12.451. Dinner from 5.30 talso Sundavsl. Tables or Seats mev be reserved. New Private Lounge lor Hotel Oueste.

'Phoue, M4601 3 O. 8BORT. Manager. YOU WILL ENJOY A STAY AT THE ENTWORm We often have guest enjoying their first stay at the Wetatworth. bul we more often have guests who hte been with its once, or more before.

And that la pleasing. It shows that our guests velt now has an opportunity of Immortalising himself and of doing for America and the world what Woodrow Wilson so badly missed. CONTINUING CONFIDENCE. stay at tha une iai tvni i-cvtia ki riiit, (u vuwiic, muu out uuuremeni positton. tou mould Went worth.

ANDREWS. -October 6. at a private hon-pltRl, bakemba, Uninm Ann, widow ol the late Thomas James Andrews, aged 03 years. ball. September 30.

1UH7. at Ooulburn. Alfred William, dcavlj beloved husband ot Lena Ball and Jm-lnn father of Florence iMrc. A. Anahle.

Crook-well). Tiixfe. Bonnie. Clvrte Kdward, and Dtnhal. aged T2 yean.

At real. RELLCH AMBERS. -October 6. 19:.7, at his residence. IdHVllIe, Went worth Street.

Blackheath. Jtohinltn Thomas, dearly-loved tuubntid of Martha, and loud tal her of Ida tMr. H. Collier i. and hr loved uncle of William Uelluliamberb, sued 7 ye a rs.

BURKE. October 6. 1'J7 iltllled Prospect Qn.niv. Bernard Burke, loved husband ot Rose nee Cook in. and fund ftuhei of Francis and Martiaret.

aaeo 411 years. BURREl.L.- October 3. at residence of his daughter. Mrs. C.

Doom. Mennnfile Road. Cemrirn, James Burrell. husband of the late Mary R.irrell and beloved father of Sarah -Mrs. W.

St- at on i Ait hui Tsui worth: James. M'-imnfle: Eimiia Mrs. C. E. Dousl- Camden; and EMirl i Mis.

T. Grnnsden Kuguwia. axed 811 yean. CHKRRV. October 6.

19J7, Waller Henry Cherry. 1 -f. of Latimei Road. Bellevue Hill. dearly belt" hnshano of Ioul and dear father of Eileen.

Mr. J. R., and Edna -Mrs. Owynntt.

aaad S3 years. Requtescai In pare. CI.ANEV. October 6- 1937. al Randwlck.

Jtao HW1U Clancy. Iste of Forbes, aged 21 jeer. 6. 1937. at a private hospital, sianmnre Ethel Ma v.

rrlict or the late Herbert la carte fiom 28. Dinner, Sydney Business Mea meet at the Weoiwortb for So thai ihe States mlirht have i- Minister Unlikely to Impose Restrictions. THE WEWTWORTK HOTEL. SYDNEY. PHONK.

BW1361 1 10 lines. JL? -M" c- P. MaolorcMi Managing Director, A.J.C. MEETING IN PICTURES. with Comments by "Chiron." OUP CANDIDATES AT FLSM1NGTON.

anw thv faiftii lava and Sumatra, which are all i coming a decision, the Lyons Oovernm.nt Ruyter, about 8600 tone and approximately equal In Proposed a public Inquiry by a committee of power 10 the cruiser Sydney. Restoration of confidence is one of llm "ele wl" 011 110 Chinese Government." the main achievements of the Uvongjt Qovernment. The Treasurer, Mr. On ihe'other houd the truth Is rarely black Casev did well in maklni, ll. I.

I hile. and lu the Sliiu-Jvpauese conflict oases, oia wen in making this claim a opiited brlndle. Chinese have for his colleagues and himself in his i been responsible for cruelties and barbarities speech at Oeelong last night With the the The Japanese "Osaka leiav ui.i,i. wiiu tne Minichi" and "Japan Times" give uuoierous restoration of confidence, enterprise n-iampies of Chinese soldiers murdering de-became willing to extend its existhia- 'euceless Japanese residents, including women fl.iH. i and children, in Chinese cities.

The most neias and to launch out Into new i terrible slaughter occurred in the Tungchow ones. This -result In an 1 nta.4SHcre. di.scu.ssed bv Ml. Redman, and also DR. J.

PAO, l-Ganeral for China, and Madame Pao. Our photographer visit them at, i home at Rosa Bav. The "Junior Australasian" la now included esoh week. II Is probable thai Ihe Minister lor worts clear, nowever, uma ana an economifl of nigh standing, with the and Local Government (Mr. Spooner) will nol rather on her torpedo-carrying crafl and president of the Federal Arbitration Court nf th ecLrlclLV hnmh-narrvinif aircrail LO oeir an wkkic.w.

'THE AUSTRALASIAN. BLcepi- 1 'it ibwjiii'ik." The Labour partv was asked twli. anrf Advisory Committee that tne isieciric ugni rrom venturing mm unn- and Power Supply Corporation ahould be per- her island empire. October 9 Issue. Now on Sale.

Price Ad. From all newsagent and bookstall, ot from Sydney Branch OfBoe, 86 PHt Street i4r.b Floor Sydney Morning Herald Buildings. Phone. BW 121B-9. fused on each occasion, lo co-operate, and thus the Inquiry had to be abandoned.

Later, the Government invited t.h uni.n, of employment until to-day htTV.r.ll to Install on, small generator at lu, Her destroyer nolliia cumprisea each oarrylng four guns, a seaplane, if Onri'pn Cooper anrt lorm? mother of Thomas, lR. RONALD J. HUNTER has Commenced Prac- loin In a reference of the whole question In the Bulmain powerhouse. The company desires to numbers employed may be claimed as chow?" published by the Foreign Affairs Asso- Wil'iam James. Eowara.

uiuria. uoiin. nu flee at Locarno, 141 Macouarle- Street, RETURN THANKS. TEMPLETON MURRAY. Dentist.

45 The Install iwo large generalora. Ii la tindeislood lhat the Minister feels that need be and 84 mines, which Is rormiaanie i reuerai roiiraiion uiiirt. but. was ajslo equipment for ships of only 200 more tons nothing, for 7- Tne soundness of Its financial doe. not lncerlv THANK til friend for their klnti gsetanjvJueesimverrtlce to Hhan the class destroyers of the Australian eye in tnta Ihe corporation, which is the only private generating body In the city, acta as a.

very i. Trnmn at-ittude or aloofness. flotilla. FUNERALS. poucy una tne siaoiin.y or the admin-t appear to have been on tne Japanese siuc.

istratlon of the Government enabled mlXc Juu advantage to be taken of the new Ninnnn- th rvnmtM are falling on Nankinc. useful check on Ihe production costs of the nd h. mMl oowerfully armed The labour party and the unions lia.e never king In strategic expressions of jympnthv in the loss of Ms dear wife md their tnorhsr. Mr. M.

JAMIESON, Mir P. ArncllfTe. and Mr. md Mrs. J.

KWIOHT. Kutoomba. wish 11 kind friend ad neighbour to accept their hearrfflt THANKS for floral tribute and axprtniona of ermpatnr In their ad lou In the death of their littta grandson aod no phew. Ronald. Bunnerong power aisiwu.

uiiwc. hi c.ass in tne norrj. r'our more I Ll Zt can tvTnt council, and the Railway Com- 'l5 "l1" scarcely be blamed for slde-steoDlnr the ouai. the cou-nty OotoKl-lSZjrZ ded resource, and can be blamed for aide-stenolna- r.h. num.

The Relatlres and Fnende of FTAMBERS and Mrs. H. COI of. capital brought into the country bv i and Canton-not on TOjw -nil 4 Osftka These simple fundamental facts re- improved world conditions raising the mam unnhaken and eloquent. They cannot lion of the shorter working week until such time as It could be made an election isau.

L1RR are klndlv Invited to attend the Funeral of her dearlv-loved HUSBAND and her TATHEK. ok do this IMt Is allowed to keep its plant POWERFUL SUBMARINE FORCE. rn. in inriie. is They visualised II.

as a narticularlv luju.inn. values of wool and wheat. The balan-'be argued away. Bui regard cnina as pinv nf th i A the pure and iuixiceni lamb crying for Help cing or the Budget and better, in which bin bad Janftneae wolf is a view eTDhralm Thomas, which will leave the Baptist Church. Blackheath.

TO-MORROW. FRIDAY, after service commencing at 3 o'clock for the Baptist Cemetery, Blackheath WOOD OOFFD-L UMTTED. the moat powerful outside the navies of the ball and have little doubt that It will be eagerly greater naval Powers Britain, the United av Mowed. States, Japan, Italy, Prance. Germany, and Commonwealth's Limited Powers.

up-to-date and efficient, ine commmee, recommending the refusal of permission to Install two generating sets, was of the opinion that one set would meet Ihe present needs of the corporation, but the corporation claims H'd 44 vears. COX SfOTemher S. 1937. at her rusideno. Wvonriste Bowrallle, Nambucoa River.

Snsan. vidnw or ihe lai John Cox. and dearly loved mother of Jack. Mollie, Jim. Harold.

l.o, and K.l'en. R.I. P. pllN'CAl. October 5.

197. at a private hospital. Mtbel dearlv beloved wife of Duncan and loving mrtther of Man- Sneeabyt. Robert. FMfjla.

iris (Mrs. Bron-. Allan, and Flora. October 6. 1937.

at a private hos-piifl. Waverler. Hannah, beloved wife of Richard Tptleich. of 18 Duvid Sireei. Clifton Gardens, and lovins' mother of Grace tMrs.

Bvaut. Mwsrd. Mnrlone. Adeline H. T.

Vivkern aoO May J. M. Pecott'. aged years. FERGUSON.

Octuber 8. IMlfi Jetmuetie. dearlv lo rd wife of OontUn FerKuson. of Th English Ctonulla. aged i3 yeai.

KnOIJPOK a. 1937. Jeanoetie. derlv lo- rri nd onlv tiatighler of D. and M.

Kilgour, of EppitiK, ased 13 yeata. FO WI.ER. Oiluber 8. 193V. lively.

I May. beloved of William Fowlei. of 18 Myrtle Street. Crow's Nr.ii. aged 4'.

years. i SPECIAL FEATURES PUBLISHED REGULARLY IN THE "HERALD." KUSS1B. miieen suomarinca, nan FUNERAL NOTICES Sea prec.ding page, thai It ahould be allowed to provrae iui iu.u.c The position as it stand seems to be this: I'he Commonwealth, as a member of the Inter national Labour Conference. Is reoulreri to -Nw Films (critical via we). Mr Spooner believes, ll Is understood, that nni nntii diwa the corooratton serve as a yard obtain the consent or the several Stales before IN MEM0RIAM.

stick to measure the costs of the Bunnerong Tuaday, Women's Supplement, Motoriot In loving memori of dear wife i Notes, Building and Construction. I and our dear moihnr. Minnie, who passed away ii can ratuy tne convention. Ii Is noi competent for Ihe Government to pass legislation or to lake any other action to give effect to the convention generally. octobet i.

1924. Always rememueiea oy Der iovius and fsmlly. W.dnd.y. Wireleas, Real Estate, KLOYD. Id meinor of mv dear huftbend.

who And lhat. naturally. Is a do nt on which Mr. at a private ho.tptial panned away October S. Inaened by hit Curtin maintains a stony reticence.

OOODE. Oclober 6 Witfrrd Ooode. of Mcleod Street. Hnisiville. and Iovln wife.

eiber. Thursday. Women's Section. Fruitgrow ing. Local Government, The Schools.

built In the last few years, are In service, and three are to be added. One of these made a record unescorted voyage for a submarine by wav of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans fiom the building yards In Holland to Java. II. Is significant of the direction from which Holland fears attack that by far the greater number of her torpedo craft, as well as all her modern cruisers, are In or are in-lended for the East Indies branch of the service. RELIANCE ON MINELAYERS.

To close the narrow straits through the Malay Archipelago Holland maintains. In addition lo her minelaying destroyers, four mlnelavers. pure and simple, the largest of which, the Rlgel, can carry ISO mines. Several of them are equipped with a seaplane for scouting purposes. ships in Dutch home waters carry ill.

ahlna of the East Indies ne powers or the Commonwealth Parliament are. al present, limited lo Ihe adontinn Iflie of Rotjkdale. riearlv loved tiuMJmnd of Myra and 00ODB lo loiii u.emoiv of dear wfa lo.ina intittr of Enid and Jack, aged yeaia. aod uur dear oiother. Berihtv.

wro pawed away October 8, 1931. al a private honpllal. i Octobet 1. nf the 40-hour week in the territories directly and White Bay powernouscs, out tin. It the opportunity to expand would be contrary to the Government's general policy encouraalng private enterprise.

MANY CONFERENCES. 150th Anniversary Features. DISTINGUISHED DELEGATES. the Friday. Motoring Notes, Novels Day.

Poultry Notes. Wilfrfri flnntle. uf Hiitaivllle. and taie of RucWrlale. A peatitliui meuior leu oenina Mr.

Casey played his part as well as hardlv jiisimed by what Information can be Mr Lvons and the nmuvsv rim secured. Those wlio have lived in the East will uyuos' ana ine piogiebiiive leduc- hftlrtiv vnAil it. In North China, the original lions of taxation, have encouraged Uikouchlao incident remains tangled, but. enterprise to take full advantage or all STnS "XT the opportunities offering. But If Lab- iwith ihe Chinese.

Neither General Sung nor our were returned to power all that the 29lh Route Army can be termed Innocent iX. and iBinbllke. Al the conflict confidence would vanish, for, as Mr. iBppeara to nave been aought by China at Casey pointed out, according to the much as. If not more than, by Japan, utterances of its leaders, Labour Is' SHANGHAI HOSTILITIES, resolved to make experiments in mone- I '-st month number of "Oriental Afffu-s." tary policy and banking methods.

reapSIdett EZ'XuSS Is determined to get bv taxation all i "Nanking appears to be In the grip of a war-the inonev IL fnlrll tic 1 'ever Intense a.s that which has over-t-ne money it wants to fulfil IU whelmed JttpBn." it holds lhat "It Is a gro-promises. There is a limit to the taxa- tcaque nilsicptusental.lon of realities to suggest lion that people can bear. The depres- lJuTSS: P'TnZ slon clearly showed that fact. The I provocative action. It suggests, was not the earliest remissions of taxation heralded 1 JHpaneae occupation of the Eight Character I Bridiic, bin the despatch of two Chinese reiftt- the first signs of returning confidence.

divisions the 81th end the 88th Inio ihe Increased taxation which Labour policy i demilitarised one. thus breaking Ihe 1932 denotes would Immediately put a brake JffiSTJn thT thXnilrJ: on expansion and would ultimately lead iernment decided that If there whr to be a. to a contraction nf anlarnrlaa i military showdown with the Japanese, It would i.o a t-uiiiiaciion ot eni.eipiise. art the ahaiin- inolhf.i sood and kind. or a tie I an Inol tie Hnr xuffei in iu in Alienee ua r.ienllv bore Witt-hell'.

-tti yeti. 6. 1131. al his ie.itieot;e. lib Cttinoine Roiiil.

Cremonie Cliarles Ol'. detrlT unrls ff Wura. Molly, and Matlon Oreeu. B. oiiifsi-Hi In pnes.

Saturday. Book Reviews, Tha Churches, Garden Notes, Real Estate, Magaaine Page (including section "For the Music and Drama. tinner ha control, utnerwlse. even in relation lo Industries regulated by awards under Ihe Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Act. It is apparently as helpless as a newborn bane.

This view of the constitutions! position Is shared by Ihe more Important legal advisers of the Opposition, though Us leader and his lleulenanls have nol been candid enough lo say so. A Matter for Caution. Till Ood called her home to under no mora. Uiferted bv tier loving husband aod children, Bettv and Knot. HaSDmAM.

in luviiit ineuiory of our dear mother, Alice, who died October 1. 1931. B.I.P. Tour menioiv in ps dear r.o-dsT As in the hour you passed away, li.aeried bv her lovmtt deuRhter, Mary, sons. Unuri.

sines, and families. HANSEN. Ot-Kiber 6 IWU7. at fc private liottplia) Svrtn-v Nitliotaus Hcnaifii. beloved mi band ot Friith.

aged ST years. Abide with Me. HEALEY fl. 1337, at Stored Heart Hoa-I Although many conferences and congresses are equipped to carry more than uhinh hav heen arranged to take place in rtu-e. UatlhiBlMnal.

William beltvedliii0aiiJ li of our dear bi of.her lulny IV36, ol;pili HphIcv. and luiiiK father of Bob. lea Oodtrty wlio departed thlf life October inserted bv his sisters and brothers 20 all told. In addition there are prnostDiy now about 40 Dornler Wal German nying-boats. and a larger number of Fokker seaplanes, made in Although Holland possesses the famous Fokker aircraft fjctory.

nf onrt mlll- H'rtr'. Alice, ana rrniiutii lueucuseu Pfi R.l.P. HODGFS. in loving- ineiiiurT of our dear IW7, Annie raiiabeib. cliei Jflck who d)Cti October 7.

1936. Uuulburn. widow of the clone, but not forgotten. HbRRlDOE. -Ot-iobrr THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1937.

Sydney as part of the 150th anniversary celebrations next year figure inconspicuously In the programme or events, many of them are ot the first Importance." said the Minister In Charge of the Celebrations iMr. Dunninghaml yesterday. "Some will be attended by people of world distinction in their particular spheres. One Important conference will be the Australian Law Convention, to be held from January 27 to 29. Mr.

Justice Evatt (High Court). Mr. Justice Lowe (Melbourne), Dr. T. P.

Pry (Uni wnicn ninios most, vancc. tarv planes, she Is buying additional bombers, was pointed out In General Berenschots report In the oversea news yesterday, from the Olenn Martin factory In the United If it Is to succeed, enterprise must hal area, nil her than In the north, owing to take risks, but ll. will not in i the fact enormous Inlernational Interest laio Henrv P. Het rldne and beloe1 mother of Charles and Bert tWyalong'. Alice iMrs.

J. Uarrett. ivmorsi. Bihci 'Mrs. W.

Paintev. Vera iM. H. and Nellie iMts. R.

McKay, Ooulburn-. At iff l. HOG AN Ontober R. 1937. al Western Subuibfl Tln-piiBi Erilth Huttuti.

beloved wife of Willlani of 6 Burns SUCet, Petersham, and mother ty and Lillian. ta 5-i years. MAR TO-DAY. i were Involved, and International iniervenuon if the dice are loaded against it by taxa- mitrht therefore, be exDected." Inserted bv his loving brothet, Tom. aimer-Inlaw, and family.

In luviny meinorr of our dear mother. who passed away October 7. 3925. At rest. Inserted bv her loving daughters.

M. Ciomle and family. Mr. and Mrs. Praley and family.

JAR.VIS.-- Loving meoiorv brother Sid. died October 1. 1933. Arthur. Vera.

JOHNSTON. In lOlng memory of my dear wife. Annie, who departed this life October 7 1931. In States. imm tion, by Governments takine all the i "Oriental Alialrs." In explaining partly why An Interesting deduction lo General Berenschots report Is that.

Instead of concentrating on floatplanes nd flylnj- Hnne In the Dast. Holland Preisident Roo.sevelt's soeech in i "It is not tenable to pretend thai tne and leaving the skimmed milk war. uw amrowora in ahaiwhai. whatever versity of Queensland Mr. es.

ne Chicago haai struck a note of warninc Benjamin loviua father HI' NT. October tt 1937, Itint Ifte ol East Mal'fin. as the reward of courage. To this the they may have done In the north." points out serted by her loving husband. John Johnston Apart, however, from meticulous considerations of law.

what responsible tjovernment would rush Into a serious international commitment, without the fullest Information tlm the mast exacting Inquiry could elicit a ii its inevitable economic and industrial repercussions? What, for instance, would be the effect on the standard of living, on wages, on employment, on prices, on trade, and on production? Would the 40-hour week mean Increased wortc and better conditions, or would it mean lesi work and worse conditions? Obviously the Labour party has no intention of answering these questions, if only for the reason that It cannot, powdbly do so without the necessary data to go upon. The wish being father to th? thought. It has made a definite promise, and is prepared to legislate blindly, so long as the electors sre suftielontly Incnutiou.s to give a mandate absolv. Ing It from responsibility. After all, there is a shorter week than een the 40-hour week.

It is the week during which a man may look In vain for work. J. R. W. Taylor.

3fl Hunter Street.) plans lo construct, aerodromes fur landplanes thai whin hostilities began, the Japanese had Oleuda. agea 70 de, and Diroilii. Ronald. Cli Melbourne), and tne reoerai Aiiorncy-ucnts-al (Mr. Menlesl will read papers." Mr.

Dunnlngham raid that he had received stiKircstinn that the brides or 1888 who were my dear wtfe and I wnich stems to offer American co- K1MK In lovmar memory oi our dear mother. Kexla Kime, who departed this life ooe ration In anv affnrl in haot October 7. 1935. inserted by her loving husband "JCI dwun anv nori tO CfieCK Japan and children hot onlv Java, Borneo, situ hm settled or the outlying Islands, but even In Utile known Dutch New Guinea. AUSTRALIAN CONTRAST.

Ann ni naval shiDUlng that. al tier residence. 5(67 liclifle, l.ucteiia Alice, deaily Jack, and loving mother of H. H. Lt'Osfe-Browin.

Muriel in ner desperate assault upon China. born In New South Wales should organise to make next year their special golden wedding I C.K, Ociober S. -nrE'5 Highway. Al wife of Wihiaii William. Jcssir tMrs.

Until the situation develops along the commemoration. aged 75 years. By request. tiri. W.

P. Stephen; policy of Labour leads. It also encourages a leaning back on government, a looking to government to engage In Industry, and for all to become Government employees. Government would then become autocratic, would Insist on the workers slaving under conditions which the LORINO. I'd loviog memory of my dear husband and father.

Alfred, who passed away Oclober 7, 1938. Always In our thoughts. Inserted by his loving wife, daughter, snd grand onlv up to 40UU troops I including reinmrce- mihtsi to protect a community of about 20,000 to 25.000 civilians. After their experience In 193a. ll is Inconceivable that, confronted by 20 to 30 thousand troops drawn from China's German-trained divisions, they would have opened an offensive." If Shanghai hostilities started In 1032 as an "adventure" or tile Japanese Navy, the present clash scents a direct outcome of Japan's policy in North China, and Ihe intense anti-Japanese feeling or mourning.

Australia has In commission. 27,000 tons ta contributed by the cruisers On the other hand. Holland's three cruisers, aggregating 19.000 tons, represent, only one-third of her sons. It was probable thai an international ice hockey test series wuuld be arranged between Canada and Australia. Already participants tror.

other Slates were assured, and it was expected that skaters or good calibre would be included in the team representing Canada new line now Indicated it will be well to wait but with a lively hope. Meanwhile we may direct attention to the review which we offer, in another column, taken from newspapers lust MACKENZIE In loving memory of my beloved htishnrtri. who passed on to a fuller and bel total in these seas. ui navai i in the ElttSt Indies. ter life on October 7.

ivjo. inserted oy ois wilt a ud family. Government would lav riuwn Th. rnnn. mused bv it amongst the Chinese in the south in the British Empire Uaine.

The art nf stickers In IS different designs which had been Issued by the Celebrations Australia maintains one squadron of marine aircraft. No. 5 (fleet co-operation) Squadron, h.rtnuroirs at Richmond. Two of the and id MOSS. In loviog memory of our dear mother received from China anrl lunun grandmother.

Margaret Moss, who passed away "civetl irura Onilia and Japan, it i. i93. sadly missed by j.cV ivy, add shows clearly that the news of bomb linn nf tn a i- Japanese olYiclftls and papers certainly stressed lion or government to-day is to pro- lneil localisinti" the North China vide Justice for all in every sphere of trouble, which meant, confining hostilities to October Council were In great demand, and large -i. an aircraft: Holland family, life. Were there a sphere in which the I 5 5TSS wllh a smaller cruiser force, has 20 seaborne number or applications ror supplies were being received by post.

Government was the dominant partner, war-lords. POINT PIPER FLATS. Outnumbered by Houses. MAYOR'S STATEMENT. ings and general savagery by Japan is substantiated, and that, while China may have been using similar methods of warfare In the north, the essential truth about the south la con JAPAN'S ROAD TO WAR." Government would be unable to provide Justice, for then it would be the TRADE WITH POLAND It looks, then, as If the Japanese militarists occasions a small submarine force has been added to the Australian navy.

The first tlnv flotilla of two boats was lost In trie war one In New Guinea waters, and the other In Turkish. The second, acquired after the wat was soon placed out of commission: ine third was sold to the Royal Navy. The unofficial naval opinion has been expressed hat submarines are not suited to service along Australian long coastline, and In her wide oceans yet Australia's sea frontier is in the north and In just such narrow seas as those in which the Dutch maintain iheir powerful submarine flotilla, and the Royal Navy it-lr has stationed the considerable submarine iudae of Its own rantr well a. Iho wanted worm unina only, noi war in oi its own cause as well as the hal BnrJ cllllla generally. Thev aimed al local plaintiff.

To-day government sees to control and round themselves faeed with a it that labour conditions are reason- "riT lscaTflghS able, that precautions are taken against Japan had forced Nanking to the dilemma ol dangers ill Industry, and It appoints or humiliation. She lias been harrying the Chinese into patriotic Indignation and MAY BE INCREASED. AUSTRALIAN PRODUCTS TO EXHIBITED. BE -The Mayor of Woollahra i Alderman A. Griffith) staled yesterday thai private dwellings outnumbered flats bv more than two lo one In the Potts Point and Woollahra Point areas.

Mr. Griffith said that in a statement, pub O'CONNOR, in loving memory of our dear fattier (Tedt. who passed away October 7. 1934. at Ecuuca.

Victoria: also our dear mother. Elisabeth, who nassed away Julv 26. 1929, al El wood. Victoria. Inserted by Maggie.

Jack, and Pat. OSBORNE. --In loving memorv of our dear father, who departed this life October 7. 1927. Inserted by his loving son and daughter-in-law.

Alt aod Kathleen. PAOB- lo loving memory uf my dear wife and our mother, who died October 7. 1936. You have left us a beautiful in einory To treasure a whole life through. Inserted by her loving husbaud and family.

PAOS. lu loving memory oT my dear mother. Aunella Clara, who passed away Oclober 7, 1936. Sleep on. dear mum.

free from pain; In God own time we'll meet again. Inserted by her loving daughter. BIsle. loving- memorv of our dear daughter aud sister, Kathleeo Ldrna (nee Jack-soat. who passed awav October 7.

1932. Loved a nd remembered by her loving parent and sisters. Marjorie and Dorothy. READ. In loving memory of my dear brother, Maurice, who departed this life October 8.

1936. Memories are treasures no one can ateal. Death leaves a wound no one cao heal. Life Is eternal, love al til remains. In God own time we shall meet again.

unuutiatu mj uciermine ine conditions i even national unily. Some of hei motives ate and to enforce a wage suitable for the well sei out In "Asia." by the late Professor firmed. This broadly Is the way in which modern warfare is being conducted. Japan's policy has been to annihilate the principal cities of China so as to hamstring Chinese finance. Whatever may be said in the way of palliation about the provocation Japan has received, it is clear that no feeling of mercy for women and children and helpless non-combatants has been allowed to interfere with Japan's determination to smash China Into complete ruin, if she dares to continue to assert work engaged upon.

With government hal. In "Japan's Road to War" he suggests that Japan is preferring this path because of controlling all avenues of labour, the JONES. Oclooer R. 1937. at Mai rlckvtlle, L-uuisa relict of the late Richard Jones, ilete of rirmallawRi.

and loving aunt of Oertnide Fiosl. 9'i years. 'AWRENCE. October 1937. at Dubbo.

Kdward. d-ntlv bflnved husband ot Ooris Uawrence aim lov-ins lailier of I roetie aged 2 yours. I October 6. 1937. at pubbo.

Edward, loving bun of (-award and ft! Icu Lawrence, of Hiirstvitle. 41 years. Oriolter 6. 1937. al fltli New South H'ad Rnn Rose Bv, June Lawaun, widow of the KcM fie Uw.on, and loving mother n'.

lis J. l.a-jtoii. w. D. Lawffon.

Mrs. Agnes Jean Monaglian Mrs. Nellie Hyde, and Mrs. Neita Walkei, aged ttvt years. LYNCH October 6.

1937. at bis residence. BaitiurM Road, l.eura. Rev. Father P-il Li-nth.

late of Helidon. Queensland, aod A.I.F.. aaed 55 yrars. Requiescat In pace. Xt DONALD- Octooer '2, at hospital.

Donald. U-f of Kalrnitin. beloved bioiher of the late Father AI-n McIJti'id. South Vl.u. Hebrides, aged 80.

Inferred Root; wood. '1 10 1937. MpeKENIE October 5. 1937. al Pairfleld.

Ruth ivondvilte MacKenzie. formerly of Fort Street. pMcr.hain. and beloved mother of Amy. Donald.

ml Doroihv, aed lu yers. Privately cremated on iho. Kth instant. McRAS. -Oclober 6.

1937. at Macley Street. Potta r-int. William, btrlved hubaud of Isobel McRae. 76 years.

October 6. 1937. Mist Nellie Doiinoll late of i Albert Street. Bexley. beloved of Patrick and William O'Doonell.

aged 6S yni5. fttqiiiescat In pace. PALMER -October li. 1937. at the Prince Henry HipilPl.

Orifl Ellis Palmer, of oO Harrow Road. B-- x)rv. rir rlv Im-od husband of Alice, and dear of Claude, aged bii year. RCOtRft -October 1937. at Si.

Oeorge District Hernial. Mrv RKrs. of 33 Vine Street. Wiisivilie. and late of Chartei Towers, loved of John Roger, aged 79 years.

ROSSER October 8. 1937. at Gulargatnbone. John, h-lo'-ed hufband of Ellen Rosser, and Joviog frthrr nf Violet. Jessie, Jack.

Myrtle, and Jean. PTAUNTON -October 8, at Royal Worth Shore Hnfpitni. Fdiih Constance, dosrly beloved wife of an. and mother or Robert. Alan, snd Betty, aged 3a! years.

At rest. -October 6. 1937. at Yass iresult of ai idnt Oeorge Harold, eldest son of Harold and Ciarice Thornton, aged 'iJ ear. See Funeral nokc.

TUCKETtMAN. October 8. 1937. al ftbenexer. Norman Prrcv, relict ol the late Lstiita Tuckerroau.

seed 74 years. WALKER. October 5 1937. al a private hoa-Ti'l. Minlv RrneKL Patrlc Walker tlate of Wood chiefs of the bureaucracy who would lished In Ihe "Herald" on Friday last.

Mr. Henry E. While, architect ror the flats al Point Piper banned by the council, described the rejected proposal as one for a building of nine stories. Mr. While had certainly expressed his opinion as a witness before Judge Sheridan, that the building was one of nine stories, bul his contention was rejected by Judge Sheridan, who held that the building was one nt 13 stories.

Mr. While further her economic discontent, feeling she has "a choice between peace with poverty and war Willi fear of Russia and China'. Internal social unrest which tempts the ruling group lo gel harmony at home by war be responsible for carrying out national works would see to It that only conditions and wages which would ensure abroad: laciai pride; me wariiue cnaracter profi table operations should prevail ul Japanese people, "a nation ot fierce .7 I warriors wllh the high-strung, emotional The moderation of Mr. Curtin Is often artistic and intense nation- stated that if five separate flats were erected on the area, there would then be 10 separata her nationhood. It may be, no doubt.

CANBERRA. Wednesday. Two cases of Australian products end SO photographs depicting Australian scenes and Industries, which have been forwarded by the Commonwealth Qovernment to the Maritime and Colonial League In Warsaw, will probably assist In Increasing trade between Australia and Poland. In trade relations with Poland. Australia has a very favourable balance, despite the smallness of the operations.

In 1935-36 Australia exported In Poland goods valued at of which represented shipments of greasy wool, and received goods of Polish origin valued at alg38.67S, Umber and seeds being the principal Imports. One of the main functions of the Marl-time and Colonial League Is to exhibit oversea goods, display photographs, and secure statistical data and other information about oversea countries, showing them as potential markets for Poland's Import and export trade. ROB SON. A tribute of love to the memory of that claimed on behalf of Labour, but ltlalism me we call It) or patriotism (the Japan's original purpose was residences. It was somewhat difficult to follow thla statement, unless, uf course, one as Is Mr.

Curtin who is promising to get fwA lemons mlghi be added the money for all that Labour wants, others. Japan fears Communism as a dls- sumed some such proposal as one lo erect five separate buildings, each comprising 14 flats, and that such application were approved by simply to deal with the northern provinces. The course ot events may have forced her hand, and made the war force that belongs to tne uiina nut. USE OF AIRCRAFT. There are other Interesting contrasts between the composition of the Australian squadron on the one hand, and of the British and Dutch Far Eastern squadrons, on the other.

Outstanding Is the relatively greater Interest taken by Britain and Holland In marine aircraft. In minelayers, and lin the case of Ho -land) In equipping even small craft with their own seaplanes for reconnaissance. In tne Dutch squadron ships comparable wllh tne sloops Swan and Yarra. carry their own plane. I So do Ihe French sloops Rigault de Oenouilly and Amirs I Charner, which are well-known Australian naval policy seems often to have been laid down by administrators whose eyes were turned east or west, rather thBn north.

Recent developments, particularly the fortification of Darwin and the announcement made at the presentation of the last, naval estimates, of the Intention to build three small vessels (so far undefined) and to devote more attention to anti-submarine work, suggest that this policy Is lo be modified. In any case, the naval policy of our neighbours, the Dutch, must In the future be of The aettinfr ran onlv hv moan, nf integrating social mrce ana its spreao in ine getting can only De Dy means orinhl fMnnB, tiiat. it. in time the Woollahra council, both of wnicn assumptions, at this stage, seem somewhat large. Alderman Griffith said that, the sketeh Pro one of China as a whole, with its 400 million people, as the prlxe.

This taxation, and that the amount Is not to "have It out" with china once and for all. that which Mr. Curtin desires, but lhat I Tn! In Japan and the success of the Manchurlan coup have en- duced in Friday's "Herald" was definitely nol wnicn tne Lang group wants. the trenched the extreme militarists In power at exnprtenoe nf Mr c.aaev In li Umiw Tokyo. The Army has lis way.

it nu nasi it necessarily involves the whole of Asia as the ultimate goal of conquest. Aerial warfare developed in unex our dear mother who passed away October 7, 1925. Just a token, mother dear. To sav we all remember. Sadly missed by ner family.

Moiltc. Nellie. Bessie, snd Dick. SOO HOO 3 EN. In fond memory of my dear mother.

El Us bet who fell asleep October 1, 1928: also dear dad. Rev. Oeorge Soo Hoo Ten, passed away September 24. 1934. For aver Id the thought of Elsie and Charles Chan.

SPROULB. In loving; memorv of mv dear wife, ftutlv Louisa, who died October 7, 1936. Not forgotten. Inserted by her husband. Bill.

SYMONDS. In loving- memory of my dear husband and our beloved father. Reg. who fell asleep October 7. 1930.

God's greatest gift remembrance. SYMONDS. In loving memory of Reglnold Omega, who departed this life Oclober 7. 1930. Not forgotten by mother, sisters, brother, and fo in II lea.

THOMPSON in loving memory of our dear little daughter, Lorn a. died October 7. 1936. A little rosebud In Heaven. Inserted bv her lovlna mummv and daddv and since 1932, and we must be fair enough to of Representatives, as of every other acccpl tne dcgrM of truth in the claim of member of the Government side, has Or.

Tsuruml. when In Sydney, that the world PERSONAL. has not given the Japanese mooerates a proper made it plain that the extremists are pected proportions until we now are realising the horrors of its completeness. Not armies, but all non- cnance. rue policy oi mooeration.

ne states, mel with no reciprocity. Japan made sacri the real leaders of the Labour parly. VICE-REGAL. His Excellency the Oovernor-Oenerai. A continuation ot the confidence combatants nations against nations fices fur conciliation, and then found the other countries closing the door to her.

Her which the Lyons Government secured CnmU. Limited), husband of the late E. M. 'Iylei, tended by members of the personal staff, was i increasing Interest to us. migrants were barred, her markets restricted.

are Involved. This, however, began with the Great War. A recent corre for Australia depends upon the decision Japan must expand or starve. If peaceful expansion is not allowed, then war is made and loved father ot Max, Sert. Mrrvyo axcafiedi, and Mabel, aged IS years.

WEALE October S. 1937. at the Balmaln snd of the electors on October 211. The spondent asked In this connection what necessary. inis is tne view oi a japanc-re present at, tne Australian jnaxey ttutis race meeting at Randwlck yesterday afternoon.

His Excellency entertained guest at luncheon and afternoon tea in the Vice-Regal rooms. His Excellency the Governor-General, at Hospital. Em in a Louisa, relict of the late Mflnry Rennke Weale. and loved mother of Uiv liberal. baby sister.

policy which the Lyons Government has placed before the electors Is the difference can be found between the giant shells which the Germans fired WALKER. In lovlna memorv of mv dear wife MUNICIPAL LIBRARY. Extension to Suburbs. PRINCIPLE APPROVED. abd mother, Esther Florence Floss), who departed this life October 7.

1926. tended by members of the personal staff, was the guest of the president and members of the sequel of the policy of the past six from their Big Bertha upon Paris and idrxeasedt, Hatry. Fred, Mahel (Mrs. J. Ross, drrcr.sedi.

Oordon. and Albert (deceased): also ln-tng grandmother ot Isabel. Beatrice, Adrian. Oordon, and aeoflrev. and great grandmother of Ken N'elle.

and Geoffrey, arid loved sister ot Frederick Brooks, aged B6 years. Privately cremated at Northern Suburbs. October 6, 1937. 5. 1937.

at nrlvaL ting. Always remembered. Inserted bv her husband. Xdtvln um union Club at an "at nome yesterday aiier- years. Sound finance is in the fore bombing from the air.

It was the non Albert. noc i. BOYCOTTS AND FUNDAHENTALS. All these considerations must be examined al least before Judgment is passed on Japan by a boycott. Evidence should be heard from tlie accused before the black cap La donned.

If Japan says she must fight because others do not allow her sufficient trade. It does nol get very far if one retaliates by restricting her trade still rurther. Boycotts are superficial movements In this sense: they do not front, and all that Government can WARK Hwsalail mtmnrla. nf as His Excellency the Governor-General gave combatants in the streets of Paris that became the target. If Paris could have do to help Industry, both primary and ihn Settetnt William Robert War.

r-nal. Edith Mary, widow of the late Edward Oharlea Williams, dearly loved mother of Stanley and a dinner party al Admiralty House yesterday evening. V. i. a jo, a iso my dear mother.

October a. 1936. manufacturing, to progress. Wider been laid in ruins and the French people tin re. oi vi nurae ttoau, asoore far it, aged 71 LP.

His Excellency the Governor and Lady markets are to be sought, and iTioitgnii return to scenes long past. molB. 0D' hul nemories last, inserted by his devoted wife snd daughter. had been paralysed Into panic and despair, would not the war have been the tariff Is to be used to assist louch the fundamental issues. II Is doubtful Wakehurat, attended by tha members of their personal staff, were present at the Australian Club's race meeting at Randwlck yes IN MEM0RIAM.

The finance committee of the City Council yesterday approved In principle the establishment ot branches of the Municipal Library in the suburbs, on condition that the municipal council contracting for such a service should provide the local building and also pay tile nit.v Council for the services rendered. uvtii.h,i- an r.nt. boycott cou eneci efficient and economic undertak more than half won? Is not the its nurooscs. The immediate sufferer is our ARENA. ---In loving memory or our darling and sister, Ro5le.

who passed away Octooer terday, and entertained guests at luncheon and Japanese objective the same? We do SON-VIn fer-lovln memorv of mv dear husband nd our dear fatfier, Joseph who oasied way at BauHham Hills. October 1933 Sadly mUiced. Inserted by hit loving wife and family. tea. ings, that Is efficient and economic In the national sense.

The proposals not offer these questions as a Alderman Sir Samuel Waldcr, M.L.C.. who His Xxoellency the Governor and Lady Wakehurst. attended by the members of their for national Insurance are a natural palliative for hideous wrong. It Is a sketch of the mock or nuts wnicn was submitted lo the Wooliahta Council for approval. One of the principal differences was that the submitted plans were ot a building with an internal light well, which expert evidence and Judge Sheridan united In condemning.

The treatment of the foreground shown In the sketch was also entirely at variance with the true position, as Mr. White conveniently omitted to mention that the existing building, known as Schoflcld House, was to have remained in its present position immediately In front or the proposed new building. "One can. ot course, excuse a certain amount or artistic llbertv In preparing such said Mr. Griffith, "but In the light ol th true racl.

the liberty in this oa-'e appear to have gone far past the bounds or licence. L0NELYJ3UTP0STS. North-Eastern Arnhem Land. YOUNG CONSTABLES LEAVE DARWIN. "DARWIN.

Wedncidsy. Probably the most Isiloted stcnojreplyjr in Australia will shortly be atudylnj hh Pit" nnd tapping his typewriter in a barl: hunipV on an Island off the extreme nth c-vot ot Australia. He is Constable Joel S.o.rsj or Ihe Northern Territory Police, who his been appointed control officer at the watering and refuelling buse at Elcho Island, north-cpslem Arnhem Land. One hundred miles rurther west ano fier lonely policeman. Constable Peter Riley.

a vegetable slcn r.ulslde ills nuropj at the mouth of the King River. The two police left this mprnlng by luM-j to establish the control atallons. J' be absent tor three months, but have taken sufficient stores for four. Their only callers will be Australian-owned manned by Japanese and Malays, occs slonally the patrol hoat Lrrkla win wo In. Both voung men will hve nMm to assist them In building their own tr habitations.

shorl- Stokes has taken a mnri. hand book. In addition to but Riley will concentrate on shootl ng, to in, and gardening in his In month's time sets mM1 here, irl will he sent on to the to enab.e them to keep In touch witn ci lion. 1931. own shopkeeper, retailer, and importer, who uannot dispose of Japanese stocks bought and paid for.

11 It Is made Australian-wide, our wool-growers will suffer, for a boycott Is a nastv economic boomerang. Politically. It Is at least unwise to have hatred between us and our Pacific neighbour. And a boycott means bitterness. I one of the comforting things about presided, said this was In accordance with the recommendation of the Libraries Advisory Committee at present dealing with the extension of the Free.

Llbrarv Movement to larger personal stair, were the guests of the president and members ot the Union Club at an at-home at the club yesterday. lust seven vears exo to-day. nor; took the one we loved away, Qiilcx and sudden was the call. Her sudden end surprised us all. We were not there In rime of death.

To hear her last falht slffll. To Just the two last words. Farewell, snd a 4d good-bye: Though her smile has gone tor ever. And her voice tre cannot hear. We shall never forget uteuiuriaa Ol the one ve loved so dear; nur d.rlln.

sleeo. a situation dally becoming more dlffl expansion of social service already undertaken by the Commonwealth. Old age is already provided for. Under cult and complicated that the civilised Sir Geoffrey Whltkard has left Admiralty House. world should be horrified by the news the national Insurance proposals costs accruing from Illness will be met, and Loving meoiorlea linger atlll I Innerted by Uncle Fred.

Auntie Ivy. Freddie. 0b Active Service. GAULaD. In lovlna; memory of our dear ton and brother.

William Carl, who died of wounda received October 7. 1917, Inserted by his lovlna lather nd mother Mi. and Mri. 8. H.

Oauld, brothers and sistera. Sydney and Brisbane. KNIOHT. In loved remembrance of Oliver W. Kiilrht.

killed in action Ftsecbendaele. October 7. 1917. beloved son of Mr. M.

Knight, Lawson. Ever remembered by his wife and aon. Vera and Roy. of bombing atrocities which comes through day by day from sources of lowns of New South wales, and with the sel-eme submitted by Mr. Ifould (Public Librarian) for dealing with the supply of books lo the metropolitan area of Sydney.

The approval of the City Council wilt be forwarded to the Libraries Advisory Committee, with a request that the final details of the scheme adopted should he forwarded Will such a boycott punisn japan as Miss Freda Utley points out in the July "Asia." Japan is particularly vulnerable to economic shocks, and boycotts will undoubtedly harm Japanese industries and people. But ihe Army will nol suffer unless a boycott Is genuinely International on a collective basis. Sadly missed bv her loviog parents. Bister, bro- undoubted authenticity, and that rn.ra. aod orotner-tn-iaw.

jeo. BARR. A tribute of everlasting- love to mv be America la making her protest. If there husband. Hugh, who psssed away October 7, lo tne city council lor Itirtner consideration, Is anything In these rising choruses of condemnation and demands for boy Not a day do forget you.

In mv heart von are elwavs near. Ond alone knowa how 1 miss you, A. tt dawns another vear. SHIMMCLO. In loving memorv of our dear eon and brother.

Marry, who died of wounda. October the Government Intends to legislate for a contributory scheme by which each party to the contract, employees, employers, and the people as a whole through the Government, will bear an equal share of the cost. A contributory scheme enhances the Independence of the recipient and enables him to claim the full measure of service as a right. There would then cotts ot all Japanese goods, it must be Y.W.C.A. HOSTEL iitJ.

in ire nee. sergeant, in the zotri Bat tallon. Age 'J3. ffvrr reinembcted by his loving wife, Oreae. and with American participation, in mat case Japan might be defeated, the militarists overthrown, and a moderate pulley ensured.

But individual or group boycotts will hardly slop the Army from waging war In China. In fact, aa with sanctions against Italy, they will almost certainly deepen patriotic fervour In Japan and drive the nation lo fight bitterly. Nor will they stop aerial atrocities In the future. rniic-rn. in the growing sense among the nations rtAKR.

In loving memory of Hugh, died October that war must end. Bul It Is not end Captain A. Frame, commander of the Tal-ping Is on leave, and during his absence the vessel will be under the oommand of Captain D. D. Tyer.

Mr. Norman B. Mlghell. chairman of the Repatriation Commission, who returned from abroad by the Monterey on Monday, left for Melbourne yesterday. Lieutenant-Colonel L.

M. Oosgrave, Senior Canadian Trade Commissioner, lefl for Queensland on Tuesday night on nfflolal business. He will be absent tor 10 days. Brother Benlgnua, Provincial of the De La Salle Brothers, will return to Sydney by the Oronsay this morning. Brother Benlgnux was summoned to Rome eight months ago on business connected with tne teaching order.

Mr. iV O. V. Mackay, resident partner at Melbourne of Macdonald Hamilton and Company, has become resident, partner at Sydney In succession to Mr, D. J.

Mackay Sim. M-'ssrs. C. R. Duncan and R.

G. Weeks have been appointed Joint braooh managers al Melbourne. Ing. Mere shaking of fists and threats of execration will not stop a single Donations to the. fund rata Wished by the Young Women's Christian Association to meet (he cost, of construe tl rift a new and modern hostel for young women on the site of the present ho'tel at KirrlbllM.

now total -i, IW.IS. Thnuvh vears bring much that la altered. And davs bring much that la new. There's nne thing never alters---Our love and memory of vou. Inserted by his mother-in-law and family.

Japanese bomb from dropping and RETURN THANKS. Mrs. H1HCHCI IFTB and FA MILT, of Drummoync. wh to THAKK all kind relatives, friends, and neighbours for expressions of avmpathr. floral tributes, letters, cards, and te teg rams, in their recent aad bereavement, especially than king sister Klnred and Rv.

c. A. Grieve for their personal attention and kindnesa. Mm. D.

JAMIBBON desires all kind friends and ne.Klibours ro accent her heartfelt THANKS for or Cm ions of avmnathv and floral tribute.1! in her r.frieTow. in memory of my dear sister. Isabel. LORD MAYOR OF PERTH. be no need for him to ask for ll as charity, and undergo an Inquiry at to IW necessity.

On the main aspects of national lite, financial, Industrial, and a spasmodic boycott may easily result In more desperate deeds of gu.scd aav Octobei 7. Remembered, till we meet again. Inserted bv her loving sister. Maud Knight. CONN.

In loving memorv of my dear husband cruelty. But because war Is wllh us. The fnllow.nff additional donations have been received: Previously acknowledged ....2390 0 0 Mr. Norman Orr 40 0 0 Mrs. P.

J. Wallli 2.1 0 0 "R.W.0.T." 35 0 0 RnM. Dey. Son. snd Co.

5 0 0 A mot Li under 5 i 1 0 PERTH, Wednesday. Mr. Charles Harper was yesterday elected social, the policy of the Government. nd because the horlion all round Is so lord Mayor or Peril), with OT24 votes against B.I.P. Inserted by Ills lorjn wife snd rhtldren.

Mr. J. PARKan and PAMIl.r ot 14 ltallwa. 'JI73 for councillor H. o.

Howling arra as ror Mr P. C. Swalne. ensures, so far as is humanly possible, a prolongation of the period of pros-; dark. It, behoves us to try to realise that every man.

woman, and child Is ty dear husband I Street. Msrrlekvlils, wish to THANK all friends DAVrN. Ip Invtng memory of fnr kl A. a.MM..k. trhael.

who de Ul.ha.l ah, ll I The new Lord Mayor a city councillor ft. I. P. nferrad int. Mfe (Vloh.r S.

19.1a Total 3493 1 0 tnor.t rrtmn.s inn earns, in saa hrstfllniirl and rhat ahat Reltolft la aerea.ein.nt. Haas aceepl thla aa paraooal thanks. I Wnai BTliaill IS or about 17 years untu tbg end of Iiu. pern.y. 01 Jits lovljig snd family,.

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