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The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia • Page 4

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Author of "By Right of Sword By Soar THE WHITE BREAD BOGEY or lov." ate. ALL KIGBTS RUAVEO. CHAPTER 'Br til mMM;" and out ho wont. leafinc ''VARSITY FETE. STUDENTS TO THE FORE.

Looking moet attractive In academic dri. For a number af yeara tha nutritive ot wbtte bread have bean tinder discua- atoa. Seeing tbat It forma such a large part of tba diet of most of ua, its value aa mo Infiiiilaly porplexed bjr tb riddl bad propounded how on oarth It waa ooialblo lor BALLROOM DECORATIONS. HAVING PURCHASED THB BUSINESS' OF DARE AND SONS, DGOOBATOBS, Tl lUr-FLT ESTIMATES FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION Or DECORATIp.NS fOR WlD. KINGS, BALLS, ETC.


LET OUR REPRESENTATIVE SUOOEST SOMETHING ARTISTIC FOR TOUR VEDDIXG OR BALL. S. WALDER. 840 PITT-STREET, JTEAIt MVERPOOL-STRKrr. numbers of ilrl students ot tbe Sydney Univer my revolver to bavo boo found by ttaa alda an article of food la of particular importance.

Soma author! lea condemn Ita nai sity held a lete In the quadrangle ot the Uni 01 too murdtrtd man. Thero waro only threa oaoola who knaw versity on Saturday afternoon. Tbe stalls vere artistically decorated, and were In ebarge of that I bad taken It with ma to lha Manor Fcntllp, Borta, and Marion. Tha laat could student representing tbe various faeulites. Tbe proceeds will be given to tbe Untverilty fii77.Book.

shelves, Oak or Maple, fumed ana wand, illustrated, With 3 shelves. Size 4 ft. i) ft. 6 ins. 85-Size 3 ft.

6 in. 2 ft. 3 in. 576 absolutely, and try to prove that tha large consumption of whlta bread la tha eauaa of numerous Ills. Othera, however, ara mora discriminating In their Judgment Mora than ten yeara ago there waa a campaign conducted by ooma English newspapera against the eommon uaa of white bread, and some do ruled out at once, for It waa linpoaelble tbat aha could bo In any way connected with 1L it waa acarce.T lesa Improbable that Women's Social Service Society and tbe Christian Union.

old Pentllp bimaelf could know anything about Lady Cullen, who performed tie opening it, aitner; nor waa It in tba leaat likely tnat ceremony, was received by Mrs. H. E. Barff Interesting experiments were made by different aclentlsts. notably Ur.

Hopkloa. of Cam anyone alio at tba manor could nave got hold of tha rerolver. I knew tbat the cupboard bridae. Dr. Hopkins waa especially vehement (preuldent u.w.h.h.b.), mis.

naier. ui.s nooa (president of tbe Christian Union), aod Hlssea W.lla. Grer. and Hall tsecretarles of tbe fete in wnica aucn tningi were kept waa oiten left unlocked: and alio that the lock Itself In hla attacks, aad urged tha people to aat wholemeal and wholemeal bread only If they committee), and MIm A. Trludall (treasurer).

waa a very common one, which anybody could Numerou. attractlous were arranged lor botb bid anr regard for their physical wall-being. pick ia a moment with a bit of bent wire. tbe afternoon and evening sessions. These Included danclnsr In the Great Hall, lecturettes, But I ruled tbat out aa an equal impossibility.

So there remained only Boris. However, Interest In the matter soon died out, and the people continued to aat tha maligned whlta bread, reckless of tha conse a play by members ot Messrs. Farmer and dramatic society, and a display ot Greek 1 had got tbua far and had resolved Dot to sy anything mora than 1 could help to dancing by pupil of the Kortn Sydney uirn Ml eh School. quences, whatever tbey mlgbt be. in matters of food, perhapa wore than In anything, tbe people are conservative, and look with suspicion on any Innovation.

D7292.Ue"UtilitvMrable open as Tea Table. Vlaintop. Size'24 24 28V4 ins. Vgh. In Pine, Walnut colour.waifd Jh Oak; lightcolour, waxed jSnishT 256 Same table covered with baize for card playing, 10- extra.

One movement only required to fold up table. BtaKoat, wnen be came back. "I'm perfectly satisfied, Mr. Warlug." he dd. "Aa It happens.

Mr. Trevor waa at the Past.graduate students were In charge ol tbe "Book aad Art" stall (secretaries. Misses B. Harper and Hirst M'Mullen); lie fancy- Dl397. SuppaTatle, ji.obean design, Oak, waxed finishi 3 ft.

fliam. 20 ins. high. Legs fold up under. X55-One of our new supper only 20 ins.

high. Enables the hostess to serve supper or after, noon teairom her arm chain work suit was conducted by women etudents Parslval that night and saw you there. Dutl trust you'll see It waa a matter which had to be cleared Tbat'a all right I'm not worrying abdM It." In Arts, 11. and III. (secretaries.

Misses wines. Carter, Tltmus, N. Holmes, M. Holmes, and Palfreyman). At the cake stall the women medical students did a brisk trade (secretaries.

Can you help me with a sugcestlon aa to VALAZE BEAUTY GRAINS, tlooal akin rejut.nsnt. Used for washing In plae of aoap. Keeps the skin creamy white, safeguards Its texture, and guarantees against coarseness and oillnrss of tbe pores, blackheads, and other Impurities Should a household article In every home. Price and S. s.

DISCOLOURED THROATS. HANDS AND ARMS gain a soft white loveliness aben VALAZK BLEACHING CREAM Is used. To the face It restores the sweet flesh tints and a supple smoothness. Price and I i. FOB BAGGY, RELAXED.

AND FLABBY SKIN. Valax Roman Jelly consolidates and strengthens loose and flabby muscles doea away with baggy throats, removes fulloese and heavy look from under the eyes, smooths out tbe skin above the temples. Price 6 and 10S. VALAZE CREME PROMENADE. A wonderful creme for daytime use.

It forms a perfect foundation lor powder. Prlra and 47. VALAZE SKIN antl-wrinkle lotion soothing, stimulating, and antiseptic. It tones and Invigorates the ekln preventa lines, wrinkles, and crowsfeat. and makes for perfect skin health.

Price how the revolver cama to be found In the In tha United States tha discussion also arose, but there It baa continued to thla day, and tba attackers of tba whlta bread and denatured flour have, after much talk and demonstration, made a certain amount of progress. But It la wonderful how tha people cling to their beloved white loaf I Alfred W. McCann, a pure food expert, la tha most Inveterate ot the campaigners. For yeara ha haa argued against tba use of whlta bread an white flour products of all kinds. To him all such ara anathema.

And while there la much truth In what ha saya, according to other autuorttlee be la too extravagant In hli condemnation. Tba crux ot tha whole wood" I affected to think. There was no reason why I should put him on tbe rljcht track until Misses M. Dslgarno. P.

Anderson, and K. wil-coi). Evening students, with Misses Farrell and Woodcock as aecrerarlca, bad a Jumble stall. Sweete were sold by women students In science (secretaries. Misses Maclndoe.

Solomons, Torr, and Goulston). Purple packets, which contained attractive prises, were arranged by women students in Arts. Members I knew more about It all myself. "Let me see. I bought It, of course, to take with me on my Journey and yes, remember missing it when 1 was packing up at the last moment TO BUILD BEAUTY.

VALAZE BEAUTIFYING SKIXFOOD will trsnsform the worst possible complexion, making It exquisitely clear, soft, and radiant. No other cream Is "Just aa good" as Valase which Is unique and Incomparable. Price 4, Helena Rubinstein DEPT. 274 COT.LIX8-STREET, MELBOURNE. Or course I did.

"Did you take It down to Rockstona that oayi" D729J.the'UtilityiTabfecIojeo', showing draught-board top. Size 24 24 ins. high. Pine.Wal-nut colour; waxed finish. 196 OakJIght coL waxed fin.

JE1156 THREE MODEL CLOAKS. "Looks aa if I must have done, doesn't ttf But I'm going down there this afternoon and I'll make Inquiries. Let's think. If I took It. It would have been In my dispatch-case with my papers.

I waa reading them In the train on tbe way down, and rather think I did In tha car on my way to tho Manor. In that cane, ONLY THE BEST IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR BABY. It's possible I might have dropped the revolver. Of course but I'll look Into It Rtamat I suppose there's no doubt tho Turk waa killed witn this revolver?" His hand went to hfa chin acain: ho looked THERE IS NO BETTER MILK THAN Supper Table; plain design, Oak or'MapIe, waxed finish. 3 ft.

20 in. high. Legs foI4 up 310-One of our hew supper taoles, only 20 ini. high. Enables the hostess to serve supper or after noon, tea front het ana chair.

A3i70.P Windsor St ll" SnulLQutrtoS IP Sl- lm MILK LIFEGUARD CCOKDgNSKD). rather sheepish at tha question and, after fidgeting a moment uneasily, he brought out a bullet. "Of course that waa tho Inference to be drawn, Mr. Waring; but there's a little! difficulty about the facts. This bullet seems little too large to have been fired from It" A careful measure of tha bullet showed; that it waa absolutely Impossible.

"Why didn't you tell me tbltt at one?" I aeked with a show of great indignation. "Tou ought to know your job too well to try a trick of this fiort with This made him angry, aa had Intended. "I wasn't playing a trick, Mr. Waring," he aid sullenly. "Your revolver was found on the spot, tha Inference waa that you had feeen there, and It had to be explained." "Tha trick waa tbat you let ma to understand tba shot had been fired out of my weapon, when you knew tha contrary, and sought to trnp ma Into some admission.

Well, If you like to arrest me after what I've in id. do so. If not, I'm too busy now to woiry any more about It. Oood morning, Stag-nat." As soon aa he had gone I set a couple of clerka to collect tha Press references to the murder -and make a precis of them; and when I had finished the report for Mr. Pent-II I went to tbe gunsmith who had sold jne tha revolver and obtained a bullet of the YOUR GROCER HAS IT! IT'S QUALITY.

same caiiDre as tuat which the inspector had shown sic. I read tha newspaper accounts of the tragedy on the way down to Roclutone. The affair had made a considerable stir for a few days, but tbe Interest In It had npt.r IS STILL THE BEST. out when the adjourned Inquest resulted In wpeo vera ici. ound Dead.

8uch facta aa were known were simple enough. Boris was right about tho Turk having vlnited Mr. Leeson at tbe Grange; ha had left there at eight o'clock to walk to tha station and catch the eleht-thirtv I Astoj. Size as Bed 6 ft 3 ms. 14 ft a ins.

inside anna. Size at D4t6o. Pedestal, Sttlee a ins. ft. seat size.

Covered in Burlap. t23186 D4163. PedesuJ, 1 S1j" I 1 SS. beauufulsetteewhclcMWeUuphoUteredbpokGons, SfiSh. 1 covered 4186 I Bga5vVSsoRecQQ? jj If CgQRQESTREET SYDNEY.

'ji to town; and It waa known that he would go by tha short cut through Clips tone Wood. That's became there is fifteen years' experience behind it fifteen years of laboratory search after the purest of waxes and other Ingredients fifteen years ot steady Improvement fifteen years of aathfactien to Australian housewives. USE IT ALWAYS. BEST FLOOR POLISH. About halt-paat nine a ploughman, named rf.cuBins, iuuna me aeaa noay lying Just off the path, at a spot about a quarter of an hour'a quick walk from tha Grange.

This The modish cloaks of to-day are garments of rare beauty. In cut and trimming tbey are much more elaborate than the frocks over which they are worn. Hera are three fashionable models, two for evening wear and tha other suitable for wear-lag over an elaborate gown. Is of French origin. The main part la ot fine cloth, with sleeves and rucked collar of soft satin.

la of black panne, with gathered cuffs and collar of cloth ot silver trimmed with primroses. The remaining coat la of brown crepe, trimmed with wide banda of leather, cut In small squares, and appliqued with coarse stitching. The skirt can be wide open, aa shown, or closed, and fastened by tho taba on the edges of tba drapery THE HOUSE OF ECONOMY. ARNOTT'S LATEST BISCUIT. matter appears to be this the grain of wheat, of tbe Christian Unions In Girls Secondary Schools had the produce stall.

The Uni ver Itself a perfect food, while being converted Into whlta flour loses certain substances Buy his next term's clothes at Anthony Horderns' ity Women Graduates Association ana me 'hrlFtian 1'n ion Auxiliary fMcbsrs. Etdershaw, uti ma approximate time of the murder, If murder It wus, at about eight-fifteen. The doctors agreed that the Turk might have shot himself, tha bullet having entered tha head a little distance behind the rlaht ear; and aa the man's purse, watch, and other valuables had not been token, there was ground for tha suggestion of suicide. On this point, however, Mr. Leeson had grVen some significant evidence, atronely supporting the murder theory.

Ho declared that when the Turk left the Grange be had a wallet containing some very important pApers, and neither wallet nor papers had been found. He was able to describe the wallet very minutely, but professed himself unnble to say more about the papers than that they referred to matters relating to the Bourkat succession. Only tbe most casual mention was made of tha discovery of the revolver, and at neltheri inquiry was the fact elicited that the bullet which caused death did not fit tho revolver found by his side. It was tbua an open guess that Stagnnt hsd purposely kept that back; It waa Just Ilka him; and that he had Intentionally manoeuvred the open verdict, so that he could Investigate the affair without rouelog alarm on the part of the murderer. Waa Boris at the bottom of It? That was the question uppermost In my mind.

Aa he had known the Turk was at the Grange, he might also have known what time he would leave and which way he would walk, and which are necessary for nutrition and pro DAINTY. DELICATE. per assimilation. These valuable substances are literally thrown away In order to pro Davles, and Foulton) conducted the refreshments In the Vnlon Hall. The lighting arrangements were carried out by engineering students (Messrs.

M'Candless, Burrows, duce a fine whlta flour, which may become fine white bread. We like the look of tba white loaf, we like the taste of it. there Thompson, and Millard). DELICIOUS. fore wa think the bread must be good for us, out tnat is false reasoning.

For man. THE W.C.T.U. tha animal, haa lost the instinct, which the lower animals still possess, of nourishing nimseir. He doea not know what la good to eat, but, unfortunately, he thinks he doea. Mrs.

John Macleod, Australasian president. ha vine recently returned from a visit to America, where she attended tha World's Convention, to Canada, where she acted as 4 lliw. us, VI IUJ eVdSVCI- pool School of Tropic Medicine, aada some experiments with groups of pigeons. He fed one group on white flour bread, and similar groups on whole wheat bread. Tbe "THE PRINCESS." delegate to tbe International congress or tne World League against alcoholism, and to tha British Isles.

Is now In Queensland in oonnec- pigeons fed on the white bread aoon de tlon with the campaign In preparation for tha veloped symptoms of malnutrition and sari was quite likely to know the nature of the missing papers. Wan he capable of It? He was a rotter of rotters, but murder called for some amount of pluck, even to fire a shot from behind, and I knew he waa a desperate referendum on prohibition to ba taken throughout the northern State on October 6. ous nerve derangements, while many went Into convulsions. On the other hand, the whole wheat pigeons continued healthy and Mrs. Macleod was tba principal speaker at ot normal weight In another series of many meetings last week during tha State Convention ot tbe Queensland Woman'o experiments, pigeons which had developed coward.

A raln. If he had done It. had ho taken my revolver In order to put the blame on me? Ha was quite capable of that, and he htvtcd mo, because I knew ao much about him. Christian Temperance Union, and she Is to FOR ALL FUNCTIONS. grave nervous symptoms on a white bread diet, recovered completely when they were placed on an exclusive whole wheat diet.

It waa proved beyond doubt In these and other experiments that In wheat, and In other On the other hand, he must have taken two be guest of honour at tne isew bouin vtaies Convention, from October 8 to 12, In St. Philip's Churrh Hall, Church Hill, near Wyn-rard square Sydney. On the war from Brisbane. Mrs. Macleod cereals as well, such as barley and rice, there ara Important substances which are essential will address meetings at Glen Innes.

Arml- dale, and Tamwortb, In connection with local i unions. to tbe value of tbe ara In as a food. Sclen revolvers with him: mine, to lay the false trail with, and another for tho grim job to be done. And even this waa not Impossible, seeing how unreliable mine bad proved when ha tested it. It waa a merciful providence that he bad not taken tho precaution to aea that the bores of tbe two weapons were different.

If ha bad, I should have been In a very ugly fix Indeed. H) RIGHT ROYAL PRODUCTION. This week'a mall from U.S.A. brought news tints claim that their absence In tha diet will not only cause malnutrition, but will tend to set up active disease. Therefore.

It seems to Mrs. Strang, Australian vice-president, from the world'a president, Mlsa Anna Gor that denatured food Is no food for either pueons or men. If we eat white and don, of tbe death of Mrs. uenoran Knox Livingston, one of the foremost workers and It wan a most perplexing problem, and I refined cereals, wa ougftt also to consume large quantities of other food. Particularly most girted apeaaerg oi ina worm union.

world's and national superintendent of tne waa at 111 worrying over It when my train reached Rockstnne; and there, tha unexpected happened. A Manor 'ar waa waiting for ma, and Marlon waa at the wheel. greeo vegeiaoies. aofl tr-UK, in order to sup ply tha elements lack in a. department ot Christian Citizenship, of whom Anna Gordon "in tne prima or me, It Is now stated that replacing tho white loaf with tha wholemeal loaf will not make run father with you.

Mr. aha at tbe height of her remarkable power, and ASK YOUR pROCEB FOR THEM. asked aa we ahook bunds. seemlnsTlv never more needed than to-day. ror perfection In diet, as the enthusiast ciaim.

Man requires more than bread alnne. Mrs. Livingston haa entered upon the activities that are not suuaeeded by weariness." "No, indeed. Hid you expect 'Should I be here If I did not?" "Of course not." It was enouiih for me even though the staff of life be made of good materlnl. According to tha very latest experiments made in tha United States, white bread and white flour products In combination with certain other foods form a well- that she waa there, ao I did not worry about anything else.

She possessed superlative qualities of mind and heart, waa eloquent, logical and persuasive aa a speaker, superb In her friendliness, radiant In her personality, and abso "Are you going to get In. or too afraid of my driving?" Da la need met, but whlta bread, meat, and lutely devoted to the promotion of tba tem-oerance cause and the solution of the great Boys' clothes at Anthony Horderns' are made in the firm's own workrooms for healthy young Australians, who have little regard for seams and buttons. Mothers will appreciate the prices. My answer waa practical. lumped into potatoes form a very poor diet, which will the seat by her aide.

"Good enouah!" I prohleroa which, aa a war-stricken world, we not support growth or maintain weight and vitality. Wholemeal bread and meat ara rallied. to-day ara lacing. our aensa or lose can not be described. Our enduring memorial to She started, and after running a couple of saia 10 raaKa a far better combination.

minutes on the road to the Manor, turned dear Deborah Knox Livingston must be our assurance to Ood and our pledge to one another that we ahall steadily push forward this into a by-lane and slowed down to a crawl. In this controversy between "white" and "brown, It aeema tbat both are valuable as parts of balanced diet, but the evidence polnta to the wholemeal possessing: tha BOYS' SHIRTS. ZEPHYR BANGER SHIRTS, made "Why this way?" I asked. "Don't you know this Is a short cut?" aba vitally Important department which unatlnt- BOYS from 1 aaked, with a lift of her brows. greater nutntlva value.

However, the at. reliable wearing fabric, fast dye. tacks on whlta bread seem to have a rather I know that Ita a mila or two What'a a mite or ao to a car? 1 haonened The smartest stripes on light grounds. Ingly commanaea Mrs. LiivinKston a rare ana brilliant gifts." Mrs.

Livingston had been Invited by tha Australasian executive to visit thla country at tha ooncluaton ot the Scottish no-llcenaa campaign In November, and to ba present at tha triennial convention In to ba out for a run, and when I found I waa inauostantiai foundation when wa consider tbe outback Australian, with hla diet at whlta bread, meat, and tea. Ills physique is near tbe station, and thought you mient come iusj ia a worm, makjuhib wvinn. by tha express. It waa only neighbourly to wait and aea. There ara ao few taxla for Size, 10 to 13 neck.

a 1 PRICB adv. 411 BOYS' RANGER SHIRTS, a popular fabrie, Duro dye, offered ia plain Navy or neat stripos on Nary and Butcher Hobarl at tne ana oi ODruary. thla train." OLD SYDNEIANS' DANCE, Suspicion awoka. "And Mr. Pent Up?" She laughed aoftly and shot me a aide glance.

AFTER CAKE ASSOCIATION. MOLES AND WARTS. LADIES SHOULD TAKE WARNING. I HAVE HAD MANY LADIES COME TO MB OF LATE Ut finish treating Moles tbat bad previously been treated by Inexperienced girls, and they have told that they had been going for months; the treatment they had received waa only service applications; the result is they Irritate the core of the Mole. Now, I warn you; It Is most dangerous to have these growth, treated on the surface.

They should bs treated underneath at once, and the operation ahould only be on treatment, and the mole would on a healthy person disappear on tho tenth day. I UNDERTAKE TO REMOVE THEM IN ONE TREATMENT WITHOUT SCAR OR MARK. IT IS THE EXPERIENCE OF OPERATING AND MY PHENOMENAL PRACTICE THAT HAVE MADE ME AN EXPERT AT THIS WORK. I HAVE HAD MOST WONDERFUL RE8ULTS. COMB IN, ALL WHO ARE DUBIOUS.

AND I WILL SHOW YOU MOLES THAT HAVE BEEN REMOVED, ALSO PIGMENTS OF THE SKIN. A LADY cam to me the other day, and she told me sb. went for advice, and was asked whst it was; and she replied, "That Is what I have eom to know myself." This Is where Inexperienced people sometime, ruin themselves; but make tha experienced successful. For tb brown patches are termed pigments. Tbey are simply caused through a accumulation of Iron under the ekln, aleo caused through other constitutional reactions.

A personal Interview will allow to explain more fully, and I guarantee removal. SUPERFLUOUS HAIRS. The cause of these abnormal growtba win also be explained, and I would be pisasid to give a free trial treatment when you call. .1 HAVE PERSONALLY OPERATED FOR TWENTY-TWO YEARS. MISS MAUDE MADDOCKS, SYDNEY.


Mac lu to 1st neec. PRICB each. 411 Members of tb Old 8ydnlans' Club were "Ob, one baa to take rlaka aometlmea, you know; and of course I'm just dying to bear all about Bourkat' A most successful ftl. optnsd br Mr. Scott careful to Keep everything "just school" at tb danc held lo the Sydney Grammar School F.1I.

waa oraanlsod br Mlsa 8. F. IrTlns-Cum- BOTH WHITE MERCERISED SHIRTS, with collar and pocket attached, or with Suspicion strengthened. "Where la Mr. Pant- mlnss sod tb commute of tb Nortb Syda.r on Baiuroay evening.

Tne big schoolroom, Up?" neckbands. wun its new nooring, waa usea for danclnl "Ha may he at home by thla time." aha re branch of tb AItr-l'ar Association at uains-ford Lodr on Saturday afternoon. Tbe stall. supper was served In on of the classrooms neck. 12-12 plied casually.

THE "DURHAM" SUIT. TBS "BUSH-AM" SUIT. A smart dressy suit fur your boy to wear on but" occasions. The coat has patch pockets, and belted back; knickers are plain, or have band and button. To lit boys 8 to 16 years.

In English' and Australian Tweed, dark shades of Grey and Brown. PRICES 228, 34, S66, (2, 16, to 66. In Rongb. Serge, Indigo dye. PRICES 42, 48, 476.

In Fine Bib Navy Berge. PRICES 686, 60, 66. Band and Button Knickers, 26 extra. THE "PARISIAN" SUIT, THE "PARISIAN" SUIT. These suit will be found remarkably serviceable; the senma are strongly sewn and the finishing! are perfect.

For smaller boys, up to 9 years. Coat baa pleated front, half-belt at back, open at neck. The knickers are plain. In neat Dark Fancy Tweeds. PRICES 316, 336, 44.

In Fine Bib Berge, Indigo dye. PRICE 46. THE "SCOUT" SUIT. THB "BOOTJT" SUIT. Any youngster's heart will leap with delight when he is presented with this "Scout" Rtilt.

Mother will And it moat durable. The cost has patch pockets and buttons at neck. The knickers may be worn with a belt, and they also have bottom for braces. Ia Dark Fancy Tweeds. PRICES 82, 87, 30.

Ia Dark Faner Worsted. PRICE 30. Ia Fin Rib Nary Berge. PRICE 326. Ia Nary Flannel.

PRICB 826. Boys' Raits, around Floor, Carriaes Paid in NJ9.W. and to nearest nort on and the music waa supplied by the school Jai band. It was a very lolly evenlna. tbe at wer all well stocked, and were In tbe ssrden, tha beaut, of which was furthor enhanced In out you said you vera expecting him by my 11111 43 13 13 49 Site PRICES PRICES 48 14-14 seek.

411 train. tb evening by a brilliant schema of electric Did IT I though I only aaked If he waa tendance being confined almost entirely to younger members of tb dancing et. Tbe with you." lighting. Among tno many aiau wer mo followlnc: Produce (Mrs. Beams and Mlsa neaamaster, Mr.

H. 8. Dattmaa, was present, 'That won't do. I asked you ir you vera with Mra. uettman, whose gown of black ROTS' STRIPED BEPP SHIRTS, with Peter Pan collar attached.

This is indeed Brodrldse): nower (Mrs. Bona ana Mise expecting him. and your reply was, 'Bnouia i ba georgette, trimmed with black and silver bro, Brodrldae). tearoom (Miss Taranto and Mrs. here If I weren't? cade, waa worn under a Palsleycloak with Everett), sweets (Mrs.

Moodle), Spinning jenny That was a question, not a statement Mr. (Mr. Ad. creel, vegeiaoi (sirs, uonaam, collar and bordering of fur. Mrs.

H. 8. Storey wore a gown of black charmeus and Lawyer." seek, neck. a very dressy shirt. Sires PRICES Rizcfl PRICES "Well where la h7" 12-12 68 14-14 6 hoop-la (Mrs.

Mills). Mrs. My wasy ww ner of the scon competition. 63 13-13 68 "How can 1 possibly know? It'a a coupla ot georgette, beaded In wnit. Mrs.

Hyna file-son's gown wa. of black ebarmeuee. Vr. Cnas. Ludowlcl wore black brocaded moro hours ainca I left the Manor." NEAR AND FAR.

cam; Mrs. Stewart, black eharmeuse: Mrs Car. TN TUBES OR MRS. fra. aalmon morocaln; Mra E.

Ludowlcl, black "Do you mean that ha waa there when yoa left?" She stopped tha ear. "That's tba footpath to tba Manor. If you're In such a hurry." and cnarmeuse and Miss M'Shane, powder-blue cabaret will be Introduced (or tba first taneia; ansa st. Kose, lemon georgette; Miss her deen blue eves challenred me. time In tha Sydney Town H11 at tha Golf BOYS' STRIPED HARVARD 8B3BTB, with collar aad pocket attached.

Site 11-11 J-l PRICES 46 4 Rite 1313 14-14 neck. PRICES 411 63 Boys' Shirts, Ground floor. Lorna Bull, heliotrope morocaln: Mlsa In view of my talk with blm about her. tbara Ludowlcl, jade green georgette; Miss Eleanor waa, of courae, only one right thing to do- ihA mv rllMfi nr oval hv title In tha oath. But lonng, old rose crepe do Chine; Miss Muriel I didn't do lu I aat tight and laughed.

1 waa Merlin, whit satin; Miss Joan Ludowlcl, eau de nil, embossed crepe do Chin; Miss Yvonne Plttar, green brocaded taffeta; Mlsa Joyc interstate uraera, mere plastic clay. With a delicious ripple of a laugh, aha drove Ludowlcl. green embossed morocaln: Mlse All, Ths Fee Creams ar ear) light, non-greasy, snd spreeo with gnat facility. readily absorbed la tb skls-nd to which L. T.

PI'" FACB POWDER adheres ft-fctlr. Ideal after wrlsl Motoring, Tennis. Golf, ste. Their sn I Hvglen'e. Supplled Hi tb odouri.

LB TREFLB. FLORAMT1. SAFRANOS rOMPEIA, PERIS. St. on Lamb, old rose charmause; Mis.

Storey, on. fTo ha continued.) LADIES! Guard your skin from Winter Wind by tb frequent application of T. Plvar'a FACE CREAM Lux. A clear and beautiful Complexion can be ensured by tb systematic us ot tbese chole preparations In conjunction with tb tqulslt FACE POWDERS of this famous bou. Tb NAME Is th guarantee of quality, Obtainable at all Chemists snd Stereo.

Anthony HorderiuSonsLimited oiu anu pina georgette; sirs. iNmaidsoa, black and silver lac gown; Mies Lillian Mar Ball on October e. Artiste irom an tne leea-Ing theatres will glva their aervlces, and Mr. Hugh Ward ana Mr- KrI Dr wl" 10 charge. Lady Forbes Robertson will eon-duct an auction of glfta In tba 'Winter garden of tha Australia on Friday, between I and p.m..

In aid of tba funds. Members of tha various golf clubs wishing ta attend tha ball are requested to purchase tickets aa Boon aa possible. Tha proceeds of tha danca will ba given to tha Prince Alfred capital. Ibsen' "Ohosta will ha produced In tha Palace Theatre for a season of Tuesday and Thursday matinees, tha first of which, next Thursday, will ba In aid ot tha Warrlaoo Wander HM In OaiMraa. tin, pink and gold shot taffeta.

Tb organising commute for tli dene In- A eomprehenslva talk en Alsare-Utrraln was delivered by M. Bder Trade Commissioner for Prance, at tha Inatltut da Conversation rluded Messrs. C. O. Hill, C.

H. Miller, O. Heston. and a. it.

Herring, other "eld boys' Pranralsa last Monday. Members now meet present wer II. I. P. Storey, Mr.

SYDNEY box 1712 at the Cafe Ecossate. Phlllln-street. Commun Hyn Gibson. -Mullens, jo Carrutbars. BRICKFIELD HILL Phone Cty 9440 imt Ity singing.

Interspersed with recitations by Mile. Sagaart and M. rranck, will Included Symoads, M. M. Newman, Jock Roeeell.

Go. BTOiliiKiiailtiH leu, m. a. lufMlsl, seiUags, aad Cawdary. Bast Monday programme..

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