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The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia • Page 10

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

10 THE SYDNEY MOOTING HERALD, TUESDAY, JANUART 31, 1922. GERMAN ENGINEERS. THE ELECTIONS. the But day there waa stiff breeze blowing, and it wai decided to anchor there until all the canto and aear. much ol which had been SHEFFIELD SHIELD MATCH.

PBAGUE A CENTRE, AMERICAN LETTER; AN UKRAINIAN UNIVERSITY. ANGLO-IRISHCOMPACT. hurriedly loaded, waa made secure. Leaving Grave tend the aame afternoon. It waa dis-f covored that there were detects Id the wiro-! PRfYRART V.

APPTT Jl less plant, and the noxt day the ablp was put AlVf XJIXULj JLLj O. into fibeerneea for the necessary repairs, (Br OUB CORRESPONDENT.) The city of Prague, onpltal of Czechoslovakia, Is fast becoming the centre ct Slavlo cultural progress, Jut as It had been NEW YORK, U.S.A.. Dec. in iu miuoie GOVERNMENT ACTION COMMENDED. HOBART, Monday.

A deputation from tho Empire Trade Defence Association waited on Senator Barle, Acting Minister for Home and Territories, today, to oiprcss their appreciation of. the atand taken by the Federal Government In declining niinur rinrman engineers intonded to PREMIER'S POLICY SPEECH. rrum inert) two anya laier toe exyiorerB wure given another rousing send-off. The next call was at Plymouth, where the last of the stores were taken aboard, and where M'Leod, coming on board to talk to bla old companions, finally asked permission to star with the ship. He was signed on, and on University was tne locussinc point ot in.

American hli Intellectual life of Central and Eastern Wry during tho Inst few weeks occurred I. Europe. To-day the youth of all the Slavlo London, when tho compact between countries are concentrating In this beautiful Britain and Ireland was signed tm. i city, which offers them such excellent educa- ln fc ln tlonal opportunities. A unlvorslty for the .7., V.

16 n8Vttl 8sret Ukrainians who. on account of tho conditions v0 negotiated between Japan and eilstinK in their own country, found refuge British Emplro and the United Sti. Tho Premier (Mr. Dooley) was busily en naiuraay, eeptemoer 24. the party bade tare cashed vesterdav on Ma nolle aneech.

He wen io cngiana. 'superintend the erection of a briquet making plant ai Morwell to land. Tncy earn mej failed to see the necossity of bringing In Germans when equally competent men could be obtained In Great Britain, Franso, or Bel In Czecho-Slovakla, was established laet that something which approaches a UuT month at Prague. The solemn Inauguration imB hctn enUei ol the collegium of professors of the now affBir, al w1 university was bald in tho Institute for Na- tural KoBonrch which Is attached to tho Czech "6 Anglo-Irish compact to tho United 6t.t The expedition waa largely financed by Mr. BgBin declined to aay when It would be da- Ui "T'' Sir Ernest, aa aha swung out of St.

Katber- Ther6 Deen Pralatent rumour lately Ina'a Docks In London, and proceeded to run that tbe Premier had fixed hla policy apeech the gauntlet of oountiesa thousands of cheers far Friday next. Although Mr. Dooley would from either bank of the Thamca. not make any announcement. It was ascer- slr Ernest talnod definitely that the apeech will not be signed photographs of tho King and Queen, and a Bilk Union Jack, which was presented to eve" on Friday.

It may stand over till him by bis Majesty. Tho ship's "mascot" was the following week, and It la unlikely University. Tbe uiocuo-HiovaK roroign ijicouuh cnccis or tbe Anglo. Minisiry, ine piimsiricB ui uuu nuiericun Uuatrs. Tn.

Commerce, the Czech Academy of Arts nod historic hatred of Englund by Sclonco of the City of Prague, and tho Czech University were all represented at this signl- 1 runt 'Ml nAan. American international relations for m.n a. that It will be aet down for a Friday. a black kitten. gium.

I Senator Earle said the Cabinet held very I much the aamo views aa those expressed by I the deputation, and waa very reluctant to grant permission for the men to land. The matter belonged to the Prime Minister's. department, and lie thought It was not wise for him to I make any statement jut then. There wero two sides to the cuse, but he assured them tbe circumstances would have to bo very com-- pelllng Ueforo theso men would be allowed to land. The rector (president) of the now Ukrainian cades.

No body ot voters has been moro kii. University is Professor Dr. Kolessa, who de- conscious than the Irish, and few have hid llvered an Interesting inaugural address con- Bpokesraen In positions ot more oernlng the relations of both theso people in To lha in-tbe past and In tno present time. ln his lsh dislike of EoflaM Several Parliamentarians yeaterday expressed the opinion that tho poll would be taken on Saturday, April 8. BREAKERS AHEAD.


SPLENDID LEADERSHIP speech he pointed out that friendly inter- a largo proportion of th. 1 popular opposition to the League of Natlooi. The entire course of Aniprlmn fnri. pxt p-' i ilutlous would have been dlfforfnt icent years lmd it been possible tu rrmove th. corrosive Influence of that ancient grudw Americans have been iutercsteil in the hm Ing of tbe old wound which kept Kusllshmc.

unu insnmeu in hostile because a seemed bolli right nnd for tho nations primarily affected. But ih interost of this country tins aluo bern sclfisb Hardly an Important American lssu. comealle or foreign, has escaped the befuddling effect, of this affair. Schools questions, natters of municipal politics, state elections, and natlooil problems of varying character, have all been rendered moro difficult by the llislit of Irlh men for freedom. American Issuus have been a man 01 extraordinary pcruuoiuiiy.

leader of men, and a In these Speaking at a branch meeting of the Pro-words Captain Frank Hurley, who as a mem- testant Federation in tbe Petersham Town ber of Sir Ernest Shackleton's expedition to Hall, Mr. J. Wilson, M.L.A. said that crlml-the Antarctic In 1914, shared all the prl- nal negligence on the part of the people had vat ions of the great adventure, described tbe created the present conditions, and now a famous explorer when interviewed in Sydney chance was to bo given them of putting yesterday. things right.

If they failed to do It tbey In recalling bts close association with the must take the consequences, and It would be dead leader. Captain Hurley touched upon ridiculous to blame the politicians for the Incidents that occurred when the party was disasters that would certainly follow If the in dire perl), that drew from those under his present Government was returned to power, command a profound admiration of his sterl- Trade depression was everywhere manifesting qualities, his superb courage in times of Ing Itself, and there was a want of confidence danger, and the unconquerable spirit that generally In regard to the future of our ln-eventually saved the 28 members of the ex- dustrles. The State was In the throes of the pedltlon from a terrible fate. most serious crisis In Its history. There The story of the trials and blighted hopes wore breakers ahead, and only wIbo leadership of this expedition as told by Captain Hurley on the part of those in authority could keep himself to a "Herald" reporter last night the State off the rocks.

LOVE MISSES ONE OF HARTKOPF'S GOOGLIES. Tho ball Just missed the stumps, but rebounded from tho wlcketkeeper'a pads on to tbe wicket. subordinated and clouded. it n-in h- measureless gain if tbe settlement which Prime beinK a candidate) throughout the electorate INCREASE IN. BANKRUPTCY.

into la negotiating should bring actual peace and goodwill to aelect three anti-Labour candidates. THE MU.UBAY. NAVAL AGREEMENT. CREDITORS' LOSS, 5,517,000. What Is described as an inevitable effect ney said that it a man acted conscientiously and did his best he ahould be given credit, if Mr.

Wearne had aucceeded he would have been a "good man," but when he lost some pooplo wanted to hang him. Mr. J. L. Maroney also urged joining with the Nationalists if it would close up tho ranks and promoto unity.

Mr. Tout said that bis personal feeling anil business interests were opposed to his of affords a splendid example of polar expiora-! tfon In which insuperable dimcuities mat The International arrangement which hart resulted from the work of the Limitation barred the way to tbe great goal were over of the trado depression has been a heavy In Arms Conference have brought great eatii- ALBVRY, Monday. The political campaign for the reprosonw-tlon of tho Murray threatens to produce bad blood In both Labour and anti-Labour camps. Althnnvh th. Iwn retiring Rtitl-LabOUr BlStil- LABOUR OBJECTIVE.

"COMPLETE SOCIALISATION." come determination, courage, and endur DCe THE LAST EXPEDITION. crease In Insolvency in Great Britain. Tbe failures In 1920. totalling 2016, were much fering nimselt as candidate, but it eecom taciion 10 nimofii an Americana. The naval agreement has been welcomed by all who have publicly expressed their views.

The reduction In tho sizes ot t'le navies has appealed especially to the large business i "I was camped on the shores 'of the Gulf, ftf itaninlf will. Wangles nictloa aalrl "The Socialist selections so far show that Captain Hurley, "when a native carrier on tne new objective of this party, as adopted more than double tho number recorded in 1919, and tho estimated liabilities and loe3 to creditors Increased In still greater proportion. The year 1021 witnessed a further marked rise, and with the basis of the figures which have bsen gravely concern at the tlx of tho tax bill. Tho sentiment lu favour of disarmament has been an overwhelming bers, Messrs. Ball and Kllpatrlck, oxpreaseJ ig candidate would assist In defeating thj a dcslra to work In harmony In order lo present OoveraMcnt he was prepared to maks guard against tho prospect of Labour securing; ony sacrifice.

Ho added: "I deeply regret two of the throe seats, a larse number ot tjle present 8put between tbe antt-socialiBtic branches of the Farmers and SettlerB Aso- f0rPe8; uut jf go before the electors I can elation In Rlverlna have taken up a position ony d0 BO gs a country mani anii must re-of unconiprising hostility towards ne man country man tor time. jf olected Natlasiallsl-ProgresBivo coalition. In two or t0 jnrnmcnt i would be prepared to support three branches a split in tho 1 armors u.itl ln0 Nationalists in any action llkoly to de-SottlerB' Association occurred, notably at fcat tl), partv, or help keep theio Corowa, where aeveral leading members or in p0wor BO long as aii not infringe th.) ncss it is to watch the irrowth (f iublir for the first bIx months It is anticipated that the total number of Insolvencies In 1921 will be approximately equal to that of 1914 horseback rode into camp and banded me a mciouurno ana more recently in Brisbane, cable message. It came from Sir Ernest HaB een endorsed," said tbe deputy leader Shackleton, inviting mo to Join bis 'last' ex- of the Opposition (Mr. Oaken), yesterday, pedltlon.

I at once motored back to Sydney "This Is a big step forward for the ex- and embarked for Buenos Aires, where I tremlBt section, and shows that Mr. M'Girr arrived the duy after the expeditionary ves- has gaugod tho feelings of the industrialists sel Endurance, which had left London about better than some of tbe moderates In the three weeks previously. Thus It came about party. It is evident that Mr. Dooley, the that I met Sir Ernest Shackleton.

My first Premier, wilt have to move more quickly and Impression of him was that ho was a man do things, or. In view of the mandate that nt linflnircrlntr (ctArmltiAtliin. nf a. strong Mr. M'Girr now Hah Hm will liA rmnhori nut tlracut.

reported to the Arlmiuit ration that the interest in a reduction nf armaments had attained the proportions of a ti-ial wave. Thai namely. 4G43. Out of 83 trades or occu-1 th branch roslened as a orotest ugainst the irnlVA nerv-. nniinv Mr Tnnt aaidlPatlons 72 show an Increase of liabilities, gave me grc-nt uneasiness.

Set. rotary Hughes's bold proposals an-i tht ymailng exclusive uwimuw mo rinn. tnai ne would not consent to stanu as on-i "ssrcsanuK nu wiu not support tne conutiuu. of a number of antl-SoclallBt candidates In crease amounting to 368,338. Failures with personality, which Instinctively drew one to- "It is Just as well to let the public know bronchea members threaten to nreaic away i tj10 Nationalist and Progressive interests, 'the larxest aggregate liabilities and showing hrfinptlAM momhpr'H threaten LO breaK aWay -L Va(nnnat nn UxnnrnaaluA llltltrnatlt Ll.

.1 1 wurrifl htm Kn wnn nlrMnsr In inn iniintrn or that WhAn til ah a vpntlomon (inrl ttiMi mm. a work nv arrnnirnment 18 not CUiiie iu no wlilnh Ua nnnnlrinnnil uni In rn. 1 wrun mm. nv iu iuo iuuubu wutiu mono tueir imuSoiuui ip 'iuus ficutivuien una uup- uiMug wiiica, lie consiaereu, wouiu result in lou- ith nPirit npr-flqflH flR rnmnnrnd with 1919 the Plaxu Hotel. Burrounded by a brilliant portera went to the country In 1920 tho ob-1 means of consolidating the anti-Labour ote.

fUMd votlnK and the certafn return of two esJ J' rBerehanlfl occurred among corn, flour, merchants, assemDiage or omciais irom houid American jeccive or tne party was a mild tning com- mere nas aiso ocen trouoie over or three Labour candidates. He favoured tw- republics. His personality dominated tho pared with that of to-day. To-day, everyone selection. After the representatives of the progressives and one Nationalist candidate, gathering.

Coon my arrival ho immediately euDnortlna Doolev and M'Girr in hound br. local leaeue so looted Messrs O. A. Bell (Al- Inft th cither in it and dlsnusitPrl the nlana of Pnnfrnia rlAMalnna whloh aa olioorl stnnrf hnrv). Iiclt IVVnusa).

and Qullty (Wag- with liabilities of 293.48"), as compared with 35,384 in 1919; directors and promoters of public companies 636,957. as comparod with 90,858: boot and shoe makers and dealers 156,929, as compared with merchants (general und produce! 852,599. tbe expedition- I took an Instant liking to for complete socialisation of all industry and.gaj, the central executive declared the selec- a of all industry and the central executlvo deciarea me COALITIONISTS SUPPORTED. MOLONO. Monday.

BUCCUHM W1IICU lUIIOWUU DftVC, IIDHi VIT, IX-QlOVeti that element c.f conenrn. Alrnndy the Limitation of Arms ConTereneo ha resultr-4 in moro definite progress than most practical people expected at tlio first me It has given the Administration great prestige In Uo country The opposition th- lunr-I'owtr agreement' which has arisen in ih. ii supcrflclully of tho same rhiiraetr iind source nn that which led to the. rejection uf ihf Treaiy of VerHailloc. But the difference i.

enormuus. Prosldent Harding will havo t)i nujority of both tbi and Urrncrfttir supporting hia treatiev. S. r.itors R.l and Borah, who for ilift'erine reasons bave already spoken in opposition lie new trentlos. uro the mcmbcra of a well-nigh negligible minority.

Tho most element of iinu-iciitism Is Btfiw--, and exchange. In-Ulon bogus and selected the sitting to-day, we are to, Mr. W. J. O'Brien.

Mr. W. J. Boston, a of what is mer member for Wagga, and Mr. Qullty, ot vue mao.

woicn an iime pamieu uy, ripouvu proauction, UlBtriDUtlon, into a close friendship and comradeship. i stead of craft unions, i as compared with miscellaneous At a meeting of the district branch of the "wnilst all went well with the cxpeaition have the O.B.U., the creation creation bis bright and ready wit Infused into us a called an Election Supreme Economic Couo-! Wugga. The sitting member did not submit Graziers' Association, Mr. O. H.

Bow- metal workers plrlt. of hopefulness and cheerfulness, Wo cll which will control all the nationalised name for selection when the local leagues hay (Yeoval) moved a resolution commending 'St mtC wore as happy as a ship load of schoolboys lodustrles. dealt with the matter. Many members ot the tho action of the eight members of the Pro- 170,137, as compared with 2b 188 miscel- ih. nAiAotinnn for country gresslve party in coalescing with the National- laueoua clothing and textile trades 497,059, "Ih It anv wonder, then, that whnn thn con as we lorceq our way tnrougn ice-girt Bean IIENDRT BOWLED BY McDONALD.

constiuencIeB being mado In Sydney, holding Ists. The chairman, Mr. W. O. Haynes, re- towards our destination.

It was on Sir ference had fastened on in the official nartv fused to accent the resolution, whereupon Mr. that the matter should be left entirely to the electorate leagues. Bowhay moved a motion dlBsentlng from his ruling. This was carried, and the motion was then put and carried on the voices. course between-the Czech and the Ukrainian to bc ln tne reactions ot who, he-people has continued through long centuries, cause of tho Anglo-lrih are Etill As far back as the fifteenth century there hostile to any treaty with Great Mritain.

Th existed In Prnguo an institute for Ukrainian bargain which Pn-siileni Ihirdma ha? ubuincl Ernest Shackleton's 43rd birthday when wo tho above objective that Mr. Theodore, the reached furthest south, and bofore us an Premier of Queensland, who was a delegate. Is illimitable expanse of unbroken Ice. By a reported to have said: 'Now you have changed cruel fate tbe ice floes compacted, and larked the objective you might as well change the Ihe Endurance within their grip. Nothing name of tho Labour party, and call it the daunted, Sir Ernest Shackleton, with bis pick "Communist party." So the pesple of this and shovel, at tho head ot members ot tbe state can readily see what danger lies ahead expedition, went down on to the Ire floes of them if Messrs, Dooley and M'Girr succeed MUEKUMBIDGEE.

Mfnr Mnrtin Planners. M.L.A.. and J. J. WESTERN" SUBURBS.

youths, which was counected with the I'raeuo undeniably a snbpttiuto lor Anclo-Jap aneau treaty. The ouiltrmions entails ar quito different from those wbieii ir.horent Lyons (selected Labour candidates) have noti university. ine new Ukrainian University of Prague has tho same significance and im- nnrtnnon tn ha lene V.v The Independent candidate for the Western fied, the A.L.P. executive mat air. jiaunwj In tho former agreement whieu proved of to cut a passage ior tne snip, ror iwu uttyis at tne pons.

win nir ihn number one Labour votes and Suburbs. Mr. A. O. Huie.

speaking and nignts we wonted tin iatigue overiooa ni K.nmtirn. Amnnnflinnti inn nu.MBBitv- but without success and so by this unfor ganisatlons for the maintcnanco of the Ciech l0 schools (Ustrcdni Matlce Skolska) was to the i 2hll n.Vl rnnha (n tl.o nlnalaamh Britain, OnU Willie lllC l'LII'tii Mr. Lyon, the number two votes ubuou. ot opening up tne unused or par WELFARE OF EX-SOLDIERS: tunate circumstance tho efforts ot two years of concentration on the planning of the voyage ths electorate. Mr.

Lyons Is a farmer In tho Lyndhurst district. sine tiuring wiih V'- mutual, Tiiai rea-prof''saioDal iin'i ih Itvclibo'jd thanked President Masaryk and tho Czecho Urltaln docn obtain lisation Ih unpleasant to I'je slovak Government, as well ns the city of master us QUESTIONS FOB CANDIDATES. enemies of Britain, many of nurturing nf this enmity a rourc, tially used land near existing railways by a tax on laud values apart from Improvements, without exemptions and graduations, and applied, to all land within the State. The enhanced value given to land by railway construction, which was at present pocketed by private individuals, should be appropriated by tho Stato by charging tbe Interest on the cost ton's 43rd birthday. Then a long drift in tho ship began.

For ten months we were at the WEST WYAIyONO, saturuay. Mr. O. A. L.

Wilson, a returned soldier and president of the Bland Shire, has been selected by the Clesr Kldge (Wyaloncr) bram-h of tho Farmers and Spttlers' Association for nomination In the Progressive interests for the The New South Wales executive of the Ro- tlirnii.l anlsllaea' Ijidni hna asrroo.1 A nsA. mercy of the ice floes. "To seo one's hopes and ambitions end In nnnni auh.hrnnh nfflpinio in Via vori.n failure waa not evident on the countenance of electorates should ask all candidates in thef Murrumbldgeo scat. of railway and tramway construction to land values inBtead of to tramc, rrelgnts and fares our leaner, uunus mm ujiuB tnu forthcoming elections series of clearly a-the games and dissipated the gloom ami do- flned questions concerning tho welfare of ro- preBomu uib uuw wuut w'''- turned mon. EASTEHN SUBURBS.

Mr ni'Dnnald will stand as a Coalition to be proportionately reduced. Theso two measures would do away with the present artificial scarcity of land. his buoyant spirit geniality, and fellowship. slble. Tho other speakers Included the rector tbe Lnltc'1 MalCS- ot the Czech University, Professor Dr.

Kemec, DOMESTH" KVKM who wished the bost of success to tho new university, nml representatives of tho International affairs hsive (i.u.iafi(i'Ael Bulgarian, 'White Russian. Jugo-Slav, Karpa- donjestiu events of ldtr. Tt tho-Kussian, Circassian, Georgian, and Ukrai- Congress, which began tills 'in- a e-nlan eidents. Czecho-Slovuk and Ukrainian b''e'1 uniiroductivo of Inip rt.i nntional anthems were sung as a lilting con- Tbn lalllr measure Ih still in to the ceremony little immediate prospect of in Ti- It is an Interesting "fact that thero are at 'BI" was by the n.i-. i il j.t-t tho present time over 21,000 students iu the Drlor adjournment, vlmitHftration Hragiio University and Polytechnic High School, studying law, medicine, electrical en- glneerlng.

chemistry, commercial science ir- Al" tho chltecture. agriculture, phllosophv, literature ot ma 'r hi.i.. n. ously enough the seniiment unintcc iiamlera Some of the questions will deal with the proposal to repeal the Soldiers and Sailors RmnlAVmAnl An 1Q9ls unrl lha panrllrlntcn will ON HIS METTLE. Progressive for the Eastern Suburbs.

ENROLMENT COMPULSORY. "it was not oniy mwsr mo uvei.ruvi.iuu asked to have tne prescrioeo noara op-ur ihip that the man was on his mettle. pointed to carry out the spirit of tho Act. NEWCASTLE. The State Electoral Office is taking every jtiere, wnn tne iivvo ui muii omns, ship wrecked and 300 miles from the nearest PROGRESSIVE RALLY.

OOULBURN. Monday. land, with scarcely any food, we never lost faith In our leader to decide tho ultimate Issue of our lives. After numerous struggles to reach land the prospect had to be aban aWa! "1 cm, to be favourable lo a forcl ilSi uf that NKWCASTLE, Monday. The following Labour candidates have been selected to contest the Newcastle ceata at the forthcoming electlona; J.

M. Baddeley, H. J. Connell. M.L.A..

A. Lewis, D. Murray, M.L.A.. and D. Watson.

PRAISE FOR MR. WEARNE. opportunity to impress upon citizens tnat tne recent amendment of the electoral law makes' enrolment compulsory. As part of the de-j ipartmental efforts In this direction, it has been arranged that a notice drawing atten-j tton to thn fact that failure to enrol 1b breach of the law will bo displayed on the 1 screen at every picture show in the State! throughout tho coming week. refnpn tmm Mlc that overshadow ng debt on titc tii Jave chosen ProRuo tno attemnt to repay these A well-attended Progressiva) rally carried to doned owing to tne "'unanimously a vote of confidence In Mr.

Rut- ruOU OI. nep own wmtry the lntercat would cv.m.l.ui. in -T 5 present urriDia arm. wsuns six consistent to the principles on which he was YOUNG, Monday. Th.

Vnitnv branch of the Farmers and rlT liberal akt on0 haou- 13 undoubtedly writing efl tranm -h 7 they mar these accounts. The most wnirii may bo rt i ear" at hoped for is a funding scheme which ieleri Si .1 A tlle tho real problem lu the future. Hotel, near the University, thero is largo Industrial affairs aro mending konowhst reading-room, refreshments and recreation Secretary Hoover has that at least room, besides other noeosiary offices. A good a million and a half wage-earners arc square meal Is provided for any student who employed who would not hav- ragased Is able to pay the very modest rate charged. but for the activity of the rrerldenfs Con- 7 elected, and could not in justice lo niB con-has It ever been my lot to have met.

His tlBents conIe.e wlth any other party. He one thought was the safety ot his men. Plans WM (n fayour of reauclng members' salaries were formulated and overy possible contin- re t0 a ouestlon, he Btatod Settlers' Association has decided to nominate YOUNG, Monday. The Young branch of the Australian Labour Party has endorsed Mr. Dooley's action urging that the elections should be held at an early date.

It was decided to ask for a con Mcdonald shatters scott's wicket. Mr. Hugh Main, as a i-rogreBHive candidate for Cootamundra. Discussing the political situation, Mr. O.

S. Whiteman, secretary of the Burragorang S. Whiteman, secretary 01 me uurBuran8 gency worked out. fcven men, not satisneu that h) hd a penny above with his own decisions he formed council 600 but dt1 not consider that other memnera ference to deal with tno Tt.mmlm.l A rim. resumn- i th-.

nad acted wrongly in taxing tne increase. members of tbe upper House wno mcnuies n. aw mhant A cnnuPHC TrPTTHV Council, said that tho city Progressives had themselves from the Joint sitting of both as compared with timber merchants EASTERN SUBLICBS IliLhUlIUiN. iiieiuuer. ui iii.

usp.r -Kw oil. BAOITOV OTTT)TTTTa TPTTnTJ tlon Is reported from many quarters Labour, failed when the test cams to support coun BATHURST. TO THE EDITOR OF THE HERALD. our desperate plight. In the night ho would frequently call out In his Bleep and then awake me and discuss some incubus that troubled his mind about some unforeseen position that had arisen.

Houses on tho occasion of tne senate seiec- t0WaraB 26 urants ueieat. HARDEN Monday OB against 147,876 ln 1919. and financial At a well-attended meeting of the Farmers ae.6nt"9.1' s.itt. hr.neh motion was carried As regards numbers, the list Is headed by mon waa CYCLHTO AND WEESTUHG. MIXED PROCn.tjntK AT SPORTS CROl'ND.

however, is still being liiiuidJteil. tno tcrmrnu-tlon of Federal supervislr.ti of the labour relations of the packing Industry was autckly followed by1 a reduction In v. nK'3 nnl the calling of a strike which now is beirs bitterly contested. The railroad strik" was salely BATHURST. Monday.

8lr, "Coalitionist," writing in to-day's try Ideals. Mr. L. R. Tlerney said it would be God help New South Wales it the present Government were returned.

Their main objective should be to defeat them. He predicted that If tho bsBlc wage was applied to T-nrnl workers men would not bc able to get Herald," says that unless Colonel Onslow The Bathurst Electorate Labour Council met a WitUmwani! on Raturdav to select three "Eventually the Ico noes freed us ana .1 the irSnYi Tclhw and carried the Endurance to the open sea. Three candidates. About 30 delegates were present, small boats were launched, and It was then A motion was carried that a ballot be taken for tTh ec- Next came bakers (146), builders (112). tailors ther Progresslve-Coalltlon candidates tor 71 "W.t.

TnS. averted, but the railroad issues are stlli be-J dele- (M). publicans and hotelkoepers (97), drapers and taa hl. BUDDOrters that ES "nS fought out by the manors and b. WTetlllni was approving of co-operation between tne na for Eastern Suburbs and tells hla supporters that Both and pro7e.i;i work.

They would not starve, however, auditions. Mr. A. J. Newson was appointed dele KS: mat sir earnest ooacKieion rose io u.

nuprewo wthln 14 days, nut it waa reBcinaea on Mr. level. He kept all threo boats together In vomth. who renresented the P.L.L. oxnlain- after giving him one voto they must give the jor.

1,1 tiic nevertheless, has undi.Jlledly passed, it would mean bloodshed. Mr. Lougblan's Igate to the district council meeting at Young A mor i.nnrt Kill, he added, would cause a drop vbi, a (45), clothiers (40). milliners and dress the lce-Btrewn sea, a taBk that was almost that as the election would be held as liniinnrl human flnmnlluhmitnt rtiit )lf 1 wa. arivlanhlo hat ho WOlaliONGONG.

Monday. prices snd the ruination of the money mar- makers (40), greengrocers (40), fishmongers (39). boot and shoe makers (38). next four to his tne WlTOrt men raring in Hai i this neld, as elsewhere, the tedious Notionalists of Eastern Suburbs should re- 1 position, through ol hi. Journey toward normal relations is being and run a fllth Nationalist "'enly collapalng.

II. v. WcWr. who made. Rrnput! Rlttlnv In the stern of our small craft.

fmir candidates and forward ivt. If they could beat Labour by Join- Aid. Norman Smith, Mayor of Wollongoug. woman bankrupts numbered 104, as com- has been nominated by tne Kan way ana i ram- eeo noraiimitm uj "A nnrad with iu In Iftia. TwMi.l.t1v kept the boat within Bight and shouted them to the executive for endorsement.

The ling with the Nationalists, he Bald, they would out to the crews words of comfort and resulted in tho selection of the fol- do so. They must bo united against tho mirjtffPmAnt. To this dav I it as Thn Pnmlr Mr. Tlnolevl. 27- Mr.

RnrtnliKt Government. candidate. Incidentally Colonel Onslow is tno Tvo othw rdcr; Er Km I'S nthnlhnr Ihn term "fnllow-Natlon- i (iurlnc the same rap. aI3Q lcu way workers union or tne soum voaai iu Labour Interests for the Wollondilly olactor-iot tea i dabtora bad no oeeupation, as UCI. inw INDEX.

a miracle how we all managed to reach Ele Carl Johnson, M.L.A., 21; Mr. C. A. Kelly I Dofending Mr. wearne action, mr.

ner- year. Tbe trades in which the greatest nutu allsts IS rignt, out ne IS a rrusieetu.w, uv comn.Hli,n, iniKn, due tne has "the fault fLSS. XrT'S her or failures among women occurred were Drapers and haberdashers, erdashers, THS WEATHER. NEWS. 11; milliners and of the Dutch, ho gives too little and asks "Tiier" llyne.

en the proeramine, was grocers. schoolmistresses. too He Is willing In give Onslow nSt con- fifth vote of the Nationalists, but wants l.t 0 d'eanvc position 'dressmakers. 13: SHACKLETON EXPEDITION. 14; clothiers, costumers, publicans, and con publicans, and E'aze.

phant Island. But that the task was accomplished was solely due to the superb qualities of our leader. The privations of this voyage can never be adequately described. Nearly all tbe party ButTe.ed from mental aberration, and all were frlghtfuly frost-bitten. NO THOUGHT FOR HIMSELF.

"Even In this hour or trial Sir Ernest Shackleton forgot all thought of himself. I feetloners, 3 eacn, A Great Explorer American letter In return the second, third, fourth, and fifth Wrestling Match. -j. Clarke (yz) Progressive vote. The fifth vole Is worth (U.S.A.): dark, won the flrat rtth a ln Eastern Suburbs Just nothing at all, for hu toefe, after 2ra tis.

The men were etill wreatTlnc the electorate returns two Labour members yn on the defenelve. at the expiration of lime and three antl-Soelallsts. We hope to cap-1 'e referee gar. Clarke the CASINO, Monday. A severe heat wave was experienced on Saturday and Sunday, 104 degrees being registered In Casino, and up to 108 In outlying parts.

A alight hailstorm occurred on Sunday afternoon. The weather Is now very sultry. Prafme a Centre Fhfjue PtTional 1'oHf-e 1'rnsioneri 1'iihlic Sen-ants riftrrcssivto" M.lIKl Roman Queitioa River Ttjzoiy OBITUARY. 8 5 Lone i 9 lure ono or tne wooiir seats, tnus giving iu. "I oisputeu the de-fourth antl-Soclallst vote some little value, JS Sf were listed si Clarke lit llit 416, Hynei 1Mb.

MB. W. J. DAVIS. but to try to buy Onslow with a vaiueieBB No.

6 vote is not rating his intelligence very highly. South Afrna Slilppinc, etc. II Siwrtinir Inleiligcuce CYCLING. member ol the N.S.W. CjellstV irrt heat: 0.

A. Dempeey (Dul.i-h7! LOCAL NATIONALIST SELECTIONS. MOREE. Monday. But the matter is nigger tnan tne oroer A Costly Find Clnemii Cntsh 9 Civic Iteforra 8 Cualmlnes CablcsTaUns 0 Country News 0 CdbualUcs 9 Deatii ot Shackleton.

0 Electricity 8 Hotel Ui-crafe 1 Leaden, etc Uartial Low Uonetary and Commercial Mining Intelligence 11 More l'enplu Naval Arpointmenw. On the LaM Utility of Fallow Centenary Show OLItiury i0 mv. on Wednesday 1 of the preferences. Tbe Coalition agreement JMarrick.llle), 60jh. 2: Mr" Davis, the Davis agreed to by Sir Oeorg, FhUr and Mr Si tSSJSJ.

IS'ory iStibventiotw Sliield The Klectionc The Weather The Mjila The Suburbs TO THUS EDITOR OF THE HERALD. ino late aar. "V.T". Vi 'i Kerr (Marrlckvlllel. Moree.

air hnlieve that local selection of candl- It fan- 'ars of age. In 1886 be arrived ln Sydney. Its own candidates according to ts own K. P. (xet0), m.

37 a vei' fa't rae and obtained a position with Farmer and Co. The Progressives' first Principle Is non snd Dume, tho became manager of Messrs. hyo pre-election aslactlon c'-' fy eir entrth. Time, 5 race. tiicir rioteii for Parliament Is a good thing, but the remember he took off hla gloves and gave them to me.

This noble gift I could harlLy accept, but hla order came, "Take them, jr will throw them Into tho sen." Ooo of ifao sailors was badly frostbitten through wearlag i wet garments. Sir Ernest Shackleton took off somo of his underclothing and gavo It to 1 him. Throughout those days of peril and hardship such kindly acts won for him our deepest affection. He controlled men, not by! dogmatic discipline, but by a commanding! personality and magnetism of comradeship. "His greatost achievement of all was wlth- i out doubt the wonderful journey from Elc-j phant Island to South Georgia in a sninlP boat with flvo picked seamen to seek relict was only five days after our privations inj the boats when he embarked on this Journey 750 miles ot tho ipost tempestuous seas south of Capo Horn to be negotiated at the begin- ning of tbe winter.

Those who were loft o- hind never doubted his ability to succeed. field. hoino nf such candidates should bo by mem- He subsenuently hV subsenuently Third Urtbcstra FopuU- bers of existing branches ln the electorate, to Tom Savago and which anyone, male or female, can be elected. tnat. position for inlBMilari In ICntlnnallst OolltlCS.

navlnnrahln lion Women's Column nrererencefl I was surprised to hear of the midden spring- at olon Innes. Four or Bvo years later I was surprised to hear of tho sudden spring- on, at olon Innes. Four or nvo years i.ier particular candidates. Progressives rai" ing into existence of branches in a suburban Mr. Davis Bold out his share, and then bought preferential voting ill that 4 AtSL electorate with the avowed object of running partnership with Mr.

H. N. JLean, at Tfc 'Four rS. fe on by lcnTtl1 under ADVEKTISEMENTii, i.A-aii Thin hitHlnena was carried on This business was carrieao ono special candidate In this case a woman- (vln a exRmple Mil. Handicap of p.

lehA name tor selection. I understand membership ts to women only, nine years. Mr. Davis whilst in Invereii tooit lbat pro.Bole(.t, its candidates. Some day r.

j. caeakly, ssyda, a. h. W. Nenbitt iioVd.

aI these absoluteiT and nrnmlnent InterSBt In CIVIC h. tn. nn ia hil hv mlenrffrf Anl.h n. object of creating theso absolutely active and prominent Interest In civic be forbidden by law, for on it Is built ''V torhf, a tplendld Bnlsh. secirld rifft- Meet ing' Is Mcti'CJ, O-cmicaltt, etc a Countit Notirrt Musical InstrumfiiU Offlpes to Let, Wanted, and tho face.

Amusements Board, and Residence 4 Auction Bales IB Birtlis, Marriages, Deaths 8 Time, 2m. beat" iches Is openly admitted. Whilst I matters, and for years waa an alderman In KBOi0 structuro of dlrtv machine politics. 1 'I R- Marahail, locyib, 2- it" objection to selection, ns I hava al- tna council. After withdrawing from tho I am, I i.

Iii branches new Tho party reached South Georgia moro dead than alive, but with unconquerable hearts find the net nurnosn to savo their comrades. a. -I. ah, nre nnL the members of e-n. nA hva a retired life for some years, Jan SO.

FRED. DAVISON. Third heat: R. E. Mutton, i'JSvdi.

Ti A Ani. Sir rnent Shackleton crossed the interior, Building Materials 7 rartnerrtiips, Agendei, 13 etc sarK, A. Uunre, F. T. Keef.

(Te lOlydv 4. Won by a wheel, with the th, menU K. all In a PROPORTIONAL theso new branches asked to Join the existing eventually Joinod his brother, Mr. T. P.

ones In the electorate, and allow the candidate Davis, In a business In Moree. The establish-In question to take her chance with the other mcnt at Moree has been carried on sucoess-candidates ottering, and who meet equally la tuy for the past 14 years, "The Corner that respect? Stores" being widely known. The lato Mr. It looks, in the face of It, a most glaring DaT, leaves a wife, two daughters, and a case ot packing branches with one object only, and not the IntercBt ot tbe whole of the candl- 1 (Aahfield), R. SS.

Mutton, (r.tbu aOrorge), Jiyda, R. H. Slarehall a. A great fmlrf. Mul(o In Uie laat halMsp, and had a hrd battle to get into second place.

Time, lm Iti lH. 8 Wn'cn was coneiaered (in men iuiiiuobujiu, and arrived at a whaling station. Ho was pathetically emaciated. Ho knocked at one ot tho whaler's doors, and tho question camo: 'Who are The Hlmple words in reply were: 'I'm That night the whaling vessel, with Sir Ernest Shackleton, Crean, and Wors-ley, set sail for Elephant Island. They eventually reached tho Island, only to find that the Ice had made It Impossible to force a passage.

They returned to South America, and after three more desperate endeavours 1.1. vaauls lni kv rlAiia flmith RecotKl elaaa fjcrateh Race, 3m fLeajrao of dates or the party to wnicn wi7 inwua. I am, etc, Jan. St. WOMAN NATIONALIST.

OUR ELECTOHAL FRANCHISE. THE QUEST PASSING THROUGH TOWER BRIDGE ON THE) THAMES, ON THE FIRST STAGE OF HER VOYAGE. TO THE EDITOR OV THE HERALD. Sir, The last Murrumbldgeo and Coota. tuundra elections showed that the party con centratlng scored.

In the former, ono Natlon-nllst, flvo Progressives, and three Labour candidates ran. All were given a fair go in the Progressive and Labour rankB. Tho Tors. -nal and Mir Friend PnMriom Vaeaat 1 Wonted Poultn', Dogs, tc. rrpfeBsionu, Towe.

PiiIjIIc Notic i Public Companies Real EUte Auction Kiles Ilefiidential FUti Situations Vocint SJ-ippfng Announrt- ments Sltiiullom Winted 11 Sintlnns, Farms, tnd Stock Stock, Shares, Money Tenders To Lei Houses, ew, 5. Wanted to Purchase (Mirer A.h(leld),T; R. Hal. J. Codfrey Ariiflctd)' 1 started.

Won by a lemnfi. Time, 4m i Flve-mllea Scratch Race (League of N.S.W. Wheelmen). L. Hammond (S points) i J.

J. Scntlse (7 points) V. J. Ccsaldy (0 points) IluslnfhMs for Sale or Wanted 12 Drew, Fashion, etc. 3 Educational i Notf Florist, iJeetlamen, etc 3 For Soli 4 Funeral 7 Furniture, etc 7 Government Railways Horse, Velt'ciet, ai)d Live Stock IS Hoteli, Holiday Reacrts I Houses and Land for 8ft)e a HniMn.

Land, Firms, Wanted 3 Legal Notice 6 fint and Found 7 Machinery 7 Motor Can, Bicycles, etc 2 TO THE EDITOR OF THE HERALD, air Mr H. o. Bossley's desire for some H.lnir new might be met by "lying parents votes showed tbst on the first preferences The winners of the various aprlnts were: J. 0. Atkins rnmnZT voteS for their children.

This would put Mc0 ,248, and th. 1 r-, 11 power In 1 the h.nds of the ewerlenced I Natlonallata 3632. And each party 'got one fciul at' the ibSSi Beat. Simply by the National lata concentrat the races. Time, American republics ho succeeded In forcing (Portland), Mr.

O. Shut (Bathnrat). 17. a passago, and roscued his comrades. Tho namos are to be forwarded to tho r.UU Wo who were left behind climbed lo the Dissatisfaction Is felt In the.

electorate at the pinnacle each day to scan tho horlion for mannor In which tho selection was made The signs of deforred relief. It camo at the end opinion was expressed that tho motion should of tha fifth month Just a little plumo of not have been rescinded, smoke on ths while ocean of heaving ice floes, i As the little vessel forced tho Ice pack a 1 In regard to tho Bathurat labour "lection boat was dropped, and as It came closer ring- by a ballot of tho delegates to the oleotoratc Ing cheers greetod Its approach. council meeting, the fact that Alderman R. "But It was not so much th. thought of Plllans, president the miners, was not given relief that warmed our hearts, for as tho boat a chance for selection has caused resentment drew nearer w.

recognised our beloved leader. There were many who have tne arooa mmu. foresight In legislation. "No taxation without repressntatlon" hss beon hold to Justify rebellion, but what representation have children under our present franchise? I am, jn. SS.

PARENT. DESTBOYINQ INDUSTRY. liif on Grimm first, ButtenBhaw second. If tbelr accood preferences had been split bo-tween the five Progressives. Labour would hare won two seats, seeing that only threo votes were between Planery and P.

M'Girr. In Cootamundra the Labour party concentrated on Loughlln and O. M'Girr. They easily got In. The Nationalists concentrated TO THE EDITOR OC THE HERALD.

Ol. tAllnn-ln. to an BAD GOVERNMENT. Sir Ernest Shackleton." I nt nr.e.r. on Ho.mftn: although they had a second aPeech by Mr.

P. A. Oorett, chairman of the candidato, Main got a lot of their second and zino Corporation, London: "There Is noth-oli their third rotes. Main got in. If tho nR we can do to lmproro conditions except Nationalists bad solidly given their second our utmost to try and educate the economic preferences to their own candidate, and split judgment of the rank and file of labour, and TO-DAY.

Theatre Ho-alt "Merrle England," 8. Her Majesty's! "rhe Boy," 8. Criterion: "Slnbad the Sailor," 7.U. Palace: "Tbe Private Secretary." 8. Orand Opera "Dick Whlltlngton," Tlvolli Ella Shlelda and Bert ailbert, J.30, 8.

Fuller's Theatre: Paul and New Vaudsrllle, 8.JC a Taronga Park Zoo! 0 a.m. Globe Tb.atre: "Tbe Affaira of Anatol," te 11. TO THH EDITOR OP THE HERALD. ei. rrh.

whAU hlatnrv nt Ih nrosfTAaa of o.i.i.h i iAinrt nf Bucceaslon up their third preferences between the three tm th.t anAnF nr lf.t.1 Ih.v will mu.Ii enca had bo been selected as ono of Labour's three. Few of tha miners bad up to last night beard of the result, but, according to a prominent miner, those who bad were indignant at tho turn events had taken. OXLEY. MR. JACK'S TRIBUTE.

MELBOURNE, Mondny. Mr. Andrew K. Jack, ot Melbourne, who was member of the scientific staff of tbe Shackleton expedition in 1914-17, was doeply grieved to-day when he learned of tho death of Sir of "nrotoats" aKRlnst bad Oorernmont, In oneiHosressIre members, In my opinion Holman against the tyranny of tho unions and no would have been returned.

Beelna that lha ihmoniv. .1.. nisnts unjust taxation, unjust corn laws tha Labour and Anti-Labour parties wore very humble pawns of their disastrous so-called Lyceum! "Footlights," 11 to II. abuss'of power by Kings or Ministers acting oven In this constituency, if all the electors -labour leaders' In their visionary soolsllstlo. The Lyric: "FootHilils," 11 to 11.

1.. mnJt an fnrth Thm British had gone to the poll, what should have been mmminiUtki war: for the rank and SI. th CrvtUI Palace: "Her fnwllllns Ilnsband," Krnest tsnaCKieion, wnom ne urscnueu us i KRMPSRV Monday. 'have concarncd themnelTes politically little done was to concentrate on Holman and Main, humble pawns at present, are Just a foolish, aaalnst theories or Ideals or religious By winning the two seats in this electorate, silly mob who will not or cannot reason for cries Their "protestantism" has been has had a Oovernment ln power. At themselves blind following tho blind.

That i aralnst the exactions, corruptions, and ex-1 'he coming elections the order has gono out Is my humble effort to enlighten the fog In h.j from the Labour fnreeuttvn tn fnnn.nt,ai. u. 1 v. ri a tn ntit. n.tviintln Dm.r.n th.Voro, the life oi the1 Mr.

0 St.n.ej Wilson whose nartv vet always tho leader." was Mr. Jack's mltted as one of the Coalition oanaiaates tor tTlbuVto' tbeTemoryof the Osl.y, baa was well-built, with broad shoulders, and contest, and recommended the aloctors to a law ot Iron. Determination was written all vote No. 1 for Mr. H.

D. Morton. vi. 1... in ih.

An. The Mavors of Tarce. atari Port travagance wmca a.ay a i .1 n. "Z'' .1 17 I two. Anti-Labour must do tho same, or be their to the destruction of their WTWX slfJals.tJi--a-- spr own.

Indus- Strand: "Tbe Child Thou Gavest fe arand: "Kazan," 11 to II. King's Cross: "Tho Inner Chamber," 8. New Olympls: "The Hill Diggers," 8. Manly Venetian Carnival. Mr.

Daniel Uryi St. Johns Usll, DarilnghorsV road, 8. National Rifle Aaeoclallon: Annual VfetlDf. Women's nospllsll Annual Meeting. luslltutlm of Sttrteyon: Boysl Soelt iVyonjt Races.

government, i a i. th. nine) Inn With a plethora of Anti-Labour try." The above may help to convince tha that there will be a'ueh a "protest" made as candidates electors get mixed up, and the workers that their "labour leaders" hers In mmmmm Untie waa ti bla bones. When 1 said good. Macquarla have Issued letter, suggesting hM Mm tha ntatinn in that as ss orRsnlsatlon exists for the antl- mi 'win oawititaiiv terminate the worst Govern- result last election was tnat naif never voted.

Parliament or out ara merely tne blind Ara we aolna to have a similar result the blind to "tha destruction of their In- Aprll. lilt, ho said he waa going back to tha. Labour aandldatea, and there ara so many In nn.1i nnnn na h. nnnM rtewnnlan annlhae nv. Ihn fhlld.

a Conference ShOUld bO hald Of new OOUUl naie. n.a Y. f.ena? It Tnnk. 'Ilk. I.

I am, T. a Jan. 28. ,1, T. S.

R. I 3. R. GIBSON. pedltlon.

He Inspired everyone who was as- mayors and shirs preeldonte (or thsir deputies aooUtad with tta avont ol a mayor or atalra prssldsnt THJB ANTAROTIO EXFLORINO SHIP QVXST..

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