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The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah • 25

Salt Lake City, Utah
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

If Lost Use Col Phone Vas B7 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY MORNING) SEPTEMBER 20 1936 SEE AN COLUMN FOR SKILLED HELP Need' Expert Services Sunday Services In Salt Lake Churches league at 6:30 'Evening worship at 7:30 o'clock! lermoa theme "A Shelter In the qt Storm" Cmtmry Methodist church 1740 Ftfrti atreet Elbrtdgt Gordon mlniater Church School meete at 9:45 Thomas Madron Jr superintendent mom his worship wermon by the minister from thy teat "Jhey were astonished at His teachings for He taught them as having authority and not as the ecrlbee" Mark 1:21 Obituaries George Hendrickson Funeral services for George HendWek son 70 of 1548 West Ninth South etreet conducted Sunday at 1 In the FUNERALS TRAVEL" OPPORTUNITIES Nation Wida Servic UNION A requested to br preaent Professor Hush Douzall and hla chorua will furniah the muaie eaoh Sunday 4 Monday Girl Scout meeting The program committee of the club will meet at the church Monday at I Church night will be conducted Wedneaday The program will include: Bible atudy and prayer aervicea I to 8:43 dlecuaaion 8:45 to 9 fellowahtp and aoclal time 9 to 9:30 The mlniater will teach the Bible elaaa aubject Master's Way" The club will aponeor a card party Saturday at nn LeRoy Cracroft chairman So endless and futile are the over hair splitting questions of authority hi religion that it is refreshing to hear what Jesua had to say about about legalism The sentihn morning will be a stud? of reply to the question o(L legalism The Epworth league begins rTo'lock LanU president This afternoon the church school workers are requested to attend the church school workers' conference which will be held at First Methodist church from 2 to ft This conference is stitewldo The Rev BIAcketock will hold the firet quarterly conference in the church study Wednesday September 23 at 7:39 The church choir will melt for practice on Tuesday evening Mrs Day director Liberty Park Methodist Episcopal church Eighth East and Ninth South streets Edward Linn minister Church school 10 a Parley Hartwell superintendent mom tug worship 11 a the pastor Will be In charge Epworth Teague devotional service 7 ra Boy Scouts meet Tuesday evening at 7 30 Friday evening at 8 choir rehearsal Nazarene Ftrt Church of the Naaarene Fifth South and Sixth Eaat atreeta The Rev Margaret Olfe peitor Sunday echool 9:45 a morning worahip 11 o'clock evanlng service 8 Prayer aervlce Wedneaday at 8 The epeclal preaching miseion aa announced last-week haa been poatponed until Bteptember 24 The Rev Pounde dlatriat etlperlntend-ant of tho tdflio-Oregon district wlU be tho apeaker during the miaalon Presbyterian Flrat Preabyterlan rhurrh Eaat Bouth Tempi atreet at atreet The Rev Theodore Lilley paator Church achool at 945 a Frederick Knobel general auperlntendent Cjasaea for all agea and groups Morning worship at 11" o'clock groups Mom nr worah at 11 'emr'fcr Thpniwrh Tha Dau ttf Dadax Through" The Rev Fadeu society will meet at he church at 6:30 The Senior eoclety will meet at 6:30 at the home of Jeanne Ferguson 575 East Second South street apartnfent No 1 There will be no mid eervlce thia week Mteslonary council meeting In the church study Wednesday night at 730 Westminster Presbyterian church First West and Fifth "South streets Comin DD minister The Bible school meets at 9:45 a 8 Mathews superintendent Classes for all agea Mrs Alice Qurniey and Mrs Ray Shaw teachers respectively of adult and young Bible classes Morning Worship at ll with a sermon by the pastor on the subject "Is Faith Healing Possible?" Evening worship at 7:30 sermon subject Place of the Jew In the Plan of Salvation" Midweek meeting for prayer and Bible study Wednesday evening at 7:30 Statistics Marriage Licenses Charles Stanley Jones 24 Coll-bran Colo Mayble Lena Hill 22 Collbran Colo Cecil Bottfrt Ucklidcr 21 -SgH--Francisco Lorna Crump 18 Riverton Lyle Obray 24 Garfield Maurine Carter 20 Joseph Orvil James Coon 21 Magna Lucille Ellen Andersen 17 Magna Leonard iBlalne Stone 20 Salt Lake City Ellen Mae Eby 18 Ogden Ogden Fred Plnnegar 27 Ogden Vera Doughty 27 Ogden Herbert Brenkmann 23 Ogden Jeanne Smith 23 Salt Lake City Wayne Alvin Evans 23 Tremon-ton Juanita Mary Roche 19 Tre- monton Virgil Beckstead 28 Bingham Lucille Bowden 17 Ogden Provo Albert Raymond Grlgg 21 Springville LaVerne Mynster 20 Provo Wllford Arnold Mower 23 Springville Winnie a a 1 a Garliok -19 Springville Wendell Lowry 21 MantI June Duggins 19 Gunnison Byron Elden Crookston American Fork Esther Berry 19 Provo Heber Carl Curtiss 63 Bingham Vilate Goodrich 61 Vernal Births Louii Adelbert and Rsna Irene Cozza Long 1329 Fifth East etreet daughter THOMAS Frederick Samuel and Isabel Elizabeth Tapani Thomas 1642 Roosevelt avenue daughter MERRILL Ariel Cardon and Edith Hore-ley Merrill 553 Douglas street daughter Craig Wyman Jr and Hazel Irene Murphy McDonald 142 Dooley court daughter Episcopal Rt Mark's cathedral 2J1 East First South street The Very Rev Franklin Gibson dsan Sunday Ssptember 20 1986 the fifteenth Sunday after Trinity 8 a holy communion 945 a junior church followad by Sunday ecnoot class sessions Classes for all age 11 morning prayer and sermon by tbs dean aubject We tbs Courage to Take Him et His Word?" The dean will organise an lnetructlon and discussion class In the cathedral Sunday mornjng at 10:13 o'clock Tha first eariaa will Include the doctrine discipline and worahip of the Episcopal church Children and adults Interested hi confirmation are Invited to attend this class The dean' office hours: Dally (except MondeyA In the cathedral office (second floor) between tha hours of 10 a pud 12 noon St Episcopal church Ninth Eaat atreet and Broadway The Rev ATwyn Butcher rector Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity 8 a corporate celebration of the holy communion for the young people of the partslw qtreak fast will be served In tha following the service 9:48 a ml church school and Bible payer superintendent Adult Bible data conducted by Mrs Conrad Jones 11 o'clock morning prayer and- aermon The united thank offering of the' parish 'Wilt be fed 0 1 the women up The rector wilt preach Wednesday September 23 holy communion at 10:30 8t Peter chapel 657 North Secoftd West street The Rev ft Leonard Wood vicar September 20 tha fifteenth Sunday after Trinity 10 a church and shprt morning prayer September 23 7:30 meeting of the Boy Scouta troop No 8 September 24 630 meeting of the Girl Scouts troop No 8 Guild meete every other week Evening aervicea wilf' be resumed the firet Sun day in October fit chapter of the will) also resume work the first week In October St mission 1597 South Ninth Eait The Rev A Leonard Wood vicar September 20 the fifteenth 8unday after Trinity 9:45 a church school 71 a celebration of the holy communion The vicar will preach Free Church Evangelical Free ckurrh 740 Seventh Eaat atreet Simon Andereou paator Scriptural fundamental and evangelletlc Sunday achool 10 a Morning worahip 11 aubject "Studio In First Pater tha Past Preaent end Future Life Evening evangellatlo eervlce 7:45 o'clock: ubject la tha Son of Midweek prayer meeting Wedneaday at 7 '45 Aid Will meet Thursday at 2 at the home of Mri A Nelson 364 Sixth Eaat atreet Cottage prayer meeting Friday at 2:30 Tull Gospel Assembly- Full Gospel assemly 517 Second East street Nicholas pastor Sunday school at a Sunday evening services at 7 Tuesday Bible class at 8 Friday young meeting at :30 Greek undenominational services: Sunday school at 4 preaching at 5 Lutheran Tabor Lutheran church First avenue and Th Jensen pastor Sunday school and Bible class 10 a divine worship at 11 a A festival Including a program and refreshments will be given Tuesday at 8 in the church parlors Zion Lutheran church Second South and Fourth East 9:45 a Bible school under leadership of Arnold Hult-qutst 10:45 morning worship in charge of Harold Lorlmer pastor Sermon by the Revr 'Victor Swenson mission ary to ChinA The public Is invited At John's Evangelical Lutheran chaiVh (Missouri Svnod) downtown church" 130 East Seventh 8outh street The Rev 7 Schumann pastor Sunday school and Bible classes at 10 am Raymond Mueller superintendent Regular morning worship at 11 o'clock sermon by the Rev Allen Schuldhelss of Christ Lutheran church Mur-day Utah Schumann Is preaching for the mission Sunday services of the Lutheran church In Idaho Falls Idaho and will again conduct the services on September 27 Adult class Tuesday Saturday school at 9 In the school Visitors are welcomed to all classes and services Christ Evangelical Lutheran church of Murray (Missouri Synod) 171 East Forty-eighth South street The Rev Allen Schuldhelss pastor Regular Sunday services at 2 30 with Sunday school sermon by the pastor Tou and your children are invited to coma and worship with us Methodist Flrat Methodltt Episcopal church Second Bouth at Second Eaat atreeta Frank Eddy Madden DD minister Nellie Wright deaconess Church school 9:45 a A Kclm auperlntendent Morn' In worahip 11 aermon theme Light- Shining Through You" 7 Epworth leagu and Ambaaaadora meat Address by Dr Madden and Installation for Ambaaaadora Sunday 2-5 p- -(inference of superintendents and Sunday school workers of Utah miaalon Wednesday 7:30 an hour with tha Sky pilot subject review of book Return to Religion" by Link Grace Methodist Episcopal church Eighth West and Fourth South atreeta Albert Dannie minister Sunday school meets at 10 a Kenneth Piper superintendent Morning worship at li aermon theme "The Two Epworth The Weather Weather condition September 19 1936: The A Iberia baromctrie-deprcealon of vt terdov hoe moved rapidly eaetward over the northern and central plain) etatca causing light precipitation In that area The North Pacific high preasure now covers moat of Montana Idaho northern Wyoming and Washington aa generally fair weather prevail in thia region with the exception of eom cloudlnese along the North Pacific coast The Arlzona-Callfomla heat low peraleta In Ita position and extends Into tho boarding states producing aomewhat cloudy condition) In aouthern California and Arizona while th Great Lakea high pressure haa advanced eastward over the Central Atlantic coast where clear aklea with sc' aonabls temperatures are reported Comparative data for Balt Lake Cltv: Degrees Hlgheet temperature today Highest In this month since 1874 Irfiweat last night Lowest thia month since 1874 Mean for today Normal Total precipitation for the 24 hours ending at 8 on Total for thia month to date 14 Accumulated deficiency for this month to date 34 Total elnce October 1 to date 1519 Accumulated deficiency since October 50 Bun rises 8:14 and let 6:29 Septem ber 20 1936 WEATHER OBSERVATIONS TAKEN YES-TERAY AT 6 MOUNTAIN TIME SO 97 60 29 65 63 Inches PACIFIC STASES NEW LOW FARES Omaha 81500 Chicago 2150 Detroit 2425 Plttburr 25 90 Waih C3015 Now York 31 05 Loa Angalu fSOO Denver 8 08 Portland 1300 Dallaa 1870 Flagataff 1010 Phoenix 1200 picul vacation cractB tour AND ROUND TRIP TICKET! Comfortable Dapondablt UNION BUS Ertrt TIUPLI gqUARB HOTEL RLDCl WAS 1366 LOS ANGELES $6 CaUtnta Ptocho La Vegas Ely Bonded Iniurod Fro pickup Overland atagaa Dapot 187 Slzta gamlob hotaL 165 STEAMSHIP TICKETS INFORMATION all linn lour enilna American Exp Co 24 2 ft 260 7 WORK by Women OIRL atUndlng Wait high want houm- work for board room E-33 Trlh-Tela EXPERIENCED caahter and bookkeeper wtahei employment Rtf Hy 5208-M WOMAN want day work cleaning waah-Ing Ironing Hy 308S YOUNG lady plauo player oxperltnood in nit club and beer garden would Ilka nice place anywhere E-2T Trib-Yel POSITION wanted by fur 10 rai exp Hy 5251-M Health if mlddla aged lady want bouao keeping more for homo than money E-23 Trip -Tele LAUNDR? cleaning by the hour or homework morning Ref Waa 7226-J a''Vd ta'inmlry pick 'tip and do-llver Waa 9459-R e35 FT woman desires management of apt house Good references Was 9931-W washing by day officq clesui- Ing Best refs was 7947-J BILK and hand laundry and curtains dona very reasonably Was 5985-NW Save this ad for future use WORK Wantod-by MEN FIREMAN for office hotel or apt Beet reference Will take fum apt In exchange Jorgensen 155 'A Eaat Third South Waa 4755-M RKLIABLk man wanta furnace or apt home work Hy 647I-R UNIVERSITY boy wlahe to work for board and room Wag 2539-W YOUNG man want any typo ot work except chauffeur Experienced painter and elevator man Call Waa 4710-W EXPERIENCED driver will drive to Frlaco for tranaportatlon Ref Waa T717-M 9-HELP Wanted-WOMEN GIRLS WITH SEWING EXPERIENCE MUST BE EXPERTS 10 a Sunday Smyth Hat Shot 116 2nd South CHRISTMAS CARD SALESPEOPLE Six sensational super assortments selling Ilk Everybody about our three-way Gift" 21-folder assortment Costa you 50c seile for 81 Worth 83 Also oonua Nothing In tha enttra country compare wtlfi It Hand-Colored assortment another KNOCKOUT GIFT WRAPPINGS RELIGIOUS and EVERYDAY assortments unparalleled Sample aa APPROVAL SILVER SWAN STUDIOS 320 5TH AVE DEPT 635 NEW YORK MEN AND WOMEN who ara anxloua to get ahead in life are coming to California qualifying aa secretaries and account-ants building career Wa placa them Living expense may ba earned Mac Kay Bualneaa College 613 ft Fig-ueroa Bt Lot Angeles UP to 828 a week Demonstrate amailng "8trand-8aled" allk hosiery Secret weaving fWocea doubles wear Strong et money-back guarantee Earn your hosiery free Sample outfit wltn 2 locking offered free Stat alae Strand-Sealed Co Dept 83 Grand Raplda Mich 88 TO 810 week to competent girl around 25 experienced in housework and cook hig Private room and bath 3000 Conner it Hy 6723 WOMAN mature aggressive work Apply Apt 3 273 Ht ave today business GIRL of woman for general housework and cooking Hy 6416-W SALESLADY Cultured mature to train for health work Waa 2925 for app Excellent opportunity for out of town student to earn living expenses whlla -attending day echool New clauses each wk Position for graduate Writ for Information Hentger Business College fllRL for general housework Call Hy 6703 WILL glvt room and board and $16 month to a capable woman In exchange for help wltn baby and houMWork Call Hy 1439-M after 12 noon 1421 fiber man ave excellent money selling Ikma gift Mre Elleon Hy 1089-J RELIABLE Kiri over 25 for housework care of fi children good home refer encee Call eve or 8unday 8272-J cljRB eervlce attendant Must be 21 Apply bet 2 and 4 476 State EXPERIENCED girl for general houiework Good wage good home Box E-45 Trlb -Tele LEANING woman -ef-Hne hand iron Hy 3620-M SPECIAL work for married woman Earn to $21 weekly ind your own dreeeea FREE No canvaeeing Send dree eise Fashion Frock Inc Dept A-9228 Cincinnati Ohio Middle-aged lady to car for Invalid Good home and wages Rsfsrsncsa required Address Mr Al-frsd Orme Nsphl Utah IMMEDIATE OPENING for young" woman with dramatic or bualne ability to direct amateur play Free to travel: 11 expanses paid Permanent Writ McCully 3009 Harrison Kansas City Mo TWO young ladles office work full tul-tlnn also two for part tuition Galt Lake Businas College 346 Bol Mam Monday Tuesday dAPABLE women to cars lor Infant mnl small apt Go horns nights No 12 Rwal Arms Ap's 118 No Tempts Educated refined housekeeper for mid dle-aged man and daughter 16 Bog E-28 Trlb-Tele UbY'lS 33 YeaM to aKTTeYe'-phon call Inquire 430 Bouth Stats street 10 A TO 2 TODAY YOUNG couple wants girl to help with housework car of oahv Nice home excellent wage Hy 3365-W Monday 300D cook: also couple for apt house cua-todian 24 So 5th apt 202 fcxp girl to do second work Re roqulratC 36 NoremWIalcott Hy 8232 UlDDLE-AGED woman to cart couple Apply bet 1-5 Mon 23T 8 4 NEED reliable girl to take charge of' email homo and store Must good on phone Was 7484 diRL for housework and tend children S4 week bd rm Call before 3P 529 koneta court bet lOth-llth Eant 2-AUCTION SALES UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD AUCTION OF UNCLAIMED FREIGHT TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY SEPT 22 ft 21 AT 9 A UNION PACIFIC FREIGHT DEPOT 500 SHIPMENTS REMAINING UNCLAIMED i to be sold for CASH to the highest bidder Spare does not permit a full liet but AMONG MANY OTHER ITEMS are ths following: ST0VF8 RANGES circulating HEATER: laundrv stove 8LED8: electric REFRIGERATOR electric WASHING MACHINE suit cases RADIOS traveling bags RUGS electric floor lamps: walnut BEDROOM SUITES Armstrong Quaker" RUGtf: 4-drawer METAL TILING CABINET oak BREAKFAST TABLE with 4 chair walnut COFFEE TABLE large Upholstered armchair MOHAIR FRIEZE LIVING ROOM SUITE living room DESK tabie lamps veiotir living room suite white enameled kitchen table-cabinet aquarium mattress DI8HE8: enameled ware galvanized ware: tin ware step ladders ironing tables kitchen chairs: utility cabinets pressure cookers bread boxes: sun glasses trash cans hook ends: novelties clocks: glass tumblers dresser sets etc etc PAINT 16 rolls roofing lavatory window sash window displays: steel shafting MARBLE plate glass: MIRRORS black sheet iron: galvanized sheet steel lath plywood grey Iron castings boiler castings SUCTION HOSE 330 feet of ltolnch rubber hose slate 41 pieces clay pipe: STORAGE BATTERIES 200 spark plugs windshields tiee 6 00x16 -rubber covered wire copper wire motor oil brake tester sign ladders PAPER ENVELOPES crayon 160 bottles shampoo 1ft bottles mouth wash 1 hose cart floor tile 8UGA coffee tea syrup ceresds soap: peanut butter spies vinegar starch cocoa salt salad dressing: soda dessert powder root beer Mason jar lids Peroxide" floor wax paper towels toilet paper waxed paper King" powder Holly" cleanser GOODS chewing gum TANDY tobacco and many other articles TERMS OF SALE CASH INSPECTION MONDAY 9 A TO 8 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO A Charde- Sale Agent Thales' derrick YES ROOM PACKED PULL AGAIN THE BE8T PLACE TO BUT THURS SEPT 24TH 10:30 A AT 430 SOUTH STATE STREET to highest bidder furniture rug indue See 1lt Bed and Thun papara BUY AT AUCTION AND SAVE LOST AND FOUND BILLFOLD Do not rare for money but would like pocketbook returned 151 West So Temple DIAMOND Lady's trimmed with sapphires lost near Capitol theater Reward Hy 7972 frUCK briefcase containing club property lost Wednesday night Phone Hy 1825-W or Room 9 Cullen Hotel GLAB8R8 lost In Taylorsville gold rimless Reward Notify 146 E- 3rd Bouth WATCH white gold engraved Being a gift be ft- prized by owner Return and warded Was 4953-W BOWLING shoe lost Tuos eve bet 8lh-9th West on 2nd 8o Rew 265 Glendale PbKSE brown leather contained pair of rimless glasses In blue pane Lost In store Millard Lay-ton Utah Phone Kaysvllle 176 collect Reward? WRIST watch white gold lost In Reward Hy 1348-R 2 new chains breastpin class pin Jesse Harter 280 st Rew TIRFe 32-6 10-ply" tire tube and wheel 828 het 8 and Murray Rew Slmondl ave FOX terrier FOUND A real place to have your car completely lubricated for only 50c Home Gas ft Oil Co 3000 So Main 60IN purse beige color containing $12 lost Reward Was 6934-R bod Black fecottle lost anaweri to name of Reward 333 3rd ave Was 6247 black and white femal Hv 7398 Reward BACK of work clothes lost bet So 3rd West and Semloh hotel Return to 442 6th South Reward WEDDING ring orange blossom engraved lost firet part of Sept also child's cross and chain lost Thursday Hy 4795W Reward brown purse containing $60 and bank books Rew 7459 PERSONALS FREE) STOMACH ULCERS GAS PAINS INDIGESTION relieved quick Get free sample doctor's prescription Udga at and Broadway Drug Co kODAK finishing Ell me 10 a ready 5 Ealab 26 yeara Utah Photo Matl 27 Bo Tern Wa 2235 SWIM reduce cool prtv course is prof 1 luu tAQ ttlGI pi IV 4VU 8 SVt 9 Ge a I tr Ae Thornton Wasatch Spg Waa 1732 tR WM ANDERSON naw of 1594 Bo Main rm 208-7 1333 Hy 5836 COMPTON 300 Scott Bldg 6060 Troat foot trouble electrically DR ZAMBIA treat ill allmenu of the feet Wa 595IVW 102 Iri 60 OiLL DEXJL 304 Felt Bldg Com in- grown nail removed without naln or after eoreneee Was 2128 REG (all and whiter classes In session now Deseret Gym We 1424 bft GRIFFITH specialist for men Call 11344 Bo Main at Wa 6514 bk OLIN KING optometrist Complete optical erv 41 44 Bo Main 3706 MAIL films 30c expert wk Prompt Research Lab 68 8 6th Wa 6571 DR PUGMIRE DR A PUG-MIRK formerly Medical Art Bldg now located 504 Firet Nat Bank Bldg Ld)SE weight Sure safe inexpensive Write Dr Wendt Canton 8 Dak MASSAGE AND BATH Silhouette Salon Suite 316-317 Templeton Building Diploma From National College Chicago MASSAGE Improve the function of th kln Soothe tbe nervea Stlmulatee digee lion circulation and elimination Increases Intestinal action Reduce over weights Increase underweights Per feet Health Through Perfect Circulation INDIVIDUAL LINEN WAW 8118 out muiue not earn alcohol rub Hr 10-5 226-227 Atlas Bldg EXPERT massage IL Franco-American eg Rm 315 23 1st So Marie Mom RELAXATION MASSAGE 3344' feast 4tb Ml Walker Wa 7913 11 Bouth UASBaGE redue it cabmata Mra Kill? pack 159 to Main Rm 210 3786 MISS Swidlih massage bath 10361 25 1 apt 200 or 211 HELEN'S Swedish massage bath alco rubs 10-9 and Run 154 Tem MASSAGE bath alcohol rub 220-i ll Bea son bldg 25 2nd 8 Tr uurse 11-7 TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES 6 Fast Limiteds II DEPARTURES DAILY fan Fran 810 OOChlcago 821 50 Loa Angeles 8 OO'Bt 2075 Denver 8 001 New York 3105 Omaha 15 OOKVaah 30 15 Cltv 16 95l3oston 32 65 NONE NONE FASTER SALT LAKE BUS DEPOT 360 So State Was 1 106 The Home of BURLINGTON DENVER 8 PACIFIC TRAILWAYS BIO GRANDE TRAILWAYS 1BUS 7 a dally to Kemmerer Montpelier aad Jackson UNION BUS DEPOT Was 136ft FUNERALS Funeral services for Jacob Ralph Bailey of 1133 Fourth South street will be held Sunday at 2 In ths Thirty-third ord chapel Bishop Marlon Romney will officiate Interment City cemetery The casket will be open at the Klngdon ft Lees mortuaryi 255 South Second East street Saturday until 9 and Sunday from 11 a to 1 at the residence Funeral services for Elizabeth Jones Bouck will be held Sunday at 2pm in the Sixteenth ward chapel with Bishop Conrad Stuttnegger of the Twentieth ward officiating Friends mav call at the French room 36 East Seventh South street Friday and Saturday and at ths residence 1575 West Fough North street Sunday from 11 Until 1 and also at the ward chapel 20 minutes prior to services Interment City cemetery di-ration Deseret mortuary lLM AN Funeral services for Ntda Fuller Duncan will be conducted Sunday at 2 ra in the Eleventh ward chapel Bishop A Child officiating Friends may call at the Continental room in the vnortuatr 36 East Seventh South street Fridav and Saturday and at the home 234 South Seventh East street Sunday morning from 10 until time of sendees Interment in Cltv cemetery under direction of the Deseret mortuary Funeral services for Margaret Miller Graham will bevconducied Sundav it 1 in the Twenty-fiah ward chapel Bishop Joseph McPhte officiating Friends may call at the gold room In the mortuary 36 East Seventh South street Saturday and at the home 432 Bouth Eighth West 1 street Sunday from 12 noon to 1 Interment will be In Wasatch Lawn hula! park under direction of Deseret mortuary Mrs Hyrum Blackham Moroni: 18 grand and ftve great-grandchildren Funeral services will be conducted Monday at 2 in the West ward chape) with Bishop Enhralm Nelson officiating Interment will be In the Moroni CUy cemetery Daniel Davis OGDEN Daniel Davis 81 former Amalgamated Sugar company employe and active worker lit the 8 North Weber stake died Saturday at the family home 347 Twentieth street after a long illness He was born October 10 1854 In South Wales a sou of John and Jean Davis Davla He came to America in 1887 as a church convert with his wife formerly Rachel Thomas and one child The family settled in Perry Mrs Davis died In Ogden In 1909 In 1925 Mr Davis married Marion Logan Crosbie here He was a member of the 8 Third ward and served in the high quorum of the North Weber stake He had been employed bv the Becker Products company In 1921 he spent a year in England where he engaged in special genealogical research Surviving are his widow two sons and a daughter David and John Ira Davis and Mrs Jane Williams all of Ogden and six grandchildren Funeral announcements wilt be made from the Lindquist ftSons mortuary Herbert II Hays tiEADORE Herbert Hay 2 died Tuesday night at his home of heart trouble He was born August 12 1854 in the east and came to Lemhi county In 1882 Rfc Was one of the first of upper Lemhi valley and took part in several Indian uprisings He engaged in ranching all his life He married Nettie Jane Ycarian at Leadore on December 10 1883 Their golden wedding was celebrated In the same house In which they were married and in which Mr Hays died Surviving are his widow three sons Jacob Philip and Myrl Hays all of Leadore two daughters Mrs Emma Rupert Rock-port 111 and Miss Bertha Hays Oakland Cal eight grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren Funeral services were conducted Saturday at the Hays home with Father Cyprian Bradly of St Charles Cathollo church of Salmon officiating William Mathers OGDEN William Mathers 00 construction engineer and contractor died late Friday in a local hospital following a long illness Born October 22 1875 In Aberdeen Scotland a son of William and Mary Mathers he came to America In 1801 with his father He never married Surviving are a niece Mrs A Drtnev of Roy and a brother-in-law Fred 4 Kenley of Plain City Burial was made in Plain City cemetery Saturday without funeral services as Mr Mathers had requested Arrangements were in charge of the Lindquist ft Sons mortuary George Mikkelsen FOUNTAIN GREEN Funeral services for George Mikkelsen 3 only son of Mr and Mrs Seymour Mikkelsen who died Friday were conducted at the family home Saturday at 2 Ths boy had been 111 with scarlet fever for the past three weeks Interment was In ths Fountain Green cemetery Delbert Ellison OODEN Funeral service for Delbert Ellison 48 former former and dairyman of Layton and Ogden who died Thursday night in Susanvllle Cal will be conducted Monday at 2 in the 8 Ogden Fourteenth ward chapel by Bishop Fox of the Twenty-second ward Burial will be in Mount Ogden Memorial park under direction of the Mount Ogden mortuary Friends msy csll at the family home 317 Thirty-sixth street Sunday after 3 and Monday until time of services Infant Gates PARK CITY Funeral services for the son of Clifford and Thelma Houser Oates of Park City will be held Sunday at 2 from the 8 First ward chapel with Bishop John Hollands officiating The child succumbed at the Park City hospital Thursday following a brief abdominal illness Burial will be In the Park City cemetery under the direction of the George Archer mortuary LEGAL NOTICE DIVIDEND NOTICE The Board of Directors of Utah-Idaho Sugar Company on September 11 1936 declared a dividend of 15c per share on the Class A preferred stock of the Company for the quarter ending September 30 1936 The Board also declared a dividend of 6o per share on the common stock of the Company Both dividends are payable September 30 1936 to stockholders of record et the close of business on September 19 1936 PYPER Secretary Date of first insertion September IB 1936 Date of last insertion September 30 1936 ueued every morning by The Balt Lake Tribune Publlenlng Company TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Dally and Sunday on month 8 VO Dally and Sunday one year 1050 Tbe above rate apply In Otab Idaho Nevada and Wyoming Eleewber in tho United fttatee Dally and Sunday one month 8 1 25 The Tribune on sale In averr Important city in toe United State Reader) may aacertam agent la any city by telephohlng thle office The Tribune la a niemuer of the i elated Pres The Associated Preea la exclusively entitled to tne ueo (or reproduction of all new dlxpatche credited to It or not otherwise endued In this paper and so the local news publlehed herein The tribune is a charter member ol Audit Bureau of Circulation The tribune i a Records Inc group member oi Media Keyiioide-Fitznraid luu national ie-reeentetlve Office: New York City 515 Madlaon avenue: Chicago 360 North Mtchl gan avenue Philadelphia Land Title build' Ing Detroit 8269 General Motor building: San Francisco 58 Sutter street Loa Angeles 117 Weet Ninth street: Seattl Lloyd Building Foreign Bureaus ot information of The Tribune are: No 1 Ru Bcribo Pari I Franco: 125 Pall Mall London England I (Inter dta Linden Berlin Germany I HENDRICKKON Funeral services for George Edwin Hendrickson will be held Bundsr at 1 in the Poplar Grove ward chapel Bishop Harold Hunger wjll officiate Friends may call at tne residence 1548 West Ninth Bouth Sunday from 10 to 12:30 Interment In Elysian Burial Gardens under tha direction of Llndqulst-Carlquist mortuary JENSEN servetes for Josephine Jensen of 224 West Fourth North street will be held Sundiv at 12 10 In tha TwentySecond 8 ward chapel 465 North Second West street Bishop will officiate Friends may call at the Llndqulst-Carlquist mortuary 2128 Bouth State street Saturday evening and at the home of her son Rudolph Stockseth 402 Center street Sunday from 10 a tri until time of sen ices Interment In City cemetery MILLER Funeral services for Elmer MUler son of Anton Miller 2208 South Sixth East street 111 be held Sunday at 1230 in Wellsward chapel The casket-will be open at the ward chapel one-half hour prior to sendees Interment Citv cemetery Funeral services for Heber Jo-seph Meidell wbo died In Chicago will be held Monday at 2 in the rose 36 East Seventh South Elder Hyrum Strawberg officiating Friends mav call at the state room In the mortuary until time of services Interment CUy cemetery under direction of Deseret mortuary MAN Service for William Man hart aged 55 years of 247 Sandberg court will be held Monday at 2 at the Rlcketts-Allcott mortuary 344 East 1st South Interment In the City cemetery Friends may call at mortuary Sunday until 9 Monday prior to time of services Funeral services for Lawrence Orsten age 48 will be held Sunday today) at 2 30 In the George A Jenkins mortuary 4760 South State Friends may call at the mortuary from 12 noon until time of services Inter-meut Wasatch Lawn Burial park TURNER Private sendees for Mary Elizabeth Barkdull Turner who passed away in San Francisco Cal September 16 will be held Monday at 10 15 a in the Lawn cemeterv under the direction of Larkin mortuary The family requests no flowers FLORISTS Floral Tributes by Brown Arranged by competent floral artists that really know how is your guarantee when you buy from either of the BROWN FLORAL 2 STORES Greenhouses ftth flo ft Jordan Ttver or 214 2nd So WAS 1540 FUNERAL DIRECTORS JOSEPH WILLIAM TAYLOR INC Complete Sympathetic Service 125 NO MAIN HT WAS 320 WE wish to express our sincere thanks to our many friends neighbors and rela tivea also Bishop Sorenson ami Ex Bishop Davy for the kindness sympathy and beautiful floral offerings In our recent bereavement In the loss of our mother Karen Rerg Mr Ed Berg Elmer Berg Mrs Rot tom Mrs Edna Allan Miss Elsie Berg and finsKathr Berg WE desire to thank 11 those who so iiindlv assisted us In our recent bereavement in the loss of our beloved wife and mother and for the beautiful floral of- ferlngs words of consolation music and proffer of csre MR 8AWYER ft FAMILY CALL AN EXPERT AWNINGS AND TENTS rrrwrnw prices on waterproof truck covers all grade 243 So State Was 1323 SMITH ft ADAMS mfg awnings canopies camp equip lowest prices awnings complete 75c pp 225 Edison 1654 8PERE lent A Awning Co Awnings tents waterproof covers 270 BEDBUGS EXTERMINATED ALL inserts killed In 2 hours Guar New lethal method Research Laboratories 68 South 6th East Phone Was 6571 Will mall (confidential) products rural districts with instructions EXTERMINATION without fumigation 8150 rm Guar Jenen Waa 2575-R DYEING UTAH HAT WORKS ft DRY CLEANERS 108 South Main We clean block and restore the color to all tvpes of and hats latest factory methods Was 10101 Day or Job REROOF NOW NO MONEY DOWN 2 years to pay Utah Builders' Supply Co was 933 Mr Sherer roof in g7 'shingling insulation-1 Ebert 1293 Hudson ave Hv 3995 DOOR CHECKS REPAIRED PARTS FOR ALL MAKES Chas A Fowler Key gun bicycle safe and lock work 20 yeara at 62 Broadway Was 4980 FLOOR FINISHING sanding machine loi rent a polisher 350 So State Waa 4948 MOVING AND STORAGE OVERLAND MOTOR VANS Low fastest safest way to ship furniture anywhere In the west Bonded Insured Expert china packers No crating necessary For local and long distance moving packing storage shipping pnine Redman's waa 818 Warehouse located at 136 8 4th West COAST to coast moving at reduced rates covered hy Ina No orating packing nec Fireproof Storage Mollerup Mov-Ing Storage Co 155 8 1562 PldKERINQ TRANSFER CO "vl 7149 We move furniture nlanos ere WE SPECIALIZE IN MOVING SALT LAKE TRANSFER CO 233R HADLEY TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO 49 East Broadwav Was 1176 TRUITT MOVING CO HY 2088 Personal Attention Moderate Rates PAPERING-CLEANING SPECIAL prices this week paperhanging and painting Duke Hy 8194-w kfeAIRING Arches built $5 up papering remodeling cleaning 50c up 7114-J PAPERINS-CteANINS PAINT paperhanutak bnrk low price Call for fret Hy 7708-R FOR fall palming ana papering call Wax 8752-W BOOKBINDING CENTURY PRINTING CO pr'ntln bind-Ink ruling 235 KdUon 1801 FOR private and public Ijbrarv binding 0 Duet Co 221 EdUon at 1670 PATENT ATTORNEYS THOMAS THOMAS 8 Reg Trade mark Drawing Beann bldgW7292 RUG CLEANING FRANK MARTIN CO Expert rug upholstered furniture cleaning Oriental ru pecla1lt 1630 Bo Slate Hy 7276 ROMNEY Rug Cleaning Co It coats no more (or the beat 1015 So 7th Hy 6502 WINDOW SHACES-DRAPES SANDERS WINDOW SHADES Lowed price free sample and quotation allowance mad on old roller shade rivamd 848 So Stale 7995 -SPECIAL NOTICES COAL mine for sale or lease good location and good market Kamas State Bank Karnes Utah GENEVA HICKS BpeclalUt In all fur wrk 505 2nd Apt 2 Waa 5458 GOLD ativer and lead mine (or al or team Holt 978 3rd ava Balt Lake City I a LET'S GO PUCES Hotel Ooldeti rates 1 to 83 50 single SI 50 to 84 50 double AUCTION SALES iAlMTrERSIcir UCTION EES High elan auction service Was 9616 ADAMS AUCTIONEER 1484 to 1486 SO STATE Hjr 4800 Poplar Grove ward chapel Biahop Harold ffini $er will officiate at Jha rites Friends may ail at tfcs family resl-i lence Sunday from 10 until 12:30 Burial will take in the Elysiaa Burial gardees Mr Htndr tekaon lied at his home Tues iay after a long lilies A natlva of Mill Creek he ftas i eon of Arvll and Smma Bolton Hendrickson He married Ada Jackson oa Oc-ober 11 1893 He was an aqyve mem-oer of thru 8 burch Mr Hendrickson Prry Tiugey CENTERVILLE Perry Tlngey prominent renchar and atockman of Davla county formerly of Gray Idaho died at tho family home In Centerville Saturday morning -Born In Centerville October lg 1868 a on of Thomea and Al- xlna Call Tlngey Mr 1 Tlngey went to Gray at the age 15 where he engaged in the ranching and livestock bnalncie until eight yean ago when ha returned tolCen- 3 tervllle He waa actlvef In civic and club 'Work la GW and waa au- Serintendeut of the ray 8 ward Sunday school and Young Men's Mutual I mprovement Association He had been ae tive in the Centerville First ward since hie return He is survived by his widow Hattie sons Mr Tlngey Riddle Tlngey six Perry Tlngey Sacramento Cal Melvin Tiugey Salt Lake City Charles and Carmon Tlngey Gray and Derrell Ttngey Centerville five daughters Mtb May unz Bern Idaho Mrs Loretta Hal-voreon Salt Lake City Mrs Ellen Halverson Centerville Mrs Edna Trimble Kays-vllle and Miss Phyllis Tlngey Centerville ami 18 grandchildren Four brothers Cyril Tlngey Evanston Wyo -Wiley Tlngey Wayan Idaho Bishop Wesley Tiugey and Gilbert Tlngey of Centerville and two sisters Mrs Henrietta Linge and Mrs Therza Adams Centerville also survive Funeral arrangements will be announced later Ileber Joseph Midell Funeral services for Heber Joseph Midell 37 of 67 East Seventh South street will be conducted Monday at 2 In the Deseret mortuary 3v East 8eventh South street Friends may call at the mortuary Sunday afternoon and Monday to services Burial will take place In the City cemetery Mr Midell died In Chicago III August 15 of a skull fracture suffered when he fell to the Pavement after being stricken with a paralytic stroke Mr Midell jvaa bora in Oslo September 25 1898 a son of Henry and Nikollue Rud Midell but came to Salt Lake City in 1913 He was employed In the Goodyear Shoe Repairing comrmny In Salt Lake Citv for many Hs moved to Chicago two years ago Surviving are son Heber Midell Jr Salt Lake City three brothers William Anton and Lee Midell Los Angeles four sisters Mrs A Pearson Bountiful: Mrs Oscar Torgenson and Mrs Miller Salt Lake City and Mrs Paul Covalt Minturu Colo George Wade Osgutliorpe Funeral services for George Wade Osgu- thorpe 20 automobile accident victim will he conducted Sunday at 1 In the East Mill Creek ward chapel with Bishop Sidney Attley officiating Burial will take place in the Wasatch Lawn Burial park The youth a son of the late George Osmond Osguthorpe and Bessie Mldgley Oe-guthorpe was an eagle scout and was an active member of the 8 church He graduated from Granite high school in 1934 end for the pAst year had been employed by the Utah Smelting company Surviving are his mother a brother Wesley three sisters Rfcmola Beth and Mary all of 8alt Lake City a grandmother Mrs Mary Garn Osguthorpe and a grandfather Mldgley Salt Lake City Friends may call at the family residence 3691 Twentv-seventh East street Sunday from 10 a to noon Josephine Nilsen Jensen Funeral services for Mrs Josephine Nilsen Jensen 79 widow of Frederick Jensen will be conducted Sundsy at 12 30 In the Twenty-second 8 ward chapel Burial will take place In ths City cemetery Mrs Jensen died Friday In a local hospital of Infirmities Incident to age She is survived by the following children: Rudolph Jensen Stockseth Mrs Theresa Nil-sen Mrs Betsy Nilsen and Birger Jensen Salt Lake City Mrs Jennie Btockland Chicago Eugene Jensen Grand Rapids Mich a brother Hjalmar Stockseth Chicago a sister Valborg Jensen Oslo Norway 10 grandchildren aid five greatgrandchildren Bruno Arthur Rudorf Bruno Arthur Rudorf 23 died at his home 2609 McClelland avenue Saturday at 6 a ra He was born in Salt Lake City January 4 1913 a son of Arthur Bruno and Emily Clara Myer Rudorf Surviving are his father and a sister Mrs Clara Brooks both of Salt Lake City Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday at 1 la the Larkin mortuary chapel 26o East South Temple street Friends may call at the mortuary Monday from 4 to 8 and Tuesday from 10 a until time of service Burial will place in the City cemetery Adolph a Anderson ard Bernice anaTfignon Anderson ami Mrs Emma Tripp Grantsville Mrs Flor ence Watson and Mrs Geneva Etcon Salt Lake City three brothers Mosart and Carlos Anderson Grantsville and Sidney Anderson Salt Lake City a sister Mrs Edna Brim Grantsville and eight grandchildren William Manheart William Manheart 55 247 Bandberg place died In a local hospital Saturday at 225 a 'mM of pneumonia Mr Manheart was born In Morgan a son of Truelovs and Mary Ann Robinson Man-heart Surviving are hfs widow Hannah Man-heart a daughter Doris Manheart two brothers Albert Manheart Salt Lake City and Manheart Rockland Idaho two sisters Mrs Mandy Milton Ban Fraiv cisco and Mrs 8 Schneitter Midway Infant Cook GOSHEN Dovle Kirk Intent on of John and Levern Finch Kirk died the family home here Saturday He wai born July 12 1938 In Goehen Surviving are tb) parents a brother Boyd Kirk a later Colleen Ktrk the grandmother) Ura LUclll Johnon Mr Sayd Kirk and a great-grandmothr Mr Mary Morgan Goahn Funeral service! will be conducted 8un day at 2 with burial In tb Goahen cemetery Parley Draper MORONI Parley Draper 72 died at his horns hers Friday of pneumonia He was born in Draper Novsmber 21 1863 a son of Parley and Margaret Stmmonsen Draper When a child he moved with his parents to Freedom later moving to Moroni where he had resided since In 1881 he mArrled Amanda Yorgason at Moroni Survtvlng are four ions and three daughters Parley Draper John Merle and Bunt Draper all of Moroni Mrs Erma Larsen Moroni Mrs Eva Peterson Provo and Mrs Zenda Boyack Spanish Fork four brothers Freeman Draper Moroni Homer Draper Fatrvtew Archie Draper Ephraim ana Ray Draper Freemen three sisters Mre James Johansen Mrs 0 Simmons Mount Pleasant and Stephenson daughter Prank and Grace Richards Miller daughter Lynn A and Hilda Berkenpas Berlin daughter Clyde and Catherine De Heer Doak daughter Fairvtew Harry and Larue Andersen Burnside son Fountain Green Lowell and Myrtls Kendall Oldroyd daughter Deaths HAL Wiliam Dureli HsIm 1A month 107 Fremont avenue broncho pneu-imlu September 14 Josephine Jenfen 79 224 West Fourth North street unknown but natural September Baptist -Wethsl Baptist church svangeliatic fundamental and friendly 952 Eaat Ninth South atreet -H Lyon Baynea paster Sunday chool at 10 a Jullua Sheppard auparintendent Howell teacher of 'men'e Bible claee morning worahip at 11 o'clock topic Christ the -Flrat young people'a meetinga at fyn Tom Hopkifta president goapel service at subject "Some Remarkable Preached That I Have prayer meeting Thuraday at 8 Vlaltora are eapecially Incited to our aervicea Bnrllngtoa Baptist church 1400 Indiana' Blble echool 10 a aenior and adult uniona Will meet at 8:30 evening Worahip at 7:30 The aer-mon will be given by the trietate missionary Mlee Mary Ayera Subject Boura Midweek aervlce Wednesday at T30 In charge of Mlaa Ayera Immanuel' (First) Baptist church Sec-end South and Fourth East atreeta The Rev A Lyon mlniater Bible achool at 9 :45 a Lucas auperlntendent elaaaea for all 11 morning worahip The Rev Lyona' who haa been called aa paator of Immanuel Baptlat church will apeak Senior and Beta Phi uniona meet at 7 na evenlngaervice 8 Rev Lyona will apeak wedneaday at 4 a midweed aervlce for prayer and Bible atudy Magna Baptlat chlirch Eighty-ninth Weat and Twenty-ninth South atreeta Pace pastor Morning worahip and church achool 10:30 o'clock -sermon "How a Christian Should 7 young hour 7 :30 evensong and worship: sermon "What Will Happen Meat?" Murray Baptist church 82 East Forty-eighth Sooth atreet James Payne pastor 10 a ra unified service Bible school worship and sermon by the pastor 643 young meeting 7:30 gospel service sermon by pastor on topic Route With the 4-30 Tuesdav 3-M Guild 7 :30 Wednesday midweek church aervlce: 10:30 a Thursday auxiliary with quilting luncheon and devotional meeting In the evening the members entertain their husbands Rio Grande Baptist church 1140 West Second South atreet Sunday achool at 10 a church 11 a and adult union 7 prayer meeting Tuesday 8 at the church Mlse Ayers leader Aid Thursday at 2 Taylor Avenue Baptist church Twenty-fourth South and State streets Bible erhoal 10 a classes for all Mrs Fay Williams auperlntendent morning worship 11 O'clock Miss Mary Ayera will bring the message Thursday at 7 :30 midweek aervlce Friday at 7:30 IT Mlaa "Edith Fletcher president Catholic Cathedral of the Madeleine 331 Eaat South Temple street The Most Rev James Kearney bishop the Rev Giroux rector Sundav masses at 6:30 830 10:30 and a Weekday masses 7 and 8 Wasatch 8826 Our Divine Saviour Becond East and Ninth South atreeta The Very Rev Mon signor Sheehan pastor Sunday masses 8 and 10 Sunday school 9 a Weekday masses 8 St Ann's 430 East Twenty-first South street Sundav masses at 7:30 and 9:30 o'clock Weekday muses at 6:45 excepting Saturday at 7 Kt Patrick's 1230 West Fourth South Monsignor Alfred Glovannonl stfutor- -Sunday neee ft-emft 14 e'etaefe weekday masses 8 o'clock Wasatch 7926 Our Lady of Lourdes Eleventh East and Seventh South streets The Rev John Lagan administrator Sunday masses at 6 30 8:30 10:30 and 11 A Catechism classes 9:30 and 10:30 a Wednesday classes 4:15 and 5:15 Weekday maasea 7:30 and 8 a Hyland 1346 Our Lady of Guadalupe 424 West Fourth South street back of the ft CL depot The Rev Collins administrator Sunday muses 8:30 and 10:30 o'clock Weckdsy masses 7 St Theresa's rhnrch Masses at 8 9:30 o'clock The Rev Joseph Gosselin Allen street Midvale pastor St Vincent de Paul church The Rev Patrick Maguire paator residence 4893 Wasatch street phone Murray 63 Sundav masees at 8:30 and 10:30 o'clock Weekday muses at 8 Sunday school at 9:30 a Christian Central Christian church Fourtli South and Third East streets Oren OraAood I) minister James Gilbert organist Church school 9:45 a Dunlap superintendent church worship 11 a communion aervlce Sermon of particular Interest to students on "Education and Religion Duet Love Divine" by Mre Barbara Apgood and Miss Margaret Ora hood Solo "The Holy City" by Joseph Nordberg meeting at 6:30 Christian Science Flrt church 338 East Broadway Second rhurrh 568 East South Temple (tree! Both churches hold Sunday sarvlcea at 11 a and Flrat church at 7 Sunday achoola at 9:30 a Wedneaday tvening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock Radio program today at 2:30 Public read fng room 528 Utah Oil building "Matter" la the aubject of tha aermon to road In all Churcnea of Chrlit Sclentiat on Sundav September 20 The golden text: "That which la born of tha flesh Is flesh and that which la bom of tha aplrlt la la from John 3:8 Tha leaaon-sermon also Includes the Bible passage: "Where Is tha wise? Where Is the scribe? Where la the disrupter nf this world? Hath not God mad foolish tha wiadom of this world? That no flesh should glory In His presence" (I Cor 1:20 291: and tho following correlatlva from the Chriatlan Science textbook: "Science and Health With Kev to the by Mary Baker Eddy: things (verities) are God's thoughts aa thsy exist In the spiritual realm of tho real Temporal things are the thoughts of mortals and aro tha unreal being the opposite of tha rtal or the splrltua and sternal" (p 337) Church of Christ Church of Christ 323 South State atreet Sunday achool 10:30 a atudy of tha massage today Opn air aermon 3 southeast comer Court park Sermon In the hall 4 Benjamin Townson pastor Subject: The messenger John the Baptist appeared to Fatting July 29 1930 laying: Young men will suffer and children will be fatherless and women will weep for husbands and Alt The world wtlTTamenr and weep and the rich will howl when their riches will fade away yet Satan will work for he knows his days are short And this nation hall be cleansed and than ahall It be Zion for tha Lord will bless this land and the people that will keep Hla commandments and walk In humility before Him But the headv and hlghmlnded He will visit with dsstruetton and those that have robbed the widow and fatherleas and have taken that which Is not their ews Behold they have taken that which la not their own: they have lied that they might get gain: they have taken from the aged and thev will not part with their substance to feed the poor end reedy but they have taken the wldow'e mite in unrighteousness and have need It for their pleasure and the gospel work they babe treated aa naught yet they have said: love the Lord!" man thou that profess the name of the Lord remember the eyes of the Lord ara upon you you cannot eontlnua In your unrlght- rous a ays before the Lord your God who haa crested thee He Is long suffering and full of mercy hut He will reward thee ae thy works will be Mesaage Church of Christ Church of Christ (Christian) 823 Sixth East Hugh A Mitchell minister Church school with elaaaea for all ages and In which tha Chrlat-centarad program la followed 10 a Morning worship Supper and preaching 11 Subject Home with the Lord Church elaaaea for both children and adults 8:30 Children aro taught scriptural songs with a detlnlt relation to their spiritual nseds Adults ara studying Priesthood of Evening evangelistic worship 7:30 preaching on the third In a series of dlspensa-tlonal truths Dispensation of Human Prayer meeting Bible study Wedneaday 7:45 Miss Helen Lind leader Christian Leadership training class Friday 7:45 All are cordially In' vlted to attend theae undenominational meetinga Church of God Tho Church af God 803 West First South atreet Sunday achool 10:30 a Evening service 7:30 o'clock A Bible dierusalon In the city library committee room upstairs at 3 Subject: a Christian gets offended In any way ha ahould go to the offender If he goea to somebody elee he becomes an offender Matt 18 Friday 7:48 Bible atudy Congregational Phillips Congregational rhurrh Revrnth East and Fifth South streets The Rev Roy Damron mlniater 9 45 a church achool 10 a Chriatlan ethics elaaa for aenior young people and adults 11 a services of public worship sermon by thu minister Important Question Am I Paced Thle Is fall recovery Sun (U At ptiinlr Member and friend are Adolph Anderson 60 a resident of Grantsville died in a local hospital 8atui day at 540 He was born iu Grantsville October 25 1875 Surviving are his widow Claudia Onion- Myron m4 QladvnU: the following children Vane Rioh- LaVon Ray Chldester 1604 Sixth East street daughter 8TEWART John and Marv LaVon Sparks Stewart 3429 Thirteenth street daughter CLARK Percy George and Emma Dolores Seal Clark 1050 Blaine avenue daughter ELLERTSON Dean and Bumtce Dixie Rogers Ellertson 3193 Third East street daughter GRANT Lawrence Llbesley and Louise Esther Tadje Grant 341 Herbert avenue daughter HORSLEY Rujon David and Patricia Brown Have Horsley 53 North State street daughter Joe Hite and Florence Evallne Piper Wheeler 1518 West Ninth South street daughter 1 Theodore Irvin and Fevette Parktn Geurts 1052 Plerpont avenue daughter Lawrence Msrtln end Leona Ward Bemip 317 West North Temple street daughter OGDEN Leiand and Adelit Stone-breaker Dopp daughter Lqland and Artie Fowers Slater son: Robert and Roena 8aunders Lasater daughter Virgil A and Ll a Taylor HincncHff son: Earl and Fleldlo son William and Edith Simpson Douglas daughter Deloy and June Rogeraon Kennedy eon Arnold and Hazel Mumford Crouch daughter Harold and Eleanor Ford Olsen ton George and Frances Pur-ringtem Tucker son Clayton and Helen Nye Bowman daughter Russell A and Anna Telford Anderson son Ezra and Selma Elmer daughter Clarence and Ruth Stlmeon Parker son Lester and Edna Stoll Btlkeler daughter Albert and Geneva Jensen Garfteld eon Ivan and Mildred Everett Radabough daughter George and Margarete Pickett Horrocks eon Charles and Eliza Harding Smith son: Alan and Gallev Rich Brockbatik daughter Orson and Marlon Herrmann Tulsar daughter Louis and Cleone Wright Evrard daughter Stanley and Olive SeegmUler Finch son: Stacy and Ada Carlson Garn son Walter A and Isabelle Ooodaell Hansen daughter Gilbert and Gladys Cowles Torgeson daughter Wallace and Norma Klhlstrom Mlnnoch daughter Stanford and Viola Layton daughter Wllford and Wanda Colvin Hancock son: Haswell and Laveda Murdock Shurtleff son Lester and Gertruda Koons Chapman eon Hamue! and Thora Munn Moore daughter: Mark and Dorothy Reeder Bott son: Rov and Ardell Fowers Hunter son Atwell and Clementine McNeill Wolfer daughter: Julius and Esther MUler Han-sink daughter-Francis A and Cecils Hie-lev Johnson sdn Alva Lerov and Glenns Pledger Allen dauehler: LcRnv and Margaret Francis Porter daughter1 Reid and SlUia Read Thatcher son George I and Ia Parker Jensen daughter Fran-fit and Juanita Shaw Swift ton Lee and Dora Mile Westmoreland daughter Rosco and Ina Burrows Bowman daughter Louts and Vemlc Dallof King daugher Ralph A and Mary Rru-nettl West son Eldon and Revft Call a Jo taUoni 3 8ALEBLADIE9 city or eountyf coametlc -exp pref but not necessary Interview Sundav or Monday bet 1 and 3 216 Boton Bldg GIRL or woman for motkerleee hqme 351 North 5th West GIRL for general housework 421 10th vs Wa 621 8-W YOUNG woman for gen hawk' slay no children 83 wk 34T 7tn South GIRL for gen houaework for tltah family In Los Angeles Ref req Was T584-R WAITRESS apply George' Cats 65 2nd South I 4 1 Hy" "ilSS-lfc to 12 1 CHAMBERMAID mut be experienced Write today to Box B-60 Trth -Tel HANDY mail or woman for city farm board! (Continued an Following (Mil.

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