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Angola Herald from Angola, Indiana • Page 2

Angola Heraldi
Angola, Indiana
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NERVOUS HEADACHE. had to contend apainst was the indif WORK OF THE SESSION THE ANGOLA HERALD, ference of the mass of women toward the ballot. Interest t4 Something of Particular Women. ANQOLA, INDIANA, SEVENTEEN LAD) I THE MB. Remains of Chicago's Murdered Mayor at Rest.

for the brief space of half an hour, the members of the bereaved famih were left alone with their honored dead. In the meantime the funeral procession formed on the boulevard fronting the residence, and at the hour of noon the casket was borne for th last time down the graveled walk sc often traversed by the dead man in th? score or more of years that the mansion has leen his home. Then the BILLS, SIXTEEN RESOLUTIONS. TrtK curious spectacle was the other day of the most auto V. X.

HUTTM, Karros in FaorBxvro JOINT cratic of despotisms hobnobbing in unbounded enthusiasm with the most radical of democracies. Russia Summary of the Potnira ot the National Tne labor we delight In physics pain," but the labor wo dislike warps the mind, wearies the body, without compensating advantages. and France were frantically enibrac-1 inp each other at Toulon, and the legislature Few Result for So Long a Term Matters Which Will Confront the Regular Session. cortege, several miles in length, began to move to the Church of the Epiph- PARADE OF THE DEADJ Ashlani avenue ami Adams It has been a hard day and the tired lines in your face show it. The muscles of the face have lost their firmness and the lines about cheeks and mouth and eyes droop wearily.

You look ten years older than you know you are, and you feel sadder thnn you know you have a right to be. Worse than all, a sharp pain shoots from the left temple over the forehead and down the sides of the face. You know that means a nervous headache and a night ot agony, unless something is done quickly. Try this: Slip off your oodice and bare jour neck. Twist your hair into a loose knot on the top of your head.

Czar, to add fillip to the occasion, visited the French war ships at Copen Wr. often re in novels of men ji us neati. mounieu on coai oiacK What They Did. At the extraordinary session, closed chargers, rode Superintendent of Po hagen, where he was the puest of his who grind their tooth with rage, but we are never told what thoy do with lice Bronnan. the mart-hal of the day father-ln-law.

the King of Denmark. Friday, sixteen joint resolutions and ex-Chief of Pohee Dovie. as assistant them after thoy are ground. seventeen bills became laws. Three of these joint resolutions were signed It is probably true, however, that the fervor of France and Russia for marshal, and Police Inspectors Hunt, Schaaek, Ross and Lewis.

Next in line A MOST IMPOSING FUNERAL CORTEGE. came five carriages, occupied by the Friday and nine of the bills. The last proposition to become law was the each other is not due to mutual love, It not what men think but what they do that marks their worth. It gentlemen who had ireen requested bv but to that other bond which is said i the family to act as honorary pall was Carlyle who said: "The end of trcarers. his is the list: 1 nomas Palmer.

Harlow X. Higinbotham. Ma- to be the strongest in human nature the hatred of a common enemy. Germany can look on the spectacle man is an notion, not a thought." General Nelson A. Miles.

ex-Cov- ernor Richard Otrlesbv. Ferd with pood humor and laugh at the r.v the time a man pots to know Peek. Judjfo I.vman Trumbull, Fred Military and Civic Organization and Throng of Cltitens Crowds Dealt aa to Block the Passage of the Procession for Hour Service Conducted In the Church of the Epiphany Mott Impressive Ceremonies Ever Accorded a Civilian Iteantlful Music and Flower Barial at Craceland. money France is spending on wine H. Winst n.

Gen. Charles Fitz-Simons how to manigc his children they pet H. J. C. C.

Billings. Adolph and fireworks but not In ransoming Alsace and Lorraine. tcre old enouph to rut him in an Insane astlum arid run the business to Kraus, Philip D. Armour. Frank Yen- i ter.

ex-Mayor John A. Roche, ex' joint resolution amending rne act approved April 25. 1WM), relating to the admission of articles intended for the World's Columbian Fxoosition. Other bills signed were as follows: Trnnsfcrrinif the model battleship Illinois to the State of Illinois as a naval armory; donating abandoned rannon to the O. A.

It. at Pitts-burir. act Binenrtinir the Geary Chinese law; to regulate terms of the United States Otrenit and District Courts in the State of South Dakota: increasina the number of officers of the armv and navv to be detailed to colleees; to regulate the fees ot the clerk of the United States Court for the Indian Territory amending an act to provide for holding terms ot Vnited States Court, in Idaho and Wvomine: amending section 2 of Revised Statutes relating to mining claims; providing for the construction of steam reve-nne-cntter for service oa the great lakes: and an act in regard to the World's Fair Prire-Winners' Exposition to be held at New York City. lt themselves. Mayor Joseph Medill.

ex-Mayor Hemp- Chicago Herald: business men i stead Washburno. Judges Francis Then take a sponge and a basin water just as hot as you can bear it. Pass the hot wet sponge slowly and steadily over the face and forehead for eight or ten minutes, keeping the sponge as hot as it can be borne. By that time your face will look and feel as if it were parboiled. But do not worry.

Then bathe the back of the neck as you have done the face, carrying the sponge each time well up the back of the head. Keep this up for some length of time; then, without looking at yourself in the glass because that would be sure to disquiet you dry your face and neck softly and go and lie down flat on your back. Close your eyes Adams. B. D.

Mapruder. S. P. Mo. is seeking a rich woman for a With all the manifestations of sor onneii and it.

A. alicr wife so that he may l-eoome lnde A carriage containing the officiating. pendent, a man too often finds that be marries a fortune with an inde clergyman preceded the hearse. Eight active pallbearers. iolico captains and generally can do no better than follow the example set by the banks, which on Saturday inaugurated the rule of closing their doors at noon on that day of the week the year round.

Chieagoans work too hard, and their eager pursuit of the nimble dollar ha formed the basis for all sorts of (louts pendent wife attached. lire marshals, inarched on each side ol the funeral carriage, and the Chicago Hussars, under Captain Brand, rode in Is th c-eia ot rapid divorces it row and regret that could 1h? tdiown by a great city to its murdered executive, the remains of Carter H. Harrison were borne on Wednesday to the beautiful city of the dead on the northern outskirts of Chicago. By general consent, although there was no one in authority to issue the necessary proclamation, business throughout city was generally suspended. The city and county offices were closed throughout the day.

and the public buildings, as well as scores of business houses and private residences along the route traversed bv Additional important bills which were signed by the President during the extra session included the famous silver bill lepealing the purchasing clause of the Sherman act. Also the following Authorir-ina acknowledgment to the various foreign governments -who participated in the commemoration of the discovery of America double column on the outside of the palilrearers. Following the hearse were carriages containing the immediate relatives, the City Council and officials, county, State and national officials in order of precedence, the rear being brought up by civic and military organizations and citizens on foot. Three Chicago regiments of the the National Guard and a detachment of United States troops participated in and Jeers aimed at them by the inhabitants of other cities. Keen activity and strict attention to business are well and proper.

They are the qualities that have built up Chicago. lUit thoy have been carried too far. Chicago is no longer a half-developed town with a "Ivoom" on. It is a mature, steady-going metropolis. Is as well that should study law ard graduate in a law college.

A deal of could te saved if each wi man were lv her own lawytr. At the cooking school: "Mis may name a few warmth-tr. diieirg fo.nk" "Yeth. Mith Ha-pc-o.

I will. There's ciy.nne peper, Jan, aid ginger, tamaulith and very hot pi.tatath." and think just of anything how heavy you are on the couch and how easily it supports you. That is an important part of the cures. Lie there for half an hour, if you don't fall asleep, as you probably will. Then get up and take the deferred look in the glass.

That tired look has gone, the muscles have regained their tone, the wrinkles have disappeared. You look like your younger sister. Best of all, the parting pain in the head and the pessimism of the soul have left you. New York Sun. with a great future, it is true, but with no necessity for continuing the twenty-four-hour methods of ante-fire days Business and business methods are firmlv established.

It is bv Christopher Columbus: tor tne reponing, marking, rn.l removal of derelicts; act in ai i of the California Midwinter International Imposition: act to extend the time for completing the work of rhe eleventh census: act amending the act to repeal timber culture laws: several bills rolatina to the Cherokee outlet, and a bill to settle th Mormon Church fund. One of the first measures presented to the next Houe will emanate from Congressmrn MeCann's Committee on Labor. It will lie a favorable report on a resolution of inquiry as to the comparative effect on labor and cost to consumers of labor-saving machinery. "The resolution of inquiry." said Congressman McC.ann, "was not prompted by any spirit of A in the Circuit Court at Chattanwva. parsed seventy-nine application for divorce cne day.

I. Falls bxik to its center shows The diuirtv signs of no longer needed to work day and night or even the full six days of the week. The Saturday half holiday is a Wneficent and sanatory institution. It marks an advanced civilization, and as a matter of fact it is ad Vr. pr- piw, this ri.ld'e to a pretty girl who is a groat flirt: What Is tl difTor noe Wtwi-on yu and the l.te Admiral I'arragutr lie was to the mast and you'll be to the la-t.

vantageous even from a financial standpoint. Men will do more work in five and a half days than in six days and they will do their work letter. From any point of view, therefore, the half holiday is profitable, and Chicago business men should, with their visual sagacity, avail themselves of its advantages. A cm deal of -mall it is expend its supposed yet the phil- criticism, but set on loot to secure information on a point that is becoming of vital interest to all classes of pe.roleT, including employer and Tt is the intention of the majority of the Wnvs and Means Committee to submit the row tariff bill as soon as it it is completed to the Republicans, who will bo given ten days to consider it. and frame a minority report.

The bill will probably be ready by Dec. I. just before the opening of Congress in regular session. By reason of a joint resolution passed by loth houses to have all enrolled and engrossed bills printed it is probable that a printing offine will be established at the Capitol. It is thought by Laving the bills printed many errors can be avoided.

The New York and New Jersey bridge bill will not lie passed until the next session of Congress. It is now in conference. Japanese Clansmen. No crusader of the West, no viking of the North, cherished a higher ideal of loyalty and chivalry than this clansmen of old Japan: no Corsican more ruthlessly handed down a feud from generation to generation or exacted from son and brother the execution of a sterner vendetta. The Sats-tuma men of to-day triumph in the fact that their own swords have avenged in this generation the defeat inflicted on their forefathers in the year 1600 by the Tokugawa clan.

Legend and drama recount every day to eager ears their stories of sons who died to avenge their fathers, clansmen that they might slay the foemen who had caused the death of their lord. The favorite heroes, who hold in popular estimation the place assigned by us to l.obin Hood and his men, are the forty-seven ronins, a name given to men who have lost their clanship. Their lord was obliged to commit hara-kiri, or judicial suicide, for having within the royal precincts drawn his sword on a noble who had insulted him, and these stanch vassals devoted themselves to the destruction of the in-sulter. knowing assuredly that, having slain him, they would be equally condemned to take their own lives. wiltlorness is ed en rhila lelphla for ekrpln and dullness OTp her knows that no more lono- metlian the and niovt 1 iMling city.

most crowded Tin: Chicago Record think that The theory that healthy food in sufficient quantity and filtered water arc the most efficacious preventives of cholera has received a striking demonstration during the recent grand maneuvers if the Austrian armv. A force of over loO.OOO men John Jacob Astr better give v.p yachting before somebody get! hurt. At all ovnt. it be well for him to voout somewhere Into the troad ocean and jractiee diligently until he km-ws how. Routine Vroccrdlnps.

The Prnatc passed the Voorhees hill re- pertiinjr the Sherman law at hock TucdaT evening ny a vote 01 i there beins five pairs not voting. This re sult was reached after an acrimonious crossfire of vituperative talk, awheel to ire debate. lastinsr all day. No other was gathered together in a province of the empire officially declared to be cholera-stricken, and where the scourge is raging with great virulence among th1 impoverished peasantry. Notwithstanding the fact that the maneuvers extended over a period of several eeks, during hich the men were exposed to all kinds of hardships and were even quartered in clu lera-infcsted villages, yet there has not been a single cass of cholera among them.

In connection with this, it may be mentioned that dur Tin: fa-Id' nable pointed toe or tot thpiek shape for men's shoos is. r.o doul t. a fashion the benefit of the corn sal The common fXpcion. "a siuaretel man." may be taken now-a-davs to mean a cr.sitle as well a an honest one. business was donn by te t-enaie.

The mornins hour in the House expired without action, and the de bate on the bankruptcy 0111. me order, was resumed. -Mr. Kronen, CAKTER II. HARRISON, His Favorite Photograph.

Kansas, antagonized tne Dili, ana ir. Ealph, of Massachusetts, supported it Mr. Culbertson, of Texas, Chairman of the Committee, spoke in opposition. the procession. Slowly the cortege proceeded down the boulevard to the church.

When the arched entrance Somk Knglish newspapers are in-cliro sympathize with the Cnited State l-eoau-e we cannot bestow titular honors on men who have ren He concluded about 4 o'clock. He was followed by Mr. Dingley. At 4:30 the House was reaeneu tire casKet was oorne up adjourned. tne aisle the sanctuary railing by ing the last great cholera epidemic in Fgypt there was only one government department that did not lose a single man from the malady.

As soon as the latter broke out the man The Senate "is taklne a rest after its ex- haustlnc struggle with silver. An aay a tne paunearers. Hie funeral service was conducted after the regular form bare quorum was all that could De muster of the Episcopal Church, Rev. T. N.

ed. The Houe bill providing ior tna time the cortege on the way to Craceland Cemetery, were drained with emblems of woe. The procession itself was long and imposing. Besides the city officials, the members of the City Council, the Board of F.ducation and other municipal lnxlies, the thousands of personal friends of the dead Mayor and many civic, fraternal and semi-military birdies appeared in line. Nothing was lacking to give jnunp.

ceremony and impressiveness to the obsequies of the man for whom not only Chicago, but Still may be seen fresh incense sticks burning before the graves of their leader and his young son and visiting cards stuck into the little tablets above them as tokens of the respect in which they are held by those who know their story and deplore their doom. Mr. T.lack records that at a review of British troops in 1SG4 at Yokohama a great dainiio was watching with interest the manoeuvres of the regiments and batteries of artillery stationed there. At the conclusion he was asked to allow the escort of his retainers who had accompanied him to go through their drill and tactics, to which he readily consented. Turning to Sir Ruthertord Alcock, who was inspecting the troops, he proudly said: "My retinue is small, and their tactics are not worthy of notice after what we have seen, but there is not one of them who, if 1 say wi.l not unhesitatingly sacrifice his life at my command." The Nineteenth Century.

and place of holdin? Circuit ana mstriet Morrison, heing the omeiating Courts in tou'U uakom was pusat-u. iuc clergyman. He also delivered a brief Senate bill extending tne time ior nnai address. After the benediction had agement of the state railroads immediately took steps to have each of its employes supplied with good and sufficient food, particularly bread and been pronounced the procession re payments on desert land entries was amended to extend the time of payment for one year instead of three, and to make It formed, and headed by the Iowa State dered distinguished services to the Country. ThiV commiseration is called forth because the Canadian Minister cf Marine anil Fisheries, who rendered good service to England in the luhrir.g sea arbitration, has leen created a "Knight Commander of the Order of St.

Michael and St. George." Tut the title of American citizen is rt, expressive, familiar to all the world, and worth more than all the taublc with which monarchs can rcdeck their subjects. Band, took up the march of the dead apply only to entry men wno were unauie vo pay. As amended the bill was passed. A rosnl lit ion authoriilug the Committee on to Craceland cemetery.

The crowd along the road to Grace- land was as great as in the central por Agriculture and Foresty to continue during the recess the investigation on the state of tens of thousands scattered far and wide, were in mourning. Tuesday morning at ten o'clock the casket containing the remains was con- tion of the city. No such outpouring agriculture, authorized oy resolutions 01 meat, at government expense, with the result as Indicated. It Is mainly people whose digestive organs are impaired, and rendered hypersensitive by inadequate and unhealthy food or by polluted water, who are exposed to the danger of the contagion of cholera. of the public has been seen in Chicago.

April 19. isvs, ana ranrcu iom, agreed to. In the House the fcenate joint resolution transferring the model of the Notes of Current Events. George Gould is on a hunting trip battleship Illinois at tne oria air wj the city ot Chicago was agreed to. The bill to remit the duties on the ammunition rAvtr L.

Caiu kntkr. who died recently in Philadelphia, is probably in Missouri. South Dakota was visited by a se- imported for the use oi tne navy aunn the trouble between the I'nlted States and rhill was nassed. and debate was then re The terrible accidents on the Central and Grand Trunk Kail- vere snow storm. The cruiser New York has been dered to Rio de Janeiro.

sumed en the bankruptcy bilL or- -4 roads bring the season's list of killed i short, and sharp but ineffectual t-. i KAM ts irienusnip ior rtussia is She Needed Teaching. There is laid to be the maddest kind of a woman in Portland. She persisted in playing her piano despite the wooden swearing of her neighbors by means of slamming doors and windows. One niirht last week there was a ring at her doorbell.

A woman whom she had never met before stood fight on Wednesday the champions of silver were routed in the House, and the Voorhees measure from the Senate was and wounded on the roads centering at Chicago to over 30t. This is a terrible record, and there is no excuse for viewed with distrust by the Germans. The schooner F. W. Elmer was lost passed by a vote ot to s4.

vntmn two in the great storm on the Gulf of Mex hours It had received tne signature ot President Cleveland, and tne purenaes ot ico and the crew was lost. the only dancing master who ever received a column obituary notice In a metropolitan paper. In his case, however, the tribute is said to have t-een well deserved. Mr. Carpenter Vegan life as a blacksmith and lived to called a -Chesterfield and Grandison in one." He devoted his life to teaching the fashionable youth cf the tjuakcr City how to dance, and most of the older generation learned their steps from him.

He was years old, and up to the time of his death preserved his courtly de silver by the Government ceased. worK The co-operative grlass works at in the Senate was unimportant. there. The first part ot" the conver- Beaver Falls, were blown up by Thursday passed "World's sation passed unnoticed, but sud- The House gas. The loss is several thousand dol it.

The railroad companies had plenty of time to prepare for the World's Fair business, and should have equipped their roads for It. In too many cases, however, they have been intent upon reaping a great harvest of profits rather than in promoting the welfare of the public. The method of running excursion trains lars. Falr prize winners" exposition to be held in (Jenly tn0 excited voice of an angry Now York City from Nov. 24 to Jan.

15. awoke the echoes of the The Senate passed a bill extending the woman awoh.e me ecnoes oi ine Miss Hannah Wetnell's friends time tor the registration oi at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, think her death suspicious and will disinter the body. in the United States ana doing away with the necessity for the Columbian museum of Chicago paying duty on any of the exhibits it may require for its own use. portment and easy and correct man The Capital City Cloth Casket Company, of Indianapolis, has failed. The assents are $00,000 and the liabilities ners.

riEWIXO THE RKMA1XS IS THE C1TT HAtX. The Senate bill granting to tne ftate ot California 5 Der cent ot the net proceeds of the cash sales of public lands in that $25,000. Tiif. death of Linn- Stone recalls State to aid In the support ot its puinic or Stonbridge's glass factory at New- teacher, and that Mrs. B.

sent you here: I don't want any singing teacher." "I beg pardon, madam," replied the caller, "she said she heard you sing and vou wanted a teacher badly." It is kindness to draw the veil here, but there was a big hair-pulling match right then and there, and two angry women are out gunning for Mrs. B. But since that the vocalist's piano and the quiet evening air have taken a long-needed resu Kennebec Journal. in sections is doubless necessary, but it has proved very perilous to life and limb. Scarcely a week passed that a rear-end collision did not occur somewhere in the West.

These calamities have I ecn accounted for in various ways, but in no case has there common schools and making an appropria the early period of woman suffrage. ton, L. was destroyed by fire, entail- tion for that purpose was aiso passea. batch ot nominations received the approv inar a loss of $31,000. mere is no in Fearless and forcible In promoting what she believed to Ve needed re al of the Senate, and that ooay tnen aa- suranee.

reyed under escort from the family residence on Ashland boulevard to the City Hall. The casket was met at the La Sallo street entrance of the public building by the members of the City Council. These, walking two and two, preceded it through the corridors to the center of the rotunda on the main 3oor. where it was placed on a magnificent catafalque. Here, beneath a journed.

forms In political and civil relations George Adams and H. H. Bragg, farmers, while returning home from Bismarck. N. under the influence been an accident of this kind which was rot preventable.

The accident on the Michigan Central is ascribed to the failure of the air-brake at the Congress has finished the extra session. But little business was transacted Friday by either bouse, and that little simply perfunctory. The-sesslon closed without confirmation by the Senate of the nomination of JudeH ornblower to the Supreme bench. of liquor, were both killed by the over cf women, she was especially an object of coarse vituperation and senseless raillery. Her natural cbviuenoe tnd iersnnal amiabMity made friends for the cause in spite of all opposl- turning Ol Hie Wituir.

Dr. W. H. Hodgson, wnose mama Headache on Railroad Trains. Those who suffer from headache is that he is rich, and who buys thou ol black, surrounded by fra-trratt flowers: above, a many-tapered the light filtering down on the peaceful face through garlands of sands of dollars' worth of goods and How the World Wasrs.

Coyne, a hotel boot black of pays for them in fraudulent checks, ia and feel the fatigue of a railway journey (disagreeably should take with them two leather or silk-covered cushions one for the small of the Boston, has fallen heir to $4,000 by the operating in viueiuiian. A WOMAN fainted in the Bijou Thea ter at Iouisville during a theatrical back another to rest the neck and jmuax ana roses, lay the mortal remains of Carter H. Harrison, and past his bier filed for hours two lines of his mourning fellow-eitizens, at the rate Df 5,000 per hour. Miles or Mourner. At 10 o'clock Wednesday morning the doors were closed against the performance.

Someone in the audi enee shouted fire and a panic followed. head. An eminent doctor once stated that this was a capital antidote to critical moment, but is there any good reason why the air-brake should be liable to get out of order at such a moment? If the contrivance was defective, its defect should have been discovered by Inspection. The Grand Trunk slaughter was the result of awful and criminal carelessness. The World's Fair year should have been the occasion of the exhibit of a perfect railroad system.

On the contrary, it has shown that many of our railroads are recklessly managed, tion In Its early days, and she was especially efficient In the pioneering of the movement in Kansas and the West. Although she passed away without seeing the congressional ballot In woman's hands, school suffrage, and in many cities municipal suffrage, she had the satisfaction of knowing, were within the reach of womra in many parts of the country. Mrs. Stone realized that one of th greatest difficulties her fatorite caus Several persons were injured. the evils arising from the jolting of Mrs.

Eldora J. Schofield, who was death of a rsew orituneie. A MIMIC battle between British marines and sailors at Halifax, N. was witnessed by 10,000 persons. Horace Hiix.

arrested for the murder of Anna Wiese at Marshaltown, was discharged from custody. A San Francisco company ha c9: tracted with Chinese brokers for 30,000 coolies, who will be sent to Central and South America. tne tram, liable to cause slight con awarded the diamond prize in the New Encland beauty snow in isso, was gestion of the head in very lone journeys, lie furthermore advised no reading in the train to those subject eranted a divorce at Providence, Ft. I throng that still filed through the building and the casket under the es-sort of the same committee selected for service the day before was returned to the house on Ashland avenue. Here, from Broker John H.

Schofield, of Cht cago. to headaches. 1.

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