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The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia • Page 13

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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13 Tic Sydney Morning Herald, Jan. 16, 15 M.9, J. As," -i-m iiTUr i- -mw The Remarkable William Booth 1 TM ITT I I HIT tT -11 11 WW 331 "ViHEK rr 7 it i mm- wsssj -ana. Sim VwtimwMZ, well as shelters where desii-Treedom of Ihf Cilv. the Itilc men.

lor four-pence a 'highest honour London can night, could get a mattress confer upon an 1 nglishman. Willi a Icalhcr coverlet, a li follosscsl by a hoi wash, anil a supper and Doctorate of Civil Law 'con-breakfast of cocoa andllcircu Ivy Oxford L'nivcr-bread. sity. Reports soon spread of the: )c of This year marks the centenary of the faun-(lotion of the Salvation Army in a disused burial ground in the East End of London. By MARY CORRINGHAM General Hoolh went the district where ler of blind alter an esc opeiation.

Booth's work was car- ricd on. attracting the alien. I hv buf up tion of philanthropists. ho, hc ful lhiimiHf it itci 1 ir SLUM clearancehnndrcilsof vcars. On Julvjworld: hut eiery country scheme for Sneinton.12.

I9f5, a plaque to himhere the "Blood and Fire' A to continue his work tor suffering humanity, begun 47 years before. When he Nottingham, England, in- will he unveiled in West-' com- value and contributed material assistance. Renamed the Salvation volves the demolition Abbey. He was; h. lied in Auimisi, his funeral 1 .1 A iu-tt i si everv house but one.

IniWilliam Booth, founder olhccn i.lunchcd throughout! umtm a tarn i a "n-i! i the Salvation Army. Australia and among olher) that house, on April 10, London, with his coffin -j mi iK. i 1 it i ri more rapid progress than 1 824. was born a boy London will be the set- extensions oi tne Army IRC II SSIl.llllS 11 MlltS Only fnmily man lo have tunnelled religions Order II illinm Hoolh. destined to change more for international cele- activities in Australia is thceio c.

emperors, ssas described lives for the better than tended by fA 'dnJ great invone else hud done forliionists from all over thei -rh, ih, mission, immediately 1,1 Bnllsh hlsll1r- movement we know as the canie simply "the tien-j Salvation Arms' l.ulnv mess al." and proceeded to' out of William Booth's per- P1'1 organisation on a sonal crusade lo alleviate Ihe military fooling. with distress of the social out- umioims lor male ami casts of his lime. Ihe "sub- In 1104 HOW DO THEY SWIM THE STRINE, SEX AND SPARKLY GUYS merged tenth" of Britain's HlarU II receives population. Booth audience, and His bos hood svmpalhv affectionately called him with the sufferings' of I'eneral. after hich "Ihe hie I "nics dropped the quota- task look him of Mexico and the Afticaninalivc lossn ssas Ihe icrerring lav.

The ATLANTIC coast. lo a long lile of sclf-sacn- What surprised the Dane.ficing toil and devotion. Inevitably the movement even more ssas that he ssas Booth's father was a lolraclors. aid was is years. His first clue led him on a wild-goose chase toward response to innumerable request jor information about Professor A fferherk Lauder, I whose researches into the Sirine nelting not only ihe larva, speculative builder.

Jewess, ssas a i--'-- Ihe coast of Bntlanv. ihe l-'uropcari eel, but of i mother, a By A Special Correspondent Iquict, ihouchtfiil woman, tall fnrc. national have recently been re- aner a years iriniics-. )hc American species also the i in these columns), his search lie decided lo try, nj hj mcan proud, wnh and shocked many by act- Lamils turt tier wcsissanl. om in tne sns wonclcrlul eves.

i auuliiications and his background, Tree and Lex tier Us one may hear thr natives stngfng. in thnr attaint cents, thr well-known words of this 3j ballad xvhtch has here been translated as "Love is mmtev splattered thick." I WISIM KOO PI'S: .1 n.tmr ui Strine literature. Soiorious for his 1 harshness, hated by the prisoners, fear- ed by man and animal alike, W'isperoo Pes is the brutal mam character in I the low; epic poem. "Chn and Pes." by the Strine poet Adam (torn. The fofloxxtng oft-quoted pasr 5 is lnm the fanunts duel tene tn Act I Enter, ed Kellv.

carrying easel. ing in a way not Allunll Cl.rA he- tA HIS a ground common to disrupted the "ispawnin Its the "Herald" here reprints the nt ainoim leugious nouics. sodics. uie uau again ana lines' exuncrance ami emnusiasm from I he more and more convinced u11 nn tsisml nmlinn iiusssi 111 a hv some as 'j Strvnoo some- "ere rcgarucn thai Ihe anssscr lav The seaward trek of the freshwater eel to its breeding: ground in the region of the Sargasso Sea. some miles from Britain's shores, is one of the mot amazing of all natural phenomena.

her in ihe ili-en svaiers of hhuuhvimu want reverence, and even decp olTiddlc. l-o disasters occurred, riois. In one vear I a sman vessel ,17 brushes and several 44-galhm drums of TAKING the muscular tPIBOJVK came swatminc realised it waVimpossihle lcWa' J. Two or three years l.ter seriou-ly assauhed. and uprivcricomb a whole ocean foiL" "nl'' 9 I Ihe spiritual nearly 100 a large propor-Iclues and he asked captains; ilhlc resume his experience of conversion.

(isn of them women were if occan-eoinc wa, 1,01 aml "lsequentlv lo prison for alleged whcl'cLhin. iin" ii.ini.l,on6 before he established, revival nieciings in Ihe obstruction caused in the synthetic enamel. Oi'lsta i'nna of i critics ciit kin hall-point pens. from the sea. The riddle was: "Harsh, harsh.

Wispcroo Pes nccial nets on their vovaecsi 1'" lnc Poorest districts of Nulling- street by their processions. and lowering them into ihcj' uuiopean.riani, pelted with bricks.l But lord Chief Justice sea at llltCI SalS muiiss iiiki sicasl cais ny ine.v ois-i isiye sen in ins I.Alllin. l.nm-trie Irxieovrnphrr rl ihr mul-tKeniieih irnuiiy, Horn in Mnirlhen to liitmblr parents nl nnblr Unit, he very early in lite auountletl his keeper by displayme tin extraordinary gift jor langiiavn. When only tmt tlays old he could read Scrabble and three tlays later lie learned to speak. His first minis to i's startled parents Merc: "Hey you! Hrinu me a thicken and look fellers, no hens! I have spoken." At the early iigr of three months he iompoed.

and dedicated to his mother, the song entitled "Thanks tor the Mammary." whieli ts still b' Sirincs on iiothcr's Day. At the age of five he look his M.A. and Ph. P. and shortly ntteneards sens appointed protesor lo the inWv created Sehoid of Sirine Studies at Rock.

Handicapped throughout his lite hv And Chrissofcr Rtdun have fallen dan.stair.s. Antnlerking anorlcrking smen Are watching ihe marcs and the birdies aynin." energy of a cross-Channel swimmer as 10 rimes greater than an eel's, the trek of the eel is equivalent lo a human being swimming round the world, plus an additional 5,000 miles into the bargain. It finds its way 3.000 miles under the sea without chart or compass an in-' slid the adult eels go to raise their families? Mans' thought the elvers were hatched a short distance oil the coasl. The lirsl clue came lo light in 18'Jh svhen two SURPRISE mi ins iw- uicai rougns. oi loisis mat lie gion at a depth of some Moving to London in look it that every English-1 1 S49.

Hoolh spent his spare man had an absolute and Further research prosed lime in evangelistic ssork. (Unqualified right to go that Ihe American elvers When in IS55 he marriciLahoul his business and per-took a sear to reach their. Catherine Mumford. a sainl-Torm legal acts ssith the II IK BIG HOUSF-CART AJOI- I mar (( Strine patron saint of voting The results astonished Italian naturalists piovcd everyone. Hv piecing to-jhomc shores, while the ly youne woman wnh simi-, protection ol the law: and? ntUn ll.n licT l-l I.l.-.i.

I. 1.1 11 CClion. Thr- Amrrii-an llsh found inl credible feat of "r.lhc Strait of I fiw" 1 sinn I iis-ssissi i.ii isisais. ssits Hie anpis-iicnucsi inai ssaiK- 4 ,1,.. i i i Perhaps cscn more remark inc nicisnaui snips ss'on ns.n t.uts ss.n.

is. snisi iinij; sii ssii.u iirts sancu ins: uie in 4 i.A....n.n the miles back lo oiir "lhe most niili-r iinil nrni-pssinn rsvn 2 the ruronean snc. a changed by stages into an species a able is the miraculous man. sivni inns inc sin 1 eel. tight ears passed streams and risers.

When partnership on record." if accompanied bv music ried couples, or as they are sometimes indulgently knoxvn. early weds." How the Major came to acquire his curious nickname is unknown: indeed mufh id his life and back ground is obscured hv confU- ting reports and ryptic half-truths One thing. Iuwcvc: iv certain, and that is that If lias ol- M7 vv been assot tiled with marriage and weddings. Today no scll-rcspcct--' ing soloist at a Strine wedding cere-" of about 1 rter in which the young eels, lourncy been born with extreme myopia -s it no further clue until in thev start on their amainc Aficr some sears of and the singing of hvmns. i mime 1904 Dr Schmidl.

a Danish im'--mc(l- trek thev arc onlv an inch preaching for ihe Methodist was absolutely lawful, in m'i having or elsers as thev are called, miles. steer a course assav fromi lor centuries men non 'uned ivith a verv rare and curious inalloriiiation of what is thought lo he si I Ml I'm us- i I is-s i-ssis li nil. niinin in inr iiisiisk ni I th. nm.mrl, I I to Ihe streams and rivers fesc.irth i of ihe hunL Thc came, conic suarmin? in from (he ISM became an ipilcpcn-i subject bad the right 'to be head, he xvns for many yean nn sea they arc ahout three dent rcvians. deciding that protected.

Wr 10 read or rite wiinotit the am inches in lenuth. his real work lay among thc The Ocan of Canterbury powvrftd trinovufars. His output. i ii. i i.

I. i homeless, lhc their parents left. Faroes, netted a larxa mo cvcr' dav- To add lo the sreat eel linlH 1 '-n lhc lo that taken from he larcc number oi elvers mystery is the fact that: was solved. It was well-j i he of Messina. dredged from thc deeps American and Furopcanj known on both sides of thc view of thc fact that told he uas hot on thc trail vicious, and.

(Dean l-arrcrl. who had lire starving of the London personalis' visited the Salva-slums. lhc "quagmire of lion Anus's prison homes. "DESTINY" money am re r-tunneit imm ringing that so well'lovrd melody addrrwed to: "Hig llor'-cart Maim mi nr." OAUIU.FR Within the next half hour; also; greetings. As in: "Til be with vott in a garbler and: itli thr rarbler mince of the irrsnwaier etis pom makCj Atlantic that everv autumn! thc ecl fishery uas an im-, a trail that was leading Heat ions include; "Some l.esrr-known limel Sounds amaha Cahie 'Irani "There Snow Patter ftafi hrr Yenou and "Little Lauder's Lexicon." Asked ahout his hohhies t'mfcwtn Lauder replied, "Well I dt ii i ci i Junius.

nomcs lor reiuec. nigm IJnitrr llri- lillr first ihf i .1 i it p.iwnmgjf ou.n ccls maic ihcirlpottant Danish the West Indies and grounds in ihe haruassoi i' region and their offspring wa' downstream and out tojDr Schmidt was asked lo more particularly toward an A fler five to. seven years Fasi London Mission and similar esiablishmenis'. "rie.

risers, ntinnc of lhc rhrisnan Mis- ils work in elrvatinn nin-vc inc iiiiMfiitc in I whtCll lime thev CrOW to iUc merl'mw rnnfinnrrl headine lor the wronc dir-'countlcss nit inns of vers1 where the spawninc Grounds which hes between ihe Cm 'he inc nieciinj; continued, ihe and conditions of thc most I have a iiiawy horse, hut I am reafiv lone Hn( quicklv became Ihe talk wretched of men as "God- i interested in such simple pastimes the new nr u-lrn wcich up to I OH' cencration of eels feels the uac call of destiny. to shreds one stormy nicht.1 i Details of other famous Strtnes are dem of Pirectors' INN I NARKl'l IX PA.f A builder's term, meaning: ithm the next seven or eight weeks. An ehbor. atton id this phrase "Mr smite duirf mttlv, inner nark up for sure" means, in the building trade: the next seven or eight weeks, I. FN I I Length.

SIH.1T NAIR OVkF: A continual sensation of pain in the head. As i' got a split nair dyke, Smor taken bear, I left a tiger nipey SLX: fleshing buiigs. Sex of pota- I hey chance in colour to, anous old buildings were I llulUy iMGtl a clittcrinc silver, their cvcs'uliliscd. crow larper and their: Booth formed a collection i snouts become more point-0f notorious evil-doers nliam Booth is the only freM mile cd. If necessary, a migrat- tlc "Hallclu ah Rand" man wno nas iauncn- Tlfte Is inc eel will cross roads characters had beenicU a He fields in search or a river by his services.

At that leads to the sea. meetings they related their It is. alas, a and ofi'crcd test i-: anu nis wnc orou.cnt up seven children three sons and four daughters to carry on their work. One tirLM thr nrlnlt lH lmnnir -art inn taLrv for ils inurncv In theiof neonlt who 'would nntlf lhC founder's grandsons. wr.tu iu.

(i Commissioner cliffy raisinc duly ended, so is its' hear an orthodox sermon. Noolh. youngest child of, I printed helot followed hv further ex-tracts from the FASOLA Ti DO World-famous lyrii it tint! soprano, Strtnes have everv reason to he proud the many fatuous their country has produced Joe Nammon, Nellie Mairlper, Peer Torzen. Joan Sul-hut and. ahove all, the glorious Porintv Fusola Teedo whose name will forever he graven on the hearts of all true Strines.

Madame Teedo known to all her adorers as "The Marrickvtlh' Magpie" is unique in Striae musical history. Her golden voice and tempestuous personality are indeed legendary, hut it is as a Ivricist and composer that her true hrilliance is revealed. Perhaps the best loved of her perennially popular songs are "There are ferries at the homh of nty garden" and "Picey dicey! dive tne your ant. Sir, Another favourite, "La! Mannie's Planet 7 hink!" has been translated into fj languages. Even the most remote parts of Som Tare life I As Booth richtlv told alHrHniwcl' BooIh- w' v'sit' Thousands of millions of wMcyan conference some jAiislra ha with his wife next eels have cone out and Vcf his organisation; "rtinl" lwd the come in from Ihe Sarcasso.

Hnf lrt th miW;" Hnnimrpd hv toes; sex of manure; corn sex; TIGFR: Imperative mood of verb to Take As in: "Tiger look at this, Reg, you wooden reader hattit," or "Tiger petrer sparkly guys I OLE: IVolcsor Lauder would like to eprc-s his warmest lh-nks to Ihe many "Herald" readers who have ttriftcn to him offering such valuable criticism and comment, and who have submitted so many Strine words for possible inclusion in thc Glossary. He is most Graphite to find that his work has been so favourably received by the jell public, and hc regrets that, because of thc volume of correspondence, hc is unable to answer these letters individually. I but each and all have harlots, tlvc thicves'and and having Iheir direction-finding sec-ipcoplc outside the the respect of all rets. Doubtless the Gulf of ordinary churches and classes, William Booth lived Stream has some bcarinc drew its converts out of thcito see his critics silenced on the matter, but mavbc recognition As funds became avail-'of thc worth of his work. WC SflHll nCCf KnOW nrm-idrl farlh.

in ll tt'nru to breakfasts anil soup it-1 1 nc-s of human failure. complete answer Great Rel Mystery. hens for lhc starving, as' In 1 905 he received the )- What Became OfH. M. Bat ef nan? To find the bringer of jollity in such a place is so appropriate that it teas almost to he expected.

From TOM POCOCK in London From A Special Correspondent in Athens OWN a deep lane, in a last, old and decrepit, the ssas. and is. iust svhal medlorous artists the treat IT The siht)ili(l Evsones, pride of ihe Creek Army, are threatened because of a deadlock between a king and a tailor. liule farmhouse, he Iconvicl is released and drags to he called "a decent; mass entertainers of their hv lhc fire in the hack to ihe British chap. His comments on I age.

It hegan wnh Phil in America. Australia and Rosal Guard "Only I South Africa. haven't goi around to mak- hcamcd parlour, a fond oldMuscum. Hc hnds the same injustice, social foihlcs andjMayand his conicmpoianes terrier snuffing at his sidcJshosscase and. heforc the ihe of Hnglish life a.

the linn of ihe ccniurv ai h.nnn His each (fsie-'ing that one just yet. Here, enjoving his scsentv- aitenuanis can seize mm made their wrv points Pc-iann ended in iiyi. wnen 72). he understandably has! The pride of thc Georgou seventh Christmas, is H. M.

again, hrcalhcs on the glass nealh rohnst cood humour.1 Ihe war. paper shortage. then television, brought -and drops dead. ipracticallv no nrisalc sales las family is equalled only THE king is 24.year.0ldl "That depends. Esange-lhjn tircccc thc pride of the Greeks 1 The most famous Rate-man cartoon is The Guardsman Who Dropped It.

which nosv hangs in thc onstanttne, vvho suc- 5 lh- ironhle is ihat a their Histanclla. fcvery ncss' sons of visual humour. Hc talks affectionately and with admiration of his old colleagues: Heath Roh- FUMkH In lh. ihrnn of alacc- "nr.sner" reoiiircs day wear at the time of the Greece less than a vca a ZT yards of clolh and take, reyo.ution in .822, it gradu- Guards Inn. iist as an.

iw i 'iiiv posting as "i ago. oihcr in his great records, mson. Frank Reynolds, of Rrilish is Haunter and ihe rest. i I ni. i-irnion Mil sic i The tailor is fi2-car-old lOlliccr-in-commana.

rsoyai; Km in The Man Who Missed the! He thinks thai Max Hcei. Tailoring Lslablishmcnl Raleman. Henry Mayo Bateman is probably the greatest humorous artist of the century. His laughter rings far hack. Some horn in Georgian England who learned lo lauch svith Gillrav and Cruik-shank.

laughed in old age svilh H. M. Haleman. For more than 60 years Mr Baicman has been engendcr-ering laughter and. for more than half that time, he was recognised as thc supreme exponent of his art.

known of colour over the ''go sun a sum- Rail on ihe First Tee at St hohm might have been lhc gi cutest of them all. kilt, lakes lorm ot evening anil hirl and Uncle hvangclos ticorg-oulas. 5.1 years in thc service of Ihe Royal House of Greece during five reigns. Old Kvangclos lirsl presented his conditions to lhc laic King Paul more than a nccdlc-svorking-hours Icicouri tircss, anu, says Gcorgoulas. was embroider.

1 he issue is money scar ago. anil ssas promises! superseded bv "black tic' Andrew's belongs lo lhc Rosal and Ancient. To Phil May. Mr Rule-man's mother had sent a bundle of his drawines while hc was still at sch IISIIEIUIAS I 1 lJ ''j i Al slake is the sartorial iihev would hc considered mainly because ils cost ssas Onlurv Old becoming prohibitive except magnificence of the killed Rut then thc King fell ill Royal Guard, thc delight ofjwilh thc cancer from which every visitor to Athens who died last March, and thc for svealthy expatriate "Becrbohm was like a May had recommended Greeks. tours thc city, camera in issue was not pursued.

Fvcrv nlcat in thc kilt and Tndav. it survives as i mst as Bateman. as i har- mediate transfer lo Uflerwards. he'd go off and school. Hcnrv Bateman (tratt nnnv portraits of his naiionaf costume.

And whilcllic Chaplin was "Chaplin." every Greek hov osvns al This Christmas one of Nosv. with thc Royal 'evcrv stitch in Ihe waislcoat lhc dispute centres mcri iind King n)ust hc indicated by mas-Ihe Fustanclla. the sli llly ronslantinc's wedding and tcr tailor Evaniiclos Gcor- mi ncr as very iciorian Hi caricatures SELF PORTRAIT aau icnucu 10 rccaru cheap one for school cele- what Stephen Potter calls upm hri i-tnt hul il h. flowing kilt with its SOI) behind him.lgoulas. who spent a quartcribrations, adults put it immortal tragedies of pleats, worn by the Gcorgoulas hasi0f century undcrstudyingionlv to perform folk dances H.

M. Bateman" is again hen on scnll duty al thc,., Question. It is. his father, unit hpcan leach, ifnr'lnnrlsls irennhlishecl as namnhlcl. and actors as being immoral crjollsv gone in for U1 la-V Wd humorous art.

hc would Perhaps such fables would to send his boy to the West- hic hecome a great force Royal Palace and the Tomb his de-iin'o the art to his ossn sonl The rent ihin Lilt for Irani- faniasv is now mark H. M. Batemanlminster School of Art in thc land." of the Unknown Soldier in iCjsjon )0 retire during I965.iwhcn Ihe hov was nine. iiinhilnt. in and not skin ed "I he Rov Who Rreathcd as a "committed" artist I "There." says Mr Rate H.

M. R.ucman has been makinu his ptotcst. Were I man. "we learnt to draw and. quarc am.

Am 1S son dl not lake, -i he House of GcorcoulnsW ballet is worn onlv bv'on the Glass in thc British living in IJcvon. occasion. ail ceremonial paniucs. uncss given hv h'vunMrloK'ithn men of thpi Miisriim" and it was drawn these tanlasics, I asked nim.linat ssas ine nasis ol our jy drawing, for 12 cars Any Alliens seamstress terms. drawn as serious comment Miumoiir.

mere is sucn n- Iprnmlfalher more than a' Ros al Guards. in I I ft. can make a Fustanclla adc-' jk vvilri Mr Raleman looked variciy in people and hc lodges for thcjcciuiiry ago. during the! "Uncle" hored in thc Fvangelos A small hoy. Uiiaic i or a lancy-urcss nan, Ko iiiiirtis.

I was not! "Cir expressions, Nowadays filrming Thc Man Wlw Paid Off His Ovcnlntit. From I etidiin "Pimsh." uncic icign of Olhon. lirsl Sine ot his word, and the F.gyptology Room, breathes, lillle i in-oaiicc umhii children cai uiv on thc glass of a showcase, conscious ot ssannnc couple, because il is near preparatory lo writing a make a social point." captions lr six good Iron, streams. He nirlv fvangelos receives 86 Greece, and Olhnn King does not "accommo-. i' 1 anhimsclf.

who died in jtc" his son. in few years OI VirOI In IIS ale- Isnrle.1 in 9 r.e.irerMiln. .1.. 1 I 1 day in his "ate-htiried in a Gcorgoulas Rut onlv ihe Hon said j11.0 loves to fish thc lasv or, Ihe Chelsea Arts Club and let is iniinorialilv. )(.

guards, loo. may lookirudc word. An allcndant gOUI.S pi IMltlie a I IIS- Kamllkc Alliens l.1K,:,nella. h.KKv lil. seies him him cither very shabby or likciseis him.

delivers him to Anvonc living to lo lake his rod up to Dart-: King's Road but he never Bateman is the last of them. s.s. ien it has ramcii aoes tncie now His eieat tun s.iii-n I sas him. mi mp muscular dancing girls. jpolicc.

magistrates and, fin It's a sad prospect, asially. the Old Railcy. grumbling mouth." ami the streams run full. 'contemporaries have fol- on hat and issccd coat and Fvangelos' father took oscr some 80 years ago. and was buried in Ihe last Fustanclla he ever made, and I eft-wing protest into Bale-man cartoons should turn up his "A Bolshevist in the Milking" or "The Awful Re H.

M. Bateman began anvonc who has thrilled to lanclla fit for a kings jiiir.i H. He must sunplcmcnt Now. "Uncle" Fvangelos jncomc (sy turning out is retiring. His son.

now he national costume Fits-has been brought up for the. lhc men and micccssion, initiated into all," the secrets. But will he lake "Amalta gowns for Ihe over? Iwonten for wealthy Greeks The Judge pronounces sentence of life imprisonment. So to FJarlmoor and their rolling gait and pre swift and beery oil thc lowed Rosslamlson, lillray.isciling off briskly across thp peal. iuikshank, Icnicl.

Fiirniss.l frosty grass with his v4 Mr Bateman likes to talk I'hil May and thc olhcrs lo lerrier. he did not ieeirl about London Fleet the Paniheon. where laugh-l alone at all. drasvins when cheap printing and new reproduction methods were making hum- sult of Having No Matches." Fvangelos himself fully in- cision drilling on ceremonial tends to be buried like ajoccasiens will testify. yean of breaking stones.

At' Jn truth, H. M. Bateman.

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