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The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah • Page 5

Salt Lake City, Utah
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Another Oood it Hoars the Points of an OH.Real Estate Case. JUDGE JODD NOTES HIS EXCEPTIONS, in Bfthalf of Kx-flecelv'or Djcr Kollnor jLurioy'N CouHniHw'ton In A1J Probate uua Tulice Courta, The attendance at the Supreme Court yesterday morning wtjts a one usual, tho all being on tho alert for the opinion in the mandamus II ui. tho declsU-n that evHr f-'jtmc, for when tho took timy took up the oases on tho for The Young Musical Society gave nnotiicr very good programme liwt night. Thu rondo u. dvligUtful thing, Mru.

Wells aud Prof. KrousQ both being at their best, a burst of applaund greeting; thoru as they turned from their One musician present pronounced It the tho kind be had ever heard In Salt Lake. The audience were prepared to be pleased Mrs- Wclls's three numbers whfcb followed, and thoy wore more than satisfied In Uiolr expectation. One of tho many things to said of Mrs. Welly's plnying Is that she carricw you rlfjht ulontf her.

Whatever thiuky, you think; whattiver feels, you feel. ia he is dead In earnest, und this, with her decided musical ability, on hor audiejice. Mr. Peabody haa a good parlor voice, his low nctos bolnjj very muskuil. ft is scarcely large enough voice for such a, though his selections wero well Uiln'er Itaa sweot voice, and sings wjrh Twuch expression.

Tho tulcon us a whole, was very satisfactory, Just unough of it to make you want a little more, whicn Is altogether a frutno of m'Uid Kohorao In, APPOITYI IU OOOD I'rlur to pluotfing into tho day's Mr. Kil'iy caught the eye of tho Chief Justice. ami" ruovod the admission of Jeremiah j'ost, K.sq.. of then a bfarinK, and on bin niotlon O. M.

Thuckston of Nevada uiirt Charlch L. Brown of mafic 'J'll'K ItWJKlVr.Jl'H JurlgoJudd then announewl to the Court tii at ho filed a brief in tho matter of thu of I-'i'iink H. Dyer, c-X-reeolver of Mm latu corporation of the Church of Je.sus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and would Hko lo Jioard uji tho inuUur. Thoro wan nothing' in tho cnso beyond tho fact that Mr. Stono had imported that a matter of $1000 for clerk's was excessive.

your brief," Judge Xuno, "and If wish to hear any arxiniient wo will notify you and set the matter fox 1 rosponded Judge Judd, "If your Honor's jiluaso, llko very much to bu heard." A KKAT, EST.1TK CONTHAOT, Tho court then up tho oase of ivol- soy Cillcsplo, ptalntlfl's and vs. JVI. J. J. T.

Lynch and William (Jlassrnan. This is suit uppouled from tho Third District Court from a verdict and decision by Judgo I'laiiilltU s.uod for iudgmont on a real estate contract or opiion, clalmlnK that made a contract for tin; delivery of thirty aorus of Jaifl sci-iJun ii, south, range I west, for The easu -was tried In tho court and judgment ifor defendants. I'lalu tlll's appall from tho ruilnjr of iho lower court on tho ground of error Jn striking 1 out sorta.ln Thu case wis argued anil submitted, after whioh tho ufiiJivil of 11. A. IlarknoMS VM.

CharloH Wood- i.uuis(-.o wii.s and was being argued at Mio tiimj of A motion In t.h»> caso of VH. 1'. H. I)ycr to reifiHtato appowl, wa.s ovorruled. NOT1CB.

Commliifilonor Norroll'H tiioo yofltorday was consuKJofl in ii civil caso. Thi) Supremo Court will hand down an opinion or two bun whether tho 1'orry cusw will bo included, no ono knows. And still tho complaint comes about poo- pie diimnUiK BiirbiiKe in the viyiulty of tho Old Korb Sijtiaro, ANOTnf.Il OAHI'I. Another nnproforrod creditor illed. a claim st Simon Kollnor, tho linn oi yost.orday morning in, a pivtl- 1in-i for duo on two promissory which fall duo forty-live days tr of Novombor i'lainl Ill's ciuno in unflor Uio H.

H. Clailin who tlou in nolialf of all tho f-redflurs, and ask ponnltUnl tosiiow cause why thoy should Imvrj- judgment-. TfllC WAflNKIl CASE, naso Wanner, charged with Mr. Admire of Kvanston of which was to liavo been hoard bofora Commissioner (iroenman yostu-rday, has boon Mosli.onod, as it, Is Jlkoly that Wuffner will 1)0 takur, to Evauston for trial. A search of bis homo on.

Saturday lust was but no l.rn;-oof thu m'lasliiK monoy was found. A book which Aflmiro claimed us his property was tlhioovoreci, and will bo used in evideuco. In Probate Court. The following orders wore made in tho I'robato Court yosi.orday: KslHtr of Juhn Krlcksou; potitlon for order of sale of personal properly camo on for hearing. Kvldenco submitted and salo or- dt-rcd tiiude; salo to be public.

I'Matu mid guardianship of 15. H. oung; order to show eauso 01; Wth why order of salo should not ho nuulo. and guardianship of Juulus Young ot rfaiao order, Salt Lake Police Ootirt. TusMi'o Laney resumod tho sooptor of jus- tire in tho I'olido Court, yesterday, relieving his substitute, Justice Kealer, who has made ari'eord during his brief occupancy of Mio judicial to which "ho can always point with pride." Tho usual batch of Monday Inebriates confruntofi his Honor, vrlui proooodcd to business iu a fur Westorn st.ylu, which ulmust paralysed Assistant-Attorney JUch- and v'lerk who havo boesi for a.

ueok busy proparlng tin iiddross welc-ouu, to their chief. His Honor, atientltfii When Mr. Ho That Xe Was Hot Appreciated in Thin Oity. During Judgo Laney's recent visit to Ban Kranclscx.) lio met C. E.

Apponyi, the orratJc arehltoet AVho prepared tho plans for tho proposed joint city and county building. Apponyi appourod to be living in clover and Informed the Judgo that he was preparing tbo plans for wevcral fine buildings, them bofng proposed building, which is oxpeotod to be ono of tho lurgiwt and most expensive' buildings over erootfid (for business purposes) In tne city by the Golden Gate. Iu Breaking of his late fvxporlonco in thin city Apponyi mournfully "If they had denounced mo as a crank, I. would not have cart-d. as 1 freely acknowledge thut I am one; but when they assailed my reputation and qualifications us an iirohltwot and civil engineer it was too much, and I determined to leave a city where I was KO little appreciated." The lamented Apponyi piloted tho Judgo through the thoroughfares of tho metropolis und pointed out a number of matrnifl- buildings, which Uo duolared wcro monuments of skill tift an architect.

Ho ulHO proudly announced that ho was tho possoBsor of a fine ranch within Booing dla- tanco of tho famous Dol Mon to, nnd was thoroughly oatlsflud with his condition in life. WJJCY KB WANTBD TIMJS. Selectman Howe May Have Had a Little on Hand. "If you want to know why Selectman Ho wo was uo anxious for tlrne In considering Uie matter for fixing tho compensation of As.soM.sor Lyuuh's deputies, I wljll toll you," remarked a gentleman to reporter yesterday. "At tho next session of tho Oourt tho majority will bo Mormon.

Soloot- itian Cuhoon has gone to St. Louia, and of course Howe und Miller will, constitute a majority of tho County Hoard, Howe la a foxy old chap, and knowing that Oahoou would bo ub.HOiit h'c put In his plqu for time. At 'iho next Hosslon ho thlnka ho can Ux a rale of pay for which no Gentile will work, and thus give tho Bain la a chance. There aro lots of thu young brutUrtni who will clewtake to do anything for a and it, Is to that kind of pooplo that Howo is catering. "Thu bids for stationery oome up at next mooting, too, und hero you will some more oC Itlohapd's work.

Oh, ho la a daisy! And Cuhoou ought to have bean iib'tt to see through the matter, too. Iho rate of oomponsaUon should, havo been fixed nt ths lutsfc DIVING FOK CHINA. CUNNING CATTLE THIEVES. A Pestiferous tog of Them Das Been Operating in Idaho. BUT SKHfWO WORK CAUGHT THEM, A Butcher Firm of Seattle Is tho Bencilcsary of the Plunder-How tho Was OUT.

THE TniurNE has already spoken of the cattle steal-ins in Idaho iu which a prominent butchering firm of Seattle ii Implicated, but tlie extent of tho operations of the is so.Ianjc as to merit more notice. It appears that some six weeks' ago H. G. Bund, a prODilnent cattle owner and also largely interested in the Warbonnot Cuttle Company, bad his suspicions aroused that something 'was'wrong, and so notified Thomas J. W.

Keoncy and William Burko iind other cattle men, and they sot about to put a stop to tho business and bring the thieves to justice. Freye tho Seattle butchers, who kill from 1000 to 1500 beeves per month, wore engaged in purchasing and shipping cattle from Idaho, und havo been doing so tho past year or more. They had in than State to look up cuttle und see to shipping thorn over to the Sound country. Lately it hud beem their custom to buy cattle, say at Montpelter, Soda Springs, or up ubout Beaver Cumas or other points, und send thorn to some point to bo held until ship. When enough were The Knterprige of un'English.

Merchant Bowardecl. A period of about 150 yearp has now olapsocl slnoo tho Swedish bark "Goteborfir," iu full wall for Ein-apo, a heavy Kale when neia'ln'g tho coast of Sweden, struck: upon a duiigorous rock, foundorod and became a total She was thu pt'opcrty of an association of merohantS'Of CJothonburg, and was roturnlnff from China ladon with curgo of ollk, silver, ton, luid a quantity of vulunblo 'articles of Chinese manufacture, including upwards of. bluo-und-whlte china bowls of different shapes nnd stoos. About twenty-five yeart. a 'diver namod Uotu-n made an itttotupL to raise tho cargo, but only suocoodod in brinffing to the surface a small diutntity of china, moat of which was broken when blasting portions' of the wrecked ship in order to got, access to tho silver and more valuable articles.

Some -of these wore eventually rocovored, but their value was not nearly sufficient to defray tho enormous oxpcnsea of the undertaking, which vrns therefore abruptly abandoned. Ten years aftnr t.hb thu idea was oonoolvod by an Enu'llsh morehiint of raising by means of divers the greater part of these bowls, and doulora In old enlua. Vto succeeded in a company, socurod tho nooMasiary diving and work wascommonoed and eftri'led on with Croat carp and in a Very enterprising spirit, tho "osult oxeeodhiR all oxpnotatlons. During tho tlrst few voeks, however, the divers found nothing hut pieces of broken china, gathered at various stations along tho road for full train, then ulie animnis would-be loaded'und run through to tho Sound, with only stops for feeding. was a feeding point! By this systcmi.

of collecting und shipping an opportunity to acid stolon euttle.from tho rtingos und a showing holding a portion that the purchased cuttle had nob been shipped. Since thla class of operations WHH extended over country taking In wll of- tho upper SwtJce River valley, the country, about Hear Bear Raft river ranges, und on down ouch side'of. the. Snake as far west us Huntlngton, the plan of OPERATIONS WAS for a' long time. This was especially the case when there were accomplices in the employment of the various cattle companies besides the gang of cattle and horse thieves which has lp tested that country for years.

About a wookago Mr. Rand learned that a shipment of cattle was to be made by Freye Co. from Poeatello, and hft at onco started out to catch, tho thieves. Kooney, Sparks, "Burko and Rand made a full team iu this lino, as subsequent events proved. Some cuttle were sent down from Camus and fiaglo Book to, the Poeatello yards.

Freye man was on und at Pou'atollo when the cattle got there, ut ho kept away'from the yards. A man nowri us MTox" was passed down the -road an inspector of the term in- ended'to moan that hew-as looking he Interests of tho cattle companies. Yount, bo purchasing agent Tor ffreye did lot look uftor tho loading pf those oads of 'cattle, but Tex aud some other mon did the lauding, and this was DONBJ AFTER NIGHT. ount went out with the cattle, and pre- endod not to have anything to do witlv hem or to know who loucled them, but re- hlllod the two cars added at Poeatello to the other nine to Seattle. After hoy had gone west, Hand, Keener, iurke Sparks sqnt James 0.

Lpnergan ihoad on tho passenger trajn, and he urrivr at Payette two hours before the cattle, ind saw them unloaded at, the yards, and back to and this requited, the arrest of Yount.and all the other men, xnd tho sending of them back to Blaokfodt. The warrants were for Freye Andrews, known as "Dutch John, Uox, BUI Hannan known as "Oheyemip- Bill," who was the foreman of the cow-. punchers for the Warbonnat Cattle Oom- mny, and for about a dozen others. Among battle unloaded at. Paye.tte, forty-six were'identified as stolen, and -it is belloyod that tho train curried nearly or quite-one hundred stolon animals.

John S. Reed was sont out us an expert to examine the brands ilong with Lonorgan, and when they got back It was found that WBRTS S'rOt-BN SSa "an" iwl i Sit'a a 11:1 old-liniu iho eoohir lusforo i-loiired to utit orator hud till spoooh- iakiiU'. uml tor "early an hour tho olork of ux-ouir was Ui'pt busy kooplns tally us oviu- by the OourU onerfttlons of previous divers, and tho second clock hud fallen in, utilising considerable flunuifio to tho uottory ware, clivers wuru compelled to dig sovon or eight feet into tbo oltiy to enuhlo to reach some portions of tho curgo. and their'task was rendered still -more difficult owing to tho anUntorsof UroUen pottery, which frequently cut their hands; although they, were provided with suitablo wlovoa for tho work. At Vi-it their arduous olYorta wore rewarded with success, uud muny thousands of tin- i sssssssa? quuntltlea.

A small quantity of silver plate WIM abo discovorud, which evidently intendod for the royal family of Sweden, as it was oinUolllahod In'thenionogramof Ircd- orick'i A great numher. of the teacups wore particularly finu and elegantly shaped, being almost equal to glass, in transparency. Tholiulkof tui, cargo was ultimately brought to England, and the inarket llter- lv flooded with these blue and wliito bowls. It at thlstlma that the rpige for okl-und oriental chinu whs at" its hlght. Gonsldor- ablo uxoitement was oi-eatod by the stranpo discovery these thousands of "unrlous bowls; and tho interest attaching to tho fact their having remained for so 'many years undor the sea, together with tho dangers and -dllHoiilUes which attended tberr recovery, caused them at Hist to roallxe high prlpoa curiosities.

Unfnrtunutoly, however, for tho promoters of tho scheme, the which was then at its zonlth, couimcnqcd to declinp rapidiy. and tho result of the enterprise Droved so disastrous" that the company was thrown into liquidation. Tho bowls, largo ciuautltjy, Of which still remain in the possession-olcuriosity dealers uud now he piVrohased at a neariy nominal nmny 6f with inoffensive stnret On orni.Us W.M-O oviu- by Tuu enjoyed It, too. for -In his iisldo VHvket" 'safely rcpo-soil his commission ns .1 list lew of iho whloli unkind uriti.w during Vhu of owner, Halmod had novor boon by tho bov- ami rusolvcu to show people th-it ho was monarch, dispute, Un the conrtroor.O. disposin Court to tlu; t'olluwiug WOnk inoi- tals who "In" for Iho first time: John llni-d Johnson and vo I)iok il ra bail of dooluri-fl -rorfoited.

TJuimns Edwards, tmUvldual who in a most bni'tul manner " on South 8u ml lins for his exhibition of brulallt.v. Koburts. on whose boat 'ho happoned. sucoceded in up his "man several hours after tho alla.r and hulked hin, In Jail. Tho oBleor deser es credit for tho as It was accomplished only after hours of hard work and fltttiout charged with dumping garbage within tho uity limits, promised to re-im rvo.ho uomplainccl of and allowed to after a fatherly latino.

of Jer.nio Williams and Clara Morris, charged with vagrancy, were postponed until to-day. Gavillo. the youthful drlvor of tno WUROU of tho filobo bakery, forfeited for fast driving. F. H.

MoCraekon. tho party who invaded residence of Juliu I'. Miller and assaulted its owner, deposited as security for his appearance to-day, Tho eases of O. and (... Creole, charred with vagrancy, svoro calieq, but on motion of Powers, who up-.

peared for vhe accused, a change of vonuo was granted thu casus ordorod trails-. mitteu to Justico E. Kohl01 tor For Couslis n'tuTThroat troubles stop ft usthtnu cough very ville, Ohio. use "Hrowns iu tack or aiy. It will bo long as boaiitlful Jftir.

is an object to man or woman. Wjiat? Way, K.oot Hair grower. liatos. All persons indobted to Salt Lake City Corporation for Water Hates arc. horoby notiiiiul that puyrnoct is rim.tlp witUiu thirty days iVom date the water will bo shut off as (llrectedby tho city Ordinance, OlUUSTOPHKil DiEHL, Ahseflsoi- and Collector Water Bates.

Our entire stock, recently damaged by tin: and water, must. bo sold atotico. E. M. FHIKIXMAN 30 Mala street.

shells and seaWood still atiaohod. A lot of valuablo oak, recovered xvhlch woro nbt at.all by the yrater uui those have aiuee been sold at high prices and Into art Journa "Don't you tbiwk, to love molt you should try Yeio'de'Ve're, know ko o'noe, but after wwn worth Wbero the Frqyerb and fools toll the truW' whv-H topd mother ii.flul.rjng into Somervlllc Journal ninYIUnillOlirn ft DiDTV DISTINGUISHED PARTY, prospect of any rooowsion JL MetUer in Inrael Mnca Apparent wait a performance at the Salt Lake Theater inner entrance the other evening that could by no possibility Uave been foreseen in time to put on the pro- gramme. On the walls just outside tho door hangs the legencJ, -Children in arms not admitted." This la intended to remind tbe In Isrudl that tbo Theater Is not tho Tabernacle; is to say, at tho Theater a colicky babe in arms cun knock all t-he sentiment and pathos out of a passage ou the nnd excite a frenzied dtjsiva on the part of -the audience to fire tho kid into Turtarus; while at the Tabernacle what is howled from the stnr.d is of no niomerst. so that it doesn't wat.ter much, if jt 'mutters at whether what said is heurd or not. So.

every mother iu Juduh show up with a squulUns kid at theTubermtcltt till tbe, place resembled a Luns Irjland baby furm, aud if the alleged were 'heard, why, all und if they wero uot heard, why. all No harm done. To return to the Ther.ter. Two women, armed with-infants' and tickets, prc'aeiiwd arms ac tho entrance wiili the crowd und started t'j In. t'Ah there! Madame, can't KO Sn, cliiiuiod the doorkeeper.

"And why?" "Bee that sign? orders. Inianis In arms not; admitted." But we have bought tickers." tnadame. I cannot help you. I must obey my orders." One the women was aGoutilo. the other a it was thu latter who lost her temper, and broke oat in fiercely denunciatory tones with, It's is.

shauie, and am sv.rprbpd that Brother HurtOH, ono of ihe hoad'ineh In-the church, should do seen things; a who gits up and preaches that we thall increase multiply ana haveeWidren. Just think on it: A mother in Isrul, after fulfllihiK the conunu.iuis of tho got to ff;) und stay at homo all tbo-tiriie, after dotnK a work. She can't go nowhere but to mcetlii'. 1 say it's a bhamo, so now, I do." The mother iu Isrul" retired with Gentile friend, botli much wroth at the new order that shurs out.Jof the Theater such as they. JLIQC0K TKAFF1C IN NORWAY.

System and How It Works. The other day we set forth the method of controlling liquor selling in is culled tho Gothenburg system. has obvious and great the Norwegian system, which diil'ors from the Swedish in one Important particular, is the one whicb comes nearer to an ideal plan for tho truliio in intoxicating liquors. The municipal council In Norwegian- towns, either alone or in the association pf the mkg'stracy, Is the licensing authority and determines the number of licenses required, aud the time to which they should extend. No single person can 'more than ono license, and societies which bind themselves to apply the possible of their trading in aid of object's of.general public benefit a'nd utility, und whose authority is confirmed by the Municipal Oouncil, under the royal seal, may hold one or several, or all the licenses issued in a given locality.

Tho point in the Norwegian system is that tho society must spend the surplus profitsof its business upon voluntary objects of general public benefit and utility, while the- Swedish system turns the surplus into treasury, to be used in reducing the rates, so that they are a direct inducement to' encourage drinking. The Norwegian system, is as effective as tho other in tho control of the sales of liquor, but it-' uses its profits for the bettor purpose. Norway iu 1876 consumed 2,013,521) gallons of spirits, and thia amount -was'reduced in 188710 Tbe working of the "system by which this lessoned consumption "of liquors has been reached is best Illustrated iu the large seaport town of Ber- It'h'as j'k population of 60.UOO. and FftW went into operation four- Eminent Railway Officials Visit Tins City and ire Drifted. THECBUHTBY A.REVEUT10»T8THEa.

They DiscuM Salt Dalce Of- ttcials and Prominent Citizens the Kailroail Situntjon anil Feasible Routes Lines -Xotes. Tha djstiosuished Sacta FC" party arrived last evening on the delayed train from Griiud Junction in thpir special car. and were taken nt once to the Teropteton Uotel. They roiuain there until this afternoon, when they continue ou to Sau Francisco aud Los Angeles. THE PAHTT.

Tbo party consists of Presidont Allen Manvel; Judge. SprJngerJ to the President Alden Spears of tbe Boston Ctmn.ibsr.lqf Commerce, ex-Mayor, and for a Santa director; 0. S. of Cliicago, the heavy wholesale-p-rocory firm of Sprague, Warner'A aii'd a director in the Chicago Terminal RalU'pad; 11. C.

Burtlou or the Spencer Uart- lett of OhloftKO, and T. P. Majeottn, of the chairman the Santa fco board of directors. The party catno 'vhv tho Midland, stopping en route to Inspect the road and giuher. general about the resources and condition of the country.

At OrauG Jnuction report was started from some Irresponsible that President Snivel had been Eaut, and word it was subse- qutMitly;ovorocl,.ht3:had not lieon ealleU at all. After dinner held from p. w. until noarly.niidnJjchtin tho elegant of the. Tonipleton, between Messrs.

Munvel, and Judge Bprmpor on the oqe bo-nti, Mayor fkott, ax-President U. W. Lawrence ana actiug- J. T. the Chamber of Com.

merce, ox-Alderniiin McOc.rnicU, Prasldeut H. 0. Lett of the Real Kstutfi Bsohauge, Gqnimisaloner W. C. B.

Allen of the Bureau of Transportation, and Secretary Frank Glllesple of the Chamber of Commerce. A of Tire TBIUUNB regular staff was The meeting was entirely informal, aud tha conversation covered a wide of topics, though all biid. a tUwit bearing upon tbe growing importance ol the Territory and the righteousness of call upon the East- era railroads for recognition. Efforts were made at opportune lulls in tbo conversation to visitors as to the chances of a fcaiita P6 extension into Utah, and as to the reported close truRic a-rocvmout with the'Rio Grande Western, which would practically amount to a lease. But it'became evident, that tho ofliclais werq hero rather to acyulre than to give Mauvol was especially of rail- road'growth west of Colorado.

A Union a- cllic 'folder- was opened for him, when glancing o.ivthe dotted line in- Pioohe extension, he remarked DOOBLY VICTIMIZED HIM, rathor than a Stato misht retard Hoston Chamber IGOO niwnibers, iuid u. building. The visitors are shrewd business mon, quick to see a poieti and as to siie it up and f-aUo of 5t ll is value, aud it if no iiiCfii. ana what, they don't know about railroading is hardly worth knowing. Hut for the inK-csslty c( hurryins they remain a few Uays Territory.

They will '-'e irfhor SBOW From PocateHf Falls Under fed Lines. A "HARDWARE BAKES and look over shown around this morains of Commerce and Real pooplo and given all ble. No HtraU roi.u>rtcr Do th ilio C'hfinU'ei- location nnd of tho in the lot from Thomas Sparks, J. W. Kee- William Buries, H.

G. Jacob West's hords, and in all there wore twonty-flve different brands. There were eleven carloads of cattle in this shipment. Ono of tho incidents'in this affair was'Yount soiling Hand that he had purchased cows of Aif. Taylor Brothers and was going tp ship two' carloads to Seattle.

On the night of shipping ho suuVhe had purchased cattle of-'tphoypnne-Blll," and on being asked if he was going to ship 'tho Taylor oattlo, he protended to not hoar, and being asked. the aocond timoi he said: "No, things are not working right." Cheyenne appears, hud collected a large lot of steers at the feedinc lots of the Warhonnet Oouipany. Among those wore cattlo from tho Bluokfoot Cattle pany, tho Soda 'Springs Lund and. Cattle Dompuny and from tho herds of several other largo'owners''In that portion of.the country. After the mado.the cattlemen in that part of Southern Idaho collected at BlucVfopt detenniried to bring these thieves to justice.

special session of tho grupd jury was convened and indict-' mcnts found against Freye Yount, John Andrews (Dutch "T.ox". and Mntb Watts, and the grand jury, was still grinding away on "yesterday 1 Tho prosecution positively knows, so' ror ported, of dozen or more intorestad in this BIO OOMHIltU OF THT.EVI5S, made up of the butchers a aft fcheJr.inon. cm? ployocs of tho cattlo companies and the who havo been workittg the country so long in that locality. cattlo mon have organized to push this prosoou- tion, and have employed the host counsel to. be had.

They are so doterrainea this that they, ncsuond Siborally In; opening their purses to furnish the necessary' crush-out the business'completely. Cottroll was conspicuous tbo night the cattlo wore loaded at Poeatello, along looking for Cheyenho Bill, a fact that Tex admits since'his, arrest. GhoyonAo Bill has skipped. Preye is bound over to tho grand" jury for a former case stealing eattle from Thomas Sparks, ana now that ho is already Indicted for last week's he is in pretty deep water. It take several columns to tell of all the ins and outs of this coterie of thieves, thbir vrbrk.and the inoliliis of operutioiV.

Besides those not indicted by tho specfal grand jury the evidence will load to many more indictments ana be the mean's of breaking iVp ouo of tho biggest thieving infested tho country. The pcrfumo of violets, the, purity of tho the irlpw'oj the rose, nud the flush of Hebe com? bmo iii Pozzoiil's wondrous Powdtir, At Hammond Hull. It will be public aay to-mon-pw. Patrons aud friends and the public generally are invited. Oral ftxa'niinatioiis-will held.Uroiu gen when the new teen years it.

had fourteen bars with a populivtion-of .40,000. while under the new a populi.vti.04 at the present, time of 10,000 more, baspnly thii'teen. h'tid -at first to- contend with perpetual licenses grkutod by the town, and? has used part of its surplus these they have qp'iuo into the market, so thafc might havo the regulation of tho liquor traffic entirely in its owii hands. Tho result of the operation of the system in years has been notable, tirst In the reduction in the amount, of spirits consumed, and in a considerable; but not. equul, increase, in the consumption oflviuo and ale.

Tho amount of drams sold has fallen from 2.2 quarts per head thp whole population in 1877 to 1.3 quavts In the second place, thougV-. tho wlnti and alo houses'have dpno mdre "business, tho ar. iand u.viox vACiy The following will territory JlisSoori river, and also the wri-Uory of t-t' T. W. Lee.

jrescriil passenger apent. corner aud Oalc i'ort- land. Oregon, will of I ton, Orecon. of yassonewr tuning on the line- of /Sor.tlifn) Pai'Mix' Compu-nv fixnn Porthmu to Ashlsnd oi' business in tiMT.t«>ry north of Fori-land: ropon-lng ro the and ticket stfeiit. Ousshiv, Ne- br.iska.

W. II. flurlburt, gemrta agent, 1 Mont- Konu'ry Sun Culitornia. will havo charge of passenger originatUiK in the ou the lines of tho Coin- pany in Nevada awd Utah; to the passougor aud ticket aKv Lntl a U. P.

Conductor" the ClCivniujc Out Process Then a Genuine Oniwuctor Chives ilici Sumo Avlvice-. Oinabiu D. E. Hurley, genera! 201 street, Suit Lalte. t'Tab, will Have of passenger business on tho mnln lino fiv.u to Ogden.

Grar.Rcr Uuiuingtaii und all lines In Utah und reporting- to thrt Reneral and ugunt, Omaha, XebnistR. E. V. Maze, goneral usent. corner Main and Broisdwny, Bulte, Montana, will have of passonger business Jn xo tho general ugeut, Salt Luke Cii-y.

Georne-Ady, jco'ieral 1-arlmor will have eiiuvire of passe.nuer business on all iu burg'; will also havo tho line from Denver. Colorado, l-o Texlitie, Texas, und vhe lino Cheyenne- to Denver; reporting to tho and ticket ugout, Ooiithu, A younc man named George Arthur Snow. and who oSaims to from from Poeutullo. arrived in this city Saturday evcu- iti.c. He liad $40 in inside pocket, and here to look for work.

Ho is still liK'klng for work, but are all irone. Aribur oU'the train and pro- to The tirsr man ho met that he In Salt Lake for employment, do anything. irom.pui.tlnK ix-tnl of sugar un a dray to rucking a baby to it -s that his new-found friend was a smooth sort of Individual, he was not ioni? in dlseoverhuj that Georga had son.e coin. So ho informed him i-hax, he know right whore he eoul'i eaten on at lie a friend who owned A who wanted Chipping clerk. Anhur would be tbt man.

The salary as a moulh und. a red hot room with B. i'Yawley, general Kroauway u.nd utiv-et, Kansas City, Missouri, will have charge of pashonjjer business ou tho division up to but not Including Denver, Colorado, and from Murysville to Manhattan; aUo tho lined of tho Kansas Central Railroad and tho Leavenworth, To- Hallway, and Leaven worth branch Union Pacific system, and tho lines of M. and K. St.

J. C. B. not- includin St, Joseph rests find "summonses for drunkenness and similar''offenses, which were 1185 In weroouly 730'in 1889, and tho charges, for the iliegul'Sale of. spirits fell frora 15 to.

The third item In all instructlvo comment upon tho value of tho system in nipping habits of drinking in the bud. The statistics are that the applications for spirits from persons of tender age, or in an incbri- Lted Condition; fell from 12.812 in auur.tpr 13,610 in the whole of 1889. A word is Important us to the method of keeping tho bars aad the use of the surplus proUtsfor objoc.ts"of public utility. The 'bars were placed in the most Irequented streets, and the barkeepers were men of character and Integrity, whoso right to office, depended upon thoir qt excess in Drinking. They paid salaries, and hud no in thp amount of sales.

The bar rooms were clean, and the attendants were males, dressed, in uniforms and courteous, to their customers; but there seats, no corners for staying oh the promises iifto'r the liquor hud been consumed. Tho bartdoder waa, made a judge of how much drink' a man able to carry away without intoxication, and ehilciren were not allawed to. enter the premises. "Tbo bars were opened on every working day from 8 E'in. until 8 p.

with the oxception of an hour and balf at noon, closed at o.i Saturdays and on the day before, ho May festivals, and not all on holidays or Sundays. The results 1 in public utility are 3ta t.ed't() have been the improyenient the nubllo Parks, tho museums, the theaters, X'institutions for social and industrial re- liei' and the placing of the Societies in Bdrgen; in a condition where they could do their work to the best is object lesson in the handling of a problem that this statement of the principles and'Operatlon of tho we'4an system impoi-tance for us. It that tho Union 7 Pacific pooplo been to hl'm'toarrange-Zor the USB OF 'BAJfTA Tit IfnACKS from near into Los Angeles. President Manvel regarded with Interest the surveyed route from to Meeker, and though the, Duchesno country to Salt Lake City, which Secretary Gi-llesple truped out on the map and detailed T-ha various entrances to Zipn Hwttfjb the fastnesses of the Waeatoh. was especially interested in -the obanfte for an air Hue to Sau Francisco; "though aftsr a careful vey of the lln.e'pfthe'Oontral Pacific, as laid out on the Union Pacific -map, he failed to see how a line south of that would much.

Mr. lllcCo.rnick and Mr. Allen, however. held tllat 150 miles- could saved by a linfi from this city through -Eurolca, '5ut gettlnar across the 'Sierras' was what, Mr. Manvei question the feasibility of the scheme.

Ho asljed numerous questions as to the grades, tho lines of tho bills, the width of the valleys woat of this, 1 well as tho general mining cntloolc of tfto Central Pacific. The characteristics of Groat Salt lake and its size he mado particular Inquiry about. In Act, vhe paid. so, attention to topography cp.uutry- west of bait to infer that the acute 'minded. of the Santa 16 system hud in'-vlow AW 8ALT IlAKB to San Franoisco, at as early a.

day as might be the Territory as would be naturally vauiable to a railroad maix; seeking -traffic -were brought up and discussed also the cono itlon oi Utah" and' In foot, these last two points proved of special Jn-r terosWand. Judge Springer believes that disfranchisemeut for the Saints woyld work wonders. In spreading confidence through the Railways to- but not- including St, Missouri; reporting tp tho prenoral and ticket agent, Si. Adslt, chamber or commerce, St.

Joseph, Missouri, will have charge of passenger of that portion of the Kansas division, St. Jotwph to Qrand Island, and from Pah-Held to Alma; reporting to the general passenger and ticket ape nfc, 'Omaha, Nebraska. D. Collins, general atfcnt, 518 lumrtn street, Sioux City, lawa, will' huvo charge of passenger business In tbo clty-cf Sioux City, reporting lo the soneral j)assen- gcr and ticket silent, Omaha, Nebraska. A.

Traynor. wencral Lnion Pacific transfer, Council BliilFs, Iowa, will have cliai-go of baggngo business on tho entire systeia; to the general passenger aud ticket ngc.nt, Omaha, Nebraska. AND Superintendent; Bancroft is, up on tho Idaho division. J. H.

Bennett of the Rio Grand.o Western returns to-day 1 frpm Denver. are reports in Eastern papers to the effect that Jay Gould has reoommwnded a reduction in the rates westbound from the Missouri river. J. Oolby Clay of Nophl. a U.

P. employee, has invented an automatic, car coupler which promises 10 aowtapiish.much, (Mut it is said the invention will bo adopted by tho railroad company. Jack Reeves, contracting agent for tho Uulo'n Vuclfic, is- transferred to Ogden February 1st, and takes the place or AtfentMcGaw, -resigned. Audcrson. or the seneral division is to bo transferred to Superintendent Bancroft's Mr.

Bnrley of the XJnkm Pacific ticket- Why, come to think of it, his friend wus at the depot vizht now. Just wait and iit? would brlus him ivronud aud i.utroduo* And Ooorso Arthur waited. By and bv came back. Tho mam us duUjrhted with George Arthur. would bo just tbo man.

Bus ho hadn to Ho was busy getting out a consignment of Roods by express. Just wait until he got-through, and Uo turned to go. Numboi- vhi-eo eame up just then. "I MOT. Wilson," ho remarked, "there is a.

mistake in that bill. It is $35 more thm.a 1 told you. hell you say," growled WiUon, he fumbled in his pocket. "Well, I K.H, any moro moiioy, I will have to you a check." "Sorry," was the rejoinder, "but yoc know the rules, no checks go." so," answered Wilson, and appealing to his friend be demanded, "John, let me have $H5 till we get up town." would in minute, man, but all I have with mo is a dollar." remarked Wilson, 1 must havo those goods up town fcti4 It il getting late. 1 KUCSS 1 will telephone one of the clerks and have him bring It And hero 18 where Georgo Arthur concluded that It would be a Rood time to make himself solid.

So bo. remarked tbat he would advance tho cash and produced roll. vory kind cf you, to bo sure," re- miu'kod Mr. Wilson, as he took tbo moqey and turned it over to tho "oxoniSH" collector, "Now will get tho stuff out and ire will go You and Joe just Btap over to saloon yonder and 1 willjoln you and George Arthur and bis friend went over, Tho friend made excuse to go out but never returned. Arthur waited aa nour for his new employer appear, that gentleman failed to up.

be went over to tho depot. A yountf bootblack said nnd other offered to bliia a copy of tbe-Deseret But George Arthur didn't want suino or paper. George Arthur inquired of the baggage man if Mr. Wtkon had gone- but that functionary know not man. Then ho concluded to go up town ani? call at the storo.

Me askod twto or thret people where Wilson's wholesale house but they could not tell him, and advised him to KG and consult directory. He went, und found not tho address be was seeking. Finally he a room aad wtat to bed. Sunday he searched, but hunt was vain. fhen he decided that, he bad been victimized and went down to tho depot again, thinking, perhaps, he would set hitfht of the nioa who had swindled him.

While there he fell iu with a fellow who looked like a railroad man. To him be told the story- -Well, you have, had your leg pulled, re. markod the latter. "Wbai; aro you going to do?" To this query Georgo Arthur replied that work yesterday as general of the pas- be did not know. sender department, which is now his tlUu.

you ever do any brakoiijjjV" queried Mr. 'Eccles's title is.Rouoral of the is 1,0 freight 'department. Hasry' Adams remain as chief of the division deparlment, and Imn Spencer will be. cbu't clerk of tho division passenger aepartmeiit. and Cautield romalu as traveling pagsenser agents.

DEl'AKTUltK. East und Taring desirable liwmlsrants to thu warden of the 'Neither Mr. Mauyel nor Judge Sprihser been in Ziou- before and tbougU It "was. darlc wlien the train arrived thAY pleasantly disappointed in seeing' 'electric- light's, electric cars, largo buildings and other evidences of a rapidly crowing -city' ahoWshow; with a comparatively fixed population, it is possiae deal through the th an "evil which is found to be the ore State with an corrupting than any other, and to be closely with criminal condition. Nega- Slvely ttto city Bergen, though a seaport co.un'u'nl.iy, has illustrated.

durlnK the Ve-irsthnt'this system has been tbo natural thrift of a people are re- lioved of the worst forms, of inteniperance. To-day -xtrerae destitutioa 'among its citi- President Manvel, in speaking of the traffic Agaiiist Utuh, suld be would like to see favorable rates made which would assist in -Increasing- the growth uud prosperity of and the Territory, aud that certain reasons mado it admissible! lor- the -northern lines via St. aud charge lower Montanu the Colorado- Utah lines did to this aectipn, hp would consider the question carefully, no tar -as his lino WM concerned, tflvc tha enooarage- mont to this city, under many conflicting- speaV'er W.M plejised; to have' dU-eotors with hiui, they -by, personal. learn the condition o.f couutry wliieh their road UTAH XJTTME ESOWM. Judco SprihKor Bald very little was known about-Wtah of the River, except as the nursery of -the.

Latter- Day Saints. kingdom of 6r iKham Ypuiig and a place where a mari-cpiild have twelve wiv es if be wanted them. have the Territoi-y adverted,roakin«! a particular featuro'of 'theifertSUty and prices of lauds 8 until tl ih line following studies: cun Politics, English Com position, Study of English Words. American History. Gruui- uiar.

Geogriftfchy, Arithmetic, Geometry, German, Latin Ecajier, Cicero. 1 From 11 until 1 the following programmo will bo given in Uymu Kcmtatlon.i.....:;.. liecltiitioa 5. Instrumental IfarriHatp.n Quotation 1-uptls of- Essay ConuiosUipn Alice Dumford Music VV oodijiAinsfMB. luKtruuieiutal iUTbel and Olajuqq GobdSitll AM.

of 'AI. Trlciian at 39 Main strict; it sacrlflco priot'S on' aijconht of gmoko and repairing off building. Call yourielt 11 E. M. FftlKtOUJl zens is and the.

social con- ditton'of the people is fcdin Wha't it was- fourteen years Boston Herald. The Old TaUpr, is turning out first-class 'ai greatly reduced prices. All the'speciai. odors In bulk at.Hoovcr's, 'exchange ot Salt ako.6i-$y real estate a iiJgfhJy cultivated vineyard of 55 acres situated in the county of Contra Costa of California, yalued at.510,000, ioietller With farm-house, etc. This is a pppbrtnnlty for any person wlsh- Ini a splendid homo.

Apply to ft Gitlwple. real estate, agents, 26.: West 2nd South Springs, Onialw, Kansas Tor sale only at Gro- office, office. Thirty houses and cheap to ''Ifid make the terins. We bare the t. Crane 4 under Bank B.

Fat Turkey 1 for cultivation; is not much show for -Iinmikrailon- from the Eastern fetatos, but in the "Midafe Spates there is a congested condition tinfMwhich ought to send here ruftny -worthy people Colonel Lett explained tbMtnergrcati-bullf of iidver the Territorial nn the Salt Chamber of and Salt Lake Real Estate these two bodies tiuie In whlcfertljiiy bad been at work, they could to more. be kepv np and the fanio of spread into aaythlng you To Leadvllle, Denver und the East. The Colorado 'Midland "Kallw'iiy. standard cauxo, has tiirough Pullman cars for Lcad- vllle and Denver, le Suit- Lafco City via the Rip at 0:50 a. aud 10:05 p.

ra. If you via tho Midland you can secure vour Pullman berths for the 1.0:05 p.m. train at Union Ticket Office, corner Main and "Second South. This Pullman starts frcun Salt A Fortune iu a Fee. Judge tovy banded down a d.efcislon yesterday allowing Attorney John A.

Wright a fee of $05.000 for services rendered tins late Philip A. Roach as of tho estate of Thomas H. Blytbe. From the testimony Riven on hearing of The application of Mr. Wright for a the Court; finds She services rendei-od to have reached over move than flvo years, and.

were of exceeding dlftlcult nat-are. The 'administrator stfUsctoy straighten out the estate and to conduct on his behalf-tho extended litigation subsequently instituted agniust tbe cut-ate by various claimants, who. 1 had they succeeded in their suits, would have left- out little for the heirs or representatives of the decedent Blytbe. Levy iinds that.ull these suits were defended by Mr. Wright and tho most arduous labor.

Attention directed to the teatlDiony of attorneys were called upon to testify to whftt a proper, oowpensation rendered. B. S. Moswk, W. Barnei, James A.

Waymirc, S. 0. and Kellpw ihought would "be fair coiupenfratloa. George U. placed'his The eroallest amount testified bo- tween and In conjunction with this a stipulation si-rncd by the attorneys of Florence Blytbe consenting, to an allowance 1 of Sun Francisco Chronicte.

Amusement Galore. am afraid, mud am, "said a ((ccnUeroan who was looking lot the house is too the station to a little noisy." assented the landlady "but frcin the verunda one has gach'a fine view of Who miss the trains," she added, with an ilr trlutuph. the new was tho reply. do- you think you could?" To which G-oorgc Arthur replied that was williiiB 10 try. "Wi-ll, now, see hero; said the railroad ivan, "I am sorry fnr you, and I will hel.p yon out if I ettii.

lama conductor on tbo b. and that is nty train over there. You, seo iho way earV" ticorge Art-bur said he did. "Well, 1 am short a brakernnn, nnd while I can pick up plenty of old mon. when dciwn in the heel I am witting him out.

I will flx you all right for board over at house over tbare. ffo ovof and lull them you want three meals ptit up. Tbuy will furnish you with a bucket-, TeU them Perkins you, and. it will all rlK'ht. Then come over to tho way ear, for wo leave -in an hour.

Jiy the way, I w4ll imve to Ret you your lantero-s, and you will havji. to deposit for security for them. You get it back on pay-day." I have only got Patent Medicines in Spain. They have no medicines of any account in Spain, and tho! reason is that the Government requires first txV bo convinced that the cure is care. If the can't show a cure foe or consumption behind his, labor, then heils stepped on and of no Free You -JJut Arthur.

"Woll, nevermind. I will put up tbe fitly cents and you can pay it Juet cjve the and lock sharp or you niBf got saying which "Perkins" dieap- peared Sn tbe direction of the while George Arthur went over to get b)f three meals. Ho didn't get 'em for tho lundladf she didn't kuow Perk-ius and told the man if to didn't to blades out of that shfc would send fcr a policeman, and George, concluding that he had made a mistake, to sea Perkins. Ho knocked the door and in response a big burij fellow responded, "1 want to see the conductor," aaid Arthur. "Well, you are looking at Mm," WM response.

-But I mean Mr. Perkins," replied George Artiiur. -Dori 7 know wan the reply. "No such man here." Then G. told bit little tale of woe OTer from beginning to end.

Wben be conciluded the conductor remarked: -Say. young follow, do you kaow what I would do I were io your place?" "No. sit' 1 faltered George Arthur. "Well I trould go back home to; my and tell her to subscribe for a good Then I would road it day for two years. At tbo end of that time ypu can venture out of stjfht of the bouse but I go far if I waa you; steul you.

Keep on reading tor about tvel ve yearg and by that time you will kuow something." George Arthur theft left and at account was trying to pawn his ritif to ffet fundu suWciftnt to teleftaph bpme oa ior assistance a getting away-. In Utah protiU- voiced Us otiitrs ujwjertiiu oondt- sy market would to build UUM to ycfra for Not Tbinx at All. De cloak just iovcly, to soft and IK it fathiOBabtieT No, called nion Sense cloalc. De Style (with a cee your PariBiao. York Iantly eltuoMii bMt way to traateatawh to a like Hood's Late Superintending ciftc Eailroad.

moved his office to 50 Gray's drug store. luiury to the toalp. OB Pint apath Btreot, In of $20 taoaih. Undw PortoiBoo,.

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