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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 8

Logansport, Indiana
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Opening Cloak FOP SEPTEnBER Strongest, Largest and Best Cloak Department. The leading cloak house first on the backs of the people. This weeks opening of the September selling means money In the pockets of our customers (bat wouldn't be there If the cloaks were bought elsewhere, 75 elegant Kersey nicely braided, for opening 200 Fine double and single Capes, nicely made trimmed, $3.25, and all well worth double the prioo. 150 Ladies' well made and stylish Jackets, with tbo new slaeve and collar, $8.43 $3.50 Ludies' Jackets made of Beaver, Bouo'e and 'Novelty Rough Effects, worth $12.50, in this $7.48 Also a good line of Jackets and $10. Call and take a look.

THE GOLDEN RULE. "ARE WE IN IT? WELL I GUESS! Have You Seen Our Men's Boys' Clothing. I IF NOT! WHY NOT? Call and see us and we will demonstrate the fact by making you acquainted with, our ISuperb style of Men's and Boys' Clothing, that jjire are the leaders in our line. Our designs liare exclusive workmanship, perfect and prices cheapest. We shall take pleasure in show- ling you our line of novelties and staples.

Bear jfin mind that all our goods are Sparkling New. fMarked in plain figures and strictly one price. THE GLOBE. CORNER FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS. HORR AT THE RINK.

member the Hour and Take Vour Ladies to Hear an Able Discusssion. this afternoon at tlic will begin at .2:30 o'clock. speaker will ho Hon. Roswell G. How, the noted tiiisiiuciiar, who suc- cte'Sfully combated "Coin" Harvey on stump through the West, exploding the -fii'lfacies of tho over-estimated I-Lnrve-y, ami.

'bringing him ridl-' cule. Mr. Ho IT Is it. logical, earnest and' forcible speaker, and it will be worth for any.o'.ie to go to ilie rink and listen to the right side of uhe great issue-that agitates the people. The 1 sw'dress begins a.t 2:30 o'clock.

Mr. will arrive at A SPLENDID TALK SVas Made by Gil Shanklin Free Coinage. He Told Why the True Ratio tween Silver and Gold Has Always Been the Commercial Value 01 the Two Metals. DONATIONS AND RECEIPTS. PROTECT YOUR EYES.

The Hlrchberg Optical Tbe well-Known Spesiallats ot Jock huva uppolute D. A. HAUK iu iigent tor ttmlr celebnitoil Spoctacles and Eye (ilasses, every pairguurantecd. D. A.

HAUK has complete assortment and Invites all to satisfy themselves ot tiio ycoiit iperlorlty o'. gooisover any nmnutaotuced, at the store ot D. A. UA.CTK, Sole agant 1'or Logalispott Ind. No Peddlers Supplied.

Will Buy a lood Winter Suit fish, Eotherm-cl, I Suite, suits, new fall Trade OF. D. CRAIG. Broad way. Second pcxts; special sale; 73 each.

fox Dunkelberg. flvo 'days more for a guess prize. Buy a Columbia jar and got a coupon. of tire Baptist church are. epnrlng for -another flower show In rambcr.

Bmggemn.n lins trim- Call -and' see her line of trimmed on Friday and Sa'turday, Sept. 25 2C, day evening. i'iln tho com 1 of Esquire guilty to oC It wnd bffitfory brought by Isaac foylor and Ellen Taylor. miss the opp'ortuni-ty'of seeing latest in Ml 1 Foril es direct rodn the factory -and will ors JUK! Sat- the Trade See the line of stoves at Flanegin's new stove store. Old papers for sale at the Journal office.

20 cents a hundred. Positively the best cup of coffee in the city at Dykeman's cafe. Lawrence Anderson has. taken a position sit Hadley Only five more days the Columbia cigar guess comes off, Call at Flanegin's new stove store and see the best stoves to the market. George Bliss, a -hardware merchant n-t KcMallviLle, has -made an assignment The best baking powder and flavor- Ing extracts in the world at Ben Fisher's drug store.

Saturday will 'bo the last day of the trimmed luaits and boinncts appearing at Mrs, Potter's. Ladies all Invited. On Friday and Sept. 25 and 20, day evening, Mrs. Bniggem-flJi show a line of bcautiiful trimmed Foreclosure 'proceedings -nave been begun by Daniel M.

'-Watts against M. Baibb and Mary Blue, Demand, $150. Mrs. Ella B. S.wadener Co.

will display the very latest patterns in millinery Friday and 'evening, 2. Ladles wait anfl see our new novelties. The Seventh' Indiana Cavalry will ihold their FOuntcenth annual reunion at Union City, Wednesday and Thursday, Oct Tiffli and Stc, Reduced faro on all Indiana railroads. J. C.

Hanson, Pres't. Association. Report of Managers of the Hospital Bazaar. Follow in is a partial report of thu of St. Joseph's hospital of the things that helped make tho Hospital Bazaar a success.

M. Wade donated trunk, wou by HI Guger, Miixnemau doniaJttil a 'cow, won by J. M. McKague amd donated to the hospital. Fox Dunkelburg donaited a toilet set won by Lulu Schmidt.

The Fadr donated a toilet set, won by Valentine Kerbcr. Blankets donated by the woolen mills, won by Mrs, Ed Dunn. Picture painting toy Lena' Zol't, won by Carrie Broggen. Bride and groom dressed by Allle Wlllamson and Al Young won by Vincent Kardos. Infant doll won by Jacob Cook.

a AVh'eel wo-n by W. E. WJd'gebn. Ail supper articles were donated, the broad for the entire -w-ecL: by Fred Dykeman, coffee by J. J.

Roitherinel, oysters by Frank Klnney, four hams by Johin Rotherrncl. All other articles were Idndly sent in 'by people in the city. i RECEIPTS. A't door St Joseph booth. 100.00 St.

Vincent 97.10 St. Bridget doll 70.17 Candy booth, 24.41 Suppers 147.05 Ice cream and cake. 37.32 Ladles' Aid Society "of'Baptist church presented. lu.CO Ladies' Aid of First Presbyterian work, can fruit 7.25 WheeI 24.50 Trunk 01.26 Cow 100.00 Cash donations 110.23 I'lie Popo'ciiiUi opened the campaign Llist evening with a far weaker deinon- of the previous even- Ing when, (lie Democrat had their rally. The'-.

Pharos announced there would be parade and there wasn't. THie Union "Cornet live boys with banners a ml. the drain corps nw-rched through tine titling symbol of wind JUKI The rin-k wins well filial, probably a majority of those present being Uopnb- -drawn 'by cuirtosily to hear wJiai sort 'of dofoiiso viny man could 'make of 10 to 1 dollar when the commercial was 32 tol. lion. Oil Sliaiildiii was the speaker of fix 1 evening.

JDr. Sslianktin is an able in-iin. 'Probably no other- mim in the could furnish more plausible excuses for free than he. But his whole speech was -apology'. Mr.

SlMinklin' is editor of the Evansvillc Coiil'i'w. lit was lie wJio wrested Indiana. f.rom -Hie -ambitious of Isaac P. Gray tiil-ued State over to Cleveland. Then Mr.

-Slianklin went io Wiiishinjfton sifter Ills office jimd coosiderud booked for a splendid There wsis probaibly ato doubt but M-r. Slnmklla became impatient and fell out with the Pirasldeiit. Ttoere were some warm woi'dsand since tlicm'Mr. Slianltlin- lias iHmii.i.'iK.'iiiist lie did, righ'toir wrong. Tiiis nccouats for his eniibaiTassing attfctude.

Mr' SlidiilvJiii knows to appsaJ to crowd. Sentiments were uttered wlflch lolity niud -inspiring, 'and the speaker paid to bis coimirry mud ills eonntrymien suJlitlout to set of Hie United Sl-iifos-tp Ohewiluft. Bint fov nirgumout 0.11. tiie qiicstion of (invanoe. and a clear position whicii tlread- 'of silver 'have taken, Mr.

'SlKwikUii -falls to justify the iri.jrii ex- which,> liad in the minds of t.he people, i After Ijlvf il! sncli it could bt ealMl; tlje oxci'llaiit L'Jiioii Cor- from of Wnlton played it meilly of Xational a.iirs irl the. spcab- ers, in Hie rink. il'inwice Wlidle-Id, clKiirnKUi of tiie meetiiis, im-oso iivtrodiiced 1 Hon. CnU'lSliaulvliu In hfc Mr. Slwuiklin niMte argument sigiuBs't the free coiiwise of si lve.r at riic ratio of sixteen -to owe limit Inns been made in camnrnniity this season.

He went the origin, of iflie of flowery phrases, relmted the.liis- r.ory, (ft the ratio between silver and gold. He in the FiCteenitlrcen- tury wius of the Her galleons swept the oceans nnd he soldiers of the -m-a-ruie mnfred liir wKle iui the.searoli of gold and si-Ivor ti eurich Oie coffers' of their Spuii sut tlaiat- lilme possessor of tli largest amount of -the preeiou jiictsils, gold 'and silver, she A ratio, based upon com mereia value of the itwo metals, which wnf rognliiilied by tlhe relatiive nwonnt 'both -and their wwth to tin people. This latto wci.s 1 fixed at tei and -one-half to onib. In other words one ounce of. gold worth ten and oiiiC lKi.l-f ounces of shiver.

This was WE'RE HERE AND HERE TO STAY. You arc cordially invited. We look for your acceptance with eager anticipation, for we arc confident of your enthusiastic commendation of our efforts. We assure you that no finer stock can. be found in this country, and you -will agree with us that It surpasses anything ever before seen in Logansport.

We have entered this field as loaders should, avoiding the time-trodden path, shunning the policies that have hitherto prevailed, but with un- CQualod facilities and characteristic cnery we have sought the best, that you may enjoy the convenience of finding here at home those exclusive styles you liare 'hitherto been compelled to seek in other markets. Tho management of all our departments is in our hands. We've had a. life long experience to guide our judgment, we know every "Fashion Inlet" and "Quality Harbor" in tin's and foreign countries. Behind it are our capital, our enterprise, our broadgungc methods.

Such a union of tact and talent must succeed. We've gathered a stock that is artistically perfect and marked at prices that will be an agreeable revelation to you. Bearing out tho reputation that we will win for this store and your confidence. Yours Very Truly, THE HUB. Berwanger Bros Successors to HARRY FRANK Total amount cleared from -all sources $880.01 Republican Meetings.

Republican speaklngswlll be beld at the following places In Cass county: Roswell Horr will speak at 2:30 p. m. Friday, Sept. 25, at the rink. Friday afternoon, Sept.

25th, Broad: wny rink, Roswell G. Horr. Friday evening, Sept 25, Galloway school house, Jefferson township, sblp, Col: Cromer, Frank Saturday Sept. 20, Royal Center, 'Q. A.

Myers, D. B. McDonnell. THE LADIES. The pleasant.

effect and perfect safety with which ladles may use Syrup of under all conditions, moke It their favorite remedy. get the true and genuine article, look for the name of California Fig Syrup Company, printed near the, bottom of the pa'clhige. For sale by all, responsible "druggists. llxed the 'ratio for Wic reason that i wjis determined, careful invest.i.- Wiitlon, 1 that-far every ten nna one-halt ounces 1 produced, It took the snime 1 of laibor, tho same skill anul rthp same amount of danger In Thus it was that the n-nililo of ten anil one-half to one was measured in -human labor. A -few years later by reason of rich discoveries' lii the far- fiirmod- Oatbay, became the ruling no far as silver was concerned, mud Portugal flxexl the ratio between "the two-metals at thirteen to Still it wins measured 'in human toffl, and the costof the one, together with the quantity fixed Uie "commercial" ratio at Mils figure.

But a half century later Spain, reaching put intoitlii'e West, sent Columbus on, a voyage of discovery, and America in touch- with ilihe-East, was discovered In large quantities-in -wli'at ore 'now the Western-states' 'the continent of South Spain agata found i't necescnry to adjust tllio ratio be- wild gold, the former metal ibadVputstelpped the gold In amount of production iaud In the ease with which'It was.obtained, and lit ivas 'worih 1 Ic'ss comtnei-eially. Spa in, still In possession of the great bulk'of the two. metals, again ud- Justcd the ratio and made'it sixteen (o one. At tills point Mr. stops ir his cbui.pari.son of the two on foiiunerciaJ'ratio.

He would hnve ttu Uiritwl States coin' VJio metals at this wiitio, rhe ratio fixed 'throuplj. all the conturivs oi' all the countries which by reason of bcirip; the producers of Mm w'Jiite mcnil, k-now rho cost of that miciifll. "incjisurcd in inninvu. Il wn.s found necessary to change.the. ratio succeeding of the meital lessened -its cost, of production, in order the 'COMA ILVTIO BE H'AINTAINBD IN COINA'GE UATIO. lin did go 1'ar enough. He should hare stated the tact, that tiie cost of producinig an ounce of gold nie.iisnretl in human laibor. os 1.6 the cost of producing about thirty-two onraces of silver. If were today 'largest producer's of silver, as she WH.S in the Sovemteenth from the practice dirice resorted to to reckoning, tfl)c tnic ratio between the two metals, and say thnit tho ratio should remain fls it was fixed two centuries throwing the question of tho relative cost of production "iii' laibor," to. quote his words.

He spoke for an hour and forty-five minutes amd juside from the history of of the ratio elated m-gtuneut was confined to doniincfation of the "gold bug 1 power aaid to blititer invective the of England over this comiitry." He repeated the threadbare falsehood thwt the law of 3.S73. com manly kuown 'jus the "crime of was "procured by the machinations jm of Illie Eufslis'i- moneyed men w.ho came to this couutry 1S72 am spent money with the met who make the laws, tho Sen titors and Congressmen, scdiic ing them with, his gold and his plans! ble stories of added power to the ycd Initerests 1 to be by tihe de monetiaaitioii of silver. man, lie said, "told the moneyed men of this country that, they abolished the slavery oX the 'black race. He toll' them there was a slavery mud more profitable, tbo slavery of tho white man to the money power, aui that Europe hnd settled the question and toad virtually enslaved the lower daisies by the demonetization, of silver." Shnst Like the Paper on the vail," ex- the "joke." Another baa-uer liad 'the figure of two ino.u bending over a fire, a "McKinley Mint Bogns Mexican Dollars." By the way, the offer to furnish geuu- jue Mexican dollars in any quantity is! opcni. to the genfcleiuen who were so anxious to buy them at two dollars each.

KATIE EMMDIT AT DOLAN'S. Speaking, of Katie Emmett's company which appears at the New; Dolao Saturday night, the Commercial Trill- une Sept, 14, 1S9G says: The warm weather of yesterday did not prevent tremendous gathering at Heuck's and that anei-ry little come- dricnue, Miss Katie Ernmett, was given a hearty welcome. Her play "Tlie Waifs of New Vork," which has. been seen liere a Dumber of times, is about same as ever, though the performance was made more enjoyable through the introduction, of a number of eatchy specialties. As Willie Ruf US Miss Etamett won many a burst of applause, particularly in the court room scene, where her saucy airs and seeni- ing sponifcaneity were more than.pleas- ing.

She was surrounded by an excellent company, and the play was landsornedy staged. At the NOTT Dolan Saturday, Sept PICKED UP IX PASSING. TJie was a very creditable one, considering tire following tho free silver oa.use Mas to the city. The Union Cornet ba.Bd awl the Popocratic drum corps mnrched out in advance of five boys, a.ndthe nwirch was short.and swe'ot were of strange device flung to the breeze 'by Uie Popo- crats last nligiht. One represwted a whose ealtures were Ln caricature of the The banner bore the leg- on "I Ain Afraild This Counitry Will bo Flooded With- Ainother transparency was meant to caricature' Brooks, Second Vice President of tho Pennsylvania! Two figures, one to represent Mr.

Brook.s tiie other a worktogmpmi. on the banner, and the Get per Do You' was -lettered above the figures, 'Amother tanner winus striking: In Its ipplleabillty. It represanted the fami- 'flgnre of "John Bull." trying a coat' jf of McKiney. 1 TJic "This Coat Fits iGOT THE GRIP-SACKS MIXED. Wabash; iWJUIs Crandall, of Huntington, ivras In- tli'ff city today looking for ni man named D.

Myers, about of age, who walked out of Hunt- 5ngton Tuesdaj- with another man's brip and overcoat, Myers was given quiirters in the jail Tuesday night and Marshal Moore turned hhn loose this morning. He knew Mr. Crandall the moment lie sow him and remarked: "Hello, Mr. Craa- 'dall, I guess those satchels got mixed up a little." He turned the grip and the overcoat over to the marshal and the old man was aiiowec to walk odt of town. A complete line of heaters and cook stoves at the new stove gin's, 310 Market street.

PRICES THAT Women's Good Rubbers 23c Women's Storm Sandals 2Se Men's' Good Rubbers 36c Men's Arctics 5Sc Women's Arctics 4Sc Misses' Arctics SSc Men's Overs -for Felts OSc We also have the celebrated Goodyear Glove Rubber goods. No better brand of goods in £he world. Women's Kid Patent Tip Dress Shoes, Button 6Sc Women's Vici Kid Patent Tip, Button 98c Men's Velvet Slippers Men's Buff Bals, Plain Toe OSc Men's Buff Congress, Plain Dress Toe OSc Youth's Good School Shoes Boys' Good School Shoes Boys' House Slippers Women's Very Fine Xeedle Toe and New Coin Toe, Lace and Button, Kid Dress Shoes, Good Value at Our Price on this shall above, goods are all fresh new goods, -which are arriving daily, bought, direct from the manufacturer for cash; and our customers shall have tiie ben- iit. Line way, Logansport, Ind..

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