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Bluefield Daily Telegraph from Bluefield, West Virginia • Page 11

Bluefield, West Virginia
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rm mux w. SOCIETY MI88 OOLOIR PKfinv. Editor Heart, a to 3 O'clock. 7 to I O'clock Phono Item, tor This Column tS -t WWfitfkvWt SOCIETY EDITOR'S TELEPHONE No. 6 or No.

14 Consecrated Workers Here Dr. and Mrs. S. P. Fulton, missionaries to Japan, left for Princeton Thursday, alter a pleasant visit at the home of the lalter's niece, Mrs.

E. Charlton. They have been engaged thlrty-slx years In their work as missionaries in Japan, and will return to that country in March, having been in America on a furlough since last May. Their son, Darby, is also an able and consecrated missionary. Dr.

and Mrs. Fulton made interesting short talks before the meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of Westminster church Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Witt Hancock, on Jefferson street, the former especially in regard to the Japanese earthquake and Mrs. Fulton on the subject of kindergarten work. Dr.

and Mrs. Fulton spoke also! very entertainingly before a meeting, of Mrs. Charlton's circle of Bland Street Methodist church, held at Mrs. Charlton's home Thursday afternoon. The business session was followed by' a social hour, with delicious refresh-1 Library Board As no meeting was held by the Library Board last Monday, due to Inclement weather, members are reminded a meeting will be held Mou- dpy evening, January 26.

Matters Attaining to the furnishings for the nrir quarters in the municipal build- li will be discussed, and a full attendance is desired. New Health Worker casion being: Mrs. Ray Hawley, Mrs. James Hawley. Mrs.

Wade Miller, Mrs. J. II. Kaylor, Miss Margaret Walker, Mrs. Karl Lowder, Mrs.

G. It. Gish and Miss Gudren Hansen. The evening was very pleasantly spent, and the guests were served dainty sandwiches, fruit salad and hot chocolate. Attractive Rook Party Mrs.

II. M. Williams and Mrs. O. J.

Caldwell were joint hostesses Thursday afternoon for a five-table rnok party, at the attractive home of Mrs. Caldwell, on Washington street, the prize for play being awarded to Mrs. W. 13. Dcbrick.

Mrs. Caldwell's lovely little daughters, Hazel and iJbis, assisted In serving the the refreshments consisting of a delicious salad course, with cake, coffee, and mints. The affair was among the pleasant- est social events of the season, and was greatly enjoyed by those present, among whom were. Mrs. Nichols, Mrs.

W. D. Lucas, Mrs. L. E.

Lemons, Mrs. W. H. Hetherington, Mrs. C.

It. Goodson, Mrs. W. H. Carr, Mrs.

J. F. AVllliB. Mrs. R.

W. Honaker, Mrs K. E. Kinard, Mrs. W.

D. Cofer, Mrs. Bertha B. Graybeal, Mrs. A.

M. Wilburn, Mrs. W. T. Elliott, Mrs.

C. M. Ireson, Mrs. L. Gibson, Mrs.

W. E. Debrlck. Mrs. S.

H. Belcher, Mrs. Hugh Swingle, Mrs. Will C. Eusley and Mrs.

F. R. Thompson. IRK iPM OUT Dinner Conference of Bluefield Council of Social Agencies Held Last Evening at West Virginian Hotel. Special Rally Miss Guila Freeman is expected Boon from Michigan, to take up work here in connection with the city health department.

In this work she will be associated with Miss Mary Skidmore, city health nurse. Sewing Party Mrs. E. G. Puryear, formerly Miss Sra Reese, entertained with a sewing party Wednesday evening at her home Rogers street, guests for the oc- Members of the Philathca class of the First Baptist church arc urged to be in attendance for the regular CIBBS meeting Sunday morning at 9:30, as the Sunday school will observe that occasion as "Rally Day," and a special effort is being put forth for a large attendance.

An important meeting'of the Quota Club of Bluefleld will be held today at noon at the West Virginian hotel, and a full attendance of- the members is desired. Cheerful Workers Meet Members of the Cheerful Workers' Circle of the First Presbyterian church were entertained by Little Miss Mary Catherine Cutler at the homo of her and Mrs. L. Every Sorority drinker knows the full meaning of coffee satisfaction. The flavor is always the same the strength is up to you.

A most excellent program, covering all phases of welfare work in West Virginia, was suggested for the coming State Conference of Social Work, at a meeting last evening of the Bluefield Council of Social Agencies, held at the West Virginian hotel. Thu gathering was in the nature ot dinner-conference, and following a delightful menu served by the hotel management, the tentative program for the state conference was presented by City Manager C. E. Ridley, member of the program committee. The committee has given untiring efforts within the past few months preparing" this program, as evidenced by the fact some of the most noted health and welfare workers of the country will take part in the conference.

Headquarters.for the state meeting, which will convene here 23-21, will be at the West Virginian hotel, and committeces were nppolr.t- ed to make all the necessary arrangements and look after the accommodation and entertainment, of the visitors. A social fetaure will be a tea on Tuesday afternoon at the Y. W. C. A.

room, which will afford a splendid opportunity for the people of Bluefield to meet with those in attendance for the convention, and extend to them the glad hand of greeting ar.d good fellowship. According to predictions, the convention will be the West ever nttempi- ed in the state the interest ana Co-ordination of Local Welfare cooperation of every man and woman Work, Dr. David Littlejohn. Direct-not the communttv will be enlisted to- 1 of Health and Welfare, Bluefield. wards the attainment of that goal.

I General Discussion, Led bv C. E. T. O'J. Wilson acted as master of Ridley, City Manager, Bluefield.

ceremonies for the 'conference last For the final session on Tnrsdiv evening, the invocation being offered I afternoon, there will bo a talk or; by ensign II. C. Sprague, ot the Sal- "Rural Activities in Constructive vation Army. According to the pro- Work," by Nat T. Frame, director ot gram for the, coming state conrcr- the Extension Department.

University ence, the address of welcome will be of West Virginia, Morgantown. this made by Mr. Wilson, with response'to be followed with a miscellaneous by Mrs. B. M.

Hoover, of discussion on "Special Activities." the president of the state conference. leaders for the various topics to bo Rev. Jennings W. Hobson, rector ol' selected and announced later. A grn- Christ Episcopal church, is to offci eral discussion will bo led the opening prayer.

I by J. F. Marsh, state department oi "The State's Relation to Welfare I Education and Executive Secretary, Problems" will be discussed by Conference ot Social Work, J. S. Lakin.

president, of the State Charleston. Election of officers and Board of Control, Charleston. Tile the selection of a place of the next remainder of the morning session on conference will precede the final ad- Monday will be devoted to a discus sion of methods In slate welfare Institutions, divided as follows: State Penitentiary, S. P. Smith, Warden, Moundsville.

Industrial School for Boys, IT. E. Flushur, Superintendent, Grafton. Industrial Homo for girls. Miss Jennie F.

Sutton, superintendent, industrial. West Virginia Children's Home, Airs. E. Harrison Johnson, Superintendent, Elklns- Huntington State Hos-pital, Dr. S.

L. Johnson, Assistant Physician, Huntington. State Board of Children's Guardians, C. L. Stonnker, executive secretary, Charleston.

Methods in voluntary welfare Institutions will be discussed at the aft- Sick headaches are caused by AIL-BR AN brings reiki journment. At suggestion of F.W. Utly. it was decided 4o extend a special invitation to representatives of the "crippled children's work" to participate In tho program, In order to familiarize those, in attendance with pending legislation concerning this important movement. A number of suggestions worn, offered in regard to proposed group luncheons and other features of the state conference, and a splendid spirit of corporation was manifest anions tho members of the Social Agencies' Council.

Committees were announced, as follows: O'J. Wilson, chairman; Alls. C. L. Borden, Miss Pearle Brammer.

Miss Deslr (lilmore. Mlsa Beulah Price, Mrs. Ernest Honson, Mayor W. II. Thomas, the Rev.

Father Constipation can wreck your health in over forty different Sick hendnehes, sallow skin, blotchy complexion, gray hair, spots before the eyes, unpleasant breath are a few of the outward rjffects of constipation. Over forty serious discards can be traced to it. Don't let this insidious discaso send ita poisons into your body one day loncer. Thousands have found heRltli by eatinR Kellogp ALL- BRAN, after sufferviE for years. Kcllopg's ALL-BRAN brings permanent relief in the most chronic cases if eaten regularly.

It ia anteed to do so or your grocer returns the purchase price. Kellogg's is 100 per cent effective because it is ALL RRAN. Doctors recommend know that it takes ALL RRAN to bring sure results. Eat two tablespoonfuls chronic cases, with every meal. Roady-to-cat with milk or' cream.

Try the many delicious recipes on every package. Kellogg 's ALL-BRAN is made in Battle Creek, Michigan, and sold by grocers everywhere. Served by leading hotels nnd restaurants. Order a packago from your grocer today. ernoon session, the program includ-i kp 7 Kirl ing addreses by among the state's kcc Vlsoi most prominent statesmen and Spragu'c.

R. B. i fare workers. Subjects and speakers for this session will be: Florence Crittenton Home, Miss Fred Udy and W. II.

Roberts, ot SORORITY 48 Lovely Evening and Afternoon DRESSES in Chiffons-Velvets-Laces The Newest Shades The Most Correct Styles Our Highest'Price Dresses included, THE VOGUE Federal Street J. Cutler, on Monroe street, Thursday afternoon, with about fifteen in attendance. The young folk enjoyed a business and social hour, dainty refreshments being served. Impressive Installation Beautiful and impressive were the ceremonies last evening incident to the Installation of officers for the Pythian Sisters. New officers of the Sistershood are: Mrs.

Robert H. Scott, past chief; Mrs. Lula Garrett, excellent chief; Mrs. Cordic Eubanks, senior; Mrs. Margaret junior; Airs.

Myrtle Turner, manager; Airs. Myrtle F. Brown, mistress oi correspondence; Miss Ethel Dunn, mistress of finance; Mrs. Luclnda Alliff, protector; and Mrs. Bessie Wiliams, guard The membership contest just closed resulted in twenty new applications for admission, and in compliance with the agreement, a delightful luncheon was served by the losing team, headed by Mrs.

Pearl Woods, in honor of the victors, who were led by Mrs. Roberta H. Scott. In appreciation of the efforts of Mrs. Myrtle Brown, who by her own solicitation secured eight new members, Mrs.

Scott presented hor with a. handsome piece of chinaware. On behalf of the Temple, Mrs. Scott was presented a lovely past chief's pin, and she also was recipient of a box of delicious home made candy "roTfered by a member of the Sisterhood. The instaling officers for this occasion were Mrs.

Katherine Weiser, deputy grand chief, assisted by Airs. Thelmai Vaught, grand senior, and Mrs. Pearl Woods, grand manager. There was a good attendance, and the meeting was one of the most impressive and'enjoyable in the history of the Pythian Sisters. Personals Elizabeth Wheeling.

Rungee, Superintendent, Princeton, Publicity -Aliris (loldie Perry. Union Mission Settlement, Leslie T. Downey, Superintendent, Huntington. Salvation Army In Welfare, Alajoi David Main, Charleston. Legislation, Present and Pending, Hon.

Charles Ritchie, Assistant Attorney General, Charleston. General Discussion, Led by Hon. Howard B. Lee, Attorney General- elect, Bluefield. In the evening there is to be addresses by Hon.

Howard M. Gore, governor-elect of West Virginia, and Miss Katie Burr Johnson, director o'. Charities and Public Welfare of North Carolina, Raleigh, N. chairman; Mrs. R.

1. Develln. 11. I. I Shott, Conrad Drevick and Harry (Ireenspon.

Luncheons and F. Black, Chairman; Airs. R. A. Fox, Robt.

Shcffcy and Herbert D. Atay. Herbert Alar-; kle, Chairman; Aliss Effie milk, Isadore Cohen, C. P. Claytor, 10.1 L.

Waterman and F. Al. Archer. I General David Littlejohn, Chairman; Aliss Grace D. Chase, Aliss Alary Frank Hughes, Alinnfc E.

Weaver and Clarence E. Ridley. The program eommiitlce is composed of C. E. Ridley, Dr.

Davit; Littlejohn, Aliss Grace I). Chase ana A number of splendid features are 'v scheduled for Tuesday morning of the 1 conference, the proposed program for this session being as follows: Invocation, Rev. Samuef W. Moore, First Presbyterian Church. Bluefield.

Constructive Welfare Boys Club Activities, E. L. Waterman, Director Boys Club, Bluefield. Y. W.

C. A Welfare Organization, Aliss Minnie E. Weaver, secretary Y. W. C.

Bluefield. The Visiting Teacher, Miss Gracfc D. Chase, Bluefield. School Medical Inspection, Dr. M.

V. Zeigler," Assistant Surgeon U. S. P. H.

State Department of Health, Charleston. Public Health and Child Welfare, Mrs. John T. Dillon, Director of Public Health Nursir.g, State Health Department, Charleston. County Welfare Organization, Mis3 Alary Frank Hughes, Bluefield.

of the registration committee tire Miss Mury Skidmore, Aliss Darr and MiHS Guila Freeman. Ktcgless HuffliiH One cup course bran, 1 cup flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder. 1-2 teaspoon soda. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons molasses.

1 1-4 cups sweet milk. Alix ingredients in the order given. Turn into well-greased gem pan and bake twenty minutes in a hot ovens. Stuffed Apples Pare and core fine large apples. Cook in heavy sirup until tender and clear.

Moisten equal quantities of chopped nuts and seeded and chopped raisins with orange marmalade. Fill cavities of apples with mixture nnd serve masked with whipped cream. The cream should lie sweetened and slightly favored with vanilla. THIRTY-ONE YEARS OF FAITHFUL SERVICE. '9 1 mm Mrs.

G. R. Gish will leave soon for New York, in the interest of the Hawley Department Store. Miss Nancy Winglleld is visiting in Roanoke. Miss Ella Vernon is back at the Pedigo store, after a week's illness.

M. Cassell, of Burkes Garden, was in Bluefield, Thursday. Mrs. C. A.

Johnson, of Tazewell, was shopping in this city Thursday. Miss Zoe Weaver, of Kingsport, Is visiting her parents Air. Mrs. T. F.

Weaver, ou South I street. The Rev. Harry Murrell, of Lerona, W. was a guest the past week at I the home of Airs. F.

K. Manevillc, on I Preston street. Mrs, Beverly Stras, of Tazewell, was among out-of-town shoppers in Blueileld. Thursday. Mr.

and Mrs. W. H. Meadows, of Coeburn. are visiting the former's sister, Mrs.

Millie Thornton, 719 Bluefield avenue. Mrs. Lucy Hill is back from a three weeks' stay at her home iu Lynchburg. Mrs. S.

S. McNiel and family are moving from Bluefield, to Ramsey street, this city. Miss Helen Sampson is leaving Saturday for Now York, as buyer for tho infants' department of thp Thornton- Laird store. John T. Wilson has gone to Roanoke to be present with Mrs.

Wilson for a diuner-dance at the Country Club. Mrs. C. S. MoClaughcrty, of Nar- Irows, was here with Dr.

and Mrs. S. P. Fulton this week, for a visit with her daughter, Airs, J. E.

Charlton. Mrs. Charles St. Clair continues ill of sinus trouble at nor home on Rum- sev street. Mrs.

C. S. Breeding, of Norllifork. who has been visiting her mother, Airs. S.

D. Sizer, has returned home. P. E. Vass underwent an operation at St.

Luke's hospital and is getting along veil. Mrs. T. Zink aiid W. P.

Mitchell, of Keystone, were among I shoppers iu Bluefield Thursday, Mrs. S. 1), Sizer, who has been ill flu, is aulo to be out again, her many friends will bo- glad to learn. I Mrs. Gordon White has entered St.

Luke's hospital 'for a surgical tion. I Mrs. Thomas McNew, who has been I here with her little daughter, Helen jMcNew, who has typhoid fever, was called back to Honaker by tho illness of another grandchiid. Ray Havvlev buyer for the Haw- jlay department store, will leave soon a business trio to New York. I Miss Lucille Williams has return- led i'rowf a pleasant visit at Majestic, Miss Una Fleenor is back from a brief visit at Davy.

Hurley Rector is a visitor hero from Williamson. Mrs, John T. Wilson is in Roanoke week, where, several soi-iul af- are beliis? given in her honor. I Mr. and Airs.

Alfred HuMor have li'om a visit to A grouwg child needs wholesome food. A Give him tempting sandwiches filled with delicious, health-building Paramount Onaise. At your grocers. H1RSCH BROS. LOUISVILLE, KY.

end PITTSBURGH, PA SiA SmduHch Spread PAHAMOUKT ONAISE SALAD RUSH i BLUEFIELD GROCERY Distributors. Isadore Cohen Co. JEWELERS 308 Federal St. Ritz Building Opposite West Virginian Hotel. Lenox China From a World Famous Pottery Ming In Lenox 31 Pieces, $66.75 (Open Stock).

The Ming pattern in china tableware so artistically embodies the spirit of the Flowery Kingdom with its colorful birds. To see Ming is to want no other china. It is now on display in our window, and is sold in Bluefield only at our store. HAWLEY 5 Better Merchandise For Less Money "The Best Ever" bargains in Wanted Piece Goods That's what hundreds of discriminating women are saying today. That the bargain offerings in wanted Piece Goods at Hawley's are the best ever.

You too, will be agreeably surprised at the low prices and high quality prevailing throughout our entire Piece Goods Section. Plan to take advantage of these bargains NOW as they will not last long at the present prices. 36 Inch Ricochet Crepe About a dozen beautiful solid colors in Ricochet and other attractive cotton crepes. The regular price is $1.50 and $1.95 a yard. 79' 32 Inch Gingham Our regular 35c quality of dress gingham.

In all the newest checks, plaids and patterns. Nearly any color you wish. 21 27 Inch Outing Flannel Regular 20c value in outing flannel, colors and stripes. Solid 12 36 Inch Outing Flannel Our regular 25c grade of flannel. In solid colors and stripes.

15' 36 Inch Corduroy Beautiful soft corduroy for kimonos and bathrobes. Navy, rose, brown, flame and black; Regular 95c quality. 59' 40 Inch Chiffon Velvet Only six colors left in tin's highly popular dress fabric. Brown, black, navy, burnt russet, jade and American Beauty. One of the most wanted fabrics of the season.

Regular $4.95 value. $0 -79 Bathrobe Material This material is nice and fleecy and is attractively patterned. Especially suitable for children's bathrobes. Regular 75c value. 39.

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