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The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia • Page 4

The Agei
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


PLANNING THE HOUSE WORK. THIS WEEK OUR Triumph of Mind Over Matter. 11 A PAGE FOR WOMLN trouble in lending nir of distinction to her dining table. By way of relief, or possibly out of courtesy to the passing vogue, a design rather larger than meat plate is sometimes introduced in tho smaller "four cover' cloths. The pattern appears at each of the four sides and in the centre of the cloth, is embroidered with nf tttntrartinir color.


..4 10 8 15' 12 i .5 36 9 XI2U. ..9 17,6 Wilton Runnnrs, 27 In. yd. (Brown only). New Fashions in Table Decorations.

like effect is exceedingly attractive. Efh design is lined with a circle of linen, into which an asbestn mat can be slipped to protect the surface of the table. Somewhat coarser quality of linen I employed in the mnking of the acw white tablecloths. They have the same silky sur-1 face as the colnied one, but am decorated in a different fashion, Insertrd lace- doyleys are substituted for the em-! broidered designs, each doyley being lined 10 it. in.

II 12 ft Hie tablecloth is coming into its own THE STRAND Furniture Warehouse again lis return is marked by a delightful change from the old severity. The new clotha am as dainty and unconventional ns the old were stiff and formal. Made in every color, of fine textured linen, and poswsFinjt a soft silky surface, they Evening Gowns and Colors. Thcro are practically uo rules for evening colors. Somo of the niort fashiou-able would only bivo been toleratod for morning or afternoon wear a season or two a so.

CJrey, tarnished copper and dead leaf browns arc very successful. The frrcy thmiM bo most carefully chosen, for it is a color that may change to an unpleasant tone by electric light, but there are plenty of shades that keep their charm. Copper-colored brocade with gold embroidery makes a handsome picture, and dead leaf brown brocado looks in the form slip to receive an asnc. tos mate. A delightful toixh is thus intro duced to relievu the white monotony.

598 CHAPtL-STREET, SOUTH YARRA Near Toorak-road and South Yarra Railway Station. GAMES ON SUNDAY. Once a (rain tlmre lias nvipen mclno-phAly prophet who view with crave on-errn tfnnia on tSunilayo. Thin time thrir pffort is curtail, if not abolish, the b'pftUhy pastimes of numerous young people on the public' tennis courts at Richmond-. Tho protest comes from a rflifrions body wbo contend that the play will interfero with their Sunday school work.

They evidently wfch to sacrifice a clenn jort to their and, in taking up this attitude, they cihibil deplorable lurk of eolt -confidence in their powers as religious teachers, lyirtieuiarly VOLUNTARY WORK. In this nee of development no woman afford to be idle, either mentally or i.hy.irnlly. She may material wealth of half a kingdom, anil yet still bo unable to atford idleness. She cannot afford it for th reason that it is practically im-Vossible for a woman to take bor nlaco in the world unless she has developed her-felf in one way or another. Society will not put up with her.

The world demands to be aimwd or interested and a woman vho refuses lo escrl herself physically 4 This, as the littlo American girl remarked, is a hard world for women. Wo never seem to do anything right. Whether we are frivolous or whether wo aro gay, someone is certain to tell us aud in print, too that we are all wrong. The only consolation is that it bus been the same ever since Eve ate that apple. Just nt present we are on the road to ruin, and dragging the nation with us; when peoplo look over their morning paper they read, first, the cables (wo will hope), and then turn the page ta find Out what is being said about us now.

Someoue says we eat the wrong foods; that we da nee too much; that our manners are bad aud our morals are worse; and while we are trying to recover from that blow, someone else chips in with the assertion that we are foolish enough to starve ourselves iu order that we may wear the new fashions with grace. Most of our critics are women who have forgotten what it is like to be young and silly, but this particular critic is man, and it sounds like one of the fool it things that meu do think us. If you look back through the volumes of "Punch" of the eighties you will come on a pirture of a lovely dti Manner "e.ieat-tion," with the sixteen-iuch waist that was regarded as a beauty in those times. A man is offering her strawberries and cream, and is saying to himself: "She'll take it: she'll eat it, but where will she put it Vf So yon see there is nothing new in this sort of criticism. The strange thing is that those faiiy-like proportions did not hurtle the nation to its doom, although thev had their critics just as we have.

IXi we stnrvo iu reality Go into any tea shop in any town at about II a.m., and you will probably conio to tho conclusion that, far from starving, we are a nation of cormorants. On every sido you will see 11111 I 1 llll'1 -4 hy Mil It is generally the peoplo who don't do any house, work who loudly proclaim its healthful effects At the same time bin) work would not be half so wearisome if only we made our brains save out feet. Work should be planned so that time and energy me not squandered in trotting from one pait of the house to another. For instance, work in the bedrooms should he carried ont in sequonce. Don't leave off dusting a bedroom and run downstair and start wasing up go from one thing to another methodically.

You'll save strength, lime and temper in this way. Then, again, suitable clothes aro just an' for bouw work as for any other kind of work. Wear a loosely fitting overall with a belt round the waist and never wear coifets that in any way impede freedom of movement while working. Then comfy shoes are an absolute necessity. It'a a fatal mistake to wear out old shoes in the bouse, especially if fhoy have high heels or ore "run down." Nothing is more tiring.

The bent kind of shoe for house work is one with a low, broad heel, such as nurses wear. And make- a point of sitting down to a task whenever it is at all possible. There aro dozens of things which can be "lone just as well sitting as standing, peeling potatoes, stoning fruit, cleaning shoes it's merely a question of habit. Once you get into the way of doing things sitting you'll realise how much harder you've been working for years than you need have done. And if you value the appearance of your hands, make a practice of doing all the "dry' work togethor, and then the "wot" work.

For instance, don't blacklead a grate, then wash up, and then go and sweep and dust a room. That sort of thing is ruinous to the hands. If yon dust a room immediately after washing up when the hands aro soft, the dust will pene-tmte the open pores, and harden and darken the skin. It you get into fhe way of doing all and "diys" you won't bo lor ever washing your hands, and life won't be such a giddy dashing from one thing to another. After all, work in office In tho winlor when colds unfold You'll nlwayis lo welcomed by young nnd old, A greeting of gladness is nbvnys sure Where yoj living Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.

flnvor nnd fragrance past joys recall, And its cheering wrapper is known lo nil, A thrill of conlrntment sincere nnd pure Welcomes Peppermint Cure. when they fa obviously regard, these ten find mentally cannot be eitnor amusing or i comitt nit to the iuteresting. She is mote or less of g1miay soboo. bore, and is persistently avnided. jt doubtful whether the public tennis In her late teens and very early courts aie such a counter attraction.

The twenties her youth and--we will assume i children who attend Sunday school arc lack of in tsent there hy their parents, iney proit- hrr innocence may excuse any For Children's Hacking Cough, Woods' Great Peppermint Cure Table napkins of diminutive proportions, with corner designs or circles of lace by way of decoration, are made to match tho various clothe. women "doing themselves proud" on cream cakes and coffee, on bath buns and ices. Work's a Pleasure with afford the housewife a welcome opportunity for the display of taste and originality in table decoration. The tablecloths should be chosen with due regard to the color of the walls, the flowers on the table, and the general appearance of the room for which they are intended. With half a dozen different (olorcd eloths at her disposal, no Iioic-wife with any taste will experience on fruit salads and cream.

The chances aie that they have eaten a substantial When labelling hottles or jars, lound off the edjes of the labels to prevent them peeling oft, and after writing on them wash them over with weak sum water, and vljer. that is diy varnish them, that (hey can be wi.ied over if soiled. nreaktnst; they aro almost certainty going to have a substantial lunch, but the morn ing cup of coffee has become a habit, ami who can resist the lure of the cream bun most delicious of many temptations offered to us But. the marvel is that we do! most of us keep our figures to the lines demanded by fashion. 1 don't pretend to know how it is done, but these are the things that women can do.

A triumph of mind over matter, I should call it. And what man does the sumo i CROCHETED JACKET AND BONNET. or snop is always planned to save time ami energy, so surely method and time saving are equally important in the home, for no amount of work in ofliro or shop is half as tirinir as house work can be. ably if they are normal youngsters-want to ftay at home or join other boys and girls in various games. They do not, however.

Their parents insist on them giving up on hour or so to religions struction, and just because public tennis courts are opened, it is hardly likely that p.ireuts will relax their coutrol. There may be some good little boys and girls in the world, who prefer Sunday school to anything' else on Sunday afternoon, but it would be rather a hopeless optimist who laid down such an hypothesis as a generally-proved fact. Xo one desires to detract from the work of religious toachcrs. They have as much' light as anyone else to follow out their convictions in regard to (he upbringing of children, but no one has any right to curtail the inclinations of others as long as they are carried ont decently and within the law, Any outcry agiiinsl healthy sport on Sunday is invariably aimed at the middle elassea and the poor. The rich, with' their private tennis courts, their great golf courses, and their motors to take them out of city, are free to enjoy tho fresh air and indulge in any life-giving exercise they may desire; but when those in less affluent circumstances, who probably live in small houses in crowded areas, seek respite from the close atmosphere of their homes, and a change from their work in offices and shops, by a friendly game of tennis on public courts erected specially for their benefit, there immediately nrises a dismal voice of protest.

Compared to the children who are likely to be adversely a fleeted by Sunday tennis, there is no limit to the benefit that will be derived from the exorcise by tho hundreds of young girls and men vho ate tdlert. It if doubtful, however. It. is tuily the dazzling beauty who seems to outshine an absence of personality, and unfortunately youth and beauty fade away and die, and beauty loses her lustrous eyes in th" cmiio of time, leaving little but a iri.Mnt t-bfll of schoolgirl mannerisms mid a vajnic srnse of doing the ris'nt tbiny. To ary personality at nil a girl raurt exert herrelf in some direction or another.

She need not necessarily be a Uviined blue stocking or champion but there must be soruc progiecs mnble her tn take an intelligent in-Inevt in her fellow beings, some vitality li'iih will m.irk her ns on individual rvho coiinfc. rather than she should fit ff-mv souUesn description, sueh as "quite jiire, quite amiable but she palls -so." To the girl living at home in fairly itiliuent ch en oist antes, whoso parents are till slightly prejudiced against her earning her own livinp. nd who has not the apaiity for launching out in either a pro fessim or art, this necessity for development becomes rather ft problom. After school iheie comes the routino of minor duties in the bonne, a good deal of tewing, the skimming of novels of the 'everybody's reading them" type, and if one's choice of frinnds at school bus been '1'ortunate a round of mild excitement, ranging from tennis to an occasional night iit the theatre. The chances are pretty even that at this time an Apollo will arrive on the horizon and fill her maidenly mind with thonchts of love.

The chances vrc just as even that she will nsree to v-ait. until this same Apollo has obtained rise in the bank or until his talent jiave been reeognifsd hy the firm. Apollo develops with his anticipated rcirponsi-1'tlity. while with "sweet and twenty' the routine of the house work continues, the Therefore see that you make yours as Eor the bonnet you will need 1 ball of ngiii as possible. silk Iceland yarn and a Xo.

10 steel rrochet hook. This bonnet can be made in infant and 6 months' sue. BLACK ENAMEL To lighten Labor on Stove or Grate Simply lay It on no rubbing dries as you apply It with a rich, deep lustre that will delight you. GET IT FROM YOUR GROCER OR IRONMONGER. made by at RICHMOND.

TRYING TO GET THIN. For both sizes, ch. 7 join in a ring 3 If) d.e. into ring; (each d.e. should be a inch SI.

st. into third st. of PERFUMES AND PERSONALITIES. Perfume must be chosen with cave not chain at beginning of row. 3 ch.

most distinguished with a petticoat and lined with velvet tissue. What could be more charming than georgette frock of light satinwood brown embroidered with gold thread, more or less claljorately, necording to your taste and means A gold foundation, too, would add to its chnrm, and so would gold-colored stockings and bronze shoes. A into each of next fl increase st.) Repent p.iienthesf-s the way iicioss. 1 ch. Turn.

Itepeat thitd row. Sixth Row: 1 k. c. into first st. (Increase in next 1 s.

c. into each of noxt i 9 Repeat paiTmtheKf el) tha way ncross. I ch. Turn. Repeat third and fourth rows once.

third row. Teuth Row. I s. c. into each of next 7 sts.

(Increase in next 1 s. c. into each of next 0 sts.) Repeat parentheses all the way across 1 ch. Turu. Repeat third row.

Twelfth Row: 1 s. e. into each of next. sts. (Increase lit nct I s.

o. into each of next I) sts.) Repeat parentheses all the way across. Repeat third row nil the way across. Increase in every 15th st. in next row, this will give yon 149 sts.

for infants' size. (For six months sio work another row increasing in every 7th st. This will give.yo.i 170 sts. for six months' size.) Kepent tliirrl rw 3 times for infants' si2 and times for six months' size. Pody.

First Row: 3 2 d. c. into base of chain; each d. e. should be inch long.

(Skip 1 st. ot previous; row, I d. c. into next st. skip 1 shell info next st.

To make it shell work 3 d. o. into name st.) Repent between parentheses all the wsy across. 3 ch. Turn.

Second Row. 1 shell over first shell of previous row (1 d. i over next d. 1 shell over next shell). Repeat between parentheses ull the way across.

3 ch. Turn. Repeat the second row 4 limes for infants size and fi times for months' size. purchased because "it's In a pretty bottle" or because the chemist is eloquent about its charms. Nothing mako a womnn appear so common aud flashy as cheap scent immoderately used.

Refined perfume is more expensive, but so little is inquired at a time that it is well worth the extra Personality should play a part in the scarf of silk would certainly like to accompany this frock. A black lace gown over pale grey or palest rose Tho question of superfluous flfuh and how it bo reduced is mie which worries hundreds of women. Supertluoim fat usually makes its appearance towards (lie aye of thirty-five to forty, and readily at-lacks persons who are inclined towards obesity through inheritance. It is more often tho prkc paid for lc.vling an inactive life and eating more than is ucccs-sary without due regard to food values. Girls who cef.

fat between tho ages nf fourteen and twenty have nothing to worry about. They will thin down again naturally, nnd auy effort to help hem-selves, cither by dieting or medicine, is very wrong, as it might do untold hunn to their health. For those weight' is far in excess of what it should he. treatment is neces a lovely and useful possession. It may bo entirely of lace, or it may have a lace NESTLES MILK The World's Best tunic over a georgette foundation, or a hecoud row: 1 shell into next st.

To make a shell work 3 d.e. into same 1 d.c. into next et. Kepent from all the way around si. st.

into top of first 3 ch. at beginning, of row, 3 eh. Third row: Increase over next shell follows: 1 shell into first I d.c'. owv next 1 shell over nest 1 d.c. into top of nest double crochet, 1 shell over centre of next shell, 1 d.c.

over next d.e. Repeat from all the way around, ending with si st. into top ot first chain, 3 cb. Fourth row: Work d.c. over even double crochet, 1 shell over every shed of previous row, ending with si.

st. into top of first chain. 3 ch. Fifth row: (I shell over next riiell of previous row, 1 d.e. over next double crochet.) Repeat between parent hese-i twice increase over next shell, 1 d.c.

owr next double crochet of previous ivw. lace apron back and front, with two floating side panels of pleated georgette; or the lace may bo shaped into wrap-over drapery, sleeves and fastened on the hips with a long sash or silk tassel. unable to enjoy games during tho week. Echoes of the Victorian era seem to permeate tho utterances of those who speak of games on Sunday as desecration of the Sabbath. Women have long since learnt that it is hotter for their children to be encaeed in hrnltM- C4 Evening gowns remain stately, except the taffeta ones, which can hardly help TIN NOW sary which will involve perseverance aud self-denial for some time.

The weight reduction must be gradual, and you'll find self-control is all important. times than cooped up by endless restrie i tions-even on Sunday. Their daughters Diet and exercise are the best means to take in order to become slender. The life CITY AND SUBURBS of the fat woman must necessarily bo one more or less of an active fciud. itmeur.

pnysiraiiy ana mentally hv the exertion and pxhiliration of games," while with young boys showing ioto manhood there is nothing will do them more good than a bard came of tennis. It is time the moralists learnt that healthy pleasure is no more detrimental to a human being than is message delivered with a soug on the lips, instead of common speech. WHERE. INDEPENDENCE COUNTS. To begin with, she must not spend too many hours in bed, her mattress must be hard, and her bedclothes light, though warm, bhc must ncvor loll about in easy chairs, and she mupt lake plenty of out door exercise daily.

Walking is a very fine Don't Let the Weather Harm Your Skin Use exercise, and at least three-quarters of an If people icalifcd the efforts of disabled soldiers to establish their independence there is not a woman who would not turn to them when she had woik to be done. Unfortunately, neonle do not. renlic-n th. hour's walking should be taken daily. Hill climbing is very good for people anxious to redueo weight, but it should not be undertaken unless the heart v4 quite strong.

Turkish baths are especially helpful, but should never be taken without a doctor's permission. He will tell you if you can take them without rifli, and how often you may go. If thcro are no Turkish baths in your neighborhood, and your doctor is agreeable to you taking them, sub struggle being made by many men who ary choice of 0 perfume. For the yrunj; ruI, 1 recli -smellintf tvent is prefcrahle clover, rose, lilae or poppy; for the middle used nnd eiilerly. lavender irater or Ocvonehiro violet is specially suitable.

Very exotic perfumcf, "full of the warmth of (he south' are popular just now; but they seem strangely incongruous for frcei-fueed Australian women in trim frocks. The best way of gauging the strength of a perfume is to put one1 spot ou tho pfjlm of the hand. Many women use scent on their handkerchiefs and linffprie, but the Paisicnnc applies two or throe diop with the finger tips, behind eafch ear Tiy it and tec how refreshing it is, nnd how well it lasts. For tboie who like their hair faintly scented, the be method is (o sew a perfumed rache.t in caeb hat lining. fiuing continues, the little round of mild jimupementfl continues, and with every ad- ditional year the boredom increases.

'Where uo Apollo rises on the horir.on. it even more tragic. I'nabte to follow any definite object, the uninteresting girl to a dull woman, ending her days the Tespected member of a suhurban parish, who ekes out a routine of negative goodness in a round of heavy stupidity. Judging by the continual cry for voluntary helpers in various kinds of welfare kindergarten work, and tho feeble re- I'lics from the younger generations, there be quite a variety uninteresting overs" in another fifteen years' time. Red Cross auxiliary activities, such as ranteens and other work, it is chiefly the "pre-war" and "war" girls and women who are giving their time and energy.

The younger girls budding into their first years of comparative freedom and enjoy ment do not Ecem to realise that there is Mich a thing ns a serious undertaking. They think it will he "perfectly lovely" to go into tho hospitals and serve out tea to patients, but it. is surprising how important a game of tenuis or golf may loom when it clashes with their day, and it is Ktill more surprising how easy it is to ring up, and with So sorry, but simply cannot got in to-morrow," ignore tho cold acquiescence at the other end of the wire. 'ITiere are, of course, others who do not even attempt to give a beeping hand, and incidentally to broaden their outlook by talcing up something worth while. In the kindergartens there are numbers i the younger girls who-attend regularly once a week, fortnight, or whatever the period may be.

but there is not nearly utneifnt to keep the kindergartens fully ttnft'ed. At the Carlton Free Kindergarten there are twenty voluntary helpers, who encourage and "mother" the little tots of from two and a half to six years of age, helping them to stitch teddy bears and other animals on cardboard, thread heads, color pictures, make "cakes" out of plafticene, and carry out ail kinds of activities. In regard to the girls who simply paw, by all this kind of voluntary work, perhaps in their early flapper days, there was too much war work among their bigcer sisters without them realising its full value. Whatever tho reason, the fact vcmainn that there is a serious shortage of yo'img helpers and we nil know there arc numbers of girls with time on their bauds. Vie OxigenFace Cream neat fiom all the way around, ending Work over 7 shells and 7 d.

r. for in-with si. t. into top of chain nt beginntug Mauts size. (Work over 1 shell aud 1 nf row.

3 ch. d. c. more for li months' size.) Ch. 13 pores, and produces a feeling or elasticity and freshness.

N'o 0 tii ci toilet preparation Is so rofined and bonoftcial for the skin as Ven-Yusa. It Is non-greasy, and does not grow hair; 2 por dainty jar. Ven-Yusa will ensure adequate proteetlon for your skin and complexion in the worst weather. This Is because is expressly designed to give tho Skin a real "oxygen Ven-Yusa restores vitality in the chilled tissues, purifies the Repeat the fourth and fifth rows oueo lor Tj lor for infants' size. (Repeat fourth and fifth previous row (skip 1 shell, 1 d.

c. more lor month' m'c). This will form the once more for 0 months' size.) Work over 17 shells and IS double cro- chefs of previous row for infants' size. ork over 3 shells more for ft months' still suffering from severe war injuries. We have all been so glad to forget tho war that in so fnrgotting it hits been von easy to overlook the claims these men stilt have on us.

The men themselves desire no charitable patronage. They want, to give a fair return for the price of their work. It was such a spirit that pir.mpted the 24 disabled cabinet makers, fienchpoihers and wicker workers to set up in a furniture factory at Sturt-street, South Melbourne, last year nnder the auspices of the Bed Cross Society and the Repatriation department. Their output has been of kucIi" a high standard that there has been no looking back. They have been kept buv with cabinet making both from Government and private orders, and in addition to desiKoing and making wicker and wood furniture ihey have established a profitable feature in repolishing pianos, Hoor, fittings and furniture geneniflv.

It is onlv in the wicker work section that anv lack encouragement has been fjperiencc-l. but if women would only nav a visit to the factory and se for themselves this furniture in sea crass and pith cane there Wtt! 00 'n disposing of it. Th men are putting up such a good j. lnfr Gnomic independence tliat they should be given even support. Muco it is woman who generally has the lust and last word in regard to making a home cosy and comfortable, she might well take the initial step and ascertain least what the disabled soldiers have to offer when she requires any additions in the furnishing of her house.

Preparing Grape Fruit. Grape fruit is now obtainable in Melbourne, and will mnko a delightful dish. Sac that the fruit is unblemished; wipe it with damp cloth, and then cut in size.) Skip remaining 3 ch. Turn. Continue to work on these sts.

for 0 rows more for infants' size. (Seven rows more for 6 month' size.) stitute the hottest bath you can bear in i your own borne three a week. Xcver try to starve yourself in order to 1 get tliiu, but leave off eating while still reeling a little hungry. Kemembcr that all liquids- are very fattening and not more than three pints daily should bo taken. Never drink with your meals.

The following diet, if persevered with, will work wonders: Breakfast. Fresh fish or lightly boiUd eqg, dry toast with meroly a scraping of butter, lettuce, fresh fruit and a small cup of freshly-made weak tea without sugar. Lunch or Dinner. Fresh fish, fresh meat (underdone), chicken, green vegetables; stewed fniifc, fruit salad or jellies. Tea.

One small cup of weak tea and a thin slice of tocst. Carrots, parsnips, turnips, pca, beans, potatoes, bread, chocolate, sweet cakes, milk and butter ore flesh-forming foods, end should be avoided. Cocoa, too, comes under tho same bending. ltemember, this diet must not lw continued when once tho correct weight bus been obtained. half with a sharp knife.

Take out all the Brim: I s. c. into each st. of sh-v! Skip next d.c. Kcpcnt from across previous row.

pips, and cut out tho coro with sharp scissors. Loosen the fruit from the skin, divide it into convenient pieces, and leave in the haired fruit. Drain out tho syrup. Second rowi 1 e. over every st.

of pre vious row. mit it with a little sherry, sweeten to taste, and pour ovr the frnit. Place hah" a preserved cherry in the centre of the opening tor tje sleeves, ork over net d. c. nwt shells of previous row.

(Woik over 1 d. 1 shell more for 0 months' fize.) Work another sleeve opening. Work over remaining sts. Turn. Continue to work, making 1 shell over every shell and d.

c. over every d. c. Work pattern over chains for sleeves. The cnl ire body is worked in this pattern.

Continue to work tor 13 rows (make 3 rows more for 0 mouths' size). Sleeves. Work pattern all around arm hole. Continue to work around and around for 12 rows. (Work 3 rows more for li months' size.) Cuffs.

(Work 1 s. c. into each of next 3 decrease over next st.) Repeat between parentheses nil the way round. Second Row. Work 1 s.

e. over ever st. of previous row. Repent second row for 1 inch. thread nt top of yoke, work s.

e. down front of yoke. Skip tirst row of body, make a shell into baso of next shell of body as follows: 5 d. o. into skip 1 row of body I s.

c. into onse of next st. Skip next row of body. Repeat from down front along bottom and up opposite front. Work s.

e. along edge of yoke. Work a beading at top as follows: 4 ch. skip 1 st. (1 d.

c. into next st. I cb. skip 1 st.) parentheses all the way across. trmt, ami a strip ot angelica nt each sido.

Serve the fruit on a lnco paper on a glnss plate with a glass spoon. Serve looking demure or frivolous. For a taffeta frock a light color will probably be chosen, periwinkle blue, amber, primrose or rose pink. A polonaise drapers may be suggested, a sash end of rich embroidery, a girdle of silk flowers or no trimming at all. A more elaborate tnffctn frock may have a lace underskirt embroidered in beads and silks or riblwu very picturesque and dainty.

With this you may wear your hair curled and fluffy, while, with a stately frock yrfu should keep to smooth hair and, if possible, classic features. A very original evening frock is sh'own in the first sketch. It is a' straight orchid colored georgette tulle, unadorned except nt tho hem, where there is a perfect herbaceous border of many-colored chiffon flowers, while one simple large bloom is fastened at the waist. The second sketch shows another uew model, sleeveless, lined and tube like, it is carried out in corbean blue roarocnin. while the touches of blue and silver bro-cude ribbons aro distinctly uovel.

nan a uuit to cacn person. Small hats ore the most fashionable nt Repeat second row for 1 inch. Worts a row of s. c. around neck edge drawing it in a little.

Work a row oi s. c. and p. nil around bonnet. A crocheted jacket will need 2 balls of silk Iceland yarn aud 1 No.

eteol crochet hook. This jacket can be made in infants' and tt months' sue. Ch. 82 for both sizes. 1 st.

next hook, I s. e. into every stitch ull the way across. I eh. Turn.

Second Row: Work 1 s. e. into every st. of previous row, increasing in every twentieth stitch. (To increase, work 2 e.

e. into same stitch.) 1 ch. Turn. Third Row: I s. c.

into every st. of previous row. 1 eh. Turn. Fourth Row: 1 s.

e. into each of next two stitches, increase in next stitch, t'l present, and Paris is choosing them in COLOR AND COLOR TOUCHES. CHOCOLATES AND JUBES. Chocolate Creams. Take 1 lb.

of loaf felt and suede lor her smartest effects. Trimmed hnts have taken quite back seat at tho moment. A tuft of feathers, a jewelled pin in front, or a cockade of niched ribbon -these are the only stylos of trimming permitted. A silver bnefcln, however, is invariably chosen to adorn the new highwaymen hats with their high crowns. i "Th Ponir Mf" Is thft fine ot tlic biave, Pc-irninit Hie tear ot trembling fliv "The Senc of Life" Is thfl Frn tho tmng, liichlnir ec'ilimt life's path alone.

"Thn Sonjr 01 Life" ia tho Aiif of th? wiie, Chant inn in prairt o( the bodm wire, TV hlcwinir of teienee whirb hc.iHb fmm Especially Woods' Crejt rcppeimlnt Cuit), (Adft. 1 sugar and as much milk or cream as it will absorb. Hoii it very centlv until when you drop a little in cold water, it candies. Do not boii too long, or instead of smoothly, creaming tho sugar will Mont women look better in one particular color. If it should happen to be a bright color, such as a blue, pink or yellow', a discreet touch introduced into the trimming of a dress, hat or jumper will give just tho desired effect.

Even an enamelled brooch or pendant, a string of beads, a piece of turquoise matrix, anything of this kind, will give NEW NOTE IN DECORA-. HONS. grauuiate. Do not stir till taken off. when it must be continually stirred until it creams.

Roll into little balls. Thou put lb. vanilla chocolate into a far. nnA "The Biscuits of Distinction" Stocked by Your Grocer. STRAIGHT FROM ITALY Uiclit from tho vmv lienrl nf the oldest Olire Grow, in the world comes CASTILE No.

4. Xo other snflji is 10 No. 4. It is Jurt PURE OLIVE OIL SOAP, no perlume. no hard! Kxtao.

no ehwip fat. That's the real reason why million. 01 people everywhei'G m-c demanding No. 4 CASTILE nnd nsiniz it daily, 1 1 No. 4 is particiilnrlv valuable for bathing new born Iwlwi, ns it is so pure that it eannot hint even nn infants sKin.

DoctorB and maternity nunos insist upon No. 4. Use it Yourself for a Shampoo and Skin Cleaner. No. 4 CASTILE The subtle, greenish yellow of the ripe banana is the shade most favored at the moment for interior decoration.

The bedroom suito do luxe of lv2t is ot Dainty Irresistible New biscuit creations that delight even the hard-to-please. banana-yellow lacquer, with gold, black and red ornamentation. The same shade predominates in the hangings, which may he varied by adopting blending tints of place it over a saucepan of boiling water to dissolve, when melted, dip the creams into it and place on buttered paper till cold. French 1 oz. gelatine, pint water, I lb.

sugar. Tut half water on celatine and the rest on the sugar. Soak for half an hour. Put all together and boil for minutes, stirring all the time. Pour into two sonp plates, previously wet with water.

Let them stand till perfectly cold some hours and then cut up and roll in crystaliscd or caster sugar. The jelly may bo colored with cochineal. Turkish Delight. Soak 1 oz. gelatine in cup of cold watr two hours, put 2 lb.

of suiar into a saucnan with i cup of wafer. Brintr tn thn Knit. nnA than Relief! After Suffering for 3 Years Mrs. Clarice Brett writes the following appreciation 252 Oxford-street, Woollnhra, Sydney. The Manager, Clements Tonic Sir.

I was suffering from a nervous breakdown for the last three years, i could not sleep or eat. A friend mine recommended Clements Tonic to me, and after using about half a bottle there was a very marked improvement in my health. It was doing me more good in a few mouths than the previous three years of treatment. I will always very strongly recommend it to anyone in poor health and suffering from nervous breakdown as 1 was, because Clements Tonic does all and more than is claimed for it. I am, faithfully yours, (Mrs.) CLARICE BRETT.

ALWAYS KEEP A BOTTLE HANDY. From the Land Whsro the Olives Grow." orange, brown and tomato red. rilct net, dyed to match, veils the windows, and gives a peculiarly soft, seductive glow ns the sun shines through it. This particular shade of yellow is most accommodating in the infinite variety it permits where picture frames, china and wood work are concerned. Frames of gold or ebony look exquisite against it; old china, or the modern pottery in tints of delphinium bine or pomegranate red, ran be displayed, with charming effect, against its kindly tint, and almost any type of furniture looks well in the banana-yellow room.

Painted, gilti lacquer or ordinary mahogany furniture will find an admirable foil in this subtle background. i BANANA CREAMS add the soaked (relatin. a little citric acid just that dislinctivo color note renniren. In her room or surronndings a woroan'i pretjeminan color will again be found to prevail, and she will thus come to le assorted with it, whilst her friends will ithvn-ys bear it. in mind when anxious to give her a present she will really appreciate.

The eyes are an excellent guide, and it is well to dress to them, for they arc the most vital feature of the face, especially if they are really pronounced in color. Where a woman has nondescript eyes she must go more or iess by her general coloring, her height and size, in order to determine ber indh.dnal color. Nondescript eyes generally need a contrast, and blue, yellow or green will be found the most helpful shades. The white-haired woman always looks harming in black relinved with pearls, or white with some touch of her own par- lieulsr color. BUe.k md whito is also becoming to i most women, and it at all times a very 1 striking combination.

Orange and jade are very useful color 1 notes in dress, and aro most effective when used to relieve an all-black frock, either hi the fotm of a tulle or velvet band for the hnir or a long chain of jade or amber beads for the ucrk. fhefe colors, too. are vptv tnnth UFcd wjth a navy costume, ns ate also reds, varlets or magentas, and the combination is very becoming to dark woman. Any shade of "brown shows up the fair-hired guri to the best sdvantngo, fair bair and briwo eyes being particularly Htsctiva, whilst brown ie Nature's back-ground for her light and mora neutral and any flavoring, htmmer for 20 minutes, skim wll, and pour into damp dish. Leave for 21 hours, and then cut into squares and roll in castor susar.

For coloring use either cochineal or saffron. Furniture Dents and Bruises. Wet the dented or bruised parts with To Escape Weather Perils Thll lort ot WMlhtr olv.1 couohl snd cold, lo fi w.M ,1 to th. WMk-jhorttd. loLotlou.

thro.t r. alio sbout. To if.gusrd soilnil this twofold pll Whmw.r you Issys hmt, olHco or works slip Ptps TsHtt your mouth to kmp out tht "oold germs. If your throsl lls tors, your held stutTy, or ''i; biths your nostrils, throt snd lungs with Jf; dsstroylng Peps fumes.

They prwent the development of Miioul throet snd bronohlsl sltments. warm water, then make a pad of brown psper by doubling it over six or eight times. Soak it in water nnd lay it on the ploeo. Then hold a hot iron over it till Banana Creams are a sandwich shortbread biscuit baked to an exquisite lightness and flavor, the latter being further enhanced by an indescribably delicious creamy filling 'of a delicate banana flavor. Try a Tin This Week All Grocers Sell Them the moisture has evaporated.

Repeat until the bruise completely disappears, and the surface of the wond is level. Another method of doing this is to apply thick pad made from several thicknesses of old, soft rag snaked in warm water, to the bruise and leave for twenty-four bonrs. Puddings for the Children. Snowden pudding is a steamed ground-rico pudding that is a general nursery favorite. Mix well together 4 lb.

of suet, lb. ground rice, lb. sugar and 2 ot. of the pulp of orange marmalade. Drat 2 eggs and mix all well togtber.

Put the pudding into a buttered basin, and steam for two hours. Bsrve with sweet mace. Another much appreciated "second 'course" ia Bcren-ctip pudding. Yon require a cupful each of flour, very fine bread crumbs, sugAr, finely roineed miot, iam, milk fSnd sultanas or seedless raisins, and one tearpoonfnl of salt and a halMea-spoonful of carlxmatr of soda. Mix well and ateum for tlnee hm.

mips Kenew the pad. freshly damped. If tha bruise has not disappeared. Polish 1 1 ALL CHEMISTS AND STORES, Mothers Association. The Sailors and Poldiers' Mothers' Ask-v Mtion will hold their usual meeting on Tuesday.

10th June, in the Town Hall. "ionel-C'haplain of the Sil-ration Aim, will address the meeting. Obtainable of all Chemists and Stores, 16 nw 3 Saltori and Soldiers' Women Polk. The. Australian Imperial League of Sailor and Soldiers Womenfolk will hold th'ir meeting nt Anzao House mi Thursday, lith June, at 2.3V p.m.


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