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The Belleville Telescope from Belleville, Kansas • Page 12

Belleville, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4B THE BELLEVILLE (KANSAS), TELESCQPJB THURSDAY, kARClI AUCTION TODAY, Thursday We will liavc an oxd'a heavy steel's, and some trood slock inm of siofkcr and KMH I CI' S. HORSE SALE Tomorrow, Friday, Mareb. 30 Anothoi- run (if liorsos is ))ilkHr to he sold tomorrow, NAUKA Cecil Willa Mi-s. Frank Kvasnicka and son Mr. and Mrs.

Stanley Kvas! iiicka and duiigliter, Kay Prances, and Dr. S. Shara wevo Sunday guests of Mr. arid Mrs. Jim Dur- rlinuci' Mrs.

Frances Shara. Miss Evelyn Enyeart was a week end guest of Miss Loretta richroppof Hanover. 'Miiirh and Mrs. i Niivotny. Mrs.

Emma Shukla, Mrs, l''mma PiMi'rka. Frank Co- loud, imd Otto llolt'chok drove to I'ipiilrico Thursday for the tuner- sci 'vice-v ol' the former's brother, I Mrs. Ralph'Wills and Bobby ac- l''ranl; Novotnv i companiod Mrs. Vernon Coonrod I and Kay of Mahaska to Cuba Fri- SPECIALS at HERTLEIN'S Special Olio lli -ikc rho 'oi ,4, Model A Fui set Dooi TTaiKiles, Gas yier Mrs, Whitney spi.nt the luist week in Helleville, at Ww. home of her (larents, Mr.

and Mi's. Fred Mitchell. Mv. and Mrs. Hoes, Mr.

and Mrs. Willnir and Goheen drove to Belleville 'I'uesday and the men attended 'lu' school masters' meeting, Mrs, i''miiin Ochiltree ol! llad- dam spent (he week end with'her IdaUKhtci'. Mrs. Charles Yoder and Vnik.r. I l''raiik Carl ol" WashiuRton vis- i ife wi'lh friends in.

Narka Friday. Il(dechek was hostess' to lier contract In'idgx' 'I'uesda a fternoon. dull last of in liellevillo Narka, was Fri- Phone Pouliac Service Ferguson 11 Georn'e Bouska, Frances ai'i'ived last Fri- visjt with Coleman a caller rlay, Mr. and Mrs. and iMarie I 'll ink of iciiver (lay fur a two weeks i.clatives anil friends.

l-ialpli Wills was liostess lo the Tdk'-Away cluh and gaiests at-her home Thursday. 'J'he evc- nin was spent with contract liridire. iind stinre of the eliih Won hy Mrs. Carl am! Mr Ttiiiy lioiiska award- iil hi 'li score of the e.iie'^ts; 'Mrs. K.

F. Keeiie and Miss Cecil Wills day and visited at the Joe Pcter- ka home. Mr. and Mrs. Holly were Jinsts to the following bridge guests at their home Thursday and Mrs.

Albert nrabcc, Mr, and Mrs. Rudolph Mr. and Mrs. Eohman Mach, Misses Shara and Blanche Baboc, Frank J. Cerny, and Dr.

S. R. Shara. were won by Mr. and Mrs.

Bohman Mach, and a tasty lunch concluded a pleasant- evening. Mrs. Etta Fell Lcffel of Lincoln came Saturday for the funeral services for her brothei', James Preble, -which were held in Clyde Sunday. She will rpmain The Harding Creamery company of Omaha has, established a produce 'station in the old meat market building. The Ladies met in the U.

B. parlors Thursday. Mrs. Harriet Walter was a week end guest at the Tom Gile home. Sunday dinner guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Rudolph Johnson- were Mr. and Mrs. both lucky at the cut New a 11 1)i'f fererit 3j4'iiininjj brt fornia are eliock full of n- 1 Lines. This new loaf ides all the elernciils to help it and and iiaiirral friiil that -provide a ri-ady sduvt-e oi' ilie -i1 A (asly lunch was llie club ini 'inbcrs anil Mrs.

Ki'Cnc. Mrs. Cliarlcs Poirska, Mis. William But- and Olio Jlole- (-hck. 'Mr.

and IMcrlo Ramsbot- and W. T. Ward u-ciit to on business Eakiiis altendofl the pi'. ct iiiH'. (if Iho Sunshine club at (he of -Mrs.

I'laviil Ilirons Thursday. AVilliam nutterbauirh and cbiMron and Otto Ihdechek in Fairburv with K. 11. Bee. T.

Wai-d who has boon vislt- iiv with i-rlativcs and friends in I 'oi'-lhe-past few days, rc- lui to Xarka I'riday. Mr. and llobert Zlab and family of llubbcll and Mrs, Chris- lina Xox-olny spent with and Joe "Novotnv. Mr. and Mrs.

John Mr. and Mrs, Bohman Mach and Miiano, and i -Pr- and Mrs. Charles and of Mundon, Mr. and Mrs," I.ulhor Bouska and oi' and Ceoi-ge Bous- I 'l' Ucnvcv were (1" and Mrs. Bouska and the occasion, bein.e,- the birthday anniversaries of Mrs.

John Paulichek and Tony Bouska. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Burten spent weeds end in Washington with ibc laliev's piircnts. and Mrs.

Ralston, the occasion i Mr. Mrs. RalsUm's silver anniversary. Ads in The Telescope tov Bargains! Sili TS' and for a few days' visit with her son Leigh Foil' and famil.v. Mr.

and Mrs. R. Miles were Sunday guests of BIr. and Mrs. Clarence Lahodny of Belleville.

Mr. and Mrs. George Moi-ton of I Haddam spent Friday with the hitter's mother, Mrs. Emma Wills and Cecil. Mrs.

Charles Yoder was a guest of Mrs. J. E. Conklin of Hubbcll I at a ohe'-'o'clock -bridge luncheon I Mr. and Asa Ferris and sons, and Mrs.

Mary visited with relatives and- friends in ohn Johnson and Leonard of Courtland. Afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. A. W.

Walters, Mr. and Mrs. Art Johnson and August Johnson, all of Courtland. The building committee, consisting of E. A.

Carlgren, P. P. Hammer, Joseph Melhus, Axel Hodstroni and Einar Eastvedt, met Wednesday afternoon with the arcbltect, H. Linebaugh, of Joseph to discuss plans I the new Lutheran church. Blue prints for the edifice will be received in about a week.

for the new structure arc pro- grossing- nicely. The Rev. and Mrs. Chan. Pohr- son of Scandia and the Rev.

and Mrs, Carl Danielson, Lois Helen and Paul were dinner guests of; the Rev. and Mrs. T. Orlin.Tor-| geson Monday. The infant daugh-1 ter of the Danielsons was hap-1 tized by the Rev.

Mr. Torgeson 1 the same evening. county bankers' meeting in Belleville Friday evening. Dinner served at the Hotel Elliot with the meeting afterwards. Miss Medlin was a Sunday guest of Mr.

and Donald Wright. Mr. and Mrs. C. R.

Carlson were guests Thursday at the G. A. Die-1 kerhoof' home in Courtland. Mary Ellen Brewer ed' in the bank'Tuesday afternoon during the absence of Charles Chiy.ek. Mr.

and Mrs. Elmer Evert oi! Republic and Mrs. Mary and IdUie Sunday visitors at the Lester Thompson homo. Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Elniff and daughters of Randall, Mr. and 'Mrs. Ijars Melby and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Melby and Earl of and Mrs.

Russell Jacobson and Junior, and Mrs. Bill Eichacker, Marlene and Billy were Sunday guests of Mr. Mrs. Joseph Melhus. Mr.

and Mrs, Arnie Melby and family of Dallas. Teras, arrived in the afternoon to spend the week visiting here. Carlson Belleville Mr. and Mrs. C.

R. were business visitors in Wednesday. Mrs. Thompson and Tdllie were entertained at dinner by the lii'v. and Torgesoii Tuesday, LEGALS (ConHnaed on Noxt LEGALS NIGHIS? USE BUCIIU AND GTN Make This 25c Test prize.

I Belleville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willlani McKcn- zie, Mr. and Mrs.

Rudolpl. Peter- Ka, Mrs. Joseph -Mach-, Mr. and Raypipnd IVfcKenzie and. Caniily of Hatklam, arid and 'Mrs.

Earl Dart and daughters' ot wore Sunda.v guests of iMivand-Mrs. Carl I 1 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Roubinek were hosts to the Idle-Away club and guests at a pot-luck supper at their homo Sunday. Those pres- I ent were: Mr.

and Mrs. R. i Miles, Mr. and Ralph Wills I and Rfibby Dean, Mf. and Mrs.

Carl McKenzic, Mr. and Mrs. dolph Poterka, Misses Georgia Eakins, Olive Harris, Cecil Wills, S. R. Shara, Alfred Bever, and Augustine Kerstino and Ossa BaU of Goldcd Rule mot at the Ed Buor home 'Wednesday evening, i TI.

us vniuabie to iiic IJUUUIOI n.s cn.i- with the sponsors Mrs. Joseph I oil to thu ixuvci.s. FIIIK 1 oui im- counhousc. Melhus Mrs ttnssoll Tnfnliumi uiid excess uclct.s wlilcli luc mus, luis. Kusse 1 in-iuuion rcailUnR in Ecuiag UP and.

Mrs. Axel lledstrom. (juests; niaiu.s, iniminK. rrcquoni lun- were Mr, Melhus and Mr. inui bncknciir.

on ncconnt. ot tjfin 1 I'-lcoliol, 111 Rin usn irom whliih Miss Mary Nell Darlington was tier luxunve MKO conliilnliig bmilui a week end guest at the C. 0. ipuvcs, t.U:. After rom- ir not Munson -honie near .1 Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Chi.zek fiiwiiine. and Miss Florence Ames attended Dnu; (First published Mar. I'UOCLAMATION Notice is hereby given that On Ihe 8rd. day of April, an election will be held in each of the three wards in the city of Belleville, Kansas, for the following offices.

One member. Board of City Commissioners, three year term, One Treasurer, Hoard of Educa- ticm, unexiHred term of one year. One Committeeman from each of the three wards, one year term. The Voting iilaces will be as fnl- amj I lows: First ward 's office, Republic County Courtluaise, i Second of Police i Judge, Peo)des National Bank I 'l 'hird of Konovalski 1 (Jrain and Coal I The following place is deslgnat- ied for those, residing in School i District outside of the (dty limits and voting for School Trca- I sure)-; Sheriff 's office, Republic county ineiU inid lo mi; dlrocfort nnd I fthciiir of Coimly.' will on tlip 2nd tiny of Ain'il, o'dlock P.

of' dii.v. nl; V. i front door of tlio Court in il; clly of Hcllovlllo In the iiounty ol i He, In IliD of Kmuins, offer pi! r.uh; (Old lo hUiliusl. Ijifld. I for c.mth In hnnd the lollov.lntj i lands und Icnomcnt.i sltilnte, lylni: ai, i 1 In Republic Coiinly, The nanrtcr of tli5 Northwest iNW'ii of section sixteen 110), nnd the Ki' Imlf of the -of Section nine on, in lov.i,- shlp one M) South, four i-h.

West of the Sixih ennlnlnini.r in all 120 acres uceoidiri! to Oovernment. Sold property will be sold as rnii. mniided by said order of sale iiml piir.siinnco of said and 'ii-vv of said court. Olveii under niv. liand at my oflice the city of nellevllle, in Republic dmr-, Kiinsns, tills 2'Uh day of I-'ebruarv .7.

A. Sheriff of Republic County, Rihaker I'j Delehant, Atlavr.r-.-; plaintiff, IFIrst pi'ililisheil AnMlNIS 'l-UATOIl'S No -ri (-i of ')-. td- lo id ly VIS ic Of KA.N.S.-'uS, Probate Court in ar.d ili.i' conni I'l oi, U.r. A. IJ.

Each one to bo ojien 7 o'ldock of said day Giianintced by Colwell Attest: (Soal) of said voting places the liours id' 111. and 7 o'clock p. rn. and no lomier, W. (I.

S.ATP, W. Faulkner, Cily Clerk Koiis, for I)in Parker Perfection Ca in Sweet other Easter I DJnne 111 il'llis, i i I o- A Kiad. I 11; food li a 1 s. rnaiiy- i CHAS. (MNn 'Oi.

ments Sainrday II ynii in i liis Phone 420 one cf.nipli- Belleville JMrs, Joseph Lovci is spending a few days in Belleville with her I daughter, Mrs, Orvillo Lewis and husband. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Young i and Mr. and Mrs. W.

Rees were i Fairbury visitors Saturday. I The cantata "The Prince of Life" will be presented by the I choir at the church next Sunday evening, April 1. and Mrs. John Marthis and son of Fairbury, and Mrs. Rosa and son, and Joseph Lovci in Belleville Sunday with Mr.

and Mrs. Oi-ville Lewis and Mrs. Joseph Lovci. Mrs. Ben Hanel and son Darcll of Omaha came Monday for a week's visit wiih her mother, Mrs.

Mr. and Mr.s. Myron Bever and sons spent Sunday at the home of and Mrs. Jtdm Durflinger near Hebron. 4.

"NmiWAY Opal Brewer Marcb Melvin Smart and Miss Helen McGregor were hostesses at a shower in honor of Mrs. Donald Wright, who before her recent marriage wtis Miss Vivian Tiller, Thursday at the Smart home. A mock divorce trial was a feature of the Jigsaw puzzles revealed the places where the gifts were hidden. Later refreshments were served to the honored guest, Mrs. Wright, Mrs.

Lars Tiller, Mrs. G. W. Wright, Mrs. Walter Darlington, Mrs.

Rudolph Johnson, Mrs. Mai-ion Dickerboof. Mrs. E. A.

McGregor, Mrs. Lloyd McGregor, Mrs. Hilma Stensaas, Mrs. Harry Hanson, Mrs, PJlizabeth Mrs. Alfred Lind of Concordia, Russell Jacobsen, Martin Larson, Clarence Stensaas and Lawrence, Robert and Richard Vollan.

and Margaret tif and Misses Ruth Sutton and Mary Ellen Brewer. A birthday surprise party in honor of Herman Anderson was held at the home of Mrs. Clara Sunday. Guests were and Mr'sT'Emmit and family, Mrs. Adelia Larson, Laura, Jloloris and.

Claronco, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Waliin, Mr. and Mrs. E.

V. Carlson and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. G.

Mr.s. C. and Mrs. Joe John- and' family, Mr nnfl ATrs. G.

(First published Mar, la, TO CONTIJACTORS Notice. is hereby given sealed proposals for the tioii of road and bridge work in 1 Republic County, State of I s. -j No, POO. STATK In (he County. fn llic matter of tin' Marie JIamnier.

Not ice is Ailininlslratloii on the rie flauimer. latf of I'd, (he Honorable di of and Slah ed lb" Killi day of Mari.ii. No.w air iKiviiu; the said Kslute are hereby they must i)rescnt the "iiin" to for allow-aiiee, wJibir. from liie fiale of sajd Len. be of Ihe K-Mtc Ma'le Ueceasrd.

March 111. II. Van iSeali Probal" Jud:" hi said work luiowfT as 1 Administration 13ocket will be received at County Clerk's Office at Belleville, Isansas, until o'clock April 4, 'and then publicly opened. Bids will be received for-f-jmish- ing material and placing a bituminous wearing surface on the briiige over the RptJtiblican River jl miles west of Sherdahl, Kani sas. The project is.lo.

be financed, in part liy a grant from the Federal I Emergency of Public Works, and all regulations of that body shall be observed in con- inection with niininuim wage scales, hours of work, in con-ipliance with the N.R.A. Each bidder will submit with his proposal a signed form PW.4 (il, this being the certificate of compliance with the NRA in connection with PWA projects. Proposals must be accompanied by a ccrtifioil m- cashier's check for made payable to the Treasurer of Republic County, as a guarantee that if awarded the the bidder will enter into a contract and give bond as required. Detailed information of the pwo ad Jbx an examination' of the plans and in the offices at Belleville, Till' 'vl Ic 'i 'Oije is. NOTici; or smiiMii's SAI.I.

Notice is iiereby iln! of un ordvv of now issued out of the o'. naiisus. in nu liv.M'riu '4 Stoler i'-, I'hiilili'if. nil C.i'nl'.r 'u. Edward SwTt -urc- a I-Il 1 the vest from door ir.e rtiurth K.oira.';.

i.iid at :1 on Monday, liie Itbh tlay nl uffrr for L.ile at iniblic auc', to th' lu iiiul i.e:,! all oi the followini; I.ots Thirlren and lMUr i 141- in l-'ivi- of I ia- Or. inal Tov.n.siic of the ol land. In n'Taibla' lakl'ii a-: ty of the will be so a ppv i set forth ir. s.iid 'if Dated tii.s 1 lui of Man )''! A. of'llw K.

W. D. Vaiiec mid Fred iicys ior mi'i 1 pubiaihrd 1: or MXM. i RTA-rF, Cd-' K.M-iS\.S.

C-( lirv i. lie. fU the In 1 soli. aUil ed in ih utiid 1 Coarl in Ihe Ooutt ifiai.v I teriii ot Ccu niJ4, at two o-elue'u P. Final Seltlemcni or sai lowanoe of and dischViree frnm fur release iiti.i lion of Iieiv i.

Adniini-irair'-: oi -CUiUiCd. II cl 1 I file on of Kansas. Plans and sjiecifications may bo red-f roin fy-E-n gin The County Commissioners re- Al'i I Il-IM .1. inf 1 reject To and Fee $8 aiid $10 To insure coll to stand and suck. JOHN A.

Nystrom, Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Nystrom and daughter. Mi'. I C. R.

Carlson and Mr. and Mrs. J. -Jim Mahan of Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs.

A. H. Larsen. Mrs. Hilma Stensaas and family were Sunday guests of Mr.

and Mr.s. Marion Dickerboof. Afternoon callers were Mr. aiid Mrs. Homer Christonson.

and family. Clifford Scott of Manhattan were week end guest.s at the LaRoy Scott home. RQ 1 and Clifford Scott motored to Sii-' lorior Sunday. John Clair Gralam, who.has been at.Webber, re- Mrs. Donald WrightJ were Mr, and Mi-sTTMelvinTirilTei'y sM Milton- Clair in Scandia.

Lloyd Norris.has purchased a tractor. A district Sunday school con- church northeast of Norw'ay Siaii- day afternoon', incduding the United Brethren, Highland, Mer- -chTircbesr --Those Norway attending were- Mr. from and W. Wright, Mr. and Mrs.

Jens Stensaas, -Mrs, Gilbert Fagan, Miss Ida Bell George, Miss Ida and XaRoy Mrs, Hattie Bartlett spent Sat- ui'day and Sunday with iier sister, A. Kelly, and; Mr. Kelly, -r7 Mr, and Mrs. Clrtjrence Brewer rwere Sunday visitors the 'Joe serve the right to I all proposal's ari'd calilics. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS.

W. A. CARPENTER, Chairman. March iFlrsl published N'OTU'll ro In the Di.striel Court of ilie Unitod lor th" I.ii-:iriei of Kaii'-as. In IiaMkrii)Uc-y No, In Re Mae 'riie credi.fors of tlie above tnimed btinkrupt.

of fli-putilu- Slate iiml Dislrat. aioresaid. are herebv nolifiiii ihel on ihi' of March, duly adjudged and thai the first of said, will be held at lie' otfice of KOli Nelional oi Toiieka in Ihe Cily of Toiieka, on (he 11th of April. II'IM. ten ireloek A.

at I which lime said creditors may attend, I lirove ib'-lr elaims, apiioinl a trustee, ihe" bankrupt. aiuP Iransaet other business as may jn-ojierly eome be- 1 lore said meelinu. If you desire to I'vamine. the, bank- i rupl. nolify me or he will not 'jilt to attend 'I'he iirojierty ol ilie bankrnin.

real' and may be sold ar this meet- mil at public sale, aiui if not sold then mav ordered at any lime there- after, at piiblie or itrivate sab', free and ear of ineiimbr.mee willioul lurlher no- lice to creditors, It. HATCHER, Referee- in bankruptcy. I Kansa.s, M.ireh 22. 11134. 3-20 1 r.r<i NOTicr Ol- jrvM.

STATr: lie. In Ihe a'' pabhe Coiiuf. it'- Creditiu-s ..11 o'ia-r I'eresi ed he id i hi'rrb" noiitiid I hal! iiiinl'. Pi Coiiri in and ai the Court County of suae of the iifst term of ssid C'l'ii'. 'JU.

ai 10 o'eUiek A. land l-intil fM'tileinetil aUowanee of fi es, and cliM-lutnH" Iror. 1 land ot of the in an: estate. Adminit iralor of Nelson, Decoa-ed. nellevdle, M.l Attest; Henry II.

Van Probate I First, published in The Belleville Telescope, StlKlilFF'S SALE In the lilstrlct Court ot Republic Coun- ly, Kansas. Case' Bunkers Nebraska, IMWO Life Insurance Compnny a coriioratloii. Plaintiff, flairs: published I'M OF 1 Notice is eivvn (li.i: siKned. under and by of Sale now in i.i;,' Ihe District Court of in an aclioa wlK 'i -ein The of is plainlitr. and J.ihi; 11 rick, Siinna O.

WestricI: and Iia I Donald, are dnfmdanis, I sale and sell at public hitihest and liesi bidder. at the West fron' door at Uellcviia'. on Monday. Aiiril 2-1.

M. the described real esiute, to v.ii;. The Sonlh Hall I Block 1. HoL-ins Addiiion 'o li; (d Uelleville, Repubhe Co.i.iiy sa.s, to be i of the Jolm 1'. 'A-.

O. Wcsiriek. ment-. to satisfy the sum of S7il() 3(1, taxes anl costs. ot A.

Tttllei Ttilioiil; -Chnrler, ajiin .1 anit Larson, Receiver of nellevllle Bank, i I'li-'dexille Kansas: nefi'iidanis I .1. A. Sheriff of Ri'publie Kaa. R. E.

I'eri lorneys lor Plahiidf Will. li. Ounil. Clerk of Dit-irici Court Nolle by virtue rendered nnd by the above nninod courl of i-ale duly issued out of the clerk's office ot said court on said nienl and to me directed and delivered as la.M liereby Blvcn that under and, M.irch 2'1 ol the JiulRnienl and decree SIlFUiri-'S SAlf- Ihe above entitled action TIIE STATE 'oP KANS Counlv and of In Ihe Disiriel. Court of Repubhe r.

ty. Kansa'i. Case of Republic County, Kansas, I will on the 2nd day of April, 1934, at. 2 o'clock P. of day at the West front, door of the court house lu the cily Id tlRT Bankers Llie Insurance Comit.anv corporation, Phnntiil, a -vs- ol Id t1 comny of in the sliite of oftci'-at.

public and sell to the hlRhest bidder fcu' I hnnd Ihe following descrtbedj by Charles Kepubla', Ltir.voii, Receiver of Belleville Carev: Annie Carev: Chat'. cash in und tenemeuhs situate lyini? and' in Republic County, Kansa.s, to- Bavton THE-BIrAeK-IMPORTED BELGIAN STALLION SUPRENANT de BAILLOEUL Registry. 2100-lbs. Will 'the at the'Frank farm' on-USSe, six "miles of pEjj JS TO INSURE COLT TO STAND AND SUCK Every precaution will -be taken to prevent accidents, but: I will not be responsible if any occur. PETERKA Cuba Phone 36-5 Belleville Route 3 lands The South half of the Norlh-

(luhrter and the North h.ilf iNlil oi MM- Southeast quiirtor iSE'iii nt. Section two i21, township -lwfi "T2r West of -thf Sixth Said -property wlirUD sold as com- Lniunded- nnd in pursuance of stiid Judgnicnt nnd decree of court, Cilvcn under my linnrt nt my office In the city ot Kansas this 24th dny of Pebriiury, 1(134, A. MOORE, Sljcrif ricpubllo County, Knnsns, "Atlorricyii "Tor plnlnllft, Roy Care.v.;.^ Defendants. Notice Is hereby Riven that under virtue of tlie jiiditment ami deere (First published In The BellevlUo Toles- 1031) ra SHERIFF'S SALE In the District Court Counly, -Knasas. Republic Case.

OnUT Lift; Insuriince Compniiy Nebraska, corporation, Plnlntltf, -vs- Ilermnn K. Eggcrs; Eniilld Eggers; J. Mallr, DefQi)dants, Notice Is. hereby Rivnn that under nnd by virtue ot the Judgment nnd decree Tendered In the ahnve entitled nctlon In court of J. by the an Order of iibovo URmed sale' duly issued una ot out of the rendered, in the' entitled action, in and by- Ihe above named court and id an Order' -duly issued out ol tb- Clei-k's office of court on Jiidi'- ment, and to me directed and delivin-il as sheriff of Republic Kansas 1 w-iU on the 30ili day of 11)34.

at 2 o'clock of satrt-riay-ar The Wc-t I from door of the -Goui t-House- city of Belleville, in Republic Coipitv. Kansas, otter at public sale and sell the highest bidder for cash in hand tlv lolIowhiB described renl'esiale sitiiatea in Republic Counly, Kansas Kiist 51 acres of the South half (Si.l.i of the quarter iSEVil of Section sixteen ilili, and the Noidhenst quarter of 'oiVTweiify half iW'ji of the Northwest quarter and the North hiil-f iN'-i of the Southwest quarter iSWV'il of Sec- fwo (21 -South, Range throo (3i, ot the Slxth-Princlpul con. tntnlnK In nil 371 ncvo.s uccordinu to C.ovevnmcnt Survey, Said pvQperty wUV be ns coin mnnded by Order of sale nnd pursuance, ot snld ot court, atven under my liand nt my office in the'city ot BollevUlo, In Rfipubllo County. thl.i lOlh day of March, A. MOORE, Clerk'? otllfto ot snld'court on said judg- iplalntlft.

Hhpriit ol cmnn-yrTctinTOBT Rlnnkpr Si Dolehnnl, iVltomejs tor the 1.

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