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The Daily Milwaukee News from Milwaukee, Wisconsin • Page 4

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE i THIS MILWAUKEE the new in- AflMtt rlomit festival. KJn- aa institution ttiai rTaUber, President; Wast, SeotUry; Chav Schmidt, Gostav Ed. Axhermin. laiaecuecf the State of Wisconsin co Thamaj Rtepatrick, an action for wbo kept I barfardy. tbe district attorney asked fora i cOTiiuoaoce on accocirt of the absence cf rempany lag rained at $10 each, whki Wl'Usa Tilt reearbi Lis daughter, yoncg jl liJy wbo isith her MSU.T the the case i Third trartl i rf trirfOTdi fflclL jfc.

six! ficlcsi tbt. irs old asd eonttaned for the term and 'rctiartioa, ia tivc ur defendant waspermitted to go npon sttomer the opjxaed tte little people ia turning will hare the (-, A ivi. vi ujv vi it mvu34u VS. raw- Acgwt tango thereupon called for, trial. Tbe district attorney announced yt i his readiness to try ths case.

C. K. Aiwnl half iwt twnuiM ocninK down 1 4 1 attorney for the defendant. at waraics Lsimrdiattrly Ixgan to for a continuance on account of (be sickness of one of his main and rise alocncc of another. Tli? case continncd for tbe term.

A roujrc- Many tltought i fotnrc unr proffered rrtrartion. Ihectter Inability uf prove its tu It "crawfwh- ifolrtbie thai llv.ainrf.rlr ill ill thn! this in nilfnl fnnn. 7rrn .1. I. SJLI informed that In Ii3ii "i on tUn in of Sam.

Itincskupf, pnMi- i'-n of norcral artirloi allrgul -iiiui. What effect the withdrawn! of Mr l.niili' would hare, hardly knew. intimated tliAt his rUcnt be Jcnh'llt in thr i Tlie ftrtide in last nijjht partinl retraction, may i-fTcfcl perhnjis, bat will no: il. to prt'Vellt a FtliL it IMIW mi-, there uo tcllitis cxartly rat nir iKtme of tht -'I him ft sontul A few ciirw across tltc face save much the ajilnsrance of a i map of In r.ilh tbe Irut? the man, 1 it N-iid, his a tolerably fair i r.boui Ihc legs and hoiiy, at first sbuwc-d fiiihl nn.l us but the too for mil skipping aroun.l with L' of lively KcJtiug in bb work the pos- Thr li-purter is unin- UM tti tin- nature tho allrged but Lh.i-*: likely to ac- u-il with the facts assure him that building fjy 30 fwVaod It hw ivo larso cooipartaieoto, ami the clotty, all wC''. tfrce to 1 41iere is crery for such people.

T6c eieTctsar on Thnrsdirr commcoceil Hit 3: ban ins soon crowded, THEWKKLOfFOrmiUrL AMEHDE HOHORABU. srlB wrfbrg for merry HoOung So THE COWHIDE. Which be Matt Pmwtn BOOM Tee Sestisei WH! Bsasti Ml; MoraiBg. Talk THE UjTCSHLLE CAZETTE TOT wiscsstsm Court opened yoierday riteooet 40 kk factej 5 Union ss BJKIO Mr. Utst tlatt' -ai.

it an BrticSc ulilf li had r. ire iht lv iliattiBtintK- dkl nt4 much a "lodgiag in titi- liKi! -Tin- J874 i (or barrcrt of tiistwonltl harr raaJo dedi- gUd the hart qf tire most morose coroner that era sat on a It was The lot is ia sonshim-of a prosperous bosinta shone lie formof aaL, andaniiMand SOOi the stolid'post mortem bead, and fiSy being on Serenth street. lighted up alt with a glow garden in fact. well in name. of -j-.

tbe lot making an excellent 'play- ground. thrte private! Peter IMcrson, a sailor, diet! very suddenly at Northwestern Eagle Hotel en tha Soothjide, Thanksgiving anMn, The drcMscd was a man about thirty-five years of age, and tat recently arrival the old country. circumstincck of hu "takmg ofT" were so peculiar: that Cor oner Kuppcr summom-il a jury to investigate, thc facts. From thcj evidence elicited it was decided that. PL-tenon from congestive chills Prli ttmtm ID aH ioibJonahle afAtena.

rare and rich trlm- aa A. BurtX 4M XUvauknt dtreot. CniUnMB'i fTtMhm ClnuwJ, on reasonable Now time, gentlemen, to hare lour cleaned and BdiwiruJ. AUo puton Coats. LA- 449 451 EAST WATER STREET, Haw JnstHeceiTBd the Largest and Choicest Stock of HOLY-DAY GOODS to city, JOHN RFtvr-r U1 JOHN MI.SHOLD.

Jrrer anJ So jss East oterMrert. two Joora north tha Opera IIHUSO. febuiitf BOOKS, CHROMOS, PHOTOGRAPHS, STEEL ENGRAVINGS, Parian Marble, Lava, and Bronze Busts, AJSTD STATITAKY. FAJTCT GOODS, 1O.OOO NOVE1TIE3 TOO NUMEROUS TO MEN TION. WHICH WZ OTTER AT LOW cd iu fi.Tia THE FTATESMAX LICEI- TSiccasc of tlie rotate of TVisconsin vs.

I. L. Ilnujcr and Wm. I). Story was then railed for trial.

Thc district attorney said tlie state was ready for trial The court then sent officers for Sir. who assists tba district attorney, and for Mr. McMnllen and Mr. Ijkin, who rep- Ur ri-icnt the defendant, t'pon Mr. JlrMul i for tea, returned at nine, and.

danced UH after, midnight. The very select, and the occs- sion iras eipredingly; enjoyable. -An ex ccllect snpper was prepared by Alderman Schoengers cstimabfc lady. Among thc diatinguislieti guests was State Treasurer Ferdinand Kib'un, who came expressly to A SOUThSlCE SHOE DEALER. Irn's arrival he stated thst the defendants i were not ready for trial on account of die absence of material witnesses, and ably iTtli oak ttul (or Mulick tbe whole allair will prob- iu ijattxl his morning ut thf jxilicr rourt.

rlh Away. D. Mclx-an, of 185 Reed street, Southside, aofjuisitions division of the riry prided preatlj-. He was in flu- lioot and shoe conld sell a article ior leas money than any other man on the job. lEs umong the recent t-uaineas 03 1 ol i a nil convn-ving tlio nnfo which Hiat enferpr pUk plu Scott THE MtGAZIKES.

nnl. ii. is just n-- thr reprint ii- lib-- "-tii whii I tjikrn tjir tf.1 Tuj l.ltli (inirlli-r nii -iriV ThufvtrtV Tltit ft "prrtl) i-i'liBli ii.l tin! l.t)»i il iti nl'ir Tin to llic In mi Mmm niilal co IK In tn nr ut XI Tucrulni, it-(l ftir that ell) tV iiftrrnctin jiarlv Irnu'i- I- l-t in' 1 Whit "I IHuil. lirnn.f I i.ininMi.l.- In Stall til. ui (m II'- Sti llirn Iwlv-V to ritr i taken in br Ulu-c and lliiiilnt 11.

niT.ll.lrT Itr nil) iK-furr thr innming. at thr thc Irtin t'omjiany in lisy Vlrw. frum thirty utd lan.ii-.! on pilr lIlurvJiiT 'Ilir itiuMsl by thc Ivrt-akinj; plnnV III tftkrc hoinr I-T In. el Ion w.vrl. iiirn Bftil riiolioi! i i.i'.',aii.v rrsmiliatioT; i.Wr.1 thai III.

wm Ills Imiki-ll. ll.r.l ha-. IH.TV u.vnr>l Slmnnon i-anu- HI tin iligliv end tnnulUxl a w.nnnn h.i I.H>VJtlfJ foi IIIT htubanil. AfU-r nhusics with br IUT fnfv tbi- t-iiptain lni.1 him oul KtUi a Tin- d-llon- tlir station, tiiatle oompliiiju. nixl wrrr unit oftn Cr.mplK-11 Hi- te nllow tlifm to cBU-r.

ami dim whilr tln-y WTJT ItHikinj; i.vrr thr irmi- Hr tlmt hr thrni fiT the fiifCil- of Shannon, ami tli.T bail for mvr II, na. Judpr Mallary moniins railtYKs.l lirakcsuau livkn! HJ. girl in thc pnatrr of IwiriVmi; hausc- I.K- jotiic Ihr Bight lit is ufii r.b!c to we thr fur. conv.4 ia nornny- i Joe, cither, for that insttr-r. Wbrn tht pin get oot i I that car-ffaplcr like fur a Umb.

S5ic law by the hair, ja-knl him 08 the flrKW. blacked cycx, itoixl, liiai aiid hisa down hisnWalJ ovr-r his bit tiff a i-orntT ofl hii 1 ear, dl-UocatfNi tiro o.f linpcrs, kicked htm in thc untirUirr black sad blue, nnd left him the miKS utterly dcmoralinxl raOroaJcr in thr Nortiwwt. He looks as if he had Ixvn through two rnllisiarw and haj his nbviut ftmjiug Xojwrgian sad they src on jvrsonal cx- pcricsw, too, We forgot to state in I'luce that the young wtmun IION WHJ.IAM r. tVMw unncnts contained in tl vihi. we publixhetl some vTca'd to tin- cimimslsno-s uo.l.

Mr I.yndc' a candidate, 'line nmcing rutiiradirtcil. AVc an 1 infi'mi(xl ihat Mr. Lyiule and others in know the farts, prunuumx- th. mode by us to lx- fuW-. W.

liantily wrote the article in 33 an itnn of news, from made in tin- fratintl and Evening and from a private oonvrr-a tiny with a certain Milwaukee journalist, in the of the rrpubli nntl who profefttuxl to give tlf- arc now satisfied that wr publij-la-d tJic article; HIH! ill. cheerfully aiul jmcl any request nn the pun Mr. Lynclc, or any of friends, tirtielc ri-fciTi'dto anil i-vrry pnM "I it. nn- to go "till farther, ami wv. ihat from cunrcrs.iticn< with repub in cumvty lonji uiul known Mr.

Kynrlc. air "uti-- winded nnd huoum- I'l. -nttrniiin, nnd we ran only tin! nlHriii! ranx'r will do form thr party with which hi- ia we intend fearlessly to all COUH- tu our uhi'thiT fouiul in own. tin- rtmks of thp ojtposltion. wr therefore, rvn-.

niivUkct Wlivju Kroui ji -ni i. in nn. LVMIC AND" MIL KOI'F. nttciition 10 thr ill- Mr.

n. n-nuKl IK; very happy to of rxjiliination from him r-uu tin- affair. We have something n. and than a Irtlc-r of Weluve an afBdavit fr.mi Mr l.ynde llleil in the county court, hi. ti c.vvcrK thr- ch.irp* completely i that uv no longer have-nay doubt that Mr.

l.yi-..l< neither paid nor Mr. i pf afCf-ntcd any consitli-ratior: iv.jiiiri'.-r for withdrawing ns i-auilidate in 3Ir. Lyiulc't favor. Sir. I.vndR tlini 'l Alice Ixjrninr" is i csted in having justice done he should let the cpntinuation of an ft ro i lru: casc be continueil for the term.

Mr. Mi-Mullen stated he was wining tliat the of Smnr a of casc wt nelt or thc Simla. Asiatic city, at or nc ir the foot first part of the next term or any other of tin -Himalayan Mountain range, where time than thc present Tlie parties then thr iraveler the mountains gets i agreed that the casc should be set down as imliit ami bin start, it ike the lc first casc in.the January term. The district attorney stated that he was informed by Mr. Jenkins that there was a rumor to the effect that one of defendants intended to leave thc state, and he desired that thc defendants should renew i their bail.

Mr. McMullen had no objec- im Hccout of the absence of one of the defenilantff, and because of the fact that thc not expecting that thc case would reached thin term, made no preparation for trial. The district attorney contended that Mr. McMnl- len hail sliowu no legal ground for a continuance. The court coincided with the district attorney and asked hira what I course he intended'topursue.

Tlie district a la Ilonr they came and attorney then stated it wns pi-rfei-tly evi- i Itvugbt. lie a man, too, of knightly dent that the defendants were not ready gr.uv, ami he the little of for trial and as tlic state was only inter-' the brijjht-faml Southside int.i numlier two's with mon- diijnily nnil elegance than a crown prince himself. He the pegs from the laborer's brvjjans with sublime dexterity and buttoned stout liaUment was Uirongtd by ilay with eager of and nn- I lion at tup point of death. The police ami vo left a family inj Xorway. DEAD AT LAST.

The, old man 'who was found in a gutter in Palmer's addition carl; in thc week, died at thc station yesterday morning. Headers of TBB NKWS will remcmlvor at the time he was discoveretl he had neither hat nor shoes oo. and that thc indications wi're that he llSd lain tha greater part of tho night exposed to inclemency of one of I the worst storm? of the It was evident tliat while in a helpless condition he was robbed by sonic untmmr rnivre- who, inAtcail of calling Ttunuto man to imleml nml left him alone to Brusch waai eighty- thn-e yt-nrs old. ami divorced wife and several rliildn-n unilcrstrtiHl to br living iu the city. With a heartlessiu-w that ilesrrves the ceusnre, none of them visited him while lying in tlie sla- When Dr.

foa- Ui pitiraU ho them mtcr crack When li.j them uj doMiI them with ud DIM UU. alnmt inwrilklj died. A piod nuoj kuiej WIT The work! in craml. konmr. hu foanS Itat, in eun of JoWlilr ud praoulan HoitettM'i StomaA lliucn Iruo lift- urage nrfMtty irrtontire.

Bal il don 1 ind porlttM. hile it Of Ih. tlnngth and iafiuM vi- Ul.lT into Iho Nt: brant. .11 tho inlo Urmonj with (bo of heillh. The fMblfr KI Sn.l it iriTalumbl.

it. tjrii.u< ID itf.icb Ihetr onjiniutluii ren- Iq .11 hjitwieal hj- earn iu li ii ihe Uto fmvntd, to (h. LAWSONS DIAMOND TJ SS3 TUH MOST Note These Facts, Before Powerful Heating Apparatus resort of tlu wealthy in the- eitiiM the hot months, Tin skrirh of Sir Raiuiftn Tarlton. the rhief of the rcvoratiimarj war. if OIK of peculiar interest.

The other of unusual merit, tmd i all tin- i liarartcrKtics which have so i tjon to it aiuUtatcd the defcntlflnts would madr Ularkwutid the favorite of I renew their thoughtful readers. In another fulnmn 31r. Jenkins, one of the attorneys for walking shoes on the substantial feet of the Southside matrons with a refined delicacy that was charming to Iwlald. To snm it all op iu a word, McLean was a "brick." To be sure, there were not a poor crazy genius named Pat. Sheridan gave him all the cart possible under the (nit were unable Io -yivt' hU life.

A juty vi nl'tt-r ami an in.inost which in vt-rilirt that the tlei-erweil (-aille t.t tils death from old age exposure. Thc reporter id inf.imied that the old man was possessed of considerable prop- crty which is in the bands of a guardian, It is to be regretted that thc coroner Jiil i not summouThis guardian and thc relu- LADIES' PUROTSHING GOODS. A. W. RICH CO J.

II. Van Dyk.v John O. VVntiU WnlK jr Daniel Wrllx. A. H.

IkK. Mllk-r. David Whitromh John W. Cnrr. Ucoreu W.

C. 1I.1MU' John Il.OtWitrl.-h. r. D. Wm.

It Hlohanl. EVEII MAOK. HKKEKE.NCKS. Hiimham, ii am, Mrs. IL Uiirau.l.

I'urlox (tllililon. Uonlol Olin. I). Aluxanili'r. A.

11. UlanehuO. W. A. tleorai' K.

'rrtrot. A. P. Clark. Chan Hohler.

OiiM.lUy. Juaon K.S. Mi-rrlll. C'oHJ. McO, Boll, Hnnxunl L.

Qreen. Jaa. rinis.J.. J. J.

llrown. Slrwt Conu'i i'h Comniilt.u> im V. AJi'im'-V," ft. C. Swallow.

K. II. Chan.ll.-i-. V. tt S.

FOR 8ALH 355 O. AND 357 EAST "WATER i)f I UtllKST 111 Mil NO. 393 EAST WATER STREET, Vro unity fnun Milwaukee, imd offer at COST LESS, mil in tho city, until nverythinc i-i i in town; iuvenilu books, bibles, prnyer books, oilUv- itntintierv. of every kind; envelopes, every size anil eopyiiiu pres.sir., inlV-t ami ink i. wntiiiK i-hronuM and eiiirniviiiKs nml i'an.

nlbnm.1, stereoscopes and gnlil in fm-t i vTviliuv- kept in hiss lujofe nnd hiationrry j. novl STOVES. that Soil 1 Srrib found the reprint of the- Leonard the plaintiff in the case of the Sisters of Co. 's other reprints. Notre Dame vs.

Ilauser it Story, called Monthly our favorite the attention of tlic court to the fact that UcrtinLer mimlvr ln-fort tlic case had been continueil at this term us a jK-culiarly wi'll lilial an.l n-ahlc our. "Xnli-t mi Kentucky ami final regular installment in the Gioat South Scries, by Mr King. A description of the Mammoth Oav forma part of this article, and there are Kt-veral illustrations of this wonderful Tlu-other articles illustrated, NT im-ant of pictun's or "Tlip Tmnsit uf Venus," "Thc Proba- bilitii-s of Ivircrs," er Age," and "KamMi-s in Madeira." In fiction we have the continuation of Jules Verne's Island" with illustrations; until Mr. McMullcu should get over his temporary sickness. He was happy to olscrvc that Mr.

McMullcn was now in good health and he desired that casc should now bo tried. Mr. McMnllcn stated he was not ready for trial. Attempts he said had been made to settle tho case but unexpectedly to him the attempted settlement had fallen through and it left him unprepared. Mr.

Jenkins said he told the defendants attorneys at the time of the proposed settlement, that the talk of settlement by the defendants was bogus and was only a transparent attempt to delay proceedings. i tives of tho before him and give wanting nval who asserted Uioron-l, colored troops was i 7 FJ1 noon, Thursilay, a 11:11110. i Wm. stepped into a ivn tlie road, nnd drunk a of whisky with a friend nameil Seco. The ttvo left the sjiloon together, but separated shortly afterwnnls, Hocnecke going to- wards home.

Xcar two o'clock he WAS found about a hlock from hid residence, lying in the street, dead. body was yet warm M.I the indications are that lie liad drad Imt a few minutes when fouiul. corunt-r and police were investigating the matter yesterday, but it is not understood that any were that go to show the existence of foul play. Tho deceased was ft man about thirty-three years of age and when last neeii alive was apparently in the best of health. It is that ilisi-aso of the heart was the cause of puilden death.

He lenvi-s a wife ant! tlin-e chililrru in ilestitiltl- cir A. W. RICH CO KUETEMEYER UE6KHEFER, part Kinj; traveled in nil twenty-five nu'ltjs in materials f.n hi- In the department of Kti-liinux ncrouut of "The Devi! in Pr new nnvel, --Tlii' Story of St-Tenoaks." uill in Ihc ntniiiH-r of SrriUnrr's. Journal iu and all its characteristic ns anil made inorr- attrarlivi-. A fabsc rumor that it was to IK- discontinued next ye-ar is formally contradicti-d.

This irieellent journal tills place thnt would wuUv without it. the case it would be continued ap plication of thc defendants. luid'uf Saxc Holm's curious Btnry, "My I The court stated'it was evident that the Tourmaline-." also "Jeannette." by Miss defendants was not ready for trial, and WiKilMiu, and "In a Tmmiiel," a Tlianks- as no good could be gained by pressing htory by Miss Hopkins, author of -M uf Miss Widgrry's Evenings." Mr. gives us another of his essays on tin- "Victorian Unit; grappling with thut touph pubjrct, Robert Browning himself Tliere nre j'oems by Celia ThrtAter anil others. In "Topiis ut the Timu" Dr.

Holland rites atxvut "Tlie Ureat South SCTICS of Christianity and Color." "In- vrstnmits f.ii Income." "Nature ami Litii-atuiT." The siivs tliat AcJ iliit styt Ikat It ll net be rvpr raij Si.Ctlli'crevcr, oratiyfctn wlntfvcr vatj Ivlr.ilrkfpf nuaeJ In Mid article fur fUtc4 ia Mid article, IY for i Hiss hffcerrr wtb rem. ur r. THEY WILL GO FOR. tittt fklK. li'jli cbsracUr pivt-s mch liif testimony tliosi' who Tlir ('ampna? nnd la.

The Indianapolis Heal Estate Eschnnge to prominent mannfac- tun-rs all over thi' country, asking what indnci-jiicnt? will secure their removal to that city. Tlic- Milwaukee Iron Compa- Thc case of the State of Wisconsin vs. Walter Gens, on action for bastardy was thereupon called, but owing to the defendant not being ready the casc was continued for the term. H. C.

Runkel, appeared far plaintiff and C. K. Martin, for defendant EXCUSED. Tliere being no other jury business the court excused the jurors for the term, them for their promptness in vein-; present at the opening of court each Any. Kn win's SKSTEXCE.

Half two o'clock was the time tiled upon for sentence upon John Ehwlg. Upon being asked if he had anything to say why the sentence of tho court should not be passed upon him, he asked his attorney, Mr. Austin, t. represent him. Mr.

Austin stated that so far as his pro- ffssional duties were concerned they were i ended at the conclusion of thc trioX one lie was actuated in addressing court then by the belief that oltltongh Mari tin Smith was killed it woa not by thc criminal act of tho prisoner. Thc prisoner never felt, and ho believed he never would feel that he was guilty. It in true the law made tlic deed the index of tbe intent, and it ia probably best for thc security of our rights and our lives that it is so. Hcwasconlldcntthatne who hid somewhere in fhe fence; that lie was disposing of shoe-leather at a less price than green hides were selling for in the market. Hut lie who drove thc money changers out of the temple waj reviled and traduced, and why not McLean, too i The Sonthside heard and believed not.

It continued to bask in his smiles and weir his shoes. Men who had large families of little boots and gaiters to buy thanked the Providence who controlled the gentle gales which wafted McLean to tliis shore. This was a week ago. To-day, the Southside mourns and re- fuses to be comforted, for McLean is gone, boots, rubbers, gaiters, smiles, bows, and all. Tlic worst of it is, he didn't mention his intentions to end "tlie botcher, the baker nud tho candle-stick maker," to whom he owes little bills, have pretty well defined ideason thc subject of total depravity.

They believe in it Tliere is another class also immersed in the unfathomable depths of the pro- foundcst grief. It is composed of well- dressed, freshly, barbered young gentlemen uf pleasant address and costly watch- chains, who represent Chicago and East ern wholesale houses. They ore not choice in their language when they converse about him, and 411 i 300 WKMT WATKIB ST A. W. RICH CO AUK (iKFKIJl.Nt; SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS CARRIAGES AJfD SLEJGII IX T1H-: refuse to consider him as the sum of all Christian virtues.

ON UuriK. Vincent Sch.TlX'id, on aged inmate of the coiliity hospital, visited the house of Mr. Hugh Riley in the town of Wanwa- txsa, yesterday morning, and fell dead from his chair immediately after his ar rival. has been ill for some time, but feeling a little better started out for a walk, with thc above result. Ap- Still another party is vainly seeking for him.

They ore fine appearing gentlemen arrayed in blue with gilt buttons and shabby Peter Smith and Al Beck and Burgess arc enquiring about him; and up at tbe station good old Mr. Kendrick and ''hanghnessy and fhe chief watch for him: but he comes not, and it is feared that McLean has shaken the dust of Milwaukee from his shoes, and his boots, and his rubbers, and his gaiters, and that we shall never sec him again in this life. Overcome with emotion we pause, and drop the curtain on tho Soathsidu's woo. i orilexv is said to have been the trouble. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS.

BUND FOR A QUARTEK OF A i CENTDRY. Hrr ISuiaml Throosb Ihr of Dr. Bf-rnbarill. Mii.w-.rirn Itoif HTf'iy 1 and RCA u-r u-ho lias known Mr. Lyndc for years, nnd irho was acting as lly op- counwl in tlic pending suit, de- dsnil in his tystiniiray Comciis- the 24Ui that IK- im- pHi-itlv Ix'lii'ved the $1,000 charge ontil rX 1 Sm: Your nwl faror i tt ri 4 CODtaltsh re I 1 nr Tlio Mihvaukcv'iSflrftsrt hat been bel- lowini; like a whale for tlw jwt frw Oays and lias to far succeeded in ithc penerc-tts kindly sroi-J nature of WUliam Pitt Lynde.

the looked with favor on Indianapolis as a place suitaWc for thc prosccntion' ol our btuuuse. We will tn your city within one year, if yon will give us, in the subnrbs, f.oirfird cp IKT WOTk by tiisnij vir Sim by thr of his jiilchins htm into a vixxl boi. liy inemlx-r of from itiif dUtrii-t, that he has conclnded to ae- i a full eomplfta rrtrsetion on the part the.S*stu»I,oftbelibcloas Ntiioroents mod? by thataucct. TiMnor- ruw On- fifatitti ym poUisli a by Matt Carpenter, to thc effect Hiit tltc 'Saaiiut maliciously and wantonly libcjtxl Sir. Lynde and Mr.

and admits that truth is not in the editorial mananxbent of that concern. The: article wTll retract Uw fsbehoods told abont Mr. Lyndc's bargaining o-ith Mr. kopf for the ruciabonlijp from this district and will demonstrate to its leaders tlmt it has ibcU beyond all de- to constrnct our works and other necessary to them, and the cost of transportation thither. That jon mav not pnJmise without tnc wine how ranch it will cost, I wiB" tell jon briefly how ninchyon would- lore to pay for mo v- Two Blast Fnrrarbs, ITxCG feet.

do. One do 80x140 do. One do 70x210 dn. One do 109x516 da One do 80x200 do. One Madiiac Sbojv One Blacksmith's Shop- Two hondred acres of land in Hilwau- kre, containing a canal and dock one mile lone.

scvcnty-fonr tenement bouse SltWmir Next Mo jday evening; Tin- f.illiiwiiig was written by i well known citizen ut' P.irt Howanl, itiiil i.s only unotlii-r of those spontaneous of- fcrinps Ihut unsought, from the gratified of the famed oeculist and optician. Dr. Bemhardt, whose lit i all Corset Department THIS SKA.SiiN A. W. RICH CO MERINO UNDERWEAR A.

W. EICH CO CE M.V.VI/F.UTTRr: own of llu-ir appears at the Opera House, with a good I nnhinton Daily lc is nC on tl of by most respectable people from "all "I ip Van It is entirely differ- ovl lho ortliwos cnt from JcffcrsonX and is commented upon by thc presa in HatterinR tcnns. FortT Nov. Personally, we know Mr. McWade's Dr ru Berabsrili: "Rip" to be a highly artistic effort, and I'KAB wife and self tender unhesitatingly pronounce him one of our'most sincere thanks for tlie great America's best actors.

A faint idea of benefit you have given in restoring her what is thought of thc actor and tlie part may Ix; gathered from tho following: i Having suffered for twenty-flvo years all the iuconveuienceof one afflicted with impaired v'sion, compelled to grope in "The popular interest in Mr. Me Wade's superb personation of 'Rip Van Winkle' still continues unabated, and the -Fifth Avenue' is crowded or of Use ontro, nticy. It is unknown who tbe and tote, record another in- jol fciaBdcr-slinjOT take MSdugsn ss io hanay ct cnr dis-. and yet ihc ntrartion and of could not opt on nitbout 1 knows the heart of the prisoner, would acquit him of any guilt. In that most memorable petitions, thcLord's prayer, we ask that onr sins may, be forgiven 03 we forgive others who sin against ns.

Forgiveness is not the of the court, but mercy is. It la better for the judge to lean, toward the side of mercy. Justice docs not require that there should be another victim Sn this terrible tragedy. Tlie judge then directed" the, prisoner to stand up, and spoke substantially as follows Before tho court proceeds to pass tho sentence of the law npon you, it might not be improper to make somo remarks upon the facts of your case. Upon the testimony that ots been given before the iury, I think they hare done as favorably awards you as could hare expected.

tt is true, there one circumstance in thu affair which may tend to cast a doubt npon thc question of your guilt, and that was thoroughly enjoyed an is the fact that your uncle, who is said 1 i II a 0 acting as we shall wait along time to see surpassed. Hack time it; is seen it is en joyed and appreciated more, than thc firs time, and it is worthy of being seen again and We can only regrc -that the time for enjoying this rare per formance has Tor almost absolute darkness, the sight of one eye living nearly gone and that of the HOOP SKIRTS can nffunl to -t-II a Xood article cheaper thnn dualcrs who have to buy their stoctf. A. W. EICH CO 100.

168 and 1TJ SECOND Sl'R 'JllHl ll'Ttll Mpi 1111; S( MA.VDPACTlMIKIlM ill 1 TIM- 1 CARKIAGSS TOP TOP llflilill's SHER1N 455 MILWAUKEE STREET I PtVK Sleighs and ditto nowjidtf H. Berthelet VSL'FVI-TU IMM; CEMENT, DRAIN AND SEWER shine. This is a dcserveit tribute to the otfirr little Ijetter, and after ctam- nevcr failing interest in tbe play, and tlu London at the Opthnlmic the P' 1 1 ani1 not receiving benefit from such urn by McTFade, whose dramatiza- likewise from a number of Dutchman ion and acting is Trell nigh faultless, and nec3s but to be seen to be admired." Tori JIera.ll. Thc engagement of that superb actor, Ir. Robert McWade, was fixed for two weeks, bat so great lias been thc rush for eats to see his inimitable personation of "Rip that he has been prevailed npon to remain one week longer to afford the thousands who could procure seats tho twelve nights an opportunity io get admission to this jrreat dramatic (reaf.

-Thcro was another very, large and Icct aadjcnce here. last night, and JIc Wade's imperstmati on of "Rip Va hare participated in the affray ou, DOW fills a suicide's grave. It may that.remorse, caused by con-j sciousnesi of his ffuilt ux the. commission of on cnormcrai cnme, led him to take us life. This is a tcnible lessen to yon of effect ol giving fall sway to- angy and vindictive feelings.

If you Bad kepUrour seat npon the porch, and not went to the gate in response to the. tatmts of Smith, there would 1 avc been norocb resnl According to law the pumsJunent for the commission of thc crime of manslaughter in the third degree a imprisonment in the States Priam not lot then faro rears or One IHart Fonocc at rron Kidsc. Wii more tlanfotir. Some tone ago, however, Hon. AlesajuliT the libel has made by Mr.

Carjxa- v-. rircuKi- i tcr YcsJcnUy the man who! One thousand acres of lam! at Ironij the kcislatoro paeeda of woich tro as foUc-ws; ra 1 wBl sooosiep down turn the freeMencr i nidge, colored with iron orc.16^ UK- jilan adopScvl, few years frt tna of the Senate to lie thick. Alt this land ami ore, Mriclily merits, went to of UtioislctltBvr tohavr. it to tall the fifth wan! and lairly Ixasd to for- np to take lisa room. Yon the itcMilcbtH School, in IttKMr of OKatA jisntlcnun.

Sir. V- tl Inonrv to instatd could uardiy tla tbn trillt Lake Michigan, ttifintcrofita Ifttn txcA al w. TO CtOCfORtT. hsi Aowtn i 11 lie turkey, tbe good na-Ut might sjiill. Iron HiJge 45 miles overcome by the from Milwackpc.

roald probably condttlcii of UK n-cak-lieed llic contract of tnoving it to the St Paul Company at 90 per ton. PJcasc answer for if yon accept oarjxnbcsotion we shall expend no more" iuoncy herr, Yours, truly, JAE. 1. HAGREM.U;. Senator, and he gives fcpt ttr l- A man has been Coed fitly dollars of swoon.

If people would pav a little mote attention to the game kw they ij citj' not capital, to the conectkn of this county, which is carried on in. soch manner as to be almoet self scpportinjr. Taking into consideration all the facto in this case I think itia mydutyjo sentence yon to impnsoDineat ia the house of cor- wctiau The BCBfeuoe of the court is that you, John Eh wig, fce jcnfencnl to the house of of HEvankce cooaty and confined at hard labor for the term Of The Opera House was filled las tbe celebrated company illarionists gave an entertainment whicl conld not but add new laurels to their airjdy iride rcrjotatkm. Many new featured were introduced, which elicited substantial approval fromv thcaudience. The pCT thtf iioB of a Urge number of wtful presents, the lesding one being-a complete set ol furniture, which luckily fell into the hands ol Master Willie Fsvflle, wholives at 591 Jeffenon To-night $iO in greenbacks it" to EC given away as the capital prize, and the evening's performance wilt dcae-tbe-serna in, this city.

A matinee will also be given this afternoon atSSO, when every dnldw31 receive a present. twelve o'clock to-day, flie amtmut aiscntcoce at te prisoner in the most, tofanm There being nororthcr-buiiaeci ready cxmrt adjourned until thiamonnng attnr o'dock, it which any law or eqniiy Jionneac that can be transacted wiU be taken np. ti oculists and opticians in Europcinnd it was only after a great deal of persuasion from friends and by the advice of our family physicians that my wife was induced to call upon and try your skill, the reputation' of which is so well established not only is Green Bay "and Fort Howard, but throughout the whole United States. After an of the eyes that occupied three hours, you assured her of being able to give her new sight entirely. Tlic glasses were mode and worn, and now, after a thorough trial, she finds that never before could she sec so beautifully, with thc ful piusf ft, as I sec every day, of improvement hi her sight.

Permit us to our thanks tor the sltJU displayei! tonso much advantage in the case of, my wife. As an oculist and optician, "skill in liters concerning the imperf.i-tiirsK of mi aui- not boixcelkv I would say, tlicrcforci to the afflicted, if you are troubled with impaired sight call at Dr.Bcrnhardt. i. With many thanks for your kindness so skillfully treating my wife, we remain, very respectfully yours; MB. iMiii "Wit.

BELt. i For the correctness of this statement and as an evidence of Dr. Bemhardt'a superior capacity as an oculist and iptician, and file knowledge parties named have of this case, refercncfc made to them: 3. Hcushair, 3t D. Jcntral Baptist Churth; a G.

Allen tamb, 31. B. P. Marchand, M. L.

Jf, Henry ftarcc, 5L CoLC.D. RobhSon, edRor Green Baj Adtocote, and brother, C. R- It Winalow; Edward Dwns, ranustrator of the Diocese of Green Sidney dsKtitfc, act2ia-piutorjPreaby-' terian Church; J. M. Walker, pastor A Church; F.

Witter, Orarch; Port Howard. Are sole ogentt waukco for the Seamless" Jfil- 'Harris KID GLOVES, Said to be the best in tin- world. A. W. EICH CO ILLUMINATING PAKLOR STOVB.

Tho most economical, easy renulnloil. beau- ilml In ileslen ami tlnlsh oj onr stnvi In for 11171. an.l lho only stovu with oat- Zy ou ot wlllcl alwsTH shows bright. Illumlnntlns an.1 hhles aahHH. irom view.

Improvo.lclinkerlea.4(anti-elink- or)Bratoand extra upeiilnm In riro- pot. fur purposo of romovlnit cllnki'rfi. Full revcrslblu.iluoaciuTylncstronir Inmt undor wholo bottom of stove. 1'ntont self-reiru- lnUn covor on feeUur. which opens by morely swlnelnB the urn around: the baek- aliiJIntj dusting clamper cnrrlua off all Just RoapR, elnona fltioa rcinilntua tho lira anil cools off grato anil double Urn-pot, provont- ine tho anrrio from (lostnMUon.

8i- Sta nin(t LlBhf (joublo Illuminator. oefornpnrebaHlnKOlsaiTliero. Iforsulu BUCHHOLZ WERGTN CHESTNITT ST. sepaodooUSm Our will an.I Impriiv.i with mom in intcn. oth'T infl.lo.

for'r rulln.iMl Louisville PIRB BRIOK VNT) FIRR iTAY MI Jefferson street. Aro selling, large quantities tlieir Ed Gloves, which for medium price no equal. A.W, Make a specialty of DJFANT'Sand CHILDBEN'S UNDERWEAR. Their stock of clonka, dresses is complete. A.

W.EICH&CO Becciro every Monday the latest novelties in Their stock, consequently, ntaitatonxhm twtn 1 tho past WILL NOT BE THE DIAMOND BASE B0HNING. BASE HEATDfO. THE LATEST INVEWTIOK. Illuminating Stove. FRIED NJEUMAWDI, MERCHANT TAILORS RKADY MADK BOYS'CLOTHIXC; TIADI-: A

Gent's Clothes Made to Order. 445 EAST WATER STREET Abstracts of Title Countr rntofl. fATTOBNEYS-AT-LAW, tlO JtHrraiUrr Htrrrl. I TITI.B to ill ileal Estato In Mlliraukea 'rorupuy fuminheil roiuonubla lai abstzactA urn preparou from Jnjr to the ttarlmat reoortfa of oountyi julymllf IMPOBTED KATURAZ. 3 MINERAL WATERS rlUEORICHSHALL BITTER WATER, CARLSBAD WATER, VICHY WATER, KISSINQEN WATER, WATER, SELZOR WATER, EMS WATER, fKnOKt STEEL WATER, THE MANSAED COOK GENUINE CARLSBAD SALTS Burton's Hot-Afr Furnaces, DUELS IEHUI COWMNSID MILK, Tho in market, by OTTO A.

314 State StoMVKi Witt about (tot. bnildliii tio.

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