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The New Castle News from New Castle, Pennsylvania • Page 2

New Castle, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Eusvcr Sto tLat iho orszo Ibfit Is now practiced all over, tlio countrj, giving In tlio luuky poison fllio comes Ibe nearest to tlip numbei of seeds in a ma jar, unlls in rhsli, or tbc speed of a lace around the track, is riot a legitimate scheme, as it singles out one pailicular ip'Ji- AJctuiilto reap tlio icnaid, while all the otticr purchasers pay the piper. For the past two years Euwer Store have organized a scheme whereby every purchaser, be he small or be he large, participates in the profits of the concern. Prior to stock tak- ing we inaugurate our great Profit Sharing Prize Premium Prior. Stock Taking Sale. Now in order that every customer may participate in part of the profits of Euwer Store, 'wo will arrange the premiums in classes, and during the 1 month of January we will divide ten per cent, of the salos of Euwer Stoic the customers, or that ten percent of the net profits, which iii reality will figure out 20 per cent, to the customer, no matter whether it be a calico dresa or a plush coat that we are selling at 25 per cent, of the lowest cash price during the month of, January you mil share in the profits of the concern.

'Commencing next Monday morning nud lasting through January every customer o( Euwer Store is to receive a premium with every purchase. Pnrcliasers who wish to work for the larger premiums will receive a card and each customer's purchase during the month will be punched and the Profit Sharing Premiums will he as follows: Profit Sharing, Premium One. For every purchase of 76c we will give a premium of a quarter novel, paper bound, by the great standard nuthnrs, Scott, Dickens, I3ulwcr, anrl later novelists. Haird's United States Mail Tablets, that sell all. over for ten cents, and used by every scholar in the higher rooms of the public schools, also small basket of writing paper and many useful articles will go to every purchaser of 75c, or customer to have the privilege of taking a card, having the aniount'of the purchase and each continuing purchase punched and work for one of the higher premiums.

Profit Sharing, Premium Four. For a purchase of five dollars will bo the next premium, consisting of many fancy baskets, a large book worth one dollar, entitled "Kings of Foi-tuncs," Uncle Tom's Cabin," E. P. line's Works, bound in cloth; History of England for boys, "Helen's Babies," and many other premiums in premium list I. Profit Sharing, Premium Two.

For every purchase of one dollar ami fifty cents a premium prize will bo given of child's book. "Delightful Moments," "Hide and Seek," some beautiful booklets, ns a ''Winters Song," "Wandering Winds." Baskets and many other premiums gathered up from different departments, and all placed in Profit Sharing Premium Two, and worth at least 25c, and all go for a purchase of Profit Shaving, Premium 'Five. For ten dollar purchase ilie pur- cbnsiT will entitled to cop3' of Pimlcii-'s Real Poets, Shakespeare's coinpletu works, large hook of poets, many hniiiUnmo baskets and many luimeruus other premiums, such handsome niseis, fire screens, slop jar screens, nil in' Department Profit Sharing Premium five. Profit Sharing. Premium six.

For a purchase of twenty-nine dollars we will give a'copy of IVclwlci's Cloth Hound Oxford Bible, Sticky 'Index Dictionary, worth $10, and many otticr useful gifis Announced Jatcr. Profit Sharing, Premium Three. For a purchase of $3 you will receive a handsome boy's or girl's book, as Awake," -Sunday Chat," "Chat Chut," a very handsome leaflet calender all around the year. Play time baskets and many other premiums will be in the Profit Sharing Premium Ihree, worth over 50c. 3'rofit Sharing, Premium seven.

Fora purchase of $20 wo will give one copy of Webster's Unabiidgcd Dictionary, 1,615 pages, bound in always sold for $10: Tennyson's Poems, hamlsouily illustrated. Publishers price $1.75. Rand McNally's Atlas of the World, or one volume of Encyeclo- pedia. Present your card, take your choice, together with many other handsome "baskets, easels, fire screens, Ac. In premium live we have higher premiums which will bo announced later.

Directly after Christinas wo will commence our Cloak Clearing Crisis. All cloaks Icfi in stock wiii lie fold one-fourth, 25 per cent off. All cloaks shown in our catalogues will lie sold at one-fourth less than the published price, to people living in the country and surrounding towns. That directly after Christ mas is your timelo buy. The roads have boon so bad, the weather so wet that trade has been dull and we 1111131 not.

stand still, bulcontinue business at the stand, ami must got our in order for the Spring Trade, so every vestige of Winter stutt' loft in our house will be sold at sacrifice. Questions in regard to price solicited by mail. Goods sent "by mail and satisfaction guaranteed as well as in person. If you have not received our catalogue, write for it. IS OUR STOKE WILl.

SVRKI.Y CONVINCE I VOUTIJAT I A IS XKAHLY VB ARE AS USUAL THE SO REJIINI' YOU HEADQUARTERS FOR Fine Holjday Goods AJl A YOUR SELECTION NOW WHIMS THE lYIAftC VAB KIT Id JAMES C. HUTT0N, NEW CASTLK, A. Apotliecary. THE NEW CASTLE NEWS. Vcn cents Orel InscrLiua and live jmlp a-l'nu for eacli £iiiidu incut InflferUon, lltiltorN' ntid UfMiA.S Flfli-cn lines 8 timrs, i lyfcUlHr rfllCtf.

PUBLISHED KVKRY AFTERNOON (BPMiATa it I'Jtr. 'telivorijfl by 16 OC 'lie 'Inllviueu by carrier ju ruiutern of'public Icited from all par IB of t'io county AjMi JPJI ail oommurlcailcma: THE NEWS COMPANY, S'ASTOItS Interest I ii if Nun liny cr'H niMCOllfHC on Nnfcty in Trull Other Notes, Kev. C. II. Dunlnp is ill and (hero were no services at the First Presbyterian church Sunday.

At the Second Presbyterian church, Sunday evening, the pastor was assisted by the Hov. Joseph H. Ecerl, of Kin, who preached aiicxcellent sermon on the lext, "They go from elrenglh to Btrengtli." Hov. Heed formerly resided in if) county, having been raised near Mt, -Tuckaon. AT THE DISCIl'LKS 1 CHURCH.

Dr. Tlinycr talked in the morning on "Safety in the Truth," basing his remarks upon Epbcsinns He began by saying that, the truth 'ia a safe guide lor children, parents, husbands, wives, employes, employers. Dangers of every kind constantly threaten us. Our country is coining into atalo of agitation. There are some great problems to be settled.

But in all our difficulties ami dangers the truth ig the only safe guide. If its leaching weie obeyed wo would have moro obedient children, wiser pa- renls; there would be a stronger bond of union between husbands and wives; and faithful and willing employes would give better service to just and generous employers. It is infallibly safe to be guided by the as revealed in the Word of God; it is never safe to depart from its teachings. Children err when they neglect its principles, as revealed to them by their paienla. Kehoboaiu, haughty and tyrannical, lost his kingdom because he would not listen to the counsels of tlie aged and wise and godly.

Danger, divis- 011 and death came over (hat kingdom because of this error. History repeats it- There is tho same danger menacing (he youth of to-day who depart from tlie ulvicc given them by those of more ma- luro years and riper experience. Parenls should not bo unjust nor tyrannical. They should train their children "in the nur- ure ami admonition of tlie Ixird." Lack of proper instruction and education in early life was one of the causes of Jteho- boam's fall. Show sympathy willi your children in their plays, in their joys and sorrows, thus retaining your influence over them, ami then guide them according to tho teaching of God's Wbid.

"Gird your loins with the truth." The loins is tho pivotal point in the muscular system. In tlie eastern countries in tho early centuries, where games requiring strength and skill wore very popular, the conlestauts provided themselves with a Vroiul band about the loins that they might better withstand tlie extreme exertion. John the liaplist wore leathern girdle during bis ministry, to enable him more easily to perform the largo number of baptisms consequent upon his preaching. The heart, sensibilities or feelings, is the loins of the mind, source of all action, and first to receive the shock of eflbrl or trial. For spiritual loin the I ruth is Iho girdle.

God knows tho need of humanity, and says there is no safely except in bavins Oiir hearts giriled with tho (ruth. All great sins grow out of our sensibilities, nil ruin, all denlh FC, In- saici to parents, "bring young children up in tho nurloro nihl and admonition of the Lord," Our (irst sins arc those of thoughtlessness. The inU'llec! tolls what to trust. When properly enlightened, we believe on tlie Jesus Christ. your feet with the preparation (or ro.idincffi of the gospel of How many of 113 are ready to carry (he glorious gospel of pcacu to our noiglibors and friends? It is a grand good I Mug to be prepared for nil e.vcn in business or social uinllcre.

It is much better thing to prepared for every duty which may arise in our spiritual lives. 0 no! lay aside shoes, as is tho habit of some, who put them on only on Sunday (hem at all times, "cot ready for Iho week of prayer and for subsequent work among the lost by yourselves by wearing girdlo of truth, ami living righteously. having your feet Ehod with (he readiness of (he gospel of peace; that is, boiug willing, nay, nnriouc to to those about you on matters pertaining to their spiritual welfare, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, lhat wo may properly defend ourselves and defeat tho eneuiy. Then wo arc ready for duty. This Is an aggressive movement.

We do not train armies for idleness, nor simply for self-defense, but for service. Activity Is the best position for defense. In God's armor there is no protection for the back. There is no sense in preparing, unless we do something. The rnari out of line in battlo is in the most danger.

So those who are inactive intbe church. Wield the truth as a weapon against sin. You have all about you friends who need tho truth presented to them. It'is your duty to do that. Let us arm ourselves and be wise and safe.

Day by day the doors of death are opening, and we must go. How comforting to know that those who have obeyed the call are eafo; to know that futhor, mother, brother, sister, who have crossed the swelling flood, are sajc, because clad in tho gospel armor. In that is our only eafety. Tho evening sermon was on "Babel- Bnilding," in which the Doctor con- Irasted the futile efforts of the builders of the tower with the equally futile eflbrls of the so-called scientists, moralists and creed-builders of to-day, some of whom argue that the original man was a monkey, while others try to determine his destiny by research among tho heavenly bodies. The result is the same in both and complete failure.

Tho music at both services was very fine. There was one confession at the close of the evening sermon; the or- dinancoof baptism will bo administered Wednesday night. Services continued on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday nt 7:30. All arc invited. ABOUT PiireJy Pci-Norml Pnllkvcr.

Miss Bae Cunnglinra is in Pilteburg to- tlay. George L. Fenraon was in Pittsburg yesterday. Miss Perry ig visiling Miss Heevcs, of Kocheeler. Mrs.

H. HrDckemidgenruljdaugliter are inMeadville. John F. Genkinger went to Pittsburg this morning. George L.

Eeis, former New Cnstle ctl.iy.en, was in Pittaburg yesterday. Trunk I'. Andrews, foreman of Ihe licaver Falls Journal, was in Hie city over Sabbath. Sir. and Mrs.

Wash. Weber and daughter, of Centrevillc, visited friends in the city over Sunday. J. Long, of Shnron, is in the city attending the funeral of his father-in-law Thomas Alexander. Rev.

If. Weingart wns summoned to Sandy Lake, lo visit Mra. J. A. Glenn who is dangerously ill.

II. D. Morrison and Homer Finton and family attended the funeral of Mr, Samuel MeLain nt Middlesex, Sunday. HBIIK, T1IKKK Nine patients in Youngatowu hospital. Delamater's assets liabilities, SI ,040,000.

Beaver county has two original package houses'. Uniontown Presbyterians arc to build a church. The Allegheny Daily A'cics, started Dec. st.supended Saturday. Sleek-talker Linn, agent of the St.

Paul Savings Company, victimized Nilos, Ohio credulous citizens. TEMPERANCE CO Mill N. lAllmomlicrj W.C.I'. U. an.l V.

W. l.U. nml nil Tcmvcrance workers are invited to contribute itmnn nt live temperance news NEWS 1 AlllIrcM Tfintiornnno E.lilor, Tho regular meeting of tho Y. W.G T. A.

will bo held Tuesday afternoon nt I o' clock sharp nt the home of.JIiss. Julia Bowman X. Mill SI. A full attendance is desired on account of important buis- C5 SECJIKTAUV. The Xcus Vniim Pnprr.

Tlio has signed the scale of the Xew Castle Typographical Union. Militnry Airs in Uci'innny. Ollicurs in piainls nre inado (u IK-ID Ui a they luivr injuix-d some interest while are militarv exercises, announce lhat "they arc responsible lo the emperor only." very sick of The cilixons this, as nllmv ilu-in ao re- coiivsf whatever. and St. a snlTcred -ivully from iiuuultiticiH.

In tlu- former pUoe tins (0 iii'isilit known, ami slroycil i.i ll.r h.irimr and nearly citv. Hows of solui l.iiudiii-s have In Nova ovi-rlluwod and n.riK.,! shvoH in tin-lower I ti.iMlain.iijo irtnuiH yd ii (t l.iu it w'Fll run the iniilinns in bni-i nlaces. I subscribe lor THE NEWS. How lo Rule. Stanley credits tho press and the King of lielgiai witli brought Africa to Uv.

opened tho b.dl, und Frencli restlessness greatly advanced tilings. Great Ilritnin probablv would havefcl things go oil il the French had nol gone 'in for em pin in Africa. Ejrypt, Gordon and the seizure of Madagascar up John Bull and m'adc him look alive. Mr. Stanley is of tlie opinion that Africa will not for long time to come yet settle down uietly into trade and" manufactures.

ts strongest and most intelligent races are turbulent, violent and graspinn-. and them will be no way to keep tliem quiet unless by forming them into militias. There will be lots to do for sucli forces. The best way to rule Africa, he declares, is to appeal iu every district to tlio good sense and kindness of the ladies. Direct appeals were always made to them by Mr.

Stanley whenever became into afvil- Jago or town. Es-ery governor should suy through his lieutenants: "We want to govern with, not against, the. people here, and our tirstcare shall be for the safety and well-being of the little When one with cannibal districts one ought to add: "We don't ourselves want to eat women and children, and we're not going to let any one else feed on thorn." The mothers, to a woman, would bo with the Europeans. They are a much better lot than the fathers. The African woman is more intelligent than the African man and more open to reason and religion.

The Triuk Proved Futile. A teacher's standing frequently depends more on his ability to deal with tinman nature than with the intricate problems of the text-books, and this applies to colleges as well as to primary schools. A well-known professor of one of our Maine colleges has always been dreaded more by the incoming freshman class than any other man on tho faculty. This feeling wears away somewhat during tho last part of course, but there is always an awe-inspired, atmosphere as thick ns a downcast fog hank in this uuiu's class room, bo it lilted with quaking freshmen or self-sntistiod seniors. Jokes have, however, frequently been tried on him, since college boys are very brave when they think their tracks are well covered, but the jokes have usually been found to have a double back-action kick, like an old Hint-look musket.

With tho expectatiou of getting an "adjourn" from his recitation the next day sonic scamp one night broke into tho professor's class room and painted every sent iu the room with fresh paint. When the class assembled the next clay tlie professor suicl very blandly: "You can sit down, gentlemen, or stand up, just as you please. Mr. A will you please demonstrate etc. The class stood for the full hour, its members linding relief by standing first on one foot and then on the other.

On auothor occasion, when tho mercury had dropped below y.cro, another attempt wus made to get an "adjourn." The stove and every window- were removed from tho recitation room, but the professor was found there at the usual hour seated comfortably iu his chair, with overcoat, winter cap and woolen gloves on, and without apparent discomfort to himself conducted a recitation of an hour's length, with heuveu's breezes wandering uninterruptedly through tiie Lcwiston Journal. Alas, Alack'! No Appli-Juuk. It is with moro or loss gloom Unit Sifliags notes a lack of applejack for 1890. Misfortunes never come singly. It is also claimed that the hop crop is short, and nil this will cause us to suffer the llendish jigs and the bnrtairio glee of tho jolly prohibitionist.

If we could reach (by law) the reprehensible pessimist wlio scut word about ttic bliglit in' the applejack orchards the other day. we would request our lawyer to bo in readiness. And this no sellisli cry. The whole country slitters, for it is estimated that the loss this year iu internal revenue from applejack will he The jolly farmers of Middlctown, N. and its immediate neighborhood bonst of being the greatest producers of applejnck in the world, and, indeed.

Hint is where it all comes from. Up'to dale tliey have been drinking applejack half the lime and siUing" on the fence the other half watching it grow. Texas SiJ'tings. for a gentleman gw: iHihnw. don't chew Sliot.

Lieutenant S. J. JlcKiiiley, of Osage, probably curries more scnrs of rebel bullets than any other veteran now living in the United Stales or elsewhere, lie passed through many of lie hardest fought battles of tho war. rind wounded in every light in which lie participated. Ho is one of the who draw the lull pension per his disabilities such tlial it was procured for him by special legislation.

The Tax-payer's Friend. tell yon, my friend, things are jjoinir to come to a focus in Uiis'eoiintrv before very long. The taxpayi-rs nre not going to stand tbu oppres-ion much longer. you p.iy nny taxes? I 1 never will. And lhat shows my lull-rest in the taxpayer 1 1 is purely un- sellisli.

dnesn'i VVnv ll'titlc Ex- A who acted as waiter at a While, Mountain holol tho past summer is about to marry tlie daughter of a family at table he served. All things come to him who Boston t'afl. TJie Pc(Wlei-'8 1'nrtlng Sliot. He tlio bell of Laurel nvenuo residence and, on tlio appearance of the servant, bogged to bo presented to the lady of-tlie house. "But she has no use for peddlers." replied llie'girl.

"I recommended to call here by a pronjinent society lady a few blocks below, yes," as the matron of household appeared to reinforce the servant, "allosv me lo call your attention to one of the most ingenious inventions of tho age." "What is inquired the lady. "It is a patent reversible door-mat. You will observe, madam, that il contains two slides, the one reading the other 'Not at tben, these slides are worked by two cords extending into the front room. The trap can be set, other words, the mat cau bo arranged to display tlie word 'Welcome' on such days us you are prepared to receive company, and at such times as you are indisposed otherwise engaged, the words 'Not at home' cau be made to stare the would- be caller in the face at your own convenience. I havo already sold quite a number of them on the avenue." "I wouldn't have such a thing around the house." "Yon wouldn't?" "No.

sir. It's a gross innovation and I should consider it also a gross itnpro- priety. Take it "But.umdam,quite a number of vour neighbors have already secured them nntf they are bound to'become quite a fad. I assure you." "Take it away." "Remonstrance is useless?" "Quite so." "lie careful, madam, or you will compel me to make a confession." "That is entirely unnecessary. Just take yourself and your mats away, and it will be all right." "Madam, you defy me.

All right, thcii. Your neighbor right across the street just purchased one and said Hint she had but QUO reason for doing so." "And what was that?" "Siie said, mentioning your name, that she wanted just such mat on tho front steps that she could use to keep you from running in every hour or two to gad and gossip about your betteraj Good day, madam, 1 really think yon should have just sucli mat as this in Pioneer 1'rcss. The null Compasses, Tiie effect of the elcc-lric light current on the compasses of some vessels is so great that it becomes necessary to determine how ninny hours tiie dynamo 1ms been running before working out the vessel's reckoning. ournTOrs or Waterloo. The Dutch general van' Merlon iu Harlem invited his surviving comrades on the Held of Waterloo to celebrate with him the seventy-fifth anniversary of the buttle.

Seven veterans responded. Their ngcs were 97. 95, 03. 92, 92 and 91 years. All save one are in the most straitened circumstances.

The quail has mtgnn tu respond to the toast of the saason. Tcxns SiJ'tings. is it that yon and Jack Da Peystor are so cold to each other lately? You used to bo such friends." Ada. "Why, didn't you know that we are West- Shore. There is a famine in the rubber marr ket this season, owing to the failure of the South American crop.

'The explored Congo country is a future source of supply, at present not easily accessible. Mrs. Pollard, of the historian of the Lost Cause, is now resident of New York. She is Creole bv birth and is a fine-looking woman of middle age, with dark, expressive eyes and brown hair. said the young man who had been severerety lectured, "I have done my best." "Yes," said the old gentleman, "when I think of your facility in the line of blunders I am disposed to conclude that you have.

You have done Washington Post. Buyer (angrily) here. You said the reason you wanted to sell out that store was "because you intended to travel. Well, since I bought it I iincl that the owner of the building is going to tear it down." that's wliv I intended to Y. Weekly.

Among a boom of logs at Loamy Kyle's mil), at False Creek, Vancouver, is tree cut into four 24-foot logs taken from one tree, which is one of the largest specimens of ttie Douglas fir Hint has ever bison cut in this province, whose, record fur giniits of Hie forest is world-wide. Thusu four logs were resiieclivi-ly 84 inches. 76 inches, 70 iiieiies and 60 inches, and in none of them llien; knot or oilier defect. Tim tuint umber of feet of hunhor thai can he cut on! of this tree is ffi 614. TEXAS and MEXICO.

St. l.omg to Dallas in 21 St. Louis to f-'ort in 2.1 Hours. And corrcsixmdinglv nnicfe lime to nil principal Tcxaa and Mexico points. "The Texas Suecial," Via Iron Mountain Route.

Savea Passe from 5 to Thr-neh I'ullman llnfl'ct Slcciiinjr Cnrs. Sr. Ix.nis lo Dallas. Kort Wortli, Walvwtpn. Austin.

San Atilo mo find LnrofJo. H. C. TOU General I'asscngcr Agent, St. Mo.

u' F. EMERY, Attorney-At- Law-. Kr-arof McCONAHY'S POWD Absolutely Pure, A croara of tnrtar b.lfcing powilor. ol at! In Icavenlne strength. B.

AW. less. Htehust Cash OFFERS YOU TITE BEST GROCERIES For the Least Money. Deal with Him anil savo monoi-. Gooilssold only forOASU, and thcreroro said nt tliocloseet figures.

Call nnd get a price list aud bo convinced (lint lie Is the cheapest grocer in Iho oily ie-IlEJIEMBER TIIE PLAQK. 2 Doors West of Fountain House. OF CONDITION or First National Bank of New Castle (United states Depositaiy.) At cloaoof business, DEC. 9, ISM. KJBSOUKCES.

Loans and discounts GO United Stales 4 per cent, 100,000 00 Premiums paid, 58,00000 Itcal and fixtures, 00 Expenses and taxca p.ild 4,041 51 Cusli on liand and due Irom Hanks and U. S. Treasurer 77 51,080,255 fl SBJS. Capital stock paid in $150,000 00 Surplus and proilts 115,161 51 Depoeii-j 37 Circulation 00 1,059,259 88 W. S.

C. H. CLAKKE, F.W, McKKE, R. 8. W.

S. FOLTX, President. HOY S. FOLTZ, Cashier, hrp 'TuVinff' ulu, IdJLUJg. MUST REDUCE OUR FINE STOCK HOLIDAY GOODS Wfttchea, Clocks, Jewelry, Fancy Goods, Pianos, Organs, and Jn order to tlo so, we will make a BIG SACRIFICE in uricca, until JANUARY 10th, JS91.

COME TO US FOR BARGAINS. C. HANNA SON. DAVID" JAMESON! Attorney-at- Law Office in MEWS uulJUIng, No. 17 North Mill street, Nevr CaatJo, J'n.

I am rreparnf to collect clninjr- anri tnfre of hiisincB? ofuJi in nry psrt of oonntrv. ADVERTISING. erustrnoiu oi rcur lines oricaawill Ufe tndsrto-1 under tlieeevcral for Sale, To Let, for GO cents por week, No advertisement for leas than 25 cents. for this mcnt. four linca one week for 59 energetic man VY wanted manufactures on ibis Kronnd One of our ngcnts earned in 'S'j.

Address, P. O. ISox isn. New Yorfc. DltS of any kind, by a jroung man of good habits, who haa linrt experience clerk in different orsnctiesof business.

Address "Want," NEWS "1T(A active, relialile to SSO monthly, with represent in Ma own section a responsible New York Jlonsc References, MANUFACTURER, Lock ISox Xcw York, aitf OK OP. house of room3, wiih 1 city water and heater, on Wallace avenue, nquireof J. T. PHILLIPS A SON'. 91-Gt Fire Anns am imiiiioii RF.PAIRIHB IN ALL BRANCHES, CO to a.

month made Torfc- intf for us. preferred who can and RITTC their whole tim? the business. Spare moments may be proflt- Kuly employed tfso. A Tew v.irvm^les in towns r-n-lcitiea, K. JOIIXSOX CO 3CCpMain Vs.


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