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The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia • Page 3

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

dun tfi obiidtf, ye wffl Lw IVORT TURNING MANUFACTORY AaD piQLONlAL STARCH, in I cwt.and day si tba White Horse. Raigafs, when the landladv caralttad in addrasauia tha learned q- li-i! a llM learned gontls- vr, ojotM4 a tMoi4r, osa sir, swsSfliw tor jesasaaaar sbouldar. ssi riaUx rem oU Va. xch. if me4Uy wUtMssMen ODD8 AND ERDa (From less Hunmeen Pmpert.) cxi)ia tho tlx month ending tha 8th November, 847 foreign vessels entered tho port of Bristol, being an Increase of fifty-nine on tha corvesponding period ol last year.

During tha last week alone, no fewer than 187 foreign vessels arrived at the port of Liverpool. 8prata have been selling in the west of England, during the month of November at la. per bushel. Last year one hundred and twenty thousand foreigners visited the metropolis. A great number were either in distress or in search of employment, but tha majority were in quest of pleasure and information.

According to Profeaaor Johnston, the time and frequency of milking have a great influence on the amount of butter yielded by milk. If a cow be milked only once a day, he aays, the milk will yield only a seventh part more butter than an equal quantity of that which ia ob sixty, sat) that aoaaaqwaatly 110 would do the amount tha annuitant would have to re oeiv for hie 178. Mow, although tho Tata of an annuity on the life of a person at tha ago of fifty, ia only about tea y' purchase, tha probable ex-, pvclanoy of life at that ago la eighteen year, and the Society could not frame table on the prineiplea of safety and security to tha assured without having the probability of life in view therefore, a deferred annuitant haa the pro, pect of reoelving for hi aotuel outlay of 78 (running over a period of thirty year) no leu a turn than 198, without taking into account the division of profits, which, by the rules of the society will take place every live yean, and will, no doubt, increase the amount of the annuity considerably. I am, Gentleman, Your obedient eervant, WILLIAM PERRY. May 11.

ij. at ceav asnsqas atbalib Jon. J.IUddv. It, ta. ataaaiiLu- star 1 1 Bay aaaJ, sites' ot the bit W.

CotBlll, KstrleliMlly VSk BO brand laalbla. Dark bruulle or brown balioek, branded Uka JWJt-eav rvwp, daaoMrM ft. If not claimed within twsotj-eo Uys Ihfjr will be sold. BIRTH. At Balmain, on the 11th instant, tha wife of James Wathen, of a son.

DIED. On Wednesday, the 0th instant, George, youngest son of Mr. George Kittson, George-street South, aged 4 years. ST. PHILIP'S NEW CHURCH.

A PUBLIC MEETING of the Subscribers to the new Church Buildina Fund, snd of other Friends intsrsstsd in the work, will be held in the Infant School Room, Harrington-sir set, on MONDAY, the 14th instant, at Seven o'clock r.u., tot the Dumoae of receiving from the Committee a report of tneir proceedings Irom tne commencement of the undertaking. ine idtd Hinop of Sydney win preside. A Model of the New Church will ba nlaeed on the table. Bermona will be preached snd collections made at the Old Church, on Sunday, the 13th instant; in the mo-ning oy ine venerable the AncHDBAOoif or Ccmbbblandi ia the afternoon by the Rev. H.

L. Kino, B. and in evening by the Rev. W. B.

Chris, M.A. h.d. rersons interested in the above undertaking are respectfully invited to inspect the building now in the course of erection. GEORGE TAYLOR, 7709 Hon. Seerstsry.

ST. ANDREW'S PAROCHIAL ASSOCIATION. Quarterly Meeting of the Mem JL bers of this Asportation will be held in the School Roam, adjoining the Cathedra), on rnonaay livening next, the 14th instant. J. be Rev.

George King will take the chair, at seven o'clock precisely. The altendanee of the Parishioners, and of other persons favourable to the objects of the ABvnivtBuuu, ia xeapectiuiiy reuueatea. RICHARD UARRBTT, Honorary Secretary. Elisabeth-street. 7820 Bon Ens e.

Sydney, lllh May, 1849. To the Editort of tlie Sydney Homing Herald, GBNTLl MEN. Your reporter having failed, in fact refuted, to report in hi accustomed account ot the law proceedings oeiore tne oupteme uourt, tne result ot tbi ease. In which the defendant ooniented to a verdict given by the Jury for 860. many of my mentis, Knowing tne circumstances, ana sseine tne case standing in tne paper tor mal conceived I had, at the last moment, aban doned my claim, and have made enquiriea upon the eubject.

I have, therefore, to beg yeu will inaert this letter, and chsrge for it ss an advertisement. I am, Gentlemen, Your very obedient servant, 7811 GEORGE J. ROGERS. Colonial Secretary' Office, Svdnev. lllh May.

1849. ACTS OF COUNCIL AND COUNCIL PAPERS. HIS Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified, that from the com mencement of the next Session, copies of the Minutes of Proceedings of the Legislstive Uounoil of sll piper printed by order of tne Council snd of all Acts passed by the Council will be tupplied by tne Accountant, Irom the Printing Office. Hyde Park, on the following terms e. To Subscriber for the Session 110 I SubscriDtions to be paid in advance.

Non-Subscribers will also be able to obtain from the Accountant separate copies of Bills, Acts, snd Council fapers, at the rate ol one hilling for the first sheet, and one penny for esch additional sheet. It i however to be understood, that no Pa per printed by order of the Council will be delivered either to Subscribers or Non-Subscribers until copies of them shall have been transmitted from the Couroil Office to the Members of the Council. All communications for the Government Printing Office from the country are to be cent through the Post, undercover to the Clerk of the Legislstive Council, with the words Government Printer' on the lower left-hand corner of the envelope. By hi Excellency' Commtnd, 7813 E. DEAS THOMSON.

"MECHANICS' SCHOOL OP ARTs! THE Lecture Sub-Committee of this Institution are anxioua to obtain Lecture upon the following abject, for which they are prepared to pay liberal fee Norman Conquest 1 Lecture Wars of the Hoses 1 Henry the Eighth 1 Queen Elisabeth 1 The Commonwealth. 2 Revolution of 1888 I Mechanics 2 Acoustics 1 Gentlemen willing to lecture during tha incoming eeaaon, on all, or any of the sbove subjects, are solicited to communicate with the Lecture Sub-Committee, post-paid, or with the Librarian at the Institution, from whom further information may be obtained. 7879 ISS ROSSITER begs to inform LtX the Ladies of 8ydncy and its vicinity that she hs opened her establishment, 256. PlTT-8TREEr, THIS DAY. Miss R.

haa opened a few eases French Millinery, Feathers, Flewers, fee. Also A large assortment of fashionable Straw Bonnet, and Ribbons. 7881 DUBLIN HOUSE NO 4M, OEORQE-STREET. ON SALE at the Stores of the under-slgned- An extensive assortment of glass and earthenware, comprising every article in tha line, and part ot which is kept open for retail A general assortment of saddlery An assortment of drspery and slop goods, hesvy blankets, fto. Ladles', gentlemen's, and children's boots and shoes, in great variety Kangaroo leather, at 33s.

per dosen Kip ditto, at per lb. About two hundred reams stout brown paper, at 7. 6d. Good post paper, from 6a. 6d.

A asmeral sstortment of stationery Heavy hemp lhre-buhl bags, at 18s. ltd. per aosen Gunny bats, in any quantity, at 6s. ditto Bright ration sugsr, st 16 per ton Beat green and black less, approved brand Mould candles, pickle, muttard, sauces, fee fee. Silk, beaver, Java, Manila, and eabbagt-trea hats New Zealand rope Bxeellent Dort end sherry wines.

With a variety of artielea highly suitable either foi setllsi or tne iwuornia market. WOODS AND MEEHAN. Msyia. 7867 M. LKNEHAN has now on hand a select assortment of Oilman's Stores snd Groceries, which he offers for sale TOT WAREHOUSE.

THE Subscriber has for sale a superior aatortmsnt of FIREWORKS, Consisting of rockets, brilliant suns, mines, jsck in boies, tourblllons, horisontal wheels with mines, double lilsngle wheels, furlionio wheels, gold flower pots, large Catheiine wheels, serpent, Roman candles, double crackers, blue candles, fee, ac. Also, a very extensive variety of CIllLDRsUf'S TOYS, Comprising rocking horses, doll's bouses, tool chests, composition snd 11 other kinds of dolls, Noah's arks, guns, swords, clockwork tojs, India rubber, velvet and cloth polka ball, pianofortes, China tea services, ROSEWOOD WORK BOXES in great variety, and of very supsiior manu facture. SPLENDID CUI.Vr.SE WORK TABLES. China nlates. nomatum not.

Sower iara. tea eaddiea, match pots, tea seivices lull size, etc. BACKGAMMON BOARDS, Chinese lscijuered, common leather, snd best ditto. CnKSSMEW. superbly oarved ivory, plain ivory, substantial none, anu wooa.

MAOI0 TJtKTBRKS, with eomio and sstronomicsl slides, PORTABLE DESKS. Rosewood and leather dressing eases, fanoy reticule, long and round netting, white market, atraw carriage, cap, baby linen, key, bitouit, music, sou wora BASKETS. FB9CINO FOILS AND UASkO. Scent bottle, tteel and silver thimble, card caaes, fan, letter claari. com rubber, ivorv tablets, purses, cigar oases, brooches, jewel ooze.

COWAN'S EAZon STrtnrH Cloth, hat. hair, tooth, nail, whisker, eurl. uumo, uen, puie, ana crumb BRUSHES. Ivory, tortoiseshell, and hom combs. ALSO.

Jamaica lignum vita, and Chinese Vermillion, HENRY PARKE8, Ivory Turner and General Toy Dealer, 20. Hunter-street. 7401 Right hand from George-street, NOW LANDING, and on sale by the undersigned Tin pistes, best brands, IC, IX, 2X Sheet lead, 4, 6, and 6 lbs. Best white lead Linseed oil, turpentine Varnishes assorted Window glass, sll siies. W.

8. FRIEND, 2497 York-street, opposite the Msrket IRON. IRON. IRON. ON SALE AT T.

WOOLLEY'S Stores- Bar and Bundle Iron of every size snd de scription. Prom recent importations this stock com prises the lsrgest snd most varied assortment in Sydney. 7834 2 TONS best London White Lead, now Uridine 2 Casks Tumblers. JOSEPH S. WILLIS.

7832 Cburch-hill AMERICAN CHAIRS XJL Ditto brsss clocks Rosin Pitch Tsr Chocolate Lemon syrup For Sale by S. WILKINSON. Jim, 7835 Mscqusrie-place, CHAMPAGNE BRANDY, SPARK LING HOCK AND MOSELLE. DENAUD'S and CLOUZEAU'S M.j Pale Brandy (proof) in one dosen eases, at 33s. per case, duty psid, 1st quslity Sparkling Hock and Moselle, 1st quality Port, Sheny, and Madeira, ditto Champagne, Claret, Sauterne, ditto ALSO, For California and the bland Trade.

Negrohead Tobacco, and Cigars iS. 11. rUljLAKlJ, Bonded Stores. Qneen's-plaee, April 26. 6900 TADDY AND LONDON SNUFFS JUST LANDED, ex Taglioni, and now on eale, a aupply of snutf ordered from the above celebrated bouse, expressly for I 8 N'S, TOBACCO WAREHOUSE, 494, Gbobom-strbbt.

767s TO CURERS OP BACON, MUTTON HAMS, SPICKD BEEF, etc. fTIHE Australian Essence of Smoke JL prepsred by the undersigned, will, st a trifling expense, supersede the tedious pro cess of smoking, imparting all the flavour of the Westphalia ham, and effectually preserve the meat with hslf the usual quantity of sslt. A. HOLLINSHED. Dixon-street, near Liverpool-street This certifies that I have been in the prae tice of using the Essence of Smoke as msnu factored by Mr.

Hollinshed. of Dixon-street, in curing tongues, hams, spiced beef, snd that I have fonnd it most effectual in curing and flavouring all sons of preserved meets. JOHN INCHES. Johnston's Bsy, Msy 8. 78 19 TO PRIVATE FAMILIES AND OTHERS.

JC8T RECEIVED, KX ROTAIt SAXON, TBOM CALCUTTA. lOafl BAGS of firtt quality cryj-M-JUVJ talised GANGAM SUGAR, ad mirably adapted for family use, being quiti equal to aounie rennea lost sugar. On Sale by A. FOSS. 6780 813, Pitt-street North, THE IMPERIAL ENAMEL BLACKING, manufactured with vinegar extracted from Australian wood, is the only good blacking now to be had.

It produces a smooth enamel surfsce, unequalled for lustre and durabilitv, is not affected by damp, while the tannin extract contained in tha vinegar renders It nlghly preservative to the leather, Admirers of a food polish ara invited to try it, and no longer encourage the Ss. per dosen Aisy ana uartin. rreparea oy A. HOLLINSHED. 7818 Dixon-street, near Liverpool-street.

DY THE UNDERSIGNED MJ Horsehair, curled Cordsge, English invoice of patent Oakum Hops, Kent Ssgo, pearl 8alt, Liverpool men Oats, Van Dlemen's Lsnd 8 ho hemp and flax Brandy, Cloaseau's, in 1 dosen esses Brandy, strong, in hogsheads Rum Sherry, Port, Boeellas Lisbon, in wood aud bottle And a handaoras sweet-toned Rosewood Cabinet Piahotortb, with check actios, octaves, by Allison snd Allison. GEORGE THORNS AND 778 Opposite tha BereM Oflie. QLAbQOW HAM WAREHOUSE. A tUCRATIVB INVR8TMEHT TO SIIIPPEBS. rilHB Undersigned has on hand a few JL tons of the celebrated Glasgow Beef Hams, wananlsd to keep two year in any climate.

Mrs; I BOODY, 610, opposite the site of th Old Gaol, Lower Georga-straeta ShlpplBg inpplisd with tha very bast Gro ceries. 7867 ewt. box, at 7815 S. PEEK AND CO'8. Chlppendsle-plsce Bast, St.

Teeth's Cottage, Hay 9. MRS. yiTZPATRIOKtt. A NEAT three-roomed Cottage, with a comfortable verandah, flacaad eomnlatelw and close, with a good well of wster on the premises, and a spsce of lsnd front sufficient to build two good houses, Tbs pro piietor will sell either by publio or urivste contract. The proprietor will be found at tha above residence till it is disposed of.

ti is me adjoining land to Fine Cottage, Hz. Dalton'e property, and opposite the Sugar svoik. 7849 IOR SALE BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. An sllotmenl near Miriam-. place, having thirty feet frontage to KenU treet, by a depth of fifty feet, and an allotment having twenty feet frontage to Margaret piece, oy a ueptn 01 lorty-nve test.

Apply to Mxbshs. "TENHOUSE AND HARDY, 7690 186. Elizabeth-street North. WOOL AND SHEEPSKINS. vTIHE undersigned are Cash purchasers w.

ui toe aoove. J. T. ARMITAGE AND King-street, November 16. 7881 THE undersigned is a cash buyer of all descriptions of tallow.

H. W. HAMILTON, Dixon-street, Sydney. Country tallow refined, packed, and made merchantable for the Sydney and London markets. Communications for Mr.

John Hamilton. Bark Huta Bo ling-down Establishment, to be addressed to tba care of thejibore. 484S IF FREDERICK FRANCIS BALDWIN, a nstive of the Citv of Bath, will meet Mr. H. Jones, at the Royal Hotel, George-street, Sydney, he will find something much te his sdvantage, and lecelva letters irom nis laitniui sister.

vena MR. JOHN MORRIS being about to leave the eolonv for several month. beg to notify that Mr. Robert Johnson, or Mr. Richard Johnson, of Pitt-street, Sydney, Soliciurs, will act on his behalf during his abaence.

Sydney, May 10. 7760 ALL accounts against the Ship DIG BY, for CALLAO. muat be sent in dunli- cate on or before eleven o'clock thit day, to the office of R. M. ROBEY, 427.

Georae-street. May 12. 7821 riHE Executors of the late Mr. James JL Simmons request that all debts due by the ssid James Simmons be sent in as early as possible to the Stores, Hunter-street. NOTICE.

Al Ipersons indebted to the Undeisigned, are respeetfully solicited to settle their accounta immediately. Mr. C. Cottrell, of Penrith, Messrs. M'Lennan and Rose, of liowen Fells, and Mr.

W. Coleman, of 453, George-street, Sydney, are authorised to receive the same. JOHN N.B. Debts unpaid after the IStli June, will be sold by public auction, at Penrith or Hartley, and a power of attorney given for their collection. Full paiticulara will be given in the Sydney Morning Herald.

Penrith, May 6. 7478 HEREBY CAUTION Stocklceepers and all othera from trespsesing on my Run, situated near Gunning, in search of Stock otherwise, without my permission. And further, I hereby csution Stockkeepers, Bullock drivers, and allothers, sgsinst crossing my premises, known as Boureong. with stock or teams of sny description, after this notice, as thy will be proceeded against. E.

H. WOODHOUSE. Boureong, Gunning. April 23. 6940 CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC.

THIS is to give notice, that after this date the undersigned, will not be responsible for any debts contracted or orders drawn on me, or on my account, without my written sanction. CHARLES SIMPSON. Rose Inn, Gundagai, April 26. 71S TO POTTERS. THE Undersigned invite Tenders for the supply 01 2000 dosen Blacking Bottles.

They muat be equal in appeaianoe to those of English manufacture, and be warranted not to absorb. J. V. LAVBRS AND George-street. Sydney.

Msy 12. 116 Wf ANTED to tent, with immediate possession, a small detached Farm, well fencer), good land, and homestead, with a plentiful supply of wood and water. The rent muat be very moderate, and the nearer to Sydney preferred. Full particulars, postpaid, to J. at Mr.

Illidob's, Elixabetb-atteet South, near Cheshire Cheese, will be attended to 7848 ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY, ISM. SERVANTS' REGISTRY OFFICE, OPPOSITE THE ROT AC, HOTIL, George-ttreet, Sydney. EMPLOYERS requiring Farm or Domestic Servants, Mechanic), as well as servants of good character wanting placee, are respectfully informed that the ebeva office is open daily from nine till five, for tha purpose of receiving applicants, and forming engagements. EL F. BRIMMER.

tfaaT AH sr plications to be free of postage. 7767 CARPENTERS. WantediT good workman, who thoroughly understands his business. None else need apply to William Rsillt, 2, Argyle-etreet. 7864 WANTED, a Wet Nnrse.

None need spply but ihose who can obtain good recommendations as to respectability. Application to be made to Dr. Wallsob, at Lyons-terrace, between the hours of 2 snd 3 o'eloek p.ta- rrar WANTED, in a geotleman's family, a respectable young woman as House maid, willing alao to sssist in a Nursery. For address, enquire at Mr. Davibs's, opposite tha Commercial Bank, George-street, Good character required, 782 WANTED, a married couple, without ohildren, as house servsnts in a small family, at Darling Point tha man to look alter a bone, work In the garden, and assist in tha house the woman as general house servant.

Apply to Mr, 8, Satrrsf, Lyons-buildings, 47, George- treet. 7130 WANTED, steady, respectable female aervant a Cook. The duties are light, snd a middle sged person would ba preferred. Enquire for particulars st Messrs. S.

Pbbk and Co s. 7316 WANTED, an active Girl, between fourteen and fifteen year of age, who esn wait at table and make herself generally useful. Apply to Mrs. W. R.

Soon, Lower Fort-ttreet. 7760 WANTED, for a dairy, a Married Couple, both accuatomed to milking. Apply to Mr. J. T.

Gaoooir, 486, George-street, 7847 DAILY GOVERNESS. A Lady who would engage to instruct in En. gllh, Frenoh, and tha rudiments ol Muslo. The most respectable references can ba given. Address 6.

Herald Office, 7121 (wiiW'a aaaertion. to ewpear in Tout for lb length ol thii thil lttUT. aad iWtng Mund that you nil unnniui iwi Will mr -a i i inantnillX Buseex-street, Mayl. RANBOMKS PATENT BTONB. I.

Bdiionofiho Sydney Morning Herald. oVmiitiT-ln thta day ou have SSEd from the CwLastate-Knt ruling h. application of chemical ntooiplMin the manufacture of stone by Mr. fcuwome. Knowing that gentleman, and being a native of his county, the statement has Tmuob inter e.

tod ma and I beg therefore to Caremark or two upon the ubject. The nterit of lha applioaUon of tha principle Involved to, undoubtedly, great, and probably Mr. Rauoma'a own. But lha principle not aa new at the raider may suppose. It haa long been known, that ateam of a certain temperature and pressure haa lha property Of dissolving life -provided it be not cryifal-U Thua oommon glau aubjeetad to the notion of ateam, and impended in tha boiler in a wiregauxe basket, dissolved aaaily, tha lilex forming penduloua stalactites plato glass did not dissolve ao easily but rock crystal eould not be touched.

Tha authority for thia autement I can not, at tliia moment, lay my hand upon, but experiment have been frequently made with the eame reaulU. We have in thl an explanation of the for-nation oi the liliceout inter of the Oeytert of Iceland, and of that of the cold spring (merely cooled hot water) of Amiatta, and of the tufa and pumioeof tha Vicentine. I have auggeated elaewliere, that pro. bably to the aotion of steam upon the eilex contained in granite rocks we are indebted for tha abundanoo of pure, or nearly pure quarti rock associated with primary formations, and, peihapa, for many sandstones, aome of which paaa into a siliceous rock, having a brecoiated appearance, though strictly homogeneous. Such occur abundantly iu various localities in Now South Wales.

They are! unquestionably, rocks that have boen metamorphosed by steam. Mr. Ran some has, therefore, applied the principle exhibited by nature in imitating her own results. Nor in In the pUutic character of his material is there actual novelty. I havo often discovered cuts of fuuila in pure siliceous rock, which must once have been soft and plastic, else the impressions could neither have been made nor retained.

In the application of alkali to the silex, Mr. Ransoms has alio followed nature. The Editor of the Suffolk Chronicle haa misstated to a certain degree, when he aays, Granite, which is composed chiefly of silex, or pure dint, with but a comparatively small admixture of other matter, will stand almost untouch" lot ages." Here are two mistakes. Ur suite ia composed generally of quarts, mica, and felspar, crystalline forms. The ouartM ie nearly pure silex; mien contains generally (omitting decimals) 46 parts of silex, ill of alumine, 8 of potash, as well as other constituent felspar contains 70 parte of silex, 16 to 20 of alumine, 14 to 15 of potash nr aoda, Ac, and it XI due to the presence of alkali of the poUeh or soda, that many granites, instead of being indue-trucllble, are of the most porishing character.

All ovrr the granite districts of this colony are innumerable examples of decomposing, loose, disintegrated granite, and very often these examples are found traversed by hard perfect dykes and veins of puio quartz rock, which I believe to have resulted from the action of steam upon the mass below, which reduced the ailox by the aid of the felspar or mica, and filled up the joint and crack previously produced in the granite. It ia to aome such action as this that varioua Stratified rocka have been altered in the course ofsges; for it cannot be too often insisted on, that there ia nothing stable in nature, and that all the atom of what are called the solid rocks of the glob are under the perpetual influence of causes for ever changing their condition, and continually subjecting them to metamorphio modification. My object in stating this is not to enter more fully into the question, which is one of the most cxteoaire and intereating in the whole range of geological inquiry, but to illustrate, by referenee to the practice of nature, the artificial production of Mr. Kansome's ingenuity, anil to explain hat may mislead. In the statement from the Suffolk Chronicle, the general inquirer.

Flint, which i mentioned in that account, as employed by Mr. lUnsome, and which he, undoubtedly, collect Irom the gravel and chalk beda of the neighbourhood of Ipswich, (and which when powdered, i often extensively need in the manufacture of glne), is composed of about 98 part of silex, 0 5 of lime, 0-24 of alumine, 0'25 ol oxide of iron, and I of water. Now this very flint illustrates the preceding remark. It has been clearly shown that flint is chiefly made up of the siliceous cases ot infusorial animals these minute particles of living forms were of course indiscriminately mingled with like particles of calcareous living beings in the mud of the ancient coral seas which deposited the chalk. But since the beds of calcareous and sileeeous chalk mud were thus deposited and stratified, chemical and perhaps galvanic forces have metamorphosed it, inducing a ubiquitous tendency to segregation and centralisation, and thua the silex has passed through and amongst the calcareous matter and has collected in nodules and plates, horizontally placed at regular intervals nature having, after the deposit, sifted, assorted, and congregated her materials into fixed spot, where, ery frequently, a calcareous fossil has formed the oenlro around which, itttlf often untouched, the ailex from tho surrounding mas haa collected.

Ur. Kansome's process is, therefore, an application of physical principle in the servico of art. It seems destined to work a striking change in the expansion of luxury, and ia well suited to the character of our age, in which all man's works, and plan, and duaigns, whether, manual, political, social, or religious, are in a metamorphio condition, gradually or rapidly decomposing and re-constructing after the manner of geologioal phenomena, the productions ol the human mind and the human Will. We are thus sensibly taught the truth of the wise man's words Then it no nets thine under the tun," He alone, who made these marvel, ft with, tut variableness or shadow of turning." W. B.

C. 8t, Leonard's, May 11. Ib (A Siilon of the Sydney itornina Herald. OaMTLSMau, Aa the Botanical Uardens of thia lity have been planted and are maintained for the instruction and pleasure of the public, I hope you will allow me publicly to ask their Curator why the varioua plants and trees which they contain are not, with the exception of four or live, even nsmed. There are numbers affixed to some of the plant, but What they indicate no one but their writer I nraanma can know.

In Harden ot this de scription in England, on the continent of jsurope, ana i snuuiu mink every where elso on the globe, thoso who run may at least read the names of what they see, if they learn nothing morel at the Sydney gardens they cannot oven learn this, I really hope that the curator or manager of the gnrdens will see the propriety of having plainly painted labels to every tree and plant, and I would suggest that not only the scientific but the native name at least of every indigenous plant should be added, I am, gentlemen, Your obedient servant, A BOTANICAL BTTJDENT. Sydney, May 11. ODD F2LLOWS AND PROVIDENT SOCIETIES, lb the Bditon of the Sydney Morninf Herald. Gbntlsusn, I havo no wish to enter into a controversy with Benevolent," as to the relative merits of Odd Fellows and Provident Societies I each ought to aland on its own meriti. I trespass on your space simply to notice that "Benevolens" has mis-stated, no doubt quite unintentionally, the advantages the 11 Australian Mutual Provident Society'7 offers to deferred annuitants.

Benevolens" states that the annuity of an, lor wincn 17 would be contributed by principal and interest in thirty years, would only be psyable botween the agea of fifty and man' ttrvant corrected her on each occasion. ia a aid whisper. MBs quiet," said she, with a confidential wink, I know hs is only a sergeant, but them sergeants always liks lb be called captains." To scour floors in the beat manner, mix one pint of slaked lime with three parts of oommon ssnd, and scrub the boards well with a hard brush and this mixture. It bring the boards white and clean without the use of soap, and with less labour, "Say, Ctessr Augustus, why am your legs like an organ grinder "Don't know, Mr. Sugar-loaf why ia they Co they carries a monkey about tho streets." A brick grssed the head of Mr.

Sugarloaf, just aa hi ears disappeared round the corner of the street. as is announced inai twelve auter oi enemy are about to embark at Brest to found an establishment at Honolulu, the capital of the Sandwich Island, by invitation from King Kameamca III. Judge Jone, once sitting on the bench, interrupted the interminable long speeoh of a barrister upon a very dry subject, with the sly inuendo If you think vou will put me to sleep like my three learned brethren beside me, you are mistaken." GOVERNMENT VttlOAT, MAY II, IBIS. LAND SALE. At eleven o'clock of Thursday, the 14th June next, tha following Town Allotments will be offered for ssle by public auction, at the Old unitary narracx, ueorge-atreet, oyemey, at the upaet price affixed to each lot respectively.

Deposit 10 per cent. Town Lots. Coooax. 1 8. 2 roods each, Nos.

613 of section 13. pset price 8 per sore. BowaxrBLs. 9 16. 2 rood each, Nos, 18 of section 7, sad 16 and 16 of section 1 Upset price 8 per sere.

GtWDAOai. 17 24. I rood and 36 perches esch, Nos. 1216 of section 12, 3, 12, and 13 of section 8. 26, 26.

I rood and 32 perches each, No. 19 and 20 of section 8. 27. 1 rood and 36 parches, No. 17 of section 2.

28, 1 rood and 32 perches. No. 19 of section 2. 29, 2 roods, No. 1 of section 1.

3035. 1 rood sud 36 perchea each, No. 2 7 of section 1. 36. 2 roods.

No. 8 of section 1. 37. 38. 1 rood and 32 perchea each, Nos.

9 and 20 of section t. upset price tn per sere. Abhidali, Nbw Enoland. 1 4. 1 rood and 13g perches esch, Nos.

14 of section 1 612, I roods each. Nos. 816 of section 1 13. 1 rood and 13 perches, No. 16 of section 1.

14, 16. 2 roods esch, Nos. I and 2 of sec tion 2. 1621. I rood and 134 perches.

Nos. 1 and 4 8 of section 3. 2229. 2 roods esch. No.

16 of ection 3. 3036. 2 rood and 261 perches each, Nos. 17 of section 4. 37.

2 roods, No. 8 of section 4. 8843. 2 roods snd 26J perches each, Nos. 16 and 8 of sec tion 6.

Upset price 8 per acre. IMPOUNDINGS. From tha vstats of D. Cochlll, for trespass OU forest land. 1 Dark grey filly, an- Dranaou, Bear paatarn nina tool wnue, ana pan ol tn wear, star in loraoeaa, oa aaa a ball year old; oa-nugas I.

Hark bay Ally, unbranded, star In forehead, ona and a half rear old daraa Is. If not released thar will ba sold on tha 2Mi Mar. 4. UaAOHSa. Ss.

d. Black Caxss. -By T. Mtidsar, April a Yrllow and white (j cow, like witu under near rump, 7 off shoulder, ear marks. Had and white bollock, JL off rump.

1. off shoulder, ear marks. Ked aud wlilta eow, like i with undrr near rump. 7 of shoulder, ear marks. Brown boll, like wtih under near rump, I on anouMer.

ear marks. Bed and white hrtler, like -l with under nrar runiD. 7 off shoulder. stump tail, ear roarke. Red and white cow, SCOT off nos, nos.

on on suuuiuer ana rump, UK UK near rump. Ked steer. TS with as under off rump, ITU near rump, near ribs damagea Sd. each. Also, by U.

bcolt, Uletidon Chestnut Dorse, wiUiln diamond near aboulder, whit star and streak on face, yellow mane, docked tail, nip T. Raisbsck. If. 6d. Vaaa.

April 1H, from the estate of U. O'Unen. P. Blue and while eow, on the bark near side. Blu and wnit steer bj her side, unbranded.

Light Drown ana wniio spoitea cow, wlt on tne back. Light brown and white heifer by her side, onbranded. Yellow heifer, same brand. Ytlloweovked homed cow, am brand. Red and white male calf by her aide.

un. branded. Bed and white spotted steer, same brand. Dark brtndl steer, both hind fvet white, earn brand. Blu eow, white beck and belly, aame brand.

Black and white steer, same brand. Brown and white heifer, Sana brand. Had and white spotted cow, II neck, HI riba, W-R back near side, female oalf, unbranded, rump, apparently I with Kj ribs off side. Bed and wblto spotted oow. back near side, male calf by her aide, nohrended.

Red and white spotted cow, mal call, Bnbranded. same brand. Strawberry cow, HV rump off aide, WR back near tide. Strawberry hrirer, w'Hbark Dear aide. Damages 3d.

per head If the shore cattle are not claimed In days tbey will be sold. T. Baownaioo. 15a. Sd.

Warn Wtooa-From Wasge Wares. April 17 Light brindl cow, a near rump, iliegibi near riba. Light red steer. IB off rump. 8 or on off shoulder.

SpoUed eow KB off riba, off rump, spotted calf by her side, VB on ribs. Red eow, IKP near riba, 8 near rump. Black aided eow, RU near ramp, II near lib. Strawberry bullock, SK off rutup, sn illegible brand under th SB. Red steer.

Ilk with over near shoulder. Brown cow, 4 JSJ near rump. Bin aided bullock, JSJ off rump, off ribs. Blu sided eow, JR with over near ribs. Yellow bullock.

ramp. Red steer, IS off rump, 4 oil ribs. Light brown cow, near aboulder. Red cow, off rump. JH with rl under near rump.

Red pley bullock, with over off thigh. Black steer, off shoulder, Uk it off rump. Spotted eow, NRnear rump. Red bullock, with II under near rump, Ule-xtble off rump. Yellow cow.

while bark, TH hip and thigh. Red eow, off ramp, lik I off ribs, hpoued poley eow, DK near shoulder. Snail horned hrindle cow. Ilk IP nar rump and ribs. Yellow poley heifer, MM or Mil near rtimp and ribs.

Strawberry calf. WH under near thljtb. Black spotted cow, Wat off ribs, near ribs, like MR near rump. Red poley heifer. Illegible brand near ribs.

Ked and white beifer, I M5 near ribs. Spotted ateer, MB hip and thigh. Yellow cow, II over II near rump, ears marked. lied eow, near thlitli. Red steer, no visible brand.

Red cow, I6S near ribs, of) rump, llrowo cow, J8J over near rump. If the above cattle are not released on or before the 2Hh May they will be sold. Also, from Berry Jerry Chesnut colt, IIOYD under the saddle near side, long tall, star on the forehead, off hind fetlock white, 3 years old, It) hands high. Dark brown coll, BOYD uinirr saddle near aide. over or II, over off aid under the saddle.

oft neck, long tail, illegible brand near shoulder, years old. Hi hands high. If th above horse are not released on or beloi the 4th June they will be sold. E. U.

Sarriass. CI Ss. sd. At-auar Prom Woodringdal station. May I Brotfncow, OUoffhtp.

Brindlecow, J.alK conjoined with a cross over on off ribs, 7 off hip. Strawberry cow, no brand. Dun coloured steer, no brand. Red cow, CB off hip and tiba. Yellow cow, white back, off hip.

Rrindle working bullock, OB with a cross underonoff hip, near ribs, very old. Red and white bullock, off rump, oft ahouldcr. Black working bullock, whit rump, down horns, near shoulder, like )( off hip. one year old. Strawberry bull, not branded.

Black bullock, white hlod legs. III off rump, oft shoulder, Ft) off thigh. Brlndle and white cow, near ribs, BO oft ribs, off shoulder. Whit snail horned eow, ju, off hip. Yellow bullock, white hind quarters, over 00 near ribs, off hip.

Large whit bullock, red bead, over II off hip, W.W off ribs. own poley cow, off hip. Ked bullock, over oft hip, A off shoulder. Brown cow, JSJ over off hip. Yellow and whil beifer.

not branded, on year old. Hed and white heifer, not branded, two yeara old. Brown and whit steer, not branded, year and a half old. Yellow aided working bullock, near sbouidsr, with over and WH under, near thlilh. Red and white heifer, no brand.

Brindl eow, WJ off hip, WE over 31 off ribs. Hed and while oow, CX off hip. Brown and whit bull, not branied, on year old. Strawberry eow, not branded, on year old. Bad and white bull, not branded, on year old.

Yellow eow, PD oft thigh, WH near ribs, Iliegibi brand ff rump. Strawberry beifer and calf, not branded. Brindl eow with calf, Illegible l.rand off rump. Strawberry bailer, a win, a square on rtna. roiey eteer, not nranueo, on year old.

Black working bullock, near aboulder, BD conjoined near hip, off h.trn down. Yellow halter, IO off hip. Brown eow, II conjoined off ribs and thigh. Red eow, Ha with It under oft hip, near hip. Bed and white eow, over and Dli under off libs, St overJC and 1 under off hip.

Brindl steer, down illegible brand oft ribs. Hed sided poley cow, ET off lop. in circle near rwntp, lenow cow, white back, TH over oil hip. Ked steer, not branded, on year old. White steer, not branded, one year old.

Strawberry cow, not branded, three years old. Brindl eow, with under off hip JT near hip, very old. Brindl eow, white back. JC off hip. Red and white heifer.

WC oft rump. Brown poley bullock, 3 off snonioer, von inign. near nip, A near shoulder. Black bullock, white rlsnk, II In diamond off rump. Blue and white bullock.

in diamond off rump. If not released on or before th XBIli May, they will sold. J. Sonaa. Ss.

3d. MiiDoas. From I). Dickinson, Esq, of Mudg, April 30 Bay horse, near hind fetlock white, white star on lerfthead, aaddl marks on back under saddla, white spots from saddle back to th tall, branded WS off shoulder, conjoined near shoulder, near tid of back under saddle, switch tail, aged damage 4s. If not relsased od or previous to tb 14th May, will be Bold.

J. PincCANB. Is. Ad. Daiaoau From Mr.

Bell's, Rrlngellr. ktsjlt Dark bay roll hipped, black points. Ion tall, branded near shoulder appearingly II, I iliegibi, about fifteen hand high, aged, about four var old. Ilrown eott, branded on off shoulder WS, about 3 years old 1 1 hands hleh; damaret, ad. each, ir the ehnva hre are not released in II dsvs they will be sold at tha Court House Yard, Prnntb, en tht first court day.

J. H. II01.T. 10. Sd.

BuNoosia, From Jar lua. Mav 4 Black mare. wnn 1 as unner, or 1 tn reversed on near sliould'-r, apparently aged. If not claimed to be sold on sue sin rfune, j. ni niTK.

Ss. MuawRLUiaooK From 8L Hellers. Sentamhae I Iron grey entire hnrse, brsnded 110 near shoulder, about 8 years old, about hsnds high ilamagea a. Also, from Skellaler Yellow cow, white flanks and thighs, Ull with a) under nesr rump, blolohed brand nffrlbs. Hed and while heifer.

Roan Ally, near hind toot white, star In forehead, branded over with over conjoined sear honlder. Bay ally, black polats, while striae (town thee, rough coat, over I with II tained by two milkings a day. When the milk is drawn three times a day, it is more abundant, hut still less rich. It haa also been remarked that the morning's milk is of better quality than that obtained in the evening. The parent who would train up a child in the way ho should go," must go in the way in which he would tram up the child.

It is a curious fact that one day in November three orders of removal were taken out before the magistrates of a Yorkshire borough, in the cases of psupers who had been respectively 18, 38, and 63 years in the uninterrupted receipt of parian pay rwenty-two muea Deiow uincin-natti there is a field of corn covering six thousand acrea, the crop or which is valued at 100,000, the field producing 76,000 quarters An American lady, who had been tick at Marseilles, and had received many kind attentions from many of her sex, both French and English, was asked to give her opinion respecting the two classes ot ner sympathisers. Her reply was, They were both very kind. The French ladies brought me flower alt day, but the Bnglish ladies sat up with me all night." A oaa eanlnaion took Dlsce in a house in Glasgow, and severely Injured the occupier snd his wile. lho acotaeni arose through some thieve having cut away a few feet of the piping, which waa exposed oa the stairs. Last week, a boy, seven yesrs old, left in charge of a spirit doaler's shop in Glasgow, tor a few minute, drank so much whisky that he bo-came drunk and insensible, waa left to sleep it off, and died in a few hours.

The Oottr Herald tt-lis us that the Duko of Wellington, being at Dover, met three of the National Uusrds, and touched his hat, which the Frenchmen returned, and appeared to be in ecstaciea The Marquis ol Bute haa lent his noble col lection ot paintings lor ten yeara to ine noyai Scottish Academy. If a woman were to change her aex, what religion would she be of She would be a He-then. In the 43rd year of Elisabeth (1601), a bill waa brought into Parliament to prevent men fiom riding in coaches, which waa then conaiuered grow tlh-minacy. A correspondent of the Obterrer slate it as a fact, that for several seasons Mr. Macready received 100 and 120 a-week in London and that lately, at a minor theatre, he was paid the ruinous sum of 50 a-night that at another theatre it is said that 200 a-weck waa last scaaon paid to two performer, which i a larger um than i given to the commander-in-chief of an army, the Lord Chancellor, tho Chief Justice of England, ur the Prime Minister.

Order have been iucd to all department under the control of the Treasury, that whenever a vacancy occurs, no promotion or new appointment is to take place, until pecial enquiry has been made whether the otllce cannot be reduced. The Commi-sionera of Customs and other government bodies have recently adopted a wholeaome regulation, to dimi4 every person in their respective establishment who seeks relief from embarrassments under the Inaolvcnt Debtor's Act. CommsndcT Alexander Boyle, and the Master, Mr. James D. Milne, who were dismissed the service twelve months' since by the sentence of a Court Martial, for the loss of Her Ma jesty's steam sloop, Thunderbolt, at the Cape, have this week been reinstated in lho Uoyal Navy.

The Admiralty have determined that in future an acquaintance with the principle and application of the steam-engine shall be deemed a necessary qualification for all Midshipmen before they can be a'lowed to pass for the rank of Lieutenant. Forty-six silver badges of merit, technically termed "chevrons," have been forwarded from the Inspector-General's Office, Dublin, for the constables who defended the farm-house of Farrinrory against Mr. 8. O'Brien and the Ballingarry insurgents. It ia rather remarkable that the French, with all their aupposed passionate love of liberty, never utter a word of complaint against their conscription sys tem, their police espionage, or their law of passport three of tho most grinding engine of tyranny that can bo conceived.

At Mont-malre, the other night, the inhabitant were disturbed by a strange noise. It was some fellows walking off with the tree of liberty. The poor tree it seems wo desd, and the thieves wanted it fur firewood. What an omen The Cherokee Adrorate estimate the number of professed Christians among the Cherokees, st no less than 2500 about one-seventh of the entire population. In 1813, the Mexican government issued a decree, declaring that all foreign shopkeepers, who did not within six months marry natives of Mexico, should be compelled to shut up shop." About 1590th part of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, is occupied by tho chamber and passages ell the rest is solid masonry.

The following address was delivered by the manager of a small theatre. Thero were only three persons in the house Ladies and gentlemen, as there is nobody here I'll dismiss you all the per-formances of this night will be repeated again to-morrow evening." Wynyatt Hall, the seat of the Marqui of Londonderry, ia now lighted with go, complete go work having been erected half a mile fiom lho mansion. A marksman of Farningham, in Kent, lately undertook, for a wager, to hit a penny-piece 930 times in 1000 shots, and succeeded in winning his bet. Thirteen hundred horses ran at public races in England during tho last season. The word Boh, still used to frighten children, was the name of a tierce barbarian general, son of Odin, who was the terror of his enemies.

The Mayor of Andover waa this yenr elected by lot. The names of naii-a-aoxen mcmoera were pus into nai and the man who protested most loudly against the lottery wss drawn, Instructions have neen issued tnrougnout franco to stop an vagabond and persons without means of living on their way to Paris. None are allowed to proceed, except such as can prove that they have a fair prospect of remunerative employment. Mr. Whiteside's retaining fee in the casoof Mr.

Smith O'Brien waa 600. It is unsafe to buy a reversionary interest cheap by private contract, as the Court of Chancery will, if called on. open the Question of the adequacy of the price. A new valuation of the West Hiding, tor ine purposes ol tne county rate, has just been made. It is 4,063,840 an increase of 1,846,318, or upwards of 76 per cent, on the Into valuation.

At the recent Hereford Quarter Sessions a man was acquitted upon a chargo of felony because he was indicted for stealing bsnk notes, instead of naming the bank to which they belonged, ss the term bank notes" only applies to Bank of England note. M. Girard de Bury, the senior advocate of France, is now (December) living at Paris in the full possession of his faculties, though in his hundred and third year. By virtue of his longevity and survivorship, for 900 francs placed in the Tontine Lal'arge, ie-duccd to 300 franca during the first revolution, he is now in the receipt of 30,000 francs a year It is stated that Sir Richard Jchb was very rough and harsh in his manner. Ho once observed to a patient, to whom he had been very rude, Sir, it ia my way." Then," replied the patient, pointing to the door, I beg you will make that your way." A dying West India planter, groaning to his favourite negro servant, sighed out, Ah, Sambo, I'm going a long long journey." Nebber mind, Mass," said the nigger conxlngly, kirn all down hill," The notorious Joseph Ady is now gain in prison a debtor to tho Postmaster-General for returned unpaid letters, a circumstance much to the advantage" of his numerous proteges.

There is one of the Paris clubs at which the memory of Robespierro is held in such veneration, that when his name is pronounced, every member takes off his hat. The lata Sergeant Onslow was changing horses one ENGLISH EXTRACTS. FRAUD AT TUB BANK OF ENGLAND. Tax circumstance attending thia recent fraud are very remarkable, and the whole facts of the case appear not to be fully understood. It is almost of importance, inasmuch aa the decision of the court of director appeara to admit a new prinoiplo in the management of great publio eetablihmenu.

An error in judgment is made, and for that error in judgment live persona have to pay the 1000 between them, previous good conduct for a aeries of year not being in any way considered, and tho unvarying responsibility attendant on their duties not in the moat remote degree allowed to extenuate a miatake that ordinary and usual care could not have prevented. The following are the facte About two years ago a clerk, in the Bank of England wa posaing from Jones, Lloyd, and Co. through the Lothbury-gste, to his own offico, when he mied his pocket-book, containing aout 1700. Thinking he might have left it at the counter of Jones, Lloyd, and he iininodiitttcly returned, but to hi dumay, could obtain no information concerning it. The distance waa but a few yard a porter ia constantly at tho gnte through which he passed and therefore he had unfortunately not taken the customary precaution of placing the chain attached to his pocket-book around hi neck.

The abovo cirounutance almost preclude the idea that he wo robbed of it in the street and the probability is, that he left it on the counter of Jone. I.lovd and and that aome person engaged in banking husines availed himself of his neglect. A few daye since, a note for 1000, being part of the contents of hi pocket-book, wa presented for payment. The inspector examined it, and handed it as genuine to tho cashier, who, finding the number on the note presented waa not among hi list of stopped thousand. naed it to the nay-clerk, who gave, aa requested, two five hundred pound note for it, and shortly afterwarda gold wa received for these two note.

Subsequently iispicion was excited, and it found that me leaning ngure ot ine numoer tavj nau been changed to a cypher. Notwithstanding these circumstances, the clerka have been changed and ordered to pay the money in the following portions: 1 The cashier who marked the note for nsvmeut is ordered to nsv 300 because four figure out of five agreed with the number of tho (topped note. As the note, However, are numbered In 100,000, it follow that in every erica there are arveral note in which four figure agree and the cashier, aware of this, never look but at the leading figure, and thia figure was not in the note he passed. "2. The inspector has to pay 150, because he handed the note to the cashier aa a genuine note.

This really waa the fact the figure ubatituted for the other being one eut from another bank-note, and so well in-erted that it was not apparent to the eye, two days elapsing before the bank knew how it was done. 3. The clerk who gave gold for the two 500 notes has to rav 100. because he be lieved the person who came to be a banker's clerk and it ia highly probable that thia waa tho case, from the manner in which the notes were lust, snd from the complete knowledge of bank business evinced throughout by the de-fraudera. 4.

The clerk who received Jamea-strcet' aa a auflieient description, ha tn pay 100, because he did not receive a fuller description in thit, however, he did not depart from tho usual practice of the office. 5. The clerk who originally lost the note haa tn pay 350. The fault he committed, end it ia the only one through the whole transaction, waa the neglecting to wear the chain attached to hi pocket-book but then tht ia rarely done in snch a short distance." Statu to the Colonics. Wa hope that we may, at length, congratulate the Australian colonies on a near prospect of obtaining their desire, regular ateam communication with the mother oounlry.

There ia something like a definite pledge from the Colonial Office now before the public government haa gone too iar to withdraw with any ahow of decency and a contract for the conveyance of the mail, by the Singapore route, ia at length on the eve of completion. It will be a great day for Australia, when tho first mail ia received by a steamer from Singapore, continuing the line of communication already established to that point, along the ordinary overland route." The establishment of direct steam communication between Sidney and the mother country will have the effect of rapidly improving the means of inteinal communication all over the country, even if the hopes of the colonists, in respect of railway transit, are not immediately realised. That question has recently engaged the attention of the Legislative Council of New South Wales and it haa been unanimously declared that the period has now arrived when the formation of railway in the colony ought to be commenced." Upon this a aeries of resolutions have been based, letting forth that in order to facilitate the speedy formation of a company for carrying out such a means of transit, it is desirable that the legislature should hold out some peculiar inducement to capitalist to embark their fund in such an undertaking. To this end it is proposed that a grant of Crown land in fee simple should be made to the railway company, and that the legislature should guarantee, for a limited term of years, the regular payment to the shareholders of a dividend at a rate not exceeding mix per cent, per annum upon the first 100,000 of the capital subscribed, security for tho same being taken by the government on the tolls collected by tho oompany." In addition to this it is proposed that certain moneys lying unemployed in the savinga' bank ahoula be invested in railway sharee for the benefit of that institution. Steam is the great civiliaer.

Let us bring our colonies nearer to our own doors, and. with a proper amount of encouragement, their rapid amelioration i certain. It ia not easy to over estimate the disadvantage under which Australia Buffers, separated as she is by so many months of ocean from the mother country, legislation muat pro-oecd at a snail's pace when reports are written by special committees in Juno to be considered at home in December) and minutes from tho Colonial Office penned in December, are submitted to the local councils in June, There is no description of colonial reform of half so much consequence a this. To diminish the distance, as is now contemplated, between tho Australian colonies and the mother country, is, in all that relate to thoso colonies to double the efhoiency of the Colonisl Office, and to clear away a host of difficulties which now embarrass trie government at home, and impede the progress of our distant settlements. Horning Herald, A cakeof native silver, from Lake Superior, has been forwarded to the United States Mint, at Philadelphia, weighing 61b.

lOoi. avoirdupois, or BO-80 ounces troy. An analysis has determined it to be nearly pure. There are three spring wells at Wankan, jn Wisconsin County, in America, which, when the wind is south, discharge double the quantity of wster thst they do at othor lime. Lord Bexlcy, has presented the sum of 200 to the British and Foreign Bible Siciety.

A aoolety. called The Suburban Village Association, haa Just been established in London, for constructing houses on the lines of railway ia the suburbs, for artixans and others of limited income the rent to inolude a daily ticket to and from London, on tha lowest terms. The following sre among tha Stock 20 Tons Liverpool sslt Ditto Taal sugsr 6 Ditto Manila and Java sugar 40 Cheat hyaontkio, ot various favourite brands 86 Chests eongou, brands Brankenmoor, Tho mas Fsilding, and Portsnia Also. Prime fresh Labrador salmon Colmsn's stateh and blue Genuine Cashmere chutney fto fto. N.B.

Excellent family Green ana Black Tea, at oae shilling per pound. 40, Maikst-straet. Msy 12, 7878.

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