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The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia • Page 8

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Drae, Engineer Stiff. Emergen-ties Captain F. V. G. Cm.

TU. Tnfnutr VOUnestOrs of to man nf nvir 711 Than n.n,...i Bent: Iaeuteuaivt J. C. Qarvan, Irish Itiilua. Thn the Britisher more than tbey haU-rt him.

They thought thoy would easily sweep him into tbe sea. On his way to Dolagoa Bay he taw an amusiug message from the Boer huadquarters. Three hundred QUEENSLAND. THE BAINS. BRISBANE, Monday.

Proa telegrams received to-night it is gleaned the Caps by tome mishap. Plenty of vessels are available, however, aud probably the Langton Grange will receive the preference. IS A CONVOY NECESSARY? QUEENSLAND ASKS FOR A WABSHIP. VIEWS OP THE ADMIRAL. The necessity of providing a convoy for ibe trooD- pain.

I had ono Gordon Highlander in the dressing-station, where I bad collected a number of patients, who bad a badly smashed humerus, and after 1 had roughly dress3d it and put it on a straight splint (as I bad no either), be wauted to help me, and later on, vi heu I bad mora time to make an angular splint, I took it down, sot the bone, aud fixed it in the splint without chloroform, giving him, of course, freat paiu, which made bim groan. When finished, asked him if it was more comfortable, aud he said, wvia uronrea 10 DH Milt TO Lsavjirmin nt nnn as it was expected tho town would fall in a few donation of 1150 from Mrs. J. R. Coipe.

whose sou is a member of tbe contingent, towards tbe eipanMs of the nurses' outlit. Mr. John Gordon, of Messrs. D. and W.

Murray, has presented two hones for the contingent, and tbey were taken iuto tho csmp this afternoon. THE QUEENSLAND CONTINGENT. BRISBANE, Tuesday. The Government has decided that after the departure of the cccond Queensland Contingent a camn uuys, aim tne rruuks would be required to convey ttw prisoners. The messace also stated that the rain- course was to bo prepared for tho reception of the Sydney? ifiju.

nue ne whs at uaiugoa ilav a ranch steamer came from Capetown cn its wav to Madagascar havinc on boatri 'in Hnllnnri nnH rcuuuuiai seniority 01 owcers of the above unit will 1)0 mQy De decided. Ait early as possible the ubovunientioucd (who have not already line so) will repnrl thumsdves special service Mncerstothe A.A.I... others to the O.O. Mounted lufantry (Major Knight) for instructions and duty wpectivcly. GENERAL ITEMS.

A church parade fcr Protestant and Roman Catholic denominations of members of the New Wales coutiupents now beiug argauiscd will be held on Sunday nest, the 1-Itb instant (service to commence at 'SMU p.m.)t at St. Andrew's aod St. Mary's Catht-Uiuls respectively. Details to be issued heif-uftvi. Lieutenant G.

Ttvrie, 1st AtiMraliun (Volunteer) Horse, to ba act hi" adjutant, with pay at the rate of 6s per diem, vico Lieutenant Thompson, proceeding active service. To tike uffect from loth iustaut. They stopped at bis hotel and left next miming for Bbips outward bound from Australia to the Cape has beeu asserted by the Government of Queensland. Yesterday the Premier (Mr. Lyne) received a mesjaae from tbe Premier of tbe northern colony asking that consideration be giveo to tbe question pevpin in (apciowu Knew notning about the matter.

Mr. l)oriir in nf nmnim. th-it that welcome rains have fallen at various inland stations, notably Warwick and Oharleville. A thunderstorm passed over CharloviUe yesterday afternoon, and some heavy showers fell. Reports from tho surrounding country speak of the rainfall, and on the Adavale-road rain has fallou in samoieut quantities to open the road, which bad been practically closed through the scarcity of water.

Over an inch has also fallen during the 24 hours ending 9 a.m. to-day at several stations in the far north -woat, anl nearly half an shall be kept at the Exhibition iu tho event another draft of Australian troops being sent to South onunnenimrg, owing to its mineral wealth, will nave a great luturo uuder lintish rule. of ssnding a warship as convoy to the troopships, in Ainca. ine second contuigeut (including New Australasia briiias the total of oflicers view ot the fact that danger might be apprehended from vest els bearing lotters of marque from the and men despatched tn abntit ItfOO. If it is decided THE PATRIOTIC FUND.

The hon, treasurers. Measra. J. Rtitan1l Franrh anA unanimously, and amid cheering. Subscriptions promiied during tho meetiog reached the satisfactory total oi 2334, aud included oll collected at the Mai bourne Club.

Au open-air concert was held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground last night by the M.C.C. la aid of tbo Patriotic Fund. It yielded 270. IA portion of the above appeared in our second edition yesterday. Upwards of shillings have been subscribed to the Tommy A (kins fund.

Ths subscriptions to the Empire Patriotic Fuud opened at the public meeting iu tbe Towu Hall last night amount to 3037, and the no Inscriptions to the Victorian Patriotic Fund opened by tho 41 Argus" newspaper PATRIOTIC FUND IN NEW ZEALAND. AUCKLAND, Tuesday. The American Tobacco Company has given 100 guineis tn the Patriotic Fuod. The date of tho contingent's departure is now fixed for tho 20th, but it is doubtful if they will get away by that date. ACqiDKNT TO THE WHITE STAR STEAM Mi rERSlC.

Messrs. Dalgely and Co rt-wcKouliiig the White Star lino (Mossiu. Inuiay, lame, ami of Liverpool), have received a cable stating that the Peic, bound to Sydney, from Liverpool December haa arrived at Capetown with her rudder damaged, and will delayed probably for a period of tiro weeks. Thn Pernio is a Bitter ship to the Medio aud the Afiic, and was under charter tu carry troops from this colony to South Africa. She is a twin-screw vessel of tons.

Iransvaal Government. Mr.Lyue communicated to Rear-Admiral Pearson. inch at Bouua. In the Southern Division rain of a T. A.

Dibbs, report Oh, yfs, it is quito nil right, Ihen bo began to laugh, and I asked him what about, aud be said, Well, sir, vou know it is bo funuy not t3 have any paiu, and I could not keep him still. He was walk ing ill round with a clay pipo, and as pleased as Punch. Poor Woolls-Sampsou got his thigh smashed, and when I was fixing him up in the Hold he said, You know, I always thought I was a bit ot a philosopher, but it is very harl to be philosophising over this when one gets knocked out tint go, and I can't have another shot at them. But I ahull go into Pretiria with you yet All ours have received great praise from all for their behaviour, and thoy ate a regiment am very proud to belong lo. We shall probably ro-main here for some time, and it will givo us a chanoo of getting re-orgauisud.

We bavo murched aod counter-marched, and struck camp so ofteu, aud left our kits, that mauy of us have little left, and we did not havu much to begin with. For a week our food was dry bread and billy benf and colTeu without milk or sugar ouco a day with a scrap of bread now and then, BonietiiueB betweeu, und if ws got two goes of the simo we were very lucky. We got about 27 hours' sleep in six days. We ure all happy and good-tempered, and though we growl, we dou't moan it." patcby nature has fallen. Amount previously tidvised 10,743 3 0 iu semi a unm lot to bnog the total up to ftOlH) tho Queensland Government will be orepared to contribute a number from the colony pro rata.

Heuco it is considered advisable to continue the camp. There will be Buflicieot material to work upon, and it is tbe intention of tho Government tint there shall be as littlu delay possible should further heln from I'fTitmi l'on-liml in in the Admiral commanding the Australian station, the text ot the message. The Admiral replied that he did not consider there wai uuy danger of our trans -mihii rmnniyse rinn iisti i ig ports bung attacked, but if tho colonies desired it b. rev anrt T. and CV It fund (5th 11 Dr.

I.n f. F. Neill a THE EUREKA MURDEE. Tuesday. A wiro from Cbildera states that the police no would mauo representations to.

and the necenssiv It is anticipated that Canada will bo prepared to do arrangements with, tho naval commsudcr at Cape- camp at Stanton-Harcourt haa been broken up. Tim Premier has forwarded codv of the Admiral's AT reply to the other colonies, and sits answers from THE VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT. PROPOSED CIVIL SEKVICK REGIMENT. ACTION IX THE WORKS DEPARTMENT. A meeting of the oflicers of the Works Department was held vostorduy afternoon for the purpose of forming a votuutuftr corps uuioniist the oflieaia of the depurtmunt.

Tim proposal is that one or two stroug companies shall bo unrolled to form a portion of the propose I Civil Mervico Rpgfmcut, which would include ropresctitutiros from all brauclioa'of the service. The chair was ikcn by Mr. It. It, P. Hickson (Under-Secretary fur Works), who was supported bergoant iielly und Acting bsrgeuat lung, uf Bundaberg, returned to Childora last night.

THE STEAMER WAKRK2AL PORT ADELAIDE. goucrr tbe irour of an inspection of tbeir EENOWNED AND EXTENSIVE STOCKS ut FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, BEDDING, CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, CUETAINU FURNISHINGS. A Tjttt to our Establishment will repay those in sur FUBKlTUftE OP AETISIIO MEEIT AND SOUND WOBKMANSHU at INEXPENSIVE RATES. Tne FURNITURE SHOWROOMS ABE SITUATED IN TUB MAOKEI-STaEEJ BUILDINQ, BEDDING, All Beddlnr is manufactured on the premises at on Kent-street ractory trum the purest materiaU ubtainabl We bold the highest reputation for this work. Purcbaun mav rely upon obuinintr comfortable, durable, and tea.

Domical from our EsUblubmout, OwiDg to tho dtBooveries of Messrs. Itidgoway and toe several I'remmrs. I'erRonalJy he is of opinion that there is uo uecosnity for a couvov, but if bis opinion is not shared by the other Premiers he will of course defer to them. Rlankman the police had the aboriginal who was ADELAIDE. Tuesday, subsequently arrested under strict surveillance Sir c.iiin fimrMi, lis V.O.T..

Amount cuJItVtfd Nurlh tivdnev Orphans int'il on January iliirinfr Hie Miiyinp of tho A hunt Mmtb'd lfctfaar by 11. Kniiifnrrl tmpluyttes li. 1'.!l"ld (iivnre Collivlctl Ht.Tervls Day bv T. Rosa ltr.

1-iflW, 0 10 0 Dmt 0 6 0 11. Ilurdman 0 A 0 iflt H.Ui-nt ft Mis. (l. Dent 6 W. Howe ft 0 MM! 0 6 0 Smaller sums loo DR.

within two hours after the post-mor torn examination Tho whole investigation is now completo. The work of tracking, owing to the heavy rain, Tho Warngal, with tho New South Wales Artillery on board, is expected to leave Port Adelaide at 8 o'clock to-morrow morninR. this morning the work of temporarily trunshippiiig the remaining 60 or bo horses foi the purposes of PRESENTATION TO NEWMARCH. by Mr. 'Sullivan (Minister for WorkB), and about was very arduous.

Too much praise cannot bo given to Messrs. Ridgeway and Blackoian for their careful work. Tho patrolling' of every road to and from Stanton -Harcourt has been most exercise was begun, and it was accomplished iu uood At the annual meeting of tho North Sydney Orphans, held ou Monday night, Dr. Newmarch, au FROM omcers of tho department wero present. A short speech was made by tho Minister iu which he suit! ho would render every assistance old member of the society, who has volunteered for A LADY'S LETTER NATAL.

thorough. No other suspicion has been justified. The tracking had to be carried on for miles on 3ervice in houth Africa, was presented with a souvenir by tho members as a token of regard and es iu his power with tho view of promoting tho object hands and knees. time. Some of the beasts wero trifle obstinate, but ou the whole tbey offered very little objection to tho proceeding.

Tbfty were taken to an allotment in the vicinity of the rifle ranges, and tbey returned to the ship considerably benefited by the outing. Ou Monday two horses died from flatulent colic, having previously beeu sick. Tbe commanding oflicer is fleeting to replace them by two local bones. One or two animals are suffering slightly from injuries received in tbe stalls during the voyage, Out beyond teem. The preseutatiou wui made by the nowly elected president, Dr.

Gordon M'Lood, aud con Tho authorities havo detained 80 cases ot fruit which arrived in Brisbane from Sydney, consigned Amount thrown on Mafic, ITrr Mnimty'a 'ihuiln, during tho AbMnt-W in-1 lli'snr," by MUa Leitby Vune, on 8th inntunt O. M. Merivale tt. Maiden John Ushlwin K. J.

Heath (Ju. Unlit Itiitamifa Loildc, No. U.A.O.T), Collected by William at Cumnock to a local jam factory, ino fruit, when ex sisted of a gold-mouuted fountaiu pen. In the course of his remarks he said tbey could not allow him to leave without a small token of their goodwill aud appreciation of his public spirit in volunteering atnined, proved to be infested with codliu moth, the nest being discovered in fully five dozon of tho lucoo nu uiu in excellent couoilion. fruit in one cose alone.

Tbe fruit will be sent THE WATTLE, SHAMROCK, THISTLE, AND ROSE, A POEM BY GERALD MASSEY. Mr. John Poitus has brought uuder tho notice of tho Minister for Works the following poem by Mr. Gerald Massey, in reference to tho despatch of tbe cuutiogent to tho Soudan, aud Mr. E.

W. O'Sullivau hu forwarded it to ub for publication Ti Klonouawhen the thing to Uo la at the supreme in taut dune We count your Hrst furerunuias few A thuuKamt meu for every one 1 For thtK true utroke uf ntaU-Hinanibip Th bwt poeni yet-Old llnnfanii fives your han'l tbo grip. And binds yon with a coronet. In which the tralil o' tbe Wattle glows With tihainrook, ThuiUe, aud tho Itoae. They talked of Enalnml growing old They eaul tfpnke with feeltle voice llm hear tbe virile answer rolled J.

Acro5s tbe wol Id llchnld out boys Come hack to hrr full-ttturet men. To make fmt-piare htr il'lilin ranks, She feel- youth renewed airaia. With heart too full for aught t.ut Thanks t' A no now the pnld the Wattle glnwa With Shamrock, Thistle, and the Kosa. My boys have come of aiif The proud old mother smilinir i-airt They write a brund pi page to-day By iir-oiF futures read 'throughout all lands of Uritish blood 'I his at ok- hnth kindled ouch a glow The federal liuku of hrolbrrhood Arc cliispeil und wi'lilrd at a blow. Au.l aye the Kld the Wattli glows With Shamrock, Thiotlc, and tbe Itoao.

for active service iu the 1 ransvaal. He presented him with the souvenir with best wishes for a plea- "A1 back to Sydney, consigned to the firm which shipped it. EUCALYPTUS FOR THE BATTERY. 10.841 IS A LECTURE ENTERTAINMENT AT RAND-WICK. The Hand wick Town Hall was crowded to oxcajis At tho Cabinet mooting to-day it was decided.

saut voyage and a safe and speedy return. (Applause.) Dr. Newmarch said he found no words that could adequately express his thauks for the present and the expressions of goodwill which accompanied BEDDING PURIFIED AND EE-MADE EQUAL TO NES; to close with the A.U.b.M. Company tor a triweekly mail service to tho North from Brisbane. ADELAIDE, Tuesday.

Messrs. Faulding aod Co. sent on board tbe War- on Monday niibt, when the Rev. C. H.

Talbot delivered an interesting lecture on tbe Transvaal war, under the auspices of the local branch of the New South Walej Patriotic Fuud. The length of time fixed was three years, aod tho it no imqieu uu wouiu merit ino opiniou Vol Co I by tbe presidout. Prom childhood he had wished to rigal two large cases of eucalyptus oil for annual subsidy was ibouw. it is believed this the nss of tho members of the New South Tho Hon. John See, M.L.A.

(Minister (for Defence) will meet the requirements not only of tho Gulf Wales Artillery. This was iu accordance occupied the chiir. and on thn plitform were Messrs. porta bat also of tho business firms of Bnabant, serve with the trooon, but it was not until he had reached an advanced that tbe opportunity had presented itself. He hoped his action would be such a to merit te contiuaed aud permanent goodwill of his friends.

Cheers.) Dr. Newmarcb's health was enthusiastically drunk with musical honours. uavm Ettorcr. al.L.A,. A.

u. lieonre Wall. with an r.ffer made to and accepted by Malor-Geoeral French. When the balance of the New The following letter has beon received iu Sydnoy from lady in Natal, It bears date of Hilton-road, November 23 No nowa since of or from Ladysmith is still closely invested by tho Boers. This is the sevonteeuth day since all communication has been cut off by rail and wire.

I am so sorry I can give you uo news of You must all be very anxious about him. Tho Government have had despatches through which have boon cabled home. They got them bv native runners and carrier pigeous down to Maritzburp in cipher, of course. The Boers several limes stopped tbe natives and searched them for despatches, but thoy carried them all the same. It is an auxiaus, wearying time watcliing for news.

Three weeks now. Tho investment began on November 'J, aud all communication is cut eff both by rail and wiro. Tbe Uoersbrtve been bomburdiog Ladysmith tinco them. It must be a forlorn hopo for them, as thoy are still at it. We have again lost several bravo officers two of tbe Imperial Light Horse Captain Brabaut an! Captuiu Kuapp.

1 knew them both. Captain Brabaut is a son ot Colonel Brabant, of East London. I bavo written to your people at home telling them of any news 1 of His last letter to mo was wnttou on November 1, My itistor is also at Lady-smith. She will have a varied experience to relate of the siege, as they had to move their hospitals. The Dutch tinug their biz guns into town, tbe wounded were in danger, so they moved them out of range, aod under canvas.

She ay- it was auy thing but pleasant hearing tho shells whistling over the hospital when first the bombardment began. I feel sure you will atrreo with mj when I say tho Boerhasdouu verv much better thuu we all imagined in this wr. South Wales troops arrive here a similar presenta- uuu win ue mauo lu uiem. Aldermen I. tt.

Hodgson and -J. A. 1. Perry, F. G.

Crouch, P. John Wallace, H. W. Jones I hon. treasurer), and I.

B. nodgsou, jun. (hon. secretary). Tho whole of the proceedings were of a particularly enthusiastic nature, aud tho entertainment was a great success.


ine tltairman. in a speech, referred to ths stem COUNTRY VOLUNTEERS. COWRA, Tuesday. The following have been arcentcd for service P. ENGLAND CHAPLAIN.

The Itev. H. J. Rose has been anoointed to serve the present (Government had taken -tj assist the mother country in tho war wheh bad been forced ou THE NAVAL BRIGADE. TO THE EDITOR OF THE HERALD.

Sir, In view of tho gouermls ut the front saying faccordinc to accounts in this morniiui's issue 'of hr, thus showing the great loyalty of tbe colony. Ho read the three addresses which had heo received by tbe Australian troops from tho residents of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, from former Australians Moon, F. Keys, and S. Wricbt. liost week the following left for examination for the bushmeu's contingent Ormsby, Doyle, Bell, Bruce, aud Downey.

as chaplain to the uext Transvaal ucntitifont. Mr. Hoee held a commieiiim as chaplain to tho Soudan contingent in 18.S5, and he also acted as chaplain to the brigade of Guar Je and to tbe Cavalry Brigade during the campaign of that year. He received the lor which tho meeting had boon called. He thought that such an outburst of patriotism reflected tho greatest credit on the depart meut, Tho times were really perilous, and Australia was more con-corned iu the present war than might at first sight bo thought.

Ho believed, however, that Austmlians would bIiow that they were not unworthy bous of thoir lighting forefathers. (Applause.) It might be, for all auyoue could tell, that the war iu South Africa was only the beginning of a greater war which might test the stamina of the whole Empire. New South Wales bad already a large number of meo to South Africa, and nioro wero goiug. He therefore agiced that it ww wise that steps should be taken to ouroll men for the dfeiico of their own colony, and ho was elul that the Civil servants, especially those of the department administered by him, hud takou tho muter up no enthusiastically. He would personally reconinieud tho scheme to his colleagues, und he had no doubt tint the Cabinet rroulu support the movemeut.

(Applause.) Major Veruon (Government Architect) moved, That in the opinion of this meeting it is desirable to form a purely volunteer corns iu connection with the Public Works Department, the members to cou-list of tho oflicers and Hoexplainedthat he was not in favour of the formation of a rifle dub Dnly. He thought the men ought to learu drill, and also a knowledge of military movements, lie hoped that a couple or strong companies would bo formed iu the department, to bo part of a regimont of Civil servants. (Cheers.) The motion was seconded by Mr. W. J.

Mi liner, assistant enpiueer for sewerage construction, and carried unanimously. A second resolution was moved by Mr. W. J. Hanua (assistant mutineer for roads and bridges), aud supported by Mr.

Drew (assistant architect), 11 That the sanction of the Minister for Works bo solicited, and that he he asked to favourably recommend the movement to the Minister for Defeuoe, in order that the necessary instructors may be appointed to completo the organisation." This was agreed to. It waB also resolved, on the motion of Mr. F. R. Steele (accountant), seconded by Mr.

II. F. Norrie (clerk in eharue of bonds and contracts)," That in, order to meet the wishes of a number of oflicers who may from various causes bo unable to join as active members, and are still desirous of expressing lyinpathy with the movoineut, a roll of honorary members bo formed, the subscription to be 10s per inuum." Mr. T. Cromen and Mr.

E. Harris wero appointed trnn. secrot'iries, and the names of between oO and 60 Dflicers were eurolled at the meetiug. UOVGMEN'T BY TUB LANDS DEPARTMENT. Tho Premior has received a communication from the survey branch of the Deuartmetit of Lauds On December 23 a quantity of wreckage was found at Port Plrie, und inquiries made at the time gave no duo concerning tbe supposed wreok.

On Sunday more wreckage was found, includiog a companion ekylight tind a fore-hatch attached to the deck of a craft of about 15 tons also the now resident there, aud from tbe South African UUON AM LILK, Tuesday. H. E. M. M'Culloch.

a volunteer, was iriven a Leacue. on tho occasion of the Australian troonn your paper) that tbey will use artillery before charging the hills and trenches of tbe enemy, 1 think Captain Hixson's splendid offer of a battery of six guns and VJ.0 men folly officered should receive instant Attention, as tbo mou who would go havo sand-off yesterday. lauding at that port. Mr. Sea's remarks wore frequently applaiuted, and tbe reading of the addresses deck-planks, shear-pole, and planking battens.

TO COUKTBTiCUSTOMEBS, ALL PUBNTTDRE, Ac, is CAREFULLY VCltEII and Delivered to Sydney Kailwav Station FBEE, experienced Packers employed, and. eyery prccsutitm observed for safe delivery. wujjiAiuis, Messrs. Donald Fraser. James Haves.

T. Iliffe. was tue signal or mucn grutincatioii. near) all been men warsmcn who have seen ser Tbe Rov. C.

It. Talbot, in the course of hi nd. The opinion prevails that somo small craft has been totally lost. Captain Creswell received no further news of tho wreckage, and does not think it belonged to any South Australian craft, as none vice in various parts of the worlJ, a big percentage dress, traced tbe history of the Transvaal from itN earliest days up to tbe present, dwell me larnelv on and that the Transvaal Government had more up and P. English have volunteered their services for South Africa.

They are proceeding to Sydney to go into camp aod prepare for the third contiupent. nereral have also anplied to the secretary of tho Bushman's Contingent for permission to join. wearing-war uieuais ana taorougaiy up to ineir work, und could be got ready ia verv short time tne enevuuees ot the itlanders and the unavailing special commendation oi uneansr-ucneral Mr tt. T. Ewart, K.C.B., of the M.O., and of tbe seuior chaplain for his services, and be was recommended to tbe New South Wales Government by tbe oflicer commanding tbe contingent (Maicr-General Richardson, C.B.).

His present uppioutment received the cordial approval of the Archbishop of Sydney, and of the representatives of the Presbyterian and Wesleyan bodies (the Right Rev. W. M. Dill Macky and ths late Rev. S.

Wilkinson). Mr. Rosa is at present rector of St. Annu's, Strath-held, and he has held a commission as chaplain to tho partially-paid and volunteer forces sinco 18S5. For his services during the Suakim -Berber campaign he received the modal and clasp and the Kbedival Star.

steps taken by the home authorities to have them redressed, thus causing Great Britain to enter into war are reported overdue or missing, lie believes tbe gear too small to bo part of the stranded schooner Lucretia. their sleeves tliau we thought, tionielimcs I feel so anxious about that 1 often fear to open the paper iu case of bad news. Then at other times I feel be is quite safe and well. Some of our menfolk here, it is wiid, have pricra put on their heads bv the with tuo'boora. winch, he contended, was necessary in and made thoroughly efficient by their splendid instructor (Mr.

Rickwood), and are anxious to do their bit towards helping tbeir native land, and that they should ba put iu training at onco with tbo guns they would have to use. Besides tins, it would be grand thing for this colony to lie able to say they were the first to offer a naval contingent out of all the British colonies. order to maintain tie supremacy of the Empire The lecturer concluded with a peroration on the enemy. You will hear almost as foon as I do by cablo when commiiuizatioti is open to Lidyamith. FARMER and COMPANY, Limitecl, SYDNEY, EXTENSIVE RAILWAY STRIKE tiituro oi tun race, wntcn wus louuiv cheered.

Interqersfd songs were suog by Mrs. S. K. IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA. I would suggest tbat as it is almost certain a continuant of bushmeu will shortly bo leaving for the uenneuy, who rentiereu Jessie a uream air.

J. Esteus, When the Empire Calls Mr. S. It. Keuuudy, The Deathless Army and Mis Sher-lick, who plavcd an overture.

Mr. R. Kennedy also recited "Tho Absent-minded Beggar," and a collection pur medium of a hat produced 10. A hearty rotoof thatils to Mr. Talbot eras proposed by Cape, tho Government should try und send tho naval contingent at the same time, as it appears to me that ACTS OP VIOLENCE THREATENED.

PERTH, Tuesday. FAREWELL TO POLICE VOLUNTEERS. A meeting of the committee appointed bv the police SHIPPING REPORTS. (Continued from Page 6. FORBES, Tuesday.

Major Thompson concluded his horse-buy in to-dsy. Between 400 and 500 wero put through the yard, and 76 were purchased at price raugiug from 6 to 23. They were mostly small draughts and saddle pomes, big horses being invariably rejected. LTSMORE, Tuesday. R.

Wilmot, for some years a bugler in Wol-longong Artillery, submitted his name for servico in tho Mounted Infantry without getting a reply. Then be communicated direct, with the result that he was directed to proceed to Sydney. Ho leaves to-morrow. MOSS VALE, Tuesday. A large and enthusiastic public meeting, called by Mrs.

Alick Osborne, and presided over by the Mayor, Alderman W. Jones, was held in tbe Centennial Hall. The object was to mnko urrmgements to flood a box of hospital comforts, such as nightingales, blankets, chocolate, blindages, to troopa in South Africu. Tho following ladios' committee to carry out the object in view was selected: Mrs. Alick Oaborno, Lady Inncs, Mesdames Throsby, Morrice.

Ross. Gale. Lamhert. Parke. Wallace.

mis orancu ot the service is mucn more required than infautry at the present time. Jan. Iam, arc, NAVAL. r. aipoks, Boconaeu ov Aiuermtu I'errv.

aim suu- A deputation representing various branches of tho Locomotive Department yesterday waited on tbe Minister for Railways, who stated, in reply liorted by other gontlomon on the platform. After a fores to arrange tbedetails of au entertain tnont which it has been decided to give to the members of the voto oi nan ts had beun naxsed to tne chairman on PA AM ATT A DISTRICT. to a direot question, that ho wbb not prepared to the motion of Mr. Talbot, the audience snug lustily force who are about to proceed to South Africa on inform the deputation whether tbere was any uoci oavo tue uueen." ine Liocal oraucli wdl military service was hold last night at the Central truth in tho rumour that Mr Campbell, luoomo benefit to tho extent ot about 3U by the entertain-meut. Police Barracks.

Seuior-sargeant Broderick presided, and among those preseut were Detectivo M'Leau regarding the proposed formation of a volunteer (non, secretary), tterjieant lfrooks (hon. treasurer), tivo ocginecr, had received notice. The Minister asked the deputation whether it endorsed the terms of the resolution sent to him from the Eugine-drivors and Firemen' eg Association, which was to the effect that unless an assurance wan givoa that Mr. Campbell be retained they would jom patty, it is scateu. mat oiuceis nave already ioliomtud their desiro to join.

The movement, Mr. Lvne understands, has been token no with a cood xjetBciives ixocnu ana urown, aenior-ecrgesnt tJiacit burn, Sergeant Brad lev. and Senior-couBtable Mur Deal of enthusiasm, aud tho hope is expressed that CANTERBURY. Ou Monday evening a meeting to further the Patriotic Fund was held in the Canterbury Town Hull. The Mayor (Alderman J.

Deuuiss) preside J. A resolution alliriiiing the desirability of establishing a lcuil brauoh of the fund was moved by Mr. Parkes, M.L.A., seconded by Alderman M'Boan, and enrrind unanimously. The speakers referred to the trend of current events iu the Transvaal, and tho infirvannrl tir(rittif t)mt NTistml thn utronirlhAnlnn Davies, Samuel, Stevenson, Youuc, Bloomfleld, and docli. It was decided tunt a smoke concert should bo toudercd the Elits Hall, Victoria Markets, on Monday night next.

Ml the police volunteers from DEEPENING OF THE PARR AM ATT A RIVER. At a meeting of tbe Parmmatta Borough Council on Monday evening, the questiou of tho deepening of tbe Parramatlu River again came uuder discussion, when tho Mayor moved, 41 In the opinion of this council the deepening of the Pu-ramatta River from Duck River westerly is a work of great commercial value to the town of Parrumatta and surrounding districts, With a view to taking the necessary action for carryiug out this important and much ueeded work, the Mayor be hereby authorised tn convene a public meeting of nil interested at an early date, to tuke whatever steps aro deeinod necessary to curry same into effect." Alderman Toohey raided a point as to whether the resolution was in otder. The Mayor said tho council had brought tbe work into action. It was. in fact, part various puns oi ine colony, nearly ou in number, with the oflicers of the continennt with whom thnv Utmpbeii.

Air. How, of tho Commercial Uank, kindly consented to receive parcels. NEWCASTLE, Mondiy. The Mavor of Newcastle (Alderman Timburv), in cease to work. Tho members ot the deputation replied that no definito action had been decided.

Tho Minister promised to make ell the circum toe uovei-nmeut nut eauctiou ttie establishment ot the company. THE AUSTRALIAN BUSHMEN'S CONTINGENT. will ta mora intimately use a cm tad. will invirH. acu a comminee was appointea to arrange a musical response to a request by tho executive committee of of the fund locally, 'ihuy praised the bravery of the colonial troops who had been in action, aud showed how valuable the eflorts of their compatriots aKiiiust the enemies of Britain were, in the forma tue uusumen contingent runa, nas opened a subscription list, and citizens are invited to contribute.

stances known through the press, but was not prepared to do so just theo. He did not recognise any right on tho part of the employees to interfere or dictate to him on matters affecting ad-Ministration. Developments aro awaited. Much programme ror ine occasion. THE VICTORIAN It is probable that a branch of tho central movemeut tion of a new and noble character umougst Australians.

Tho uativos had been tried aud not found wanting. A committee consisting of the Mayor and Arrangements have been made by the exesutrve Committee of the Australian Bushmen's Contiugent, through tho chairman, that tho Govermxeut shall win oe lormua nere. Newcastle will be represented in the second con tin cent by no less than five oflictrs, addition to i interest in Bhown by the pubho in the matter. uur men will have to relay ino line iu parts, and put up the telegraph wires. "jTror-ps hive beon pouring through tbe last week, and we havu bones that Lidysmitli may be relieved before the eud of tho month i Novemlier), General lluller baa his First Army Corps here.

It is a gigantic task, so ho cannot tush matters. I have found timo to write further and givo ynu later new. The liners are to-duy (November 'li raiding this side of Entcbiirt, und have torn up the rails and line. So uow we arc farther otT than over of Rotting nows frrmi Ladvsmith, as Eh court ib fo completely cut oft from us, as wall as Ladysmith. It makes one very despondnnt, as tKu hitter, we hoped, wnull shortly bo relieved.

Now thero is uo chance until Estcourt ha communication with us. Wo don't, so fir, appear to have nrul much headway against tho Dutch. Luet week there wus the nrmy train accident, in which wo lost so heavily, and had numbers of our meu, two olliccrd, and Mr. Winston Churchill taken prisoners to Pretoria, and now this followH cn. They have not mobilised tho Second Army Corps yet, but are talking of doing bo.

We have nvet 40,000 men now quite iU.Ul'O here tbe others itt Qtieenstown, Kim be ley, and Mafeking. Thn two lust named pin cos must be relieved. Ladysmith ia spbMidMly provisioned, aod they have heaps of iiminuoilioii. There are about regulars in Ladysmith, aod quite '2000 others. Nearly every volunteer iu Natal bus gone to tbe war.

They have turned out suleudidly. The Boers (ire only 'about 40 miles from us uow. Yesterday they raided Mr. Simmons' stud farm at Mooi River, aud oommaodecred l.i,00 of horseflesh. They do it constantly, but I am much afraid we will have to pay ourselves.

We have had a lot of rain ever since the wur began. I am poiting tins in hopes of it going to Australia by au oxtra boat." THE HORRORS OF WAR. AS SEEX BY A SUUGEOX. Ia tho South Australian Register of tbe tfh iustant tho followingiuteresting sxtracts from letters written by Dr. Willie Davies, who is with tho Ambulance Corps at Ladysmith, am published.

With referonoi to the battle of Elands Laagto he says: Major Wools-Sampsoo, of tho Imperial Light Horse, tell wi ll a bullet thiough the thigh early then Colonel Scott Chiaholme was shot through the foot elmhtly nearly at the end of tho light, and then was shot through tho chest. Ho was lifted up by Lamb aod unothor, but almost immediately was shot through the bead. Directly after he was dropped Lamb was shot through the knee. 1 operated on him to-day, and he will be a very lucky fellow if his leg is saved I am much afraid of it. "Tho fight was far advanced before I and my men were in it at all, Sampson beiog tbo first to whom 1 was cultcd.

We helped several others while trying to tind bim, ond were only uoder flru for a short time. It was uow dusk aud raining, and soon became aldermon was formed, with power to add to their undertake tbe detail work conuected with the Bhip- iitmbtT. on too motion ot Alderman uuimt and Air. large complement of men. The local oflicers who have been selected to proceed to tbe front are Captain Hilliard (adjutant 4th Infantry Uegiaient J.

I'uiih, tho former referring in hearty terms ti tho call upou local residents to diplay their sympathy tor special papism lutrasav opeianu (in-smears Corns for special service). Dr. Eames und Tho Ministers informed the press representative last night that for some time post frbtion had existed between the general manager of (railways and the locomotive engineer. Every effort had been made to allay this, but without satisfactory result. The Mioister therefore decided it would not bo wise to allow this to continue any longer.

He had discussed the situation with Mr. Camp witn tlis ooys at ine iront 10s was collected piug of the meu to South Africa. The executive committee, however, has reserved to itself the right nominating those who are to go. In conformity nrith this understanding the Government announces its preparedness to receive all horses which may be aud parcel of tho sewerage scheme, aud it was for them to urge tbat tbe work bo carried out right up to the Leuuox Bridge. It wai sanitary matter, and it was absurd to question wbotherthe mattet was one for the council to take up.

He would, while he occupied tbe pjMlion be did; never submit to sesing the council dragged to a position second to a body not elected by the people. Alderman Sauudets seconded the resolution. Aldermau Toohey thought the council had neglectod its duly from start to fiuish tbe flood gates, the concrete work, aud everything conuected with it. The a.iUOU for deepening the river in tbo room. Dr.

Horsfall (Army Medical Corps), and Lieutenant EX FIELD. A meeting of Enlield residents was held in the placed at the disposal of tho contingent at the Rand ai'iilinn (quartermaster ot inu itn jniantry i(gt ment). Captain Luscombe, who is also proceeding to tbe front, was recently stationed at Port Scratch-ley, Newcastle. NARRABRI, Tuesday. Major Thompson has intimated to tbe Mayor his intention to visit Narrabn.

Tvcarmah. and Moree to wick camp, and to loik after them up to the time of DISCUSSION IN THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. THE BILL PASSED THOUGH ALL STAGES. MELBOURNE, Tuesday. In tho Legislative Assembly this afternoon, after formal business, a message was received from tbe Governor, recommending the appropriation for equipping and despatching tbe cottingeut.

After a brief discussion the message was agreed to, And a bill introduced to give effect to it. The Premier, on rising amid cheers, to move the second reading, expressed the hope that it would be bell, who felt it was impossible for him to con local Towu Hatl on Monday uiht for the purple of formulutini; a scheme for the benelit of the Patriotic Fund. Tho Mayor (Alderman T. Hodson, embarkation. It is inteuded by the executive committee to apDly to the Government to provide mili hod been voted, mainly owing to Urn ellorts of tbe J.

prssidetl, and theie woie preseut Aldtrraeu Progress Association backed up by tho member fur tho town. It was too late altogether to call a public secure horses for tho Transvaal. Already ovor 100 Weil ana I'ncnnr, ur. tt. u.

netncrineton, ainssrs. C. Lemsire, J. A. Somerville, A.

Campbell, W. H. tary men as oflicers for the contingent. Who is to bo the commanding oflicer has not yet been considered. As the name of Major Olderehiw has meeting, as all tbe councils with the exception of Parramatta had agreed t) meet in conference to Tuckwe 11.

J. Murrnv. 1. Kutnertord, J. lavid- thrash out the whola matter of tbe deepening of the tinue in the service under the existing conditions.

His only course was to resign. It was, however, agreed that Mr. Campbell should still control the locomotive branch until a successor was appointed, and nothing was to be made public The matter, however, having sinco leaked out, the Minister now thought it would bo wise to make this ofilcial statement. It was understood the drivers and firemen would come out at midnight. It was considered as possible that tho goldflelds Custom-house.

Enteml outwards January 9. Atigv biirjr, 41X17 tous, Captain Kchult, fjr Hamburg, vis lirib.inu Clitm, 233 torn, Captain M. Hi Dpi pore and Java, via Newcastle and Melbourne Kan wpcra, ltKU tons, Cuptain li. llriwenden, for Towns-ville, via Newcastle; Konoowarra, 1273 tons, Csptaia W. Hammer, for Urinbunc' liuoinynnR, J070tonj, Cnptaia A.

EasLou, for Melbourne 1'clotaa, barquenUue, 250toni, Captain 1'. Williams, for Wellington, -via Fort Stephens; Mourn, nM 1207 tons, Captain M. LiviogitOM, for llobnrt. CaptainH. Binhop reports that ths Ilefra left Batman a Bay nt 1 p.m.

on tbesth, arrived ut tbe compaars wbart at a.m. on the 9th. WiaA, N.E. TtlR MAIL STEAMERS. The B.M.S.

Himalaya, from Iontutn December 4, left Colombo on Monday morning, the Mh instant. The German intil steamer Luitpold arrived at Southampton ou Thursday, tbe 4th instant, twa days in advance of contnirt time. The. dnadian oOataer Aorangi, for Sydney, left Vancouver on the nth intrtnnt. Tne B.M.S.

rapanoi left tho Cape on Decembar 27 for Utibart. The Gf man mail steamer Koniftio Luine left Colombo on January (t for Aontralin. The French mail steamer Polynesian left Suez on tbe 6th inntimt, ouiwurdo. The Ueriuan mail steamer Bremen arrived at Colombo oi the 7th instant, homewar t. ARRIVAL OP TDK R.M.H.

WARRIMOO. Tne It. M.S. Warrimoo, Captain J. D.

Phillips, left Van conver at 2.5'.' p.m. on December la, Victoria at 4 a.m, neat day. She expciier-red ctrutiff N. VV. winds, which freshened into a gnlu on thn lSth with hish seas, netes iUiting casing the engine.

Oo the 21st the weather UghUy improved, but cintioucil iiunottlel, with bard SuaUa and high southerly sen until the 23rd. Iteacbed fiDolnlu at 1.19 a.m, on the 24th. Ieft there at 11.35 p.m. tho same date, and experienced fine weather with light S.E. winds uotil the 28' when moderate N.N.W.

winds were roe' with and carried to the equator, crowed on Ds cember.10. Thence to Vanikora Inland, which wm pameJat p.m. on January 3, experienced a moderate westerly gale with high sea. Exceptionally line weather was met with nod smooth nca to Capo More ten. made at 7 a.m.

ths 7th instant. Berthed at Pinkcnba Wharf. Brisbane, at p.m. Left at a.m, on the Alb. paod MonUcue Island at 6 entered Sydney Heads at 12,60 p.ra.

yesterday, sod berthed at the Circular Uuny. THG UNION LINE. The Manapouri arrived at Aitckhiod from tbe South Sea IoUods jeMerday, and leaves a pain on Friday fox Samoa. The Oooah left Uobart last night for Sydney. Tbe Koooya Icarcj Dcvonport on Friday for Sydney.

THE TTSER LINE, nlesan. Tyser and Co. have been advised that ths steamer. Hawkes Bay arrived at Lomloa on the 7U instant. 8A1LIXO VESSELS DUE.

AT SYDNEY. Artemis, barque (fIJCT), from Ham burg 107 days. City of Adelaide, four-mastei barque Euirka 75 days, lkaeoni, ship (KFNJ), from New York 84 days. Firth of Clyde, barque (WKKM), from Glasgow- days. lxta, barque iNBVlt), from N'ew York 95 days.

Monkbarnn, ship (NWQM), from Liverpool 104 days. Mount Stewart, snip (MDN V), from London 91 days. Reaper, ship (JKl'U), fr-im tiaa Francisco S3 ltomanotf, whip (NMUft), from London 84 days. Vortipcrn, baniue (MiiUS) from New Yodl 116 days. AT NEWCASTLE.

Viduco, barque, from Rockhampton 84 days, REMOVALS AND DOCKS. Tho steamer Kiutuck berthed yesterday at Central Whnrt. The ship Wasdsle will berth at Dnlton's Wharf. The barque Aberystwith Castle will be towed to Hortfl Dock to-day. The steamer Augsburg took a berth at the Quay yeste day, horses have been purcoaeeu bv two residents.

NYNG AN, Tuesday, Arthur Bannerman, one of tho best shots in tbe west, leaves to-day to join the con tin cent. NEW ANGLEDOOL, Tuesday. Mr. Merrv received word this moroins from river. The part the Mayor was taking seemed to bim to ne jealousy.

Aiaerman xtenuerson opposeu terferiog with 'the Government at this juncture, son, U. Lean, tbe Rev. F. Elder, Mcsdames Thompson, Lcmairo, Elder, Pilcber, Grencnger, Misses Thompsou, Somerville, and others. Tho Mnyor suggested that a suitable course for Enfield to take in order to show at tbe patriotism ot the district was as thorough as its beucvoloncs in other directions would be for all those present to form them unanimously agreed to.

He pointed out that when tbe Houso was previously asked to sanction the despatch of the contingent some members wore under a serious misappre Syduey accepting the services of a youog man (a horseman und good ebot) for the Transvaal. Mr. Merry, who is the pioneer buiinos man of this tiwn, was iu the seventies a aon-commissioned officer ot Alderman Hill regiettcd that there bad been any clashing between tho council and the Progress Association. He would not oppose the resolution but he regretted that the town was likely to Buffer in consequence of the fiicbon between the two bodies. The trains would not reach their destination, fro- selves ioto a committee to consider plans whereby cautions are taken by tho department to carry nn the Second Dragoon Guards.

the whole of the district might contribute. Ou the motion of Alderman Pilcber, seconded by Mr. J. A. hension, as they thought the war was a small one( and one which cculd have been avertel.

Recent events would have convinced them tbe Empire was eneacei in a serious conflict. Tho President of the Tuesday. Mr. A. M.

White, ot Bolivia statidu. has offered Mayor, in reply, repuaiatea mar were was any inc-tiou between tbo couucil and tho Progress Association. He had waited till the sum of 00(1 hud been passed Somerville, thorp present formed themselves into a committee with power to add to their number. It extra driver and fireman on each train as passengers. Later.

The strike of railway engine-drivers and firs-meo. as Vhad been expected, commenced at mid two horses for any locil detachment of the bush-men's contingent. Transvaal had cleverly made it appear Eogland on the Eitrmatcs, and then bo conceived it to bo his was aerecd tnat a nrst-ciass open-air concert Do neid lueaaay. Patrick Hickev was bidden farewell at a social was mo aggressor, out no sooner nau no ueuvorea his ultimatum than it was seen that both Keoublics were armed to. the teeth.

Nothioir Eng on the Eutield recreation ground at on early date, and that the best available talent be secured for it. It was decided to illuminate the grounds with limelight and t.i make a special feature of patriotic songs. at the Empire Hotel last night. He leaves to- 1 night for Syduey, having volunteered for service. land could have done short of hauling down tbe ltag quite dark.

The next 12 hours work was tbe most idea to move witn a view to navtug ino amount supplemented. Alderman Henderjon withdrew his opposition, aud tbo resolution was carried. GRANVILLE SCHOOL OP ARTS. The half-yearly meeting of the abovo was held oo Mondav oveuimr. tbo president I Mr.

T. Irons' night yesterday. Tho society to which the men belong late last evening communicated with the railway stations throughout the colony calling the men oat. With few exceptions the call was responded to with alacrity. Trains running at would nave averted war.

flijar, near.) wmisthe had no doubt of tbe ultimata success of the British I WOLLONGONG, Tuesday. A member of the rifle reservists of wiiom it bad arms, be held it to be the duty of every I terrible that it has ever boon my lot to go tnrougn. We could not see our bauds before our faco, and were only guided to the wounted by tbeir cries for help, or thoso of their comrades who wero trying to been alleged that he had uttered disloyal sentiments has sent in his reuenation. There is a stronc grow BRISBANE, Tuesday. Subscriptions are still coming in freely to the Courier" patriotic fund, which has now reached occupying the chair.

Tho Uuaucial statement midnight were in some oases not taken beyond tho first station on their journeys. Today nearly 4850. assiit them. Wo did not know where to take them, and carrying theai ovor the rough ground without stretchers (for wo had beeu una bio to bring our ing feeling here that disloyal utterances should not 1 be ptesed over, and that those who are in receipt of 1 public money should bo called upon for an ex-1 been mentioned as a possible appoiutee to tbe post, it may be explained that no authority has been given by the executive committeo for tea statement that he might bo choseu. There were, however, outside rumours to that effect of so definite a character that other omcers expressed a desire to servo uoder htm with the corps.

Major Oldershaw has offered to assist the executive committee in examining men and horses in certain country districts, and his offer will be accepted. The executive committee is now endeavouring to make complete hmiugements for testiug mou and horaos wherever they may be offered, to' save volunteers coming to Sydney aud incurring tho risk of rejection alter a long journey. This morning a liat is advertised in the Sydney Mormng Herald of tho names and addresses of tho general coumiitteu of tho Bushmen's Contingent, 137 in all. Letters were received yesterday by Mr. J.

M. Atkinson, tho hou. secretary, from two gentlemen in the country, who offered to find respectively 60 suitable men aud horses, and BO men. Tho total enrolment lor tho contingent now considerably exceeds 300, exclusive of tbe 130 under offer as above. Consequently the number fixed upou as the full strength to be sent awuy, 600, will be easily provided during to-day or to-morrow, and an important question for tho executive committee to deal with will then be whether mora than 600 shall be despatched to tho scat of war.

Money is also coming in most satisfactorily. One donor yesterday supplied 2000. Some persons, it appears, huve been veuturing to remind wealthy men iu tho community, by letter, of the claims of tbe Bushmen's Contingent upou their purses. Tho executivo committee desires it to he undei stood that no communications of the kind are to be regarded as official unless signed by the hoo. secretary of that body, above mentioned.

We are requested to state that the contribution by Mr. H. C. Kaler, M.L.C., to the fuud was 10.5, not 100 us previously published. An amount of 50 credited to Mr.

A. W. MookB was given by the firm of Messrs. Uibbs, Bright, and Co. through Mr.

Mocks. Tho following lurthor subscriptions ere acknowledged The Patriotic Fund at Duboo amounts to over business has been largely paralysed in consequence. The publio has been put to tho greatest inconvenience. Fortunately a number of men ambulance along), comuinea witu nor Knowing in piannuon. 100.

tbo slightest where wo were, made the lob ono of tremendous difficulty. yv VjEi xueaaay. r.Mfc niffht a send-off was accorded to Ernest suowea taat tne ioui lucuoio iur tue year was s.u 4s lOd, and the expenditure 174 17s. Tho com. mittee reported that it bad not been deemed advisable to proceed with the erection of a new hall in consequence of a propoial tu erect a municipal hall.

Officeis were then elected for tho ensuiug six mouths, as follows President, Mr. A. M'Credie vice-presidents, Dr. Kerr und Messrs. Russell, F.

J. Ciarkson, and VV. Kay secretary, Mr. V. Gray true son ot tne umpire to boow his m-1 patby with tbe old country.

(Cheers.) Whilst tho little Victorian contiuRont might not by itself be of much use. the collective contingents of all tho 1 colonies would be of groat advantage, and would have a great moral effect. It would show that in tbe hoar of danger the great British empire i was solid aod lined. (Hear, hear.) He hoped, that members in passing tbe bill would wish 41 Godspeed to the volunteers in their patriotic mission tu uphold the grand old flag, which, though often shot into, had uever been humiliated. (Cheers.) Sir George Turner warmly supported the motion.

He heartily congratulated tbe Premier ou his KATOOMBA, Tuesday. At an enthusiastic meetinti yesterday patriotic Homo one found a farmhouse, and told me ol it. RamnbslL Arthur Baker, and Andrew Thompson. fund was opened. Dr.

J. Spark is treasurer and Mr. Several toasts were honoured. Mr. Baker, who has seen active service, said that if England had had a good ri.

tt. uoyaer secretary. I had as many as I could cartiod there, and theu wo started doiog everything we could for them. Tbe wounded woro being brought in all night Gordons, who refused to obey the society's mandate worked somo of the trains, otherwise there would have been a total block of traffic. As it was, the number run was considerably reduced, and tho goods traffic was restricted to perishables, Tho greatest hostility is shown by tho strikers to tho LIVERPOOL, Tuesday.

A meeting of the local branch of the New South Higlitun.lers. Aiaucnesters, uoeia, ami our own oojs. Itv iiinrninf I hud 'tfi wounded to look aftxr. in wee of Australian norsemen at tne commeucoment of this war much more success would have resulted. Mr.

Andrew Knight had provided him with tho pick of his horses. Mr. Brazil has organised a district patriotic fund. drivers who remained at their posts. This morning Mr.

Campbell wtote to the secretarv of the society expressing regret at the Wales Patriotic League was held at the Town Hall last night, Alderman C. A. Scrivener presidium, in thn absence of tho Mavor through illness. Tho secretary reported thnt the amount subscribed to date totalled 30 17s Cd, that several amounts promised had not yet beon received, and that one ot two subscription lists bad not iioen banded iu. It was resolved, on tbe motion of Alderman Christiansen, assistant secretary, Air.

irauic morris trjasurer, Mr. J. Raynor 'committee, Messrs. Wilkins, Lock-wood, Oxloy, Kelman, Fairwesthor, Lennox, Barenscher, Lane, Fletcher, Ritchio, Hazlewood, and Howard. A couference of delegates from the municipal councils of Granville, Auburn, and Rookwood was held iu the Auburn Council chambers on Monday evening, for tho purpose of considering euuitary pro -tn-ftln.

Two systems that of cremation aud ab step taken, and offering, without regard to tho HORSES ON HOARD THE WAURIGAL. la yesterday's issue a telegram from the Mel patriotic speecn. Mr. Murray, who was listoned to with much impatience, spoke in condematory terms of the war, and asserted in so doing that he was voicing the opimous of the best informed people. Several members urged that umple provision Bhotild be made for those dependent on the mom bare of tho contingent, whilo objection was taken by Mr.

J. B. Tucker, labour member, to tbe chart sr of a Bhip manned by coloured labour. justice or injustice of his case, to tender uis resignation, if bv doing so he could be instrumental in 2BE VNIFQIiM 2AltlFi cluding Barnes, Mullins, Normau, Lamb, and Colonel Schio), the Boer artillery otllcor. All our meu bore tbeir wounds without a murmur, and were in strong contrast to tbe Boers, who mauy of them wore anything but brave over it though many bhowed a brave front.

I found a supply of oatmeal in tbe houso, und started soma of our boys to make porridge all the night, and it was relished, I assure you, by men who bad bad nothing to eat since 3 a.m., though there was no fresh milk. I fouud some fowls, and we slew half a dozen, and made chicken broth for the worst, aud gave tho drumsticks to thoso who were not so ill. We kept at it till daylight, and then wcat out to tho battlefield to collect more mun, who bad not beeu found in the night, and who had been out in the cold aud raiu for sorptionwore before the conference, and the matter seconded ay Air. nawKins, i nut tnesuDscnpttons in hand by Wednesday, 10th instant, be remitted bb a 11 rat instalment to the central league." Alderman C. A.

Scrivener moved, and Mr, Freeman secondep, bringing the trouble to an end. The executive of tho society in reply stated that tho men refuse to return to work under any conditions short of tho removal of the locomotive branoh bourne correspondent of the Herald was published, in which it was stated that In the trip round from Melbourne to Portland tbe horses of A Buttery was autcuwou at couwuerauie juiikui, nun mmiiy, uu tbe motion of Alderman Jay (Mayor of Rookwood), seconded by Alderman Lidbury, it wits resolvod that, nlthmiirh thn committee was unanimously agreed That a iiumoer ot ladiea do reouosteaisto canvass Mr. ttnieis, retorting to tne miter question, saia that the Gbvernmout had onlv the choice of two on board tho Wariigat had a rather rough time. It from tho control of the general manager. lelo the town for subscriptions In aid of the fund on Saturday, 20th instant, and that the secretaries be empowed to make the necessary arrangements." ships, one manned by Chinese, the other by Brittah coloured subjects, and they chose the latter.

grams have been received by the society during TO THE EDITOR OF THE HERALD, Sir, -In article 3, by the Hon. E. rulsfordt M.L.O., refereuce ia made to the conference of dele Rates ol the Australian Chambeis of Manufactures, recently held Melbourne. The writer is evidently disappointed because tbe deleRatss left tbe matter ol the farmeia' dutios to bo settled by ths farmers themselves, He ovulently would like to see the matter left in tbe bands of journalists and importers, but he may now rest assured tbat tbe farmers will in futuro decido for themselves. that cremation was the preforible system, it wus not disposed to make any definite recommendation, owing to the great coat, but asked that a full conference of the councils interested should be called together forthwith, and a recommendation made that tenders be the day from a large number ot suburban, oountnr, and goldfields stations, saying the raeD ORANGE, Tuesday.

Tbe lists at the various banks show that so far 50 was further stated that the uprights and cross top pieces of the stalls are square, sharp-edged, and rough, and several horses boar wounds about tho bead from contact with tbe frames." Messrs. Gilchrist, Watt, aud the Sydney agents of tho vessel, wrote yesterday to us regarding the above or hours. Colonel W. F. Longlletd 3 0 Mm.

Whltncv, Coomlting Tark fi 5 0 1m. IJirras iAko fi 5 0 Dr. A. Cox 10 0 0 K. Hparke, Bt.

Monan's Elizabeth) Bay 2000 0 Doonw Maiden 1" 10 0 F. E. lloily, Itunderoar, three horses ana 10 10 ( nov 0 fin nan WO "Tho scene on tho hill in the earl morning was has been promised locally to the Patriotic Fund. too dreudtul to desenbo, und 1 shall not attempt to iniH does not inciaoe tne outaiae mis, or ii.i i uu. tell you of it.

It sickened me oi war. It was 6 at ninht before we could set an ambu 3u.KIdd 6 0 tho balance of the funds remaining from the volunteers' send-off collections. No local cinvuss has yet been mado. statement Un seeing wis paragrapn in tne Herald this morning we wired Cantata Bond, of thM Warriral. who rooties that the statement is an- Fir Grave.

North Sydney 20 0 lance train into Ladysmith. where we arrived about lOVItei IorillWIUl or luimura for other details in connection with tbe sanitary system of tbo three boroughs. It is stated tbat within the next tew weeks the number of bands engage i at the Parrumatta Wooi-i Mtlln will lanrelv increased. 8, und by that time I wan so done that I was talking true, and that erertbing is in perfect condition. there are firm and deteitnined.

The Minister for Railways avows his determination not to give way, although it is understood that if the men return tojduty to-morrow morning they will not bo victimised for their conduct. Publio feeling in strongly against tho striken. It is doubtful if the employees in other branches of the locomotive department will come out, and still more improbable that tho Trades and Labour Council, whioh meets to-night, will support the attitude taken up W. M'MilJan 1" 10 0 0. Crowley.

MiAkln, More 10 0 Australian Mortgage and Agency Company 21 0 G. Osborne 60 Too uuvernmenc wouiu ireeiy recognise ido oiaunu of those dependent ou the contingent members. In the course of a stirring speech he reminded members ot the claims of the motherland on Australian gratitude and affection, and urged the House to pass tbe bill unanimously. The second reading was agreed to without division. An attempt in committeo to amend the bill so that the contingent could, if necessary, be sent elsewhere than to South Afrioi, was not persevered with, and the measuro then passed ths final stages amidst cheers.

PREPARATIONS AT FLEMINGTON. The work of the preparation of the contingent en camped on Plemington Showground is being pushed on with great earnestness. Special attention Is beiod given to drilhog the mem nonsense. However, uoxt morning, alter a goou Bleep, I was all right ugilu, and havo been herd at The question of the claim of the Government to the land on which the Parramatta Borough Council's VICTORIAN PATRIOTIC FUND. MELBOURNE, Tuesday.

A largely attended public meeting, convened by 19,030 6 0 rhe total collected up to date is PUBLIC FEELING IN THE TRANSVAAL. woric ever since looKing utter my coys, wnose piuca in the Held and wheu wounded has made me teel a curious sort of affection for them, to that 1 look ou them almost as children. The work has been so heavy that I have beon asked to take ohargo of them here. We are now ouartarnd here at the front await market bmldiuga aul booths elan a is sun utiseiuea, and at last meeting of tbe council the Mayor reported that he expected to have au interview with the Minister on tbe following day. Tin Mm Board ha assessed the quar by tbe dnvors.

Sitrnal lines were cut this morning at Fre INTERVIEW WITH A RECENT ARRIVAL L.1KO too iaruiers, ino roanuiacturers are not foolish as to believe that they are the only ones who will benefit by a federal protective tariff both producers aud manufacturers see the many booefits, both direot aud indirect that will accrue to tbe great majority of Australians by adopting a policy that will speedily develop the federating provinces into a great nation. We see the results of such a policy in the marvellous progress of America and Canada, and, nearer still, in all tbe federating provinces, except New South Wales. Mr. Pulsford is trying to stow tbat we should con tiuue with his ideal policy as in force bare at the present time, the result of which has added more to our uatiuna) debt than that of all the other provinces combined. Even the attempt to make both ends meet by fresh taxation has failed, and experts have been engaged to try and decide oar actual indebtedness.

I am, iVc, CHARLES E. LUDOWICI, N.3.W. Chamber of Manufactures, THE CAMP COMMENCES TO-MORROW. ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. The following additional subscriptions were re leired late yesterday tbe Mayor of Melbourne, was held in the.

Town Hall last night with the object of oolistiog the active sympathy of tho public in the movoment to raise a patriotic fund iu connection with terly instilment of the municipality of Parramatta ing, I suppose, reiufoicements, before we make a general advance. The Boers are very strong in front FROM JOHANNESBURG. UOULBURN, Tuesday. bers of tbe contingent in the management of horses, and good progress is being made bat it tbo war in South Africa. The meeting showed Mr.

H. Dorner, photographer, has returned to itself very enthusiastic and heartily cheered Frederick W. Do-Mr fBrownlow HIU) Norton. Smilh, and Co. a.

and A. Tyson (itoohotlt, Hay) Clift Brothers (Brriwa) John K. Msckay (buu(tig) the patriotic sentiments of tbo various speakers. mantle. Other acts of violence have boon threatened.

Consequently on every suburban train uniformed constables ride on the engine. It is expected that the Kalgoorlie express will got away this evening, but it will probably start from Perth instead of Fremantle. Tho Fremantlo Chamber of Commerce to-day met, and generally oundomncd the strike. The general impression is that the strike will soon .1 3 31 100 0 0 50 0 10 0 3 0 0 Goulburn after living for four years in Johannesburg. He says that tbe average Boer is about tbe laziest, most treacherous, and immoral being tobofounl, The speakers included tbe Premier (Air.

is anunnaniiy eviueut win nw out-u drilling before the men as a body can bo desenhed an expert- horsemen. The Government has finally determined that tho arrangements forthe embarkation of tho contingent ou Saturday shall be adhered to. The horsM will be shipned tho previous duy. Mnr Robertson, the medical officer at the camp. ur.

wuaiiw though there are a great many real gentlemen itA in flnnnmil ranch M'Lfau), who said that a sub-committee of tho Cabinet bad endeavoured to arrange terms with tbe innuranco for insulins tbe members of Ibe contingent, but without sooce. 'The Government to tne nre origaum mini An old man named Benjamin Bevin, aged 69, residing at Prospect, was discovered at his home by neighbours in a critical condition. They at once sent to Parramatta for medical assistance, but the man died before the doctor arriveJ. The police removed the body to tbe hospital morgue. Deceased bad been living alone.

LATE MIKING. noDAKT, TurnJsy To-day's EichanRO quotations were Colabrook, Bailor, 2s ti Comat, sallsr, Od Hsroaln, bujer 16, South Hercules, seller 6d Mouot Black, buyer '2a, ssllsr 2s 3d Mount Lyell, buyer 8 10s, seller 8 17s Gd British Keid, seller 30s Ked Dills, seller 3s 3d Mount Bischoft. buyer 30 10s, seller 41 Brothers Home, buyer Os 3d, seller 8s Dd. oi us, and the column uns retired trom uuouee, ami is expected huro to-morrow, as they are afraid, with our comparatively small force, tbat Maritzburg might be left too open, Tbe Boers are fighting well, anl we shall have a tough job getting rid of them, but it is onlv a matter of time and mou. Tho buttle of Elaud's Laogte was a tnapoiticeut exhibition of British pluck Mid endurance, fir the position was tremendously strong.

Of course, I am very busy, not only with routine of camp, but I am looking after a lot of men who havo gone to the hospital, who, in the ordinary course, would have been under other hands. I look on the Mauser bullet as must humane, for ft penetrates all sorts of organs with such velocity that the hole made is very small, and heals up with little trouble, tbe bullet, probably, being quito aseptic from heat due to friction. This is how I account -for it. It will go through a bone at close range with its highest velocity stilt on aud simolv makes a hole like a drill, oollapse. has had work provided for bim, two men beiog badly kicked by horses, and several others haviug suffered minor ailments.

In no case is the injury such as to then decided to ask Parliament to iubkq reasons qio amongst them. Alter ino aeciaranon oi war mo inlanders, such ae the Germans, French, and Scandinavians, got special permits to stay. Ho remained behind. They were told thoy would have to euro special constables and take tbe oath of obedience. Tbey learned subsequently that tbe oath meant that if thnv ware ordered to tho front they would have to itrnviainn fnr thoMn wlin micht be stricken Dv tne war.

tuthorisiiig bim to assist the chairman (Mr. J. ic. Carey) and tho executif? commtttoo in any way Iti arranged that tho camp will bo formed Jot Ihe Busbmau's OoutinRont ou Thursday, the Utb aistnnt, and those who are registered and nave a ass from tbe hon. secretary ,6 Snnng-Btreet, are to report themselves to the staff oflicers at the IlNid-wick Range after 2 p.m.

on that date. I Arrangements have been made with the Govern- VICTORIAN CRICKET ASSO- CIATION. What the amount would bo would rest solely with Parliament. He was sure Parliament would do whit was right, but iu the meantime It would be vmi-v unfortunate if reliance on the State prevent the patient going to tne iiout. THE SOUTB.

AUSTRALIAN FORCES. ADELAIDE, Tuesday. CSVRCB OF BXQLAXD CEUBTBB7, XJSCROFOUS. TO THE EDITOR OF THE HERALD. Sir, I noticed in your issue of to-day a-paragraph referring to the fact tbat a branoh of the Fatriolit Fund bad been opened here to which the majority ol the employees intend to contribute 2s per month.

This seems to give the impression that some of thi men have refused to contribute to the fund. Bach ii not the case. Tbe whole of them axe giving the sum mentioned. I amAc.f O. O.

KIM BERLEY, MELBOURNE. Tuesdav. go. When it came to a question of fighting against the British he and many others left. He lelt Johannesburg after the battle of Elands Loagte.

The Boer Government did all tbey could to keep the real facts from tbe people. It simply published the names of tha lsadioii persons killed, aud ignored others. Mr. dried up tbe springs of private bonevoteooe. Sir John Madden moved, and Sir Henry Wrixon seconded, a motion affirming that the meeting heartily approved of the proposal to make provision for the sufferers by tbe war.

Sir George Turner moved, and Mr. N. Fitzgerald, M.L.C.. seconded, That tbe meetiog is in full without shattering. Rut at greater distance thn iulKlualillod Diudicil mm qoU a memherof the Tho following is tho report of th Bounolent Dorner had at one timo a gcod opinion of President At a meeting of tbe Victorian Cricket Association tonight, the treasurer, Mr.

Lipscomb, said the total receipt, up to the present from thn intercolonial matches wore only 932 as against 1852 for the same matches last season, showing a deficiency of 920. The expenditure was already 4'if, aod to carry oat tbe arrangement for thn remaining matches the association would have to make provision for a sum of U5ft. In connection with the visit of tbe Victorian eleven to Sydney it was decided that 12 players bone Bpllntors, and tne wound it very severe, i have seen a man shot through tbe leg with comparative! little ininrv. I had two shot through both Sl.tinthodWtlctl a. hi thuic bu.U qualiflcation.

nvmnsthv with the Transvaal war fond lot' (i round Manager. Kruger om ne loumi mat ne nin notning nut promise. As regards the Boer forces, Mr. Dorner! nninlon aud he thinks it is nrettv correct is that January 8. Asylum lor too weeK enuea Tisinna distributed, 2065 loo bread, 12191b.

Sour, 19161b. meat, 8111b. sugar, 19511b. tea, 20011b. nee, 1721b.

oatmeal. Tbere were 10 fresh applications for and 10 renewals of relief. Cases reported by the in Ri. In 26 cases the relief was discontinued. thighs, with no particular iU'Offecta audi saw a man shot to-day from behind, through the ileum, the The Commandant has received from Mr.

David Murrav a donation of 600 for the use of the contingent. While not wishing to put any special restrictions on the use of the money, Mr. Murray indicated that he would be glad if portion of tho gift was devoted to the equipment of six nurses. Colonel Gordon hat notified, after seeing the Chief Secretary, hn acceptance of the gift, aud no doubt Mr. Murray's wish with reference to the narses will be complied with.

Later in the day Colonel Gordon received a Hated by tbe Lord Mayor of London, and strongly commends the fuod to the people of oii recoipi oi iuuo wiHii. made for free passage, to bvdney by rail. All aonations ol horBos wdl bo. received by the etaff oflicers in command at liondwick rango after Ihurs- Anatrallan war hero in ulnatratod in toil weekf bullet coming out immediately tarouga iuo puuee, itd I think Iih will tret ouita well. victoria." our rrennnca oaraoou wutum, wi.

Churl Tf aitm rnrruidnnt of the Trades Hall Coun Mail," Advt. Sylvan writes amusingly of the tbey amount to between 65,000 aod men. Some of the German, Irish, and others in the so-called volunteer corps are genuine volunteers, but most of them are burghers, and tbey had to go. Tbe Boers went to the front with the greatest enthusiaim from Total number of cues relieved, 742, representing Dc sent, wim sa umpire ami miuiagw wii ajijw comb was appointed manager. I was immensely struck with the pluck of tbe Britisher as with the Bow iu stwdiog ft wasit flrat decided that the troopa should botpJren away by tbe Persio.

The Premier, howoyor, was cil) That a subscription list in aid of the fond be opened." resolutions were oarritcL uwawiCK in idu.wqu mu- auvim 2308 adulu aud suUdrai. esteruay inioru.ou ui.

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