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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 3

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1038 BLYTHEVILLE (ARK.) COURIER NEWS COMPLIMENTARY Tlf'KIvT 'I'hls Ticket Will Admit Mr. Mrs. II. A. Groonway Hell, Ark.

THEATER "ooi.D is wiittitu vou riNo IT" Social Calendar WEDNESDAY'S KVENTS Mr.s. A. Ii. l' and Mrs. W.

I. Denlon entertaining Chanter of p. o. with luncheon al o'clock al home of Mrs 1'ilrfleld. Parent Teacher Association meeting In High niidlturium at 3:00 o'clock.

ladles' Bible Study of Church of Christ meriting wlltt Bcn- nle Cook. Delphian Pine Arts meeting al m. al Hotel Noble. Wednesday Bridge club meeting wilh Mrs. C.

A. Cunningham. THURSDAY'S EVENTS Mrs. U. A.

Lynch roilertalninft the 'Mid-Week Bridge club. Tlriiifidny Luncheon chili meeting: Mrs. Ross O. Hughes. Business Girl's Circle oi the Woman's Missionary Onion of First Baptist church meeting at church a I 7:30 p.

m. Mis. A. T. cloar entertaining Thursday Afternoon club.

Thursday Contract club meeting with Mrs. G. O. Camlill. Uniled Daughters or Confederacy -Yueeting at 2:30 p.

HI. at home of Mrs. James B. Clark wilh Mrs. A.

VM. R. Branson as co-hostess. FRIDAY'S EVENTS Staled meeting of JO. B.

S. nt 7:30 p. in. al Hall. Mrs, Renkcrt Welcnkamp entertaining the Golden Rule Sunday school class of the First Christian church nt 1:30 p.

m. Literary Department of Woman's club meeting al club house at 3:00 o'clock. Hasson-Perry Rites Are Announced Here Announcement has been jnatle of the marriage of Miss Mary Juanila Perry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.

D. McCarn, to James Richard Hasson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Ernest which was solem- 7 at Norfolk, Va. Trie rites by the i of a' Nor-.

folk Methodist a moru- l'ig service at Ihe home of ihe bride's aunt. Mrs. p. Wittkiunp. For the ceremony, the bride wore black crepe frock, relieved at the neck and waist line with ii varicolored velvet trim.

Her accessories were in black and she wore a corsage of pink rosebuds. Tlie bride went lo Norfolk 'February tenth to be the guest of Mr. Hasson and her aunt, she returned Here Saturday and will continue to make her'home with her parents until June 5, when she plans to join Mr. Hasson at Norfolk, where they will make their home. Mrs.

Hasson, w)m has lived near Blj'tlievillo for a number of years, received her education at the city high school. Mr. Hasion, who moved here from Texarkana live years ago, received his lilsli school education there. He Dm! entered Unjver.slly of Alu- bama, Tuscaloosa, where he Ixxnine iiflitlalcd with the Kappa Sigma fraternity uelta Sigma, he attended the Columbia Military Acedumy at Columbia; In preparing for the United Slates Naval Academy. Ann.ipoll.s-, (o which ho received an appointment.

He then lit Arkansas Stall- college, jbnesboro. before he joined the United Slates navy al- mosl three years ago. He Is course in air con- dilxmlivj and plans Ij be connected wilh the Utilities Institute aUor release from the navy. He has been at Sun Dltgo and ijong Heath, until last December when lie was to Norfolk after havitig- spent a six weeks at home. O.

K. S. To i'ntcilain Kainbow'Ohls The Rainbow Girls of Osccola will be the guests of the local Order of the Eastern star at Its meeting Friday night at 7:30 o'clock at which iime the Rainbow girls will demonstrate work of llieir order. All members of tlie o. E.

s. and all Masons are Purged by the oin- i-ers to attend this meeting. ICxeculive Board Meets. Plans for the final meetings of the year were made by the executive board of Ihe Woman's Auxiliary of the First Presbyterian chiirdi at a meeting yesterday afternoon. The Auxiliary year ends in March so they will have only two more meetings under their present organization.

On March 21 this group will have a luncheon meeting and a class of instruction, which will he followed on the 28th by a final program meeting at which time new officers win be installed and the circle membership' shifted. Study Southern 1'ort and Composer. fldncy Lanler and Dan Euunetl wore the subjects of the program presented at the meeting of the Children of the Confederacy Saturday afternoon at the home of Mildred and Doris Muir. The members present heard Ruth Paddlson discuss the South- tin poet, Lanier, and Smith lull-'tbef-'story of Daii Emmett and how he happened to write the sons "Dixie." Dining the business meeting, plans were marie to carry out the State and General programs. Tlie hostesses were, assisted by their mother, Mrs.

George Mtilr, in serving a dessert course. Sludy Group Rlecls Mrs. 'John C. McHaney. was hostess to the Study Group' of the Council of the First Christian Church, Monday afternoon.

Twenty members and two out of town uuesls, Mrs. P. Coolc-y niul David, of Joiner, and Mrs. A. Tant of Charleston, wore present.

Mrs. MeHnney, president, presided In the business session. During tlie reports. Mrs. J.

IJrynnt, leader of the new group, gave brief sketch of the life and activities of Adah Cordon, missionary In DamoJi, India, and for whom Oils group is named. The program was as follows: Jiimc.s by Mrs. Kdwin Robinson; prayer. Die Rev, Gco. W.

Patterson; devotional. "That They May Have Life." Mrs. M. Fily.siinmOH.s; "ivory Mrs. and Mrs, McHaney, accompanied by Mrs.

A. H. Welenknmp; introductory, "The Faith of (lie Mrs. J. C.

Kills; "Heltislons- out of Southern Miss Lolia Heck; "The Abbot of the Temple of Luminous Mrs. Cecil Lowe. The Rev. Mr. Patterson announced his plans for a wre-easler evangelistic meeting, which will begin April 3 and continue through Easier Sunday.

Al the conclusion Ihe hostess, assisted by Mi-s. L. L. Ward, serv- a salad course and colfce. St.

color scheme w.i.s carried out in (lie salad, Study "Rural America" Mrs. L. L. Hnbener reviewed two chapters of "Rural the study book of (lie woman's viissionary society of the First Methodist church, when that group net yesterday afternoon at the church for a Joint business and study meeting. The society will meet next Mon- at the church for a program a social hour.

Mrs. Nelson Complimented Mrs. Roy E. Nelson, who was before her recent marriage, Miss Mary Catherine Marlln, was complimented with a bridge party and miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. 3.

W. Adams, Mrs. J. W. Adams, and Mrs.

C. D. Smith, jr. Saturday afternoon at Hie Adams home. Vases jonquils, forsythia.

and bridal wreath formed a spring background for the bridge games. CATCH COLD EASILY? COLDS HANG AND ON played by nineteen friends uf Mrs, Nelson, 'ihe spring motif was also carried out In the tallies. fn the games, Mrs. W. D.

McClur- kln received hosiery for lilgli score and Mrs, Louts Applebaum. a picture, for second high. The hostesses presented (lie of honor with a set of California (lesla dishes. ljuly Halllmore cake lopped fruit whip and coffee were served at the conclusion of Ihe tamos. i State Dfli'tnlrs Chosen Nine mmibers of the Missionary Union of the First Baptist church were to represent (hat group at the stale convention In Little Hock April 5, 7 at a meeting yesterday afternoon a the church.

Delegates lo the- conrrntlon will bo: Mrs. Tom Jackson, Mrs. Theodore Logan. Mrs. Moore.

Mrs. Wilder lilshop. Mrs. T. W.

Jclfrles. Mrs. R. W. Woolen, Mrs.

T. Burr, Mrs. Arthur Nelson, und Ms. 11. 11.

lirooks. Mr.s. E. 13. Wood.son wn.s in charge of the devotional on "Soul Whining" and Mrs.

u. ii. Drooks presided over the business session al meellug yesterday. Prayer was offered by Mrs. During (lie social hour, circle Three served apple pie a la mode and coltee lo the 47 members present.

Have Study Course Members of the Sudbury, Ijinge aiid central Parent Teacher held Ihe second meeting or their study group al tlie Home Economic cottage of the cltv high In.rt night. Mis.s Grace Phelps is in charge of the study course which deals with 'child psychology, '''he hour lesson last night was lonccnird with "The Emotions of the Child." This course is being given in one hour sessions ench Monday night. 1:30 o'clock, during the ot March. Pearls nre found in nearly all sizable streams in the United Stales, In an automobile, the whpelbase is the. distance from tin? center of the front axle to Die center of the rear axle.

Hi is of Mostly Mi 1 1 linlph Robinson, of Wllsiin. arrived ihl.s morning Ups. and Mr. Mfs Veinon Thtmmwin spent with Mr. Mr.

und ls Oscar Hnrdawav' nil win. Osrur, week end in Memphis, Mr. Ihudaway, who dinvn dny I'arllcc Mis. Haidnwiiy. hus not vi-l ic- turiii'-l.

'I'. Uarncs Is allHidiiiK bus-' PAGE THRKK Mrs. Lewis' piuviils I) II. Otii.Ki- Martin Hie Memphis win, his parents i Mrs. Lauiistoii ami in, plans to le.ue some i Inn- next week lor Ky.

(hey visit Mrs. Luiii-Miin's purenls. Mr, and Mr.s. p. M.

Mr. i'lid c. A. (jiinnlnBhiiiti spent Kuiuliiy In Tmilon, us KIICMS ol MIS. ciinnliiiitiamx nintlii-r.

.1, T. They wen 1 ammipaulod home hy Mrs, Qreirsluuv. who will tcunihi fur a two ttcek.s visit wilh Ilioin. H. II.

llrooks, Mr.s. Arthur Ni'lsmi anil daiiiililtr. Jo Nun, Mrs. M. T.

l( fj in rur sunuiinu ludny o.scoola. Mi and Mrs, Curtl.s J. Little will 1 t'" to Little Rock tomorrow where they will atteml lo huslnes for ikiy.s. Mrs. Cietu- Sykes litis umui lo Balon Rouge, l.a., for week's visit wllli her Mr.

and T. Phillips. John formerly of here and IHIW of Brinkley, Is rrll- ically ill n(, Memphis llupllsl Irospiinl. Her who born several week.s np.o, l.s K( nioii" nlcdy. Mrs.

Aikllsdii Smith und baby lefl I'Yiday ntoriiliiK for Hillsboro. Ohio, lo visit Mrs. Smith's pnrenl.s. Mr. and Mr.s.

Uoiic-h who are eole- bmitliif; their goldi-it wiidding anniversary this week. Mrs. smith plans to return Ihe middle of the week. Iluy A. Dean, formerly of here and noiv of Cialnesvllln, 'Is III lit a hospiial there from iincitmonla.

iMtlioujjh his condltUin lias ijct'ii serious since 'stricken lust 'I'liesday. he Is now ImpmvlnK. 'Miss Ionise relumed ycs- ii'i'day to her hoiue In Tipttinvllle. iiftcr shovl. visit wllli her biultier.

II. 11, l.ewl.s. famllj. Marriage Licenses Only ronjjle.s JIIHT otjtitljied licenses lo from the lllvllievllle olllco of the county couil tlrrk in thff week. Names of the ctiup- li's ml iho olllclal or Ihe listed, follow: Karl D.

ViiDdlvcr und bdlh Kcnni'll, by I hi' Hi'V, II. Halnion; IJiin Dines mid Adeim I'liitcin. ui vllle; Daniel Hurlon. uf Uell; Albert While, nl I und Miss Kthel ol' Mdy; Koseae Mimes und Miullli. bcith ol i) UV Urren.

(if Maylleld. mid l.ollie u. cnrnion, oi Tomnlo; VVI1- Wllkerson and Miss Ruth Wlmpsmi. luiih lliKXliniil, hy COLDS und FEVER Mould. Titbtels llny Balve.

Noso lldiiliii'lie, minutes. Try Ill's iJnlmen! Grill Leased By Mrs. Nellie Smith A Annmmcenienf was hade today of the leasing of Iho Qlcncoe arlll i by Mrs Nelllo Sinlth. The cafe diicned for business last yenr In Uu; Olcncoe Hotel bulldlnif on (he corner of second and Ash MiTi-ls by u. Ainrlliicltl, owner the Imlel Mr.s.

who has had considerable uxpcrfnuM! In the roslau- rant business II.TO, will In Minal clmrm! of Iho business. Iowa has Ihe least number of Illiterates 0 nny state In tho Union. Do This If You're NERVOUS lorftp ln'rlt" flii'l II jv'aiLjri' your anil Hiuji ftoiu fpmalo (lincllowl tllVit' UHI onj niuVcj lite worth living. for ovff CO ycnri onu woman to another liow lo no Ihru" wl Itt It Tjtly VOU. If il you don'i you on, II il you oic unconifoil- able, und youi clolhcl don'l look liqlit.

Yog need a a chaonc to Cliaiii. lo lliit lounjaljon you be cornloilaule bccauii: il ii odJDM- lo you; fiqme.lypi.. And Oiatii will ijivv you lines, cjooil in ollii'i woidi, coniplcla jaliilarlioii. 'Cdonc ol mile the Cfiaiii htudio (01 piivutc dome ih iMUS. C.

HII.1 AM. Sln-i-t Hlydirvlllf "1'Nrliisivr )r iMlsslsslppI Conniy" ANNOUNCEMENT 1 wish lo llml I inn nnw oponitinff Ihu tlleiiciK! drill which I linvt: jtisl Iciisctl. 1 cor- tlinlly invite you lo visit Ltic nnll I'or (jnn loot Is n( iKipular pi-ires. You will our SUM-- inul delicious nu'iilH. Nellie Smith GLENCOE GRILL LOCA'PUl) IN THE GI.KNCO'K H1J)0.

AN UP-TO-DATE WATER SYSTEM THE KEY TO BETTER LIVING Just because youv guests admire your anlique keep-sakes is no sign lhat your antique plumbing make a hit with them. Nothing so marks the home as out-of-date as arc obsolete bathroom or kitchen. Any house, no matter how old, can be made modern and more live- able through, the installation of new plumbing fixtures. Such improvements constitute not only an investment in better living but enhance the value of your property. BLYTHEVILLE WATER CO.

Courteous, Personal Attention la Evtry Customer 89 113 so, Broadway Radio Features PAUL WHITEMAN LAWHENCB TISBBTT ANDRE KOSTEWNBTZ DEEMS TAYLOR PAUL DOUGIAS 'hesterfield PLEASURE in Chesterfields milder better taste getting and giving more pleasure "Rhapsody in Chesterfield up and enjoy that refreshing mildness, that Chesterfield better taste that smokers like. Chesterfields have the best ingredients a cigarette can have ripe tobaccos, ftottle- grown and aromatic Turkish, andfrure cigarette paper. They Satisfy. millions. Everything for your enter luhinu'iit and comfort.

Admission 2Co" Admission Night ICt: Ma Watch Society Page Of Courier News For Free Show-Guests TONIGHT JOHN JACK BOLtS OAKIE with IDA LUPINO MARGOT GRAHAME flVrJ.n AlbtrtUvIt Sctitn by Ernttt f'ayanp. llony cntfHawW HCO.IADIO HOUlf Also sotcctoil sliavls Aitinlsslini Miitlnec lOc 2fin Idle Weds. Thurs. rnramoitnl News A Screen Sinp- sliols. Ailnilsslnn 10c A Admission Niglil jfe ROXY Admission nlwa.vs lOp fi 2Cc.

aliiiffs -Saturday Sunday Only Tue. Wed. Thur, PAL NIGHTS! AilulLs Admitted for' Price of 1 He Blasted The Town Wide The "dumbest" man on Main Street fights lor young ro- manct against the city fl'i'-l Mr. krlin tr 1. Also novcltf A Comedy.

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