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The San Saba News and Star from San Saba, Texas • Page 1

San Saba, Texas
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"The Pccatt of the Woi-W" "IN ITS NINETY STAR NINTH YEAR COMMUNITY SERVICE IN SAN SABA COUNTY'' Established 1873 12 San Saba, Texas Thursday, May 20, 1971 Price 10c Volume 20 Baccalaureate Sermons Will Be Heard Sunday The Baocalaureatn Sermon far each of the three school seniors in "the county will bo held Sunday, May 23. The Cherokee High School seniors will hear their Bucca- ilaureate Sermon at 11:15 in the Cherokee High School Gym. Connie Lynn Raesener will play the processional and recessional. RANDY BAXTER receives award Young Farmer Award Goes To Randy Baxter Randy received the 1971 4-H award presented by the Young Farmers at the annual Young Fawner Young Awards Banquet night Son of (Mr. and Mrs.

S. A. Baxter of Bend, he has been a 4-H imamber seven years, witti projects dn ibeef steers, heifers and ihorsos. In 1970, Baxter wals a mem- iber of livestock judging team which placed itlvird in district, and a member of a wool judging team placing second in the National 'Contest at Sonora. 'He was also a memlber of a ihorse judging (team which placed third in district.

He showed -and exhibited the Reserve 'Champion Carcass at the iSaii Antonio Livestock Sliow in February, that sold at auction for $700, He has alao placed Jus steers and heifers high at the major shows each year. During h'is 4-H tenure, Bax ter (received tihc achievement, boys agriculture, horse and judging medals. He will (receive his diploma fnom San Saba High School during commencement exercises next week, and iplans to enter Tarleton iState College tihe fall. The invocation wall be given by Charles Perry, followed by a song sung by Billie Phillips and Alvin A. Raesener.

Evans Burleson will deliver the sermon, followed another song by (Mrs. Phillips and Raesener. Harold Norrell, minister of the Church of Christ, will say (die benediction. (SC) Baccaloureat services will be iheld at 8 pjn. Sunday, in First Christian Church for the Richland Springs High School seniors.

Mrs. Thunman Saxon will play the processional and recessional. Frank Green will give the invocation, followed by music presented by the thigh school choir. Noel Wood will introduce the speaker, tihe Rev. Kenneth Cole of Ruidosa, N.

formerly pastor of First Christian Church in Richland Spgs. G. P. Adams will say the ibenediction. The 'San Saba seniors will hear their Baccalaureate Sermon at 8 p.m.

dn the Hiigh school auditorium Sunday. The prelude, processional laawl recessional will 'be played iby Mrs. Josephine WaaxL The Rev. Lee R. Geldmeier, pastor of United Methodist Church, wall give the invocation, followed by Scripture Reading- by Susan 1 Hariifick.

The congregation, led Iby Russell A. Lewis, will sinig the Hymn, "0 Worship the King," followed iby iprayer said by bhe George Yairbrough, pastor of Herren Baptist Church. The Rev. Albert IBrown, pastor of First 'Baptist Church, will deliver the sermon. The Hymn, "Faith of Our Fathers," will be sung by the congregation, led toy Lewis, followed 'by the benediction said by bhe Rev.

(Lewis Pet- Tnecky pastor of First Presbyterian Church. San Saba Teams Win Wool And Mohair Contests THE SENIOR TEAM, 4-H Clubs of San Saba, won their division in the llth annual Wool'and Mohair Judging Contest held here Saturday, May 15. Members of the team are Racna liar ton, Jim Cameron, Hardy Stewardson and Richard Johnson. The group scored 2050 lioints. Commencement Exercises Set Tuesday For RS Seniors (SC) Richland Springs Com- imencement Exercises will be held at 8 p.m.

Tuesday, May '25, in the 'First Baptist Church there, Mrs. Noel Wood will play the processional and recesskHV- al. Student Council Officers Named For Next Year Thu new Student Council officers for 1971-72 wei-e elected last week iby the student body after speeches were made by candidates. New officers include Jimmy Cameron, president; Keith Sternal', vice-president; Karen secretary; Raena Wharton, treasurer. The officers will attend a this 'summer.

County Voters Turn Down Amendments Vobei's in the six voting precincts of the county turned clown all 'four proposed Constitutional Amendments in the 'special election Tuesday, according to unofficial tabulation released by County Clerk Olovis Letbetter. The results are: San Saba No. 1, Amendment 1, 33 for, 15 mgviinst; 'No. 2, 48 for, 137 lagainst; No. 3, 81 for, 112 a- and 'No.

4, .69 for, 118 a-gainst. Reporting Range Fires our normal dry season 1 next month some thought should be given ranige fires. Our 25 member City fire department has agreed ito nwiko owt-of-eity calls they not duty bound tO do ISO, Last season about iliadf such calls wea-e false a- lawns, 13e sure your neighbor is not purposely burning 'biuish or range Uuul before iyou tunii it; an alarm, JVluko an oinsight inspection be ewe that local people canwt put out 'Ute Iblaze before in an Richland Ameml- iment 1, 14 for, 61 against; No. i2, 19 for, 55 against; No. 3, 33 for, 43 against; No.

4, 24 for, 52 against. Cherokee, Voting 3, No. 1, 12 for, 5l against; No, 2, '20 for, 44 agwiiist; No, 3, 30 for, 34 against; No. 4, 16 for, 48 against. San Saba Voting box 4, No.

1, none for, '24 against; No. 2, 3 for, 20 against; No. 3, 11 ifor, 16 against; No. 4, 3 for, 21 against. 'box 5, No.

1, 3 for, 13 against; No, 2, '2 for, 14 against; No, 3, 4 for, 12 a- gaiiist; No, 4, 6 for, 10 against. IlarkeyviHe, (box 6, No. 1, 7 for, 18 against; No. 2, 4 for, 21 agttinst; 3, 5 for, 19 lagaiinsit; No. 4, 6 for, 18 a- gmnst.

The total vote, county-wide, shows Aimendmont 1, 69 votes for, 322 against; No, 2, 96 for, 291 against; No. 3, 164 for, 236 wigninst; nnd No. 4, 124 for, 267 against. Letbettei- thei-e were no 'ballots cast, Last iseaaon (there were aOaiim's from firemen wore totvllecl off 'liheir jo-bs to find no fire when RxMiigli Creek, Giwe and Cfltelaw where ow they arrived, of tJiejn used tiheir pickuips to answer cul'tei ilif you turn in tttown give your name on isig'liit to il'ireot the firemen whan ithey tarrive. In t'licy acwuo 45 gipmyeais wo ik.ept in the vlry seipom ready to answer nvighhovs cajll foir 'Help.

We need a fetwig of swell in (the Oiyiil Delense office in the cQurtttpyse, Call 3.7.gi3,Sg6, iSivn SAa Coiuntjy Property Owne'iis to helip, set wp, ft 'to fftuge Wo -wi'll feep yoy posteil on ifiwini 'Msroe W- P.ftmey GRONER PITTS will address grads The invocation will ibe given toy tihe Rev. Hugih Magee, folr- by salutatory address by Joe Johnson. Donald Skeliton will akig a solo precedinig the valedictory address by Mary Lou iMcGary. Ganret Ware will play a piano solo, "Moonlight Sonata" iby BeethoveiL. Supt.

James Connel will introduce the speaker, Groner Pitts of JBrownwood. Dan IMaitlock, president of the School Board, will present dajpflomes to the. 21 seniors, including H. B. Adams Billy Wayne Bates, Michael Ray iBeakley, Pennye Amelia Capps, Johnnie Ediwin lOonnel, Darinda (Bates Crosby, Gwendolyn Jo Davis, Clarence Brent Deeds, David Weldon Evans, Clayton Eugene Johnson, Joe Hubert Johnson, Hugh Benton iLaoy, Oebra Kfl'te Maxcey, Mary Lou MoGary, Frances Kay Powell, Naomi Janice Simpson, Jani's Kay Smith, Olan Dean Taylor, 'Bobby "Bay Till, Gar- jiet Bui'ke Ware and Mitai Jean Wella.

JMEller, high school will make 'the presentation of awands. The Rev. Ceorge Wilton wiW 'say the 'benediction. FH A Emergency Loans Available 'Congressman Omar Burleson advised The News Star l)y telegram that Farmers Home Administration had been luthorized make emergency loans to eligible farmers and ranchers in iSan Saba county due to the drouth. 'Michael L.

Perkins, local F- H'A supervisor, said FHA State Director J. 'Lynn Futoh had announced that San Saba county has been designated by 'the Secretary of Agriculture for the making of emergency loans to farmers and ranchers who have sustained substantial losses on account of the drouth. This designation continues in effect through June 30, 1972, and will authorize emergency Joans to ibe made to those who suffered substantial Josses from any adverse weather, conditions, such as high winds, hail or flood, that have occurred or might occur during the period of designa- ition. Funds are available and applications (for such loans may 'be made at ithe EHA county office located at 111 East Wailace Street. The county supervisor's office period is each Monday morning fnom 8 a-m, to 12:00 noon.

Casebearer Spray Date Is Announced iPecan producers should make plans to apply the first spray for the pecan nut oasebearer this weekend, according to IBilly Kidd, County Agent Because of (late freeze, Hate spring, cold days and nights, implications are that the casebearer cycle will be extended over a long period of time. Producers should use at (lease two, and better still, three applications of sprays, spaced every 7 to 10 days a- pant. Sevin has been withdrawn for use on pecans. It is hoped itJhat this label can be reinstated, with clearance (by Aug. 1.

iSiprays recommended for this year linclude 3 pounds of WP iM'alabhion, or 5 pounds of WP toxaphene, per 100 gallons of water. It very important that pounds of ZINC be added to each 100 gallons of water, and to each application, Kiddi stated. Local 4-JH wool and mohair judging (teams captured all three divisions of the llth annual San Saba Wool and Mohair Contest held here Satur- 15, according to Billy Kidd, County Agent and coach. A senior team of Raena Wharton, Jim Cameron, Hardy 'Stewardson and Richard Johnson scored 2050 points to win 'their division. Bamdera No.

1 second with 1D80 points; Button 4-H, third with 1838, Bandera No. 2, fourth with 1800. Miss Wharton placed third in mohair, first in wool, and ovemll high individual with 692 pouits. Cameron placed second in mohair andi wool, and second overall with 691 points. Stewardson was fouiitfli in wool, mohair and founth in overall judging.

'San Saba No. I Junior composed of Olan Tisdale, Raymond Barrier, James iStewairdison and Randy Chris- scored 1946 points to win their division. Sutton 4-H was second with. 1901; Bandera No. 1, third with 1863; and San iSaba No.

2 placed 4bh with 1806. Team niemibers include Ted Ward, Charley Kuyken- May 25 Meeting Here to Discuss Stock Protect'n All San Saba county ran oh Grs interested in protecting tflieir livestock from predatory aniimals, 'aire urged to attend a meeting scheduled to (be held at 7:45 p.m. Tuesday, May 26, the Cactus This meeting is being called to igive all interested parties iun opportunity to become in- in (the svssist- ance of a government trapper who is being hired by a group of local ranchers and the Commissioner's Count of San Saba. Anyone desiring further in- iformation may contact their county commissioners, J. M.

Smith, or Delbert Ledlbetter, Three County FFA Boys to Get Highest Degree 'Lynn Johnson 1 Richland Springs Tom Epperson and Dirk Seady of San Saba" 'FFA were amonig 110 iFuture Farmers selected by Aorea VII FiFA Association from its membenship of 4799 (to receive 'the State's highest degree in FFA work, the State Farmer Degree. The selections were made at the 17it)h annual Area Convention at Fredericksbuirg on May 14. State approval will be given during the June meeting of the State Committee in Dallas. The requirements to receive the State Farmer Degree include having heild the degree of Chapter Farmer preceding election to the Degree of State Farmer; being an active member of the FFA continuously for at least 24 months; a record of satisfactory in the activities of Vocational Agriculture, having at least $500 invested productively or in the bank. The award will be presented during tihe State FFA elation Convention in Houston July 14-afc Darrell Lusty is Johnson's adivisor and Lairry Let- ibetter is FFA advisor for and Sealyv Fire Fighters Set 2nd Meet In Cherokee A second meeting of interested persons in and the town of Cherokee, re- igarding the purchase.

of. fire "fighting been scheduled.for Monday, May 24 at 8:30 p.m. in the school gym at Cherokee. At the first meeting, Clyde Johanson was elected presidem! and W. R.

Bailey will serve as seci-etary-treasurer. Com- inrittee teams appointed to solicit funds include Charles Perry and Jim Porch; El Us Randolph and Johnson Kuykendall, Roddy Maddox and Charles Randolph; Richard Randolph and Kenneth Boultinghouse. W. R. Bailey reported thai over $2,000.00 has been collected thus far and that he anticipates continued cooperation dn the dirive to purchase adequate fine fighting equip ment for this area.

diall, Stephen Faught and Trey Kirkpatrick. Tisdale placed second in mohair and second in overall judging. Banrier was in mohair and third overall. A Novice team of Rafael Romero, Charles Mifflebon, Dee iDoyle and Nicky Christian 1753 points to win first place, San 'Saba No. 2 team, composed of Angle Rirkpat- rick, Clinton Collier and Tracy scored 1571 points to win second.

McCulloch 4-H placed with 1527; and Bandera was fourth with 1495 points. placed second in wool, first in niohair and first in overall judging. Miffleton was finst in wool and overall. Miiss Kirkpat- irick placed third in mohair ami wool, and third overall. James A.

Gray, Extension iSheep and Goat Specialist, served as official judge for the contest. Robert Kensinig, District VII Farm Management specialist, was in charge of tabulation. Blackwell Wool and Mohair 'Company furnished the wool and and trophies for tjhe contest 'Rosettes, niibbons and refreshments were furnished by ISan Saba National Bank, City 'National Bank and' Cattleman's (Production Credit Association. Local Girls Enter Contest Three San Saiba girls this week entered the local Rodeo Queen to Jean -Sowers, manager of San Saiba County Chamber of Commerce. They are Raena Wharton, sponsored by the Distaff Study Club; Carolyn Hooten, sponsored by Algerita Home Demonstration Club; and Robin Sowers, who is being sponsored Iby the Sharon Club.

Delinda Stuart of Riichland Springs entered the 'contest last week She represents the iRichland Springs 4-H Horsemanship Club. These four girls are now selling tickets for the Rodeo, ito foe held 'here June 10, 11 and 12. for contestants to enter the contest is 5 p.m. today, Thursday. Market Report Lometa Commission Co, Bud Harrell, Owner May J4, 1971 RECEIPTS: 704 STEER CALVES Light (Medium 37.50-41.50 Heavy Feeder Steers 30.00-34.00 HFJFtfK CALVES Light 35.00-41.40 Medium Heavy Feeder Heifers JUNIOR TEAMi San 4-Hi jiuiuia to win their division in uwui and Muhuir Judging Iviw Saturday, TMUB ftvenjhvni sre, left (9 right, Ksywua Olan James and Handy COWS Stacker Cows 18.00-85.50 Butcher Packer Cpws Calves 175.00-3Jg.50 Calves g5.0fl-g7,40 All classes cattle weye We h-ftd ft very ot with exceJleint' buyer aWejidance.

We are iiiig Speciiftl 'Sale at Tuesday, 'Mwy 18, We have 08 TROPHY Queen, ig shown itojding won by the Covnty Gtomber in Lampasw list Thursday, by tkf flr4 Mid in ihe qww VMUest, (fee the wbUte ef 4 participate hi the sir la.

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