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The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 39

Indianapolis, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

39 THE INDIANAPOLIS SUNDAY STAR, APRIL 10, 1922. credited with furnishing three leadlnf GOTHAM MUSICAL WORLD PROMINENT AT EASTER SEASON men, ana six leading women ror uroaa way production of the past season. Further contributions by tho company were apparent In tho fact that two 6f Its women were featured and ono tarred, and one of Its men was fea H. P. WASSON COMPANY tured and one was starred and another will be starred soon.

"It Is a company that Is subservient to no one personality; but It Is a group, perfectly welded together, giving every Individual In It an opportunity," was imparted. we were apprised of the fact that the Exclusive Agents for "Madame Irene" Corsets Store Hours 8:30 Till Saturday, 6 P. M. Headquarters for "Eppo" Petticoats company will present any typo of work this summer, from Greek trngedy to a ballet and even grand opera In time with a chamber orchestra again evidencing tho versatility of this company and Its young leader. air.

weaver in nis article oi last Saturday, further characterized Mr. Coats Aftei- Wraps Walker as, "A playwright with a styhJ of his own, director with a country Mrs. Minabel Hunt Gains Esteem as Accompanist Stuart Walker Bound West BY HARRIETT 8C AN LAND. NEW YORK, April 16. Xt Is Easter solomn, Joyous Boater, Tho scriveners of tho society pafo would have one believe that all has beon very quiet In little, old New York tho tmnl week, because of this fact.

Perhaps so perhaps Damo fashion has not enjoyed tho usual number of "formal occasions." Nevertheless tho re have been a number of things doing. Those- occasions have not lacked gaiety and yet they tuivo hrenthud th- spirit of hope, now llfo and interesting art the thousand! and thousands of sheaves of lilies and other bloHHuniH humble, have Hunt? their fragrance through tho open doors of thy churches and the homes through-out tho city, or mingled their loveliness with (leecy, llfo-llko objects and eggs AVnr.r In Hill nhnn Win wine reputation, a producer nnu manager who, in addition to his portmanteau rampalgns, put on "Seventeen" with great buccpps. and now Is carrying on a repertory theater without a rlvnl a soft-spoken Kentucklan who nddi to ability a keen esthetic sense. Stuart Walker Is still at the very beginning of Stirring Low Prices Prevail on These Superb Garments Reduced from Regular Stock a career oi mo nignest promise. PARTIES FOR BRIDE TO 'Start-of-the-Season "Sale of Women's Athletic Union Suits TO BE FEATURES OF WEEK dows tn the remotest corners in east CONCLUDED FROM PAGE 37.

New York to the smartest places on fifth avenue. Believes In Holidays, Arthur D. Patterson from Flndlav. O.J Otto N. I-Vcnzol Jr.

and Robert Wild. Tho marriage of Miss Harriet Had- Gotham town assiduously devotes herself alike to her feast days and her fust days. Hho Is so wholly in earnest dow, daughter of Mrs. Agnes Haddow, 4701 East Now York street, and Her- nbout her holy days nnd her holidays, imrt Millies, son or Mr. and Airs.

J. lies of Hammond. tooK tint ihov nnptn nrni nnil thn same thing. place last evenfntr at .1 o'clock nt tho It would be dlitlcult indeed, to conceive a week or even a day In Now York homo or tno brides mother, mo iiev. O.

It. Allison of the Irvlnirton Presby without I to occasions or of peculiar interest, marked very often by terian Church performing tho cere- nony. The servlceu were rcid before The Famous "Eiffel-Maid" Brand A Sale Presenting Remarkable Values This snlo, planned weokB ago, offers the finest athletic undergarments for women, for now and summertime wear, at prices actually below those asked for ordinary qualities. The materials are pink and white batiste mercerized and plain plain and fancy marquisettes flno plain and checked nainsook, etc. They come In bodico top styles sizes 24 to 44.

Don't Fail to Share in These Values (Wesson's, Street Floor) lloosier reatunis. Ono of tho events of tho week In lie en ace. wnicn was hanked witn wti1iti 1 ml In nn tvtm pnr (-Rented. WIU1 49.5 palms nnd ferns. Tho Iioufo wim beautifully deeoniled with spring flowers.

cr.rnn Inti I11M1I In tinnnr fir MC11U- niann-Ileink by John fJiKoritn in his iMnqunii tan I (harpist) played from "Hohornlan Olrl" prered-Ing the ceremony. Tho bridal chorus from "Tannhauser" wns nlaved for tho handsome studio lat Wednesday from to 7 p. rn. A popular young planlst-atreotnnanlflt. Minabel Hunt, well known ortranco of the bridal party.

Tho bride wore a cown of nil vet laca nnd enrrled an arm boinjuet of Aaron In Indianapolis nnd New York, was noted in thin distinguished gathering of artists (if the musical world. Those In thn receiving linn were Mr. I Forge. Mr. Krnesto rierumen, who Is assocl-ti-irh fh.i frinnfr in hli work, and warn roses uea witn silver riunon.

Her veil wiuj arranged with valley Illlea and points of silver lace. She was attended by tho sinter of the bridegroom. who wore a gown or peacn-coiored tnr-feta and a corsage bouquet of Dresden flu Wfl IH. Tho hrliteernom wan nftfnrfftfl Mme. Hchtimnnn-Helnk, who greeted every one In her big.

whoto-henrtod manner. Tho studio with It two great pianos, was attractive with growing nlt.nlo trront ltittnru nt ElUlter HttcS by Harry It Jewctt of Hammond. Ind, Immediately nfter tho ceremony an Informal reception followed. The out-of- and photographs of many noted artist At 29.50 Cape coats and wrap effects developed in Bolivia and Normandie cloth, Velours, Shawsheen, etc. The colors most in demand for spring wear tan, rookie, new blues, deer, navy and Ladybird.

Trimmed with silk tassels, embroidery and silk stitching. All silk lined with plain and figured silks. An Assembly of the Best Styles At 49.50 Wraps, coats and cape effects in soft, well-wearing materials Veldyne, Bolivia, Pandora, Evora, Shawsheen, Panve-laine. In the following colors Sorrento, caravan, beaver, navy and Lined with colored crepes or pussy willow silk. Very Specially Priced at 29.50 and 49.50 (Wasion's, Hrconil rioor.) friend of tho host, Flatbueh Concert.

Mrs. Hunt was charming1 In cos- town giiwiis woro Mr. and Mrs. W. J.

Htlckncy, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Millies, Mr.

and Mrs. Harry IL of Hammond, Mossrs. J. H. and.

Itobcrt II iu I dow of Detroit. Mich. tnmo of rnynl blue. Sho coaches with Mr. nniT Mrs.

Mtlllra (inf. nhort wctldlnff trip and will be at homo at 1220 Park avenuo after May Mr. and studies with Mr. norumcn. Mrs.

C. E. Olllhnm, formerly of Indiana, was also among tho Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrrv nnrltifrntn nIK East Maple road, have Issued invitations for tho marriage of their daugh Another event of thn pre-Kaater isenfon to which Mrs.

Hunt contributed delightfully was the spring1 concert of ter, i ft iiuin 'jeorgoanna, to Arthur A. Browne, at o'eloek. Mnv n. at tho Episcopal Church of tho Advent. the Morning moral, a popular mu Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Hart. 1214 Oliv sical organization or mtmisn, iiroon-lyn. Mr. Herbert Ktnvely Hammond Is ffitiiTiiefnr.

Tunhtil Fnnktln Ing- botham waa the soprano soloist and er avenuo, announco the engagement of their daughter. Louise Hope, to John E. Kenugh. Tho wedding will take placo JUnc 7. Mrs.

Hunt Is tho eluh nccomminlst The attractive program Included the following numbers: Mrs. M. I Ayres of Marlon, announces the engagement of her daughter. Almuhelte, to Hurm Joseph fn "Hols npaln-' Juan nptlt Lully (b) "NlKht Is Ulte Oypny Mnldon i Herbert H. Hnmrnond Vrtrlntt'inii Kvmphontques ltiieiimnnn in "Tlie lletiirn" Heliutniinn fb.

"U'hrn I Wo In the Clard Urhumnnn DeIlnn, Hchumann The Nltrhtlnsnlo" Wurd Htophern 'JUitmlmr Rong" CJretchanlntiw 'Wnlti fiomx" Oounod 'A I.ejrend" Tsohftlkowiky riirtnt Is nin" Ksftalfiky An After-Easter Sale fc) fn fr) tn) fe (ft) th tn) tbS Mnrin- uranm fiin.lle T.lrhtln Time" mirnpii, son or nnu airs. u. m. numett, 1027 North Rural street. Tho wedding will take placo in June.

Mr. and Mrs. Nnthan LeMontre of Keallng avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter. Wllma Chnr-lntte, to Hex Kordicc. Tho wcddlnp; will take placo In June.

Mr, and Mm. Clyde yons, 40i Drexell avenuo. announce the engagement of their daughter. Winona, to Gilbert fl. Tokens, son of Mr.

nnd Mrs. Fred F. TiUkenn, 3221 East Michigan street. The wedding will take place In June. Mr.

and Mrs. Nathan IeMontre ol Chicago, formerly of Indianapolis, announce tho engagement of their daughter Emily Traugott to Samuel Hronncr of Chicago. H. Coleridge Taylor At pawning." Air nnd Vnrlatlnnn TTavdn HATS Freud Kleitle Fsura Allegrn Tloeoherlnl Mill fn.1 siay imv carer' Hnciinn i-nix oni'. fbl "The Howard Ilrockwn; tc "It Vn Tjiver nnd Ilia Ui" James P.

Dunn Plays for Radio. Mrs. Hunt Is actlvo In other eon At NOTABLE REDUCTIONS FROM REGULAR certs, accompanying an tho orgnnlst of tho T'nlon Congregational Church, Rich Mr. nnd Mrs. E.

O. Rreedlove, 1740 West Morris street, announeo the engagement of daughter, Mnhel Irene, to Wllhiir H. Prubln. son of Mr. and Mrs.

W. Dmbtn. The wedding will tako plnce In June. mond Hill, Long Island, nnd sho Is the accompanist of thn Middle Col-leirlnto rhnrua of New York cltv. Mil dred nryars.

Phoebe Crosby, Isabel I Miss Rertha E. Royles. 1S(H North 18.75 1 8.75 1 1 13.75 1 ronRtothnm, I-rederlck llaer, Henry Pennsylvania street, was married yes-i Moeler, John Rnrnes Wells, Ethel terday afternoon to Dr. V. W.

French Parkes, formerly of tho Metropolitan of Torre Haute. at 4 o'clock at the I Opera Company, are a row or tne Central Christian Church, wtth the Rev. Allan Philnutt ofllelatlng. Mrs. French ariisis wno navo cnoson riuni an was nttonded by Miss Ruth Totten.

nnd their accnmnnnlst this season, and she Finiov tTencn acted as nest man. ur. and Mrs. French will make their homo In Terra Haute. Miss Grace ami Mrs.

O. C. TInbson en tertained yesterday with a luncheon at the Splnk-Arms In honor of Miss Caroline Hob son, whoso marriage to William Whltlne Rnvmond of Detroit, will tako place Saturday. The bridal colors of lavender and white, were used In decorations with centerpiece of lilacs, tho Embracing an Assortment of Authentic Spring Styles From a Group of the Most Renowned Makers in America Dross hats of tagal and crepe, straw and silk combinations and numerous fancy braids combined with silken fabrics. Drooping, tilting brims or hats that turn back from the face in entirely new effects.

Smaller hats trimmed daringly, according to the most recent demands of fashion. Trimmed with tiridal flower, rxivfrs were lain ror Mrs. Ted Mershon of Saginaw the guest of Mrs. Tlonson; Mrs. H.

E. Crawford of Scotia. a sister of Miss Hob- EXCLUSIVELY AT WASSON'S "Madame Irene" Corsets Styles Created for All Types of Figures The latest models of Madame Irene corsets are fashioned of beautiful heavy broches and fancy coutils and excellently tailored. Our corset department offers you a wide variety of models let us fit you to a style especially created for your type of figure. Modestly priced at to (Women's Fourth Floor.) Fur Storage Our scientific fur storage Is absolute protection against loss by fire, theft or moths.

The charge is based on tho valuo of tho furs, and Is the same whether your furs are put in storage now or next month. Cost: 3 of Your Valuation (WoMonfs, Seoond Floor) FANCY QUILLS PRETTY ORNAMENTS LOVELY OSTRICH NEWEST NOVELTIES FLOWER CLUSTERS COLORFUL FRUITS has mado several tours north Into Canada and west Into Pennsylvania, solo playing nnd accompanying. Hho la In demand also as an accompanist at tho radio concerts given by the Westing-house peoplo, Newark, N. J. Ono evening last week sho was tho accompanist for an artist appearing nt the handsome homo of William Wado Minima formerly of tho Metropolitan Opera Company, nnd she is a member of the musical organization.

Mil Phi Epsilon, whoso membership Includes the renowned Oalll-Cnrcl. Tho problem of whether one may enjoy a career and a family, loo. hn been satisfactorily solved by thlH efficient and capable II 1 1 lo Hoosler. Sho is one of tho popular young mothers of Flat hush, that section of the metropolis where babies are the fashion. One Is hopelessly out of style If one cannot stroll up and down on afternoon attended by one's offspring.

The lonely Mrs. Hunt and her two small rosy-checked Hetty nnd Marjory, who have already shown musical ability, are tho envy of all the less fortunate matrons. Husband a Lawyer. Mrs. Hunt will be rorncmbered ns Minabel Morris, n.

K. K. G. of Butler, nnd as an active participant In nil musical organizations of the university iat that time. She was active also In Whatever one's preference It is here.

A profusion of spring's most approved styles In desirable colors. Blacks, purples, navies, browns, and of course the range of brighter colors In its entirety. (Wa.ion's, Third Floor.) son; Mrs. Clyde Schmlnt or niortinsviue. Mrs.

Arthur Nugent of St. Louis, Mrs. WIckllffe Tewls. Mrs. Lyman Wblttnker, Mrs.

Homer Lathrop. Mrs. Edwin Jen sup, Mrs Rex Boyd. Mm. George Cleln.

Mrs. Claus A. Hnrwlck. Mrs. Andrew Hutchinson.

Mrs. W. Mick, Mrs, Ij. J. HobBon.

Miss Dorothea Fllntermon, Mlna Elizabeth Kennedy and Mlsa Dorothy Jones. After tho luncheon trousseau tea waa given at the homo of the bride-elect. Mrs. Evallne Hayes, 625 East Twenty-fourth street, nnnounces the marriage of her daughter Helen Margaret to J. Glen Ktelnhart.

son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Stelnhart.

Wednesday evening at tho home of the bride, with the Rev. Frederick T. Taylor of the First Baptist Church officiating. Mr. and Mrs.

Stelnhart will bo at home at 1124 Broadway after May 1 Many parties are being planned for the next two weeks In honor of Miss Tttith rienrffeanna Sprlnggate. whoso K3S22 A. Sale of A SHOWING OF STRIKINGLY Brief Cases tho Matinee MuMcnlo and was at ono INTERESTING ASSORTMENTS OF Pretty Silk Lingerie time the nceompanim for the Z'copie'a Chorus of Indianapolis. B. R.

Hunt, the husband, a lawyer by vocation and ATTRACTIVE Stamped Aprons All Nicely Made Ready lo Embroider a violinist ny avocation, win De re- 1 I called for his former happy contrlbu- i THESE ARE ALL IN SIZE 12x15 marriage to Arthur A. Browne, will he solemnized Mnv 3. Tuesday Mm. J. W.

Kom and daughter. Miss Erma, will entertain with a breakfast at their home, 2431 Park avenue, followed by a thenter party In the nfternoon. Wednesday Mm. Maurice M. O'Connor.

3563 Central avenue, will entertain with a luncheon- FOR THE WOMAN WHO GLORIES IN FINE UNDERTHINGS 2.983.694.39 Stamped in Attractive Designs 69c Pretty New Styles bridge party. fTiuny. sirs. worn Lewis, -4R37 Carrohton avenue, will glvo a luncheon bridge. Monday.

April 24. Mrs. Ferris Carson Myers will entertain in honor of Miss Sprlnggate with a kitchen shower nt her homo. 3001 Wash 5.95 ington nouievnru. Mrs.

i. uip Made of the finest quality cowhide leather In Plain or pebble grain In black and tan. With deep pockets and Place for pencil Reinforced riveted handle, one-piece double stitched leather gusset strap with harness buckles and lock fastener. Specially priced, Monday only, at, 2,08, 3.80 and 4.80. YVnoii', Street Floor.) Mrs.

P. P. Strode and Mrs. Miner or KOKOmo Will give a niiitiieuH-uiiub" some time during tho latter part of Of Good Quality Unbleached Muslin tlons to Indianapolis musical circles. am a sort of an IndlanaiKills person." Five minutes before wo hod been seated on a pucklng box addressed to Indianapolis contemplating other boxes with like nddrettBes and waiting for some ono to tell us all about it the packing and the trip homo.

And then suddenly wo were sitting near the desk of the speaker himself. "A very long, thin person, with a youthful, dreamy face. That Is Stuart Walker, one of tho most remarkable forces In tho theater of today and of tomorrow" as he Is Introduced by John V. A. Weaver In an article In the Brooklyn Eagle of Saturday.

Eager to Get Back. "I am a member of a number of clubs thereI am crazy to get back to Indianapolis!" he exclaimed. That Indlanapo-1U was uppermost In his mind was plain. One heard tho car wheels clicking "Indiana," "Indiana," as they began to roll steadily down through Jersey. He was not alone In his happy anticipations.

Suddenly the long hands flew out to measure tho long list of those who would go with tho company to stay four weeks, but who, Jf they went, would April. 6.95 ST. JOHN ACADEMY GIRLS TO PRESENT 3-ACT DRAMA Th hlsh school Rlrls of tho at. John Academy of thla city will stago 'Prlncera Wns Toy," throe-act Youthful hlh unci onc-pleco Btyles, made of unbleached mustln tamped In lovely now patchwork designs which will require only i bit of embroidery or stitching to complete. Each 00o.

Children's Unbleached Muslin Dresses 69c Fully made, ready for a touch of embroidery or applique. Stamped on good grado of unbleached muslin or crash. Sizes 4, 6 or 8 years. Specially priced at each, OOc. 7.95 drama written by Mlsa Eileen Margaret Beautiful Satin Francaise Breakfast Coats U.75 Scanlon, class '33, Friday, at St.

Joseph's hall, North and Xoblo streets, Tho play will bo given under tho nua-th St. Francis Xavlor unit stay an summer. of tho Catholic Students' Mission Crusade, and the proceeds will be used lor ino llfiilUlllui WUHK Humir. is wiui a-a nre mndn to feel so very welcome." tho establishment or uie maum Providence at Kast Honan, China. "Princess Wine Toy" Is a play possess-- Mr.

Walker continued. "Thero Is the perfect co-operation of the company and our Indianapolis audiences," he Ready-Made Women's Muslin House Dresses Ing human Interest, nnd having a plot and a sub-plot. One scejie presents ft Japanese tea-party and another stages. Stamped Gowns confided. "And the first-night audi ences aro the finest In tho country, till mnr.

Hoosler assorted. "Indian 1 iff i And Up to 12.95 Of fine crepo de chines and pUBsy wlUow taffetas. Vest and bloomer sets with gowns to match, trimmed with real fllet laces, hand embroidery and tu-tone ribbons. Princess slips in lace trimmed and tailored styles. Attractive patterns In envelope chemise with strap and built-up shoulder Btyles.

IN THE DESIRED COLORS Stamped on good grade un- Women's sovna, full size, already made, round or V- bleachod muslin, Prettily made with colored collar and cuffs and pockcte. Easily neck styles, stamped In Regular 16.50 to 22.50 Values Fashioned of beautiful satin Francaise In straight line, long waisted and draped style effects and daintily trimmed with hemstitched ruffles, pockets, tie-belts and tiny French flowers. apolls la the only English-speaking city that makes its theater a part of hor-self. Somo cities tako pride In their tobacco Interests and others in their a scone in oiu wnuiiv. Mlsa Eileen Margarot Scanlon.

author of the play, will appear as "Both Baldr win." Miss Juliette Pandln has directed tho dancing, and Mrs. M. Frady has 59c nmntifnellires. It lS not SO With In pretty, easily embroidered designs. Each, 1.50 embroidered ae.

ylgnn. Monday, special, at. acted as critic. dlanapolU her dramatic Interest Is hfr nxldft. Tn at.

jonn jcauonir uitucaux under tho name "The Japonic orchestra," will play during and between tha scenes of the play; tho junior orchestra Unbleached Mualln Lunch Attractive Color Combinations He likes the Murnt theater and states that Is the beat theater in America, when utility Is considered. It Is made comfortable for every possible uaor in eon Set M-Inch cloth with 6 largo napkins stamped on good tho auditorium or dbck bib. Stamped Pillow fMt Stamped on Rood quality tubing in dainty French knot and applique designs. 98C Pair, quality unbleached muslin. A wonderful array of styles and colors from which to choose.

Shown in orchid, pink, blue, maize, black 3 and white. I Very Superior Values at 5.95, 6.95, 7.95 I and up to 12.95. W. (D'aaion'i, Fourth Floor) of the acaaomy mane up tno unineso which play during tho second act. Tho cast Is as follows: Frances Kle; Klleen Scanlon.

Mary Marley, Luclla Mickey. Anna Kavanaugh, Mary Mooro, lly embroidered de it: 1.00 Versatile Company. When asked about hlH Rroadway ac signs. Set Shown in popular shades of rose, American Beauty, blue, periwinkle, gray, tu-tone effects and pretty combinations. Exceptional values offered at the special low price, 12.75.

(Watson's, Fourth Floor) tivities of the past season, Mr. Walker MVaoii', Blrfet Ploor.) offered no Information other than "My Alary Uttara, veciiin. tiuruiiwn. carpt McCarthy. Kllxnbeth Marks, Helen Tarpey.

Marie Murphy. Mildred Vestal, Doloretta Solomon. tona Donqhue; Marguerite Joyce- -v?) pride la Indianapolis I am in no way SUUSUrvieni iu niummuj. Thtt Stuart Walker company ia.

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