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The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee • Page 4

The Tennesseani
Nashville, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CTTMBERIiAND UNIVERSITY. Real Estate Transfer. 9iretmdMtirifm The following real estate transfers 'were I An Interesting; Debate In tbe Cnmbert ArrivM.oitnellxjaUirraeBcleUon. acknowledged oeiore tneVounty Uourt Clerk I land -PibyterlnnCTrierrtl Aeln. 1 i-Brsam; XbeFoplI leoleTenBlxrerent'Selioois -dunngthe past week: -aaaW-W-tlWU i t- M.

Ba by hB attorneys, to r5 lot in Bass' 1st, and 2 lots inifiis Nashville, Saturday, May 25, 1873- CAPITAL, pOO ,000. 00, "DuHfig ttejsessioiLof the Cumberland1 TlTOEE whemle grocers, 27 and 29 South Market Street, HanUnoth Smidny School Concert fri 2d addition; $954. agaaaj wmJ at Mr. Poraufliter Same td-W. M.

Ferris, lot in THE CITY, ditioh, Large Atfendhncc in Spite of tbe Balnf presented -on The ohlyt clauaa. in, "thfcreport1 the 'Same to Catherine lot in same, NOTICE. fiomeldei ''oP'the Immense attendance at the esterday, may be derived Hi Baxter, Jr Clerk and Master: toSR- la order during the great presidential con from the fact that the pupila of rfeyen 100 -feet "on Jeffersoh'Street, test, to protect our columns from a threat utwuiuucu aujr uiscuasion WSS JWat recommending the appointment-of a committee to fhqnlre 'intoj expediency of 1 MeDqnnald, of Cumberland University, lengthen revlewinglthe question InWleifal nnd ierent scncois were among tue vioiujik; give the names, numbers.pcalitja! I Geoaha Ferguson to W. G. Hartmah; ened raid by the friends of candidates for INSURANCE COMPiNlr, Mnrfreesboro Metnooist annaaTiScnooi.

in Moi-m uarrou -uouniv. vtav. state and congressional honors, we are' com. pelled. to give notice Athat all com elianm nf HBI-S Dasior.

and I 'James Woods and H. C. Yeatmaa to oilier oeannga, snowing the dilnculties in tllB WAV, nnt In John OroekelQgiBjwil? I wn and J. and George E. Calhoun, lot munications, newspapers slips, notices, SmlUiulMwHiM.

location would effect the reformations de trustee, to Jonn Blatz, lot in Large Stocks and Fail Assortments always on hand at TECH LOWEST PBIOBS. 01 AdSJMJJjLE. i i Pupils 'if Edgefield Female Seminary, uasue tract, fzuu.dti. sired in'the'educatiiii 'of young men for the Be had labored hard to influence iii behalf of individual aspirants, if accepted; will bo charged for at the rate of 30 cents per line, eight words toa line. Such notices must not be invidious, and Bhonld be OTndensed it.

itaxendaie to A. Klein, lot on middle euaperouray.w''F'nnupaij-aen'arAircDer, (SfRce in the Company's Frankbn.pike, $750. I ii 1 1 'llliar I lit I 1 itl' WIMfflirT" I W.Stience. U. S.

"Marshal, to Stod- jj 1 MlsslDniifan.43.5" of HerUcbolaW Nash. young men to take a more thorough course in literature', and 'the artsj'-but Influences out-side i the. college urged'- them to take too short.a literary, ciurse. and hasten to the GSuttding, into the briefest practicable space. datd, in city; $3,201.93.

OBDEHS PKOM. THE COUNTRY SOLICITED. ap20 satuth4p3m Academy, Sumner Conn- J. M. Bass, ahd Fogg, Jr, at- tOrhevH in ilW.t'tn Tir Tt nnmnfnnl'flirAn SO NORTH COLLEGE New Advertisements.

study 'of urged that atheo-i rBlliott." logical connected with a largej luu iix-nass- zaoaaition, A.J. GOODBAB, late with BoUvar E. Cooke Co. R. W.

'JENNINGS, late of Eyans, FIte, Porter A Co. The announcement of a grand industrial exposition, to be opened in Memphis duriuE Sunday-school of the Church of the Re oame tov.wm.-Longworth, 2 lots in university -ue -oentuciiu, uutu uj uiu NEW HOIiES AME HAT HOUSE. student-. and the-'institution. "He op deemer, Episcopal, from bhelbyville, 32 in vumuer next, will; pe seen, on nuuiuun, uoj.ou.

Williams to Andrew TtveA 'int. in nuniDer, wun several teacners. posed establishment ot a theological school, isolated from the other G. P. Thruston, YicePrestt.

Hngh-McGavock's plan of Iota, $500. Mrs. Wagner, with 27 pupils, also from I A. C. Roberts.

40 feet on ui deuiuu uagu mis morning. Unfurnished rooms wanted. Two good, reliable colored men wanted. A lost bracelet is "advertised. i Two stray horses are advertised.

A It). 'Jt. JENNINGS, GOODBAB. South Summer Street, $4)000. E.

R. Smith to G. E. Cooper, lot in as a monastery? He -thought such 'schools mads theological organ-grinders and stunted their usefulnessasjfeachCrsJ-by7. disqualifying 'them 'from" preaching intelligent dis Frot.

Joel iiuckers-Academy, 'at sent a numerousdelegation. 1 fe4 4thply i I From Prof. Toners Academy, at Wartrace, A non-resident 'notice published fronV the i njac a UUU1L1U11 IU fiUgBUClU, $440. Andrew and Eliza Reed to J. M.

Wiin'ams, 39 acres in Illinois, $200. Evans Co. by W. H. Evans" to" Martha OK MABBIAGE.

Belle Buckle Academy sent 100. courses, as; illustrated-' by. instances drawn from othen departments of -knowledge. He great evil df 'preach-, ihe of the present day! ''Sermons were uaucery uourt, -1 W. Clerk County Court, advertises some valuable real estate for sale and Co.

will sell a laree lot of fur- The preparatory department of the Cum HAPPY BELIEF FOR YOUNG MEN from the. effects ot ERRORS: and WHOLESALE DEAIiEBS IN 3BC A.dC-'' LAlbIES, AND MISSES' TRIMMED HATS. AISO A ITU tlSE OF TRUNKS. uaKtey, too acres in Trigg County, Ke tucjiy. $.150 berland University, at consisting of 100 pupils, visited the Exposition last preached and listened it the Nervous debility cared.

Impediments to A. Sorter to G. G. ffBryan, lot in West nignt, in charge or, rrols. Boden and Norr Marriage removed.

New metnod or treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Oir- vniture and bridles and saddles to-day -at 10 o'clock. The Louisville and Nashville railroad will run excursion trains to the National Ceme custom to. preacn ana to listen, out tne ueaa issues discussed were i not such as should be iiasnviue, man.

atnaents ot too nigner classes ot tne cnlars and books sent free, In sealed envoi: University were also present. a. a. jjucnanan to a. aoele.

30 acres. the subject of sermons to intelligent 1. opes. No. All the trains which reached the city yes tery on the 30th.

xooutii rtinta otreet, rmiaueipuia, iru. 2 J. J. and Anna S. Thurston to C.

L. How- The spacious brick dwelling No. 21 South No. :76 PUBLIC SQUARE (Old Stand of Wright, Hooper Go.) NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE leruay were cruwucu- Kjuecuuiy tue oueiDy ville accommodation, which broutrht down etton, land in Coffee County, $1,000. C.

M. Donaldson. Sheriff, to 0. W. Nance I TERMS LIBERAL.

PABTICTJTiAB ATTENTION GITEN TO OEDEES. Ja5peod-6m 1 nd M. Powers: interest in lot on College Clei-kn. and M. Powers; interest in lot on College Street, $500.

over five-hundred excursionists; hotels turned hundreds away and Eldridge was, for the time being, "eaten out" More than six; hundred.persons dined at. the Maxwell House; and the resources of the other hotels were Thb is'about to issue fol Cherry street will be sold on Monday next, by H. G. Score). A notice of the saloon known as the "Home of tbe Liberals" will be seen in city items.

We would call the attention of the trade to th display card of Messrs. Morgan, Thomas wholesale dealers iu white lowing circular to the County. Court Clerks to same, 12 lots tne city and hve in.tbeTcnth District, $1,301.19. J. H.

Ewin and others to W. A. i J. G. lie quoted several instances with a view to showing that ah -institution like that recommended' was not desirable as tending to expand the taind of preachers of the world.

'Mr. Poihdexter, of the commitee, when asked to explain the support'bf' the resolution, disclaimed any intention, of severance, and -himself a firm friend of the Cumberland. University. The simple question, was allow an of: the: expediency of'such an institution, in to the wishiOf large number-of 3he.bretb-ren. The committee did not feel authorized to say there3sbould hot be an One Cigar Store I ot tnis state: Millard, land in Lincoln County.

$1,350. drawn npon in proportion. We know: that we ever before 'saw so many folkB from' the country in town. They thronged the. COMPTEOtLKE's Nashville, May 25, 1872.

J. Joyce, executor, to Margaret Jane Joyce. goods, ribbons, and notions. Thevareoccn. Sm By authority of ah act of.the'.Gen- one-third of lot inBalche Whiteside's addi era! of Tennessee, passed March iuxposiupn baudtng, streamed along the pavemen'ta'of the principal thoroughfares tion, $1,500.

OAS BUY ONE OIUAB AT TBE pying one of the handsomest business houses in the city, known as No. 3 City Hotel Block, and they have in store a magnificent 27, ana approved Aiarcn. 2U, John Whorley and wife to-Sonhia P. yon by this mail certified copies of tbelands huu uueu Lue vapiuii iruui uuiue uj uitse ment. "Don't Go Back on Old Eriends." TIB OLD ESTABLISHED STAR CLOTHING STORE, CORNER MARKET BTBEET and PUBLIUTSIJUARE, has an extensive and Bplendlil stock of GENT'S CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING! At prices to -suit the times, all of the latest norelties received weekly.

My stock of ZBoys' arLd ToutUs' Olotlxlzis- 19 complete, and all I ask is an examination; I know I can please In quality and price. MIKE POWERS. Pinch, the Louisville Branch ame ra'e'as par-Thousand. Boyal Havana brongnt within tbe reach ol an at scock oi goods. ineir card will be seen on sold tor taxes for tue and since, for me, $5,000.

our hrst page. One of the most interesting events of day was the arrival of- the followinir com- and the'resolution did not contemplate the' establishment, bnt the investigation of the'; J. W. Hendrick to M. D.

L. Avaritte. 000 your county, so far as this office will show. The ninth section imposes upon you A cut of the magnificent store-room of mittee appointed to visit our by special duly to see. that the collector ap expediency ot sucn aa.estaonsnment, alter the views and sentiments of the brethren: acres in oumner county, S.

Ileims to Mrs. Marion A. Montgomery, lot on Jefferson Street, $500. the Board or Managers ot tbe similar enter- BOXXISTB'9, S'. XOBTH CHEBBT, Opposite ttxe Maxwell House.

my25 eod 4thp lv I pointed under the. ot said act juicks, Houston uo. win be seen on our first page. They have in store a large and varied stock of queensware, glass, china ware, and britannia and japanned tin-ware. Bhonld be i shall give a good and sufficient bond before pruw prujevuru iu liuuibviuc.

John T. Moore, President of the Board, L. Monkle and wife to Henrietta Seifried. delivery of papers herewith inclosed. Dr.

of Illinois, said jthat might he the action of this Assembly, lot in Foster's and two lots in HcGavock and Messrs. B.Du Pont, S. Biccd and C. G. Jo'nes' Wetmore's addition, $1,000.

I am, very respectfully, Ed. It. Pensebakbr, Tbe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Compa Will be round at (he above Establishment tne uumoeriand: university wonia. conttt.ue the Theological- Departmeht--iri fact must C. M.

Donaldson, Sheriff, to P. W. Weller, JAMES W. EVANS. TOM.

O. CBUNK. ny -will issue round trip tickets to all per Comptroller. lot in city, $2,321.23. To-the County Court Clerk, of The last named gentleman was former ly a merch'aut' -'in this "city.

After' having been shown around the building during the day by. and others of our tr. W. ltansom and wife to H. Boyle, 52 County.

acres in rnira ana nittn Districts, $5,200, do 60, as i their'charter required it, but he opr posed Jany action that would endanger the Ball endowment. He opposed it, because it would cause those intending to bestow endowments to hesitate, and place them in Board, the committee returned last nightand. DlsIHIcd Spirits Ont ofBond. The Conrw. THE SOUTHERN CARRIAGE FACTORY, Established In 1852.

Hob. 49 ahd SHront St, near Suaponsion Bridge, Hnvc on hand the Largest Stock of nere even more pieuseu mau at lueir.iirat The following is a consolidated report of PnoMTK.CoDBT. John Morgan Murrell, sons wishing to attend the Philadelphia Convention, which meets on the 5th of June. Tickets will be good for twenty days after their date, and include a free trip to Washington City. Fare from Cincinnati to Philadelphia, including trip to Washington City and return to Cincinuuti, eighteen dollars.

Anybody and everybody who desire to do so, can avail themselves of this opportunity to travel over a railroad which traverses KISTORYTUWSUIT vjaiL. rresiuent juuore saiu wua cuusiueni suspense one year "more as to where they should bestow them. Dr. Bowden closed distilled spirits out of bond in this Congress ble emphasis that they could hot sdfficienUy old- 1VM PPnticed to sibnal district, on the first day of May, as I with a mpliofTfb striko.out' the rendrt authofizinfr the investigation. Ciecdit Court.

John Arnold vs. J. P. compiled at the united btntcs Assessors 01- uWK lor defendant, Jl, A nce: Without taking action: the General As-1 gehe'raVeffect and the infinite variety of arti- (THIRD EDITION) Jnst received and for bale by. DOMESTIC, FOREIGN.

TOTAL. Lauderdale, Receiver, vs. 0. S. Lesseuer, ad-'ministrator, iudgment' for defendant.

Taz- one of the most picturesque regions of kiho gallons, gallons: sembly adjourned 'Thursday morning. I cles exhibited, the Nashville Exposition far i': I surpassed tha lastheld at Cincinnati. Just The Baptists and People. I after the dpora.bad beenclossdfor the'night, BAROUCHES, BUGGIES, GLAD STONES, and Doctors' Phaetons and IX PRESS "WAGONS, (of their own manufacture) to be found in the city. All In want of any of these articles are Invited to examine their stock before buying.

America, and to visit the truest city on the well Ilyde vs. C. W. Nance, non suit entered; Mitchell Wood vs. E.

A. Herman, dismissed: Alcohol .863 50 High 32,930 32,936 cvauuent. Wm; 0. COLLIER Co. Contested will Case.

II. Stratton, surviving partner, vs. 6. Whisky- 305,092 202 205,291 While the Baj.tist General Association'of the 'committee were handsomely entertained Kentucky was in session at Bowling Green, -in the Board 76f Managers' room by Presi-last Wednesday, Dr. Phillips, of this city, Parsons.

It wasja delightful affair. A who is in the instruction of-colore'd soeech of welcome was made bv President The will of Jesse Smith, deceased, is being .1,107 222. 1,329 iicuuci, uuuiuucu; j. a. Aooens vs.

it. n. Harwell, administrator, dismissed. All kinds of repairing done at shortest notice and in beat manner. Uin 2,347: 4451 2,792 contested in the Law Court.

The facts as we glean them- from, the testimony are fe3 eod 4thp ly Law Court. Felix R. Smith, administra Applebrandy. 25 8,041 tor, vs. Johnatban D.

Smith et ai; a contest these: Peach brandy. ,,30 5,253 WO, 44 BNIOS STBEET. to the Traders my23 eod 4ttap 2w preacherswas and mafle some farsons, to which He said that whilst some of the led, followed: by, Jffinager Howell, Mayor older colored ministers that cama to. him I Morris. Mrl Ira Jones, of the Union and ed will case, still D-ending-.

Grape brandy. 124; 1,452 The testator, Jesse Smith, in January, Stine Birmingham, isi, maae ana published nis will, in which I uauiHAL court. Pat Conley, accused of Oth'rbrandies 5,928 513 0,441 be devised all bis e3tate, worth about knew sbmetnlng of the Bible, the large Managers Brennan, Campbell and mass of them knew nothing of Bible doc- Hensley'an'd Mr. Da Pont, of the Louisville carrying concerned weapons, acquitted. DEAl.KIt.S IN $16,000, to bis bachelor son Felix Smith.

424,461 I ueorgiana Wilson, colored, was convicted Total 421,030 SHELBY VILLE with the exception of a few cows and the sen- than any' dthera now, to work among the The Memphis consisting, of money ana Stajplo and Fonoy Orooerles, jail. IB LOCATED IN ONE 01? THE BEST SEC tlons of Middle Tennessee. An accom M. M. Brieh.

closed the argument on Marriage licenses were issued by the HUD DOMESTIC WINES Hi LIQUORS Red Baptists and Catholics are at work with I sition Board of that city, and P. J. Mallon, them. He went to Tennessee under the pro- 1 1. Ozanne and Captain J.

Wiggs, made tbe part of the defense, and G. J. Stnbble- household furnitnre, which he bequeathed to his aged widow. The widow dissented said will and had a dower assigned ner- The testator, as shown by the proof, made modation tram goes to and returns from Nashville dally. -m uounty tiourt uicrK to tne toliowmg per- field for the prosecution in the case of 1 Tne object or tms notice is 10 give lnxor- Charles Stewart, charged with the murderof sons during the past week: mauou inai.

meoaeiDyTiue 'He Vgone to ivork, and I selves as highly pleased with all they saw. WHITE. a -will in I860, by which he devised and be nis wile, when it was given to the The had had; '-students from ifissburi, Mis-I morning a'cohcert was COM 1ML BROIAXt Jame3 Stephens and Mary Havely. yerdict was awaited with much interest, I but none was rendered before the Court ad- I vnn a sissippi, Kentucky, nnd other States, by, tbe pupus of the Edgeneld Female Acad and wnue Has increased in circulation urine last Cigars Tobaooo, AND GENERAI, AGENTS FOB Kelley's Island. Wine Oo, VABNB'8 WINE OF JL1FJB AND ENGLISH And Morgan's Celebrated CENTUEY SOAP and SAP0LIO T.

a. Weaver and JUattie o. (Jneatnam. Richard Warner and Ella M. Hicks coloeed.

their worship five years emy. The pieces rendered were well received I wild, andi, he: could ntrt by the large assemblage, displaying pro- fcrtoJ pt0blly "ai" verdict to-day. ago year, irom ouu to Advertising Rates 1 sanare. 1 month. tS enjoy it; -now, he: conld not tell their I ficiency for which unstinted-ybredit was James Lapsley and Mary.

Fox. i-ederal Court. The case of Karsh 1 square 2 2'Bqaares 1 month, 85; more space or longer time given in propor- umvcia tiuui luusc ui iue wuiics iiuietm no I nitaiucu iu vuiu icacucra uuujaunui. i Jonn bankrupts, involving the priority of the I saw He. spoke of individuals who I General 'Wihsldw; J' President, and Mr.

jrrcaiueui. uuu air. I j.v. r. were disposed to help him.

and referred to Opdyke, Attorney, of the St. Louis and u' iuu. ASTSnbscriptlon price, 6 months, Spec! men copies free. Address ja3l eod em-lthp S. A.

CUNNINGHAM. Ko. 32 Public Square, Corner Cedar Street, queathed his estate, after making suitable, provisions for his aged wife, to his sons Thomas Smith and Felix Smith. He often, of late years, announced that to be bis intention to so divide his property. Felix lived with the old man, and Thomas, who was wrecked' in health by the war, having served an arduous campaign in Virginia, and having a wife and five little girls to support, lived a short distance from the old man, on ten acres of ground belonging to the testator.

On January 7, 1BU, Thomas died. On the 11th of that month tbe testator executed his last will, making no pro- viamn Vi- rnn Tnm'a lillm. RnrnI Celibrlties. them in grateful terms. The work os Southeastern1 Railroad Company, received a- lu airer reierrea wxne uierK, Tennessee.

uard, but bad been UeliEhtfol to He complimentary cards of namissioa and took V1 "wv Major H. C. Bate, editor of the Lawrence Nashville, vidual or firm debt. Journal (which does not exchange with the spoke in warm terms of the kindness of a look at the Exposition last, sight, and iMcNeilly, Assiimee. vs.Furman Co.

and C. B. AFTHIEB, Dr. Skinner and his successor. Dr.

Jones, of what they saw will no doubt make them in Nashville dailies), andF. O. the I Julius Sax, was taken up but not concluded. 1 The grand and petit juried were discharged Ho. 26 Collegre Nasbvill, Nasb ville.

He urged the body to encourage 1 all the fjreater hnrry for direct communica tbe education of the colored people. When I tion between Louis, and Nashville, via Deals Sxclnslvey In tinguished. visitors who have honored our humble village with their august presence 1 uani duty lv. they are educated they will be useful in the I tneir route. LAST HIOlIT.

during tne past day or two. except the use of fifteen acres of land until Blver Holes. great work of educating their own race. He referred very touchingly to the kind I Notwithstanding the extreme inclemency the youngest becomes'twelve years old, Stage of rivers 3 p. if.

May 24, 1872. Height tQa. Why should we drink Cincinnati beer when the lager of our townsmen, Stilcl Pfeiner is the best in the Nashville market, as is now generally conceded? Go to the home of the Liberals, No. 74 North Cherry Street, 'Colonnade building, where you get it fresh and cool in one of the finest saloons of Nashville. ma25-3t manner in which tbe colored man' after he oi; the5 weather last.night, an immense Bum-: when the same reverts Felix.

On the 01 water aoove low water mark. 'Ileclinffor German Citizens. is educated speaks of his former master. ber of people gathered at the Exposition. Our German fellow-citizens will hold a I oks.

Feet Inches. Rain or Ebine, there is no diminution of the luey seem to bear no jnalice, He thought meeting at Common- Council 3 29th of that month the old man died at the advanced age of 94 years, having been in very feeble health for a number of years, and having given up all business before the Cairo Cincinnati they ought to" have a -betier school ih'Nash-1 attendance. On the contrary, it is decided-ville, rather than to attempt to -have, two 1 Ir on the increase." to-mgnt, to determine wnetuer tuey will I support tne Liberal Kepubiican ticket. another in Kentucky. riillroads to Of course, the feature night waB the war.

It is claimed by the contestants. John 24 10 6 16 4 5 2 7 4 10 3 8 Glazed Sash, Artists and Wax Flower D. Smith, a son of Jesse Smith, Ezckiel Haterlal, and Floorfnz; Tile. Louisville Nashville New Pittsburgh iinauviue let me coioreaipreacnersiiravei at grana concert Dy tne scnoiars.oi tnc aoutn half fare, the Louisville and Nash- Nashville 'Sunday-schools. Ai' about 7 ville railroad.

could getno aceommo- o'clock they formed infline at Elm Straet i Connry Convention. omua, a granason, ana me minor cnuaren "Send for Price List. marlfieod 4thply The. County Convention to nominate can oi Thomas Smith, that Jesse Smith was not See advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dispensary, headed Book for the Million Marriage Guide in another column.

It should be read hy all. my6 JSotal Hayasa -Lottery. $330,000 in Gold drawn every seventeen days. rizes cashed and information furnished. The highest rates paid for doubloons, all kinds of gold anil-silver, Spanish bank bills, Government securities, etc.

Taylor Co, Bankers, No. 16: Wall Street, New York. apl6 dAWtf A Word op Advice. Mothers know the importance attached to the care of teething children. Read the advertisement of Mrs.

Whiteomb's Syrup in another colnmn. myl9 Coke atXastI That celebrated Kelley's Island Catawba Wine, which the agents, Stihe Birmingham, Public Square, are ready to supply lo the trade at the Company's prices. apl4 tf 11 didates lor the offices of Jailer andSheriff competent to make a will, and that it was oauona irom mac roao. '-Many questions 1 unurcn ana marcnea to tne Jucposiuoo, were asked and answers eiven to Dr. Phil- headed by the 16th Infantry band.

There 27 6 M. McKEON, will convene at the County Court room at. ootained by tue nndue influence of Felix Change in rivers during past twenty-four lips during his remarks, which, were listened I were 525 pupils and 46 officers and teachers; to with marked I by actual count, in the" procession. Everv smith over bis aged father. noon to-aay.

nours. Monday morning At 11 o'clock; May 27, 1872, will be sold, without reserve, on the premises, at auction, tbe spacious brick dwelling and grounds, 21 South Cherry Street. The attractions of this property will command the attention of business men and capitalists at the hour of sale. The ladies are respectfulyJnvited-to. be present and participate in the bidding.

ma25-2t- A. Setlitp, will remove Saddle and Harness Manufacturer, General Bate, Major Williams and Tlios, STATIONS. RISK. FALL. I pupil vas.

neatly dressed, and the col- The ComXterlana Presbyterian Fab- Umn showed Great advantage as L. Dodd, represent the contestants, and ISS S. CoIIcbc ITashTille, Tenn. Inches. Inches.

Capitol Visitors. ex-uovernor Brown and i. w. Haley, jssq. Cairo 1 The Capitol'was thronged by countrr vis 1 it npraon tUrOCCIl Ulfl RtrPCtfl AT.

EVERY VABHSTY OF CiKBIAOE AND Baggy Harness, and everytbvne In oar ueieua lor eux Bmitn. itors, from an early how yesterday morning A report was submitted to the Cumber- riving: at thei. Eiposition, they ocenpied nH Prpshvturion fionoraT AnesomMv 1 i fP. -1 .1. I Louisville Presbyterian General in The 17 6 line.

Ja. mckjsun, until late in tne aitcrnoon. around the -ap2o tnsatn 4tnp 2m land Aassembly, entire space session at'Evansville, last Wednesday, by- cascade was i literally covered by Serious Accident to a Well-Knoira the vkitors. 0 11 5 1 Stone-Hason. Memphis Nashville New Man Killed.

the Committee on publication', which caused who waited in anxious expectation for the a cood deal of discussion. That nortion nf I to No. 108 Chnrch Street; (nearly, opposite A man was killed at Kaccooa. Mountain. the report reconfmending the raising" I John Campbell, the leader, mounted the raiU P'ttebnrgh Mr.

M. R. Brew met with a most deplorable accident, while at work on a stone waU, at the Rock City Paper Mills, about 10 o'clock yesterday morning. He was en on the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, 1 16 Battle House, Luck's' Block,) on June 1st, my24 6t Mbaks what He Sats uuu o. luaa ior me estaoiisnmcnt OI a DUD- mir ODDOSlte tlahn's elinrcti orran.

at which I ulr- yesterday. Below high water mark of 1871. lishing house, the employment of" an 'agent Mr. Clarke Randall presided with marked and editor to.devoto his timertO the'jwdrk. I efficiennv: nrid ht a iriv'nn sicrniirthn rnnport.

mations strong as proofs of Holy Writ," and as numerous as the sands on the sea gaged in lifting a rock, weighing about 100 I AT. S. Kaotmah. Siff. Serv.

Obtfr. A. J. Kkhhedt, formerly one of the pounds, and, in attempting to brace himself OBITUARY. and authorizing the investment of the funds, began, the scholars starting off all together.

ASrived. Umpire, from Shawneetown, with 3,000 bags of corn. shore' vere produced to prove that Dr. Mrs. Mary A.

Craighead, wife of the late ior mat purpose, stepped oacKward, ana a plank of the scaffold gave way, precipitat uiuuguv-uui. uuiu ut. uuiru suusutoie I me most excellent time, la-tor all except the. part iteed, in thii.iespee-taef cznibiled the effect Dipabted Umpire, for the Upper Cum- Hon. David Craighead, died at her residence' Pierce, the proprietor of Catarrh Remedy, is in earnest and means what he managers of the Willcox-, flibbs Sewing Machine ofiice of this city, has disconnected his business' relations with that company.

my24 2t ing him backward. He fell a distance of ujiuwiui.ui ui ducul icstiniuiuK me iuuru I oi exceiieni.iraininfr-Ana rnitnrp in this city on Friday morning, May 1873, in the eighty-third year of her age. oenauu, witn general mercoanaise. BxracTED. Lawrence, from Cincinnati.

Lbavi.vo this Day None. of Publication from making'ahy investment rarely attained by so large a body of young The surest sign that Spring is fairly upon us is the breaking of the ice iu Lake Erie and the first shipment of the celebrated Kelley's Island Catawba to Stine Birmingham, sole agents for Nashville. apl4 tf S-McClure, Buck Co. have the exclusive sale of the great Fashion cook-stove. Thereat stove in the market; over fifty thousand now in use.

fe4 tf when he offers $500reward for any about five feet, bis head striking a stone weighing about 200 pounds, while the stone iu building or grounds until they shall; hay sihgers, in recognition of, which- ihe specto-the orders of the He believed I tors the appfaule the Committee were vm i'amUZA Jj The recent rains above have caused the She was bom in-Warrenton, in the State of case of catarrh which" he cannot cure, yet North Carolina, and passed the early years I I there would be some skeptics and fogies who Universal Exposition of the largest Lrivet to rise Bve inches at this point, and it of lier life in the family of her paternal i.o- lift, wmcu ue.naa attempted to lilt came down upon the opposite side, thus leaving his head jammed tightly between, the two stones, fracturing' his jaws, and perhans his sknlL best and had put thfir best Work into I The mnrert wm mmnlimontoi in tno continues to rise, with a steady rain falling uncle, Hon. Macon.5; Beared' and I. would continue to shout, "Humbug "Hum- and best assorted stock of plain, fine and extra fine Fnrniture in the South. We employ the best workmen, use the most im educated with such is no buelP "It cannot be. because Dr.

Homesnun at mis writing, xnere are three and a half feet I reported on Harpeth Shoals, and our andentting one of his ears in two. He was the report. He maintained fhey al- highest terms and by the Managers especial-ready bad a publishing house'; smaU, it was ly, who were unanimous in asking that it true, -but -growing. The publishing house be repeated; rAvotcTof the children was wonder if, in after IJ, catarrh cannot be cured." Now, this subsequently taken to his residence, No. 278 steamboatmen expect a good stage of water ooutn summer street, it 19 teared he can Dr.

Homespan is the identical good-natured at an early aay. by such'eminerit practical devotion to duty, conscientious regard the rights of otaers, such not survive his injuries. proved machinery, thoroughly, seasoned lumber, and the best materials in the manufacture of our goods. -Coll and see for your Keep Cool. Refrigerators, water coolers, ice-cream freezers, and crystal spring filter-ers; beer coolers' and ice chests at Phillips, nan peen an lunerant memoer ot tne Church, taken on' the question and they responded and, now that it had got settled down for favorably without a dissenting voice.

We about a year and a half, they wanted to move are, to; hear" them again some ifragain. If it was better for her health trot niirht neit week Mr. Brew is considered one of the best did fellow who honestly. believes and persists iu declaring, that 'this earth is not ronn'd The German Turners National Con enea' laagmemv-ana stcaay to stone-masons in the State, and a man of re- selves. Weakley Waiiees, Nos.

8 audio Tension. Affer a session of two days, at Louisville. principle. For these were the qualities for or spherical: but Sat as a "slap-jack," and her around. He argued against the expedi-, As late as 11 o'clock at least half of the which Mr.

Macon was so remarkable. Of mantaoie industry, we sincerely nope that, notwithstanding his serions. injuries, he' may North College Street my23 1w tbe National Convention of Turners ad does i not turn over, otherwise the water ency Ol tne. proposition and Its various-! BChnlnra remained in 'OiA Kvnnoilinn nntM- journed to -meet in Rochester, New York, would all be' spilled ont of Deacon Bascom'i phases. He showed how he thought practi- ing, waiting for vehicles to take them home.

Ml nianwnnlil if I J1V i this great and good man Mr. Benton, in his "Thirty Years," thus "Philosophic in his temperament wise in his conduct, and Visitors to the. Exposition would do yet recover. Pending; BaJIroad ITeffollatlons, v. iur jn-1 Dot oy la ciocs: ail uaa gone nome.

tributions, and.prophesicd that it would -be m-inmiT. Two vexed questions were put at' rest in well to. examine the Lane Bodley Steam mill pond. But astronomical science hss positively demonstrated and proven, that my8 tf New SnoKS. Gaiters and Slippers in great variety, in plain and fancy styles.

Children's Shoes, all colon, a large assortment, stock not to be surpassed here or elsewhere. Prices low. Every one is invited to examine. Jobh Ramaoe Son, 48 College Street. roylG-tf General E.

F. Winslow. President and nineteen or twenty years before the fund of SMhhitiwin nf the adoption of a resolution which arrays e)erncaJ 13 by reason ana the organization in favor of equal social and B'We Saw It has enlarged pat W. S. Opdikc, Attorney, of the St Louis Dr.

Homespun is wrong in supposing this i uwuuuio iv i pieaiue ut tue orgau to-nigttt. ine Dana and ooumeastern Kailway Company, were ent friction feed works ahd the, best independent and simultaneous head blocks, with wuuiu ue luipuuuie to puoiisu sumaent 1 nroirramme will i. called by Mr. Jefferson the. of the Ro- political rights for womenj but against granting them the to vote; nnd, what is scarcely less important, declares that the earth to be flat and stationary, and.

medical science is daily proving the fact that he is literature for the demands of the. Church. I 1. Sharpshooters' March. uuauy engaged tue various courts yesterday, investigating the title to the Edge- His firmness, his patriotism, his self- automatic dogs, in the world.

The engine He would contribute liberally to publish denial his devotion to duty, and- disregard. I n0 jess mistaken and behind the times in re- t. evening uoimes (Song). -3. Polonaise.

lurners aanere to their old platform of prin field and Kentucky railroad. They say that if the title should be found to be a good one and mill are in full operation all the of ofiice and his modesty, -integ worKS as last as necessary, Dut not a dollar to go into such a fund, as contemplated bv and that each member shall be free to 4. the. opera of Fra Diavolo. gard to the curability of In short, it has been positively proven that this world auu tuey uiu maae equitaoie arrangements join any political party he prefers.

Jotra P. Dale Co, Agents, 68 South College Street, Nashville, Tenn. ma22 4t the resolution. rity, self-control, and subjection of conduct, to the. conviclions'of reason and the dictates of virtue, all so steadily exemplified a Dr.

McDonnold. preferred the substitute to Cincinnati was cnosen as the place where the national festival will be held next year moves, and that medical science is progres o. under the Daisies. 6. Agnes Galop.

7. Sweet Spirit, Hear My Prayer. THE GREAT BABY SHOW. some of the points contained in the xepbrt. mm Aujcuuiu irunuact uompauy, tuey may purchase the road.

Should they purchase the entire line from this place to Evans-ville, they will run through trains direct long Hie, were all shown from tbe early age' Bensoh's Exposition hat is all the go sive the opinion of Dr. Homespan to the by the following vote: Cincinnati. 147 tie discussed the relative ments or both of eighteen, and only confirmed in tho sub Leavenworth, 36; Milwaukee, 31; St. Lonis, 29. propositions, and was followed -by other The Nashville and Decatur; sequent public of a long, contrary notwithstanding.

That Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will cure catarrh, thousands Don't go home without one. Price from $3.50 to $7.00. Sold only by C. D.

Bexsox, irom iHasnviue to at Louis, and fully equip the road. Until some definite arranirements 5S5Save time and money by buying your Mattresses and Beddings at Ed. H. Miller's Mattress Manufactory, No. 7 North College Street Old Mattresses neatly repaired ap2B lm BQs Boots and shoes 25 per cent, lower than any other house in the city at the People's Shoe Store, 04 North College Street J.

W. Lawless Co. myl9 lw. gkgT Five hundred pair Lastic Balmorals gentlemen' until the hour of pose to run' their accommodation" train' oil without a vote being taken Thursday, the 30th instant, starting from The platform, which was unanimously who-have used it attest. No.

23 North Cherry Street. One ticket mm ana exaitea career. Mr. Macon was Ihe real Cjicinnatus of America, and the pride and -ornament of his native State of are made, however, relative to the proposed a'dopted, reasserts the old principles of the Pulaski in tbemorniug, and returning from given away with every hat sold. ma22 tf Then buy it, and use it, in donbt do not purcuuge tuey are not prepared to say what Turners to aid in a radical reform move Ont in the Woods.

ro Nashville at ten o'clock p. m. of same night. North In-such; a 'was stand, The Hibernian Society will have'a iiicnic affording; citizensi of Phlaski, Columbia, Mrs. Craighead brought up, and well did she Tho purest and sweetest Cod Liver wuioc uioj win pursue.

Sent Home for Interment. ment in regard to social, political and religious affairs, and against any restrainment of religious liberty. They pledge themselves You will find it in drug stores all over the at the National Gardens on the 20th prox. Franklin and all" other points between Pn- proht by the lessons there taught. Oil in the world is Hazard Caswell's, mado land.

i uemovine to Tennessee sue, in the year iue weatner mmtmnir. rn kimi. itpruv- i iuah.i uuu. wasuvuw an uuuuiiuuiiy ui to work against corruption wherever it may 1818, intermarried with Mr. David Craic- The KaoxviUe Press and Herald of Thursday, says that the remains of Miss Bridget O'Shea, who died at St Cecilia's Academy, terian Church Sunday Schoolare to Jiave a ing.the grand baby show at'the Exposition, on the sea shore, from fresh selected livers, by Caswell, Hazard New York.

It at 1.25, worth $2.00. Everything else low Talk at the Toilet. Every lady's maid Miumu exuunjion on tue xennessee ana tra- uu aulu uu mtu be found, and consider it as one of their claims to bring tbe education of the people to the highest perfection. cifio Railroad, and the nf the ine home. neaa, wno, auring a long career, stood the very front rank of our ablest lawyers.

For more than fifty years has Mrs. Craig knows that the bewitching beings who pave is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who in proportion, at the People's Shoe Store, 64 North College Street- J. W. Lawless Co.

their triumphant way with conquered heartsj A resolution to thank senators Schurz. Church of the Holy Trinity at Bosley's The great splendor and dazzling magnili-Springs, on the Nashville and Northwestern cenee of the Exposition when illuminated at head lived in When she came to have once taken it prefer it to any other. For sale by all druggists. ap3 wesa ly regard a splendid head of hair the most it in 1818 it was a small-villago of wooden Kauroad, to-day. night by the myraios ot gas jets, renectors, my 19 lw 8" 250 Ladies' Saratoga trunks of every Sumner and Trumbull for their action in regard to; the sale of arms during the French war of was tabled by 222 yeas In 45 effective of all womanly fascinations.

They eic, 13 truly wonaenui, ana we leei weii as Best ahd Oldest Family Mecicine. San- structures. She lived to see it growinto a beautiful city. What an eventful period bas believe, and they are right, that they can The Reservoir. style and elegant finish; also a large stock near this city, on Monday, reached that place onrWednesday and were conveyed by waiting friends to the residence of Mr.

Mike Sullivin, in North Since the daughter was placed" at school at St Cecilia the parents have temporarily reniOTed Whcre her fttter, Mr. Martin SouiM te.niT. contract on the in 7n, th raUroad- Mis3 O'Shea was in her fifteenth year, and possessed those amiable and desirable quaUtieslhat made her a favorite with her associates anrtTh. idol of the family circle. 0aates the ford's Liver Invigorator; A purely vegetable cathartic and tonic for dyspepsia, con The members of the City Council made a sured that President btoss ana toe management of his road will be well appreciated by tbe residents along the line of the Nashville and Decatur railroad for affording them tho of gentlemen's sole leather and French nays.

This vote was attributable to a desire to keep out of politics, and not to a favorable opinion of the Administration, many of the delegates making declarations to that she not lived through 1 Born in 1788 she saw the foundation of the American Union. She saw the rise and progress of the French visit of inspection to the reservoir, yester lasso as many beaux with the luxuriant ringlets. and glossy braids as they can "kill at with their beaming eyes. Hence trunks; ladies' and gents' satchels in great stipation, debility, sick headache, billious at day afternoon. They found that one of the basins contained mud to the depth o' eigh Kevolntion, ihe career of Napoleon, the opportunity of visiting the great temple of variety, which I am selling at greatly re tacks and all derangements of liver, stomach effect.

in their "toilet talk" among themselves and art science and industry by gas light. career of our own Andrew Jackson, the war of -1812, tbe war with-Mcxico and the late Additional Entries. and bowels. Ask your druggist for it. Beware of imitations.

ja3eodWly. with jtheir attendants, the merits of p'repara- duced prices for cash, at 31 North College Street Wm. Ddnstead, Trunk Manufacturer, my 14 tf teen mcnes, ana that oneoi tne wans had become cracked. The basin is to be. cleaned out and the wall repaired at once, the grounds fenced in'and sodded, arid shade or nelaeed with Oil.

I The following are additional entries to the terriDie civil convulsion. In early life Mrs. Crarghead couuected herself with the Protestant Episcopal Church. One of the pipes containing crude petro-1 stakes published in the Bansee Thursday 8 Dutcher's Lightning Fly Killer i- tions for the hair are freely canvassed, and the latest result of this discussion seems to be the almost universal adoption of Lyon's New and Elegant Goods. Beautiful or ornamental trees planted.

leum, attached to ihe cotton press at the depot, bursted yesterday, and of which she continued ever after a faithfuL sweep3 them off and clears the house speed morning: Belmont stake, Isaac W. Pennock enters ch. t. bv: Jack Malone, dam Vesper Light, and consistent member. She leaves two sons ilyTry it Sold by dealers everywhere.

as an article better adapted to A Popular Pampblet. One thousand coniea of n. nnmnhW nn. completely awo colored women who there as. spectators.

Not less than and a daughter, and large circle of Tela- by Childe Harold. The same entry for the ap24 Ingenious XuTentlon. Mr. F. L.

HartenBtein, of this city has recently invented and secured a patent for an ingenious and simple and inexpensive little apparatus, for sawing stove wood and for fashioning cabinet work, by treadle power. number of up-right saws set in rapid motion by the revolutions of a flywheel saw. wood gandies and muslins in the very latest styles at prices far below their real value, opened at Thompson Bros, Kelly, Summer Street my23 5t taining tbe quadrennial sermon Breached be-1 "naif a' dozen buckets full. of the oil were I Bellemeade stake. in tne vanaaii siaKeAir.

uves ana mends who mourn her loss and revere her -R. in Nashville can have 're the General Conference of the African Sashed upon them. After recovering from tbe Republican Banner left at their doors Pennock enters ch. c. by Asteroid, dam Josephine' E.

Rowan, by the Colonel: the same entry for the Sanford stake. episcopal Church by Bishop A. the suaaen shoes, proaucea Dy the greasy rf. Wagman, and the quadrennial addresj deluge, they retired to Sumner's Hotel and FCNERAJL NOTICE. The friends and acquaintances of Mrs.

every morning by breakfast time, in any part of the city or suburbs, for twenty-five promote the growth and beauty of the I' Chief Glory of Woman than any other at present before the world. They say that without irritating the akin of the bead it eradicates dandruff, and that it penetrates below the surface to roots of the hair, endowing them with new life and vigor. aaitu oi Bishops, delivered hv called Ior soap ana water lor two. cheaply and fastapy giyen'length, as the saws may be adjusted TheOinyentor, will 5.L J-iI- were printed at the Mad Dot Killed. A doe havinir every symptom of hydra- Ivory in coral set, When 'twixt parties' lips yon see, Sozodont, 'tis safe to bet, Beautifies the ivory.

my22 WM 2t ConvicfA from Giles. David Craighead are respectfully invited to attend her funeral on Saturday afternoon, at 4:30 o'clock, at Christ Church, have it on'-exnibilioh Monday in theEionJ ItfW S5 deand cents per week. Leave orders at Banner Office, or with the undersigned, N. Five convicts, all arrived yester Won Buadingr aoti phobia was killed in North Edgefield yesterday morning. The Key.

Mr. (irahara will officiate. Smith, Proprietor of city routes. ja31 tf day from Giles County. labia ill Itr.t..

Qii: ul -') 'X..

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