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The Algona Upper Des Moines from Algona, Iowa • Page 3

Algona, Iowa
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he Algoiia tfrpetPee Moinefi, Iowa, May IMl SENECA SENIOR PLAY NEXT WEEK Senecaj The, Seneca senior class will- Its class play, at the school gymnasium Thursday and Friday everting, May 8th ana 9th. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jensen of Ledyard spent Sunday evening at the Art Paulson home. Mr.

and Mrs. F. E. Slagle and son spent the past week at the. Drew home near Depew.

Mrs. Cecil Baldwin and son, Donald, accompanied Mrs. Martin Andeberg of Armstrong to Mason City Saturday. The Fete Godfredsons of Bancroft and the LaVerne Bryans of Burt spent Sunday at the Alfred God' fredson home. Alfred fituflburt spent several days last week helping Me brother, Manflell bf tteW Graettlnger With his farm wdrk.

Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Lee and fam- iy of nearrDepew spent Sunday at the Howard Richards Home. Mr. and Mrs. Martntis Nielsen and family spent the evening there.

1 Pre-Nuptial Shower St. Joe: A pre-rtuptlal shower will be given In honor of Susie Frideres in St. Joseph's Hall on Sunday evening, May llth. Miss Frlderes Will be the bride of George Becker on Wednesday, May 14th In St. Joseph's church here.

Grade Gaarde of Odeboldt, spent the week end at the parental P. A TOUR FRIEND AT MEALTIME Friday and Saturday, May 9 and 10,1041 BEEF ROASTS tender, Juicy and well covered 23c and I8c Pork Loin ROASTS AND CHOPS and ISC Big and Ring Bologna -pound Ring Liver Sausage pound Fresh Ground Pure Beef lb. 17t Summer Sausage pound 24c Beef Short Ribs ST. ioc Per lb. Bacon.

Squares I2c Liver WISE-SPENDING Careful spending means extra money for amusements and special occasions Careless buying of foods not advertised can easily nullify the savings on advertised specials. ITS SAFE TO SAVE AT COUNCIL OAK Dromedary 3 'Minute Fudge and Frosting Mix pkg. Now for the first time, you can make delicious fudge with only 3 minutes cooking. Hershey BAKING CHOCOLATE 2 lb. pkg.

Hershey BREAKFAST COCOA 1 lb. can kj A 14c Robb-Ross Angel Food Cake Flour pkg. 15fi Pantry Pride Imitation 1 Vanilla Extract -two 8 oz. bottles Spry -pound can 17c; 3-pound can dfic Make ypuTnext white cake with Spry. A pure vegetable all-niiroose shortening.

Best for deep trying. '-in Now Crop' Sair Dates -2 pounds for 23c 2 Morning Light APRICOTS No 2 cans 33c 2 Morning Light GREEN BEANS No. 2 cans 21c Kellogg's Rice KrUpies pkg. Marshmallow Peanuts lb- 13c Lemon Drops -Per pound 13e Fresh Frosted Delmont IBs. for 27c "Enriched by Nature" MA BROWN WHOLE WHEAT BREAD OUR EVERY FRIDAY FEATURE Enriched with Vlfaunln'B-i NANCY ANN WHITE BREAD Pound loaf Te.

Bwby AM Chili Con Came 16-oz. cans 29c Derby's real Mexican flavored chill. Ptenty of meat Tn ivery to along with beans and the finest spices, Oaji i i AM COFFEE Save the empty bags and start a beautiful set ot 82-carat pattern dishes. AC-CUT COFFEE This "Mfchty Fhie Blend" may new had InBegutar and Drip-0-Later Ortad In both 1 ana S-nound Ilura-fllass Jaw. Pound Tin or Jar 24c 1 package 9cj Ige pkg, 20c LuxToUetSoap cakes (7c lg, pkg.

QREEN GOODS SALE Ngw ivjHffFgeag THELMA KENNE OF WHITTEMORE WED Whlttmore: Iri a ceremony that took place at Fairmont, at 0:30 o'clock Thursday morning, May 1st, Thelma Kenne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kenne of here, became the. bride of Burdette Johannsen, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Herman Johannsen of Sutherland. The Rev. L. M. Devhn performed the ceremony.

The couple was attended by Marie Kenne, sister of the brloVJ, and Gerald a brother of the bridegroom. The 'bride was attired in a brown and beige redlngote with beige accessories arid she wore a corsage of rose buds and lilies of the valley. The bridegroom wore a tan tweed suit. The bride is a graduate of Presentation Academy. The bridegroom graduated from a Sutherland school.

Mr. Johannsen is employed by the Arnold Motor Supply and they will make their home at Fairmont, after May 10. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents at which members of the bridal Couple's Immediate families attended. The home was decorated in peach anc white and a wedding cake served as the table centerpiece. WESLEY NEWS Gertrude Otis is employed at thfl Llnnan Lynch office In Algona.

Mrs. Alf Studer will entertain her bridge club on Thursday, May 16th. Mr. and Mrs. A.

M. Lenikee and Eugene of Irvlngton visited at the Joe (Meurer home Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Loii Gouge and two daughters, Vdrnifll and Marjorie, were Sunday dinner guests at the Stanley Garman home in Corwith. Guy M.

Butts brought his sister. Mrs. Grace Helm, back from the hospital in Rochester Sunday. She had taken treatments for eye trouble. Mr.

and Mrs. Larry Lang, baby Marilyn, June Haverly and Bernard Hauptman left Saturday morning for Baltimore', where the men will be employed in an airplane factory. Mrs. John Puffer entertained her 500 card club at her home Friday afternoon. Mrs.

Ed Downs and Mrs Will Hauptly won first and second high score prizes. Mrs. Ign. Eisen- baoher received low score prize. Mrs.

G. Strieker will be hostess to the club ladles on Thursday of next week. 17 Seniors Enter Final Class Activity at Wesley ness sailer In Wesley Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Blelth and 5onna Mae visited relatives at Clear Lake Sunday. Mrs. A. Kleinpeter entertained the members of the Royal Neighbor lodge last Friday afternoon. Mr.

and Mrs. Leo Reno and fam- ly and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sheets and family visited relatives here Sunday, The MethocHst Ladles' MA will serve a supper to the- public in the church basement on Saturday night, May 17th. The confirmation services In the longregatlonal church were postponed from last Sunday until Sunday, May 18th.

(Mr. and Mrs. Will Ward and daughter, Dwnna, enjoyed a fishing outing at Spirit 'Lake Sunday. They reported a good catch. Mr.

and Mrs. Everett Harris and two children of Esthervllle visited over the week end here with her mother, Mrs. August Engstrom. Mr. and Mrs.

Herman Lyons and family and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kain and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Ed Hdldman home. A number of Wesley folks attended the Arndorfer-Welden wedding dance at Corwith Saturday night. Henry Arndorfer and Helen Weiden were married that morning.

The Alber Young family of Ti- torika were visitors at the Oliver Sunday. Little KafcHleen stayed for a few days' visit with her grandmother and grandfather. Miss Alvlna Frieden of Rudd was a week visitor at the 3. M. Kunz home.

Sunday dinner guests also included Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schmidt and Alton KHnger of Mitchell, Iowa. Mrs. Julius KunsS and Mrs.

Alfred Erdman returned home Monday from Council Bluffs. They had attended a state D. of A. convention and had gone there Friday morning. Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Eisenbacher, daughters, Charlotte and Agnes Marie, and Mrs. Irwin of Evan, attended the Eisenbacher-Nelson wedding here on Thursday. The Woman's Society of Christian Service met Tuesday afternoon in the church 'basement, Mrs. P.

C. Haynes, Mrs. Wll Knight, Mrs. Ernest Hutchinson and Eva McCall were hostesses. Mr.

and Mrs. Rienard Hammond of Fort Atkinson and Thekla Eisenbacher, R. of Waterloo, came last Wednesday to attend the wedding of the ladies' sister, Lucille, to Clarence Nelson on Thursday. They returned to their home Saturday Druggist and Mrs. H.

J. Braley expect to leave this week for Detroit to visit their son, Dr. Alson Braley, wife and two children. The latter family are leaving for New York City soon where he will do research Work and teaching in the Columbia university. Vincent Hands, son of Mr.

and Mrs. George Manig, had the misfortune of breaking -his right wrist Saturday. He was cranking his car In Brltt when it happened. Me is employed on the George Goetz farm. Last week he stepped on a nail and so was unable to work Wesley: Friday night, May 16th, will be Class Night at the public: school.

The program will be: Music, sextette; Class Poem, Amy Nelson and Maxine Seller; Salutatory, Edward Richter; Class History, Hugh Licktelg, Ralph Bauer, Betty Riggs; Class Will, Vera For- burgeir, VrtrgllntOa Sherman; Class Prophecy, Bernadette Studer, am! Lillian, ScHrauth; Valedictory, "Dreams for Tomorrow," (Bernadette Studer; Presentation of Class Picture and Presentation of Class, Edward Richter; Response by Presentation of Junior Class, Frank Richter; Farewell Poem, Maxine Kirschbaum; Farewell Song, members of junior class; Presentation of Awards, Scholarships, Siipt. R. Campbell. The program for the' baccalaureate services on Sunday night, May 18th, at eight ociock is: processional Mrs. Dorothy Bender; invocation Rev.

J. A. Riggs; music, sextette sermon, Rev. Riggs; music, sextette benediction, Rev. Riggs.

Commencement night will be on Tuesday, May 20th, at eight o'clock Processional, Mrs. Dorothy Bender invocation, Rev. J. A. Riggs; music sextette; address, W.

R. Hamilton Mason City; music, sextette; Pres cntation of Diplomas, Dr. R. Richardson, president of the schoo board; recessional, Mrs. Bender.

Members of the senior class ar Ralph Bauer, Eugene Kirschbaum Hugh Lickteig, Michael Lloyd, Merl I Loebig, Robet Moore, Edward Rich ter. Donnell Erdman, Vera Forburg er, Lucille Hirner, Agnes Johnson Amy Nelson, Betty Riggs, Ldllia Sehrauth.XMaxine Seller, Virgin! Sherman and Bernadette Studer. Their class motto is "Character is the Cornerstone to Success." The class colors, peach and nile green: lass flower, tea rose. The public school will be dismissed at four o'clock on, Wednesday, vlay 21st. On Thursday, May 22nd he teachers will finish the report ards and on Friday the pupils re- urn for the report cards.

Memorial Day Services Memorial Day services will be held in the high school auditorium Friday, May 30th. Rev. J. A. Riggs, pastor of the local Methodist church will be the main speaker.

Edward Funnemark of Mitchell spent the week end here. The Vee MulHn family visaed relatives at Hardy Sunday. and Mrs. Lou Goetz visited at the Lee Goetz home Sunday. Pauline Moore of Algona was a week end visitor at her parental nome.

Will Garman of Burt was a busi- Need Money? TO PAY UP OLD BILLS BUY NECESSITIES OE TO EEDUOE PRESENT PAYMENTS or More Loaned Quickly 20 Mos To Pay Special Payment Plan foi Farmers H. OSTWINKLE Algona, Iowa 13-t natural or coral gold. Eoiy-to-read dial with 18K applied gold nvmorali S9 PAIGi 19 UK natural gold-filled. Choico of black zona silt dial orieKappllod gold $53 DORIS 17 iewell. 14K natural applied gold numeri ali.Modernlitlcdomed crystal.

EMERSON 17 lOKnaturalgold.filled. 18K applied gold nu- merali only. Concealed strap 41 'Also Elgin and Gruen Watches Borchardfs No No wonder its the RIDE of the year! Drive the big 1941 Ford. See lor yourself how "Slow-Motion Springs" have brought completely new Riding Ease to the low-price field! You learn a lot about the Ford RIDE when you examine the "Ridfrgraphs" shown here.But try the know wliy everybody's talking about this great new ride. Sensational new, softer, s-l-o-we-r springs have created a atnoqther, Vmore reatM ride than any pre' yjous low-price car ever had, learn a lot about the RPPMINS588 of the J941 For4 5 wheo you use the Stick." There's 3 more room than in any other low-price carl You leara still more about "VALUE" when you discover the Ford gives you more than 30 major features available in DP other low-orice carl Dry the car, examine Hie facts, end the truth this statement is clear; The 1941 Ford OUT-RJBBS, USES, duT-VAMJES any otter, CW near the Ford price-bar nonet MCW FOftO M0C Blow wwy UM ihowi fcow Uw teutUeMl FeH mooth orw bamp.

Get the facts WP pt a Ford! K1NT. MOTOR, 5 'i fenf? ra 4 4 Mrs. Alpha Kdfoattfi tried, but ahe wouldn't fetf way out of a thirty-day JalWgfr tence. When the 1 defendant crocheted the work herself wiieft she was accused of stealing, Judge Maddy gave her the opttwtunw? ttf prove it. Examination by the court of the finished products' failed to prove that she was not guilty.

Of Course Mother Wants Something Smart to Wear Surpriie Mother with "ilendar- iied" Spun Rayon lull. She'll look YOUNG AGAIN in any LOURAY frock you choote from our large (election of llylei and colon. Mothert and ilmplylove IOURAY frocki. ro and 38 to 44. Mall and phone orders filled.

$7.95 Exclusive With Us Other Dresses for $2.98 to $10.95 For Gifts For You WHITE GLOVES $1.00 Classic white gloves perfect accent to all costumes. Give them to Mother buy some for yourself. Only $1. WHITE chalks up a winning score in ft uoerefci- Betsy spotless White. Also in Black Kid.

Sizes to 10, AAAA to and EEE. NAVY or BLACK DRESS COATS Lovely dark coats in twills or fine wool crepes. In all sizes. At this low price. $15.00 Other coats in mixtures, fleeces, etc.

Reduced to $9 $12 $15 Mother's Day MAY 11 SLIPS, silk and satin 1 0 to 1 88 PAJAMAS 2 98 BAGS, light )or dark pure linen 80 HOUSE FROCKS, all sizes and $1.98 and many other nice gifts The ideal sift for your very best glamour girl. Your Mother will appreciate Rollins 'Stockings as her very own gift from you. We'll wrap them ever so gifty. Gift Box of-3 Pair $O85 Other Hose 49c up Nylon Hose $1.16 and S. I "V-A Store, JUtt -V--.

'fj' 'ri'itla i.

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