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Janesville Daily Gazette from Janesville, Wisconsin • Page 7

Janesville, Wisconsin
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'JAyiESVTUJE, WIS. JANESVILLE DAILY FEBRUARY 13.1951. Hospitalized Youth First to Sign F. F. A.

Membership Fort Herb Dueslcr- beck, a charter member cl the Fort Younp Farmers' organization who has been a polio patient in Wisconsin General hospital at Madison since last September, is the first paid-up member ol the Young Farmers' organization lor the coming year. Herb, who is paraljzcd in all but his left arm and hand, mailed his membership fee to E. A. Bergemann. high school agriculture instruclor, and it will serve as the kick-off in the 1951 membership campaign.

The Young Farmers scheduled their annual meeting for last night but a raging blizzard which was blocking roads early in the evening held the attendance to a number lower than that reriuireri for a quorum. Election of offi'-ers and other business will taken up at a special meeting at 8 p. m. Monday. The" group was entertained Monday by Pat Lee.

who showed color movies he took on a deer hunting expedition in northern Wisconsin and a Canadiiin ing trip. On the fishing trip, four Fort Atkinson men flew 2. 0 miles into the country. The Fort Farm Institute, on Feb. 22, will be held at the Congregational meeting house.

Les I'eckham. in charfee of the program, outlined plans to the Young Farmers last night. Bob Lcmkc is chairman of the parly the Young Farmers and" farmers of the area will stage for Fort Alkinsorf men on 17 and Eric Les cohier, in charge of the program, has promi.sed some outstanding entertainment. On March 3. Mr.

and Mrs. Le-S- cohicr and Mr. and Mrs. John will be co-hosts and co- hostesses at a hard times parly of the Vouiig Farmers organization. The Young Farmers will howl at the and Alleys on Saturday and their basketball squa 1 will plav at Milton on Feb.

20 at Whitewater: Feb. 20. Jefferson here: Feb. 27. there March 6 and hero 13.

Kerschensteiner Is Re-elected spending several days at the home of the Rev. and' I-Iar- old Carlson, and visiting with friends here. Mn. Chalk Murlirr, til H. HIcb Irlrtiiiaoc MtrUI.

prnHiaal and abll- ttxtr and I'hark Muelirr, irlpohonr ihomri or lilorfi. F.irt lllklD- Auriit: i. Mnr. cms Allni. MopU pbuof Mr.

and Mike Heilmrler left bv car Saturdav for a three Fort H. schensteiner was unanmiouslv re-elected president of Fort Atkinson Community Chest bv directors Monday evening. Freeman Fingel, who was named to the board at the annual weeks' trip through the south meeting Feb. was elected vice west. Arizona and California, pre.sident to succeed flordon Pay i and Morgan Allen and Miss Juanita Schreiner was Uilly and Carole visiterl at named to succeed Rob-' the home of her Mr.

and ert Merriman. Charles B. Rogers Mrs. William Wittenwylcr. in was re-elected treasurer.

All of Simday. Witten- fieos arc for a one year term. who l.e-irt at- The directors expressed their tack on afternofin. was gratitude to the outgoing officers admitted to St. Jo.seph's hospital and directors.

Frank H. Bell, who i headed the IOJI fund drive, ex i and Mis. A. K. Tink are pressed his appreciation to the several days in Ne workers who marie the i York City "here Mr.

Tink. prin fund campaign a sucae.ssful one. -ipal of the high school Officers and directors will meet here, is attending a national prin soon to name to drive chairman cinals" convention. They plan to for the coming year. return on Frid.i.v.

Choir Concert The 37voice Northwestern Lu- theran Theological seminary male rdimyra 1165106111 choir from Minneapolis will give a concert of sacred Lenten music IS UIRXIBT uU6St Saturd.iy at Trinity Lu- nn theran church. On its an- QII Outll JSirtllCiGiy nual tour, the choir is directed by Eden Nicholas. Box observ- senior at Northwestern and a for-; cd his S9th birthday annivcr mer star of stage and radio. Sunday he and his wife HI? dinner guests ol his son and a rtHughter -in-law. Mr.

an.l Other guests Bo-vs Mrs xvIZ PnhorT SchrcHier, husbaivi and Wlfte. Robert street. A Arkinson inz host and hostess will be os ton AtKinson. and Mrs. Harold Poyer.

On the program uiJI be E. L. White. -GP photo IN FOKT CIICRCH PLAY Three one-act plays will be presented by the Couples club of the Fori Atkinson Congregational church Friday and Satunlav evenings, Feb. ITIS.

In the cast of the first play "Bread." to "be given ai the fourth annual "presentation night." are clorkwisp from left: Mrs. Robert Brace. R. W. Droegmueller.

EnrI Bienfang. Bob Brace, Mrs. Robert Droegmueiier and Dumond, School ing fiOO miles on icy roads in the south, decided to return home. I (Continued from Pace li and Mrs. Ray Thayer en-mould be spent, perhaps So.OOO their 500 club Satuivi.iy improve plumbing and heating second and third will remain at Grant and grades four and five will move to Washington -school, where the Grant area sixth and seventh grade children are now enrolled.

Modernizing the plumbing in eludes money to install separate toilets for the kindergarten. The basement toilets would be elim inated entirely and those in the 1929 unit would be used for the other five rooms. Plan No. 6, $36,500, uses all eight Grant room -s. adds one room to Washington, adds an activities room, has one more third grade room than Plan 5.

eliminating that plan's new library. The 1929 toilets would then be used by six rooms instead of five. Separate toilets would be built in the kin dergarten. Heating and plumbing improvements would also be made under Plan 6. Stale Report Given A.

R. Page of the state depart ment of public instruction, Madison, was asked to visit the Grant building ant' to make a report. He said that he found the build ing in good condition, but recommended unit vestilaiors in the older wing, a multi-purpose ac ivities room and that the build ing not be torn down since elementary enrollments are increa ing each year. Page suggested staggered fecc -ss periods to make the small site acceptable. In one other major action, board president Harlan Zodtner appointed a committee to study the problem of traffic hazard's to city school children who must cross heavily traveled streets.

Commissioner Rabbe was appointed chairman of the committee which al consists of Com- mi.s.sjonir Henning and Mrs. Dorothy Gilbertscn. Mr. Rabbe pointed out that The prizes were won by Edward Tutton, Mrs. Albert Hoffman.

James Brom Glenn Reynolds Sr. in the old school. Plan 3. S12.i 000, would and I tear down the oldest part of the building, leaving the four rooms I built in 1920 for a kindergaricn. H.bro..

nrw. rep- grades Four would be added 2-J-ll. Mri. Hnffman, Sulllvu 4 -R-lI, i rooms Announce Engagement Mr. and Mrs.

William Reich -ill anmunce the engagement of who uill preseiit a discussion on daughter. Carol Faye, to Jo.seph Farraro. son of anrl Mrs. Eugene Farraro. Kenosha.

"Seeds" and Harold Poyer will Epeak on "Shrubs." Hollv Rebekah lodge will meet at8 p. m. Thursday in the I.O.O.F. hall. will be Mmes.

Lmma McNitt. Frank Richfcr. Joe Puerner and Art McNitt. The Junior-Senior P.T.A. will meet at 7:30 tonight in the senior high school.

This will be an open house meeting with teachers in their respective rooms for confer- 1 ences with parents. Refreshments ThiS hnl will be prepared and seized students of Edwards I home economics instructor. All parents may attend. Fort Atkinson Briefs Miss Jefferson, is The W.SCS. served dinner to those who attended the district meeting of the M.Y.F.

held at the Hebron Methodist church Satuniay. Mrs. Fred Gnrlock enteitained the We Walk club Friday afternoon. The prizes went to Mrs. Ormel Meraclo and Mrs.

Lydia Pollock. to ihr Alice Larson. Mrs. Lu Sherwood. Mr.

and Mrs. M. Vick-1 der would be on the Grant plan over the seven now being planned and a new entrance would he built for Grant on Pleasant strcot. Plan No. 4.

S94.O0O. would eliminate the two second story rooms in the older section of! Grant, add a flat roof over the remaining rooms in the old section and build two additional rooms at Washington. The re- maininrr six rooms at Grant would house a kindergarten, two first grades, two second grades and one third grade. The remain Tot's Party Dress Nn has been set for the PaIm Briefs Mr. and Mrs.

D. R. Jones were guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Raether, Milw.iukce.

Elmer Granskov and his sister. Dubsky, were at Fort Atkinson Sunday to see the for- Batn. rabnrra mrrtpaa4- m. pboM Cantrr, Trrtj TDltoa. erouski.

Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Ormel Mcracle Sunday guests of Mr. and Jack (iwens. Mr.

and Mrs. Cecil Mcracle visited their daughter. I 'harles Rhnlnff. and family. ir Pr heating Plan No.

5 i accepted all existing Grant rooms, add two rooms at improves the heating and plumb-1 ing at Grant and provides a li- and an activities room at kindergar'rn. first. How WouM YOU Answer This Quesfion? Why Should I Buy Norlhuegtern Mutual? 1. Beraase it is exclusively preferred risk company. 2.

Founded in IM7. alromt century of serviee. 3. Over 2'i billion doIlM of assets. 4.

An unparalleled of old ciutonjers comins back for more. All Spell Security and Satisfartion. Stuart H. Koch, C.L.U. Dintrict Agent NorlliM cslern Mutual Life Insurance Co.

Hayes Phone 3-2M5 other cities have emptoyed part! Womon ol 72 Rttt9M time crossing u-atchmrn to to it that rhilfiren get across the safely ai gerous Intersections. Ftashtng warning signals, school speed limit signs and other means have not proved adequate locally cording to Mr. Rabbe's obMiva tions. Rabbe suggested that the ter might be considered tn the school budget next year tor the employment of part time OS Mayor ol Stowott fMMWner. k.

C. Sadile Ymmt Ten Srawuft, c. where she mayor for tocalty ar-; spent ytmt9. Is JMirt coow sAouft to life. She wenr ra.

WtO Outing gntit tush wtum wiM ToHay it has iHexutk to ing watchmen. discus.sion of gradet The HBty school additions are to be taken up Tuesday when school arrhiicci Edward Law. will be in Janesville. The Cram report and Wa.shingion additions will prob' ably be on the urogram for cussion. Additions at Adams and Roosevelt sthools are close lo the final planning stage at present.

Expenditures and rrreipts lor January were for the schools and S2 .4 lor Uie recreation department. Commissioners present were Mr. Rabbe. Zodtner. Hen Mmil) witit tm were 20 olil stiver ttttc- get.

and presents from litenrts. "Hue rest! ol smwtnJrs are alt in my mitiA" ytt9. Voung. beauiilul Srewart tn the iummtr, only about acuta hati of itorlineM (he robtRft start to $tttg ia (he morning. Ring.

Ernest Rahert Lane, Mrs. CUbertsett Mn. flor- enre Attstitnt Air Foice Aqm Mfdks air (oroe iM aaain accepting dons fop i-Bwrve and acttve duty from doctors in tWf top rtr carion. They ara medteal rratneft ae hur whfl hAve had tmit 89 acflve service. Sleogfeioa f29 of fha Saufhovil wU) mm tn Ltifian hall at Stoufh.

ton. 30, Wljliapn Jurtd; Stoughfon, disfrtct preai. denf, E. A. BabrocK, president; and the Rav.

Beloif. fF met meertnff will be hcUt terrown. NEW ENDS OF DISHWASHING WORK I Vnr Vn. Is the best Iriitnd your hanrta ever ftadr It 'e Bvnn sktn Is safe tn mild, new Vdt swdaf And with this way, your hantts tti d4 so setcapii Hm mm 3.8 By SUE BURNETT A valentine for your this adorable party can worn season after sea.son with either tiny puffed sleeves or Contrasting fabric edges the soft bertha collar aivJ Bkirt. Pattern No.

is a rforatcd pattern in 3. i. 6. 7 and 8 years. of 33inch; Size 4, yard con- yards trast.

For this pattern, send 2. TC plus Mr. and Mrs. Claude Brockua.v. Elkhorn, and Mrs.

Elise Blomiley. Sharon, were Saturday afternoon and evening guests of the latter's son. Fred Blomiley. and family. T' "Galloping birthday club" Mrs.

Cumming a surprise party at her home Mrs. Cumming ed her birthday anniversary Sunday at a dinner in the hnmr of her daughter, Fred Biomiley. Her daughter. Miss Kdiih "Cumming. Neenah.

also a guest. The club brought a lun'hcon to bo at noon. attending included: Mmes. Harold Lundt. Clyri? Aplm.

Ray Hoffman, Mu.skego; Mrs. Thomas. Wauke.sha: Mrs. Marie Forrester and Mrs. Fred Blomi ley.

Mr and Flo.vd Tutton and family were Sunday guests of her the Misses Patricia and Barbara Burnham, Milwau kee. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Humphrey of Whitewater were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.

S. F. Tutton. and Harlei- Osbnnie. Cnion Grove, were Sunday guests of and E.

H. Calkins aji' son Stewart. Harold Clark. New York City, was a guest the week-end of his mother W. Clark.

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dunham Lomira. were week-end guests ol her parents, Mr and Mrs. Robert Grice.

The Rev. D. T. Sfarnard, Wa lertown. a former pastor of the local Methodist church, will attend the fathei banquet herr Feb.

21 and give a talk to the and young men present. Committee chairmen for that occasion are: Harland Grant, tickets: H. Cady and L. Trexvyn. program, and Russell Roou, arrange- ment.s.

I' Ilk It fer Hebron ThpK W.S.C.S. met in the church fellowship room Tliursday afternoon with .30 members attending. The hostess. Mrs. Glenn Revnolds was as- 5c for first-class mailing, in; sisted bv Mmes.

Orlo Van Lone. COINS, your name, address, Omar Hubbard. Glenn Reynolds desired, -and the PATTER.N NUMBER to Sue Burnett. Janesville Gaietfe Pattern Bureau, .372 W. Quincy street, Chicago 6, IlK You'll like the many interestijv; sewing suggestions contained in the spring and summer FASHION.

Sew-simple stvles, special features; gift patterns printed in Sr. Edw. Tutton and Millie Cran dall. Several from here attended ihcj Day of Pra.ver services held Siloam church Friday afternonn. Mr and Mrs.

Glenn Reynolds returned home Tuesday, from a trip to New Orleans. They, with Mr. and Mrs. Carroll fide the book. Send 25 cents to-1 Bogie.

Whitewater had planned 4ay for your copy. to go to but after travel i Wt only smart business todof 10 tliMk of the future. And for that reoson, it's imort business to consider only a new model ear- like the 1951 yoor For, a 1951 Mercury will lost longer, aid will assure you of more yeors of sotisfoction. That's why it's smart ness to own a 1951 Mercury! your t95l Merturyl Artd tts terg life, steady sole ere few why 1951 mmwt edds up lo buy of your Uht -fbh looks 1 It's the cor to see and to be seen in! Mercory gofherj admiring glonces on every comer.

And you can rest assured that its low, graceful, practical design will stay in style for years. nnii'l IDIM Ihr M( trifviiinn hit, "TOAST or THE TOW.V." wllh Ed Sullivan, Sii.n- 7:00 to 8 :00 p. Slatlon U'BKB, ChunrI 4, 1247 Milton Avenue JANESVILLE LINCOLN-MERCURY. INC. W.

A. D. 1049 Dial M51.

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