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The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia • Page 23

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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1 'On 41 11 V.A FORT honeymoon coupUs wjhq lowed the "save the at tHe same Blackpool hotel. By marrying before April bridegrooms get -the msrHed man4 allowance of 100 for the whole' of the tax year a saving of 38 at a tax rate of 79 in the i ---TV-'' 2 -J Mf 1. 7n; TRP BY Mill! A Fdc'ral IP. cdd sytonas. 5 ''SB! JS- 1 i ii4 I 2 of cbcul cn n.fl.fl.F.

teal trip ty Lb tl. other activities of the RAA.F. when no security considerations are involved nutje for boncber sireraft la Eastcn AwMU aad is used by aircraft from the: Jwmber wins at Amberley, Queensland. "It also meets a variety In Melbourne last, night, Mr Holt denied he had M.K Mr, D. J.

Curtiri i (N.S.W.), says he can't, make head or tail of a reply from the Minis ter for Air, Mr L. H. E. About two weeks ago he asked Mr Bury if Mr Holt had used an R.A.A.K crash-boat to go spearfishing near been given any special treat ment when he was taken for of other Service requirements: such as the landing a trip on an R.A.A.F. crash of survival parties on unin boat at Townsville recently.

habited islands and the MK Ff BlSCHOF He said the boat was on a normal navigation- al exercise. the destination Townsville.1, transport to deep water of bombs, ammunition and other items declared un BRISBANE, Sai.J usable. 1 7 1 Joined the crew when- they a 1 mm 5 Last Tuesday Mr Cur-tjn received a reply which sayi fcas left him "be-wildertd and bothered Tfi an Insult to the in- "Rescue work of an emer went swunming," Mr riot I JUL Ud: saidV, V- gency character also been undertaken on occa sions at the request of civil telligen3e of a member of he said. "I in it authorities. riced 17-jcwel i Hurrvf 'i Limited offer.

FSpectal "In addition, in the same tend to -raise the matter again With the. Minister to see if it is possible to get way: alt RA J7. so taat 1 couw go Swib precision- swiniming or spear-fishing- at i a commonsense reply" hacnen to have mv driven had -been arrested In their owil Sisi for tot payfcj trtEc fiatVthe. Queenslssd Police Commbsioner, Mr F. Bischof, said today.

Queensland police had called on the drivers in the company of a N.S,W. policeman, he said. units the section carries out a variety of training exercises in the waters around Townsville. own Httie boat for spearr fishing at Portsea, and rcfcrc-33 Mr Burys reply made no "From time to time. Min doni need to get any pnvt isters, members of Parlia test.

reference to Mr Holt ment and other appropriate 17i dwiss iapiQw "As a matter of fact, members the Labour oCicial guests have been in It read: tTbe Royal Australian Air Force maintains a marine section at Towns vited to see the Party, as well as the Gov yv, 4 marine activities at as -tlsewtereu Mln sit cites ofafret ville primarily for the cap-tiasa cf parties and they have paid up," Mrt This also lo tztzy 4. cad civion exercises si TowcsvCle. Bischof said. "It is now me supcrvusaa inc. range area durinfr bombiha exer a case of cough up or cises on 'Cordelia Rocks in IIIIax Cay north, of Mr Ccftor toM an' intcurir drift, Queensland was mat Tbe nTax Bayraitge' from N.tyv drivers.

Two Queensland police were now. working 12 UOriTHS' UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE through N.S.W. collect- DoeEi flr3 been taken on. these cxer- make xa iue of the thing, I invite him to raise tLs questioa scain in the House, and IU be happy to accoo-modats tn. I have never sought or.

given Saturday (AA.P.-Reuter).The first Franco-German jet, plane, a four-seater, twin-engined DvM-UlnV1 1Q1 marl i-'V- A jU- y. They were armed with CIHJTIrXALLY TESTED FOR ACCURACY. AVAILACLC CREDIT AS LOW AS 5. WEEKLY. 03 LAY-DY AVAILACLE.

-7- WARSAW, Saturday Eleven 1 1,000 warrants empower-1 Poles dismissed from PHONZ ANr MAIL ACCEPTC3. Gdansk shipyard are on trial after a lire whicb killed Zl ing them to collect nnes ranging up to 500, Mr Bischof Unless defaulters paid up, they could be arrested, extradited and gaoled in Queensland. men and gutted a new ship last December. They are charged with successful first test flight I Mr D. Curtin "be negligence.

'The trial may last a fortnight. tendered and bothered." yesterday. 23 THE SUN-GERALD, MAR. 25, 1962 23.

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