The Daily Chronicle from De Kalb, Illinois • Page 1
- Publication:
- The Daily Chroniclei
- Location:
- De Kalb, Illinois
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 1
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
TEN CENTS PER WEEK. IGLE CHIVALRY AND MATRIMONY. The Death Record (jj WKat Occurs Tonight Gav the 104110 Literary. The regular meeting of the Ep worth League literary was held In the basement of the AL church last evuniug and a Urge number were prwnt deriving much benefit from the meeting. 8, F.
Parson conducted a parliment-ary drill and after giving instructions on ths correct way of putting a motion, the precedence of motions some practical business was dona. A motion was made in regard to reparingthe league box at the Northwestern depot Th Newest Dances. Society has tnrned against its old favorites. The Utest fad among opens-goer is not so much to come late, aa to come for ths enjoyment of some special scene or duo or aria, and then go right away. From this it wold seem that munio la failing to soothe the ennui of the too highly bruised, breast And the joys of the dance are no longer what they were.
The germaa has been set aaide to make way for a aeries of what are called morris dances, lately become very much the mode, For example. About People. Moses Reis is spending today in Chicago, George Baldwin made a business trip to Chicago today. H. O.
Shaffer la in Chicago today and Wright Holmes is driving on the parcel delivery wagon in hU place: Mrs. A risk and Miss P. Ell-wood gire a reception to a number of friends at the home of the latter this afternoon. Earnest Board man, of Sycamore, waa calling on friends in town yesterday. Mrs, Chaa.
Sagle arrived here this morning to attend the funeral of her sister, Jessie RiddelL Axel Oustaaon, clerk at V. A.Glid-den's store, I very sick with pneumonia. Washington Pierce. W. Corklnars, and the amendments, substitutes, and speeches which this called forth, led to much merriment aa well, as instruction.
The original motion became a tangled mess but the parlimentary usnagea which have been drilled into the minds of the league, came in goodplayand by using these rules, the matter was finally straightened out and the motion laid on the table. The other part of the evening consist ed of a literary program. Miss Maude Hargraves gave a recitation that was attentively listened to; Miss Lncy Goodrich sang a sweet solo in a very creditable manner and Miss Edith Taylor gave an exhibition in Indian Club swinging with organ accompaniment It was a meeting of interest and profit to all who attended. Jim Ellwood at Bogota. James B.
Ell wood, of this city, who is traveling in South America for the Diamond Match company, lately wrote to Capt. E. L. West, assistant superintendent of the railway mail service, of Chicago, describing his experience in that far southern clime. The letter I WM M3'g TIM Bmh4 Notkns a flds IMy Wkloh Dual Mm tha Taas.
We ail want to consider the days of chivalry as the col den days never to be recalled fur womankind. This is by Implication ft raak injustice to our own With all its fine expressions of ardent devotion to the fair sex and the multitude of its exquisite pretensions, chivalry waa ths degradation of the highest and tenderest human instincts -the veritable curse of the course of true love. Such avtatrment presents itself to the romantic believer as a terrible counter, blast, but it is true, nevertheless. The records of the treasury and the taw courts of those days, in furnishing the experience of popular life deeply marked by the worst shades of modern shortcomings, provide tike fullest proof. Chivalry did not make marriages, at least in the sense of those born of love's young dream; it entirely ignored all sexual affections and sold its victims with ruthless indifference to all mutuality.
There were uot two parties to its bar-gtdna There was only oue, who was always the third of the group and the one interested, not iu satisfying the yearnings of the impassioned, but in a pecuniary sense, of their value. He was the vender and might bo either king or baron. But whichever he was, he was the incarnation of unscrupulous power. The matrimonial transactions of chivalry were mercenary. To them there were no "contracting parties" in the shape of whiHperiug lovers, ardent swains and coy maidens.
On the other hand, there was but sullen indifference or hating compliance. Chivalry canted about its faith iu women aud tlte purity of its own motives, because it could not sing of love. It may be said that it so canted bccansei it knew it must cant It know that its marriages had not been mode in heaven and of ethereal sentiment. They were coarsely bargained for, either in the ltiug's exchequer or in the ien market place. Chivalry knew itself a a social falsity and the parent of lust.
As a consequence the "lower orders" have hud to give us the nomenclature of our love affairs. Chaucer, the very mirror of the tu a of chivalry, has typified lust with hi master hand, but he has no picture of ibe gratified tenderness of longing youth. In his surroundings it wits not suffered to exist These surroundings had no terms to enumerate the anient swains and coy maidens of rusticity. But if the aiis-tocracy can produce no one iiistunoe of the cov maiden, and the rustic sweet heart remains to mock the dubious fiaueee, it has it wealth of the arts of diplomacy, and nn inexhaustible list of the terms of intrigue. Chivalry gave ex pressibu Dvhich may have and had the funniest of meanings.
New York Herald. Burgrus -Say, Fred, can't you lend me (10? I shall have some money coming in the last of next week. Very well we'll wait until the lust of next wtfk. Boston Tran script. Tamerlane enjoy flic unenviable distinction of being the i'iooili nt conqueror in history.
It is computed that during his wars ncuriy of human were (uMrovcd. This Date In History Fob. 17. 15M Miolianl Aik'1. Buonarroti, painter, sculptor iliml; born 1673 Hivito Puquulin Molier, Frrncb iwmio author, died; bora 1113.
IStW-Uiovannt Batttsta Cast), Italian put, died; bora 1721. lS80-Jras Lenoa, notd pht- ADMIRAL CMS, lantbroutat, died In New York oltjr bora tbore USS England seised a part of VenMQela containing valuable mliuM. Tbs Unltod Htatnl Was promptly applied to by tha Vooasu-lans not to allow (treat Britain to retals Barimos) point and tha gold inlnos. Til matter wa cuolljr rsnelTed in ths Unttad Btatea, both In and ont ot songm, owing to a long standing olalra against Vnxualt (or the seizure of vessels owned by United State oltltens In 1W1, during revolution. England refused ertiitratioa to tha Valutas-alaos at ths time.
IKS Rear Admiral Augnstn LndlowCaaa, V. B. died In Washington; born UUS. How long! how long will DeKalb poo-pie be obliged to paddlo through ths slush and snow that covers the sidewalks on the south side of Main street! Looks enterprising doesent it to have two or three inches of ice in the morning and slush later in the day on a Main street sidewalk Crossings are also in a sloppy condition in many places and sidewalks fronting some of the residences of prominent men are of no use on account of their thick covering of slush. This is a nice state of affairs.
Of course, there is no use in crying over spilled milk. The fire of several weeks ago, while it made the walks almost impassable for a few days, is no excuse for their condition today. The snow plow for sidewalks, that we did not have ia the winter, is no subject for re-grvtnow. A few of the idle men about town, with a few pickaxes and shovels and orders from the city council to go to work will do vastly mors to alleviate the trouble than a week of sitting down and wishing for what might have been. An elegant spring like day and one that make many of DeKalb i gardeners feel like going to work.
Lodge. juatoB Patrlnroba MlliUnl wedisb Benevolent Society, harity Snppcr at Baptist Church. irl Bachelors with Miss Nettie Husk. T. 8.
Oedam'a lecture on "The ai of Scott and Burna" at Congre- jonal chnrcb, 'live yon your ticket (or the Swedish company entertainment at opera bona March 1st hard, boye and glrla. Moat Una must be done between fifteen 1 twenty. Not much time after rils. Mrs. Anna Adams, of DesMoinea, la.
here on account of the Illness of her fher. Hon 11 wood Mr Adams is here. True Republican. matter, bow little a young man to, he may always be depended to put a smooth business talk when ta girl rattier in the parlor. The a'orthwestern road has pnt the it laid off.
back to work. This is to be due to a reduction of freight Hi which has brought about a sudden resse in business. Editor Givler, editor of the Naper- Sa Clarion and father of W. M. Givler deliver the address at the meeting If the Men's Club at the Congregation- church Sunday evening.
Remember the charity supper at the ptist church tonight. All of the pro- .1 il. XT. ecus to ue udtuwu tue oiunns iw Society. A fine supper will be rred for only fifteen cents.
Help a cause by attending. A Kansas man has discovered that mdy can be made of wet elm sawdust Ti a discouraged prohibitionist asked I bat chance a good cause will have I ben a man can go forth with a rip-saw get drunk on a fence-rail I The Bradley Martin ball is being inii-t ted, on a smaller scale however, all ver the country. Aurora has caught ill" epidemic and a fancy dress tall was i riven Saturday evening under the direc-''I Son ofiTrof. Sweet and his orchestra. i Horror" parties are the latest.
The liHwtsare invited to bring with them which they have the greatest i rror. At one of these entertainments is Elgin recently three young ladies nght castor oil, seventeen mice, ten and three brought school books. I A slick swindler tendered a lady hotel i per of Aurora a $23 check from f. liich she was to take a week's board in Jtlvanee. Sbegave him $30 in cash.
i. irty-six hours later she learned that the cheek was a forgery. Of course the granger did not return. Beware of ft', rangers with checks. i Mabel Wade, of Aurora, was Ihn victim of a very singular acci dent 'Titly, While seated near a hot stove il ing, her side comb nearest the stove became heated and spontaneous Combustion followed.
The melted celluloid ran down onto the scalp and the firecould be put out her head 1 been severely burned. I Kalb Lodjre, K. have extended to JM.i pie Leaf Lodge, K. of Sycamore, invitation to attend an anniversary mi ana Danqnet uriaay evening 01 mis and will entertain their Sycamore brethren right royally without expense to the guests. It is expected a large of the Sycamore lodge ill accept.
True Republican. Tuennual convention of the Elgin strict C. E. Union will be held in uroriSipril 16, 17 and 18. An inter program is being arranged, a uinent feature of which will be the in charge of Prof.
E. O. Excell iiicago. Mr. Excell led the singing Elgin convention hast spring with ked success.
Hear him in Aurora 1 19, 17 and 18. O. Coe, of Sandwich, bequeathed ') to the Whitman college at Walla ia. Mrs. Coe was a niece of us Whitman, the pioneer mission-who saved to the United States the tory of Oregon from British do- tion.
He also left $500 to the Con-itional Sunday school at Sandwich, large amount to a Congregational at Rnshville. N. ne country editors may be poor -a men, but that certainly cannot 1 of an Eastern editor who offered of $50 for the best written proof marriage by a lady. He eelect- written by a rich widow, and red by a letter of acceptance. 1 the lady refused to wed him he her for breach of promise.
That as luissed his calling. He should I the W. W. and Jeaala BlddeU raaae4 away Ut algbt The bout of Mr. and Mrs, Francis Riddell was darkened" by the appear ance of the death angel last night who claimed for bis own their yonngeet daughter, Jessie RiddelL She was born in Cortland Nov.
Oth, 1883 and when a year old moved with her parents to this place. DeKalb has been her home since Dec. 6th. 1883, and during the thirteen years she has been general favorite with playmates and friends. She was an unusually bright girl in school having passed through all of the lower rooms with honor and re cently was successful in an examina tion for entrance to the high school.
It was partially the result of work nec essary to fit her for this examination to gether with a natural nervousness, rapid growth of the body that three weeks ago, confined her to her bed. Since that time she has suffered much, the desease first being pronounced nervous fever which terminated in typhoid. Previous to her death the fever left her and she seemed to be resting quietly when at about half past eleven Tuesday night, Feb. 16th. 189 as she was raised from the pillow her head dropped and with the utterance of the words "What a beautiful place her heart ceased beating and her spirit had flown.
The family of father, mother, four brothers and two sisters are not alone in their grief for Jessie's friends in school, church and town were numer ous. She was a faithful member of the Congregational Sunday school where her sweet voice raised in praise and her regular attendance at the sessions will be greatly missed. The funeral will be held at the Con gregational church at half past two tomorrow afternoon. Ths Hadsoo Horns Darkened. Mr.
ana Mrs. iindson, living near the Fence factory, were called npon to mourn the loss of their little baby, a six weeks old girl, yesterday. The little child was too frail to be trusted to the trials and pleasures of this world. and was taken to her Maker when but a little over a month old. The remains will be taken to Sycamore tomorrow afternoon for burial.
Road Making at Kockford. The city rock crusher at the East side gravel pit is kept busy during these days of good weather. It will remain in its present location for at least a month or more and probably longer, grinding out the crushed rock which will be laid next season on the surface of macadamized streets in the city. Already the pile of rock haa assumed formidable pioportions, the big crnnher turning out a great amount of this I rocky grist The granite dressing has proved itself to be a fine thing, and there will be enough of it ready by spring to cover a large stretch of street Register-Gazette. An earnest Kansas woman haa written to Governor Leedy asking him to recommend the passage of a law prohibit ing the manufacture, sale and use of corsets, on the grounds that they are doing more harm to the human race than cigaretts.
Have you seen those roses and carnations at Pritchard's. They come from the Boynton green honse. Leave your order for flowers for the K. P. party.
on It in place of standing opto the lancers in the nsual fashion, a toll, golden pole is placed in the center of the dra wine- room, ana couples, to the number of eight, ten, or even sixteen, each take a ribbon danxliiiK from the pole's top. At the end of every ribliou is a boqnet, and then, ly following a series of simple and pretty figures, the ribbons are alternately almut and unwound front the pi'ln. The figures are in no sense a regulation may pole dance, but adaptations, in the grand change, doe a dos, from the lancers and ona- drille. Another charming ball room recrea tion is what mjeiety calls a Spanish fandango, but which in reality is a long- step maaonrka The women all carry tambourines or castanets in their hands and keep time to the munic as they re volve about the rooui. Of course morris ribbons and bomiuets, tambourines and castanets are all carried off as souvenirs of an evening amusement; and, for the sake of attracting young business men, no ball holdn later revelry than oue o'clock of the morning.
From "Society Fads," in Denmrest's Magazine for Feb, I'rogritnimc. Knights of Pythias 83rd Anniversary Entertainment to lie given in Chronicle hall, Friday evening Feb. lith, beginning at sharp: 4 a. On to the Capitol. March, 1.
u. ,1... E. Gualano. Gmtlano Trio.
Recitation Middlerib's Cure for Rheumatism. Repeated by special request of committee. W. Ashley. 8.
Violin and Piano Duet Semirauiis. Rottsini. CarlQnist and Mrs. B. C.
Knodle. Sketch of the Order. dipt. J. H.
Jarboe. Solp Selected. A'lss Huldah Kylen. 6. Oriirin atid Object of the Uniform Rank K.
of P. Capt. a P. Chamlers. 7.
Selection Trovatore, Verdi Gualano Trio. Grand March at Banquet from 13:30. N. B. The "Mergellina Waltz" is a composition of Sig.
E. Gualano, published by Gualano and will be on sale r.t the hall at 35c per copy. Entertained Friends. A very pleasant twelve o'clock break fast was given by Mrs. C.
S. Hunt at her spacious home on Second street to day. The honse was made beautiful by decorations of violets and roses and the table made dainty by covering of fine linen. Twenty guest were present and the choicest delicacies of the season were on the menu. Those present were: Messrs.
and Mesdanies: Horace Hunt, J. T. Harvey, Clark Carter, Clark Schenuerhorn C. Hunt. Gathercoal, Dee, Kaesser, Condon.
O. M. Iieanbien, Mesdanies;" James Olidden. Gilbert, Fuller, Lawrence, Preachers and Editors, There ought to be a common bond of friendship between the country editor and the country preacher, for it is a fact, and no one will deny it that editors and preachers are talked abont more than any other class, and at the same time the greatest amount of this talk is done behind their backs. But yon can't hurt a preacher or an editoi with such talk, and those who think they can should indulge in it until they have satisfied themselves.
Ex. The success of The Chicago Times- IIerald is phenomenal, even in this phenomenal age. It is not difficult to account for this because The Timks-IIekald is an ideal newspaper in every sense of the word and has achieved an influence enjoyed by few journals. The fearless and independent spirit displayed its editorial page haa won as many readers as have the full and carefully edited news columns. There is nothing cheap about i xnept the price.
Std 1 Many ont of town people are transact ing business in DeKalb today. People realise where to expend their money to get the best re torn. See ths ClIKovicXK'a $1.00 sale bill wtf downs thera alL JOHN ARBUCKLE, THE COFFEE KING. According to his ow teatimmty at the trust iu New Yurk. Jo)m Arhnokln.
of Drooklyo, fixes the prioe upon eery pound of voffvt used in ths United States. TIi Sugar Trust has gone into tlis efie busim'HS and is cutting down hi profits. T. J. Adams and R.
Kool were among the number who went to Sycamor this morning to attend the Masonio acbool of Mile. Nnssle returned last nigh from her visit in Sandwich and is giving her regular lessons in Sycamore today. Mlsa Ora Jarboe commenced work yesterday at tha DeKalb Fence Co. "a office. She will work there until March 1st, when she will go to Chicago and look up spring styles in millinery.
J. D. Taylor and wife are home, the former from Chicago where he has been sick, and the the latter from Kentucky where she has been spending the winter for her daughter's health. Mrs. Harry White entertains the la dies of the Episcopal guild at her home this afternoon and a large attendance is expcted, I.
D. Adams, of DesMoines, Iowa, was a guest today of J. H. Lewis, He is a son-in-law of Chauncey Ellwood. O.
Bush expects to go to Chicago in the near futnre to enter the employ of Bush Fitzsitnonds. George Gnrler is reported not so well today. When Mrs. McKinley was in Chicago a few weeks ago she sent out word to Archie Schats that he should come in and see her, and she just hugged and kissed him in a motherly style for about two hours. She told him that thev would like a little boy like him and asked him whether he would not like to come and live with them, and lie their boy.
That was a bard question for Archie and he said, he, was hie -mamma could not spare him. She told, him to come to Washington on March 4, and stay two weeks, and if he wonld like to come and live with them they would be glad to have him. When Archie got ready to go, Mrs. McKinley gave him a few badges to give to bis little brothers. Archie said no, they had not ought to wear them now, aa they had been democrats during the campaign.
Mr. and Mrs. McKinley are all taken up with Wheaten's eight year old boy and they would like to adopt him. Whoa ton Illinoian. Rev.
Oadaines will deliver a senic lecture in the Congregational chnrch this evening on "The lands of Scott and Burns. Many pictnee will be used to illustrate the discourse. This is the third lecture of the conrso given by the Men's club and admission for the one lecture is but cents, Business Locals. Wanted A good girl for general house work in the city. Good wages.
Inquire at this office. tf The popular Ladies' Eye Specialist, of Chicago, is here again and will be fonnd at 120 West Main street A cordial welcome to all. dtf Leave your order for cut flowers for Friday night with C. N. Pritchard.
2td. The Hot Springs located in the Black Hills of South Dakota have wonderful medicinal properties for the cure of rheumatism, neuralgia and kindred ailments, and should be investigated by all suffering from such troubles. First class hotel accommodations and baths Tourist tickets on sale daily and especially low rates on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Full information furnished on application to ticket agents C. K-W.
Railway. 7td6twm27 Cut Flowers a specialty. Funeral work on short notice. Mrs. Wit.
Blake. jan 23 3m 1st St. DeKalb, HL Subscribe for the DAILY Chkokiclb 10 cents per wtk Try the CttaovicLx's fl.OO Sale Bills It beats them all. dtf. was published in the Chicago Record Monday of this week.
It seems "Jim" is making a brave straggle with the Spanish language and tropical mosqai toes, and is at the same time selling American made matches right and left to the matchless inhabitants. His letter, which was written at Bogota, Columbia, closes as follows: "I will finish Columbia at Castagena and then make my way to San Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama and then down the west coast, I expect to consume two years in making the trip. If any of my brother drummers who, in my own country, are traveling about on palace trains, and sleeping in first class American hotel, have any idea that they are beset with trials in drumming up trade, recommend to them, as a solace, the experience of a match peddler in a trip such aa I have described. "True Republican. Entertained the Olympic Club.
nMr. and Mrs. C. Dollmeyer entertained the Olympic club at their home last evening in a very pleasant manner. Thirty members, the full number were present and a jolly time was bad by all.
Seven small tables scattered abont room formed the center of group who were busily engaged in playing "progressive seven up" and after the requisite number of games had been completed, the prizes were awarded. P. Ballon carried off gentlemen's first prise, a card case and cards, and II. Hamiliton second prize, paper knife and ink scratcher combined. Mrs.
Ferd Rettig was the most successful lady and won a delft cup and saucer Mrs. F. J. Flusch was awarded second prize, a couple of cut glass salt dishes. Refreshments of veal salad, bread and batter, cake, ice cream and coffee were served and it was late at night when the club departed for their homes.
i lawyer..
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