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The Weimar Mercury from Weimar, Texas • Page 5

Weimar, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 am my new stock of Dry Goods, -tfy- Boots, Shoes, Hats, in next week. Call and sec them. Prices are low. J. B.

JOSEPH LORIE, GROCER Besides selling his patrons fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies every day, has also for sale pure and fresh Groceries and Candies, which he buys only in small quantities, thereby insuring liis esteemed patrons fresh goods at all times; and his prices are very reasonable. Wholesale trade in Bread and Cakes solicited. Wedding Cakes Baked to Order. Bay your boys' school suite at Herder's. Prices range front 75c John DoeE has purchased Mr.

feam CirilHn's place lu the northeastern J- and Caps jo great variety at W. 0. Joe Shiver has moved to the city, and his family now Wjuptes the Pharos noose. white corn for milling parposeg always on hand The result of the' national part of election WM a great surprise to people In this section. For your shotguns, pistols, pock- knives, target rifles and to fiwilep's.

Considerable rain (ell here Hatur- day. The streets wero quite muddy for several days thereafter. Clothing Mid cheap at W. 0. 1 Mr.

3. B. Holloway Is still on the sick list, but his condition is much 1m- proved, are (tad to Have nice, choice Hay, Jane catting, at Herder's. "Eating crow" isn't pleasant. We Bpettk from experience.

Others can verify the statement. C. Mann Is offering sonic rare bargains in all and half-wool trader-suits. See them. A cool nor ther struck ns Wednesday morning, aud it wasn't a political aorther.

either. The boys hud a grand torchlight processtou, with plenty or skyrockets, red lights and fun thrown ID, last Monday night. A fine line nf Overcoats at W. G. Munii's.

A negro was attested last Saturday by Constable Joe; Shiver for having stolen a pistol. The theft was committed over In Fayette county, near When making jour purchases tot winter goods, remember that headiimirtors are at Geo. Herder's sympathy Is extended Mr. T. Wagner of Columbus, who last Saturday lost by death his brother, Mr.

Louis Wagner, a prominent merchant of Taylor, Texas. White and fellow mixed Corn, Hay, Kansas feed and Texas seed Oats and Wheat Bran always on hand at W. 0. Mann's. The editor of this papir has been badly rattled this week over the results of the election, especially as to national affairs, hence our read JIB Will have to excuse him lor not getting out a bettor paper Jttst Received: A car of Texas Bed Bust-proof Seed Outs not Kansas feed oats at Hunger's.

at M. Schetzlng's jewelry store one of the greutent illusions of the iwntary. It is called Days Illusion." Drop a lilckle In tl.e; slot aud you can see It work. It's worth tneuluhel, 100, to see It, Bryan or McKinley? Ho matter which of the two is elected, you will have to wear elotbiug, boots, shoes, and our advice is to buy tlum now wlillo they are cheap, at Herder's. jf The Stlokir this week tor "A boy that will sweep In the corners, to learn the printing trade." Such a hoy Is hard to flnd, Bro.

aooth. We speak from experience, JTMrsTHattle Aldenbnrg, wife of Mr. 'Henry Aldon burg ofthe I.lveoak community, and a daughter of the late Sledge, died last Sunday nJght after a brief illness, of heart disease, aged 22 years. She loft one little child about 2 months old. She was an excellent lady, possessing a warm heart, afTectlonate nature and disposition, and was beloved by a large circle of friends.

Her remains were laid to rest in tho cemetery at Liveoak Monday afternoon. The grlet stricken husband has thesincere sympathy of many friends In his affliction. It May Be a Notion, Bnt we propose to fallow it np and make November the liveliest Notion month in the history ol Notions. Ton never know what Notions people will take, bat as onr stock of Notions is strikingly large, temptingly novel and irresistibly Cheap, we know that a sensible Notion will lead the people to onr place. Should anybody take a Notion, in their beads that they can bnj Notions anywhere else at the price they pay here, it's alt a Notion and the sooner they get rid of such a delusion and come to as, the more money they will have left to spend in buying Our Notions and the more Notions they will get for tbeir money.

The Boetcher Hallowe'en party the residence of Mrs. Ella Holloway last Saturday evening was one of the- most pleasurable and successful affairs of the kind ever given In this oily, respite the bad weather, a large crowd was out, and with the nice music, gay conversation, games ot all kinds, and a most elegant supper, the aflalr was thoroughly on- loyed, Mrs. Holloway and her ac-' oomplished daughter, Miss Mary, are royal entertainers, as the crowd present are" free to attest. Overcoats for men, boys and school children at Herder's. MERCURY Is grateful to numerous friends for compliments bestowed upon the paper slnon 11 was enlarged' to eight pages.

We have over tried to mako each of the paper hotter than all pwvlous issues, and weoxpeet l-i coiillntio giving the puhhc tho very best paper It Is possible lor us lo get up. More Curative 1'oivcr Is contained lu a hotlle of Hood's Sar- than In any oilier similar preparation. It costs tho proprietor imd manufacluror more. It costs the, jobber more and It Is worth more to unknown lo any oilier preparation. It Is the best to buv because it Is the ouo true blood purilior.

Hood's Pills aro the bust family cathartic and liver medicine. Oentlo, reliable, sure. If every business firm In Weimar was represented In tho advertising columns of the MKKCITRY, we would soon be a ten or twelve page paper. Wo would be lad to make the change, if the business men want t. A stock compay was formed hurefor the oso of securing bulletins regarding the national election.

I irgo crowd wnsout Kt theoporu house I'nonlay anil Wednesday nights to hear the bulletins road. Butter nnd pjrsa taken in exchange at The Lodo Bakery. Prepare for winter by buying your Blankets, Overcoats nnd Flannels at Geo. Herder's. lie has tho host assortment in Blankets from TUc to $8 a pair.

and Mrs. John wer pleasant callers at offle last Friday afternoon. Mr. Hall in structed us to aend the paper to hi relative, Mrs, J. L.

'Piokens of Sal brief call lastFriday, while in town or business. Hon. dm. F. Kurgess of ftonzalet spent last Satiirilny and a rortlon 0 Sunday very pleasantly with Welmai friends.

Messrs. M. Kennon and A. A Orojrory hero. from tho county capital last Saturday.

Miss Amelia Reichardt of Houston Is here on a visit lo her sister, Mrs. A. lioctlchcr, and numerous friends T. vv. Hill of Dallas came down hist to visit tho homo folks and put in a voto for Brvnn and Hew- all.

Tom looks natural, healthy and handsome ni over. Sheriff Ilccso and Tax Collector Hririzo wcro hero last Saturday from the county capital. Mr. Sum Hancock went over to and Mr, H. M.

Curler to Kaglo I.nko last Tuesday. Mr. lid Kcydier was 'down at Onl- vestou on business. Mr, Henry Halm of Columbus was hero hint Tuesday, and gave us a hearty hamlnhako! Messrs. Dick and Pindihack were hero from Columbus last Sunday.

Mr. Natt of LaGlrange was over last Saturday on a visit to the tamily of his father, Col. John T. Hoi- man, Mr. Ed Peschke of Columbus was here last Saturday on business.

Mr. Jos. Burttschell of Mentz was here last Tuesday, hustling for votes In his candidacy for the office ol county treasurer. Col. I.

W. Middlebrook of Colurnhus was in the city fora few hours Tuesday. Mr, Stant Hightower of Col urn hns was in the city last Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.

Fred gliatto, after a pleasant visit to relatives and friends In Weimar, returned home last Monday to their home In Sru Antonio. F. A. Murchison was vlsi'inj? relatives and frlands In Houston last week. Mr.

Wm. Yancy and daughter, Mis. J. W. Holt, left Monday afternoon for a visit to relatives In Columbus.

Freddie Henkle returned last Monday afternoon from a visit to friends In Flatonla. Wm. Schwede of the LIveoak neighborhood gave ns a brief call last Monday afternoon. J. Lowrey, T.

O. Sallee, F. Shortt, J. T. Walker and Nina Towusent! paid tho MERCURY office a ploasant eall the first of the week, saw how the big Campbell press operated.

XMr. Will Holloway was up from 121 Campo this week, assisting In conduct ot the store, during the Illness of his brother, Mr. J. Hollowov. Pearl Hill returned last Friday from an extended visit to relatives aud friends In Dallas.

XAmong our farmer friends, the following came In last Tuesday to oee our new Campbell press in operation: Messrs. Joseph and Plus Kram, John and Fred Koehn, Aug. Brandes, John Stech, H. and Dick Garrett, T. J.

Adams, T. U. Dent, and a number of others whofte names we eannot now recall. Chas. Boettoher, who is lu charge of a school at BuoBelier's station, was here Tuesday on a brief visit to relatives and friends, and favored the MERCCBY office with a.

pleasant Mr. H. Nuasbaum returued Tuesday from a brief visit to the county capital. John- 'Warning, Chas. Cooper, Fied Croraer and P.

J. Shaver were here from Bordeii last Monday evou- ng- 1'iov. J. W. Harmon and Mr.

-James Lowrey went over to I.atirungo last Monday, the former being en routo lo Hound Hock. Profs. J. W. Holt aud Luster Holt Wjre here during the election last Tuesday.

Will A. Hassell of Corpus Chrlsll, grand master workman of the was here this week, aud for the local lodge. Mrs. Laura Brasher and HOSH, lelt Thursday for a visit to friends at San Autjnlo. Orion Herudou has gone to Austin to visit relatives and friends.

Miss Tummle Faires returned to Flatonla Thursday, after a pleasant visit here. Messrs. H. L. Wade, John Wadsworth, A.

15. Wooldrldje and Bruce Mnyes wcra here from Oakland during the week. L. H. Townsend of a former resident of Weimar- was here this week.

C. Mnnu's is headquarters for Boots and Shoes. tho election Tuesday, Judge C. T. Hancock was re-elected by a handsome majority.

Constable Joe Shiver was defeated, and Mr. Henry lusall wns elected in his stead. 1 To the Trade. Just Received: A full car of the celebrated FARMER GIRL, OUR FRIEND and ORION Cooking Stoves, which I will sell at very low prices. Also Windmills, Pumps, Pipe, Belting, Packing, Bath Tubs Hose and many other things too numerous to mention.

So give us a trial and be convinced. Respectfully yours, ul 0 my -4 -a ir 1 P'lYThffcirl if 8 I cuirciiLiioiu, jr. GLIDDEN LEAFLETS. Mias Luia. Farmer of tho capital cily camo out last- to vinit her 'ter, Mrs.

dm. Wilson, Mrs. E. T. Darby, after very pleasant visit to friends in Halleteville, re turned home last Wednesday accorn panted by her husband.

Mrs. Jennie Thomas departed for Sullivan, near Lilling, where she goes to take charge of thodoction house Mrs. Thomas has many friends here who regret to see her leave, and wish Misses Dee Hahn and Willie Keith, accompanied by Messrs. Jesfe Kiuk- )ey and Johnson of Columbus, attended a pleasant sociable at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.

F. W. DeLane, lastFriday night. Mr. N.

C. Shannon, the popular relief agent of the Southern Paeillc, San Antonio division, was circulating among friends here last week. Mrs. N. C.

Wilson and daughter, Mrs. Bossie Wright, visited Mrs. B. F. Moore lust Sunday, returning home Sunday.

Mr. Pete Saline paid Idling a pleasant call last Sunday. Uev. T. 11.

Coble of Columbus filled his regular appointments here Sunday last, with a very eloquent nnd much appreciated sermon, to a large congre- gallon. Mr. John Duncan, we are sorry to say, has been on the sick list for a few days, but at present Is doing very well. Quite a nice crowd of young folks of our city spent a very pleasan afternoon at Mrs. Nave's last Sunday, the quests of Miss Jessie Suve.

FBKK SILVER. Lost, somewhere on the streets of Weiumr, a note or record book, size 5x8 inches, bliick in color, cornen tipped with red morocco contains notes on elocution also lias Miss Ella Hnbermacber'a name in nflme. Finder will confer a great favor by leaving snme at this office. dinner given at the Odd Pel- lows' hall iast Tuesday by tho Ladles' Aid society of the Baptist church wus a very successful aft'alr. The eatables were nicely cooked and In great profusion.

A large crowd was present lo partake ol same, and to say that the dinner was heartily enjoyed would be expressing II, mildly iudoeu. The ladles netted about $40 fur their efforts, which amount will be used lu repairing the church building. Tho editor of this paper is under many obligations lo tho ladles for courtesies extended. The celebrated Annorsidc Corset for sale nt Geo. Herder's for 91.00.

liveryone guaranteed to live sntiafuction, or money refunded. 5ellingOut 9 SellingOut On account of the fact that I intend going out of business, I am obliged to sell my large stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Ladies Gents' Underwear At and Below Cost! By buying dt this sale you can secure more goods for $5.00 than my competitors can af- ord to sell you for $10. It will, be your loss if you miss this sale. I do not advertise my prices (this method being simply a scheme of baiting for suckers), but I invite you to call at the store and if I fail to convince you that I am selling out at cost prices and under, then it will be my tjeat. Respectfully, Mandlovitz financial Atslstuncc lias this week been rendered Tm: MERCURY by tho following parties J.

II. Zellln Mrs. J. L. I'lchens of Kan Antonio (per John A.

Hall), Coming Men ot America, Waugh Holloway, Anton Urosainger, C. Crebba, I. Hood Weimar lu- stltute, J. Johnson and H. Jloede- kor of Colnmbiu (per T.

A. Hill), L. I). Herndou, B. I'.

Bmllh, M. Bchetz- Ing, Jurusek Juergons, Owen Iteyer, agent, Hermann's Boehue lodge, W. Shaver, MlasM. A.Btrlttmatter, L. I 1 Tooke, Joseph Kram, Mrs.

T. L. I'ownseiid, M. Sunday school, It. Smith of Oakland, NOTICE.

All pnrtics indebted lo the Weimar Oil Mills for feed stuff will plcnse settle their accounts or we will bo compelled lo refuse to sell you any more uienl nnd hulls. Hcspectftilly, If BKOS. A good Many candidates got left ill this county, hilt they tako their defeat, good imturedly. and do not seem to feel so very badly over II, alter all, To the public We have taken the agency for Bulwer's Steam Pump Washing flachine And we believe It to be THE BEST ON EflRTH. It will do the quickest It will not tear or wear the clothes will not tear off the buttons.

It will do better washing with less soap. can be exposed to any kind of weather without injury. can be used either in or outdoors, ns may be convenient. in the simplest aud moKt easily operated. It is more durable, being all made of iron.

It can be used for ironing fuinnce It cnn bo used and is convenient for heating water for scalding hogs, for boiling feed and for various other purposes. See the machine, take it home and try it. Onr motto: Perfect satisfaction or your money returned. Yours truly, It 0 "US Headquarters for Everything in AT IwlnflPP the Hardware Ooods 111 fluillll OL IflUUl Ui HouBcfurnishing Quods Lire 1. AHSIUSS.

TeSas, November The firm of I. Wagner, doing a general merchandise business in this city and In Ragle Lake, this county, filed a deed of trust this morning, naming A. M. Waugh of this city and H. Nussuaum of Wciomr us trustees.

In their deed they ask that the following claims be paid In the order named II. HtafTord Columbus G47.flfi N. liiown 47.15 T. W. Davis.

Kaglo Lake. 30.00 Mrs. Thos. Wnguer, Colum. bus 44.00 A.

lirown 11.45 Oeo, Oogciiwerlh.Columbus. H. Alexander 70.78 H.Nussluunn, Welmur 730.00 Belome Wnguor, Columbus. 2,000.00 Lena Landa 900.00 8. J.

Wagner SOO.OO Mover Wagner, Columbus. 300.00 Miss Hehlia Wagner, Columbus 000.00 Walker liroa. Now Or- iemis 200.00 H. K. Cliilllu New York Dry Ooods coni- p.inv 3117.1)7 New York M.

Henderson Chicago. 48K.73 It. ti. llaralam. Ilidlunapolls H.

T. Klmon I). G. St. JLonls 305.44 Moore, McKlnnvy Uul- vealon 101.44 tins 81)1 .34 Mousing Bros.

Gal- vestoii 444.81! Chas. Itoson burg. New Yorlf. Levy, New Or- Xewburi, Now York 1,000.75 Dalshelmor Warner, New Orleans 377 Tracy, Morris 1'hlla- I. Whllehill Mons, Baltimore 830.23 Tola! $10,420.00 They state that their stock will invoice 533,000, that they will pay every claim without discount, and that they will soon he dolug business in their own name.

All persona indebted to me must make prompt settlements soon, for tho Recounts must bo paid. Kespecltully, Geo. Herder. The election being over, lot us 1 the verdict of the majority will he accepted, aud wo will all knuckle down and make the best of what some ot us consider "a bad bargain.".

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