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The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia • Page 7

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

U1 Morw'pfl FfiM. Man, Varctt 1 97? 'Killer' in the cot Speculators put necks into moose trap Spain out in the cold JHAL'N MclLRAITH, raid'' Medical Correspondent A MO I I IOt putt her baby lo sleep in hi col, easy in her rtunj thai he is well and Hinting, cucpt possibly lot a slight smllie. When she return later l.i pick him up he it dead. Or a bbv may die without warnmg in hn ntivhcr arm. A doctor baby died in the back of hit car while he and hit wife were dnsmg to see i icnd.

Ibe tud.len. tine tore led death of apparently healihv babie. sometime lermed "cot death. I regarded bv sum authorities a the largest ting'e cause of sleath In infancy from a few week of age to about iwo tear ll account for far more death than. tat.

leukaemia, tuberculosis, meningitis or accident. IVspiic fairly Intensive research in several counirie. especially the I'mtcd State, no one know etactlv whv these hahic die, Al one lime or another the dea-h hav been attributed lo. The baby havine smoth- ered in iis pillow or beneath nciicioinc. It inability breih through it mouth when a told Mock it no.

Ilacterial infection. Kadutmn fall out. Allergv cow's milk. Ibes theories base been mamty discarded. The once widely beld belief that Ihe child suffocated hat been re futed by esidence that enouch osvgen lo keep il ahse per- me ate even heavy bedding.

Any baby it well able lo Mi it head eniMich to asoid moihering in it pillow. inc two theories which retain mot support are that death Is due lo a suddenly lr-regular beating of I he heart, or lo an oserwhelming infection by virus. In infancy some of the nerve tissue which carries the electrical impulses thai stimulate the heartbeat Is degenerating while new nerve tissue is forming. The iheory is that something goes wrong stun this fundamental procett of development biology. The viral theory Implie a particular suveptibility in the child an Infection thai d.

not utually afTcct other mem her of tho family. Pecans rf the lack of positive criteria, sodden infant death, or 51D. Is a diagnosis made by etcludmg all other possible caute of death. A ll I not recognised a a legal classification for death certificates, other feasible causes have been specified bv doctor lo spare the harrowed parents from interrogation. The common pott morterfl finding of pm point haemorrhages on the serous membranes of the lung and heart now believed lo reflect the mode of death rather than the cause led lo many SIDi being certified as suffocation, A Sydney allergist who it critical of the lack of scientific inquiry in NSW into such an important area of infant molality has offered yet another etpUnation of sudden infant death.

In a letter lo The Medical Journal of Australia," the allergist suggested thai SID was a violent allergic reaction by hspcrsensiiive bahe lo the hoosedutimite. The mite, Dcrmatopha-goules pteronvstinut. hat already been cited at the cause of many case of asthma, ll feed off the Kale of human In Ontario. Quebec, tho maritime Province and increasingly In British Columbia well uvdo Americans are bujing up waterfront property. Indeed, the purchases have been so widespread at lo cause some concern among Canadian officials.

There base been Inquiries, by Ihe Ontario Government which ha under study proposals to restrain purchase of collage and Camp facilities by Americans. More recently there hat been a hue and cry that Americans are "buying up Prince Edward Island. The depressed agriculture there hat made available scry attractive property at moderate price and Yankee stsitor recognising a bargata have not been slow to buy island property, including tome cf the loveliest scenery in the country. In defence of the American takeover of vacation acreage in Canada, observer lay thee is nothing to stop Canad-ant from buying the land- There ta more Canadian interest in thia field now, but until fairly recently most citizens didni base the money to compete with American dollar. In any event, with their long, cold winter.

Canadian thinking about land investment have been oriented toward I Wida and tho Caribbean. Meanwhile, Americana are advised to watch out for agent who specialise in the sale of moose pasture in from CRfG CONNOLtlf, "Herald" correspondent ii Ottawa CANADIANS who have hurncd their finger by buying swamp lots in I loiiJa arc learning with Interest thai some Americana have bought moose pasture! in northern Canada. Tor decades past, Canadians contemplating retirement in I londa have been busing building ou. some good, some bad. Hui Ii is a new story thai I cmens have been taken for a rule in Canada.

Thousands of brochure hate been matted into the I'S extolling the merits of unspotted Canadian wilderness where property may be picked up for a song. land is being offered for as little as $20 an acre in northern Ontario. However, thu highly touted acreage in some instances it inaccessible and swampy. I oca I residents describe the land as suitable only for moose. Certainly American buvert rf lott in some of these re mote areas are due for a shock if they get a first hand siew of their acquisitions.

Most Americans who buy land in Canada are loo astute, though. get caught in Ihit kmd of deal. There are very extensive private I'S holdings in Canada, many of I hem among the finest summer resort property in Ihe country. Poles dig that From RICHARD MOWRER, "Herold" correspondent In Madrid I I ROn 'S expanding Common M.ukcl iom a iir-fst threat the uri al of lie i unco repine. NViih IliiLnn, Norway, iVnmatk nnd the If txh Republic joining the uropcati I omomiC Community, Spain mint hcviir itself and lag alone.

I or pressing economic teas-on ii -annoi allor to he left IkIihiJ. Hut because the franco re- ine i diiijiitfthlp and the I members Ihe original "Six" an the new -Jen" are all tlmnnractts, Spain's stances of being admitted are thru. I or, as member Slate base clear, the price of it drniiKfaiiuiion of the I ranio regime. Cm ilus condition he mei? Certainly not bv I rnco and hi suppliers. A token cestuie here end there.

yet. Hut be-j on that they dare not gs, Tliev fear that if they relat control they skill Ih control, and the regime is pledged to continuity "alter I unco." It ha no intention of liberalising itself out of exigence. (icncralissimo franco, now 79, hac stressed repeatedly that he intend la run the country at he hat for 35 year, for "at long at (iod givet me life." Hi Litest utterance to thu effect Mat in an address to the nation on December N. He gise no npn ol wanting to rente. Yet if Spain' economic ditTi-cultic arc allowed to ssotscn, internal stability will he imperilled.

Bccl by an escrrismg priic-wapc simmering labour unreal, tludenl agitation and trouble with svillo'-lhe-ssisp Hatquc terror itl. the country could do without the additional headache of trade complications Hut trade complication there will he. and tcriou pnet, if Spain doc not manage somehow to intcrt itself at least part way into the enlarged Common Market. Madrid did gel a foot in the Ef.C door in 1970.

hy way of a preferential trade agreement. Hut thi bcttcr-than-nothing deal fell far short of what had been hoped for: associate MIUIRgrom Sound-Wave A swimmer far away Horn ihore withe to be heard by a man on hore. Should the swimmer raise his head high above the water and shout or keep hit head nrar the water? Answer lo triday't: The acousiic energy in oiJinary "talk" i roughly 100 erst a second -about ten millionth of a watt! It quickly follows that four million people could liKht a 40-watt lamp by their FILMS jazz beat infivrmation on caset of SID. He said that Ihe completed qoctiionnairct showed that in only two of Ihe 2 case was there no history of allergy In Ihe family, and In one of these a sitter of the dead child had had an extreme reaction to in sect bites. In 19 cases the baby was sleeping on second hand mattress.

In all seven cases where the babies' mattresses were checked, a high concentration of mites was found. lor ihrne who may has aoroo doubts ahool the virulence of ihe nme, the allergist quote two Japanc researcher who fosind II more lhan lime a potent a hous dust a an allergen material which excites an allergic res pnse. He makes an even more prosocatise comparison between ihe mite and the bee, whose stmg may kill those who art hypersensitive to it. Research has shown, ho savs. that any part of the hoe body is as strong an allergen as bee venom itself.

Nobody grinds bp bee and moihert hornet with them, bul this in effect is the situation wuh lhat other insect allergen, Ihe house dun-nme. In NSW. he savs. every SID should bo Ihe subject of a top-level inquiry by a specialist pathologist and a paediatrician (child specialist). In this be has tho general support of tuch eminent authorities as Professor R.

IVoruld Teare. Professor of I orensic Medicine al ihe t'nisersity of London. In lh Hntoh medical journal. "The lancet. two tear ago, professor Teare uid thai expertly performed post mortem provided material for pathological and virological research etsen-Hal lo better understanding of Ihe disease.

Mt. Everest, the Himalayas, Tashkent your only stop) aboard the luxury of the SAS DC-8-62 Super Fan Jet, the ultimate in smooth, near silent flight. Why spend extra nights In an aircraft when you can travel to Europe this way with SAS. No nights in the plane on the northbound trip and only one (compared with the usual two) on the southbound trip. And this service Is exclusive to SAS.

1 2a L. I tut: tie Mimf mn. tiatu with a sic to full membership. Now. tho preferential agree ment, salid tor si )ear and haded eather at a great a.hicement.

It tuddenly obso lete. A new. more com- prrhensis relationship With the IIC it needed now that four Iradmg partners, particu larly Hniain. are preparing lo Uambcr oser the sommuniiy fence. there mtuh lime.

Hni- am and the three other north I uropean tountrict are due fsubievt lo parliamentary ap- prosal and or referenda al home) lo join the community on January I nctt tear. All four base igned a treaty of accession. what ihit will mean to Spanish trade, wiih Hniam f-'r etample. it this: once Hniain entert the 1 1 community member I ranee. Italy and the Netherlands will base a strong competitive edge oser Spanish product that find a gixvl market at present in the I K.

Spam fourih mot important trading partner. i nit wou'j re tcsere LI riow ui irauc in.n it ilironi- callv unbalanced, albeit redressed bv earning from tour ism and remittance from Spanish emigrant labour. It look eight tear to extract from Hrusselt the not entirely satisfactory referen tial trade agreement with the I I t. Political rbicxiion were an obstacle, the Dutch in particular refusing to concede more at long at the franco regime restricted basic freedoms in Spam. The difficulty about undertaking fresh negotiation for a new deal with the etpanding community it that the I ranco regime, for reasons best known to itself, hat recently tightened it authoritarian grip on the people, for example: A harshly revamped public order law permit imprisonment for three month without charge or Democratic opposition leader base been warned, under pain of heavy fine or imprivmmcnt, not to contact visiting statesmen.

1 he newspaper "Madrid hat been upprcsscd. Last November the Trench Foreign Minister, Maurice Schumann, came to Madrid and reported after a talk with the (icncralissimo: "franco ha made a profession of faith a a European." What. then, of a shift toward democracy in Spain? "Nuevo Diario," a newspaper representing majority opinion in the Cabinet, give this answer: "Defence of the country's institutional structure (the Franco regime) is the oaly democratic comportment permissible in today's Spain." two New York City narcotics detectives, Jimmy "Popcye" Doyle (Gene Hackman) and Buddy Russo (Roy Schcidcr) stumble on to Charmer's trail. Eventually the cops uncover the dope in a visiting French television personality's limousine and close in on the French dealer and his American clientele. Shoot-out.

Fade-out. The plot, though based on an actual incident, is rather standard for thrillers. But what happens isn't nearly so interesting as how it happens. The film is packed with revealing details of how the game is played in the underworld: "Popcye," in a Father Christmas suit, and Russo "bust" a Negro addict after a surreal chase through the crumbling alleyways of a Brooklyn slum; an expert tests the purity of heroin with mineral oil and a thermometer; a petty hood and his wife alter egos and autos to act as go-betweens in the drug trade. Cops shiver in doorways, warming numb fingers around cups of take-away coffee as robbers down New York's best and most expensive cuisine in warmth and elegance.

Charnier and "Popeye" are continuously and superbly contrasted. The former has intelligence, wit, charm and above all, style. The latter is his antithesis. (Presumably no one with wit and intelligence would choose to be a New York cop.) "Popeye" is rude, crude and has a kink for girls in leather boots. He is cruel, uncaring and stupid.

His sole virtues seem to be an often accurate intuitive sense and tenacity in abundance. Everything about From GEORGE BRODZKI In Wonow Till; THROBBING rhythm of drums grow louder a jou cros i he snow -covered market square in Warsaw's, old town. In a dimly lit corridor a door open and you walk down the steps to a mcdicval-typc cellar, now converted into a popular jazz club. Doens of clubt like this one have blossomed over the last few tears in communist 'oland. They arc alway crowded.

The music flow tn two stream melodious swing, blue and New Orleans, or progressive "free" jazz, not bound by regular beat and melody. For many year jazz wa treated a "decadent bourgeois." but Poland is now the home of the furopean Jazz federations magazine. Top Polish jazzmen support the free trend. They regard swing and bc-bop as com mercial and New Orleans as a 'teething period." Its all a bit confusing for skin and it found In large numbers In hedroomt, especially In oKler house, and in bedding materials, cpcvially old nuiiiesies. In hit letter the allergul observed that the mite's hahii-al correpndfd well wuh the scial and pattern rf SID, which tveurs msi often in families in (he lower-Income group, living in small, often older house.

Ihe allergist argued thai hypersensitive babir inhaling vasl cjiuntilir of Ihe mite became sentiiited lo it. which accounted for their preceding svmptoms of colic and rhinitis inflammation of he nos lining A sudden "tbiKking" dne of Ihe mite from bedclothes being disturbed produced ud-den anaphylaxis, an intense allergic reaction, and death. He postulated that in a'l cases of SID there would be some esidence in near-relatises of allergies, such as asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, ecema or hay fever. He also contended thai the mite would be found in Ihe beddmg of the dead infant. After publication of his letter Ihe allergist distributed questionnaire to 25 doctor who answered hi appeal for The real shortcut way to Europe is by the SAS Trans-Asian Express.

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SINGAPORE I 'AUSTRALIA dD kmhlM TinwnnrsnrT? By Martha DuBoso Pot-shots some. says 19 ear-old Krzysztof, a Warsaw student. "This "free thine is difficult. Oh. I know it's music, but I just can grasp it.

The two jazz trends met head on during a recent jazz jamboree highlighted bv the performances of Duke filing- ion and Dizzy Gillespie. Their music won tremendous ap plause. "Free jazz lost some ground. The 3. (XX)-seat concert hall was balf-empty dur ing progressive concerts.

Apart from these big annual events, jazz concent in both styles are being held all over Ihe country. Clubs like Warsaw's Old Town Cellar mix all kinds of music and satisfy everybody. Vocalist Wanda Warska sings number made famous by Billie Holiday, Ella itzge- rald and Sarah Vaughan. but never tries to imitate them. She laughs as she says: "I also sing many tunes of my own, usually arranged by my man, who at such times step down from his sublimated progres sive heights.

Husband Andre-zej Kurulewicz, a trombonist, likes "free jazz. bunked, a place of striking contrasts which takes its life from the people who populate it. As entertainment "The French Connection" is practic ally flawless. It is marred, however, by a exposi tory ending which, in the light of the film's overall honesty, is particularly gimmicky but easy to ignore. Unquestionably the best entertainment value in town for a long time, "The French Connection" is a skilfully crafted combination of realism and escapism.

It is violence and catharsis. It is honest from start to finish, yet so far outside the average viewer's experience as to be an engrossing and yes fun fairy-tale of modern times. It took two years and numerous censorship battles to reach our shores, but "Myra Breckinridge" (R-Roma, Sydney) is hardly worth the wait. The fantasies of young film critic and transexual Myron are no longer provoking. Their tastelessness has been matched many times since first release; they do not titillate, stimulate or even prompt laughter.

Whatever director Michael Same had in mind, it is a long way from novelist Gore Vidal's original intention. The Hollywood-as-America is lost somewhere amid pointless film-clips from the "golden and hopeless resurrections of John Houston and Mae West (whose resemblance to an up-ended corpse is unnerving). The only one who seems to have got the point of the film is erstwhile actor and real-life film critic Rex Reed (as Myron), who expends his en-" tire stay looking as though he knows he should be somewhere else. 7 Mae, resurrected him his clothes, his apartment, his idea of a good time mark him as a fanatic. His tenacity becomes increasingly obsessive, until in the end it overwhelms the man.

Hackman's "Popeye" is neither hero nor anti-hero: he is merely human the highest compliment I can think of for an actor. The film could, despite the generally excellent level of acting and direction, be rather ordinary without the superb work of cinematographer Owen Roizman and film editor Jerry Greenburg. Within Friedkin's direction they maintain the action at razor-sharp pace throughout. One is presented with an impression of New York City which, like is merely real; neither glorified nor de aVe (mm TIME is the only accredited arbiter of status in filnvmaking; today's blockbuster becomes tomorrow's quaint curiosity, this year's sleeper an enduring masterpiece. The reviewer with any sense of self-preservation will leave such evaluations to time.

Occasionally, however, the temptation to outguess the clock becomes too great. Despite critical caution, one leaves a theatre muttering "fantastic," "classic" or "the best I have seen." No matter how hard I try to control my enthusiasm, I cannot help thinking that "The French Connection" (R Plaza, Sydney) is the most exciting, most stylish in fact, the best piece of cops-and-robbers cinema since the silcnts. Though violence as a subject Is taking an intellectual beating these days it retains legitimate entertainment value. Director William Friedkin and scriptwriter Ernest Tidy-man manage to keep the violence entertaining in 'The French Connection" by presenting violent action as natural and inevitable. They attempt no in-depth analysis.

What motivates the blood-letting is obvious: cops and robbers, as every child knows, is a game which always ends in a shootout. The French connection is Marseilles businessman Alain Charnier (Fernando Rey), who arranges a multi-million dollar shipment of heroin into New York. By a stroke of dumb luck, s-i 1 TW I Wed. I Frid. I Sat I Sun.

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