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Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, the Evening News from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania • Page 20

Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

0C 1 Oiii 2.2121 TIMES-LKADKR. THE EVKMXG NEWS. PA, TUUlDAV -1 STEELS JO SPECIALTIES TODAY'S STOCK QUOTATIONS j.jiSSnLE His Law Peat ttiafe Law Cteat HlS Lev Ctaet jiRIKEIflDAYi LEAD, MARKET ADVANCE tig Victor Eubnk 4 trm. r. market tvlaT fTMuO Contei Cigar fans E4iu 11 11 11 AddrM4-Mult Cm! bah 14 Air MeducUOA Krfer Grocery 34 Lehifh CAM 11 Liijn Ptt 3d.

Uhish Val Coal 1 Lerusit Val Coal pf Uh Val RR 1 Cant lis 34 is'. 3 31 14 3H 3 Pinned Oa Miss Alaska Juneau Alleghaay Corp All Lud fill Allen lAdusirwa Cant HiHMl Con! (HI Del Cant Bieel Corn Products Crane Co Oral Core Armtflf ta4 fttpua lal htvef Cvf A Br Reynolds To4 ftunfteld OU Kusuaaa IAS a Safeway lore al Laaa rraa havage Arms achanley Durtll Hrt Roebuck Servel Ine A Dohme Shall Union Oil Simmons Ca ism um ins Mscllag of Detroit Workers ivinH rv- U4wliba( Itti Lamer ftiofas Lih-QF (JUM anrintef faOd tO folfclW totnMm abaut IIS 33 11 1 MS IS MS us MS 1 Tt MS 11 4S IIS MS Al Chem at Ujfi Allied Mills Alliad Sir 11 11 11 II US 1 14 31 11 33 17 44 11 4 31 Ubby UcH A duuUU that 4 IftS pr-cwi. Crucible Steel Aliis-Ch Mfg Some Song! aa larse blocks al Pta" quoted k-ues erewded rama lataf ana Am Airlines Ugg aty Liuutd Carbonic Lockheed Aire rff vmn4 their hope Of ending u.k by tneiniananca mm that has hi lIIimm ta an MUffllM I' r- I' av 'X Am Hank Note Cuban-Am Sugar Curtis Publics Curtua-Wnghl CurttM-Wr A una gains war araad ar genef siiy Loew's ln Am Cable a. Had Am Cm Am Car A JAl DHro.t war plant employes Lena-BrtI UM A raduc3 La aunor wacviw Sinclair OU LubM-WU Bite kjaing BOUT. LUqUOfS torn Am LmvmH Loriliard tPl cent buoyancy.

fcih union affinaie ware ei parted to call for iitunediale rumpUao Am A pf Louuv A Nash Deere a Ca Iel Hudson Del Lark A Weal Detroit EdtMMt Dlt Corp-Sesg fVitne Minei 30S 37 7IS IIS 13S tos It IS IS MS its 31 It IIS 3S 13 1SS 1S baally Oil Smith AO Corp Socony-Vacuum Sou Am OAF So Rico Sul Am A. 17 pf 3S vs JIS 13 JS us 0 its 21S US IIS 3S 11 14S 43 3S 11' II US UH 34 IIS 11 14 11 37 44 13 4 31 2J 30 3 7 XI 11 16 33 34 10 11 11 13 I 10 30 29 MS 37 7tS IIS IIS tOS lS IS to US IS 21 IIS IIS II liS 41 2S II a at iivav held after the Am ar 1 pf Am International Am Locomotive Mack Trucks Mac RH Opvnuid acuviiy wma Mrtly to short cowing aad new Purchasing baaed on a alight up trend tn political optimum and fur-Iher Ulief that the waft both ilB Europe and Japan, would go on long enouxh to obvuta much reconveralon 34 31 11 33 13 31 43 11 4 31 13 2S 34 33 7 27 11 29 34 32 14 10 II 11 1 1 29 21 23 Sou Cal Ediauo V.i tonal War Labor Board netiflad L'nitad Automobile Workers tClOl rfricare thai no eoetaidereUoa ouM 41 MS 7 7t MS IIS MS IIS MS US 7 43 MS I 7 I7S 30 MS 37S IIS IIS 35 34 4fS 3 MS 63 14 Manati ausar Douglas Aircraft Am Ma Fdy 30 2 South Pacific Southern Ry Am A Mrl (Ivan their aemanaj uniu strike to ended, broke up Uft night Am Pow At 1.1 Southern Ky Pi 33 ooatad for Joy Sparrka lining without vote on ue Am Rad a Si 9 Am Roll Mill Marine Midland Marshall rield Martin GL Mathiesun Alk rrKess St Rob McLeUan Sirs Mrad Corp 27 11 29 bperry torp Spiegel Inc Stand Brands UfgVGrol Northern, General Really and American AirUnea. Ahead mo. of the proreadings were U. 8.

Steel. Chrysler. U. B. Rubber.

Douglas A r. 11 MS IS MS I 4 41 US ts IS MS 11 4 11 31 US MS 41 MS IS 7 17 11 21 27 11 11 13 14 41 3 17 31 13 11 23 13 33 23 31 35 13 24 1 68 14 10 11 43 18 29 92 Am Smelt At Am Stl Fdn Am Stores 34 It Stand Oil Cal II Scheduled to eddrees the mainten. tnc men were Welter P. Reuther. International prwldent of union, and UAW-CIO Regional IM-rartors Richard T.

Leonard and Mel- MesU Machine IMS 13S IMS Am Tel At Tel 32 34 10 Stand Oil Ind Stand Oil Sid fill Sores It 69 craft. Borden, Aiwconoa. Coasf Una. Dae. Johna-ManviUe.

aw. .4 Du PnnL Inclined Am Tob Am Type Fdrs Am Viscose Am Wat Wks 11 via BUhon, TM tnrae men wrra Arm bomber Stone A Webster Mld-Cont Pel Minn-Honey Reg Mo-Kan-Tesas Monsanto Chrm Montgom Ward Murray Corp w. ta slip were Bethlehem. Texas Pacific Land Truat. Hiram Walker.

Dow Chrm DupUn Cop du Ponl de Katlern Air Eastman Kodak Eaton Mlg El Aulo-Ule Elec Boat El Poer it Lt El I'o A- Lt 16 pf Eng lub Service Erie RH Erie RR ct Evans ProducU Ex-Cell-O Fairbanks Morse Tarns Tel At Rad Fed LI A Trac Federal Strs Fireitone TAR 11 2 late ytrday at AtUnue City. N. Am Woolen us 7 43 MS 7 17 20 11 17 US 11 35 24 41 3 MS MS 14 US 11 us 32 13 36 S3S 13 24 6 61 14 10 US 46 19 29 93 Studebeker Corp Sun Oil Sunray Oil Sumhine Mng Swift A Co. Swift Inll 11 Santa Fe. Boeing.

Sears noeouca enu Montgomery Ward. Rail bonds eahibited streagth. Commodities were lower. Supported In the curb were Aircraft Accessories Corporation, Clar Anaconda Cop Armour A Co And Dry Goods Atch it Atl Coast Line here they were aurnaing an tvu-lln board aeasion, ao they could at-lend Uft night's meeting, but were del red In departure. A Lao slated la appear al todays meeting were all member of a com-xiinaa ant-minted hv the mainten US 41 IS IS 27 17 17 41 28 17S 87S I0S 6S 29 43 Teaas Co 43 All Refining I ance, eonatmctlon and powerhouse inet Bond onare.

uirn Coal. Cities Service and Creole Petroleum. Nash-Kelvlnalor Nat Biscuit Nat Can Nat Cash Reg Nat Dairy Prod Nat Distillers Nat Enam St Slpg Nat Gypsum Nat Lead Nat Pow As LI Texas Gulf Prod Texas Gulf Sulph 34 Ta Pac A 17 Atlas Corp Atlas Powd Au.t Nichols 34 17 Steels again had the neneot oi ro 11 Tex Pac Trust 13 11 23 14 32 2S 36 33 13 24 6 68 14 10 11 46 19 Aviation Corp seate predictions regarding pig SUBtey Traalssaa. NE-Arma Newsalrlares erreadl fr the war pletar peel, happeae ba as Ike ether rod af Ike earners wkea be pave briefly la hi. aalies en Telella Ulana la iaapeel a aouubea Japanese lank.

8 peacetime orders In thia neia wnicn would tend ta offset cancellation of 4 Ihlrd Ave Tran Thompaon-Starrett 4 Tide Wat A Oil 15 24 Bald Loco ct MtafeLwCtew US MS US I4S I4S IS IS 40 40 IS IS IS MS 'MS MS tS MS MS sos MS tS" JSS MS MS MS MS I4S 31 MS MS 17 US US 10 10 1 11 II 11 41 '41 41 3IS 11 33 7 7 30 30 3) 11 3)S us us us us us 137 137 I37H 17 17 17 134 154 154 31 31 31 U5 IMS U5 47 47 47S 43 43 45S 13 13 13 4 4 4 7 rs 17 I3S US 1) IIS US US IIS US US 13 13 13 44 41 43 41 41 41 13 13 17 17 17 21 37 27 SO 41 80 22 22 22 33 31 32 1 8 10 10 10 38 37 37 43 42 42 63 63S 63S 12 11 11 26 26 26 23 23 23 13 12 13 24 24S 24S 2S 2 2S 3 3 3 52 51 32 48 48 49 US 18 US 16 16 16 40 39 40 S2 52 32 21 21 21 13 13 13 47 46 47 20 19 19 8 8 8 8 8 8 107 107 107 43 44 44 44 43 44 10 10 10 15 15 15 4 4 4 17 18 17 38 38 38 104 104 104 84 84 84 11 11 11 36 36 36 9 9 9 80 79 80 30 30 30 19 19 19 18 17 18 97 97 97 23 25 25 10 10 10 18 18 18 34 34 34 13 (Navy pa4a freaa NCA) IX. Davli Ualey Creeketi, CSNR. akave. al U4laapl lad. w.adtm tf waa Ul S4g ar tae ahalla UuU caaaed Oenaaaa ta earreader 4a alam.

Craekeit, a AlkUr pllat aa aaat dewa avar Tealaa, Fraaea, aad aaptared. He aad fellaw-arUaaer aaag -Gad Bleat Aaw-ta- darlBf aa all-day Allied sakarsmeat af tae Nasla. Thea taa Gerasaaa raaaamaadlag affl-ar aasaaiaaed CrackeU aad readared blaaatU aad saea. armament contracts. Skeptics, how- 43 I 14 17 12 4 14 49 9 24 4 24 80 13 49 Ttmken Bear 49 '1 Natl Steel Nat Supply stoma Co Newport Indust Air Brake rVntral RR ever, wondered If mounting cosu might not interfere with earnings.

Helpful to motors was word the W. Transamerlea Trans At West Air 24 Trl-Cont Corp 8 33 4 P. B. had decided to authorize re 23 Twent C-Fox 23 Morals Case Is Set For Hearing Bait Ohio Barber Asph Barnadall Oil Bath Ir Wks Bayuk Cigars Bell Aire Bendix Aviat Best St Co. Best Foods Beth Steel Black Decker Blaw-Knox council oT the UAW-CIO.

with wnicn tha strikers are affiliated. They tike-wise were given plane priority in Washington at the request of the WLB members with whom they conferred earlier In the day, but were (rounded in Pittsburgh. Protesting inequalities in wage rate structures as they affect CIO-affiliated maintenance men pared with those belonging to the APL, the council threatened a general walkout In 300 plnU that might Involve nearly a million workers unless the WLB agrees to set up a fact-finding panel to study the case. Two Plains Men Paroled In Charge newal of light truck production ror civilian use with some 20.000 vehicle scheduled for the first six Underwood-Ell 60 60 13 17 17 Union Bar. It months of 1943.

Foster Wheeler Freeport Sulph Gen Baking Gen Bronze Gen Elec Gen Foods Gen Motors Gen Out Advert A Gen Ry Signal Gen Refract Gillette Saf Glidden Co Gobel (Adolf) Gobel Brew Goodrich F) Goodyear TAR Grand Union Gt Nor Ir Ore ct Gt Northn Rt pf Green (H L) Greyhound Corp Gulf Mob St Ohio 204 206 Chi At St Lou 2 Chi As St pf 93 Shipbuilding 17 Norf St Western 206 No Am Aviation 9 North Amer Co 19 Northern Pacific 16 79 79 79 This Afternoon Union Carbide IJnifcn Pacific 9 9 109 109 109 SS 25 1S US 30 13S 4 41S US ess 22S US 16 49 47 34 40 20S 404 20 US 14S 32 32 31 COMPENSATION 11 16 United Am Lines The case of six Wilken-Barre bus- in tnjtn rhnriJVrt with morsl Of- 31 United Aircraft Statisticians recalled that secunues markeU have made more or less progress in the month preceding a national election. Since 1900, it was observed, the Industrial -aversge has tilted forward In nine out of 11 nr.uniini nrrinda. Hie only de 11 1 Boeing Airplane 6 iNorwalk Tire St 6 fenses, which have been drawing in MS 13 46 IS IS 27S 17 17 41 28S US 57 ios 3S 23 IS 23 16V, US 30 US 45 41S US 64 22 US 15S 49 46 'i 33 40 20 40S 20 11H 14 27 20S 30 10S 37 41 35 14 4'i 32 46 19 93 34' 36 30 37 18 33 4 88 31 1 15 90 United Corp United Drug 15 16 Ohio Oil ODDenheim Col Unit Fruit the criminal courts lor aimou a year, is scheduled to come up before President Judge W. A. Valentine 90 13 llntl.H Cmt Imn 13 BOARD RUG 16 12 23 59 clines were In 1932, when Roosevelt 14 IIS 45S IS IS I7S IS us MS 39 MS US 57S ios ss 23 IS 24 30 13S 44S 41 us MS 22 IIS 15S 49 46 33 40 20 40 20 11 14 27 20S 30 10S 37 51 35S 14 4S 32 46 19S 93 34 36 29S 37 18S 32 4H 87 41 47 US 27 27 Bohn Al At Brass Bond Strs Borden Co.

Borg-Warner Braniff Airw Briggs Mfg Bklyn Un Gas Budd Mff Otis Elevator Hoffman Mach 14 Indus Chem 39 was chosen, ana in ivia, wnen nu- 12 23 59 32 39 1 13 89 13 14 39 1 37 50 55 5Di Owens-Ill Glass 18 16 6 16 12 23 59 32 6 3 31 26 1 30 this afternoon. Thev have waived trial by a jury, and the Commonwealth will call uMtnjcui twtav tn sunDort the in son was re-eieciea. son was rc-eicvicu. 8 Preferred By Girl 37 Leather 8 Pipe St Fdry 37 Rubber 50 6 Gulf OU dictments wherein charges are pre ISSUOTNEDpiJsIrfED 50 55 Burr Add Mach 5 Smelt tM 85 32 Hall (W F) Print Hayes Indust 60 Stee 00 ferred against tnem oy a u-year-iu Pittston girl end a 20-year-old woman of Ashley. 26 130 130 130 Calif Packina 27S Steel pf 1 78 78 78 The 13-year-old Pittston girl Is Campbell Wyant 20S Univ Leaf roo 30 Court Finds Hazleion Man Hayes Mfg Haz el-Atlas Gl Holland Furn 17 BY GOP WOMEN 16 now an inmate of a juvenile institution and will not be called ss a witness, although District Attorney 20 20 Can Dry ii Aie oun Canad Pacific lOVi Case (J I) Co 38 Vanadium Corp 20 Pac Gas A Elec 32 Pac Tin Cons 6 Packard Motor 5 Pan Am Airways 32 Param Pictures 26 Park Utah Con 1 Parke Davis 30 Patino Mines 17 Penney (J 107 Penn-Cent Airl 19 Penn-Dix Cement 4 Penn RR 3" Pepsi-Cola 68 Phelps Dodge 24 Phila Elec Philco Corp 34 106 107 Was Working In Dan Homestake Mm 19 19 Houston Oil 8 13 Walworth Co 9 Warner Bros Plct 13 4 4 Schwartz will produce her testi-moay through statements made at the time of the arrest of the de- gerous Place In Mines Caterpil Tractor 51 Vi Celanese Corp 35 Celotex Com 14 Hudson Motor Hupp Motor 30 30 30 66 Wavne Pump 8 13 29 24 46 28 Joseph ranelll.

17 Rose avenue. Plains, and Joseph Florid, 104 West Carey street. Plains, were today sentenced by Judge W. A. Valentine to pay cost of prosecution and undergo imprisonment in Luzerne County prison for a period of three months beginning September 19.

They were then paroled upon the conditions that they pay the cost of prosecution within one month and that they observe the law in the future. ranelll and Florio had been convicted of beating and wounding, and with intent to criminally attack an ls-year-old Plains girl, on the eve-ring of July 13, on Bald Mountain, Plains Township. Pvt Richard H. Klick of the State Police was prosecutor. The defendants were arrested by Pvt Klick on the 13th of July.

Contrary To Orders dendants. 24 jr i Cent Foundry 24 West Ind Sug tificate Campaign for Illinois Central 46 West Un Tel A 46V 28 24 19 34 Indust Rayon Cerro de Pas 32 V4 Ches Sc Ohio 48S Phi Pneu Tool 19 28 Westing Air Br Luzerne County Thnmn F. FarreU. In a de 106 105 106 West El A Mfg Langford Sentenced London. Oct.

5 JPh-Lord Lang- 43 Inger-Rand Inland Steel Inspirat Cop cision handed down this afternoon, 30 30 30 Wheeling Steel Phillips Pet nartlrlnalfon in Chrysler Corp 93 Climax Molyb 34V4 Cluett Peabody 36H 25 upheld the findings of the worKmen 12 10 rnnunutim Rnard in the aDDCal tha rail Wtinn eamnaisn were ford. 59-year-old Irish peer, was sentenced today at Farnham. Sur-rv In fwelv mnnth imprison White Motor White Sew Mach Willys-Overland 15 Coleate-Palm-P au 25 9 16 10 43 32 25 8 16 10 42 32 of Mrs. Angeline DeDuuio, 898 Al- mapped out at a meeting of 400 Rc-ter street Harleton, from a decision publican women of Wilkes-Barre at 1.41... tn lk C.1ln.

37 29 65 24 19 34 43 12 10 15 57 17 47 15 13 10 8 17 11 Collins St Aik 374 9 16 10 43 32 ment at hard labor op conviction of Interchem Corp Interlake Iron Int Harvester Int Nick Can Int Paper Int Tel St Tel Col Fuel Ir ibv Wilson A Co Woolworth (FW) Worthing St obtaining 3.zuu irom a woman under false pretenses. Colum Br'castA 33 Polum El Pittston Co Poor St Co 10 Pressed Stl Car 15 Procter St Gam 57 Pub Svc 17 Pullman 47 Pure Oil 1 Quaker Sta Oil 1JV4 Radio Corp Am 11 Radio-Keith-Orph 9 Reading Co. 17 Real Silk Hosiery 11 17 47 15 1S 10 9 Colum Carbon 88 of tne oiate noira death of her husband. Mrs. William G.

Stahl, city vice- DeMuzxlo, husband of the chairman, who presided, thanked the plaintiff, was killed by a fall of rock women for their co-operation in tne in the mines of the Humbolt Colliery, registration of voters and urged them Lattimer Coal Company, on March to continue their efforts. Mrs. Jos- ln iiaania PitlintV lra. roml Credit Johns-Manville Jnnetf Sc Stl 41 47 Young Spg St 19 Youngst Sh St 40 Zenith Radio 42 Coml Invest Tr 47 V4 19 40 42 5 19 40. 42 5 16VJ Coml Solvents IB tt 1(U1 CUfl UIICB, UU4.rl ll VVUlllj a.w- Com' with Edis 28 17 11 Zonite Products 6 a 28 Kan City South Kelsey-Hay Wb 27 Kennecott Cop Ta 1 1 Tal In due course of time the Workmen's Compensation Referee awarded the widow compensation but the ref Guest Of Honor Com' with Sc South is-io Congoleum-Nalrn 27 chairman, aiso spoice.

County Chairman David Vaughn complimented the women on their interest in saying lt was a he-althy sign for the community and country. City Chairman Oliver Price ureed a united effort in the cam eree- was reversed Dy tne oil 4 Wills Probated Brotherhood Wins MRS. KLEIN Larkin Upholds men's Compensation uoaro on we ground that the deceased, at the ki. loath uia working in a At Court House 'dangerous place in violation of or paign- DanKers Aia nans i For Testimonial A committee of bankers is assisting with plans for the testimonial dinner to be tendered Edward J. Evans at Hotel Sterling next Tuesday night Mr.

Evans recently retired as vice president of Kingston National Bank and the affair is being arrancrfi hv mpn whn hnv hppn us. Reading Company Shenandoah. Oct. 5 Mrs. Austin MUliens, cnairman oi the Dewey-Brlcker One Dollar Cer-twinatA Ttriv annnnnped headauar- Henry Sauer, late of 116 Poplar A Wll1.M.narr HV hlS Will ders issued Dy nis foreman, i-uim Sharkey.

A. i. the testimony the PASSES AWAY Fight To Restore Switch Lamps The Public Utility Commission today ordered the Delaware and Thomas Larkin. an umpire oi tne Anthracite Board of Conciliation, up ters will be established at 74 Public probated at the court house today, Path. court concluded such to have been Square and the campaign win oe formally launohed on October 9.

snkart firmBn mnriirtatA for Uie the case and upheld tne ooara in iu ruling. Th. lofanrlant rOfll COmDanV WSS leaves nis enure comic vu erine who is named executrix. Personal estate is valued at $250. Value held today the action oi we rmi-delphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company in discharging Julius Barowsky," a union committeeman Leader In Church Work Is 1 Hudson to -install switch aociated with him in business and State Senate, and David Livingstone represented by Attorneys Frank L.

lamps on its Pennsylvania division of real estate is not given Martin late of 1 Fellows tracks before April 1, 1945. its KnlcKeroocKer coiucij. denying him reinstatement and Fatally Stricken At Meal Time Pinoia ana nainin wjimu plaintiff was represented by At-tnmev Roirer Dever. counsel for the street. Shickshinny, leaves his estate ot 9n tn hi wife.

Irene De i mmsm and Edwin Miner, nominees ior me State House of Representatives, were introduced. Entertainment was furnished by Mrs. Cecial Slivinski and Miss Marietta Slivinski. A social hour followed with Mrs. Joseph Jones in United Mine Workers.

Martin, who is named executrix. The commission sustained a complaint by Anthracite Lodge No. 544, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. Wilkes-Barre, against the railroad which said "a dangerous condition Antoni TolodoziecKl, late oi no back wages. Barowski is In the army now.

The dispute that followed his discharge resulted in a work stoppage of more than a week last February, in which some 8.000 miners participated. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Klein, 68, of Maple street, Nanticoke, leaves all monev in bank to daughter, Sophie civic affairs for many years. Superior Court Judge Arthur H.

James will be principal speaker. Two-minute talks will be given by representatives of these groups and municipal bodies with which Mr. Evans has been associated: Robert H. Miller, community: Dr. Wilbur H.

Fleck, good neighbors; Miss Frances Dorrance, Hoyt Library; Peter Wanko, burgess of Ed-wardsville; Osborne Morgan, chair- man of Kingston Council; Charles B. Humpleby, president of Kingston School Board; Attorney John Morris, HENDERSHOT 574 South Franklin street, city, died charge. Jaruszenski, she to pay funeral ex operating trains as wel as the lives of a heart attack this afternoon in her home. Rnn mllllnn nut nf over penses. He leaves remainaer oi mi-estate in equal shares to daughter enn Barnard.

Both chll- of the traveling puDiic naa Deen created by the removal of the main track switch lamps." 3 billion coins put out by the United Seh was having lunch and con dren are named executors. The estate DIES AT WORK States mint during tne nscai yea ended on June 30. 1944, were for- is valued at $250. Ashley Funke Heads Drive Alvin Funke heads the Ashley an versing with a member of her family when she was suddenly stricken and died a few minutes later. foreign countries.

The United ototoa hat hn mlntine coins for John KorvaiicKi. late oi 101 ttcsv Chestnut street, Wilkes-Barre, leaves McCrindle Names West Side Lions Club, and Clifford foreign countries since $100 for masses and directs that a Son of Former County Con For the past 47 years she had nual Welfare Federation Drive, in suitable monument De erected ovei his grave in Sacred Heart Cemetery at Dallas He leaves his estate to Tha aorth'a flrct amnhlhlous anl- the capacity oi major, au w. assistants is preparing to start so mDi. lunuil tn walk on land be- lived in this city and during that time wa sone of the most active workers of St. Nicholas' a a ii troller Was Machinist At Power Plant East Side Majors In War Chest Drive Tm Mrvinri1p thin vear's children, Mary, Veronica, Julia, licitations.

The latter are Miss uer- wentz, president oi Kingston Businessmen's Association. R. H. Levy, new commander of Black Diamond Post, American Lesion, will make the presentation speech. Sterling Wandell is general chairman.

On the bankers committee: Frank Newell Rossman, Harold au cause they wanted to live In ictnric creatures, seeinff EDWARD J. EVANS trude SchwaD, co-major, captains, George Renoe. President Ashler Businessmens Association, Joseph, and Daniel ana names daughter, Mary executrix. The estate is valued at $2,010. HT XT ai Hare Vint FR nf 125 their own pools drying up, started Mrs.

ruein was presiaem oi me local unit of Catholic Women's Union, treasurer of the C. W. U. State ion. treasurer of the C.

W. U. State UllslllCO UVIIUW auu Martin L. Murray, school division, VFW Party Tonight VFW Party Tonight d. Alii Gor colonel of the East Side Municipalities Division of the jCommunity War Chest campaign, has completed Center avenue, Plymouth, died of a out In search or aeeper ones organiMtion, and treasurer-of -the ftearrgttarttrthls murnliig at 10-whlie found theycould Altar and Rosary Society of St.

at work in the Hunlock Creek plant VjAhnla navlah fiVia olen ttBI chair- rVttmtv flaa Rr F.lprt (t I mmm WM Mm MichnlQ' narlfih Rha alien was chair out in searcn oi aeeper ones i A.ii.... "JH7 iataron at rtT i mm. iiiumwa AiPUdb AUUCIt HVIICS, IMilJ V. jiicb. xiau i Um 2 Steel Workers roreign Tais, wm oikiuwi i i a 1 .1 I iuikitioi wnmcn uiviswii.

'Z. Keller, Sheldon Evans, William Tiiatmr and Clirw Vnn wane wimnmi me appoinunem oi nic uiajuia nv will work with him when the drive ana associate memoers loniKnv at UJ, utuci Company. He had been employed by WHY BE FATA? man of the group which conducted party in the post home, 757 Wyoming Fourteen Die In Service irniinir men of Ashley tne cannig Kitcnen sponsored oy oi. Vincent de Paul Society of her pa- wick inA uro maamK' nnH r.ffi&eT avenue, rungsion. the utility company ior jwn machinist.

n-r. in TPivmouth and a life resi- Killed In Crash Greensburg. Oct. 5 (P) Two i a in tha war service it has Officers extend an invitation to man hnnio nn ftirlniicrh. Their dent of that borough, Mr.

Hender- of the Third Order of Francis. been announced. In the future, as uniforms will admit them in lieu of Get slimmer without exercise You any Ion pounds and have a mart lender, graceful figure. No exercising. No laxative.

No drugs. With this AYDS plan you don't cut out any meals, trtsrehes, po Mauve or scranion In aha WBI a child steelworkers were killed and two others iniured when thfeir auto a membership card. fatalities are reponea py Department, the public will be i 1 A Mawinon 'Ia' mobile plunged into the rear of a shot was a son oi tne late mr. auu Mrs. Fuller ft.

Hendershot. His father was a former county controller. Mr. Hendershot was active in Republican politics and represented the party as committeeman in the Finn a V. Tim worn a when her family moved to- Pittston.

She attended Pittston schools and in that cltv until ahit made A 4V.A ciinHnv following the an- tatoes, meats or butter, you tip-ply cut tbem down. It easier Ull nouhcements." Unmit An Fnrlourh moving truck, a mile and a nan east of the Irwin interchange of the Pennsylvania turnpike last night. James Byron, of Mt, Pleasant, and William Santmyer. 35, of Scottdale, when you enwy aencnut iviia. min ortified) AYDS befart meal.

ber of the First Methodist Churca, her home in this city 47 years ago. Her husband, Francis J. Klein, former manager of R. Bauer Son died in 1922. Ciitnriirin rt A Vat haw rVi1 r1an 1wTrA Sergeant John Shrader, who has i Armv Air CorDS SIX opens next week.

His terriory wui be covered under the direction of nine majors, their captains and lieutenants. The majors who will serve with Mr. McCrindle, and thfir territory iollowj Alvin Funke, major of Ashley; Mrs. Gomer Jones, major of Hanover Township; Miss Ruth Searfoss will be in charge -of the Laurel Run territory; Albert S. Dew will head Mountain Top; Mrs.

W. E. Samuel will take charge of Bear Creek. Herman E. Cardoni will act as major in Plains; Sugar Notch will be in charge of John A.

Riley; Stanley Nadwahny will head Warrior Run, and John Skuba will be major of Wilkes-Barre "Township. Martin Fights "Socialization" Forty Fort Sgt. Rave Htome After .32 Months In Service Abroad Plymouth. Surviving1 are his widow, Mar- UCll a n- ha lact two and one died of skull fractures ana avercw 4t fii.nt4lnlp vast in Edward J. Walters, city; Mrs.

Ed Igaret; three daughters, Miss mar-gretta, employed ly Luzerne County Try a large si se ben oi AYDS. 30-day tupplyonl S2.25.Moneybackifyoudon'tftresalu.Pboo REA DERICK. iriC. it E. Main St, Nanticoke -i and 43 t.

Main St, Plymooth half years was located in the South Pacific, and saw service in Australia Gas isiecirit wiiuyauj a serious condition at Westmoreland hospital, also with a fractured skull. The driver, James Jr.r of Scottdale. who suffered lacera ward J. laux, rnuaaeipnia; rancu Klein, city; Miss Leonore Klein, at home; also brothers and' sister, William Backes, Nunday, and New Guinea, is nere onxui-lnnoh at the home of Mrs. David Jones, Hartford street.

He is a son nf th late Mr. and Mrs. David Joseph Backes, and Mrs. William Johnson. Pittston and five grand tions, told state police he tailed to see the laree truck Until he was with the Fifth Air Force, Sgt Louis ters, Kingston; a Carol Durbin, and a sister, Miss Pearl Hendershot, Plymouto Ms a graduate of Ash- F.

Rave has returned home for a almost upon -it. ley High School and before enter It was announced last night that employes of Kingston National Bank, with which Mr. Evans was associ-! a ted for 47 years, have indicated that they will attend the affair. FOR RENT room apartment, all improvements. 1st floor.

263 Prinfle, Kingston. Beard ef Review Meeting West Side District Board of "Review will meet at Rutter avenue 1 school building tonight TODArB BEST DESSERT EPENCER' HQ-MADE ICE CREAM Bretherhaod Meeting Kingston Lodge No. 1, Patriotic Brotherhood of Americans, will hold its monthly business meeting on Thursday night October 12, at 8. This meeting will be known as the Golden Harvest Festival, and the program will be In charge of Joseph Vartini, assisted by Andrew Kreller. A class of candidates will be inducted into membership.

Brief Mention Gleaners Class of Dorrance ton T.Iethodist Church will meet row night at 8 at the home of Mrs. Leroy Reese, 146 West Dorrance street American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 5, will conduct a rummage sale 189 Main street Luzerne on October 12, 13 and 14. Persons hav-i -g donations are asked to contact rs, Arthur Engler, rs. Charles Ransom, co-chairman, leave their rummage at the store i in Luzerne. The funeral will be from the family borne.

The funeral wui do aiu Uy home. ing the service was employed Dy Central Railroad of New Jersey. He 24-day furlough. At present he is visiting his father, Louis F. Rave, at 864 Wyoming avenue, Forty Fort.

At 4k avniratinn nt him leave S2t. ia to renort at Atlantic city, rt. Estates Of Two following; his furlough. TTarrlshuriT OrL 5 4JPt Protest- i 1 Report Revolts In Vienna Area London, Oct 5. VThe London Andrew Bartek Intt Ban int whnt he termed "So Rave will report to Atlantic City for 'Parker cialization of Industry" GovernorJ Soldiers Filed Brief Mention vrr Wnrrv L.

Stout Ashley street, rehabilitation ana reassignment While in the South Pacific he was a member of the famous heavy Redpatii la rMnf 0iipt Mr. and Mrs. Letters of administration were triar to Mrs. Katherine Gordon Stout and daughters, Janet Of Heights Dies Andrew Bartek of 105 North empire street -city, a charter member of St. John's Church.

Hillside street bombing group, "The Kensrnen Martin has called on labor, agrlcul-j ture industry and the home owners of Pennsylvania to aid him in a fight against a United States Senate committee's proposal to freeze reconver radio, quoting advices from Bern, said last night that revolts are re and Judith. ZwfebeL 34 Marlborough svenue, rr- ctat of her Mrs. David T. Jones, narxioru hnmt from New I OrX ported to have broken out in Vienna WllKea-oai. brother, the late Johiv Gwytme first one of the finest iigming ouuiu in that war theatre.

In his travels around the world, Sgt Rave spwt considerable time in Australia, New Guinea, and outlying islands. sion of eastern war pianis. died this morning it 1:30 in his where she visited relatives. and other carts of Austria. There The committee, headed Dy sena home after an illness.

He had lived in itsmt U'0ht Mtlrm frkt a lrtntf lieutenant in tne urnicu Lt Gwynne was killed in an accident on the Harieton highway on the eve- Mrs. Jesse HoucK, noss sireet, us home from Pittsburgh where she attonriivi the Dauchters of America tor McCarran proposed that Government-owned war plants was no immediate confirmation from other sources. time and formerly was employed at xune ana iormeriy was empioyea ai i wnT to I in the South and West be recon mining operation, in this section, mng oi Md. where BBC declared that casualties and convention. wan a member of the Holv 1 Troop Elects Officers i Girl Scout Troop 101 elected officers at a recent meeting.

Claire Douehertv was chosen president; verted and reopened aner me war, but that those in 11 Eastern and be was stauonea, administration were arrests had occurred in disturDances only two days after Gen. wight D. Mrs. rea uierou, yvsmey eireeh is in Chatham, N. where she is visitinr her sister.

Mrs. Henry Northern States be frozen. Name Society of his parish. The funeral will be held from his home on Saturday morning. aad other important exchanges Serving Individtil tmd ImstitutionA Imvulort ar BROKERS md DEALERS im railroad PUBUCumrry INDUSTRIAL MUNICIPAL FOREIGN Securities granted to Mrs.

Katherine Darguzia, "7" 1'a Eisenhower and the Moscow radio Martin 3feBf4ftS told the Austrians that "the time has "a barefaced attempt to transplant fc ive active proof a Dareiaceu 1 come Owens. Mary Hyatt, vice president; Beverly un Jnhn vodnrk ana cnuaren. 82 rtewpon su-rev, estate of her son, the late elix P. tn jate cuza-1 surviving are nis cnuaren, tuza 2urvivine are nis cnuaren. Pennsylvania industry and jobs un- heth.

at home: John. Wilkes-Barre: k' in action of -their willingness to break with who were guests of Fedock's Tnmnli Kmnilsld. Hazleton der tne cruise oi new ajwu Mrs. Marr Baloea. Anna Kasa- a iui in Pari fie theatre Klnders-artea Meetina oa Awtj o.

1 r- tnetr uerman masters. The hnuact aid linrelt W8J re- street have returned to their home planning." czuri, city; George, Ashley; Andrew, Personal estate is valued of war. Club of Cuba Street Van Horn, secretary; Nancy swam, treasurer, and Betty Fagan, scribe. Committees named were: program, Phyllis Williams, L. Coughlin and Virginia Hergert; party, Ruth Reid and Virginia Hunt.

Next meeting will be held in Band Hall next Monday evening. The executive asserted that tne at $400. in Lancaster. Mr. iiroguuuu is recuperating at his home after having 'prgarten, will hold its meeting ported in the industrial district of fitavr viKera Mwnrlrfr are in Some gt proposal is the rankest sort of sec- and declared c-f ii, at 7: p.

m. cases 'coming out on strike and car- been a patient at mercy nospiiai. a nuiin nt Ashln Post Ameri that "the State Government will re-1 out considerable sabotage sist to the utmost any such attempt-1 wesrvuie, nn, oue RMrusKa, Wilkes-Barre Township; Mrs. Stephen J. Verespy, Philadelphia: also a sister, Mrs.

Susan Guydish, Mauch Chunk. 'Former Resident Dies can Legion, will be held tonight at 8 oclock at Legion Home, North WASanMBTOM SAXnatOtS ed sociauzation or mausvy ana i withdrawal from our State." In Wavne Court Main street Commander James Mlill Toa only 8 a.Ta Uft ta saaU ZHAS Onri to yoor aoy ovaraoaa. Wa afr a Famous Bond DeLuze Fruit Cake la. sis raaT maUla only J3.4S IfiViiSVIiOriiil br tba oya WMI a fiMels! Xwi 1I from Ss rtck's 1 Tri is us tm IU1 fill i- bey Judge Andrew Hourigan of the Official hnarri ttt Methodist Church Orviile E. Pennington, 59, former- Amerlram use about 11.000,000.000 Luzerne county court on orqer iXl aA will rrmm tnniolt at SO a a nUK.l.,aaiia I IV tT I II niatCKIlH II BUee-a.

1.1LT. lalU 418 VTiaen Bank WUkca-Bane VAet-Bsm 3-3121 I mwt.M ri ia al I FT I MinrfimP I. Jlurl DI rem 9TlVBIIia pouno. oa 7r TTiH h- rw-nhan-. this morning at Oaklawn.

a suouro cil of Catholic Women and Retreat WM fss. Ji'r r' chicseo. according to word loaiOHi a "FOLLOW THE BOYS" Lwl aa4 Kis Saw fforjr BaTt, Tera Soriaa of food, 20 per cent as soap, per you cent InVaints and varnishes, and the dale the hearing ol the Reed Guild of St. Leo Churcn. will meet tonight at oclock in the Community Cresr, 361 South Main street, city.

Cheran trust case. rest in varied products. 'House. A social hour will follow..

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