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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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THE ONLY ONE. THE PYRAMID PULSE CUBE THE ONLW GUHE BBpOMMEMJ- ED BY' PHYSICIANS AS BEING PERFECTLY SAFE. No Cocaine, Narcotic or Other Poison.In It. The Pyramid Pile Cure is probably the only Pile Cure extensively recommended by physicians, because It is so safe, so prompt in the relief afforded and so far as known the only positive euro for piles except a surgical operation. In one year the Pyramid Pile Cure become the best known, the safest and the most extensively sold by any pile cure before the public.

Nearly all druggists sell It at no cents and SI per package. Address the Pyramid Albion, for book on cause and euro of piles and also huudreds of testimonials from all parts of -the United States. If suffering from any form of piles nsk your druggist for a package of pyramid Pile Cure and try It.tonight. MtOSTITUTiION OF THE, PRESS. 'A severe attack on Joseph Dnnlop, who was the edttor publisher of the Chicago Dispatch, Is -made In the annual report of the fourth assistant postmaster general of the United Smites.

In duscusslng the work of the post-offlce din-Ins the fiscal year covered by the report, General Maxwell says: "There no more contemptible member of society than the professional blackmailer. Joseph, R. Dunlop, the editor and publisher of the Chicago Dispatch, by tltia sort of journalism earned for contempt nnd bitter and at the same time cleared a handsome fortune. His paper was publteheil solely for money, nmd he pandered to the most degraded classes and depraved mates to attain his ends. Constantly did.

he transgress the laws of decency. He made a mistake when lit; undertook to prostitute the UnKed States mall service to his nefarious pin-poses by molding it the carrier for his objectionable and obscene publication, and when criminal proceedings were instituted 'against him In the Unit ted States courts, which resulted In Ms conviction and sentence to pomltentlary for two years and to'pay a fine of $2,000 and costs, there was much rejoicing among the better elements of society in those localities where his blackmailing been circulated." medium had AND TRAVELERS. Speak in high terms of the preventive and remedial properties of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, a medicine peculiarly adapted to the wants of those called on to experience the vicissitudes of climate, the inclemency of the weather, the hardships of a sea-faring or out- of-door life, or the dangers of a malarial or otherwise pestilential atmosphere. A smafll quantity of this agreeable tonic nullifies impurities In water, and fortifies the stomach against the consequences of an unhealthy or unaccustomed also enables the constitution to bear up unbanned against unhealthy climatic Influences, and the system to sustain, unimpaired In health and vigor, the fatigues of traveling. Emigrants, tourists, miners and others who have thoroughly tested the efficacy of the article, declare It to be a sovereign preservative of health under conditions most fav- JOURNAL LEAFLET NO.

11. (Cut'this'out and put In your'pocket for reference.) In 'the last leaflet attention was called to the fact that the amount of money 'In the world bad increased much more rapidly than Its population In the past hnlf century, and especially the amount of godd. The gold money of the world as shown In Unit leaflet amounts to six times fls much today as a. hnlf century ago, and after taking Into account the increase hi population, the amount of gold money in the world for each Individual four times as great as a half century ago. There Is.

'however, another test of the actual value of gold even more accurate and interesting than that which merely considers 'the quantity of that metal in use as money. This test Is the amount of gold which a given quantity of labor will buy. The only real standard of value in the world Is labor. It is this which produces all commodities for which gold is exchanged, and it is, therefore, the real standard by which to measure gold. 1C a day or an hour of labor will buy loss gold today than it dW 50 years ago then it may be properly said that gold has "appreciated." If it will buy more gold today than it did 50 years ago, then gold has depredated, and if each grata of gold which an hour of labor buys will-also purchase more of commodities than it did CO years ago, then the laborer IMS 'again multiplied the value of his time and skill.

committee of the United. States? Senate, known as the Aldrich Committee made a thorough investigation a few years ago Into the question of wages and prices, and after a long and thorough research made a report, the accuracy of which Is generally accepted That investigation showed that a day's labor iu nearly all the trades would, in buy about double the amount of gold that It did 50 years earlier, and do it with less Hours of work in a day. For Instance, plaster- crs who, In the good old free silver days of 1840 got $1.50 per day, were paid in 1SOO; painters whose wages in 1840 were $1,25 la 1S90 were paid -wheelwrights, wno earnea In 1S40 in 1800; 'engineers who received $2.00 per day in 1S40 wore paid $4.25 in 1S90, and so on. Taking eleven representative classes of -n-orfcingmen engaged Jn the particular industries, as a basis, it was found that the average rate of wages advanced from 51-30 per day in 1840 to $2 37 in 1S90, or that an hour of labor would earn nearly twice as rnudi gold in 1890 ns It did in 1840. How then can It be asserted that gold has "appreciated?" it hns depre- SPANJSH BARBARISM.

Philadelphia Press: Wen-authenticated stories of barbarous deeds by Spanish -in Cuba continue to reulch On September 15, as Colonel Agulllera, with DOO Spanish troops, was toward was fired on from aniibush and ten of-his men killed. After ono volley, 'the Cuflxins' fled, pursued by Spaniards. In tlie chase, the Spaniards caime across the Pablo Diaz colony, composed of twenty-five portions, men, women and Children. Colonel AuBUillera if they had seen any rebels In the neighborhood.

On receiving a negative answer, he ordered a general slaughter of everybody, including children from 1 to 10 years old. A young mtiu begged to be killed, in- gitea'd of his mother, but 'he was killed with umchete and bayonet in the presence of the mother. Then they transfixed the mother upon a bayonet, after wliich they disemboweled Mr with a machete. The little children were tor- uieuited with the end of the bayonet and then finished with the machete. Of (the twenty-live human beings present 'in that colony nineteen were butchered and six made their escape, hiding themselves in the eane.

Besides truthful witnesses, the troops boasted of what they had done wiheu. they went bock to Vegas, about two miles from the colony. Oil September IS, three -days after the slaughter, a traveler passed by me of the murder nn'd was horrified to see carrion crows devouring the bodies None tad been buried. On September IS, Colonel Aguillera started wiith his troops from Xueva- Piaz toward the sugar estate Cuervo. Near a olnce called Cu'xco, lie saiw a wont to it, found only three cMldrer in Lt.

He a.skea whore the parents were, they answered thait they gone after some fuel to prepare Wieir breakfast and wouM soon return. The Colonel ordered he three children to 14 years be locked up in the liouse, and after this was done, he ordered the troops to set fire to the house. The 'troops, horrified, disobeyed at first, but under the threats of Agulllera qRUEL AND INHUMAN TBEAT- MEJIT. Peru Chrowlcle: Dr. J.

O. Ward Is in receipt of an anonymous letter from Logaivsport requcstliw: him to call the attention of Corastaible the humane officer of tills city, to case of cruel and Inhuman trea.tnncnt of two orphans In cluirgo at a. family residing up the Mississlinewa 'river, about tliree miles southeast of this city. The writer states that the OhiiMreu bear the marks on their bucks and arms of the cliia.stlseun.iuts received from the man and wife with whom they live. Tin- names of the parties are withheld null) the matter has been Investigated.

ELECTKIC BITTEiRS. Electric Bitters Is a medicine for any season, but perhaps more generally needed when the exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely In counteracting and freeing the system from the malarial poison. Headache, Constipation, Dizziness, yield to Electric Bitters.

50c and 51.00 per bottle at B. F. Keesllng's drug store. HUNTING AND FISHING GUIDE FREE. A guide to the best hunting and fish- Ing grounds of the west and northwest, containing an excellent map of the lake regions of Northern Wisconsin and Michigan, will be sent free on application to W.

B. Knlskern, 22 Fifth avenue Chicago, 111. 1 elated and that hlghtst and noblest of all standards, human labor, Will today buy more of it than it did fifty years ago, while the depreciated gold thus can in turn be excbaBgea for more of other -commodities which have still further depreciated by the improved methods of production manufacture -and transportation, which the ingenuity of the human mind have pro- in the wonderful age in. which we are living. orable.

ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. Playing Carda. Send 12 cents in stamps to John Sebastian, Gen'l Pass. Agent C. R.

I. P. R'y, Chicago, for the slickest pack of playing cards you ever handled, and on receipt of such remittance for one or more packs they will be sent you postpaid. Orders containing CO cents in stamps postal note for same amount will 5 packs by express, charges or paid. KEFKBLIC'AN MASS MEETING.

On the occasion of the Republican Mass Meeting at Peru, Sept 24th, 1890, the Wabash Railroad company will sell excursion tickets at rate of fifty cents for the round trip. Tickets will be good going Sept. 24th and good return- Ing not later than Sept. 25th-. C.

G. NEWEIJL, Agent. In a recent letter to the ers Mr. W. F.

Benjamin, editor of the Spectator, Rushford, N. says: It may be a pleasure to you to know the high esteem In which Chamberlain's medicines ore held by the people of your own States, where they must be best known. An aunt of mine, who resides at Dexter, Iowa, was about to visit me a few years since, and before leaving home wrote me, asking If they were sold here, stating If they were not she would bring a quantity, with her, as she did not like to be without them. The medicines referred to are Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous for Its cures of colds and croup: Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism, lame back, pains in the side and chest, and Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di- arrhoea Remedy for bowel complaints. These cedlclnes have been in constant use in.

Iowa for about a quarter of a century. The people have learned that they are articles of great worth and merit, and unequaled by any other. They are sale here by B. F. Kees- llng, druggist.

they acted and the house was -burned down witli the children It. On their return to Nueva-Paz, the troops told the people what had been done. This mfonnuituon is from a. Spanish source. After that bouse was burued, Aguillera went on oud met a.

man 70 years old, carrying wilio was accompanied by two colored men. He was asked where he wins going; he answered tlhat lie was taking the vegetables home to Nueva-Paz, The Colonel ordered them to be killed with the mia'ehete. Ttoe body of the old man thrown. Into a well nearby, where vns -found two days afterwards, traced by his 'hat found near the well. The 'other bodies were chopped to pieces and thrown Into a cave, where they were found.

All this was related by. sergeant and the soldiers. lie was pastor of Baptist at Rlvea Junction she was MARVELOUS RESULTS. From a letter by Rev. J.

Gunderman, of Dlfondale, we are permitted to make this extract: "I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, aa the results were almost marvelous In the of my wife. While I church down, Pneumonia succeeding (La Grippe. Terrible paroxyms of coughing would last hours with little Interruption and Dt seemed as If she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr.

King's New Discovery; it was quiek in its work and highly satisfactory In results." Trial bottles free at B. F. KeesHng's drug store. Regular size 50c and $1.00. If you have ever seen a little child In the agony of summer compliant, yon can realize the dancer of the trouble and appreciate the vhlue of Instantaneous relief always afforded DpWiit'x Oollc Cholera Cure.

For dysentery and diarrhoea It is reliable remedy. We could not afford to recommend this as a cure unless It were a M. JohMton. Only three native potentates of Brit- Mi India are entitled to a salute twenty-one namely, the Maharajah of Baroda (Gaeknor), the Nizam of Hyderabad and the Maharajah of Mysore. Tfleorles of cure may be discussed at length by physicians, but the sufferers want quick relief; and One Minute Oough Cure will give It to thsm.

A safe cure for children. It Is "the only harmless remedy that produces immediate M. Johnston. Tiwo editors of Arabic comic papers Cairo have been sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment and a fine for libeling Queen Victoria and publishing gross caricatures of her. From all accounts Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is a Godsend to the afflicted.

There Is no advertisement about this; we feel Just like saying It, -The Democrat, Carrolton, Ky. For sale by B. F. Keesllng, druggist The badge of office worn by the lord mayor of London contains diamonds to the value of $000,000, and the temporary owner of it has to give a bond for it before he is sworn in. OJhe whole system Is drained and undermined by Indolent ulcers and open gores.

DeWltfs Witch Hawl Salve speedily heals them. It is the beat pile M. Johnston JAPAN'S MONOPOLY. Ml Woria Mont Mow Go to Ott tot Camphor. One of the unconsidered trifles that the mikado hns.picked up us the result of the war is the monopoly of camphor, says the Indian Agriculturist.

That drug- is produced only in Japan and Formosa, and, though a variety known as Borneo camphor is obtained from llorneo and Sumatra, it cannot compete with the product of the evergreen laurel of the eastern Asiatic islands. Inasmuch as wirophor, apart from its many and varied therapeutic uses, is an essential ingredient in thq composition of nearly all the new explosives, the demand for it is very large. The Japanese are well aware of the valuable monopoly they have blundered upon rather than sought and have already begun to limit the export by imposing duties. As a natural the price of the drug has risen rapidly since the war coine to on end and bids fair to rise higher. Happily, the commercial Instinctof the Japanese statesmen Is as sound as their political instinct, and they ore not likely to abuse the monopoly they have, acquired by forcing 1 the price up to prohibitive rates.

The chief concern of the Japanese government will, for some time to come, be the finding of money to'pay for the ships and munitions ol war which, will secure the mikado in the possession of the spoi Is he has already won. Properly bandied and wisely administered, camphor should prove a valuable source of revenue and contribute a handsome quota toward the cost of the military preparations vhich pertain to the peace of the dragon kingdom. PORTABLE HOUSES. Made for Great Variety of mnJ Exported to Other iJindi. Portable houses are made of almost any size and for a great variety of uses, says- the New York Sun.

There are portable dwelling-houses and portable boat-houses, and portable barracks, and portable clubhouses, lawn pavillions, engineers', miners', contractors' and other offices, stables, bowling alleys, billiard-roonjs, hospi-' tals and so on. There have lately been made two-story portable houses. A two-story portable house of ten rooms costs $1,800. A house, of one room, Stlli with one door and one window, can be bought for $50; with two cote, two tables and two stools, for $60. Sometimes roan who owns portable house hires lajjd on the seashore or in the mountains and sets his house up there for a season, takes it down and stores it in the fall, aod next season hires land in another place and sets his house up there.

Portable houses are set on stones or blocks, amd on posts, and sometimes they are set on permanent foundations. People sometimes have chimneys built where they set up their houses. The portable house manufacturers sell terra, cotta chimneys in sections to be staCKed up and it is not unusual for the house- owner simply to run out a stovepipe for a chimney. We export portable houses to Cuba, South America and South Africa. THE CHINESE SCHOOLBOY He Mnit Stndy 't Eat This is the complaint of thousands at this season.

They have no appetite; food doesnotrelish. Tbeynecdthetoimigupof the stomach and digestive organs, which a of Hood's Sursaparilla will give them. It also purifies and enriches the blood, cures that distress after eating and internal misery only ft dyspeptic can know, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling and builds up and sustains the whole physical system. It so promptly and efficiently relieves dyspeptic symptoms and cures nervous headaches, that It seems to have almost a magic touch." Hood's Sarsaparilla i. tw-at-ln lact the One True Blood Purifier.

arc tne best after-dinner PHlS plUs, aid digestion. SM. REV. S. P.

KLOTZ. PASTOR U. B. CHUBCH. Many a day's work Is lost by sick headache caused by indigestion and rtomacb troubles.

DeWItt's Little Early Risers are the most effectual-pill for 'overcoming such M. Johnston. Potoon Ivy, Insect bites, bruises, burns, are quickly cured by Witch Hazel Salve, the great pile Subscribe for The Journal. RID BLOOD tiefoun- dation of good health. That ii why Hood'i EXCURSION TO BLUOFFTON Vto Vandalia Dine, October 13th to October 13th to 15th the Vandalia Line will sell excursion tickets from all stations in Indiana to Bluftton, at one fare for the round trip, account Baptist Convention and Young People's Union of Indiana.

Tickets good-to return until October 19th inclutftve. For full particulars coll on nearest Vandalia Line Ticket Agent, or address E. A. Ford, General Passenger Agent, St. Louia, Mo.

SENT IT TO HIS MOTHER IN GERMANY. Mr. Jacob Esbensen, who is In the employ of the Chicago Lumber at Des Molnes, Iowa, says: "I have Just gent some medicine back to" my mother In the old country, that I know from personal use to be the best medicine In the world for rheumatism, having used It In my family for several years; It'j called Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It always does the GO cent hot- tlwfor; BUCKLBN'S ARNICA SALVE. Tie Beet Salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, sale rheum, fever Bores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required.

It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by B. F. Kees- Ung.

Mrs. Jean Clara Walters-was the original "Mali" Vernon In the first production of "In Mizzoura" and is the ideal for the part. She fairly revels In it, to use her own words, she would rather play that part than go to picnic. Opera house tonight. vmienoo.

Sept. 8. 1808. Syrnp Dear have been afflicted wenty years with dyspepsia or sour 1 have tried different reme- 4lM without much benefit. Finally 1 a 10-cent bottle of Syrup and found that It benefitted me.

I 4m convinced that It will do what It when taken directions. I haw laken nearly one nottle and feel like a different perron. 8. P. KLOTZ.

For sale by B. F. Keesllng. Deacon Black-How did you like It dowu 'at Booflitown? Rev. Mr.Whlte- I tell you, they're wideawake down there! "Oh, then you didn't preach for Statesman.

It doean matter much whether sick headache, biliousness, Indigestion and constipation ore caused by by unavoidable circumstances; DeWitt's Little Early Risers will speedllj cure them alt-Jno. M. Johnston. "Madge, did It do you good to go out toto the country?" "Well, i gained five pounds, but I.lost my grip on 'eye- ther' and '-Chicago will be boys." but you cau't afford to lose any of them. Be ready for the green apple searfjn by having DeWItt's Colic Cholera Cure In the M.

Johnston. Don't trifle away time when you have cholera morhns or diarrhoea. Fight them in the beginning with DeWItt's Colic Cholera Cure. You don't have to wait for reeulte. They are Instantaneous and it leavei tue boweto In healthy M.

Johnston. tar The Journal. Baby hrr WkMi ibe vii Child. 'or CMtortfc George Washington and Napoleon Bonaparte arc the names of two old soldiers who received their pensions in Baltimore the other day. WHY IS IT, If catarrh Is'a Wood disease, as some claim, that physicians frequently advise change of air and climate to tho.e suffering? Catarrh Is a climatic aflec- tlon, and nothing but a local remedy or a change of climate will cure 4t Cream' Balm Is so efficient as to do; away with the necessity of ihonie and friends, causing Instant re- Hef and to a real cure of catarrh.

the The Chinese school children have instilled into them at an early age habits of hard, steady study, sayson exchange. At tin: age of five boy begins his schooling; At day light-he- rises and, after dressing as quickly us possible, he starts, breakfostless to school. He is given task and after it is completed he is allowed an hour for breakfast. Again, later, he has an hour for luncheon, but he is at his study nearly 13 hours a day, seven days in the week. AH this time when, he is not receiving his lessens he is studying aloud at the top of his voice.

He Is under the eve of his master both in school and on his way, to and from school. The lad is taught rudimentary astronomy, physicsand natural history, bntgreater stress is put upon writing and his lit- erory studies. "A Thousand Letters," a poem, is the study that forms the backbone of his literary education. In Hare fftughttbe duties of children to and all such matters. Whatever the study may classics or lesson Is learned and repeated word lor word.

RAILWAYS IN CHINA. of I. to Open. Several railways are at last about to be built in China, according to a cent-Peking Cassette. One line is to coo-, nect Peking with Tien-Tain.

It win be about 80 miles long, and constructed entirely with government funds. Another road is to run across central China from Peking to Hankow. The emperor has decided that the railroad will stimulate trade in China, besides riving the masses of the people, and so will give it all support in his power. 1 A third line Is to be bulltfrom Shanghai to Soocbow. This road, although 'it-will only he about 65 miles long, ta expected to accomplish a great deal by opening up the province of kiangsu.

The viceroy of Nanking has always, strongly opposed all railroad projects taChlM, but is now enthusiastic over the enterprise, and offers to provide ball the cost out of the official treasury, and urges his people to subscribe for shares for the remainder. Survey. now being made, and tlw work will probably soon be under way. Artlflctel 811k. i for the manufacture of iilk upon env.

ployed by oature. The tot thing used ii wood-tor mulberry leaves ire in ality the equivalent of a mulberry wooo. wood la worked into a'paste, after dipped in nitric and- Is dried and placed in a bath of, and alcohoh tranrfonaatkm takes place Graham TRANSPORTATION CO. tWIOD DAILY STBAMBBS TO OH1- CONNECTINa WITH THB VANDALIA iOAIlr WAY AT SBPH. Beginning May nd contlnulni about the uteameri of ihlt line will make two tripa each telly between St Joseph Chicago, the following-schedule: Leave St.

Joseph at 430 p. m. 10:80 p. dally. Including Sunday.

Leave Chicago at 930 a. m. and dally, Including Sunday. irlpi on Saturday leave St. Joseph I and leave Chicago at 2 p.

Banning time acrots lake 4 boun. TrI-weekly gteamem to Mtlwt ittTlng St Joseph Monday, tnd Friday evenlugs. The equipment of thto Une ibt wheel ateamere City of Ohlctgi tnd City of Milwaukee (the wertof Detroit), and the newl; Mbnllt propeller City of Loutarl Service flnt-claM. with trmndalla Tickets on nle Tandalla fClne stattow. Chicago of Wabasb avenue.

J. H. GRAHAM, Benton Harbor, TJ Trade d0 FOR THL BLOOD, LIVER 4 B. B. B.

B. cured inc ach Trouble and Paralyci- it since the war. J. r. c.

Muncie, Ind, 4 are purely Put up In iu Thirty days' treatment in Price per boxyor sis 1 Manufactured by K. C. Connernville, Ind. all druggifr-. FOB r..

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