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The Gilmer Mirror from Gilmer, Texas • Page 5

The Gilmer Mirrori
Gilmer, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TED YOUNCBLOOD Ted Young blood, MarcelineMadclox Exchange Vows Miss Maivelline Mad.diiM and Ted Yoiin.nblimc! wejv irnilt'd in marriage II, p. m. Salwdiiy, Jldy 17, in a 1 cerr- tin- lionie uf the llev. uiul Mrs. Llriil'in.

The.Hev. Griirin ofriciatud. Pnrents of the couple are Mr. Mrs. Curtis Maddux and Mr.

aiid Mrs. W. I), Yniinubli'nd. both of Cliapel. D.

Yonnublood. iJay Neil Carter Ann Younybtoud tended the 1 Avalois Wilson, James Shipp Wed AtMullinixHome James Shipp and Mis Avalois Wilson were united in marriage Monday. Aug. at 1'our o'clock. The mniTiajto took place at the 1 home of Mr.

anil Mrs. P. Mullinix. Tin- Itev. Loyd D.

Mullinix officiated. Tiie bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilson of Honey drove. Mr.

Shipp is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Shipp of ColTceville. They will make their home in Petty. Texas.

The wedding was attended by Jessie Cook of Cos community, Miss Claudia Mae IJub- u-d. Mrs. K. D. Boron Mike nid Charles, Mr.

and Mrs. P. V. i Mullinix, Pat. and Hetty, all of jCilnuT.

Pink I lowers decora ted the THDA Convention In Session Now Texas Home Dei nuns! Ion Association members arc holding' their 28th annual convention in JJallas at the Adolphus Hotel. Wednesday throu-u day. About 1,000 members are i x)veclod to he present. Presiding will bi; Mrs. M.

Harris of PJainview. Miss Manrine Heani, Slate IllJ I.i;ader of Texas Extension Service, will tell the about. "Mv Year in Bolivia." She was home economic" 1 wuh the U. S. Depai'ltnent uf Agriculture in the foi-eigi service, stationed La Pax.

Bolivia in 953. Workshops will be held on Thursday on 1-II Clubs, i-cerea- tion. education-, civil defence, heallli and safety and ship. of officers will be held that morning with installation that evening. I State Fair Plans i Free Style Shows October 9 Thru 24 i shn'A's liralnriiiL 1 creations uf Ihe i Texas fasliion industry will be; dnily at.

the 1 Stale I-'nir of Texas Oct. I) through 2't. (General Manager i James II. Stewart, has announ- cod. I Every type of apparel worn it) Texas from dude ranch Lire from ball and furs will be seen.

The will bo Iwii and tliree times dai- Iv TIII- a total of shows durin. the fair. Mure than fashion-pro- ducin.n firms in Texas havi- been invited to submit entries in the 97 This year compelilion has been enlarged to inelude men's wear as well as women's and children's cloth- Mrs. Clordnn Cat.lel.t of Lnh- buck, Mrs. Krank of Temple and Ed of i Denver spent the week end in I Gihm.T with their sisters, Mes- dames Lilu Mornsby and W.

li. l-ako. John Allen Lake of New Orleans is visiting Mrs. W. II.

hake. Mrs. L. Hap.noud aiul dau- Ciller Handy of Henrietta Saturday in Gilmei'. they motored lo Corpus nceoinpaniod by Mrs.

W. Barn we! I. Engagement Of Janice Giilespie Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. (I.

K. IVnn "I and Mr. and Mrs. II. II.

Moon id' llii; Sandy, annonniv till' their nieiv. tn Mr. Jerry Hay Kl'ee. sou nf Mr. and Mrs.

Virgil l''ree Sandy. The will lake ill. II p. m. Kriilay.

AUK. 'M at Hie first Christian Church in Rii; Sandy. Miss Clillespic was p-adualed fruin Gladewaler High School. Mr. Free" is a Iji.L; Sandy School and also jirad- nalefl from Kilfiore College.

Althea Class Has Meeting Monday At Marshall Home The business and social meet- of tlio Althua Class of the First Tiiiplist Church was hold llu- home of Mrs.WalU'rMar- Monthly AUK. 9. A covered dish supper prc- mled Ihu business rncclinti, eoncluc-tud by Mrs. Uuby SU'pli- president. The cievnlionuf wis givL'ii by Jcannt: Hunt.

'J'hoso ntlcnding wci'e Mines. Waller Marsluill, Ruby SLuphcns, Allen A'lcClelhmd, Lillinn Green, Knlreli, John CiidL-nhead, 13. C. Cook, A. L.

Johnson. Sid raw ley. P. S. Collier, Frank Jones, Oniu Childi'ess.

Miss Jeanne Hunt. B. Williamson's Given Shower By Latch Ladies LATCH. Auji. W.

K. Dunkk-y. Mrs. J. C.

Johnson and Mrs. E. II. Bouknighl were hostesses In it hridal shower honoring Mr. Mi's.

Buford Williamson, Friday July 2:1, at the home ul' his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Williamson.

Thr event was held on the I run I lawn of Ihe Williamson home. lU'freshments of soft drinks, punch and cake were served lo the following: Mr. and Mrs. J. C.

CJaslon and children. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy BarUm and ehildren, Mrs. iUert Mabcrry.

Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Smith ami Marlrm. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Thompson.

Kenneth. Herman, Mr. anil Mrs. U. K.

Malhis. Mrs. I'llfiu-r. Mrs. A.

U. H.rukni.i'.IH a Alsu. Mrs, Moulin anil i'hildri'n. Mr. and Mrs.

Cc- icil Ilai'ris. Miss Cecelia Harris. i ha'A'rrnce Wuodh 1 and Mcs. Milford Cnllins. Mr.

and I Mi's, liudird KenninuM 1 Tr.ivis Sti'i-lnian. Dunklrv. ,1. j.lohnslnn. Mr.

atui Mrs. Wayne TlininpsDM. Mrs. TommyThi'inp- Mrs. Harry Alilralui'.

Mi-. i Hiif sr.miws. MI. nd Mrs. KuhlTt KMisun.

Miss Smilh, Mr. and Mrs. Bunny l-'ik 1 Mr. and Mrs. Kennis Chr.mhcrlin and Mrs.

Curlee Lane. Mr. and Mrs. CJilberl Thompson, Mr. and Mrs.

Nujje I'arsnns, Mrs. Myrl Kenninier, I Annii- Jones. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Tom May.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lungford.

Mr. and Mrs. Myers Poole, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schuler, Mr.

and Mrs. C. J. Bunion, Mr. and Mrs.

i Tom 1-Vlty, Mr. and Mrs. Mot; ley, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby May.

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. J.

L. Stcelman. and Patsy, and Mr. and Mrs. Karl i Ben Hasten Cclebrales Birthday Willi Parly i Urn lljiMrn crlebratrd his i I Inrd 1 liri Inlay with a parly at his home on N.

Montgomery Mnnday murnini 1 i Thr hniuirrc's molhrr. Mrs. r.rnnii 1 I lasU'ii, pn-scnlcd each Dili'st with and served hirthday cakr, ire cream, snl'l i drinks and candy. Those altnidini: the parly were Jackie and Jeff llaird, (Willing Workers Entertained by iGolden Rule Class NKW DKTHIJCIIEM. Ann.

II Ijoldeu Itule Class of the New lielhlehem Baptist Church entertained the Willing Workers Class Thursday Au(i. at the church. The president, Mrs S. M. Bullock, was in charge.

Mrs. Oma Hash the opening prayer. Mrs. II. 0.

Taylor istered the members. Mrs. Dent Hill brought a volional on "Words of Ciold." The scriptures were from John and Mrs. Oma Dash thanked the Ciohlen Rule C'lass for inviting Willing Workers lo Ihe THE GILMER MIRROR, Gilmer, Texas Aug. 12, and Mrs.

Jack dray 11. Uilliiissiey and Mis. Jului snid the elosmg prayer. Mrs. L.

K. directed the uruup in games. Members then opened their exchange Berry of O'Fellow, 111., Misses Cynthia nillinRsley, Annette Cavitt and Dusty Daniels. David Lester. Dusty Daniels and Larry Wheeler.

laid with a white linen cloth with pink and 'white flowers in the center. Home-made cake, ice cream and lemonade were served. Favors were little books, of Gold." Present were Mines. Elbert Hellers, 1,. D.

Webb, Preston Oma'Hasb. Opal Diivis, Artie Fleenor, II. C. Taylor, L. K.

-S. M. Bullock. K. K.

Hnebnek. E. J. Bowdon, J. W.

Lester. Also, Mines, Cray, John Miller, Fred Mount. Dent Hill, E. It. Fenton.

Kayo Hash, J. 13. Trice. Dorothy Wheeler, lid Davis. Ida l.ou Davis.

Jim Voss, On Nov. 19.50, initial strikes against Yalo River.brid- ges nl Sinuiju by aircraft of Carrier Task. Force 77 met enemy air opposition from MKI- Ibis, (he first aerial engagement of Navy jets with enemy MIGs, Lt. C'mclr. Tom commanding VF-111 from tiie USS Phillipme Sea, scored one kill and became the first Navy pilot ever to shoot down a jet aircraft.

BOOKKEKl'ING and Social Security Records and anything you need in Office Supplies, at The Mirror. Phone 179. tfx Mr. and Mrs. Cloe Speneer Mailer, Oavid 1 and son anil tin: hostesses.

Mrs. my Bedard. Bobby and Tommy! K. II. Bunknichl.

Mrs. .1. C. Dashiell. Dwayiie Sluddarii.

Johnston anil Mrs. W. E. Dunk- Dan Mouslion. Andy Clark, and Sharon llas-j sent gifts were: Mr.

and Mrs. i Edward (ireen. Mike anil HUBBEIl STAMPS of all Mi-, and Mrs. W. II.

Slral- kinds at The Mirror, Phone Mrs. W. B. Hogg has gone to San Antonio to spend the next few months with her daughter. NEW PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULES Effective August 15,1954 TRAIN NO.

7 (Rprid Down) 3:3.1 AM 4:47 AM 5:30 AM 7:03 AM 8:02 AM 9:23 AM 1 1:05 AM 1:35 PM 3:1 5PM l.v SI. Louis. Lv Maiden Lv Pcjracfould tv Jonestjoio Iv Bnnkloy Sliilkiorl Lv. Pine BMI Lv. Iv Carndcn Lv.

Iv Tcxcirkanci Lv. Lv Ml. Pleasant Lv. Ar Tyler Lv. Ar Dallas Lv.

TRAIN NO. (Read Up) 7:25 AM 2:28 AW 1:13 AM AM 9:51 PM 8:42 PM PM 3:00 PM 1:20 PM 11:00 AM For timti at intermediate point! conrvff your local agent ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN XIILNUT LINES EVERY DAY AND SERVICE TOO THAT'S OUR POLICY. MAKE TUEL'S YOUR FOOD SHOPPING CENTER AND YOU'LL FIND THAT YOU CAN ENJOY THE CONVENIENCE OF A CHARGE ACCOUNT AND YET PAY NO MORE FOR YOUR GROCERIES. WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR WEEK-END SPECIALS TUEL'S FOOD STORE MOUTH HlUK til'' MIUNK 111 Ott 112 a preview of FALL ait I lie NEW a Jloak! We're ready to start the fall with a new fashioned store and we have hundreds of new fashions to show you.

Our remodeling is now complete and we are ready to show you a store as modern as our New Fall 1 954 merchandise. We've completely re-decorated, new paint, new finishes, blonde paneling, new show cases, cabinet type racks, open-front display counters we've done all we could to make shopping easier and plcasantcr. Come to our Preview We hope you'll be Ihriilccl with our new store. Come see our lovely fashion plans just for you. ACCESORIES WITH A FLAIR With for your full elolhus look smarter.

A complete new line ol' handbags, costume, jewelry. seiuTs, and gloves. DRESSES by ELLEN KAYE, L'AIGLON SHENANIGANS, JACKIE NIMBLE, DORIS DODSON, BLOOMFIELD COATS by PRINTZESS KENWHITMORE Calling All Youths From To Teen- Agers One new in "Mr nloiu is I hi; Yuulh's Meru you 1 find Class from Nursery School liitih, rt-ndy for now, the beloved separules i.ill t.een-age want, come hack to IIUDG1NS you go back scliool. FASHION WISE FABRICS With our new displiiy riidlitics.wi: cnn sliuw eill Iho nuwusl in fabrics. cultons to nuiliu up right now, lovely silica, anything you'll nml 'in llu: rubric linu.


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