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Ames, Iowa
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AMES DAILY TRIBUNE- TIMES, AMEN, IOWA, THURSDAY, OOTOBER 1933. "BUY BETTER IN AMES'4 rAGE TOUR Ames Daily Tribune- Times Sunday The TRIBUNE PUBLISHING Lows CO. Manager matter the Postedice at Entered wader the of July 16. 1916 and the City of Ames Official Paper ef Story SUBSCRIPTION CATES City. carrier, weekly 00 City carried or otherwise.

months 2.00 Story County. outside of 3.60 Story County. outside of Abes. seat months 2.50 Lowe votaide of Story County 4.00 County. town, nutside Story year lowa, outside of Story County 6.00 month Outside or Iowa, rear be paid in advance and 'All subecriptions discontinued at expiration unless renewed.

will be Devine-Tennes Corpora National nevertising Representatives: don. New York -Chicago-Des Moines. SUSTAINING MEMBER National Editorial 1933 1933 Association MORE BLOW AT THE CRIMINAL ONE the problem of crime and Whenever you take up are pretty likely to find yourself its prevention, you about the lawyers before you get through. talking Attorney General Cummings' announcement that is preparing to open fire the department of justice suspected of underworld connection on lawyers not be surprising. That there are lawyers should with notorious crooks is who work hand in glore likewise, is the fact that the perfectly obvious--as, effectively until something is crooks can't be curbed done to the lawyers.

"One of the most important elements of predathe attorney general, "is the mantory crime," says in which some members of the bar co-operate ner with the underworld." accused of crime, no matter how black Any man is entitled to the best legal defense his reputation, he gets into court. That much he can get when goes without saying. the attorney general is talking about is But what advises the gangster on how to the lawyer who crimes, who helps him out of commit and cover up law's grip when he gets caught, uses trickery the to guide him safely through the courts, and in general steps over the ethical borderline in looking after his interests. lots of lawyers like that. Everyone who There are to do with the criminal courts has had anything well.

So far the various bar knows it perfectly of the country seem to have been either associations unwilling or unable to do anything very effective about putting such lawyers out of practice. As an emergency measure, action by the federalgovernment would be a very good thing. Uncle Sam has taken a dot of unfamiliar jobs this year; if he wants to tackle the racketeers of the legal profession, now, we can do nothing but wish him lots of luck. But in the long run the job is up to the legal profession itself. A much finer sense of the necessity of living up to the profession's ethical standards, a finer sense of the lawyer's responsibility to society as well as to the client who happens to be paying him, a passion for justice and a recognition of the fact that a lawyer can soil his bands by handling the wrong kind of business -these are things we must have if the house cleaning is really to be of fective.

THE PRICE WE PAY FOR MACHINE POLITICS In all the noise that is being made about the may. oralty fight in New York city you can hear, if you listen closely, the ominous howling of a very cold wind--the coldest wind, perhaps, that has ever shaken the fabric of American democracy. Back of the frantic negotiations, campaignings and wire-pullings of the New York situation, where the nation's largest city tries desperately to get Tammany off its back, there stands the simple and unpleasant fact that our system of municipal government has come perilously close to breaking down entirely. New York is as Chicago and a host of other cities have already proved--that our familiar type of machine politics is totally inadequate to meet the problems of the modern world. For a great many years we have innocently gone along, handing over our city, county and state governments, to men who quite frankly were not especially interested in good government, but whose chief concern was the building up of their own political fortunes.

The results were scandalous -but while times were good we could afford them, we thought we could. The local government became the weakest link in the democratic chain, the chain was slack during prosperity and nobody miuded very much. Now the chain is stretched taut. The weak link is being strained right to the breaking point. Machine politics, in other words, is as anachronistic as one of Columbus' caravels.

We have got to the point where we simply can't put up with it any longer. And what is happening in New York is an object lesson for the remotest county court house, town hall and state capitol in America. Foreign observers have long predicted that if the American democracy broke down the collapse would begin with the municipal governments. Are we beginning to witness that collapse now? Is the cold wind that howls 1 in from Manbattan island going to be a destroying cyclone that finds us with no storm cellar handy? Or are we going to have sense enough to clean house on all of our political machines; sense enough to stop listening to demagogues, to elect capable pub-. lic servants instead of corruptible politicians, to demand service instead of fair words--and, thereby, to replace the weak link in the chain with one that will stand any pull? OLD MEN OF 36 The discrimination.

against middle-aged job-seekers is an old story by this time. Lately it has been more or. less ignored, because it was only one. of many serious problems. But it cannot continue to be ignored, because it grows worse.

Some employers seem to find in the new deal itself a new opportunity for such discrimination. In re-employment, with so many idle men and women to choose from, they pick the younger ones without regard to social justice or personal need, or even fitness. They exaggerate the value of youth and the burdens of liability insurance. An age limit of 45, which was established in many places before the depression, is said to have been lowered now by as much as 10 years. Industrial employers refuse to hire men over 35.

And this at a time when family need is greater and active working life is supposed to be longer than ever before. Such unsocial practices, if continued or tolerated, may result in retaliation. People over 35, for instance, might unite to stop buying the products of employers who boycott their age class. The jazz age must be about done. An orchestra conductor says the American people are becoming music-minded.

Now that the stock exchange has decided to stay in New York, maybe some good broker could be persuaded to run for mayor. Neither a wet nor a dry knows quite what to make of the story from Lorain, about a man being killed by the explosion of a keg of beer at a church picnic. Newspaper Comment The State as Liquor Seller Des Moines Plain Talk: If the state of Iowa shall engage in the business of retailing whisky and wines, as some people want it to do, the state of Iowa will be running a saloon. If the state of Iowa shall elect to go into the saloon business, that will mean, inevitably, that the saloon and hard Hiquor will be in the politics of the state just as much as it ever was. And yet, as far as we can see, there is no other solution of the problem which will confront the people of Iowa that presents as many good points as does the proposition of a state saloon, or a number of state saloons, for that is what will be necessary.

No Settled Fact Sac City Sun: As the law now stands, the sale of anything stronger than 3.2 beer is prohibited in Iowa. The same condition will exist even if the eighteenth amendment is repealed. It is not at all a settled fact that the special session of the legislature will even repeal the Iowa liquor laws. In that case we will not have to worry about proper control measures. Mere Rumor Burlington Hawkeye-Gazette: It is said that a standing committee is about to appear before Gov.

Herring's liquor control board and demand the restoration of the brass rail. School Teachers' Pay Is So Uncertain These Days! BOOKING BILL BILL They Shake on Kidnaping Victory in the prosecution camp in the government's battle on Joy reigns defendants convicted of the Urschel kidnaping in 'crime, with seve Herbert K. Hyde. left, here goes into a victory City. Oklahoman Joseph B.

Keenan. as the verdict was returned. Hyde S. district attorney and Keenan the assistant attorney genis U. era! directing the federal crime drive.

British Pushing Propaganda for A Larger Navy By FLORY United Press Staff Correspondent LONDON (U.P.) When U. S. Secretary of the Navy Swanson, placed contracts for construction of approximately 140,000 tons of new warships, he unconsciously gave the signal for the release of reams of big-navy propaganda in Great Britain. The propaganda ignores the fact that upon completion of the present U. S.

program, its fleet still will be considerably- below the London Naval Treaty strengtb in light cruisers, destroyers and submarines, and considerably' below global tonnage parity with the British fleet. The propaganda places most emphasis on the necessity for Great Britain to have more cruisers than. the London Treaty allows. Lord Jellicoe's Speech Lord Jellicoe in a recent speech pointed out that in April; 1917, after Germany began unrestricted submarine warfare, Great Britain was near disaster. Yet then she had more than 100 cruisers, compared with 50 now, and 350 destroyers, compared with 150 now.

Lord Jellicoe estimates that the cost of the British navy represents about two and one-half per cent of the value of Britain's overseas trade. Britain's trade routes total 000 miles, it is claimed. On any normal day more than 2,000 British. ships are carrying British trade. Thus, according to her present permitted cruiser strength the British navy would have one cruiser to convoy each 200 merchant ships, and each cruiser's "beat" might be a maximum of 4,000 miles.

Navy of 1936 Sir Bolton Eyres-Monsell, in presenting his naval estimates last spring, declared that the Branded Aid in Prison Break John Dillinger, ex-convict. and bank robber suspect, above, is accused of being one of the. "outside men" in the prison break of ten Indiana convicts. His extradition from Ohio to Indiana has been granted. British fleet in 1935 would consist of only 15 battleships, compared with 69 in: 1914, 50 cruisers compared with 108, 117 -destroyers compared with 285, and: 38 submarines compared with 74.

No other navy, he claimed, had been reduced so drastically: In total tonnage, he said, the British fleet would have been reduced from 2,161,000 to 1.151,000, while the United States fleet would have been increased from 881,000 tone to 1,139,000, and the Japanese creased from 522,000 to 720,000. the theory that where there is smoke there must be fire, it is safe to assume that preparations being made for Great Britain to insist on a "new deal" for her flect at the 1935 conference. SISTER MARY'S KITCHEN BY SISTER MARY NEA Service Writer millions of AmeriALTHOUGH oysters solely because of their enjoyment of the moilusks as 8 food. it is satisfying to know that the richness in minerals. and other factors.

make oysters an important and nutritious addition to the diet Food research chemists tell us that "marine fishes. mollusks and crustaceans contain a percentage of iodine than any other marine food, with the exception of marine algea Oysters. clams and lobsters contain about 200 times as much iodine ax milk. eggs and beefsteak "It is evident that by using marine fish or shellfish in the diet two or three times each week. the amount of iodine ingested could be increased considerably These facts should interest to the American people.

especially to those living in the so-called goiterous belts in which the iodine content of the water and foods is below normal. This is important in planning the diet of young people living in districts where disorders of the thyroid gland are common Rich in Iron In a new publication of the 1: Bureau of Fisheries Dr C'oulson points out that contain many valuoble minerals and that as a source of iron and copper, the oyster is comparable only with liver In particular Dr Coulson stresses the health value of the stew made of a combination. oyaters and milk oyster Another intercating bit of I 110-: formation concerns tne old fallacy the LOVE of EVE by Lucy Walling 8 5 4 BEGIN HERE TODAY EVE BAYLESS. pretty assistant EARLE BARNES. Bixby's marries DICK RADER.

Dick take charge the Adirondacks will at feast year complete Eve refuses MONA ALLEN, writer. dialikes Eve. trouble. several friendly THERON: REECE who forces. attentions Eve.

Unknown Dick, been playing stock market. borrowing money from mother She loses. well air her owes $400 Dick left 1m the bank. ARLENE apher at becomes SAM HOLERIDGE. advertising MAR empiered by another store.

Followiss Christmas, several weeks which. Eve has nO word from Dick. Too stubborn to admit that in: the wrong, Eve fuses to apologize and begins to see herself an martyr. She works harder at the once. trying to forget her trombles.

NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY CHAPTER XLIII barder at the offce. She in longer. hours, often EVE wotked took work home to finish and seemed to walk, talk and breathe advertising. 'It was the only way she could keep her thoughts from her personal worries. "You'll have nervous breakdown!" Arlene warned her.

"The job isn't worth it. No job is. Honestly, Eye, I see what's come over: And another thing Fou shouldn't: overlook. Barnes is slated to: leave soon; that's evident. He and sir.

Bixby have been in conference nearly every day. But you may not get his. place after all. Mr. Bixby's you know.

He may not idea of giving a wofashioned, man the managership. Lots of men think a married woman's interests sure to be, divided." Eve had not permitted herself to think of that. Now she saw the wisdom of Arlene's: advice. Suppose she should come to the office some morping and find a new in Barnes' place! That would mean that she would probably have no more chance for advancement at Bixby's It would mean that she had sacrificed Dick's wishes and comfort and imperiled, her, health, that she had risked a break in her marriage all for nothing. It was, indeed, high time think ing about what she should do in that event.

Of course she could go on working as en assistant but that did not satisfy her ambition. She i I could go elsewhere and begin over again to work her way up in another office. But she felt tod tired and nervous to face such a Another. possibility would be to resign from Bixby's and join her busband. Eve thought, with a little rush of happiness, what a relief it would be to leave behind all the hard work, the irritations and anxieties of Bixby's ing office and let Dick take care of her.

But her pride stood in the Claim Victims Of Fire Forced Into Fatal Trap ANGELES, (C.P)-. Charges that victims were "get down in there and get down quick if you want any more work," were before the city park commission Thursday as Investigators sought to affix responsibility for, the disastrous fire that swept Griffith park at dusk Tuesday. Sixty-nine men, employed. as county relief job workers, were reported "dead or by Corloner Frank Nance as the task of identifying 27 known dead became virtually hopeless. Only 11 of the charred bodies were identified.

Believing, there was 'only a remote chance of identifying the remaind er, Nance ordered the remaining. bodies cremated a and the ashes preserved pending an inquest next Wednesday. Charges and denials intermingl. testimony elicited at the park commission hearing. Accuse Strawbosses A.

G. Green, one worker, declared the men "were pusbed into going down into the box canyon" where they were trapped by the racing flames. Others accused strawbosses ordering them down the slope at the expense. of hold ing their jobs. Other witnesses attributed the tragedy to a backfire started to counteract the main blaze.

Frank Thompson, a foremen, was -e of the several witnesses to deny that the men were forced injto the fire zone. Thompson blamed the large death. toll on panic. "They all could have got out at they. had tried and kept their heads." he said.

"They were yo spryer than I am and got out." He said' he defied the flames to warn another crew and then escaped to safety. Ferret out Cause As investigators sought ferret out the cause of the blaze, Searchers still plodded through the cooling ashes in search of additional bodies. The area ravished to 'a blackened waste. Wednesday yielded a ghastly sortment of buttons, watches and other evidences of cremated life. Several piles of ashes under close examination proved to be inciner ated bodies.

Altho Fire Chief Ralph said the area had been pretty thoroughly scanned. the search would continue thru Thursday. The "dead and missing" list was compiled from reports of relatives to county charity headquarters and from payrolla. Many wives mothers and other relatives report c4 men have been missing since the Are. Coroner Nance said 1 1.

until those hunted were lound alive. way of this solution of her She was DO longer certain that Dick lored her and wanted her to so to bim. WAS with difficulty that she schooled herself to await the announcement of Barnes' successor. And Ere knew that Arlene's warn- ing was based on sound sense. Mr.

Bixby was old-fashioned. He would, no doubt, prefer man advertising manager. Perhaps he had never for one moment considered Eve for the place. So tense did the strain become that Ere had to force herself to eat. She left the once one evening, too weary to remain down town for dinner, too weary even to stop at the delicatessen for something already cooked.

was toward the end of February--a blustering night following a gray winter day. The sort of night, Eve mused, when one should 50 bome to lighted house and hot, sarory. dinner, with books and music afterwards before- an open fire. And with the one you loved to share the peace and comfort. She had read once this brief definition of feet on the fender." And it was true.

She now that it was perbaps too late, that it was The wind whipped sharply around the corner she climbed the steps to the porch. Tears of self pity misted her eyes as she fumbled for her latchkey, She winked them If she permitted herself to cry she would be certain to meet Dorothy McElhinney in the entrance hall and she was determined that no one should guess her unhappiness. There was a light shining from the crack under the door opening into her apartment. Mra. Brooks must have lighted a fire on the hearth and perhaps put the teakettle on to boil.

The kindly woman sometimes made these thoughtful preparations for Eve's return on particularly disagreeable nights. But before Eve's numbed fingers could find the right key the door was flung open and she found herself in her mother's arms. EVE laughed and Kate and cried Bayless in laughed blessed rellet, and cried with her, meanwhile taking off Eve's hat and coat and pushing her gently into Dick's armchair by the fireside. "But when did you? come and why didn't you let me know? And how-?" Ere caught herself just in time. She had been going say, i "How did you know I needed you I so!" "Well, we hadn't heard from you for more than a week and that worried me.

I thought you might be sick. So I just packed up and came. No, you sit right where you are! Supper is all ready to dish up." comfort Eve and leaned back watched in her delicious mother moring swiftly back and forth between the kitchen and the gateleg which she bad set between table, easy chairs before the fireplace with its cheerful blaze. Savory odors drifted in from the kitchen and Ere. mined 'cestat ically.

"Smells sort of Christ masy!" she said. "That's the' roast chicken and sage dressing, most ber mother told here. "And the mince pie. I bad a jar of mincemeat left so I made you mince pie. It's thawing out in the oven.

I wish Dick was here to help us eat it. How is Dick?" "He--he's well." If Kate Bayless noted the bestitation in her daughter's voice she gave no sign, "You got here at exactly the right time," Kate said she placed the dish of Duffy mashed potatoes on the table. "Another 10 minutes and these potatoes would hare been "They're Eve declared. "Everything you cook always 18." "M-m-homemade rolls!" she claimed a moment later, breaking one open. "Yes, and here's some grape and orange marmalade that Esther sent you." "TELL her it's simply it.

luscious," "Isn't Ere said, sampling it surprising, Mother, what a good cook Esther is 'now? She knew very little about it when she was married." "Why no, it doesn't surprise me. 1 I've noticed that any intelligent girl can learn to cook in a short time, once she gets interested in it and really tries. Do you like to cook, Eve?" Her mother's voice was quiet and casual, yet Eve sensed that the question was important. She made her voice casual, too. "I think I might like it," she answered, "it I were at home and had time to learn.

Since Dick's gone I usually eat my meals down town. I'm too tired when evening comes to come home and "And when was here?" Kate Bayless persisted." "When Dick was here he did the cooking," Eve confessed. She had not told her mother this before. She was ashamed to have her know. "Not all of it?" Kate Bayless plainly was shocked.

"Nearly all of it," Ere said slowly. Abruptly Kate Bayless changed the subject. Eve almost wished she hadn't. She longed to speak of her husband; longed to cry out ber heart in her mother's arms andhear her mother assure her that Dick still loved her. Yet that was the thing she must not do.

Hours after her mother's lar breathing told that she was asleep, Eve lay, tense and dry-ered, and planned to fill the week so full of sight-seeing and entertainment that there would be little time for confidences. She told -herself that she must not discuss her dithculties, even with her mother, until she had decided exactly what she was going to do. Events were shaping more swiftly than she knew to force her to this decision. (To Be Continued) BEHIND THE WASHINGTON WITH RODNEY DUTCHER EDITOR'S NOTE: This column, the Scenes in Washington." is being conducted by Willis during Rodney Dutcher's vacation. BY WILLIS THORNTON NEA Service Writer The American Federation of Labor convention, opening here Oct.

2, will be the biggest certainly, and probably the best. that the A. F. of L. ever has staged.You can take that from Secretary Frank Morrison as out from behind three secretarles.

who are thrusting papers at him simultaneously. Meetings of the Building Trades. Metal Trades and Union Label Trades already are under way, and Morrison is making a last effort to crawl out from under a haystack of correspondence before setting up convention headquarters at the Willard. Early registrations already are more than 100 over the usual list. and it would not be surprising to see nearly 1000 delegates, many from new federal unions.

attending their first convention. Many others will come as spectators. for this year's meeting. besides being vitally important to the future of labor, includes ceremonial dedication of a memorial to Samuel Gompers. at which the president is expected to speak.

THERE are more men with a sense of humor in Washington today than there have been for the past 50 years all rolled together. You see it everywhere. Scout Ushers To Attend Instruction All boy scouts having uniforms will be eligible to attend the lowa State-Nebraska football game, October 14. as ushers. All ushers must attend a meeting at State field this coming Saturday at 3 p.

m. for organization and instruction. Scouts not attending this meeting will not be admitted to the foo ball game. Any scout who cannot attend, are to see Scout tive R. Hesse.

BEET HARVEST BEGUN HELENA, (1.P.) Harvest of the Montana sugar beet crop marted in the Billings, Sidney, Chinook, and Missoula AreAS 8u guY Quories located In those Ichies repors poo. pects ot a record reduction this your, with serenge the good-humored informality of the White House to the office of Postmaster General James A. Farley, who has kept hanging directly behind his desk the tin "headsman's ax" presented him by newspapermen when he began his duties as of Republican jobholders. The latest touch of humor, bit grim, perhaps, is that of giving to Quartermaster General John L. De Witt the job of buying more tollet kits for the forest, conservation boys.

The fun there is that it was De Witt who told. a Senate committee that Camp Director Robert Fechner had wasted money 011 buying kits at $1.40, because he. Dewitt, could get them for much less. So Fechner, just turned the next job De Witt. and both the army and the CCC men are awaiting with interest the bids made to DeWitt.

DO YOU THINK MAYBE I COULD GET A JOB ASA FAN DANCER? BREAKFAST Halves of meion. cereal cooked with Tomorrow's Menu dates cream crisp toast. milk. coffee LUNCHEON Scalloped oys. ters.

shredded cabbage with sout cream dressing. Boston: brown bread. snow pudding. milk. tea.

DINNER Fricassee of rah. hit. mashed potatoes, creamed new turnips. tomatoes stuffed with celery and nut butter grapes. milk.

cof. fee that it is dangerous to eat oysters and ire cream Dr McCollum of Johns Hopkins University known the world over for his researches in vitamins. states that there is positively no reason that scientific investigations of food: can reveal why such a tion should be feared Scalloped Oysters One pint oysters, 1 tablespoon minced parsley. 2 tahlespoon. lemon juice.

3 tablespoons butte: 2 cups rolled cracker crumbs. n. cup milk salt. pepper Clean oysters and put them 11 bowl with parsley and lemon Put a layer of cracker crumbs in a well buttered haking dish. add a layer of oysters and dot with butter Sprinkle with salt and pepper and cover with cracker crumbs Continue layer for layer until all is used, making the last laver (: crumbs Dot generonalv with butter and ponr the milk Bake 11 eratoly hot even fo: 20 minutes.

COMMERCE Secretary Daniel Roper has taken the cue from the president on how to spend Sundays he's taken to yachting on the Eala for weekends. just as the president does on the Sequoia or Nourmahal. Society here is awaiting the return of Mrs. Isabella Greenway for the winter season the clothes of this Arizona political power usually give the other politicians' wives something to gaze at in a green way. You can buy Muscle Shoals lots in.

Washington almost across the street from NRA headquarters in the Commerce building, despite warnings of the TVA to beware. (Copyright. 1933. NEA Service, Inc.) BILLS BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TODAYpriceless heritage in attar a TRUTH: Thus saith PEACE AND and I will the Lord, Call unto and shew thee great answer thee, things which thou and mighty knowest. not.

Behold, I will it health and cure, and I will bring them, and will reveal unto cure them the abundance of peace and 33: 2,3,6. contract. 10 the various I Most plants of the grentest refineries in will operate history. lon a 24-hour basis..

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