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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 7

Louisville, Kentucky
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE COURIER-JOURNAL, LOUISVILLE, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1, 1918. I i i uxyzen lam mas American ALLIES REACH NECK OF BOTTLE Reconstruction of Belgian Cities Is Under Way; Swiss Help In Work WOMAN MAY DIE FROM FLAMES WILL CONSIDER RAISING OF BAN Fioyd County Officials and Health Authorities To Meet To-day. Farmhouse Duelemans-Van Sieen, in built in 1017. Para, Oct. 31.

Belg-lium, -with the aid of Switzerland, is already rebuilding the cities and houses destroyed by the Huns earlier in the war. A committee composed of Swiss men of science, arts and politics was formed in Berne, under the name of "Oeuvre Suisse" in Belgium, committee in aid of the victims of the war, which raised the first funds. In August, 11)16, a delegation of architects was sent to Belgium with tho mission of making' the work for the victims of the war widely known and of putting at their disposal the sums offered by eome of their generous compatriots. It entered into communication and came to an agreement with the following institutions: First The union of the towns and communes of Belgium or the special commission for temporary shelters and for reconstruction, recognized as a section of the committee for national aid and alimentation. This is the powerful organization which actually centralizes all the efforts tending to the reconstruction and embellishment of the urban localities.

Second The committee for studying the reconstruction of the rural districts, the commission for the embellishment of agricultural homes and for watching over esthetics in the country. Iike the former in-situation, this latter is a branch of the National Committee for Aid and Alimentation, which personifies the national life in Belgium. Allies Penetrate 200 Miles South of Archangel On Dvina In Establishing Altitude Record It-t-uSTi) o.xyjien lielniet mid nofrir'eA illPOllVPninnci f(ir vhrtr-f I imn bo Xore this emergency method of get- out. He may feel perfectly fit and wen, uiit no is not so nrticient as when near tho ground. His reaction becomes slower; he uses longer guns, to lire and to maneuver his t-inp.

aitnougn ne is net conscious or this impairment. He will feel dizzy, but perfectly happy, though as a matter of fact he has lost his judgment, and if he attempts to stay at these altitudes iie win gradually pass Into a condl tion of semi-consciousness. A crash follows. The oxygen tank is built to save him from this. It prevents him from put to sleep and thus prevents a consequent disaster IS, 000 to ieet aoove the earth.

1,000,000 CATHOLICS WILL BOOST WAR WORK DRIVE Reports From Over Nation Indicate Fund Will Be Oversubscribed. Special to The piirnnl. New York, Oct. 31. The army i.uuu.uw wonters which the Catholic Church has agreed to deliver to the united War Work Campaign when the jurne was launched is now ready to iaKe tne field.

The force has gone tnrougn the training camp and Instruc nun scnooi period and is awaiting the orders of the United War Work Ca wummancier. Tins view was ox- presseu to-day by Harvey J. Hill, na tional field director of the United Wa Work Campaign and counsellor to tli Administrative Committee of the Ka nuiiui i-uinouc nar council Campaign, after reviewing reports from the Held aim aner Having completed a tour 01 the Middle West that brought him in touch with leaders in Louisville, Port lUayne, Indianapolis. Chicago, Milwau-Jiee and St. Paul.

Mr. Hill' attended gauiermgs Chicago. Milwau- Icee and St. Paul, but met uves irom otner Middle Western dis- ii hi ciucago. "I find," said Mr.

Hill, "that in prac ticahy everv- State camnalim tho ir.n. ehlnery of the Catholic Church has be'on woven into that of the United War ivorii organization. -Notwithstandig -va rious local variations in the plan there oeen a universal co-ordination of Catholic forces with the forces of he other six bodies that will participate In the coming drive. These Catholic forces are as completely at the disnosai of im commanders of the united campaign as -jiiierieaii lorues nave oeen at the i oi me commander nf the ri armies in Franca. 1 want to express itvsiiiuun ui me laci tnat tne Catholic Church has not only ouicklv but fectlvely adjusted its powerful machin ery to meet local conditions.

Thus while in St. Paul I was advised bv Atnnslirni.r John Byrne, who is administrator of me oiocese since tiie death of Arch bishop Ireland, that Catholic workers irom a large part ot the famous red wiiito and blue army will direct tne money-raising campaign in that city. across me river in where a huge war chest will be collected, beginning November 11. find run! the Catholic parishes are almost entirely responsible for tho house-to-nouse campaign and solicitation of individuals from cards through Hennepin county. "The co-operation of Catholic workers in unicago takes still another form.

There, under the leadership of Archbishop Mundelein and his aides, Mgr. Edward Kelly and Richmond Dean, vice president of the Pullman Comnanv. the church is supplying workers to former Liberty ioan cnairmen in various wards and precincts of the city." Fred D. Shipp, director, and F. .1.

Lenahan. committeeman, for the United War Work organization of Pennsylvania, are warm in their appreciation of uatnoue supjiort. Leadership in (he campaign, according to Mr. Hill, bus not been determined by denominational considerations. F.

J. Lenahan, who is a prominent Pittsburgh manufacturer and Knight of Columbus, finds himself not only organizing among Catholic parishes but the accepted leader in a num ber of Frotfcstani ana Jewish parlsnes as well. In speaking of this situation in a city known to be predominately Presbyterian. Mr. Lenahan says: "Well, you see, we are not making this united drive on the basis of church We are making it as American citizens and we are going through the campaign shoulder to shoulder." "Reports from the whole Centrnl West," says Mr.

Hill, "show that States are accepting tneir quotas ot ou percent, in excess of their proportions of HAMBONE SAYS HIT rAOUGHT BE A SWAHT TRICK FUH A RABBIT T' 'BACK-TRACK" WEN A DAWS GIT ATTEH 'IM, BUT AHS TELLIN' 'EM WHU'S R1GHT--WEN ENNYTHING GIT ATTEH ME WAH FEET I NE KEEP STRAIGHT ON DOWt rE (Continued From First Their statement in the present case has been negatived by the British report of the tihtins. which states the real character of the opposition with which they were contending in the opening days of the offensive. Kt'treat ISct'omes limit. Once the Austrian defensive zone was passed, however, the situation changed and the Autitrian retreat became a i-oul. It is reported that over prisoners have been takt.ii, jieaiiy 110,000 sine Wednesday.

This shows the nature ot the break, a break comparable in every wav to that which the Italians suffered when their lines were broken at Tolmino. There can be no question, of course, that the morale of the Atis-trians in at a low ebb. that poor as the Austrian soldier has shown himself to be in every light since 1311. it is even poorer to-day. This is a natural cor.seiuenee of an indifferent military force seeing confusion, it not revolution in ius rear.

But that Austria is fighting, is attempting to stop the advance there can be no uuestlon. The war may be over. Peace may be on its way. Austria may Imvp surrendered. Germany may bo about ready to surrender.

Of these things we cannot speak positively in spito of rumors antl reports from "authoritative soure.a." Hut I still contend that there is nothing i-n the military theaters that beans all this out. Reference has boon recently made in this column of British losses 35.C00 a week. What the ''reach losses are wo have no data. The French have, however, been lighting most bitterly between tho Oii-re and the Serre and eastward to the Aisr.e at Rethel. They havo been contending with a stiff machln gun defense which has broken down only after tho hardest lighting.

Much Work Still Remains. Our own losses have also been ex-tremelv heavv. It is not known just how far behind the published reports of our casualties are. But that they are not up-to-date positive. Thera has been no harder or more bitter fighting in the war than that in the Ar-goime and north of the Arffonnc.

it has been going on peiisttntly and without lctun since the middle of September when the lirst blow was-struck at St. In similar fighting the much less difllcult Soinme country, the British loss ran. on some days, well into the thousands. On the Flanders front, although attacking over but a. narrow front, the British had killed in one month.

It is ridiculous then to suppose that we are getting ore as lightlv an our casuality lints would The Germans then inflictni-r a weeklv lofu on the Allies or clrsc to 70,000 men does not bear the aspects or a badlv defeated army. If then our war programme includes the defeat of the German arm v. the indications are that there still remains much to be done. AIR MAIL PILOTS GO THROUGH THUNDERSTORMS Ulectiical KxDerimenter.l The air mail pilot is solving tho problem of living in all sorts of weather. 1'rior to the establishment of the air mail service it was regarded as impracticable to make flights with airplanes severo storms.

Ttecentlv Lieut. Stephen Bonsai, from Philadelphia to Wisidngton. ran into a violent thunderstorm at Laurel. Md at an altitude of 5.000 feet and proceeded on his way to the landimr field in Washington without interruption. It was impossible to distinguish anv landmarks In such, torrents of rain.

When' he descended to a lower altitude for observation be was near the wireless towers at Radio. Va. To observers he apepared to drop out of the clouds from nowhere at an nngle of -in degrees to a height of about 300 feet when he leveled the nlane and made a perfect landinc at Potomac Park in the midst of a torrent of rain. The plane arrived on schedule time, not being delayed by the storm. The propeller was slightly damaged bv the pelting rain.

A Tonic and Health Builder Take CAT-CEItBS tn rid yourself of that wt'alienlncr. persistent courIi. which Is threatening you 'itii throat or luns tnu-Mos. In acwtf mses nffectiiiK HinKF, havo given much relief in many case helping to restore They give strength to combat 111-nyys. Contain calcium Ui lime salt), so compoundeil as to be easily nbporbpt.

CnlcrrliH, 50 cent box. At nil ririigglit nr from mumifurtiirer. postpaid. ECKMAN 1.ABDUATORV, I'Mlnriftlphta. 3 Inkers of Kckniftn'K Alterative.

FOR SALE 100 Coffins, Shrouds, Robes and Undertakers' Supplies HELEN WOOD COAL COMPANY HEI.KXWOOD. TENN. Also Undertaker's Outfit 10 Cents Per Day Woodstock Typewriter The Mnclilnc nf hr Trice You VISIHI.K SIM5.XT Universal keyboard, with extra characters for billing; tabulator, hack pacer, two-color ribbon and A au latest improvements. Guaj-an- We sell all styles and makes of and typewriters Secure o'ir special prices on cash and easy tiint; payment plan. iEFFERT EQUIPMENT CO.

101 S. Fourth Ave, Cor. Main St. and DYERS (Incorporated Louisville, Ky. At Malines, at the corner of the two streets, Des Pierres et De l'Etuve, a house with the signboard, "In de Pekton," has been reconstructed, with a wooden gable, a remarkable specimen of the Inst buildings of this kind in Belgium.

At La Dyle, this old town of beautiful chimes, the "Oeuvre Suisse" is also rebuilding a historical patrimonial house. In perfect agreement with the Land en Tuinbouwcomiteit der Provlncie Antwrepen," an important organization for rural reconstructions and embellishment of the agricultural life of the province of Antwerp, also a branch of the commission for temporary shelters and of the National Conwnittee of Alimentation, the "Oeuvre Suisse" has constructed a certain number of farms, "some of small, others of greater importance at Bornhem, Marlekcrke, Emblehem, Konings-hoyckt, as well as the first home for a disabled soldier. All these are so many examples of good reconstruction, combining the improvement of agricultural style with the estheti-cal traditions of local architecture. It is in the province of Brabant, at Kppeghem. that the first house for a victim of the war was constructed with the financial aid of "Oeuvre Suisse." The plans for this house, a baker's establishment, have been carefully studied by a young Belgian architect, with the assistance of an agricultural expert of the State, and submitted for approval to the provincial Consulting Committee, dele-wated by the Union of Belgian Towns and Communes.

Other farms are being built at Humbeek, Bueken, and Haekendover, under the same conditions-and with the same guarantees. itors. That evening our poor, weary, footsore peasants did not have their soup, rye bread, kyvase and other things we had prepared for them. The (Bolshevik sat down anu devoured everything. Then all went away, some saying they would return next morning to confiscate everything.

Next morning they left the town, taking with them the son of a priest. They killed him in the forest." The other day I accompanied a few re-enforcements some miles further up the river to Novjenskala, where we had to land through shallows on horseback. Primitive little cannons were brought in. With one piece there our small force was keeping at bay some hundreds of Bolsheviki who had Intrenched themselves. L.ess than two miles away, engaged with busy Mails or open air I threshing floors, were families of villagers whose faces were serious as they garnered their harvest of rye and other grain.

Small wonder if some could concede faltering allegiance to the Allies who had come to their aid. i Before they retired the Bolsheviki had i forced some of the finest men of Novjenskala to join them, when it came about that at night, under cover of darkness, several obedient wives slipped out to carry food to their husbands in the enemy lines, and. alas, nervous Bolshevik sentries. fearful Jest the snapping of twigs meant the approach of all ide patrols, tired in a panic, killing 'three of these brave, faithful women. A SERVICEABLE PIANO.

A prominent musician tells some funny yarns. One relates to his experience in finding' suitable instruments when on a tour. On one occasion at a small place where" he was due to appear he inquired where he could hire a and fount! that the only one available was an ancient looking instrument in a small shop. He asked if he could borrow it for his performance. "You could not play on it, leastways not as it is," replied the owner, "for it's full of books.

Jim." lie bawled, "Where's the inside of this piano?" And Jim's voice from upstairs replied: "Ain't it out in the rd i JULIUS CAESAR was a great General if we may believe i So wa Napoleon. So were Grant and Lee and a host of others whose names stand imperishable in history. ISut none of them put such great dependence in the home papers for their soldiers as Gen. Pershing. Me advises home papers for the boys in France.

OVERSEAS EDITION COURIER-JOURNAL supplies that need as nearly as -f anything can supply it. and we want to add your soldier's -f name to our list of subscribers for this little eight-page paper in tabloid form printed every Monday morning. One month Three month. 7." Six months 1.50 fiOES LIJKK A IJ3TTKK In big sealed envelope, rirst- aaled envelc class mail. Aviation Officer New World's C'aiit.

R. AV. Selnoeder with Special to The Courier-Journil. Washing-ton Oct. 31.

Maj. Gen. William L. Kenly, director of military aeronautics, has made public an interesting document describing the leat of Oapt. R.

W. Schioeder. Tho Captain recently set a new world's rpcord for altitude flying when he ascended 28,900 feet above sea level from the Wilbur Wright aviation field at Dayton, O. The record has been confirmed by the War Department. In the report Capt.

Schroe'ier says: "In order to take an airplane to a higher altitude than any other pilot Sn the world I found taat it Wftild require more than one or two attempts. I made three attempts. The first one took me to 24,000 feet, the second to 27,000 feet and the last one to 28,900 feet, hut now I feel certain that I can get to feet. "The cold thin air is one's greatest adversary. First of all must make a study of the performances of his motor at these high altitudes.

1 took off at 1:45 p. ni. Wednesday, September 18, and made a steady circular climb, passing through c-louda at 8,000 feet, 12,000 feet and feet. 4 Gosirles Frosted. "At 20,000 feet, while still climbing in large circles, my goggles became frosted, making it very difficult for me to watch my instruments.

When I reached 25,000 feet 1 noticed the sun growing very dim, I could hardly hear my motor and I felt very hungry. The trend of my thought was that it must be setting late, that evening must be coming on, but I was still climbing, so thought I might as vell stick to it a little longer, for I itnew I could reach my ceiHnh" pretty soon; that I should go down, and even though it were dark I could land all right, for I had made night landings many times before. So I went to talking to myself, and this I felt was a good sign to begin taking oxygen, and i Old. "I was then over 25.000 feet, and as soon as I started to inhaie the oxygen the sun grew bright again, my motor began to exhaust so loud that it seemed something must be wrong with it. I was no longer hungry.

The day seemed to be a most beautimful one. I felt like singing with sheer, joy as I gazed about through the small portion of my goggles which had no frost, due to a drop of oil which had splashed on them from the motor. Mercury 32 Degrees Below. "1 kept at it until my oxygen gave out and at that point I noticed my aneroid indicated very nearly 29,000 degrees below zero, Centigrade, and the revolutions per minute had dropped from l.nUD to L.ibO. This is considered very good.

F.ut the lack of oxygen was affecting me. 1 was beginning to get cross, and I could not understand why I was only 29,000 feet up after climbing for so long. I remember that the horizon seemed be very much out of place, but I felt that I was Hying correctly and that I was right and the horizon was wrong. "About this time the motor quit. I was out of gasoline, so I descended in a large spiral: When I descended to about 20,000 feet I began to fe.el much better and realized that the lack of oxygen had affected me.

I passed down through the clouds at 1 0,000 feet, and, as I remember, it was snowing from these clouds upon the next layer, some 4,000 feet below. I am no: positive of this, as I may have been affected by the lack of cxvgen. I noticed as I descended that the air seemed to be very thick and -stuffy, but very nice and warm. I did not see the ground from the time I went tip through the clouds above Dayton until 1 came down through them again at 4,000 feet above Canton, over 200 miles from where I started. Lands O.

K. At "I was lost beyond a doubt, with a dead engine over very rough country. I landed O. K. and broke the tip of my propeller, which was standing vertical when I rolled into a depression in the ground.

However, I did not nose over or do any other damage to the plane or myself. I flew back to Dayton with a new liropeller." The Signal Corps is maiing it practice to supply aviators who have to go to great altitudes with thanks of oxvgen such as the one Cap. Schroeder used in his record-breaking flight. It has been announced that every pilot in the American army who gees aloft over the German lines in combat or bombing planes will carry-United States-made tanks with sufficient air for from six to eisrht hours' breathing. Pilots and observers in reeonnoissanco planes on photographic wor-K also win carry them on clear days when such work is carried on at 15,000 feet or higher.

Anti-aircraft guns force aviators to high altitudes. O.xyfren Supply Decreases. The normal atmosphere near the surface of the earth contains about 21 per cent, of oxygen and 7'J per cent of nitrogen. At 19,000 feet the density of the air has so diminished that each cubic foot contains only half the amount of oxysen found at sea level. The few pilots able to continue for any length of time beyond or 12,000 feet have a ot "lack of air" and involuntarily open their mouths to get more air.

The breath becomes quicker and deeper, fine heart bents faster and faster. A pilot may not feel any marked jgJ i I i 1 I 1 Miss Anna Mitchell Believed Fatally Burned; Child Victim of Fire. JEFFERSONVILLE AFFAIRS Mias Anna Mitchell, 45 years old. 102G Locust street, Jeffersonville, is at the point of death due to Inhaling the flames from her gasoline soaked clothes. Mi6s Mitchell was in the yard at the time and as the flames reached her face began to scream.

This attracted the attention of her half-brothor, Charles Mitchell. It is believed her chances for recovery are remote. Dr. C. F.

C. Hancock was summoned, but gave no hope for her recovery. Miss Mitchell has been in bad health for some time. Her father, who was Jarrwti Mitchell, died several years ago. For a long time she has kept house for her half-brother, Charles Mitchell, and half-sister, Mies Nellie Mitchell.

There are a number of other relatives. Frances Crawford, G-year-old daughter of Hurry Crawford, negro, wafi fatally burned yesterday afternoon. The child was in the house alone. Mrs. Clarence E.

Blyt'ne, 40S East Market street, noticed smoke coming from the house and called a negro girl to investigate. The child was found burned to a crisp and died almost at once. Oillorl For Draft Physical examinations for the draft wilt be resumed Saturday at the City Hall and the following have been notified to report on that date: Foster Kelly, George Kilgus, Charles F. Kinney, Ellis Krajna-ck, Charles Johnson, D. Pangburn, Casper R.

Petit, Marry Pittman, Benjamin Pendegrast, Robert Lamastere, MacD. long. Henry long, Barney Mitchell, William Bailey. Albert Bunnell, Reo J. Gels, Louis Garver, John C.

Guenther, Michael Grifnn, Joseph Green, Dewey Coats, Robert Coons, C. J. Houser, George E. Horn, Daniel Huff. Lester Townsend.

Doo Taylor. Harlin Dodd, William T. Doss.l Abraham Ashton, Frank Willis, Veo L. Sears, Wesley Stone, William Sink, Harry Smith, John Shepherd, Edward Nelson, Floyd Nicholson, John G. Haas, Kennard Porter, Charles Fredericks, John W.

Boyd, Andrew Koch. Charles Vawter, James Maloney, Robert Taylor. Louis Julien, George McAfee, Thomas Robinson, Leroy Reed, William F. Ester, Charles N. Ferry and Earl Ferguson.

Mrs. Ivcen's Will Probated. The will of Mrs. Iola Keen, who died recently at the home of her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth MeClure, was filed yesterday for probate.

She leaves to her son, Harley Cameron Keen, who is in the army, a mortgage on real estate in Beaumont. but the interest on it is to be given his aunt. Mrs. MeClure, during her life. In event the mortgage it6 paid the proceeds are to be invested and the income to go to Mrs.

MeClure. At her death Harley Keen is to have the mortgage or from it. All other property, real and personal, is given the son. Dies of Flu Tn Frnnn. Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Rapp, S10 West Front street. Jeffersonville. were notified vesterday of the death of their daughter. Miss Rosa Rapp.

23 years old, a Red Cross nurse in France, of influenza. Her parents were notified October of her illness. She died October 4. Her brother, William Rapp, who lived with his parents in Jeffersonville, developed influenza and died October 7, being among the first victims of the disease in Jeffersonville. Miss Rapp was a native of Jeffersonville and was graduated as a nurse from the Louisville city hospital, remaining there until she became a member of tiie Rod Cross unit which was organized by Dr.

Irvin AbeM. She is survived by her parents and two sisters, Mrs. Victor Un-ruh, of Ohio Falls, and Mrs. John Galli-gan, of Jeffersonville. To Discuss Flu' Contlitions.

Dr. J. H. Baldwin, city health officer, has called a meeting for this morning to discuss tile influenza situation. Dr.

J. N. Hurty, secretary of the State Board of Health, Indianapolis, has announced that there are twenty counties in which conditions are not regarded as good. They are located in the southern and western parts of the State and Clark county is one of them. In some of the other counties the ban is to be lifted Sunday midnight.

Dr. Baldwin vesterday called the attention of Police Chief Summers to the fact the Louisville Southern Indiana Traction Company was disregarding the order to keep windows open and the motonnen were notified that there must be proper ventilation. NOTES OF THE NEWS FROM JEFFERSONVILLE The Joshua McCormick farm of 500 acres, east of Charlestown, has been sold for $33,000. The funeral of Capt. James X.

lias. ters will be held this afternoon at tho residence 11 Kentucky avenue. Burial will be in the Eastern cemetery. Mrs. ODhelia Poliidexter and others have tiled suit against Cltuhia Haw-lings to quiet the title to a one-half interes.

in twelve acres of land in Grant 3. The local draft board yesterday was notified that twenty-five coppersmiths were wanted from this State ae volunteers, and enrollments will be received up to Tuesday. -Funeral services for Mrs. Josie Coomor, who died Wednesday after noon or innuenza, win oe Held, at the residence, 100 Joe Davis street, Ohio Falls, this afternoon. -Another large building is being erected by the Government Depot in the Baltimore Ohio Southwestern railroad yard for storing knocked down boxes and other lumber.

-To last night the number of mar riage licenses issued in the office of Circuit Clerk Ernest E. Jacobs for October was 237. which is a falling off of 130 compared with September. -The Government Depot lies issued notice that seamstresses will be Riven ail the shirts they can make during this month, out in ueccmoer more win De a decrease in the amount of material given out. -The body of Itoland Pickering, who died of Influenza ut Camp Beauregard.

I. Monday, will arrive this morning at the home of his mother, -Mrs. J. G. Miller, 327 East Maple street.

The funeral will be held to-morrow morning. P.elatives and friends of overseas oldiers were notified yesterday that the Red Cross room, in the post-ollice build ing, would be open from 2 to 5 o'clock each afternoon, from to-day until November 15, for the purpose of preparing Christmas packages for thos in foreign service. Boxe-s and shipping in-structitns will be supplied. ROUGH WORK. (Voungrstowii Telegram.) The dentist has his troubles.

frer worklne on a woman who had an extravagant coiffure to impede his progress ana nanaicap nis manipulations, Dr. Pullen sighed his relief and motioned for her to arise. The woman punea nerseu logemer. looked into a mirror, and then again eated herseit in tne cnuir. am through with your teeth," the dentist told her.

"I know," the woman answered, "but aren't you going to fix up my hair?" WHAT'S IN A NAME? (Tit-Bits.) Tommy's uncle asked him the name of May's young man. "1 can him April tenowers, rcpuea Tommy. "April Showers!" cried his astonished ur.cle. "Whatever makes you call" him i-ueh a ridiculous name as that?" "Because he brings May flowers," i Tommy explained. NEWS OF NEW ALBANY At a conference of Mayor Robert Morris, of Albany, with Dr.

F. W. Ilazlewcori, secretary of tho City Board of Health, and representatives of the Federal Public Health Service to oe held in Ke.v Albany to-day definite action will be cn the question of raising the influenza quarantine In New Albany Sunday. Mayor Morn's said iast night that whether the ban is raised or extended will depend upon conditions as indicated from reports that have been eceivod, and that the quarantine will not be raised unlets such action is warranted. Should the quarantine be raised Sunday the church services could be held on that day.

Sessions of the public schools will be resumed Monday unless the quarantine which expires Monday is extended. Mayor Morris said that the political parties will be permitted to hold meetings Sunday afternoon to instruct members of the election boards for the election next Tuesday. He said that for years' it has been customary for the two political parlies to hold Buch meetings on the Sunday afternoon before the election and that the meetings, which are something which cannot be postponed, will be permitted. Kcpor's received hy Mayor Morris this week from physicians of New Albany show that there have been 103 new cases during the week. It is said, however, that overv case reported lias developed in a family in which the disease had prevailed, which indicates that there been no spread of the epidemic.

The daily reports show that the number of new cases on Monday thirteen; Tuesday, fifty-two; Wednesday, twenty, and yesterday, twenty-four. No death from the disease was reported in New Albany yesterday and there has not been a death from the contagion in the city since Monday, when two deaths were reported. Mrs. Sarah I.emmon Dead. News reached New Albany yesterday of tie death of Mrs.

Sarah Lemmon, widow of Thomas A. Lemmon, a former resident of the city, who died at her home in Chicago. The burial will be in Chicago. Mrs. Lemmon was .75 years old and was a native of New Albany.

Before her marriage she was Miss Sarah Berry, and she belonged to a pioneer New Ibany family. Her family, moved to Chicago just after the close of the war between the States, but she and her husband visited the city every year. Mrs. Lemmon was an aunt of George Korb, of New Albany. She is survived by two sons, Albert B.

and Chandler F. Lemmon, and a daughter. Mrs. Florence McDonald, all of whom live in Chicago. TAwnva M.

Berk Dead. Edward M. Beck, a well-known New Albany young man. died at o'clock yesterday morning' at his home, 613 iasi Spring' street, of a complication of diseases, from which he had suffered for the past eight months, though he had been confined to his home but three weeks. Mr.

Eecfl was 37 years old and was native of New Albany. Besides nis widow he is survived by a young son, Louis E. Beck. He also is survived by his mother, Mrs. Louise Beck, of New Albany; three brothers, Casper Beck, of Louisville, and Louis and John Beck, of New Albany, and two sisters.

Misses Carrie and Louise Beck, of New Albany. The funeral service will be held at the family residence at 3 o'clock tomorrow morning. Burial will be in Mary's cemetery. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM NEW ALBANY Miss Gertrude Herley, who has been critically ill of influenza at her home at 1515 Culbertson avenue, is improving. William Lasfer, East Eleventh street, was notified yesterday of tho death of his father, M.chael Lasfer, which occurred at iiis home in St.

Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rudd, 2116 East Market street, have been notified of the safe arrival overseas of William Hampton, of the 113th Trench Mortar Battery. William Fercday, Corydon pike, has received from his brother, Walter L.

Fereday, of the 152d Field Hospital Corps, a card announcing his safe arrival overseas. Mrs. Dora Bishop, 213 East Water street, who for four weeks has been suffering from the effects of a badly sprained ankle and also has had the in-llueiua, is recovering. Seargeant W. Mowery, of the F.

Aero Squadron, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Harry Baker, 1S31 Culbertson avenue, has returned to Port F.eld, Ft. Sill, Okla. Benjamin S. Bull, an old resident of the city, who has been engaged in the commission business in Louisville for a number of years, is seriously ill at his home on East Spring street.

Tiie funeral service for Albert E. Geyser, son of Mrs. Emma L. Geyser, Erj West Main street, who died of influenza at Inter-Laken Camp. Boiling Prairie, will be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the chapel in Fairview cemetery- Mrs.

Emily Baldwin. 91 years old. widow of Thomas Baldwin, is suffering at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank L. Shrader.

217 West Second street, from the effects of a fracture of her hip, the result of a fall at her daughter's home. Dr. W. C. Winstandley, who recent-lv was commissioned a Captain in the Medical Corps, will depart this morning for Colonia.

N. to report for duty. Dr. .1. K.

Bird, who also has been commissioned a Captain, will leave November 10 for Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Mrs. Oliver Hartman. of this city, who has been seriously ill of influenza at the Methodist Hospital In Deo Moines, is reported to be recovering.

Since her husband has been in military service at Camp Dodge. Mrs. Hartman been staying in Des Moines to be near him. A large force of men from the Government Depot in Jeffersonville yesterday bKan work of repairing East Market street. New Albany, which has been badlv damaged by the army trucks which have been operated between Ne.v Albany and Jeffersonville during the past year.

Mr. and Mrs. George Miilllneaux, East Thirteenth street, have received from their son. Thomas L. Mullineaux, who is! in the service in France, a letter statins that he has been transferred from the 151st Infantry to the headquarters company of the Transportation Service, and has been made a couri-sr.

Mrs. Ve-nie Delotel. 1532 Center street. New Albany, yesterday received a letter stating that her brother, Louis IT. B.

Cook, who is in the service in France, had been gassed and now is confined In a French hospital. In a letter received from his wife it Is stated that his condition is serious. Mr. Cook is a son of Henry Gook, of New Albany, but had lived for several years lr. Cincinnati, where ne entered the service a year ago.

He has been in France for the past four months. The wedding of Miss Marian Buley. of llunci. and Lawrence K. Tu-lev.

of Albany, was solemnized Muncie vesterday morning. After a wedding trip to Ashevllle. N. the bridal couple will go to N'ew Albany, where thev will make their home with Mr. Tnley's Mrs.

W. F. Tuley. SOS East Spring street. On their arrival Mrs.

Tuley will give a reception in ir honor. The bride is a daughter i.f the late Dr. David Buley. of Vlzv'- pnr---. ruid has been' living tcm-r'--; -i i.i The bridegroom is i- president tho Otis Pickrel! Craig Company, a brokerage concern In viilc.

"Each of these institutions is seconded by the association of architects of the country, by the agricultural experts of the State, by the consulting committees appointed by the union of the ton-ns, cities and rural districts, by the agricultural provincial societies and by the commission for the collection of documents on urban and rural architecture. Independently of gifts for the victims, the "Oeuvre Suisse," by its linancial aid, helps the above mentioned institutions Oy intervening for the reconstruction of ruined buildings, by offering premiums for beauty and hygiene, and by loans, to be repaid in part by the victims of the war. By making these loans repayable to permanent organizations the "Oeuvre Suisse" perpetuates its beneficent influence in Belgium, because these organizations will thus' have permanent funds for continuing the work of the embellishment of the country. In offering these premiums and conceding these loans care is taken to distribute them to the victims according to their needs. The "Oeuvre Suisse." in perfect agreement with the above Belgian institutions, prepares the road for similar work of other countries which also have the intention of lending their aid to these reconstructions.

At louvain three houses have been built, one of which is situated on the old market place, facing the entrance of the University library, where it will help to reconstitute the secular frame, of the university and college buildings. At Lierro five houses have been rebuilt, in the purest local style of this veneiable Flemish city. old ladies. Kajrorly these people at the end of the world's war zone crossed the ravine through which the river way-comes to the town. Shenkursk might he described as a prosperous garcien 'city, built in a r'cr arm situation or sandy undulations, it has many line churches, rising amid houses, with large gardens looking intj tree-shaded thoroughfares.

Such Is -Shenkursk. But even here the war ha3 come. The frontage of the brick-built Cossack barracks is pitted by bullets. Still the town's reign of terror had been mild and brief. It seems that Bolshevik! from without arrived to stimulate some Bolsheviki rising from within.

For a while the situation had looked suflicJent-ly grave, but the menace passed won-drotisly away. The incoming Bolsheviki did not wait for force to come to help their outgoing. Even in matters of pillage and murder they seem to have been strangely below their traditions. Vieiting the famous Shenkursk convent. I seemed to tind clews to an enigma.

Conceived oj apartments spotlessly clean, where anftd choice palms and singing canaries and pictures of saints, move with iniinite gentleness forms or women garbed in black, or the many sisters in this retreat some were seen digging in gardens, some cooking, some preparing hallowed bread, some painting icons. livery nook, every cloister of this pla-ce appears to breathe something of the smiling, unselfish spirit of the mother superior, who after her lifty-three years of retirement from the world, can still consider public affairs with an instructed- and sympathetic mind. Bolsheviki Had Kcccntly Passed. It was only a few da.vs ago tlKW a section of mankind in lawless and murderous mood had gone blundering into that sequestered haven of altruism. was at the service," the mother superior eaid, "when word was brought me that the Bolsheviki had arrived anu were saying I was to be arrested and the and its good confiscated.

1 went out and found a lot of men speaking roughly. I said: I am the Mother Superior. Does some one wish to arrest They looked at each other awkwardly. No one seemed ready to speak. I said: 'Who is your "They pointed to a young man seated on a bench a little way distant.

1 went to him and said: 'I am told you wish to arrest me. Here I am. "When he looked up I recognized him as a young man of this town who, when a boy, used to come to our church. His face became red. He stammered that 3 must be mistaken, for nobody wanted to arrest me.

He looked uncomfortable, went away and mingled with the others. "Something else meanwhile was happening. In the dining hall they found the table spread with food for the meal, spread as it is every day for our vis OR WHITE mill White Ointment He-moves Freckles; Heuls Pimples, Risings, Sunburn. IJlfnHirs lark or Sallow SUIn. Making It Soft, fair.

Hrlsht By Mall, 23 enls. Thousands ot folks have proven that Black and White Ointment brightens or lightens their dark, swarthy, sallow to a bright, light, soft, smooth, healthy tone si as to give them a lovely, fascinating complexion. Black and White Ointment also heals all bumps, risings, pimples, blackh-jads, skin blemishes and removes freckles. Try it. Only 25c (stamps or coin) sent, by mail, or send SI for four boxes of and White Ointment, a 25c cake Black and White inciadec free.

Address Plough Chemical i. Dept. 6 E. Memphis. Tenri.

A (5 FATS MARK AX EASY TilVIXf: representing Write for sped i deal. Black and White Ointment soli: everywhere. (Advertisement. COLORED FOLKS BRIGHTEN lEIRS Verdant Farm Land, Dotted By Churches, Scene of Reds' Recent Crimes. By AI1THUK COIUMXU.

Special Citble to The (Copyrijnt. 191S, by New York Times Company.) "With the Allied Forces. 200 Miles South of Archangel. Oct. IT.

Slowly we have traveled some 200 miles from Arc-hansel to Beresneski, where the majestic North Dvina is swollen by its noble tributary, the Vaga. Thirty miles further up the river we have taken Seletskoe after a sharp scrap with the Bolshevik i. who, before retreating, mined the river and blocked the fairway with sunken barges. Against these obstacles our craft must go southward soon or be frozen in for the winter. Meanwhile a small force of ours has penetrated sixty miles up the Vaga in the direction of distant Vologda and Fetrograd.

Eastward of the line Shen-kursk is about half way from Archangel to Vologda. This is a dialogue I heard when he left the north Dvina for the perilous trip to the Vaga: "Shenkursk, I am going there, see?" "Well?" "Will you come?" "We went. We were soon on a commodious steamboat with a Mississippi deckhouse. Presently we were steaming in a strong current of water, severat hundred yards wide, which ran down northward between shores of clean sand. Like the more impressive mile-wide river from which we had emerged the great North Dvina the Vaga has verdant low banks, sloping for the most part into goodly stretches of farm land plowed or planted.

Here are palisaded pastures where cows and horses graze. Wf. never went manv minutes without seelntr on one bank or the other some village of substantial wooden houses. In a way tne scenery was semi-owias anu not at an displeasing. Churches Arc 'Everywhere.

Clustered here and there were church domes or spires, minarets and graceful cunolas of irreen silver or shimmering gold. iometimes there was a low landscape of river clearings with stunted forest jrrowms. out aiwuys nuw anu attain churches even moic sharply breaking the skyline. Peasant groups gathered, often to soo our large boat go by. There were women and girls, conspicuous in topnoots, with head dresses, blouses ami petti- coatM of vellow.

red ami blue. There -were more somberly clart men, with a va- rietv of caps anu with bearus ami beitea shirts, and there were children quaintly-dressed like miniature adults. At tirst t.hfse sub-Arctic peoples seemed to stand scpellbound with curiosity, but presently they broke away in merry nursuit of one another. Over all alike there seemed to he a spirit of childlike trust and docility and good temper. Arriving at btienkursK we were wel comed by scores of its citizens.

Here grown men were gi-ntle looking giants. Here were enthusiastic boys, long-haired prieets and pretty girls and plump DOCTORS ADVISE The Improved Calomel Tablet That Is Entirely Purified of All Nauseating and Dangerous Qualities. Physicians are warning the public against trifling with colas, influenza and grippe. They say that a brisk calomel purgative, preferably Calotabs, tho new and improved calomel tablet, should be invariably taken at bedtime and re-neated the second or third night, it' nec-essarv. In the earliest stages, one Calo-tab Is usually sufficient unless the case is particularly severe.

Physicians say that it is a waste of time and is dangerous to experiment with other laxatives, as calomel is absolutely necessary sooner or later. One Calotab on the tongue at bedtime with a swallow of water that's all. No salts, no nausea nor the slightest Interference with diet, work or pleasures. Next morning your cold has vanished and your whole system is purified and refreshed. Calotabs are sold only, in salod pnekac-es Price thirty-five" rents.

P.ecommended and guaranteed by druggists everywhere. Price refunded if you are not delighted. (Ad vertisement. 1 $sf ww a "Known All Over America" PARCEL POST WORK Given SPECIAL ATTENTION EXITED STATES KAIUtOAI) ADMIMSTCATIOX. W.

G. McADOO. Director General of JSuiii-oads. Southern Railroad Lines CHANGE IN SCHEDULES Effective Sunday, November 3, 1918, the following changes in schedules will be made: TO ST. LOUIS Train Xo.

24 will leave Louisville a. m. Instead ot 9 a. in. sleipiiiR ear will leave Louisville, train Xo.

4 p. m- daily. Car will be parked in Ciiattanonga and passengers may occupy same until 7 a. in..

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