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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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PAGfc (AEKJ COURIER NEWS THE BLrTHEVILLE COURIER NEWS THE COURIER NEWS CO. H. W. HAIKKS, National Advertising Representatives: Aikaraas Dalltes. Inc, New York, Chicago, Detroit, St.

Louis, Dallas, Kansas City, Memphis. Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday entered as second class mater at the poet office at Blylhaville Arkansas, under act or Congrtss, October 9, 1917. Served by the United Press SUBSCRIPTION RATES By carrlM In, the City of Blythcvllle, 15c per week, or 65o per raonUi, By radius of 50 miles, per year, $1.50 foT six months, 75c for three months; by mall In postal zones two to six. tncluslvo; $6.50 per year; In zones seven and eight per year, payable iti advance. Spending Federal.

Cask on the Country School Once there was a theory thai the 'IB stales were entities with individual problems and personalities. It's a. fading theory that a few dis- eouragcd southern senators cling to. For Hie federal government is a doling now, a parent which lavishes affection and largess upon its slates with a jealous loving care. Fifty years ago it' someone had mentioned that in 1938 the federal government would be telling an Arkansas farmer what he could raise and how, (here would have been a howl to (No heavens.

That and other federal regulations we've conic to accept, along with a other central government, aids and supervision that few persons realize they are paying -for in federal taxes. Perhaps yon didn't see or didn't slop lo consider (ho President's ve- cciit message to Congress in which he transmitted the report of the Advisory Committee on Education. The committee urged, and apparently the President, sanctioned, federal rants to the states for educational purposes which would begin in 1939 at $70,000,000 and increase Ijy IM4 The 'grants are lo be wed for current operating and maintenance expenses of public elementary and secondary schools; lo improve.the, preparation ot' teachers and other" educational personnel; for the construction of school buildings; for the improved administration of state departments of educiition; for "civic, general and vocational part-time adult educational activities" for rural- library service. The President told Congress: "Glaring inequalities characterize educational opportunities and expenditures for schools throughout the nation. Educational service in many localities is below fhe minimum necessary for (lie preservation of democratic institutions." President Roosevelt wouldn't have, probably, much difficulty proving that statement, but he might have difficulty convincing most people of his next words which were: "Federal aid is the only way in which the difficulties in this widespread and complex situation can be adequately corrected." the lirst place, schools aren't ex- actly interstate commerce, even by Mr.

Roosevelt's definition thereof. Secondly, the states should have some prerogatives and responsibilities left, or there isn't any point in having state governments. Thirdly, why should the federal governments set up educational departments whose function is to aid stale departments already set up, a patent duplication of duties. And lastly, the more nlatc duties and responsibilities toward the care of the state's citizens that the federal government takes more duties and the slate will allow the federal'government to assume. Any parent knows that, if the administration'i.

Ten Million Klying clipper planer have, carried ten million passengers in the last year that haven't signed the guest register, but they've been mighty important passengers just the same. Ten million bugs. The latest if these were down in lighting 10,000 each from the banks of (he Amazon lo (he West Indies, 2000 miles away, and they vOd the sugar crop on several of I lie lower These islands had been attacked, literally, by sugar cane borers, and the efforts of scientists were unavailing. Thousands of gallons of insecticide had been over the fields of cane. Acres of the infected land had been burned.

The borers marched on. So science turned to another continent for fhe famous "Amazon Flv," natural enemy, of the borer. Previous attempts lo ship tlic insects by steamer had failed. They died en route. But Ibis time they were loaded in "bug Pullmans" by tlic ton thousands, down to the West Indies, and freed.

In a few weeks, the borer had been reduced to the status of a minor pest. Oirls-luivc slopped Ijliishinu. The; result is Mini they never get any blood in fucc, their skin fades and they become Grace Donahue, Chlcufio, who Is forming Na- lional Association of "'Blush of tlie Monlh" clubs. Since I brciijiio' an eligible bachelor many women from 15 lo TO luwc been slmpjy insisl- Mini Uicy bless me with another nuirriaije. I may have lo 'marry again to get Culbcrlson, bridge expert.

Five-suit UrltlBc is a fake alarm. Most people cun't even handle four-suit bridge and I know some who arc proUy.bat! even with two suils -Ely Culbcrtson, bridge expert, coiinncnllng 0 Ihc new live-suit bridge game. A ummmlinc of Atlantic and I'acllie coasts could be cllcctet! by gases, making penetration by nn enemy force iniiios.slulc.-Dr. Frank C. Whllmpre, president, American Chemical Society.

any'nation builds to a point of pulling 5 in jeopardy we should build licet sufficient In overcome that Admiral Clark II. Woodwind. OUT OUR WAY By Williams FRIDAY, MARCH 4, GLANCES By George Clark I "Guild, nmrning, l.o.ul siilesnuii. who see you your (ilTicc ycsttrdiiy." CURIOUS WORLD AMONG THE MANV OP AFRJCANJ WITO4 DOCTORS is-THAT OP SCARING A WAV APPROACH IMG I I SHOULD BE THE SIZE OF A ADMIRAL ATRIP I THE ALONE AT THE AGE OF dawn of man. Hail has taken its yearly toll desmle man's fo combat it, Today this annual hail loss lluouB.hoi.t ll, entire world estimated at $200,000,000.

Ancient Greeks offered sacrifices approaches hail clouds, and even (o this day. in many of the world, various charms arc worked to avert hnil storms NEXT: What is Mic most widely used food? Tn0 Family Doctor OK. A BOWU OF SOUP IS ALL I WANTED-YOU DIDN'T NEEP TO BRIMS THE KITCHEN UP HERE! KKIOW, BUT i MATTA, 1 PANFUL TO VCEEP TH 1 BOWL 1 UP- WHV MOTHERS. GET Wails Should Be Mudi Than Air to Insui'ei PcdVrl Ventilation oi' Boom (No. icro BV Dllj ftlOHKI.S toiler.

of Ilic Ainrrkan Medical AsMiciulinii, of the Health 'llic ilevelopinent of artiilciiil heating apparatus of various kinds has cieatcrt special health pnvhtcms. Most of our healing systems arc designed to provide warmth without much consideration Inr coin- fort. Wo concerned not otilj' with llic humidity of tlir air Hio room but with the temperature of the walls of llic room. A room with walls tfillni; with a (emiwraiiire nf fr v. and with the air at l'.

will be just as warm us r'xnn tile walls and af 62 degrees p. and the air at so degrees. The comfort Uw two rooms will, however, differ ureally. in a room with the walls and at 80 degrees and air al decrees, the air will srcm fresh and pleasant. In the becoiui KXHII uitli ivalls and ceiling at.

60 rtraim, and air at 80 cicgrces. (lie rmm will tecl Klnfly and (ieprci-sinc. The differences depend on the manner in which heat is lost from the human bodj'. The combination of wann walls! and tool air i.s hard to maintain In most buildings. One (he modern ol hcaliu? involves the hanging of the healing apparatus on the celling or near Ihc top of Hie room, in most homes and buildings in- the United States the temperature in the air -is usually a few degrees higher than the temperature of the walls.

CAST 01' CHAIIACTERS HE KEY. icrolno, In Luudun when oui, JKHUY tkf XVVH tbruuKb. OAU1-JJ, UAA'KS, rlViiiccr welt, and ftuuUu uffni-k JlrUfMk turrvkant- muri, ibtlr Jlrat rjiance al prize of Aud at home, Pally for Jerry. CHAPTER XXVII Gray Gull, by means of the sweeps, -was held poised like a rOitless bird in the darkness while Ihc long boat was lowered away. In the boat were Jerry Wln'lfleld 12 volunteers, hastily chosen.

He had said lo tlic crew, "Those dial go wilh inn no more in prize money than those that aland by in Ihc Gull. Let that be understood." Yet many had clam- iired to go. was very heartening. These 12 who accompanied him were Americans, all, each wilh a crow to pick wilh England, licvenge, it seemed, could flick as keen a whip as greed or patriotism. According fo plan, the Gray Ciull again ran out to sea a distance and stood by.

The lonj; boat was rowed to (he merchant ship's stern. Now the great hulk Joomed and lowered above them. The oarsmen held the boat pressed to the hull's great limbers while Jerry Whitlicld stood on a thwart and grasped a piece of loose tackle that hung from the ship's stern like a ribbon on an untidy woman's By means of this he hunted himself aloft, gaining foothold here and there by any means afforded. His moccasincd feet came si- Jontly over the tafl'rail, 'and now he stood on Ihe quarter-deck behind the slouching helmsman. II was true, thai Ihing they had observed from the Gull: Ihc quarterdeck was deserted except for the man at the wheel, and he was none too keen.

A rum bottle stood beside him on the deck. Jerry Whilficld seized ami bound this man, gagging him against outcry. He felt no pride in his achievement, for ihe fellow had forfeited half his strength and to rum. Jerry doused the lantern and looked down onto the main deck. He counted a score ot sailors prostrated from drink and possibly 10 that were still nclivc.

The watch was a late one. All others had evidently gone below to forecastle quarters. No ofliccr was visible, cither. Armed wilh (his knowledge lie went astern and signaled his men to'come aboard. This Ihey did, man drawing another after him like'stealthy Indians taking a stockade.

As Ihe last man left lliu long boat it bobbed away in tlic darkness, the symbol and Ihe reality of retreat now beyond homes anil in uiicrowded offices such provisions are of doubtful val- cxccpt under -unusual ch-cum- slanccs. 'Ihe average house has loci much air leakage lo require' artificial ventilation. The average leak- use amounts lo tatwecn one mid two changes of llic air every hour. Puxico News Mr. and Mrs.

W. E. Rhoads and children were railed lo Blplcy. to ntlend the funeral of Mrs. Rhoads' Ijiothcr-in-Iaw.

Morgan Holliefieltl, of Memphis. Mrs. Jinnic Wclieslev, of Yarbro. spent Friday night ivith Mrs: G. .1.

Whittle. Miss Gladys Grant, her and two Miss Bettie Lou and Mrs. ollcn Cocksy, and u. Rhoads visited Mi's. O.

D. Rhcads. of Gosncll, who has been ill sinre October and who is unimproved. Mr. and Mrs.

Hoy Henry arc the parents ot a son born Saturday. 'I lie baby weighs 11 pounds and ho.s been named Norman Lee noy. reach, Jerfy, seeing il to, uttered a smothered exclamation oJ concern. And yet, what matter? They must take this ship or fall. TJELAY would be deadly.

Jerry put one of his men at the wheel. With Ihe others he stood for a moment at the turn of the quarter-deck while they picked their opponents on the main deck. The events that followed were as swift as vengeance and as brutal as The 12 Americans rushed upon the English sailors, overpowered them and herded them into forecastle quarters like so many sacks of meal, throwing them, shoving them, pitching them with a sort gleeful exhilaration. This accomplished, they closed the hatches and secured them with the locks that they found there. The locks were stout, as English locks were always stout against the chance of mutiny at sea.

No shot hod been fired, no call piped. There had been only the subdued, repressed noise ot men in bodily combat, scuffling, thudding, falling. Jerry ran up to the quarter-deck and stood at the opening of the companionway. He had nut long to wait, and it was no hero's work that followed. Several of his men had joined him; as tlie officers emerged they were overpowered and herded down the ladder they had just ascended.

There were but four of them, and the captain was their spokesman. "Who arc you?" lie shouted al Jerry. "First mate off a privateer, sir. American." "This is preposterous," said the lieutenant who was second in command. "It's beyond reason, We're just off the coast of England.

We're part of a cotivoy. We've two gun brigs to guard us." The captain's gloomy face brightened. "You're right Mr. Carter. You're quite right.

couldn't happen. Our men won't allow it. Some of the convoy ships will discover this "Americans have devilish good luck," spoke up the officer who wore the insignia of a third Heu- lenant. "I'll not be surprised if Ihey pull it off." JTAD Cabell Banks been there he would have made some witty rejoinder. Jerry had a sudden realization that fhe occasion warranted it, that a small but vital lit of history was being enacted icrc without benefit of repartee 01- quip from the one who had accomplished it.

But" he was an narticulale hs had sent his sailors oul'lHcfii'ad started to back out himself, his Pistol before" him, he could Ihink no more suitable exit than lo Mrs. Henry was formerly Miss Nellie Mae Payne of Blytheville. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whittle and Mrs.

whittle's brolhcr, p. C. Rhoads. motored lo Gosnell Saturday nisht to be with Mrs. O.

Rhoads. who is ill there. Miss Eva Robinson who has been ill for some lime, is slowly John p. Holmes, who underwent an operation at the Blytheville hospital, has been returned to his home. He is now improving.

The Ladies' Home Demonslralion club of Number Nine will meet March with Mrs. Charles Lang- blon jr. Mrs. Pnynei, of- Blytheville, fe spending lliis week with her daughter, Mrs. Hoy Henry.

repeat earnestly, "My men and I bid you good night, sirs." His sailors were amused. Especially one young giant of Irish ancestry, who guffawed aloud in spite of himself. i Jerry Whilfleld was now in' command of' the ship which- he presently discovered to be a 12- gun merchant brig named 'the May Queen, 90 days out of. Canton. Ons of the sailors had brought the log book from thej cabin; these interesting facts andj others were clearly set forth in id Her hold was filled wilh Chiuatj tea and silk, and there was a I deal of carved ivory listed, furniture of teakwood; severalII pages of the log were devoted'to IF a listing of Chinese porcelain! vases at unbelievable appraise-! ment, "It's enough' to knock yer eye out!" said the Irish giant, reading! ivti- Jerry's shoulder.

i Though all (his had taken only a half hour of time, Jerry hastily put aside the log book and gayei orders for running the May Queen: out to sea. Ifis reaction now w'asj nn urgency for flight, and hisi tenseness all but tortured him. 1 This rich ship was only half theirs until they had plucked her from; the convoy and hidden her in the vast darkness to larboard. An hour later they came upon the Gray Gull and spoke her. On the Gull's deck Her 60 seamen; crowded the forecastle head to 1 hear.

"Captain Banks!" Jerry sang out. "Our compliments, sir! Jerry Whitfjeld commanding prize brig May Queen 90 days outi of Cantoti, formerly bound tori Bristol!" Cabell Banks had trouble con- 1 (rolling liis voice. "Well, you he shouted, "you've done it! dead or wounded?" "None. Will you come "Aye, aye, sir! At once!" answered Cabell, remembering (o be nautical. An interval passed.

A boat was i lowered away from the Gray GulJ-j, Another interval, and Cabeltj Banks came over the side of the' May Queen, followed by a dozen men. "I've brought you some h'annV Captain Whitfleld. They're willing. You'll need them to handle your prisoners. you need more, ask for them." He spoke for the occasion was charged with emotion.

i Jerry grasped (he long thiii.j hand of the elegant young man'! from Boston. "Thank you," hq said. "Thank you for all of "Nonsense!" saul Cabell: "You owe me He was a smalt man in stature, but.ffiiritually.he' was measuring wilh trre'giErrirs and the gods; he was rejoicing out stint in Ihe success of a Iriefi BejContinued), i ITt I Although most solar eclipses aio seen between in the morning and in the evening, the polar regions occasionally are treated lo the spectacle of an eclipse of the midnight sun, Read Courier News Want, Ads. Announcements Hie Courier News has been Authorized lo wake formal nnnounce-3 ment oi the following for public office, subject to Iht! Democralfc primary August 5. For Counly Treaanmr R.

L. (BILLY) GAINES for Sheriff Collector HALE JACKSON Comity Court Cterk T. W. POTTER For Counly Tax- Assessor W. W.

IBUDDY) WATSOH BKYANT STEWART 1 For County and Probate Judje DOYLE HENDERSON i For Circuit Court Clerk I HARVEY MORRIS OUR BOARDING HOUSE In Ibe average home williiuil institution Ihc walls and wilh considerable amount of window space, rerjilaiion of these is extremely important. Adequate in- sulalion of buildings nbf only materially improves (he comfort, rooms bill also ell'ccUs snbslnnlin savins; in fuel consumption by re ducing hojit las and jjy a lower room -temperature. More over. in warm summer weather th insulalion will help to keep (li place cool, For a i imp 11 vws llmn Unit humirlitVaimn ot tlic air Ihc only iiPccs.viry lartor in keep- peupte conifortatplc. We put pans nf water on the ractiulors and developed various devices for lini; more water into the air ot our rooms in winter.

it is beginning lo be believed that artificial is relatively unimportant from Ihe ot comfort and prolnbty not essential from the standpoint of health, while a relative liumid- ily of botwren 40 and (iO per would probably be more normal and perhaps mere healthful than one between 20 and 30 per cent, it is practically impossible to maintain this high range in cold weather on accoimt of excessive condensation and freezing on the windows and sometimes actually Inside the exposed walls. Of great- importance ventilation. In theaters and In auditoriums where large volumes of air must he rcsnlarly supplied to great numbers of people, artificial ventilation and air nitration are nccossarj. In The Courier News has been, Ihorized to make formal amioi! ment of the following canciidsjA'J for city offices at the Blylhevil) municipal election April 5. For Cily Clerk MISS RUTH BLYTllK I'or Cify Attorney ROY E.


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