The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 1
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ier-2our HE Courier -Journal in behalf of the soldiers at Camp Zaehary Taylor thanks the folks back home and all friends who contributed for the Christmas for the boys in khaki. fHE Courier-Journal's classified section is characterized by system and service. It makes business in traductions easy and profitable. VOL. CXXVIII.
NEW SERIES NO. 17,890 LOUISVILLE, MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 24, 1917. TEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS tial. Reads Board That Will Buy Food CHOICE OF Vi CAMP EAG KUEHLMANN AS Call Main 3200 or City 3200 if you fail to set the Courier-Journal or The Times promptly.
For U. S. Army, Navy and Allies PEACE CHA FOES OF LAND BANKS PLAN TO TEST ACT AN IS HUN COUP; SLAVS TE ATEN AMERICANS Negotiations Between Central Powers and Russians Begun At Brest-Litovsk. (Photo Central News Service. REAR ADMIRAL McGOWAN.
Rear Admiral Samuel McGovvan. Paymaster General of the United States navy, has been appointed chairman of the General Food Purchase Board just created from-the buying of foodstuffs for our army and navy and the allied governments. INCURS WRATH OF BOLSHEVIK LEADER Amba.nflfir Frnnnis. culled unfin by the Bolshevik Foreign Minister for an explanation of an alleged conspiracy, is a Kentuckian. having been born in Madison county.
RUSSIA RUSHING FOOD TO CENTRAL POWERS AUSTRIAN MINISTER SAYS SUPPLIES SOON WILL BE- GIN ARRIVING. Amsterdam, Dec. 23. A Vienna dispatch to the Berlin Lokal Anzeiger says that Field Mari-hal von Hoefer, the Austrian Minister of Public Subsistence, has announced that the Austrian Food supply would shortly be-improved by the arrival of supplies from Russia. According to Von Hoefer, the governments of Berlin, Vienna and Budapest are already rushing transport facilities.
The Danube will soon be frozen, but wholesale supplies from this source may be expected by March -1; BANKERS IN EIGHT OYER CONTROL ONE IS KILLED PRESIDENT WHO SHOOTS CASHIER DECLARES ACT IN SELF DEFENSE. Peoria, 111., Dec. 23. E. A.
Strause, 48 years old, president of the State Trust Savings Bank, to-day shot and killed Berne M. Mead. 37 years old. cashier of the bank, in a fight in the bank over control of the institution. Strause, through his attorneys, issued a statement declaring he shot in se.lf-defense.
He. said Mead shot at him. first, there was a scuffle, and he was forced to shoot to protect himself. Red Cross Drive Successful. S'PicUI -o The Courier-Journal.
Hawesville, Dec. The Red Cross Christmas membership campaign met With success in Hancock county with 250 members secured during the week. A branch chapter of seventy-five members has been formed at Lewisport. TO WELCOME SANTA CLAU Soldiers' Christmas Entertainment To-night Will Be Memorable. Courier-Journal Cheer Club Plans Big Distribution of Gifts.
Louisville Only Place To Organize Community Efforts. WOMEN AID IN WORK Santa Claus will visit Camp Zaehary Taylor this evening. Thanks to the efforts of the Courier-Journal Camp Zaehary Taylor Christmas Cheer Club, every soldier at the Louisville cantonment regular or selected man will receive a gift package. Many of these packages are made up by the families or friends of the individuals to whom they are sent, but several of the boys in khaki would receive no Christmas token but for the community effort which the Cheer Club organized and which resulted in fund large enough to buy most satisfactory gifts for all men not remembered. The work of assembling and wrapping the gifts for the soldiers was completed yesterday at the Courier-Journal building by a large force of volunteer women workers.
This mornings at 7 o'clock the work of transporting these gifts on trucks will begin, and by noon it is thought the gift packages will be delivered' safely at the camp. Distribution Begins At 6:30. The work. of distributing the gifts to if.o-soldlers will besln this evening at 6:30 o'clock. Approximately 20,000 gifts will be distributed under the supervision of the Christmas Cheer Club.
While the general public will be excluded from the cantonment this evening, a committee of 229 men from the Christmas Cheer Club will be assigned to the barracks where the entertainments will be held, to represent the communities of Kentucky, Indiana and Southern Illinois that so generously contributed the ahid gifts to make memorable the 1917 Christmas at Camp Zaehary Taylor. Women are not permitted' in the barracks and therefore the 229 Christmas entertainments will not be open to the mothers, wives, sisters and sweethearts of the soldiers. It "was originally planned to have twenty-one giant Christmas trees one in front of each regimental headquarters but at the- suggestion of Brig. Gen. Wilder, tihis plan was changed to an indoor celebration with 228 smaller trees.
This new arrangement, it was agreed, would make the celebrations more homelike and more individualized, and would insure comfort for the boys if the weather is disagreeable. Celebration Is Unique. Tii a nhaa flnv. fumlsliwi the 229 trees and their decorations and also thirty-six miniature trees for the base hospital. The Louisville cantonment is the only army camp in the United States where the 1917 Christmas celebration will be an organized community effort.
The soldiers are deeply mieresteu nians nf the Cheer Club and are looking toward to the visit of Santa Claus to-night with the eagerness of children. Thanks to the popularity of Santa Claus with the women, his appeal in the Sunday, Courier-Journal tor TTrr-ar, nflcltni-M for the soldiers brought such an array of willing volunteers that the job was finished by the middle of Sunday (Continued On Fifth rage.) ANTI-GERMAN RIOTERS DISPERSED BY TROOPS CROWDS AT BUENOS AIRES AROUSED BY LUXBURG EXPOSURES. Buenos Aires, Dec. 22. Only the utmost vigilance of patrols and mounted troops prevented an outbreak of anti-German rioting this afternoon and to-night.
The downtown streets were crowded with Christmas shoppers and several attempts were made to organize demonstrations. Students and others marched to La Union building chanting "10,000 pesos," which was the amount of the monthly subsidy to have been obtained from Berlin by Count von Luxburg. the deposed German Minister. crowds dispersed when charged by troops, but patrols trotted through the downtown section all night preventing marching crowds from joining each other. The publication of the additional Luxburg dispatches has caused a new outbreak of bitterness against Germany, and it is expected it will be voiced id Congres? next week.
THE WEATHER. Kentucky Probaby rnln Monday! Tuendoy fair nnd much colder. Indiana. Rain Monday! Tueadny partly cloudy and much colder. Tcnneset Generally fair Monday and Tuenday, except rain and colder Tuesday In went.
THE LATEST. On the fighting fronts, even in Italy the activity of the troops is below normal. In Prance and Belgium the fighting that is in progress is merely in the nature of outpost encounters ajid bombardments, while on the Northern Italian front the enemy has lost the initiative, which Is entirely in the hands of Gen. Diaz's men. The Ituation on the Italian front Is not expected to remain long as it is, for the Austro-Germans are constantly bringing up heavy re-enforcements and a return to their offensive, which has in view the gaining of the Vene tian plain, is to be expected.
The anemy Is faced by a hard task, to accomplish Ms aims, for it is a different army that ihe must meet than that which retreated from the Isonzo. In Argentina demonstrations in fa vor the South American republic entering the war against the Teutonic Allies continue as a result of the latest' exposures of German intrigue in dispatches sent by Count von Lux-burg, the former German Minister, to the Foreign Office in Berlin. Extreme bitterness is being evinced by the pop ulace against Germany, and demon strations are daily taking place, which require the use of troops to repress. The present week is expected to see tho Argentine Congress take a "hand in the question as to whether Argen tlna shall enter the war. Peace negotiations between the Teu tonic Allies and Russia have begun at Brsst-Lltovsk and the selection of Dr.
von Kuehlmann as chairman is re garded as a German coup. Rumania is not credited with having delegates at the conference. Another feature is that while the Teuton representatives are men high in the councils of their countries, the Russians are for the most part unknown in world politics. The Federal Farm Loan Board an nounced that it advocated amend ments to the farm loan act under which many private farm mortgage bankers may enter the Government system as joint stock land banks. At the same time the board also gave warning that it expects interests seek ing to break down the system to file a suit soon to test the constitution ality of the act.
Charging that Americans have made an attempt to aid Gen. Kaledines, the Russian Foreign Minister is quoted in a Petrograd dispatch as saying that Ambassador Francis must make an explanation, and that if efforts are made to' support Kaledines the heavy hand of the revolution will out for the Americans. The Russian freighter Shiika, under Bolshevik control, sailed into a Pacific port yesterday. The ship was reported to carry a fund of 5100,000 in gold for defense of Industrial Workers of the World who have been arrested in this country, but search by United States authorities failed, to reveal the gold. Fire, origin of which is being investigated by Federal authorities, swept a factory situated on Boston's waterfront in the alien enemy barred zone.
The blaze started in the "plant of the Boston Scale Machine Company, which is engaged in the manufacture of rifle barrels. Fred Toney, pitcher of the Cincinnati Nationals, and Jesse Webb, Tax Assessor of Davidson county and a member of a local exemption board, were arrested at Nashville by a United States Marshal charged with conspiring to evade the selective draft law. The delayed shipment of hundreds of thousands ot pounds of turkeys for the American army in France has been reported as arrived and the American troops are assured of turkey and all the "trimmings" of a regular holiday dinner Christmas day. W. H.
deputy director of the Secret Service, will take up the duties of the chief the service when William .1. Flynn retires next week. Moran will' hold the position temporarily until Secretary McAdpo appoints a new chief. Saturday night's raid by German airoraft over the English east coast was without result, so far as casualties or material damage were concerned. One of the German machines was brought down during the raid.
The loss of two American soldiers swept overboard and drowned from a transport at sea December 17 and the death of two others from gunshot wounds was reported by Gen. Pershing. The appointment of the Rev. James E. 3regg, of Pittsfleld, as principal of Hampton.
Institute i an- Conspiracy To Aid- Kaledines Charged To U. S. Representatives By Trotzky. Bolshevik Foreign Minister Declares Francis Must Make Explanation. Asserts Heavy Hand of Revolution Will Reach Out If Foe Is Given Support.
WORLD REVOLT, REDS' HOPE Petrograd, Dec. 22. Leon Trotzky, the Bolshevik Foreign Minister, at a meting of the revolutionary organization assembled in Congress to-day, read documents and telegrams which lie declared contained evidence that Americans were helping Gen. Kaledines, leader of the Don Cossacks. "Last night," said Trotzky, "we found that American agents in Russia were participating in the Kaledines movement.
We arrested Col. Kolpashnikoff, attached to the-American mission to Rumania, who was trying to get a trainload of automobiles, clothing and supplies to Rostov. Amang the documents was a letter from David R. Francis (American Ambassador to Rusia) requesting that the train be given free passage, as it was bound for the. mission at Jassy.
Wants Francis To Answer. "One letter from Col. Anderson (heard of the American Red Cross mission to Rumania) to Kolpashnikoff said that if money were needed, Ambassador Francis was ready to advance 100,000 rubles on the account of the Red Cross. We think that ihe American Ambassador must break his silence now. "Since 'ihe revolution he has been the most silent diplomat in Petrograd.
Evidently he belongs to the Bismarck school, in which it was taught that silence is golden. He must explain his connection with this conspiracy. "We will tell all the Ambassadors if you thills' you can with the help of American gold, under the guise of the holy mission of the Red Cross, support and bribe Kaledines, you are mistaken. If you think that, you are no longer the representative sof America, but private adventurers, and the heavy hand of the revolution will reach out- after you. Not To Be Trampled On.
"I desire to let the representatives of all the foreign powers know that we are not so blind as to allow our feet to be trampled on. In the affair of Tchitcherin and Petroff we have already had occasion to Show the British Ambassador that' tihe revolutionary government is not lacking in dignity and pride and that we are not acting under the influence of the Anglo-American bourgeoisie, but have a pure principle for which we will conquer or perish." The audience cheered these utterances wildily, Madame Alexandra Kollantay. Bolshevik Minister of Public Welfare, moved then that the meeting send delegates to France and England "to light the torch of a worlds revolution." Raymond Robins, head of the permanent American Red Cross mission to Russia, on learning of the arrest of Kolpashnikoff prior to Trotzky's speech roffered to explain the matter to the Bolshevik leader, but Trotzky refused to hear him unless he came as the representative' of the Embassy. Ambassador Francis, ih a statement to the Russian press, declares that the Embassy and the Red Cross are in no way involved in the counter revolution. He says that Kolpashnikoff received no funds from the Embassy.
FLAGS TRAIN, KILLS MAN HE SOUGHT SURRENDERS CAUSEY OBJECTED TO VICTIM'S ATTENTIONS TO RELATIVE, SAY POLICE. Rushton. Dec. flagged a Vicksburg, Shreveport Pacific'passenger train, near here today, climber into a coach and shot W. I.
Zeigler to death after dangerously wounding Wiley Tankersley, who in terfered. When the train stopped here Causey surrendered to the Sheriff and went to jail. All of the men live in this vicinity and according to the authorities Causey objected to Zeigler's relations with a member of his family. PAPER HIT FOR ATTACK ON GERMAN F00DJC0NTR0LLER Amsterdam. Dec.
23. The Berlin Socialist newspaper Vorwaerts has been obliged by the Government to suspend publication for three days. Vorwaerts. in a recent article, at tacked the system of the German food Controller. Von Waldo, declaring that great masses of German people were not only hungry, but were literally starving.
It also accused the var profiteers and millionaires" of hoarding great supplies ot tooa. Owensboro Shows Growth. Spe-lal to The Owensboro, Dec. 23. A city Jdrectory just completed gives Owensboro a population of 21,500.
The Federal Census of 1910 gave it 16,010 Board Gives Warning of Sinister Purpose That Is Behind Attacks. Amendments To Existing Law Will Be Recommended To Congress. Private- Farm Mortgage Bankers To Be Allowed To Enter U. S. System.
RECENT CHARGES ANSWERED Washington, Dec. 23. The Federal Farm. Loan Board announced to-day that it advocated amendments to the Farm Loan Aot under which many private farm mortgage bankers may enter the Government system as joint stock land banks; At the same time the board also gave warning that it expects interests seeking to break down the system to file a suit soon to test the constitutionality of the act. Amendments to the existing law which will be specifically recommended to Congress in the board's forthcoming annual report, are: To remove the present restriction permitting a joint stock land bank to do business only in the State where it is situated and one contiguous State.
To permit a bank to' issue bonds to the amount of twenty times, its capital stock, which must be $250,000 or more, instead of fifteen times, as under existing law; and To raise from 6 to 6 per cent, the maximium interest rate whioh joint stock land banks -may charge -c-h-ldaiis "to1 farmers: Bankers Seek Changes. All these amendments have been sought by the Farm Mortgage Bank ers' Association, whose leaders predicted that a large proportion of the members would seek Government charters and operate under supervision of the Farm Loan Board if the modifications were made. Their plea to be allowed to use the name "National Land Bank" instead of "Joint Stock Land Bank" has not been received favorably by the board. owing to fear of confusing the private institutions with the- Government's twelve Federal land banks. Joint Stock Land Banks would still be compelled to limit interest rates on loans within 1 per cent, more than tne selling price of their bonds, even though the maximum were raised to 6 per cent.
They also would have to compete with Hhe Federal Land Banks' new rate of 5 per cent. System Is Sound. In a statement to-day explaining the financial condition of the Federal Land Banks, the Farm Loan Board said: "We are advised," said the state ment, "that the next move of those who are seeking to break down the system, will be to institute a suit contesting the constitutionality of the Farm Loan Act. The purpose of this suit will be to alarm investors who have already bought bonds, and to dissuade others from buying them. "Tihere is not the slightest reason to fear it, however.
The system is so strong and its administration is of such paramount importance to the (Continued On Second Page.) AIR ATTACK ON GERMAN NAVY SUGGESTED BY FISKE SAYS IT IS SOUND IDEA, BASED ON PRINCIPLES OF STRATEGY. New York, Dec. 23. Use of air planes in a major attack on Germany's navy was recommended In a letter made public, here to-day from Rear Admiral Bradley A. to Allan R.
Hawley, president of the Aero Club of America. The idea, the letter says, is not "a foolish notion of fa natics, in aeronautics, but is a sound idea, based on the principles of strategy. All Germany's naval eggs are in one basket," Rear Admiral Fiske de- lared. "and those eggs are vitally essential to her existence as a nation. It is my profound conviction that we can smash these eggs torpedo-plane and air-bomb attacks, if we can prepare and deliver them on a scale sufficiently Whether or not die submarine has been beaten.
Admiral Fiske added, "let us realize that the submarine is only one of many naval weapons, and that naval strategy recognizes the fact that so long as the enemy's fleet exists as a fighting force, so long It remains whatTve call a fleet in it constitutes a continuing menace, from which an attack of some kind may. be expected at any time. For this reason, no mere subsistence of submarine activities should blind us to a desirability of sinking or dis-jbling the German fleet. "If the only way to win this war to fight a long succession of enor-nous land battles, then we must fight hem: but it may to if an alternative method less bloody, but equally decisive can be devised." Teuton Delegates Astute Politicians, While Muscovites Almost Unknown. Rumania Not Credited With Having Representatives At Conference.
MEAGER DETAILS RECEIVED ly the Associated Press, i Peace negotiations between the Teutonic Allies and the Russians have been begun at Brest-Lito'vsk. And apparently the enemy ha3 Played a trump card at the outset, for on the proposal ot Prince Leopold of -Bavaria, the German commander-in-chief on the Russian front; Dr. von Kuehlmann. the German Foreign Secretary and an astute politician, has been chosen unanimously as official chairman. A noteworthy fact in the composition of the delegations from the various countries allied, with the Austro-Germans is that they ijnclude men who have stood high in the councils of their respective countries, while the men who are to handle Russia's interests for the most part are unknown in world politics.
Still another outstanding fact in the meager details of the formation of the conference that thus far have come through is that Rumania is not credited with having sent delegates to Brest-Litovsk. The possibility is, therefore, that Rumania hai-decided to.hold. aloof from discussing a separate peace, notwithstanding the fact that geographically she will be. completely isolated from her allies should Ihe negotiations result in Russia quitting the war. Amsterdam, Dec.
23. A dispatch received here from Brest-Litovsk, Russia, dated Saturday, says: "To-day at 4 o'clock in the afternoon the peace negotiations were begun a.t a solemn sitting. The meeting was attended by the following delegates: "Germany Dr. Richard von Kuehlmann, Foreign Minister: Herr von Rocenberg, Baron von Hoch. Gen.
Hoffmann and Maji -Brinekmann. "Austria-Hungary' Count Czernin, Foreign Herr von Merey, Freiherr von Wisser, Count Collerda, Count saky, Field Mairshal von Chis-ceries, Lieut. Polarny and Maj. von. Gluise.
"Bu'garia Minister Popoff, former (Continued On. Second Page.) pending clash are under Thursday's date. They include the arrival of Gen. Dutoff, with a strong re-cn-forced body of Cossacks at Ufa, where he suppressed Bolshevik organizations and continued his advance to Samara and Saratov. Orenburg is surrounded by Cossacks.
Ukrainian troops are said to be concentrated between Homel andj Bakhmatieh, while Bolshevik forces are gathering at Minsk. The Maximalist troops trying to reach Kiev were stopped by torn-up railroad tracks. The Rada is said to be in complete control of Odessa, and to have been joined by the Black Sea fleet. The Boisheviki have occupied Proskurov, in Podolla. The Syzran Soviet is said to have disarmed four Cossack regiments there.
All reports continued disconnected, however, and often contradictory. Liquor Looting Orgies. According to a dispatch to the Times, from Odessa, liquor looting' orgies similar to those In Petrograd occurred there with much indiscriminate shooting, incendiarism and destruction of property. Finally, representatives of the Soldiers' and Workmen's Delegates and the Rada co-operated, appointing a committee to restore order. A Reuter dispatch from Petrograd" reports that notwltihstandlng the state of siege, sacking of wine stores continues in the Capital accompanied; by the rioutous scenes now familiar.
Many shops and residences have been pillaged as well as the Danish Red Cross. Mobs have been attacked with machine guns, and at. one time there was a regular engagement in. the streets. The Moscow Soviet has decided to establish martial Jaw, but the reason for the action is not stated.
Trouble is recurring in Finland, and serious rioting has again broken out at Abo. The long-strained relations between Hie railway union and the commissaries have been broken and LOOK TO WEST FOR BIG GAINS Special Efforts To Be Made By Red Cross Workers. State Membership Campaign Closes At Midnight. ENCOURAGING REPORTS The entire Lake division of the American Red Cross, comprising the States of Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky, is looking to Western Kentucky to-day in the effort being made to maintain, that division as fivst in the United States in the Christmas campaign-for new members that has been in progress for the last week. The campaign will close at midnight to-night and efforts of the State campaign headquarters under the direction of Earl S.
Gwin, chairman, will devote its efforts to bringing out an unusually large number of memberships from the west of the State. Kentucky was divided into two districts by the main line of the Louisville Nashville railroad and the east has shown excellent results. The west, it was stated last night by Mr. Gwin, has not done so well, and it is to remedy this that special efforts will be made to-day. Encouraging- Telegrams.
Encouraging reports have been received from a number of points in the district, and Mr. Gwin last night was confident that surprising totals would be secured in the final day. Among the encouraging telegrams he ceived yesterday were the follow- From Sturgls, Union county: "Total membership 600. Send us 200 buttons. West Kentucky Coal Company has pledged us payable in twelve equal installments monthly." From Pembroke, Christian county: "Campaign at Pembroke will reach 250 new memlbers.
Red Cross workers very enthusiastic and territory well covered." From Elkton. Todd county: "Elk-ton Chapter is making the best effort possible. On account of bad roads it will be impossible to successfully canvass north end of county. South end of the county is coming up well. You may rest assured that we will work until the last minute.
Todd will total between 1,500 and 2,000 new members." From Henderson, Henderson county: "We are specializing on 100 per cent, homes and business houses. We have 11 long list and have secured nearly all the business institutions, including Delker Bros. Buggy Company. George Delker Company, all tobacco firms, banks, etc. We are prayerfully laboring with the cotton mill which will give us a big Urge Unanimous Membership.
In regard to the cotton mill at Henderson. Mr. Gwin said that a special would be made to induce the directors to subscribe memberships for all of their employes. "I will talk over telephone with officers of the company in the. morning." Mr.
Gwin said last night, "and urge them to become 100 per cent. Institution. The' cotiton mill district comprises about one-third of Henderson, and such a step would us materially. It will be pointed out that other business institutions thre have set the example, and they will be asked to follow it. which I have no doubt they will do." "Our work to-day will -be concentrated on Western Kentucky," Mr.
Gwin sontinued. "and every effort will be made to bring, that portion of the State up to its quota Reports from the Eastern div'sion show splendid results, and it is net proposed to have one section outstripped by another. All workers in the west have been (Continued On Second Page.) EYERY FIGHTER TO GET TURKEY Birds Arrive For -American Forces In France. Will Head Menus of Camps and Battleships REAL FEASTS' CHRISTMAS Washington, Dec. .23.
Every American'soldier ire France is to get his Christmas turkey, cranberry sauce, sweat potatoes and mince pie after all. T.he War Department an nounced to-night that delayed supplies for some units of the expeditionary forces" had arrived safely and that every member of the nation's armed forces at home and board would get a complete holiday dinner. Hundred's of thousands of pounds of the est turkeys to be bought in the Eastern markets have been sent across the Atlantic, not only "for Gen. Pershing's men, but for the bluejackets of the navy patrolling foreign waters. Bountiful provision also has been made for the army's training camps and cantonments and for the navy's stations and ships in home waters.
Battleship's Menu. One battleship has announced that its Christmas menu will be: Mock turtle soup, olives, roast turkey (sage dressing), gravy, cranberry sauce, potatoes au gratin, celery. roast loin of pork, mixed pickles, buttered beets, apple sauce, mashed sweet potatoes, asparagus salad, cheese and crackers, apple pie, chocolate ice cream, fresh1 fruit, nuts and raisins, coffee and cigars. The War and Navy Departments say no member of the armed -forces will fail to receive a Christmas to ken from home friends or from well- wishing -organizations of patriotic citizens. Transports have carried to France approximately pounds of Christmas gifts for the men of the, expeditionary forces through special arrangements made by the Government.
In addition to' 250,000 separate parcels handled by the military authorities and already-reported received, it is estimated that an additional 100,000 went directly through the mails. AH parcels were opened at an American port and their contents examined to prevent possible transmission of dangerous articles which might have been sent by enemies. Officers in' charge of this work have reported that the home folk sent their men a wide assortment of remembrances, most of which were appropriate for immediate use and ministered to the comfort of men exposed to camp or trench life. Plan Special Entertainment. Through the War and Navy Department commissions on training camp activities all camps, cantonments and stations will have special Christmas entertainment.
There will be athletic events, amateur theatricals, community concerts and re-liKious observance through the Y. M. K. of C. and Y.
M. H. A. organizations. There will be motion, pictures at many camps in the evening and regimental bands will furnish music' As on Thanksgiving Day the citizens of the communities in the vicinity of camps will contribute to the entertainment of the men with house parties, automobile rides and dinner parties.
Several fraternal organizations have made special arrangements for the entertainment of their membership at the camps. ENGLAND TO SEND U. S. CHRISTMAS WIESSAGE London. Dec.
23. The London papers announce that a "unique and historic" Christmas message will be sent from Great Britain to the United States on Tuesday. Ukrainians, In Control of Odessa, Are Joined By Black Sea Fleet; Many Killed In Petrograd Riots Petrosrad. Dec. 22.
Returns received from the hospitals, which are still far from being complete, show that 250 persons were killed or wounded in the fighting that resulted from the sacking of wine stores and private cellars. London, Dec. 23. The conflict between the Ukrainian Rada and the Bolshevik coromlttaries con-tinnes unabated. The Rada.
replying to an ultimatum of the Boisheviki. insists on creation of a Federal Socialist Republic, embracing Maximalists and Socialists, which it contends alone can' be competent to decide the question of peace for the whole of Russia. The Rada declares itself favorable to settling by peaceful methods political and national questions, but asserts that if the commissaries assume the consequences of civil war, it will accept the challenge and stop at no obstacles. One reason for the quarrel Is the Rada's refusal to permit breadstuffs to be sent to Northern Russia in consequence of the refusal by the commissaries to issue money to meet the needs of the Ukrainian Government. This stand, it Is stated, threatens eventually to starve the North, especially as Gen.
Dutoffs Cossacks held Chiliabinsk, thus preventing the transmission of supplies from Siberia. In the meantime the Ukraine has begun to issue it own notes. Clash. Apparently Impending-. Gen.
Verhovski, Kerensky's Minister of War. has offered his services to the Ukrain Government. Most of the reports of military movements in connection with the apparently im- 11 (Continued On Second Page) 4'.
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