Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • Page 11
- Publication:
- Detroit Free Pressi
- Location:
- Detroit, Michigan
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 11
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
14 THE DETR'OIT FBEE PREBS: BATTED AY, APRIL 1898 FOR PROPERTY. APRIL FOOL'S DAY. have In their hull, which tetralnates about April 1, a peculiarly similar fesUvaL lng which they dispatch people on tooll9h FOR SALE ACREAGE. ACCTIOS SALES. PROPERTY.
vai-vt TO LOAN on furniture, piano, dla- or any personal properly security ac PZmt, and honest money always The Sunken Cheek, Spare, thin, or undeveloped parts, filled otit by Leaueelle On- Baui natorets wonder for skin, complexion and flesh. Prevents tendency to WrinHes-Ageing or 'Withering of the skin, ordrving up of the flesh. Puts nevr life and youthful glow into the complexion. 50c. and at Druggists.
Large size prepaid by express on receipt of SLOO. E. S. Wells, Jersey City. Bough on Toothache.
Gives instant relief. 15c 34 Congress west. to ton on ttc nnd cBtutr-ls. turpi- idjny. borwfc etc.
low tM, pnyae. by MONEY TO I.OAX. ''SSrioWJJ Detroit na) ute. MOgjg 4 BEYMER. Hammond building.
--r--v I'D LOAN in sums to suit on reai estate lowest. tw of interest. T. BADF.U. Si Telephone KH.
rvrr TO LOAN oa real estalo good mortgages JOSEPH ItELANfiEIt. CrlswoM LOAN on city and farm proserty. "gN-V-AX, I Cricoid st. rSS to LOAN on Detroit real estate. HENKY Va -'14 Itandolph w.
o.w tTVvEY TO LOA on irau rvm wait. MAJUOX. Griswold St. ISttFY TO LOAN fl improved citv and tana tt correot rates. TWiLIXSOX MOSS.
fcl Hnoci Mock- rTXvrrrTOLDAN' on real estate on ii and ler West. WM. E. KONEY, Wfi Hammond 'Phone 7X4. rTftVPY TO LOAN on Detroit City real estate at "Si rites.
AW-ly to C. VAN HL-SAN. 2t SlSmood building. 'Phone .13. TO LOAN on mortgages in Wayne County, WALKEK.
IS Moffat imllding. 1 rTrr TO LOAN ftc Matual Life In- Miwe Couijianv, la sums- of S5.000 ami uj-wjirds SlrodartlTe real estate security at lowest rate. Ta; MOORE. Moffat AXD FOtlXD. rTw-rPnc doc stout mouths old.
Kewtml if rt-io loroeo rTwT Tjtrt dlaroraul rin. benv-y cold srttiuc. pteolni, March 4. on Monnx- filrf A reward SIM will nSd fir lb? return of same. Apply to WILLIAM Ticr Lady's sIItw ivatch.
oi-on face. wiiuiow "Sun tack case; ctoin atwebed. witii Jfart-Sjid chtrn. Keward if returned to SS Willis ifrSo ickt laiUioniuCum Market Petroit- Motor Company. FmutT plv-asf Si Wtlfr Woodward avenue railway eeiot.
CLAIRVOYASTS. UTTENTION" Free Fret Free t5t to all desiriac ttlng; Dr. J- Clifton, the wtdrful tnince ''rnedlam. iiB arrived; eryry hidden luystery in a dead tmiiee; tells Hie full naiae of eacn caller and of future husband "or wife, with re nod date of raarriajre: uive advice on divortv, contested wills, qwailations. etc: remove trouble, inHueni'es; brin the 1c--i cawa itt i-nns or stolen property; six questions answered by mail, 51: Jtk of hair; the- dfiV tree test- only to those desiring a si tuns, Stin- day included.
.66 Howard at. turner Second. Hoars, if nL to p. in. Come early and avoid rush.
MADAME SMITH liest, 40 Caiiierine st-, near Gratiot: 3- IRELAND, trance test and buMness me-- dlorn; private situnps daily: is permanently located Cortace Grove Chicago. Will be plad to see Detroit friends. EELLABl CLAJItVOYANT, gives advire on brines Jovers together: sittings 50c. MLLE. fAVSBEAUX H) Adams east.
BOARDING. BOAKDING Tate voar taealu at 26 Michigan besi and cheapest place in the city; single meals seven meal tickets. $1. Try it. CASS 'AVENUE HOTEL.
SI and 50 per day: special weekly rates; steam heut. electric light, lath, single meals lc; ill meal ticket. 13 DBTHOrr DTSEfG FAJ1LOKS. 223 Jefferson ave. E.
GAltLiCK, proprietor. Single meals, 25c; -1 meal tickets. $3. GO TO FItATCKER'S dbilng jmrlor, 63 Michigan for the Wst 2Tc meal in the city; DewJy furnlshwl and enlarged; 21 meals, $3. li-i wm! nrcTNro T'AIILOJi.
215 Michlin ave Hoaie-like place; square meal, 20c; "1 tickets THE UBILAP.Y DIXING ItOC'MS have been enlarged, newly derated and otherwise improved; the lirgeft. and most carefully conducted place in Letnjit: 21 meal cards $3 T0; dinners 52; single meals 2Tc; beaud lurnished 50 larrar st. 3IEDICAL. A DKS. KENNEDY KEBttAN.
6jciallsts in ehronis, blood, ririn and jirlrate diseases. US Shelby Detroit. Mich. WVIVDOTTE foiuro is no lionl.L telur In thf Ttic 1 still ou. 11.
L. tnaa ti i-yotiitji oslto'ef for business poor showing. rnp 62 feet on Cadillac Square, with good WTl BOBT. IHCNEK. 30 Hod, building.
FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE COUNTRY 3r.000 acres edar iaads sale in larzf tt on lake MU-higao or a-ar rail- TOdfrill "tidi inflation. Wayne Real tale Exchange. i TiT-rvvr cifr iti acres, ali improved, r'rame and' tero. near Bad Axe will ex- c-. -f0- c'tv App.y tj jAMi-a CUMMINS.
30s Buhl Mock, Detroit, FOE 4LF 32 f0r iine hardwo H. No. 45, Free iTess. ardwood im ier hind. Box H.
No. FOP. FARMS on St. Clair iliver. Harson Isie i Clair Fiats property, i.rosse Totnte G-eenrield lots.
Windsor property, city acre-4 lou" and residences, see WILLEMLN i- AUEEiil.rN, roo; ra 3. 10 Michigan are. A.YNX'AL 3IEETI.NGS. WE. the 110? all stockholders of the Cci-r'av iiereby aire notice tae.l there i a pSiV me-timr of, the sto.iholders of Slid company for the jwrpo.
o. a U.i.d i ip-i-jo-- i No. SO Molat b.ocU. on Friday, tie l.V-h r'-iv of Aorii, 15ii3. fit 2 o'ciocl: p.
1-Kh cjy W. BP.oOICS, U. G. RACE. -or of the -state t'f F.
M. Gamble.,,ra.or ot u. fTF GFLCH Gold Mining Company-Notice is ve-ebv the meeting the 'of'the Blue Gidca Gold Mining Mnjr will b. held at tie compares odit--.
WtedMf street. Detroit, on I-Vulay. April at 7:30 p. for the purp- director and transacting such oilier business as may come be-tore tne Ar.ONHELM. Secretary.
Detroit. March 25. Ktl3. BUtE GUIjI Gold Mining Contiany-NBtl. is given that tiie annual meeting of the of rhe Blue Gulch Gold Mining.
Company will be the company's office, ihjndolph vutn I-etroit. on Friday. April 7th. IniS. at 7:30 p.
m-. for the purjose of elecung directors and traiisaeling such other business as may come be-tore the meeting. AR0NHEI1Ii Detroit, March 25. it-i'3. CINCINNATI Saginaw Mackinaw Railroad Com-naur Notice Is hereby giren that tin annual genersl tne-'tlng of the shareholders of the Cincinnati, tsigi-cuw Mackitaiw Railroad Company will be held at lie coinpanrs office, in the City of Saginaw iE.tst transacting such other 1 tie S5mUTT.
Detroit, 14tb March. 13. STOCKHOU3EHS- MEETING Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockaolders ef thc Chicago Grand Trunk Railway Company will be bold at the company's otnee. In the Kuilto build-1-c in the Citv of Chicago. State of Illinois, on Wednesday, the 12ih day of April, at noon.
CHARLES PERCY. Secretary. Detroit, lllh March. 1SD3. TRAVERSE CITY RAILROAD COMPANY The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Traverse Cliv Itniiroad Compiay will be held in the office of Hon.
I'errv Hannah, in Traverse City. on Thursdsr, 'Mav 4th. ISM, at 9:30 o'clock a. for tne election o'f seven directors to serve for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other baseness as may be presented at the meeting. F.
A- GORHAM. Secretary. DISSOLUTIOX XOTICES. DISSOLUTION- OF nerehr given to whom it may coucerti that the firm of Rlggin" Mclntosb. located at the corner of Clinton and F.ivard streets, In tie City of De-troiu has been dissolved.
Persons having claims ag'nst the firm will kindly present them to T( illlam Pidgins w-bo will continue to carry on toe stone huslneW the old atand. LEGAL NOTICES. DEFAVLT having been made in the conditions of a cenain monaajie bearin? date the 32th day of April lSt2 executed by Michael Sullivan, widower, and Man- L. Sullivan, both the City of Detroit. Wayne County.
Miehican, panics of the first part, to the People's SavlnprJ Bank, a body corporate under th laws of the State of Mk-hlfiaa. of the same place, of the second part, recorded In U) office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Chanty of Wavue. on tho 12tb day of April. lSt)J. iu liber '303 of mortpapes.
on pape 253. by the non-pavment of the principal and interest due therein, the said bank Jn acwrdance with the term and conditions of said monpage. having declared the whole amount of principal and interest to be due and paj-able thereon oa account of default of the said first parties in carrying out and performing the conditions and tras or said mortgage, by which the lower of sale therein contained has become oirative, and on wbich mortgage there is claimed to I due nt the date of this ootice for iri'ipal and Interest the sum of Ave thousand one mindr-d and Klity-four dollar and seventeen cents (S5 lOi 17t. and the further sum of thirty-rive dollars Provided bv law as a reasonable atumey fee the foreclosure of said mortgage, and no suit at law havmp been instituted lo recover the amount renialnlng due and secured by said mort--ace or nnv part thereof, notice is hereby given on TueVduv. the 15-tu day of April, 1393.
at 32 o'clock local time, at the westerly front entrance of the City llalL in the City of Detroit, County of Wavue and SUttu of Michigan, said City Hall being ilie ttiliding la wfcicii tiie Circuit Coiai for the Count of Wavne is held, there will be sold public) auction, to the highest bidder, the promises eribed in said mortcsge. or so much thereof as urn- he necessarv to satisfy the amount epecined, with ir.t--.-eSL thyreon at the rate of six per cent; annum, and the attorney fee. costs, charges End of this foreclosure alloi by law and provided for by said mortgage, saul pr-'miscs U-ing described as follows: The east naif thi ot lot numbered one 11 and the cast half of lot num-Ivered two i2) in block numbered cmety-two i'JJi of the fass farm, according lo a plat recurded in the offi'-- of the Register of Deeds in and for countv, in UN-r 1 of phits. at paces 375 and in tho City of Detroit. County of WajTie, and istats of Michigan.
Dated Detroit, January IS. 3S03. THE PEOPLE'S SaTOGS BANK. Mortgagee. J.
T. KEEN A. Attorney for Mortgagee SALE Notice is hereby giv(en that bv virtue of a license to me graiiu-d on te fourth day of by the Probate "Hirt of the Co'ucrv of W.irae. of Micijiiain. in t-e matter of the estate of JOSEPH KES.I-ER.
ce-c'-as-d. 1 vill sell at public auction tii bidd'-r on Tiiiirlav, the fourth day of May. 1 at twelve clock nota cf that day. at the Gnfvola of the Citv Hall, in the City Detroit of W-ms. State of MicMgun.
all the richt. Lnterest of said deceased ia acd to pare'! of lanfi d-'-scribed ss beginiiinir at a ftandmg on the northesjit comer of Jot number iZ oi Mviins" subdiviftion of the part of fifteen (35). Lieb ftirsu on The wurh of Mack street, thr-nce north. decrees f.ivtT along fciM line of Mack street, thirty .20 Ui. to a ist; juth.
20 degrees east, pa mile wita the lot one (11. one hundred twenty-seven and 2S-3W il27.2S feet to a thence and 7-300 (30.07) feet to sontbS5t corner of jot one 3'; thence 20 west, aionr th line of ssid lot one Hi. one hundred Yv-nin and S5-300 il23.3S) feet to the place of b-ginnins. being a jxir. of the et-sivrly pan of outlet 35.
berwcea Preston and Jiack strc-vts. Uie of County of Wayne, State v. ili- Detroit. March 17 i. 3S93.
MARGARET KE5SLER. Administratrix of estate. ADMINLS'TRaTOR? SALE. Is tae natter use estate of JANE LOIIRA KING, dased. Notice is herebv civn that bv virtue of a license cranted on the fourt'-enth day of Marec.
A- l. 3 -X. bv tiie Prolate Court for the State of Mi--Mean, to me, the de tv-nis non vum tcstaiaeoio aaneio or --'id estate. I 6hall sell at public auction to the blgh-est bidtior Mondav, the first cay cf May. A D.
twelve" o'clock saindard time, sit the entrance to the City te ft Count of Wryae and ttat-e o. the foUowinc described -s or parcels of land to tsaid The north -inc-haif t.f Kt numl-ereu i-the soutci Fide of -abridge street of tne niMi-visi(Q of the Charles Moran farm, tsfrcal T'- silA Cr.v f.f Itrtn-it. of nT: eiirhtef-n U) f--et of the snstherlr tfcrty-six (. -eer -the wes-crlv sixrv C0 feet of lot C-i. c' wH'-z.
fK- i4 to the Governor and "judges- plan of Detroit, to said City cf Lv-troit, of Wavae and fctate of Micagan. and known 'as nianber 4S Woodward avenue, in said City of Detroit. Dated March 17. 1S03. JAMES J.
McLAJN. AdmlnisTT-iior d- lonis non cum tesmento aaneia WILLIS G. CLARICE. AUocney for Ebtate xonCE. In the matter of th estate of John Michael Schrnitz.
deceasei We. undersigni-d. having been appointevl by I rolia Court for the Countv of Wayne. State of M.cingan. G-nimissioners to receive, examine and ail ckdtas and demanfis of all persons a3lK do h---rebv give notice that we wjil mee.
at the orlice of Baver i Fox. rtota tS Mcoraw building, in said county, on Monday, tne twenty-fourth day of April. A. D. 1S93, and on Thursday the car of A.
I. ie. at ju o'clock a. m. of "each of said days, for the puri of examining and allowing said claims, and t-at six months Iran the thirteenth day of March.
A. V. IStio. allowed said oonrt for creditors .0 Iiresent their claims to us lor exs-niiiation ami allowance. Dated March 17th, 1S93.
ILiBTLV BATSIt, HENM J. FOX. Cuatlnissloaers. LARGE FARM, tine house. acres plowed ali to ioy sr la-m in i vcawtWrt.
v-rv tie fT-Jf i 110 sons. The fact that April fMltng ail over tne globe; ana on day. Indicates that the anniversary; has had an early origin amontf Swift. In his letters tt Stella. -imtes.
31. 1B3. about the arrarnrements that ne aria, his friends. Dr. Arbuthnot and L-tdy Ma-sham, had made for the circulation of a lie for the morrow," whereby everybody was to be beguiled into Believing umi oiijv.
come to life again, and was In the hands or tne snenn, wno was in a quiuiuuj to what tils duty requirea or. aim the "Vicar of Wakefield" Dr. -Gold-, smith savs that "The rustics, showed their wit on the 1st of AprtL Anvti 1st a noted a rnncs nnrl there are traces of its preva lence there at an earlier period than In England- or instance, it reiauw til. wife. ttTnncis.
uutte ui iuci being in captivity ia tpelr escape on April 1. Disguising themselves the gates of the clt, In the early nours. uui a. v----. tn tho tilnrm.
The sentr- onlt laughed at her and ac- cu.ett ner ot aivii take was discovered, but it was then too late, as tne lugitives utie. r-- rne people 01 tusuoii, o. vj: carnival of nonsense sttnilar to the Amc0-- can ceieDration oi a ivsjis hold it for two days the Sunday and day before Lent. Some who have given the matter study ascribe to April fooling a biblical origin. They assert that the custom of one on a oootiess eci-auu of April is a travesty of the sendlnff hither ana tnitner oi tne ou.viuv Calaphas and from Pilate to Herod, because -during the middle ages this scene In Christ's lite is made the subject, of a plav at Easter, which occurs near the 1st There is a tradition among the Hebrews that the custom of making fools 1st of April arose from the fact that oah a Awn.
rt. nf tnA sent out iiiu uuve uic corresponding to our April before the water had abated. To perpetuate the memory ot the great deliverance otoah ana ni? lamuy ii i.iiiu. r-t anniversary to punish persons who haa forgotten the remarkable circumstanca connected with the date by sending, them on some bootless errand slmllari to that on which the patriarch sent the; luckless bird from tho windows ot the ark. Washington Star.
AX EASTER. PARTY. Uotv "Egit Ilnntii" Are Conducted foi Hie Amu.cmcnt of Children. Easter of late years has come to be almost as great a festival for the children as Christina's, and there Is almost as much rrifrmniriTir nmnnir them. In the olden- time there was a lively interchange of Easier eggs grotesquely oolored by 6ewins mi-in l.ito of rnlirn nnd bolllnc- them In a kettle of water strongly tinctured with lye- These partl-colorcd eggs were sntufneinrv If bestowed in sufficient numbers, and there was great fun among the young people as tney ran irom uou to house ''cracking The egg was.
first used, no doubt, as typical of the resurrection and served tho purpose for many, many years; in these days It requires a whole farm yard, and, upon the tables, spread -with Easter gifts for: the children are to be found settlngr- nens, crowing rooBtcrs, big and little rabbits, young chick-. ens, geese and ducks, bonbon boxes, all of them to be filled with aweets. So much for the gifts. For a great many years It has been the custom for the children of Washington City to assemble upon the White' House lawn and roll eggs down the smoothly, shaven terrace. Year after year-the crowd of children has untl! now "Easter Egg Roll" Is quite: as.
much looked forward to as the Fourth of dreds of children with their baskets of eggs, hasten to the lawn on Easter Monday afternoon. From this custom no doubt: there-has grown the fashion of merry-making for the children on that day. One. of the: prettiest forms Introduced in the last year fa the "Easter Egg HunL" XiltJ ill imviuiw v. cut in th shape of an egg In two pieces and, 1 nil n.l.Vl Urltfhl lieO tOgetltei fllUWl.vUM ribbons, holes being perforated made as fanciful and artisUc aa ponlbler iney may ue vices to be kept as souvenirs.
On tne ...1 .1 tn nf-tattt An -IT1 fancy lettering In On the the one side should be written F. Moreton requests uie iaw Wfc i company for an Easter egg hunt with Misses trrace anu hiiui, 3871 Beaconsfield place." On the opposite lutlA -nfiftll or verse. For the entertainment of the number of eggs. dycoV or Prj: mentea in some vay. uuiieu unu, u-.
Among them may be candy eggs or bon- sources of great delight the xnese eggs snouiu an ut arately in as many rooms as the hostess chooses to set apart for the the children must be given full liberty, to search for them. For each child roust be prepared a pretty little egg-shaped satin 1JV1 onrl tllttArM-l In his or her namct Id these bags they win place me vkh ZA one who finds the greatest number should i.j nn. rnvnl, Tlr-UttV aPIl- shaped trifle. When they are through with the num tuey niwuh "crack eggs," which they know well enougn now iu uu, cracks the greatest number of eggs there must Be prepujeu 1" 'VT. 'hnV candy egg, or an egg-shaped bonbon, box, filled with sweets.
Then from two bags one for the boys and. one for the glrls-in which there, have been placed exactly as many eggs as there are children, each child must draw an egg, and the boys must seek as partners the girls who have drawn eggs matching incolor or ornamentation those which have tallerrto, their lot Then when the march Is player! they will go Into the dining-room, wnero the Easter feast is spread lor this. the table should be laid with a snowy cloth, of line damask, hemstitched and strewn with should be Hies- From the chandelier above should be suspended a large belt of srrdlax white lilies. In nests of ferns should be niaeed white covered dishes representing -hens upon their nests. Upon removing, the, cover a nebt vi auv sugar chicks will be discovered, must be given at iavwi tw each plate must be laid a liand-palnted menu caru wnu a suitable motto on one side, and on the other an' Kaster menu, whici umi be arranged with special reference to the occasion: tne ucumw egg-shapJ browned and laid In a nest ot narsiey.
tne cnicaeii uvyuci-w, may repose in a nest of green peas. Lgg. kisses may be filled with sherbet. Egg-shaped ices may be served in nests of pis-, tache cream, aDd Delmonico cream cnickt-ens may be laid in chocolate neuu, or, creams representing lilies may beusedv Eae-sbaped confections may. disposec in nests of spun candy, and the coffee ma served in fine china representing egr shells St.
Iuls Post-Dispatch. The Ea.ler Tank. Mrs. Mann-It Is strange that you can-; not hold the baby a few minutes, when you used to be able to hold me on your lap for hours at a time. Mr Mann The young one 1 so He squirnVs and fy JJ.3Si didn't kick the least Wt--IndlanapoUji Journal.
The Hyurlenlc Treafmeiit of Contl-, tlon and Ordinary Sir John Andrews, the English professor, believes tiat in tie vast majority of cases constipation may be snwse-illy overcome by taking a teaspoonttU of tbe -renulne imported Carlsbad Sprodel Salt dissolved in a tumblerful of water (half a pint), cold or hot, early in the morning, and, If necessary, on going to bed. ner MendeUon Sole Agents, 152 and 154 Franklin Kew York. ACREAGE on and near Grand River ave nil inside circle; the electric car vjJl te ci-letided past this summer; we sell tor the See liU ijriswoiu ei- UOn MAI-S or th Wooairarfl ftml of )it--ciit. KbotPine 10.CO0 acre UrwDntid ana r.ural Oak Towtishiits. KumwL HsshlaiM ar.
J'-rftu1 Park. Cabin Oidpar.y I'rlaliirvsi. Knval tak and jiropcrtT eil'jer o. Vt.vJward ave. 12 miles nortii of Uie Ey'-ilst'-arL.
For sale A. GODFREY tiiraaercJal iibnuimiiiers. 41 Wi Fort Tel. V'E HAVE SO af-res lor sale on the PlTao-Jtn rosd will pell for more per acre than price asked. See GP.l.VDLEY.
ACRES ON THE D-, G. H. M. ninr tb city: for manufactui'jng. R.
E. HULL. McGraw bc'ldinr. GRATTOT AVE. 76 acres, about mile $400 p-sr acre; will tate wine trade, BEYMER, D22 Hammond building.
FOR SALE RESIDRXCE PROPERTY. Sr.O hou-'. No. bays CltAWFORD 745 N-vf liousr. eight rt-rn: lsr.
buti) hut. and coid wat-r. lot -V'1-; came itrto my bauds thrones forfeiture; wii! at a bfircaiu: key at 741. 0.
K. 31 Graw building. $200 down buys new cottage; lot 30359. No. 3224 Scott en OWN YOUR HOME Will build for anU upwards: small jtayaient down.
KEI.LOGtj IJAMS, 31 Lafayette ave. VERY CHEAP 10-room frame house on 40x372 ot modem Improvements. Inquire on premises, 245 Hancock east. 3 00 down buys brand new 2-story bouses on or Lanri'-y or new cottage on BrecUe-ridee or Sixteenth sis. Buy of owner.
WIDI-COMB. 31 Lafayette ave. A COTTAGE with nine rooms, paved street, and swwer, lot 30xR. two blocks from cars, only $2,000. See It.
HUNGERFORD, 650 Grand Kiver ave. Tel. 212. 3 R. 50x ISO-Two houses, comer Fourteenth and Dal-y-IlA- owner? dir'-cis me to submit some kind of offer; easy terms.
KEATING, 30 Moffat bunding. tsrf'fivn 74f For sale, ridenre: 11-rooin brick; modem throughout. o3G HamntfUjtl GUAP.O:TEEr-12 3-2 per cent in vestment: uree Ikius-s. Lamed St. east: S4.300.
J4.200; ujiisi U- sold at osn-e: this wuj uoi ke-p. 'Phone 2131. JoS. L. IiARRUS 0 TON, 40 I ort st.
west. down, hnbiijce easy terms, buys new -s-urj-' house. No. 321t; ScoHeu pav-d. VOW THAT YOU intend to move and want to ouy a home let me know what you want and where vou want it: vi will be deal; with honestly, -t cost vou nothing, and you will get a Ur-gaiu through me.
tFRED A. i'ARENT, 34 Moffat 10CE. i ejejiaoiic lo. SSr. monili steady incoxc New doulde bouse oa Alfred St.
lor Kile; eay terms. 10 ailnej Ouent iioUfie nioci FOw SAI Tare" frame nouses. norUieaft comer liirper und John R. streets; owner iearins town. AJpJJ 11 nailiei a e.
1O-HO0M 1 frame botjpe and bam: ali new; lot 40x145- seAvcr'jmd water; oa Fourtecnlti ml- SsVoob: tbls is a hat-pain. HCNGEUFUKD, Gnmd Hirer ave. Tel. 2131'. 3 I'-inus.
EAP.GAIX New modern liouse. lot. 1315 Third roams, cellar, uatb. hot water, oaotel, hardwood finish thrai shout; small payment down balance monthly; call and see it; cars pass tne uij" FOP. SALE frame house on 1 foundation, 10 rooms and ljuh rJ.
nous" pood as new. F. 1. (-island buildinc. SI 00 will bur a monthly payment contract on which S31.1 lias been paid: new nods, eifht rtoms.
hot. and cold water, bath room, cellar; tialance now due on contract alfflil lot 2Sxia- or will radiance for unincnralred lot. C. K. BACKUS.
SI McGraw baiMil. S10.000 will liny a payint: inveiuuenl a flue double brick residence, near ood ward ne Inquire for full particulars of HAA. (Iri-wold tt. VAV.GE LIST of houses to select from; 'ris $000 tT 512.000. HCXCEliFOKD.
kt'O Gnmtf ltiver ore. Tel. 213:. 3 Modern house, rooms, bath and cellar; must be sold quiet. 711 Wabash ave.
FOR SALE Those new bouse. Mil" and S1 Last Lsirued st. Inquire 1001 Jegercsou ave. BABCADCS in houses, lots and jchanc. Call me and save money.
305. L. 4U Fort st. west. K4(X( down, balance easy u-rms.
Iwys new lionse and bam: lot SOilu'J. 121S Seolten paved. SEE THAT 10-roOtn brick bouse on Seldcn between Yo(idward and Cass: only Su.sOO: capest home in the dir. HUXCEKPOKD. 850 Orend Hirer ave.
Tel. 2132, 3 K. EESIPEXCES FOP. SALE 52.SCO 2-story frame on Twenty-first, near mow- ard: nice borne, with barn. S2.S0O 2-storv frame on Seventh, nearY, arrej.
$3.10 2-ston- frame on Hudson, near Crawford. home on Pianette, four blocks ub of Wot'dward. S3, 000 Vcrv nice home on Fourth, near LanMey. 53.500 New bouse, nearly completed, on Hudson. near Crawford.
S4.5M to Yerr nice places, frame and lirici, on Fourteenth and Trumbull. Also residence property from Sl.SuO P5 $13,000. If in ant of a good home please call at ou Hodges block. easy terras buys new 2-story bom 1210 Seotien paved. FOP.
SALE Complete modem cc.tta;e oa one of best streets, below liancc-k and only block and half from contains etpht rooms, with larce laill, liath room, hot and cold wat-r. furnace, eie-caut oak mantel, with trrate. natural pas and cellar: lot 0. nicely sodded, shade trees, plenty of voting fruit trees. 70-ffxil prape arlw.
vita different rari---ties of arapes; idea! home 'or sruan fSilv: price half ash. BOOT. THUNER. 30 Hwlgfi bulidina. E1CHT-K0OM 2-story house, vcjti 01 feet 'ronttice on Nineteenth for saje at a bargain.
Lall Uf-on owner. yOVN.M:. lii ae. WHY PAY P.ENT when you can buy a house and lot for less than your rent you has them, lie is at ST.O Grand Eiver ve. Tel.
2132. 3 B. eas-v terms, buys bo pin and St-oueu worth 3224 SeoTwn are. ise near Inquire A FEW verr desirable new 2-story homes vrttn Itath rtom and cellar, some brick basemen: and furnace: modem and well built: on Lysander. Forest or Putnam near Trumbull for from $2,900 to $5,000.
on ion? time, on payment of from $250 and upwards, first payment, baiunee monthly ur otherwise. A. Et'NCLAKK, 422 Hammond building. FOlt SALE $500 down and balance oa time wlii bur any of the nve new modem brick residences in" U-st parts; of city; prices S3.500 to $1,500. C.
K. LATHAM. D7 Moffat buiidiuc. BEST PITL'ATED SITE for summer home an Detroit Itirer. Canadian side, just K-iow "unt Kiln hiah bank: two trains, two 1-oat to Detroit each day: eiti-tric railway by August: ciir water, Cre protection and electric bait- lioz No.
4ti, ree 1'rts. worth 34.000. tit new bacdweae 10-room 43S Puuiam furnace. b.ith. hot and cold water, hardwood finish, concrete pavement: cash or monthly payments.
Apply on premises. Kfi.rtOO-3'or sale Inside mile and half circle. house built by owukt for homestead; paved street, half block from large seivol, two blocks from clK-tric car line: the preitkst place in Detroit for tfce price. FRED A. PARENT, 34 llofrai JEFFERSON AE.
RESIDENCE New, centrally foisted, with evtry modem convenience, for sie chca'i. should sell at once for the price ofit-r iu Postomce rax 9.. city 4S1T- See comer Ferry and Hastings. Vthatji vou give for it'- No huildine restrk-Uuss. Eay VffTrns.
ICEATLN'G. 30 MtSat buildliig. Hl'GE-lFOItD. S50 Grand River h35 tie choicest election of new houses snd vacant low; fw- im b--fta-e buvinic and he will save you money. Tel.
212, 3 REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. LOT TO EXCHANGE Will take bicycle as part pavment: cushion or pneumatic Michigan CALL AT S50 Grand River and exchange vour lot for fine new house this spring. HCN'jLs-FORD has them and can make you a good exchange. Tel. 2322.
3 R- SI 200 Elegant cottnee and 50-foot lot. 733 Wesson will exchange for vacant property. PETER P. attorney -at- Is o4 and 05 Hammond Imiiding. FOR SALE BCS1XESS PROPERTY.
centrally kKau-d. specially to kiaus of business. For one wishing to get place tor oorage. machine." carriage, blacksmith leg buciness, he will erect a building atlapted his puriose? Apply DR. STEWART, 440 Jefferson ave.
ATTENTION, INVESTORS. Eiesan brick block on Grand River 3 stores, flats and club room, all rented: cellar tinder all: natural ens; pays over HI per cent cross on price asked; small payment down, balance at (J per cent to suit parcbaoer: this ii Utr than Wyandotte acreage. -qqwnIE 4L3 Hnrrey-M bulldinfi AT'CTION SALE of.horys and fann implement at ipsilunti. TuesdJiy, April 4. at 10 a.
at the stock farm formerly ei-vuit-d by O. Wardell: 3 Nr.polwm mare. 1 Col. Pepper mare. 4 4-year-old 3 bn.od nwin-.
3 span Perehcroa said Clydtsdnle mares. 3 span Pert-heron 3 colts. lillies. 1 saddle pony. 1 mare kaou-n ns th- Fisher mare.
3 gliding, Jim Fisk. ytsire tlil; 3 slwrt-iioru Durham row, 3 spring wkjtou, 2 lumber wapia, 2 eirui. 1 buggy. 4 sets harness and all of the ftirm Implements, which are nearly new; rew-rve tir liait: M. C.
R. train leaves Detroit at a. m. O. WARDELL 6c SONS, Auctioneers, oSlces 12 Walker tele-pboue 1J57.
AlCriON SALE Horses. carriacf3 end harnesses. I.ittroii SUibles, 204 Griswold Saturjiay at -t- ArCTlON S.IE2-?iorv frame bouse. S51 Sl-venih betwee-u rort-st mid Hantroei: Thirsdny. April 0.
at 5 p. the pri-mises; -rom house, with liath rtm, nearlv new. papered and in Al neigh Ik rhod. and fruii tre, lot SOs we Lave he-n Instructed to sell without otvner Jeaviuc the city: atistract and perfect title: tt-rnss one-third i.sli. bahtace oa iuvx time: dav of saie.
A. Br.M'L.-UlK. ffCt-ut. O. WARI'EIX SONS, auctioneers.
CaHet 32 Walker bi'tk. Tel. 3257. Al'CTlON SALECotUige and lot, 255 AnUiao b--tweeD St. Abiti and Dutwis Saturday.
April 3. at 5 p. on the premises; this is a 7 -room cottage in eood condition: paved sir-eE; lot and will" be sold to the highest bidder and without reserve, to settle up the estate; if you want a gusd Investment attend the sale: al-stract and j.rfet-t litl: terms cash: $50 cay of sale. O. SONS, Auctioneers, omte 32 Walker block.
Tel. 3357. CH ATTEirMORTG AO SALE, liy El'in Jerome 227 Jf-Sersj xitiirdRy. April 3. 30 o'clock 2 ixwewwxl pianos.
3 organ, 2 nice mantel mirrors. 3 pier mirror. 3 jdllar ex; tfTLSion tabic, 32 Jithr wat and back cnairs, pidi'lvtards. Itds, beddinc. springs, mattresses, gas, heating stoves und nmges.
AUCTION SALE. 32 Cadillac Square, Saturday, April 1. 10 a. m. Can, parlor.
bd-room suites. 2 show CffUnters. refrigerators, water fronr ranges, cooking stoves, gasoline sfves. 2 office desks. 1 stand-up desk.
We will give you a barcain on low 12 and ifS on Weston near Gnmtl River in Reuutne Gschwind's subdivision, sixe ItUilOo: also some tine lots on Trowbridge. Sidney. Hortoa and Hancock aves. get our prices. ROTHTeLL i)2 Griswold st.
WITHIN THREE-MILE CIRCLE New sulKii vision: lots on Moran, Frederick and Farusv.orth: eiis' terms, release clauses, only down: Sii.OOO profit in sight. C. K. UACKCS, til McGraw building. 20 acres west side of Twelfth near SI.
7i.i0 i-er ncxe: sumil payment only needed. KEATING, oU -iloiiat iitmumg. U-1 YOT" WILL P.i.'Y a lot or bouse and Jot near Warreti ave. west you will make nice profit t- fort- tall. Hl'NGERFORD has them.
S5S Grand Kirer ave. uei. SOO fct just off Woodward at a bargain. E. W.
MACLEOD, room 2. i'4 Griswold st. WINDSOR man, here is a chance to make tuonev; 1 have four lots, size feet, on Lilian ku; building restrictions, watr and tide; walks: will sell for cash or on easy terms: 525 doti and $5 a month. Cull or address WM. H.
-BYIiXE, 10S and 130 Michigan comer Coss St. FOR SALE 52 feet P.ou levard frontage, corner very cheap. Inquire C. E-. MITCH rLU Valpey's Shoe House, 154 Gratiot ave.
THINK OF THAT corner lot oa Fourteenth Jxl45 vewer and water, ouiv 51.000. Ht'NGER-FOHD. S50 Grand ave. Tel. 23S2, 3 R.
WESTMTN STEf AVE. 50 feet or more at a Itarwiin if taken at once: owner needs money. Address bt-tr F. No. 2.
Free Press. ACREAGE PRICES Lots, single or in blocks. Fort st. west and Kircheval ave. Rapid Transit.
Prices will go up iu 10 days. Buv now; elegant chance for a money maker, JOS. L. HARRLNGTON, 'Phone 21SL 40 Fort st. west PUTNAM AVENUE Lot 37x127.
north side, between Crawford and Fourth; $100 cheaper taan the market price. Apply to CHAS. S. HOCbli, FOR P.ALB lts 10, 33 and 21 Euclid ave. In flrst Mock o.T Woodward ave.
1L H. M1RRA1. liuni SHO each buv? two of the finest lots on Edgewwd OakwiKHl comer, one block from electric care- thi is S3 50 less than tbe market price. GLADSTONE near Woodward One lot for sale fur client. S'2Q0 less than our price; has sewer and water.
M'LAUGHLLS 5 Moffat block. 70x100 north side Brady near Brush. 4yrl70 north side Ferry ave. 40x1 G5 north side Putnam ave. 40ilfid Merick ave.
at Second. Haneiick ave. at Antoiue. Sr120 Fiu-nsworth st. at Iloldeu ave.
at Cass. 30x325 Stanley ave. at Crawford. Iztfavette ave. at Scvtten.
KOxlSO Tillnian ave. at Warren. 50x3 SO Twenty-third at Warren. K0x315 Vinewrod near Grand River. Xh-se are choice lots.
For prices and terms see GrindleV Real Estate Exchange, 375 Griswold st. LOT FOR SALE, comer Harrison ave. and Hazel st-, JOOxSO. at bargain. AiT-ly 210 High st- wesu S2.00U onlr Block of 30 lots near Mi.
Elliott this is $100 per lot less than adjoining; cash required. Bo J. No. HO. Free iress.
FERRY north side, between John R. and Ilrush. cbtiice lot 50 ltil; JAS. ROACH. 2S3 Wooijward ave.
S200 buvs lot ou Reaume near Grand River; 550 Box 11. No. 50, Free Press. 300 buvs 5 Jots fin Lakevlew near Jefferson owner oliliged to sell: adjoining lots each: $3Wi uown.
i. -o. s-, ir uw. WESTMIN STER AVE. 50 feet or more at a bargain if takrn at once; owner Uveds money.
Address box No. 35. Free Press. MONEY ADVANCED TO BUILDERS. We sell lots small payment duwn.
"Tind advance monev to build with, STONE. TODD 337 Hanunoud building. jc-iVS buys '2 iots on Dauiorth near liadlaior Worts; easy lerms. uy atuui FCR SALE CHEAP Nice building lot oa Hamlin 2 1-2 blocks from Woodward. Apply to E.
A. Li. imie noes, ark. 50il80 feet, west side of Field between St. Paul and Acnes, one of the choicest building lots on the east side.
H. E. KENNY, 33 Whitney Optra House block. ARE YOU LOOKING for a real estate snap: will find in SU Clair Heights the greatest real estate liar gain ever offered. Call or address Grisu-old st- (Basement.) WOODWARD AVE.
Elegant. corner. Inside 4-mile circle: easy terms, KEATLN'G. 30 Moffat butlding. LOT on l-aiitfley.
between Fourth snd Crawford. M. THREE IjOTS on west side Holeomb two blocks fntm Jefferson; will sell cheap. Inquire of owner, 244 Concord ave. FOR SALE ACREAGE.
57 OOO will buv a farm of 177 acres twenty miles Lorth of Detroit. H. A. WELLS, admmlstrawr of estate. Rr-r-hester, Mich.
50 acres. Eichxath st, plats prfection. Can "been sold for. KEATING. 30 Moffat Hi CRES on Twelfth near city limits, at a "barcaLi: will subdirlde inw 217 lots; -'M-fl" aT-m down: balance on easy- terms.
D0VME, 4.13 HammonQ ouums, 1G acres four miles from City Hall, east of Woi- ward: ready mr .7 IcLicce to Kit purchaser; t-il and te DOWN IE. 433 Hammond bat UrNGERFORD Srt0 Grand River has a nice acn-s of land on Gnoid River. 20 miles from onlv per acre, joae, water: those wishing a nice farm see it. Tel. 3 It.
$850 per acre. 40 acres on the base lint-; cast of 2, t'i st. 1 iMvi? --w 3,. M1LLE3I, of the Wyandotte Real' Estate 'Exchange, for a new map of the City of Wyandotte and its saourbs. GRAND RIVER AVE.
ACREAGE I have a most desirable piece at acres, having a. frontage 2,500 feet; good buildings, and at a low jirice. Here Is a good chance. Prices are away down just now. KEATING.
30 MoCat bldg 40 seres on Snyder road, close to Grand River good terms. See GRLVDLEY. 375 Griswold st. HaVE at present the choicest Wyandotte acreage tint was ever put on the market. R- L.
M7T, Manager, Wyandotte Real Estate Exchange. LAND MAPS, showing the river property from Detroit to Trenton, including the itouge district, lvcorss. Wruadoite and victnUv. Grosse Be and Tri-itun. For sale by A.
GODFREY Jc cccn-mercial photographers, 41 West Fort st. TeL 21i3. li acres right on Giand River close Li'-'T-oois at low prices- See GR3NDLEY, 27o Griswold su I HAVE for sale several desirable tracts ot land at nx-derate prices, abo several blocks of lots and esmli acre tract, which I cosslder flrst-class ia- vestrneuts. ii. aai urtswoia su "YANDt'TTE We have choice property at Wyandotte; from live acres to 200 acre lots; come and tee for yourself.
R. MILLER, Manager, Wyan-4otse Rtai Estate srhiiio THE PRACTICE OF PLATIXG JOKES IS ALMOST raiVERSAl. THE ORIGIN OP THE CUSTOM I.OST IX AXTIftVITY. Some A-prll First Tricks Tliat Have Ac-Quired Xotorietr. April 1 is the day when a big part the world makes a monkey of the other part, when trousers were sewed up before breakfast, when doughnuts arc stuffed with cot-toti and when coffee is salted; the day when the knowing boy dispatches a younger brother to see a public statue, descend front its pedestal at an appointed hour, and when the funny acquaintance inijulres of a young lady "why her bangs won't stay bung," only to chuckle "April fool" at her when her hand flies up to her head.
From lime immemorial April 1 has been consecrated to foolishness. Accounts differ as to the origin of the anniversary. All sorts of theories have been advanced, hnr two Each race has its own explanation for the queer customs practiced on this date. In this country- the day has been made mDmnrahle he QCinifv extensive hOaXCS. nt th.
TTvnr iphrie.d was that per petrated on the people of lors. snread that the lions, tigers and other wild animals had escaped form their cages in Central ParK ana were wading In human gore the streets of the city. The population nearly dropped dead with fright, and for hours the nf TvfiiP-facod Sew Yorkers peering anxiously around street corners In fear of beholding prowling beasts was quite common until the discovery was made that it was all an April hoax. In Boston a report was once circulated on April 1 that vile hoodlums had defaced the Coegswell fountain on the Common with several yards of green paint, curious Bostonians flocked by the thousand to the spot, expecting to behold a scene of desecration, aii tney without a sign of green paint. Ihe only green in signt was menisci.
11W T. Barnum, wbse name Is Indelibly associated with shows, once took advantage of the anniversary 01 peculiar way. He announced on his circus posters, in naming letters, red as a Ho-boken sunset, that "the greatest show on earth would exhibit in the afternoon of that day a special and extraordinary feature, a norse witn nis ntuu nuviv be." The public swallowed it; people fell over eacn otner 10 sei -r see the most marvelous animal on the face ot tne eartn; ana tney a eommon. everyday horse backed into his stall with his head where his tall ought to be. wv.tto thft inti.
sihowman succeeded in humbugging the public in this way, he was i.nnt bini.intf hv an Amil fool joker. It was during his initial days in managing a circus, when he was showing in a coun- mien rbat unknown to him, a com mercial traveler stopped in the same place anu conceived tne tucu. in the dav, witich was April 1, by fooling Bar- num. ioiiciiiiii a pie the drummer told them that he was going to pass them into the show free, and that all they need do was to follow him, wnicn tiiey tent where Barnum was busy taking tickets, the drummer rushed up to him with a handful of cards and said: "Just count these men as they pass In, ending with the one in the straw hat. "All right," and Barnum began: Phree, ix nine," and so on, while they passed by him and were quickly lost in the crowd.
"Twvirv boon tne straw iuil fu. bawled Barnum, and turned round for the tickets, out tne genueiiioii questeu nim to uuuui. v. num saw that it was too late to search for -he twenty who naa taaca msiue iue and accepted the situation with philosoph ical resignation. Evervone Is famiiiar with the modern Anril "fool confectionery luscious lemon drops filled with whisky, which travels dow-n the throat ot the horrified prohibitionist victim; chocolate creams that are only cotton and caramels dosed with cayenne pepper.
The choice perfecto, which explodes before it is half smoked, is another old trick, while the bulgintr pocketbook lying at your feet with a string to it and Vie innocent hat that is full of bricks when someone kicks it are all well known. The man who gathers crowds in the street to gaze up at nothing at all In the blue empyrean Is an old-timer. Different from these April fool Jokes 13 the story which comes from the west of the joker in the mines. With the annual recurrence of All Fools' Day, this joker was sure to play some trick on his pards in the diggings." As fate would have it. the Joker expired on the first of April.
His last words were: "Dig under the big tree round the bend. I've buried in gold there. Send it to my, widow in Ohio." The miners at first were inclined to doubt the ante-mortem statement, suspicious that the ruiing passion was strong even lrj death and that the joker had desired to fool them once more. But upon digging for the i hidden treasure mej a.i...-! find the J2.0JO In gold, just as the deceased had told them. The next thing was to find I the widow.
They made Inquiries eyery-i where in Ohio, and at last discovered the 1 truth that the deceased had no widow, and that while he had resisted the temptation to fool his friends long enough to inform them of his buried gold, he had repented nn A fr.i.oA atrnin- tntr eim am. The April fooling practiced for years in England and on the continent consists in sending victims after pigeons' milk and urap oil, and on crazy errands to people who send them still farther. Sometimes thr da: is made the occasion of a more e-itenive hoax. In ISW a vast number of in London received through the post a. card bearing the following inscription, with a seal marked by an inverted sixpence, thus having to superficial observation an official appearance: -Tower of London Admit tbe bearer and friend to view the annual ceremony ot washing the white lions on Sunday, April 1.
Admitted only at the white gate. It. is particularly requested that no gratuities be given to the wardens or their assist- aThe trick is said to have been highly Cabs were rattling about Tower Hili ail that Sunday vainly endeavoring to discover the white gate-Considering how the 1st' of April Is asso-cia'pd in the minds ol the people with trickery and deception It is strange that John Bui! allowed himself to be gulled by such a- trick. As a matter of fact the tradition of Ali day has gained sucn headway that if one were about to be married or to engage in some speculation on that dav he would find many people who would doubt his sincerity and accuse him of nril fooling. On the other hand, persons have sought to conceal their real motives in performing certain acts on ypril 1 by taking refuge behind the pretext that it wa All Fools' day.
A French lady, charsed with stealing a watch, broke into hveterical laughter, and, calling the attention of the court to the fact that the alleged theft occurred on April I. declared that it was a "poisson d'Avrll. or April fool joke, whereat the judge showed hlm-eK to a good deal of an April fool iokV by dryly sentencing her to imprisonment til! the next April 1. adding: hen you will be released like a -poisson d'Avrll. The world seems destined to remain in the dark as to the origin of April fooling-i Extensive research through ancient and i modern literature reveals many allusions to the custom, but no definite information, as to the source of the peculiar anniversary or the length of time it has been In ex-! istence.
Dr. Pegge advances a plausible ntTva-lrvn rhnt the nlrl in ni Roman New Year festival, when the year began March 23, lasted elgct days, and that the last day, April 1. was given-over to wild revelry- But this Idea is rather UUSlsSinrportant to not that the Hindoos iSrA MKS- DK, HOWARD. 55 High st. west, removes hair and til lace blemishes by elec- GRAX HAIR i Gradually restored by Wells' Hair Bal- sam to original color; elegant tonic dressing.
S1.00.Drartrists. orSl.OO size Tjreoaid bT express for S1.00T E. S. Wells, Jersey City. It's Just Lovely, delightful, because it dries in instantly: pure, clean, colorless, does not grease nor soil silks, sarins, gloves or finest fabric.
Such is Leattrelle OilSalm. If your hands become routrh. drv or feverish from household work or exposure, one application of Lkmtrelle On- fiAUH will soften and smooth the skin at once. You need not wash it off nor cover tho hands. Elegant for Chafes.
Irritated Skin; nice after shaving. 50c. and Druggists. That Cute Little Tin Box of Rough ox Cortxs Salve aj.d Plasters I contains 2 or 3 Corn Plasters cut ready for use: also, in the bottom of each box is an ini- i proved Corn Salve. This convenient com- I bination.
known as Rough ox Corks Salve at Plastepa sells for 10c. at Druggists, or I mailed. Accent no other. I S. Wells, Jersey City- LEGAL XOTICES.
DEFAULT hnvins mailcln tbc conditions of a bearing lisle the llttb day ot Di-t-etn'tfrr. ISSy. fiecuK'd tv Jottn House! and Itosaiie Hwmel. hl wife, both ot tne City ot Detroit, Wavne Cotintr, Michicnn. parties of the lirst ruin, to tnr PcKvple's Saviuirs Bank.
body corporate under tne laws of tne Suite of Michigan, of the stitne place, of the second part, recorded in the olhce of the Itecister of Ifeetts in and for said County of on the 16th day of December. ISS'J. In liber L''l3 of Morteticcs. at paire 04. by the nvm-pny.
tnent of the prtncipul and interest due thereon, by which the power of sale therein contained has become operative, and on vchich njorinjte there is to l'e due at the date of this notice for principal and interest the sum of eight hundred and dollars and elchty-eiput cents ISS71I vvitii the attorney fee iirovtded by latv as a reason-aiiie fee for the foreclosure of said mortgage, and no suit at law having been instituted to recover the amount remaining due and secured by said n-ortgage or nnv part thereof, notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the ISta Any of April. 1S03, at VI o'clock local time, lit the westerly front entrance of the City Hail, in the City of Detroit, Ortintv of Yv'arne. and State of Michigan, said City Hail being the building In which the Circuit Court for the Co'untv of Wayne is held, there -will be sold nt public auction to the highest bidder the premises described in said moripige. or so much thereof as mar be necessary to satisfy the amount specified with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum and the attorney fee, costs, charges and expanses of this foreclosure allowpd by lavv anil pro-rided for by said mortgage, said premises being described as follows: All that certain piece or parcel of land lvlng and being in the City of Detroit, Countv of Wayne, and State of Michigan, tnown and described us all that part of lots and 6 of the subdivision of lots 2 end of the sulidlvislon ot bact concession of private claim 19, Beaufait farm, and more iarticularly described ns beginning at a slafre standing on the est line of Bellevue avenue, and distant siity feet north of the northeast corner of the A. T.
Fischer's mibdivision of said lots 1 and 2: thence west one hundred and fifty-three feet to the east line of an alley; thence north thirty feet a stake standing on said east line, thence east one hundred and fifty feet to the west line of Bellevue avenue, thence soath and along said west line of Bellevue avenue thirty tee, to the pine- of beginning. Dated Detroit, IS. 1SS3, THE PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BAXK. Mortgagoe. J.
T. KEENA. Attorney for Mortgagee. '0Hi rsslONEilrV NOTICE In the matter of the estate .11 iSEI'H t.VE PAQUrTTTE. deceased.
We. the undersigned, having been apixiiuted by the Iro-bat-r Court for tlie County of Wayne. State of Michigan. ciTiumissioners lo receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all ersons against said deceased, do hereby give notice that we will meet at the office of Barbour ii Itexford, Xo. Buhl block Detroit, in said county, ou Monday, the twelfth dav of June, A.
D. lSaS, and on Monday, the eleventh day of September. A. I. 1893.
at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said days, for the purpose of examining and allowing said claims, and that six months from the tenth day of March. A. D.
lSIKi. were allowed by said court for creditors to present their claims to us for exatniujitlon and allowance. Dated March 17th. AXTUOXT J. MOXXIG.
ALFItED J. DUCHAHME. Comuiissioners, MOP.TC-AGE SALE Whereas, default has been made in the condition of a certain mortgage, dated tti of Xovetnber. A. D.
1SW. executed by ilnrietui Dunning, of Hie Township of Sprlngwelis, in the County of Wayne, in the State of to the unuersignca. Kirau a. v. Wayne County.
Michigan, as trustee under the last wsii ana tesmmviii. oi jvwuciv. and recorded in the tfllce of the Register of Deevls lu and tor the County ot Wayne. In the suite of Mienigtin. on uie ii-vu ua.
i lKl in liber 20 of mortgages, on page 3U-. nnd whereas two several installments of lnlerest due said mortgage havo remained overdue and uniaitd for more tnaa thirty days from their pmturltj-, tor which detault said mortgagee, by virtue ot the right given to ber by said mortgage, has made and herein- makes the whole principal sum of raid mortgage and the Interest accrued thereon and the laics paid thereunder, now due and payable; and whereas the amount claimed to be due and unpaid at the date of this notice, upon said mortgage and the Uaid accomioinying the same, for principal, interest and is ihe sore or four hundred awl t'-'nr-aine dollars and seveurv-five cents, and which le'ltie whole anionnt clulmed to be due and umjaid on aid mortgage, and no suit or proceedings at law or in equity having teen instituted to recover the mount so claimed to tie due and unpaid on said Ho-tgage or anv part tiiereor. whereby the power of sal- contained in said mortgage has become operative. Now. therefore, notice is hereby given fiat, bv virtue of the said lower ot sale and in of the statute in such case made and provided, the said mortgage be foreclosed by a s-le of the premis-s therein des-ribed.
at public to the highest bidder, on Monday the dai- of June. A. 1W. at twelve clock owo. eta'ndard time, at the westerly or Griswold street evra-7 to the Citv Hall, in the City of Detroit.
Wayne County. Michigan tthat being the v-'i-ri-ln tne i-ireuii uwii tv. ---U e.c-l.v i to satisfv the amount due on said niortgage ii 'el frtfi. wiih ll.e interest thereon arid the -tto-nev fee and other costs and expenses allowed bv iaw and provided for in said rnortgap-'. All ifca: cerutin piece or parcel of bwd ted pi the date of said mortgage and of this notice In the Township of SpriugwelLs.
County of Vt a.e. Michigan, and known and described as folw-rs. to- Lit nutnoeri-u sii. SeV-n 17) and eight iSl in I.lMk numbered one ill fam F. Joy-s subdivision of part of private cH'maomber tir hundred aad forty, south of For't in Sprimr-rells.
Wayne Oiunty. Micti-g4 according to the plat thereof now in iC. ee of V- P.egisti-r of Deeds in and for tts-ue Citmtt. Michigan, "said lots (i. 7 and fron-mg on Cv'-dar street and said lot siding on spruce Tri-i--e under the last wili and testament of Pjjbert RWSre'vV'AKT.
Attorney for Mortgagee. tl-Kll Ll laving ucrj a certain mortgage bearing date tbc fth day of Fcb-iarv iviu, executed by Hermann Moldenhauer and Mari'e Moldenhauer. both of the dry of Detroit. W- vne O'-untv. Michigan, parties of tne first part.
Hensei. and Itosaiie Ileusei his wi.e. oi te same place, parties of the second part. 'n the office of the Hegiser of Deeds in ltd i CouSTt of Wayne on the of "st'O at 10:40 o'fiock a. in liner on page 15.
which mortgage was bf the said John Hensei, and 1-i'iiie' Hensei" his wife, to the people's Savings Wt corporate under the laws of tbe iui' of 1-iichigan. of the City of Bid -a-; bv an instratnent in writing dated tnu -Klh doV o' FebrTisrv. 1MJ. and recorded In liber 26 of of liortgagM, on page 844. by the im-trSt of tb.
principal and interest due thereon, w' iil- 11- power of sale therein contained ait vicor-" operative, and on which mortgage is efiSfed te due at the date of this nonce for SinriMl and interest the sum of four hani-ed and dollars and twenty-four cents iSli vS-r with the attorney fee provided by law riinabie fee tor the foreclosure of said tnongage. "ait at law having been to recover the amount remauuns due and secured by Mortgage or any par. thereof, nonce Is hereby given oS Tuesdav. tie ISth day of April. l53.
at 7, at the westerly front entrance fhe Citv Hill, in the City of Detroit. CwMT of Waw'e and State of Michigan. Bli City Hail building in which the Clrcatt Court lor the Wavie is held, there will be sold at pair Sc Sc-ion to the highest bidder tee prem-jes dlcrlCd in ssid mortgage, or so much thereof Irtiavbe necessary lolatisfy the amount specined wKnmwl thereon al the rale of 7 per cent per ranum Sid the attorney fee. costs charges and ex-SSS'of this foreclosure allowed by law and prtr tp? for bv said mortgage, said preoLses being de-LS'Sd as follows: AU that certain piece or parcel frea'i and being in the City of Detroit, in nJuSv WavrS i State Michigan and Sscbed as follows, to-wit: All that part ot let. STVri" nnd l0' Of the SUMivislOU Of lOtS tWO Sree (5.
of Se subdivision of tact concession claim nineteen Beaufait farm, aid rnre particularly described as beginnml at a Jai 'n th- west, line ot Bellevue avenu. Sx-tr iOO) feet north of the northeast T. Fischer's subdivision ot said g51one'Iand'two (2,. thence west one hODdred 3 11531 feet to the east line ot an alley "encfnl-S tilrt? (SO) feet to a Kite stand, to- lT said st toe, thence east en? hundred and SSSTttSS? sS alongd of BelSS, thirty (30. feet to the plan of beginning.
Detroit, Jprf BASK. MortgaeM. J. X. EXEXA, AKornej for lloroatee- Michigan Detroit, ADt 1XATH5 and massage treatment.
ISKS. Kr pK. GHEEX. S2 Adams ve. west.
TO THE LADIES Madame De Imonti's groat secret for suffering womanhood, loui-orrhuea. dis-placemeate and ulcerations; the greatest discovery ttf the age; assume the cares of motherhood as you may desire; circular with full in-Jormatlfflisit free on rereipt of stamied envelope. Address lock boi 13 Detroit Mich. DENTAL. TE32TH.
wajrtmiod. $5 a net; filling crowning half price. UUKKOWS. dentist. Michigan are.
O0O.VTrXDEP." The only sale cad glulafle: anesthetic known, administered only at McCulloach and Grosvenor's dental oiliee, 5S Miami til. 2-iSG. and 24 Washington 2i02. CSIXESS PERSONALS. -V" xs a rhttt i.aTiv Spnd 30 ceuis tor "Infallible Xv Kifegu3id" (no nitdiciai'.
no deception; just what you went. iLtAixur, zvaisjn PRXNTElv-Seod 51 for recSj for Lewis' roller eoajposltioD simple: theiip; do the riiiesr Wi.rk aod stand any climate. E. W. LEWIS, box 40 Out.
Av ktkd World's fai1 visitors to call on or ad- o-ir apeni, Henry W. Cole, room 25. Walter Dvtrolt, as to Information as to iW-" rates, for first-class accommodations: rooms ncaced in auvance: K-iTSOcaoje terms, lvll a-' CAN FIELD. World's Fair Ilooui Directory. 225 Dearborn, room 514.
Chicago. WE H-iVTNG CAPACITT for making twice the of gray-iron castings that we use. will be pleased to nil orders or make contract; light v' work a speclaltr- Plymouth Air Iiiiie Maim-factoring Company, Plymouth. Mich. PERSOXALS.
MARK KILVt'S will find It to her advantage send her address to suite "IS, Utopia. WANTED To know the party or parties now holding wy St. Bernard doc (color, brown coat, white brsfast, feet, nose and tip of tail; also email white stripe on fectheadi, which was stolen from me vta) weeks since. Any person who can give me any iafwraaUon leadiuc to recovcrv tnis will be liberally rewarded. KKED CAJU'ENTEJL, Free Preas office.
TXTEWRITERS AXD SPPPLrES. OX ITKBAN, l-ll Griswold st. and eiamine the Dciismore tyi-ewriter and Edison "pboaograph. PAW-VBROKER'S AUCTION' SALE. 3jtTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thit on Monday, the 'jrSth day of April, ISM.
I will sol! at public auc-'000, and continue until all is sold, certain prop-L ety left with, me la pledge. Particulars contained in pflated notioea. Dated Msrch 25. 3S93. S.
H. TVES, ROGERS, Aucttopeer. i.nagf.-. HOTEL DIRECTORY. H3 UBEAKY." 4S.
50 and 52 Farrar bcat-o. rates, 50o to Si per day. Dining-room la eoa-aiaia 25c. "Watch WATCK GLASSES, 15c: watches cleaned.
75c; nalatgrrngs, JOHNSON, 121 Grand River. EDL'CATIOXAL. GOOD TF.XfUPa mnrc violin KSwkrB ja 30c ft lesson. MISS FAIECHILD. 222 wcja tiivt-r Ave.
TTANTED Punlht trv tmHir br fomseteat lady toftcher. For tenas at-Jlr to box No. 5, Free STORAGE AXD MOVIXG. FDjEUTY ST0RAE COMPANY Telepboac 4(8: tor rood? in fir! -rate rootos or Kpiic; money advanced and Jreigbt paid on goods when d-sirod; ptckms tUfd mtMiag cxefuilr auvaiti to. 27 and Wooaward aveT STOICAGE.
CEXTIi AL STODLAGE COMPANY 16 Gratiot ipoiie J. L. Hydswis's; private nxmat for storage; slontfe of niiuso a specialty; inuey and freight Iacking nromyily atteudtd to. Tele-photte W. CARPET CLEAXIXG WORKS.
-DETKOTT Sl'EAM CAT.PET CLEANING Wullh. 2 GUiaan Oldest and Urgfttt In the wett; Jtta in tx location. Telehoat 4199.
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