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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 1

Detroit, Michigan
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The Weather AIR WARMER VOL 76 NO 87 PRICE: IVE CENTS WILL KEEP CONGRESS WEALTHY WASHINGTON WIDOW WILL WED DT 7 UEThQ I MAT PI III TV ACi TTnrc AN AINITY WHO IS ONLY HAL HER AGE 4 HLEDb NO 1 GUILTY DECLARES BUSY UNTIL AUTUMN THE REBELS DR BOYAJ JURY OR HIGHER BOND LIMIT held In Munday ait DIC GARAHED KGt'AJlAN BLAMES 6 DEATHS TO POOR PRAYERS ft he Is murder by $372000000 the and Dancing the i I laraace f' I theirs flesh and his are por Real Estate Board Says That the Members Have Sounded Public Sentiment and ind It avor able to Proposal i Session Democratic tts lOmnittioea ASSERTS TAX LIMIT INCLUDES BONDS i $2 ap al the has In an Mexican Ruler Says He is Will ing to Grant the Demand That Presidents and Others Shall Not Be Re elected VOTERS DECIDE BY BALLOT TOMORROW STEALS PERUMERY TO PEDDLE ABOUT Garabed Boyajian Quits Jail ree Man Executives of North Essex Con servative Association Refuse to Call Mass Meeting JIM RISO SHOT IN HEAD IN BRAWL MAY RECOVER EXPECT TO SAVE THE MAIL TRAIN TAKE NINE OVER NINE HOURS TO AGREE fit nroirram a unanimous READY TO REORM JUDICIARY SYSTEM OICERS ESCORT PRISONER TO HOME' i six during the eixty flrst sen uhaplahicy JfGod doesn't my prayers better than 0 WILCOX SOUNDING i VIEWS CONSTITUENTS It li Ignlficant fact that near ly all the largest firms of irv i ruin ue LIMBI JI (UMIUM Mr Hemmlck the young Wash ingtonian who Is to marry the fas cinating Mrs Barney though she is something like twice his age Mrs Burney is the widow of A Barney who left her a fortune of several million dollars and with It she went to Purls and took up paint ing with such success that when she HE WANTS THE JOB ON A TEST PLATORM VOTE TO REDUCE HOUSE EXPENSES 1 DEMOCRATS MAP OUT BIG PROGRAM ot the police department Gaynor recently clmractar Tha magistrate SKELETONS ARE WHITE AND BARE returned to Washington she 4 has famous as an artist Shw has figured conspicuously in Washington societysince Mrs Barney is now In aris ssald she has conveyed to her daughters all the great fortune her husband left her because Hemmlck who is wealthy In' his own right does not want it said he married her for her money Maurice Joy Dies After Beating Alleged to Have Been Given by Clarence Ross Deep Set Eye of Vengeful ather Gleam Anger But There is No Sound As Verdict is Given WILLIAM HITT Rumor Is associating the name of Hitt with that of Katherine Elkins Hitt is a son of the late I Hitt who was a member of fiinfffpM from Illinois He liHiIbpan attentive to Mias Elkins before she Ilin TN 11 Vo 1 A hr 11 Zi It vvne purted froiTi Europe lust year that Hitt v'is in constant attendance on Miss Elkins on her European trip and now the rumor Js "revived In Washington that she: is to marry the faithful Clark Academy New term next week Get 1 bur chicken dinner nr Blue Ribbon bJ Grand River 35c MEANS BIG SLASH IN ALL ESTIMATES for sone time tuan to decide by ballot whether wish the bonding limit of the raised from 2 to 3 per cent is a proposition in which estate board of the city intensely interested eo that whon the bills TWO PLUCKY WOMEN SHOPPERS SEIZE PICKPOCKET IN CROWD City Engineer Directs Attention to Urgent Need of Sewers Dr Kiefer to Contagious Dis ease Hospital It will be up to the voters tomor row See Him Snatch Bill rom Another Hand bag and Stop light Struggle With Thief Long Enough for Police to Get Him nud bln non Alfono niJI meet with Sahafor Madero a friend of President IHt TWENTY PAGE ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE With ree Press If every body Mould tie EN everybody would have beau tiful clean soft rlossy lustrous hair: and pieritv 01 it 'Ask ur druggist or burner about it letnres framed to order "Pringle urniture CoM 121 Gratiot Aiwaue Promises to ix It So All Rea sonable Complaints of the Peo pie Shall Be Heard and the Ballot Box Be Enlarged San Antonio Texn Kprll 1 un Mnat vciim absolute author Ity the atatement 4 mtulr to Ight Hint an unofficial prelim New York Druggist is Caught iu a $30000 Robbery by Mere Accident jNew Vork April Human hair valued at $15000 and perfumery vahfed at $30000 were among the thefts called to the attention of the police today a ifth avenue dealer occupying the old mansion of Rus sell Sage now a business structure lost the sWIrls and braids' last night at of a thief who has not been captured Percy Shields a druggist was arrested for alleged participation In perfumery theft from a large gro ucery firm Customs officers learn ing perfumery was being peddled 'about the city at remarkably low prices suspected smuggling and un earthed the theft Brother and Sister Who Died 30 Years Ago Brought Here to Be Cremated In the prrenc or tevnl nliysiclans and expert embalmer two corpus which were placed In the around 3Q years ago were uncovered In the underfaklnr establish ment of Kent A Co 233 Dix aveuue yes terday morning They are the bodies of a brother and sister of Massenzahl 40 Kenilworth avenue and were brought here from To ledo for cremation As a vivid lesson in the development In the science of embalming Jhe uncovering of the bodies was a revelation mod ern 'method of wlth'drnwlng the blood from the arteries and by Introducing for maldehyde into the veins causing it to circulate throughout the body was un known when these bodies were burled All the flesh had disintegrated Into dust and the skeletons were white and bare for even the cerements which covered them had fallen away By the methods noW In vogue the em balmers claim bodies which had remainedn the ground bs long tWBe have would Kinin apjTniniHT WOiCn burled The fluid harden th and preserve It almont pelrlne it Michigan Members of Congress Join Senator ight for the Saginaw Valley Service Special to The ree Press" Washington April delegation which will be complete Monday can be counted on to stand solidly against any curtail ment of the railway service In the state that may result from with drawal of remuneration for mall cariylng The announcement hy the jHiNtofficv department that compen Milon for carrying mails on the Pere Marquette train out of Detroit at 220 a rn for Saginaw will cease and the resultant announcement by the Pere Marquette road that it would have to withdraw the train if postal compensation reused has ntougne surn a powerful protest as will It Is said insure the continua tion of compensation and of the train service Senator Wm Alden mlth took the lead in registering pro test Ho has already presented the protests of the Detroit Grand lisp id and Saginaw commerce bodiesand vlth the arrival of other mem bers of the delegation Senator Smiths protest is augmented Rep resentatives Doremus of Detroit sweet uf Gtand Rapids Wedemeyer of Ann Arbor and Sam Smith of Pontiac are unanimous that no cur tailment of the postal service that ujso reruns in crippling of the pos tal facilities and Indirectly In cur tailing of railway facilities so ne ccssary to commerce can be per mitted General Hitchcock has brought about much saving in the declares Rep Sam Smith "the annual deticlt is greatly reduced But any saving that kills train service on the great highways of commerce is fatal It Is not economy" Representative Doremus says: believe Senator mrntAt Is sufficient to save the compensation and thus the train service But I am going' to' take no chances and 1 shall register the protest of the first district in person The correspond ence I have had from Detroit Is con clusive that removal of thfs train will bo a grievous economic loss to the commerce andIndustry of Mich igan X'v 1 Hotel Charlevoix corner Park Elizabeth fireproof European up nieala 5uc Repprts of a serl uuiuicdn vi inc piasue coming fronuthe southeactern tiona nf Java hiirfha oobiriul istry deciare that they have no knowledge of the matter Is stated that 350 cases of tvhlch 221 proved fata) have occurred in vari ous districts there KU11 MICHIGAN SUNDAY APRIL 2 191 NINETY EIGHT EIGHT PARTS Party Caucus Adopts All Reform Rules Put Through Recent Session at Demand of Insurgents MAYOR GAYNOR IS CHALLENGED 31 Magistrate Corrigan Asks Him to Prove Assertion That New York is Orderly New York April A cballes to Mayor Gaynor to substantiate his claims that "New York is the most orderly large city in the was issued this afternoon by Mag istrate Joseph Carrigan whose crlt Mayor ized as Issued his challenge at luncheon gixen by the Cltjr club t6 which Mayor Gaynor ant hjs regrets "1 have here a list of 312 crooks who can be found in various re sorts and on the streets said Cor rigan the names of 22 hold up men 17 professional shoplifter 12 confidence men 46 burglars 54 badger women who were recent ly seen on Broadway have here the addresses also of gambling houses joints and Informa tion that uno man has refused to with $120 assessment this month for protection for The magistrate gave the names and addresses uf half a score of al leged lawbreakers known well to the police department These he said were plying their vocations unmolested and apparently without fear of interference LEADERS RECIPROCITYISSUE Offers to Show That His Praying ree Kill Off Any of the Senators bneclal to The ree Preni Washington April Did the chaplain's prayers kill six senators within ix Hnouths? This is the question raised In a circular letter sent every senator and representa the tonight by a candidate for chap lain of the sixty second congress The letters are signed by one Cuddy president of A tonement Un ion Washington Cuddy specifies his willingness to become chaplain of either bouse or both on the platform of No prayers for He writes: "Tne early Chaplains never received pay fcfor their prayers thus doing justlce to tho taxpayers who did not behevojdi paying taxes for prayers "Six senators wlthin months utorial answer that 1 promise to resign 7 I will take the ad vice of Jesus not to be seen of men but pray at home in secret and he will reward my pray ers by seeing to ii that no six of you will die ln six mouths object In seeking this posi tion Is to remove the finger of scorn pointed by many In this na tion who tell mo Christianity robs them to uphold a religion which they do not understand by taxing them for prayers wonder God lpt ix senators die when they elected one of these anti Christ Unitarian preachers chaplain because he was Mr pastor This is a warning that if either parti' nominates and elects another anti Christ president God will this nation" The recipients of the letters re mark that Mr Cuddy will not get either post Preacher Cuddy Says Chaplain Stand Well With Deity Holds that 2 Per Cent of Assessed Valuation Must Take in Bond Issues as Well as Direct Taxation Two plucky women were victors in an exciting battle with a pick pocket yesterday afternoon the af fair causing great erement in the crowd of Saturday shoppers In the vicinity of Gratiot avenue and armer street The alleged pickpocket who was arrested gave hla name as David Hecker and said he Jived in Ohio The persun whose pocket he is charged with picking is Mrs Miller 344 Belvidere avenue and the two women who caught him are Mrs Scott Thompson "2H Lincoln avenue and Mrt Barnard 143 ort street west Mrs Thompson saw tne mam she rfaye open Mrs Maiers hannoug as she emerged drum PvUr on grocery etore avnne atcii cut MAY SOON WED MISS KATE ELKINS were in the euloon pu chase of tno Academy Dnnctac next week Doremus and Sweet Are Given Good Showing in Distribution of Places on the Committees Special to The iTr 'Prow 'Vashlngton Anrii i ti UVIUV erals of the house of represent in caucus from in morning until late tonight added re'eral important chapters to the Jistoiy of that body With extra ordinary harmony and unanimity of I the 'nond form" by leaving your order with us iMu delay Th Richmond A Will Practically Knock Out Sewer Budget Re duce School Appropria tion Smash Paving und Corporation Counsel Hally gave Mayor Thompson an opinion yester day that promises to make much trouble in connection with tho finances during the coming fiscal year It may knock out all thealary increases that the teachers the firemen tho policemen and other city employes were hoping for jt may cut down the appropria tion for public sewers from $1 040000 to $200000 greatly reduce the appropriation for schools defer the purchase of a site for the tarnegie library for at least a year: wipe out the proposed $300 000 auditorium for the new Art Museum site compel a slashing of the 'ap propriations for street paving and improvements and generally cut the budget of practically every" city department except tho water board The meat of the opinion is that the provision in the home rule law limiting the taxation in anv one year to two per cent of the as 1 sessed valuation applies to money raised by issuing bonds as well as to money raised by direct taxation He holds that the city cannot legal ly raise in ony one year more than iwn per ceni enner oy oonos taxation or both Consider Inrrrawe He also holds that the board Scott called trying to pick your As Miller turned hurriedly to protect her property Becker sho claims snatched a $10 bill and ran Mrs Scott and Mrs Barnard seized him and although he broke away from them after a hard struggle he was caught by Truant Officer Aitgurt Steljwebel Tht delay tne women caused Hecker in their plucky fight was fatal to chances of liberty The' police will welcome anyone who has had trouble with any pickpockets lately they will try to Identify Eecknr Mrs Thompson la a woman ad vanced in years but the did not hesitate to tackle1 Bucket' and Mr? Barnard a young woman was Recker tried tn list Crotlut the women roughly It stated a i hut'' mv RAHnied him as rniwhiv uic nd cv uu ipccu Party is Not Jumping at Offer of Borden and Whitney to Come Even the leaders of the servative forces In North Essex' do not present an unbroken front in opposition to the proposed ity arrangement between Canada and the United States a'fact which was demonstrated yesterday after noon at a meeting of the executive committee of the association held in Windsor The meeting was called at the re quest of Oliver Wllsox Conserv ative member for the riding to dis cuss the advisability of holding a mass meeting It was Intimated that'R BoN leader of thoopposition in the house of commons and rfirv James Whitney premier of Ontario could be secured as speakers and pro posal was to hold a public meeting In about two weoks but fur one reason or another members of the executive' committee turned he proposition down for the present One or two of them intimated that they are far from being opponents of the proposed pact while others urged that the time is not yet ripe tu take action In the end it was decided that no meeting be called until the measure has been dealt with at Washington and perhaps not then Mr Wilcox has been sounding opinion In his constltuency aud against the is con sidered a great breach of political ethics he wished to get direct ad vice from the people Mr Wilcox is said to entertain opinions favorable 1 to the measure 1 purpose they abolished six housecommittees ani) housejobs reduced the annua) expenditures for patron age by b000 unanimously in dorsed tho eommlfteo assignments cgired upon a comparative legls lathe program for the special srs Mon and adopted a nw sot of rules lor the conduct of the house dur lug the Slxty econd (xuigresK Jt a big day work and an aeu Mclous beginning for the Demo crats he legislative program Is lyneei and covers more suh juts than TVas anticipated As aleibi both mocrat and Repuhli declaie that congress 111 be In session practically all suinmei (lump (Hark doubts If trpUinber alll see the legislative Mate clear and hla view ts generally tu ha a 1 1 i tainmg 1 lie legislative iivnlnh 1 i 7 xote of the Democrats this evening I Program for theResolved That the members nf thA vai nt of tho house uro directed not tojupojt tu th houNe 'during the first tsrlun of the HlMv ucoml congress runlcsfl hereafter directed by this riuvvr iiny legislation except ln cferonro to i hefoiluw fug mutters wvvvli of uuii' Tinies 8un aiors by ymo of Hm people I'eglBlntiun referring to theU Pn 1lvHyi Of campaign mHlung ubvfuro and tw elec Uon Ih Canadian reciprocity agreement general tariff iegls lai ion and Jegnrtjrtlnn uffeeting the tetenues of the government reapportlonment of the nnure to conform to lx'4Jitli roiisuw ResohitlonB Of inquiry and resolution touching npon In of the executive department I he adrniasion ot the terrl iorh'v of Arizona and New Mexico Any deficiency blllss that the exigent irx of the government require to be considered at his time and bills to correct the oiiiulllng of the appropria tion bills passed March 4 1311 Legislation relating to the district of Columbia Of the proposition on the Demo ria tic program for the special ses sion he direct election of senators an tuian reciprocity reapportion basis of 433 members i cue Houae insieau or 31 and the eumtsslon of Arizona and Nwpiexleo failed In the Republican congress which expired on March last Trial of Misdeed The Including of the executive department Investigations on the program means that the L'emoerats are going to start without delay on a hunt of evidence of Republican nil mismanagement The official dogs of war win be turned loose at once and they will make tho political welkin ring as they follow the midsummer trailsirotn department to department The Democrats today adopted al) the amendments to tho rules made tn the last two years as the result 1 the persistent activity of Renub ran InsnrgentK aided by Democrats The Democrats however' have routlnucd on nge 7 Colnmn 3 HALLY OPINION LIKELY TO KILL IMPROVEMENTS Assailants in Both Rows Escape and Police Start Search to Capture Them Maurice Joy 23 years did 18 Pine street was killed In a street fight "1th a man the police say Is Claude alias Scotty Hoss In front of U7 Grand KiVcr avenue last night Huss made his escape Every police dJrlptton "ls "a5 on arwt In front or ogarty's Arthur Klchards "Ho cYnm nd lh ofiioer wh? one inform him what was the matter with him Hecarried Into the billiard room Grand Ilver avenue next door to the saloon Police Hurgeon I Thomas was Joy died a Aftentbe doctors' ar S' iy Juy and Ross were ih' saloon when they became involved lnaa put thcra out and the fight was renewed In the street Hoss struck Joy four times in the face and he fell Several eyewitnesses say Ross kicked Joy several times after he fell iiJnOy pyn who rooms at and was aent out by Of the dead b0 10 ok for hlm ysaw the fight Vt hen Joy fell he caught Ross and attemntnd In 7" ss fn1 hlm and sknlh walk "csnrn 'Xrikns the side bnav fnCs sent the bodj to the county morgue Shot In Saloon Brawl Jim iso of 283 Macomb was shot through the head during eter saloon hortly before mid did i escape the police have no clue to whereabouts man shot BUQ JCJSC I cigars for five cents at firstai2 1SevCral rnen were at nist involved in the fitrhf one was struck over the head with a Th7rmlte uand ade his dl the SV11! cannot speak lastnighf andwajunahle to tell It Wounded Man May Live? tn oh Ta "to twn hJn a mln Plac? Thev ine thr "hooting took the stai ted across Ids ham revolver In i Hnd made his eseftue befor ml ran block Rlso under the He was head o5ndan1nDr' may live the man Italians including Nurablle brought to the WELCOME CANDOR GERMAN LEADER i city This real been tensely thonzing the increase were before thq legislature it sent twu of its members red fehlpman andv alter VV bmith to Jansing to work for the measure Mr hhlpman and Mr Smith did not lose interest after the bill was Passed Tnev have been sounding public sentiment and studying con ditions continually and yesterday Mr Chipman said that practical! every person In Detroit will be di rectly attected for the better if the limit is raised Ue need sowers wo need a con tagious ulfeeabe hospital and we need mor schools" said he Get Expert Testimony To support Its contention the cal estate board secured some ex pert testimony from the depart ment of public works from Health Ofiicvr Guy Kiefer and from Superintendent Martindale of the public pchools The contribution from lhe IJ Is tn the form of a letter writ ten by JT McCormick city en gineer to Commissioner Haarer apd indorsed by the commissioner It follows i 9 the heed of the large trunk a which we are asking appropriations hrs ycar desire tn Hal? that the existing public sewers running from the er been carried bevonH their orlfidnn 1 Hralnuizo Pa trlcti anl tneir upacliy is so over taxed by a lien rain si arm or tlio inellltis of snow hi the spring that In some parts of the city the man hole covers have been forced off and the waters runs out over the pavements With this pressure in a public sewer the contents are forced back through the laterals and house con nections Into the basements result ing In sickness general Incon veniences and loss of property In the halrvlew district we are asking for funds to complete the large sewer between crecK ano vox creek This district comprising about 2000 acres Is rapidly being built up with dwell ings and manufacturing plantsand the only tewer Is a 30 lnch crock oullt originally to drain the pave ment on Jefferson avenue So manv lataral sewers have been connected Io this sewer that at different periods In the spring the pave Cont tuned on Page IS Column 3 Slexlco city April I Commit tlng himself io advocacy ot many of the reforms demanded by the revo lutionists although professedly bowing only to n0 influence of pub He opinion President Portirlo niaz answued his critics through bls eenil annual message at the open ing today of the national congress th no flection of Otothei reHUlvemaud 1 ti utnet eipctivo officer and thn fa thrUnU nhc laws ho Dial cnir tIln may be VilM ScCl iv ihuwii ui i tvt t'lmclflcally to 1 01 t)0 lec ov PI t0 110 wanting of governors one of nle t)lioI tOntPll thre element t)la republic the presi ne for hnS lha JC a bill pruvld ofH i renovation" ln UdssUnn should IOIUO before congress It would have his earnest support auuiher Jef'S politico eomplalned ot is Hirai districts ceding to t)io outlined oy the president pi eskhrnt proposes to im flt'ency of the judiciary thiough more careful selection of 's erhOnnel and lengthening of the teruie of office Efficacious punlnh of judicial functionaries for nialfeasanio is to be brought about through the ermetmenv of mfire strngunt nmaauns Mention of Reforms Brings Out Applause the subject of the division the great private estates tlrst Minister Umantour in his Paris interview the executive declaredhls determination to find efficient mens for bringing about the Innovation In no previous message of the president has there been anything In the nature of a recommendation until today his messages have been resumes of things accomplished public knowing that the president would dn this message to the twenty fifth congress depart from the ordinary course and sug gest special legislation has shown the most intense Interest This feeling of expectancy found expres sion In the members of congress huu num ute ininutn ine cnjCi executive entered the chamber of deputies until the last word of his message every man on the floor as well as those persons In the gal leries listened intently Every available seat in the galleries was occupied either by diplomats pub lic officials nr by those fortunate' enoughs to have obtained cards of admission Diaz appeared no more aged tonight than he did when he reau nis message in nepienioer ano in spite of the fact that the reading today required more than an hour his voice was as strong at the con clusion as at the beginning Onlv once was the president In terrupted by applause At the men tion of reforms there was a spon LntinAiia Hanning of hands for one brief minute and then no more was heard until the dose when the big auditorium resounded to handclap ping and cries of After reviewing nt length the pro gress of tho nation during the last six months and more briefly the Continued On nffr 7i'CoIwmn I CHRISTIAN IIEMMICK DEATORESULT SALOON IGHT He also holds that the board of estimates fin determining the size of the final budget cannot take into consideration the increase In the assessed valuation that will be added by the board of assessors for the reason that the Increase will4 nnf ha 4if1irln 1 1 vr Hatormlnozl itni il after the board of estimates ad journs That rrpan If nnlnlnn bnM that the estimators must cut the bud get from $ll20174510 which the gross 'amount allowed by the com mon council to $7440000 which Is two per cent of the present as sessed valuation of $372000000 There will be a little more money available about $250000 from liquor taxes nearly $1000000 from the state primary school fund and the earnings from licenses and other sources but the estimators will still nave to eut anywnere trom 500000 to $3000000 from the iroprlations that the council 'owed 1 At Request This nnlnlAnvAt nrenared at special request of Mayor Thomp son who has been digging into the subject of the finances him self and It is a part of his plan announced In Ids Inaugural to keep the alty tax rate not higher than $15 51 He figures that with this limit on the ability to raise money by bonds and taxes and by using bonds to the utmost extent that the charter will allow the Contlnnrd on Page 2 Column I rench Papers Say Bethmann Hollweg is Bight in Opposing Unlversal Peace Idea rBY5ABLB T0 TH act PRE vnnU chancvnoSr ha tunitv a10 l' newspapers an Oppor ive isian1P vlws wlik it aignificanco to their markrt in Eati0n What canrt'or" "brutal mentator nu by com' at0r' is the speech of a wise theCemTSraCtaiaI statenQan savs whlch continues: arlitration treaty sYat virVu lnuand the Vnlted DracYni1 observers as more Hkn for whn two countries the8 sufflofenty suro of sifrn of their Interests to sign such a treaty they are getting aIHance Dilarma? limitation nf erma izable" orm unreal Echo de Paris' says: "Less ha tle room for raSard Petite Repubiiqun the minis terial organ gays: "It would be fa U8a the speech to place in tlieir true position the utopian If generous Ideas of those who want rance to Initiate disarmament Let US bote CaiAfllllv thia I sense and reality that comes from rt their luuiber Hnppll I Want is to Get OutH Will Make No Plans Declares the Doctor in a( Brief Statement Not of th murder nf nephew Maratoon: Goaf an tan i clared 1 oreman Mekler at 1 OS I o'clovk tuig morning the jury I faced Judge William Connolly The defense was temporary in sanity The jpry had retired at 4:02 making nine diours rand 'alx minutes that wero consumed in de liberation before a verdict was glv fn The decision was reached about) naif an hour before that time but Its announcement was delayed until? JUiIks Connolly vuuld reach the court and It could bo called to or uer' possibility of a tragic scene uhvn tho verdict was announced was fully realized and Lieutenant Higgins and six policemen were on hand to prevent any out breaks tne 12 jurors lined up behind the tables which had been spread III tllri i'iiii Pt mnm fz Juafee Connolly warned lhoe pres ent that there must be no disturb anvC and no outcry of any kind In stlnothwly all ej us turned to Gos tunian a father und slaior who sat iai Murn hl corner or the room with three burly pvilccinen standing directly over them mother officera ti nt tn i i uuui nui th announ of tJie verdict win cri'ctcd will! no uproar The deep eet eyes of tl)s vengeful fath 4 et gleamed their anger but there a was no sounti Dr Boyajian rushed upon his tei ami urotlier and embraced them then he grasped the jurors firmly by thv Iiand and fervently thanked' them Telephone My Mlle A Gm nr tlanhnn wife!" he shouted forgetful of the wourt' Injunction That wa the i only outcry 1 Mrs BosaJIaii wa not at the courftr house ail day The elder Gostanlnn'on account of the dis turbance which ho ommlttfl Til JC aw was nuo auowra jn tne during the day contenting himself with standing af the door AH during wait he never moved from the building and when the jury came In he loo was allow ed to enter the court room but un det guard wak thiiu from tho building 'Detective Diack and nirio other police officers escort ed Boyajian to bls home a few minutes after the verdict and some lime before Gostanian was allow ed to leave unly afew people be sides coui attaches policemen and nctl heard the verdict Ihlti Is crtdlnly happiest moment of my life cried Attorney rank Dumps who has conducted both cases for Boyajian Dr Boyajian showed plainly the strain under which he hadv been i but ho had made a brave and sue cesfiful effort to keep up his spirfUV His plans for the future are Declares Has No laaa "AU I want is to get said after the jury had retired will make no Lins until this settled" He had been In the county jail 23 months and three days when acquitted and roles red Debate among tne jury was for the most part quiet two or threat of thuho who tnot favored ac qnlttal doing most of the talking Th' exact division could not learned but it Is understood that mreu mn atoon out for a Ippier verdict in the first degree The Judge 4 Judge Connolly cnarge to jury was in part as follows: "These days which you and I gebtUnihn uf tho jury have spent' in ivarlng and judgment of case have been passed iu honest endeavor trust to vlndirafn tha reign of law By that I mean the written law of the state of Michl gan we have and know no other law here but the law of tho state we can be guided here bv no other law but the law of tne state a "Homicides are divided Into three classes: Justifiable excusable felon 10113 "To which of these classes does the defendant's homicide belong? pon your answer to this ouestioa depends the verdict V' 1 "Was this homicide justifiable? I charge you gentlemen that defend ant's killing of Gostuntan was not a juHiinanio nomicioe alhs a say to you as emphatically as words per mit A justifiable homicide Is one Wedding Announcements Have them engraved In proper stvlx and correct i delav Th Richmond A Backus Co 411 113 Woodward Ave 1 1 fA I 1 4 1 1 3 1 a 1 4 fc' 1 ii 1 a bxa acw jh ar a a jjiTe ww 1 MsS ij 1 a jT 4 xi i i Jr yi I JU 'i a Jvfe A sg BhmI JHIti 35 it ak xjQ 5 Dr tHIk tseest I Clark uia lau i jf nrT 24 a 1 i AgTWM it A I Ajs? 1 te AsfcC 1 A Sr'' viw A I of ninn should have life I iv fl i '''2" ''73 i 'r nai II i'WW SA'SWgW I few s'.

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